Verse by Verse Commentary on Gospel of Matthew

Verse by Verse Commentary on Gospel of


Duncan Heaster

Published: 2014


Tag(s): christadelphian matthew gospel commentary verse







Every true Christian has a solemn duty to make a serious

study of the Gospel records. The depth and nature of the study

will vary widely between individuals; for each individual relationship with the Lord Jesus is unique, and we are all wired differently. These notes are part of my personal path in seeking to

know Him through the medium of the written word, and I only

share them with you in the hope they may play a part in helping you in some aspects of your knowing of Him. But at the outset, be aware that the written word of the Gospel records is not

the only way to know Jesus. He makes Himself known to us in

various ways. The written word is but one of them- but without

it, the other ways of the Lord¡¯s self-revelation are unlikely to

be perceived by us as intended. Hence this book.

I¡¯ve read a lot of theology and Biblical studies. Much is made

of the differences between the Gospel records, and there are

various arguments about structure. I make little reference to

these things; not because I am ignorant of them, but because

none of the theories presented strike me as very compelling.

There are so many suggested structures- but the multiplicity of

them suggests that they are in the eye of the beholder rather

than in the intention of the writer. And more significantly, I fail

to perceive in the genre of the Gospel records any intention by

the authors (nor the inspired Author behind them) that the interpretation of their words depends upon perception of structure. Nor does their interpretation and meaning appear to be

enhanced by any theories of how (e.g.) Matthew may have borrowed from Mark or ¡®Q¡¯.

By all means let me know if I¡¯ve got something really wrong

in any of my thoughts. Join me in praying daily to understand


our Lord Jesus, and to understand, trust and obey His words.

Know Him, that we might make Him known. Read something

from the Gospels each day, and meditate upon it. And thereby

may the word become flesh in each of us, as it was in Him to

perfection. And may we learn ever more deeply the simple

truth many of us were taught from early childhood: ¡°Jesus

loves me, this I know- for the Bible tells me so¡±.

For Him,

Duncan Heaster



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Digression 1 John and Isaiah 40

Chapter 4

Digression 2 The Wilderness Temptations

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Digression 3 ¡°Judge not¡±

Chapter 8

Digression 4 "Let the dead bury their dead¡±

Digression 5 Legion and the Gadarene Pigs

Chapter 9

Digression 6 The Table Manners of Jesus

Chapter 10

Digression 7 Matthew 10:16-39 And The Last Days

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Digression 8 Unclean Spirits in Mt. 12:44,45

Digression 9 Mary¡¯s Mid-Life Crisis

Chapter 13



Chapter 14


Digression 11: The Openness of Jesus in Feeding the 5000

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Digression 12: Peter The Rock

Digression 13: The Compulsion Of The Cross

Chapter 17

Digression 14: Curing of Psychosomatic Illness

Chapter 18

Digression 15: What Is Conversion?

Digression 16: The Indebted Servant of Luke 16

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Digression 17: Jesus: A Man Misunderstood

Digression 18: The Two Sons (Mt. 21:28-32)

Digression 19: The Hopefulness of the Father and Son

Chapter 22

Digression 20: Two Invitations- Matthew 22:4

Digression 21: The Living Word of God

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Digression 22: The Nature of Prophecy

Digression 23: The Upper Room Discourse (John 14-16) and

the Olivet Prophecy

Digression 24: Does The Olivet Prophecy Have A Break In


Digression 25: Conditional Prophecy in Daniel

Digression 26: With Jesus to Judgment

Digression 27: The Blossoming Of The Fig Tree

Digression 28: Do we Know the Day and the Hour¡­ ?

Digression 29: The Days of Noah and the Last Days

Chapter 25

Digression 30: A Chronology Of Judgment?

Digression 31: God And Time

Digression 32: The Devil and His Angels

Chapter 26

Digression 33: Caiaphas As ¡°The prince of this world¡±

Digression 34: Was the Last Supper Restricted?

Digression 35: The Jewish Satan


Chapter 27

Digression 36: ¡°As a sheep before her shearers¡±

Digression 37: The Possibility Of Avoiding The Cross

Digression 38: Ongoing Crucifixion And Death

Digression 39: The Reality of Crucifixion

Digression 40: Joseph And Nicodemus

Digression 41: The Central Place of the Crucifixion in the

Gospel Records

Chapter 28

Digression 42: The Chronology Of The Resurrection Of



Appendix 1: The Origin of the Gospel Records

Appendix 2: The Seven Sayings from the Cross

Appendix 3: The Great Commission



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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