Math Problem Solving Strategy - Western Michigan University

Math Problem Solving Strategy


Strategy: STAR Strategy (Search, Translate, Answer, Review)


1. Search the word problem. 3. Answer the problem.

- Read the problem aloud carefully.

- Ask yourself the questions, “What

do I know?” “What do I need to


- Write down the facts.

4. Review the solution.

2. Translate the word into an equation in - Reread the problem.

picture form. - Ask the questions, “Does the answer

make sense? “Why?”

- Choose a variable.

- Identify the operation(s). - Check answer.

- Represent the problem with manipulatives

(concrete application).

- Draw a picture of the representation

(semi-concrete application).

- Write an algebraic equation.

Jackie has 3 books on her desk. Her friend, Joe gave her a few more. She now has a total of 7 books on her desk. How many books did Joe give her?

3 + ? = 7

+ = 7

Appropriate Grade Level: 7th-12th grade


Mancini, P., Ruhl, K. L. (2000). Effects of graduated instructional sequence on the algebraic

subtraction of integers by secondary students with learning disabilities. Education and Treatment

of Children, 23(4), 465-71).

Comments and/or tips:

✓ Many secondary school students with high-incidence disabilities are able to successfully progress to algebra and learn skills successfully through the STAR Strategy.

✓ Common to most interventions is the use of a mnemonic designed to help students recall steps or procedures.

✓ The STAR Strategy requires careful teaching and should be taught slowly, allowing students to grasp essential components.


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