

| |

|D15 |

|Guidance on Adapting Marginal Cost Estimates |

Version 3.0

April 2003

Authors: Marten van den Bossche, Corina Certan, Simme Veldman (NEI), Chris Nash, Daniel Johnson (ITS), Andrea Ricci, Riccardo Enei (ISIS)

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|Contract: 1999-AM.11157 |

|Project Coordinator: ITS, University of Leeds |

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|Funded by the European Commission |

|5th Framework – Transport RTD |

|UNITE Partner Organisations |



|(Ch), EKONO (Fi), EKI (Se) |



UNIfication of accounts and marginal costs for Transport Efficiency

Deliverable 15: Guidance on Adapting Marginal Cost Estimates

This document should be referenced as:

Bossche M. A. van den, Certan C., Simme Veldman (NEI), Chris Nash, Daniel Johnson (ITS), Andrea Ricci, Riccardo Enei (ISIS), UNITE (UNIfication of accounts and marginal costs for Transport Efficiency) Deliverable, Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme, Netherlands Economic Institute (NEI), Rotterdam, August 2002.

4 April 2003

Interim Version No: 3.3

Authors: as above, with contributions from other UNITE partners


Contract no: 1999-AM.11157:

UNIfication of accounts and marginal costs for Transport Efficiency


Commissioned by: European Commission – DG TREN; Fifth Framework Programme

Lead Partner: Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds (UK)



Status: Accepted

Distribution: EC and partners

Availability: Public when accepted

Quality assurance: Stef Proost

Co-ordinator’s review: Chris Nash

Filename k/j/u/D15.v33

Signed: Date:

Table of Contents

Executive summary i

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Study context and purpose of the report 1

1.2 Transport modes and cost categories covered in UNITE 2

1.3 Organisation and structure of the report 4

2 Relevance of generalisation of marginal costs for policy needs 7

2.1 Policy needs 7

2.1.1 Key target groups 7

2.1.2 Policy requirements of decision-makers 8

2.2 Relationship between marginal, average and total costs 9

2.3 Framework for generalisation of MC estimates 11

2.3.1 Methodology 12

2.3.2 Functional relationships and input values 12

2.3.3 Output values 13

3 Infrastructure costs 14

3.1 Overview of UNITE case studies 14

3.2 Outline of empirical values 15

3.2.1 UNITE values 15

3.2.2 Integration with other values and comparative summary 16

3.3 Generalisation aspects 20

3.3.1 Methodology 20

3.3.2 Input values and relationships 20

3.3.3 Output values 20

3.4 Synthesis of generalisation aspects 22

4 Supplier operating costs 25

4.1 Overview of UNITE case studies 25

4.2 Outline of empirical values 26

4.2.1 UNITE values 26

4.2.2 Integration with other values and comparative summary 27

4.3 Generalisation aspects 27

4.3.1 Methodology 27

4.3.2 Input values and relationships 28

4.3.3 Output values 28

4.4 Synthesis of generalisation aspects 28

5 Transport user costs 30

5.1 Overview of UNITE case studies 30

5.2 Outline of empirical values 33

5.2.1 UNITE values 33

5.2.2 Integration with other values and comparative summary 34

5.3 Generalisation aspects 37

5.3.1 Methodology 37

5.3.2 Input values and relationships 40

5.3.3 Output values 41

5.4 Synthesis of generalisation aspects 43

6 Accident costs 45

6.1 Overview of UNITE case studies 45

6.2 Outline of empirical values 45

6.2.1 UNITE values 45

6.2.2 Integration with other values and comparative summary 47

6.3 Generalisation aspects 48

6.3.1 Methodology 49

6.3.2 Input values and relationships 49

6.3.3 Output values 50

6.4 Synthesis of generalisation aspects 50

7 Environmental costs 52

7.1 Overview of UNITE case studies 52

7.2 Outline of empirical values 54

7.2.1 UNITE values 54

7.2.2 Integration with other values and comparative summary 59

7.3 Generalisation aspects 65

7.3.2 Methodology 66

7.3.3 Input values and relationships 68

7.3.4 Output values 69

7.4 Synthesis of generalisation aspects 70

8 Transfer of Money Values 74

8.1 Transfer between countries 74

8.1.1 Factor cost versus market prices 74

8.1.2 Common values versus country specific values 74

8.1.3 Exchange rates 75

8.2 Changes in value over time 75

8.3 Other contexts 75

8.3.1 Value of statistical life 76

8.3.2 Valuation of environmental effects based on life years lost 76

8.3.3 Valuation of time by mode 78

8.3.4 Discount rates 79

9 Conclusions 80

9.1 Infrastructure costs 80

9.2 Supplier operating cost 81

9.3 User cost 82

9.4 Accident cost 84

9.5 Environment 85

9.6 Final Conclusion 86

References 88

Annex: Overview of marginal costs from selected studies 1

1 Infrastructure costs 1

1.1 Road 1

1.2 Rail 3

1.3 Inland waterways 4

1.4 Aviation 5

2 Supplier operating costs 6

2.1 Road 6

2.2 Rail 6

2.3 Inland waterways 7

2.4 Aviation 8

2.5 Maritime transport 9

3 Transport user costs 10

3.1 Road 10

3.2 Rail 12

3.3 Aviation 13

4 Accident costs 13

4.1 Road 13

4.2 Rail 15

4.3 Inland waterways 16

4.4 Aviation 16

4.5 Maritime transport 16

5 Environmental costs 17

5.1 Road 17

5.2 Rail 22

5.3 Inland waterways 24

5.4 Aviation 25

5.5 Maritime transport 26

List of Tables

Table 1-1 Quantitative overview of the case studies by mode and cost category 3

Table 1-2 Disaggregation covered in the case studies 4

Table 3-1 Overview of the infrastructure costs case studies 14

Table 3-2 Marginal infrastructure cost estimates for German, Austrian, Swiss and Swedish motorways (€ per vehicle km) 15

Table 3-3 Estimates of marginal cost in € cents per train km (at 1995 and 2000 exchange rates)1) for Sweden and Finland railways 15

Table 3-4 Comparison of marginal road infrastructure costs in €c 1998/vkm 17

Table 3-5 Comparison of marginal rail infrastructure costs in €c 1998/train-km 19

Table 3-6 Synthesis of the infrastructure costs 23

Table 4-1 Overview of the supplier operating case studies 25

Table 4-2 Results of the supplier operating case studies 26

Table 4-3 Comparison of rail supplier operating costs in €c 1998 train-km 27

Table 4-4 Synthesis of supplier operating costs 29

Table 5-1 Overview of the transport user cost and benefits case studies 30

Table 5-2 Result of the user cost and benefits case studies 33

Table 5-3 Comparison of marginal road congestion costs in €c 1998/vkm 35

Table 5-4 Comparison of Mohring benefits in rail sector €c 1998/pkm 37

Table 5-5 Overview of generalisation issues 42

Table 5-6 Synthesis of congestion costs 43

Table 5-7 Synthesis of Mohring benefits 44

Table 6-1 Overview of the accident case studies 45

Table 6-2 Results of the accident costs case studies 46

Table 6-3 Comparison of marginal external road accident costs in €c 1998/vkm 48

Table 6-4 Synthesis of the accident costs 51

Table 7-1 Overview of the environmental case studies 52

Table 7-2 Overview of damage costs due to air pollution from road vehicle exhaust emissions in €cents per vkm 55

Table 7-3 Comparison of damage costs due to PM2.5 emissions of urban case studies 56

Table 7-4 Overview of damage costs due to global warming from exhaust greenhouse gas emissions in €cents per vkm 56

Table 7-5 Overview of costs due to noise from road vehicles in €cents per vkm 57

Table 7-8 Marginal costs due to airborne emissions of a Boeing 737-400 in EUR 59

Table 7-9 Comparison of air pollution MC in the road sector in €c 1998/ vkm 60

Table 7-10 Comparisons of global warming marginal costs in the road sector in €c 1998/vkm 62

Table 7-11 Comparison of external noise MC in the road sector in €c 1998/vkm 63

Table 7-12 Comparisons of marginal costs of noise in the rail sector in €c 1998/train-km 65

Table 7-13 Input values and generalisation issue for air pollution 68

Table 7-14 Input values and generalisation issue for noise 69

Table 7-15 Output values and generalisation issues for air pollution 69

Table 7-16 Synthesis of air pollution costs 71

Table 7-17 Synthesis of global warming costs 72

Table 7-18 Synthesis of noise costs 73

Table 9-1 Infrastructure costs: methodological approaches and generalisation characteristics 81

Table 9-2 Supplier operating costs: methodological approach and generalisation characteristics 82

Table 9-3 Delay costs and Mohring benefits: methodological approach and generalisation characteristics 84

Table 9-4 Accident costs: methodological approach and generalisation characteristics 85

Table 9-5 Environmental costs: methodological approach and generalisation characteristics 86

Annex A: List of Tables

Table-A. 1 Marginal road infrastructure costs in 1998 €/vkm 2

Table-A. 2 Marginal infrastructure costs of road transport in 1998 ECU/1000 pkm 3

Table-A. 3 Marginal rail infrastructure costs in Euro 1998/train-km 3

Table-A. 4 PETS case study results for marginal infrastructure costs in 1998 €/vkm 4

Table-A. 5 Average IWW infrastructure costs in 1998 €/vkm 5

Table-A. 6 Average aviation infrastructure costs in 1998 €/ATM 5

Table-A. 7 Marginal supplier operating costs (buses) in 1998 €/vkm 6

Table-A. 8 Marginal rail supplier operating costs in 1998 €/train-km 7

Table-A. 9 Marginal IWW supplier operating variable costs in 1998 €/km 8

Table-A. 10 Average air transport supplier operating costs (passenger) in 1998 €/vkm 9

Table-A. 11 Average maritime supplier operating costs in 1998 €/ship 10

Table-A. 12 Marginal road congestion costs in 1998 €/vkm 11

Table-A. 13 PETS Cross Channel case study results for Mohring benefits in 1998 €/pkm 12

Table-A. 14 Marginal congestion costs for passenger rail 1998 €/train-km 13

Table-A. 15 Marginal external costs of accidents in the road sector in 1998 €/vkm 14

Table-A. 16 UK marginal external road accident costs in 1998 €/vkm 14

Table-A. 17 External costs of accidents in the railway sector in 1998 €/vkm 15

Table-A. 18 Average accident costs for air transport in 1998 €/vkm 16

Table-A. 19 Marginal port accidents in the maritime sector 1998 €/ship 17

Table-A. 20 Marginal external noise costs in the road sector (corridor estimates) in 1998 €/vkm 18

Table-A. 21 UK marginal noise costs of road transport in 1998 €/vkm 18

Table-A. 22 Marginal air pollution costs in the road sector in 1998 €/vkm 19

Table-A. 23 UK marginal air pollution costs 1998 €/vkm 20

Table-A. 24 Marginal costs of global warming in the road sector in 1998 €/vkm 21

Table-A. 25 Marginal costs of up/downstream processes in the road sector in 1998 €/vkm 22

Table-A. 26 Marginal noise costs for rail transport 1998 €/train-km 22

Table-A. 27 Marginal air pollution costs for rail transport 1998 €/ train-km 23

Table-A. 28 UK external marginal air pollution costs in 1998 €/vkm 23

Table-A. 29 Marginal climate change costs for rail transport 1998 €/train-km 24

Table-A. 30 Marginal air pollution and global warming costs in IWW in 1998 €/vkm 24

Table-A. 31 Marginal costs of air pollution in aviation sector in 1998 €/vkm 25

Executive summary

The transfer of marginal cost studies from one context to another may be viewed in terms of:

• Transfer of methodology

• Transfer of functional relationships and input values

• Transfer of output values

We consider each of these forms of transferability in turn:

Transfer of methodology

In general, best practice methodologies can be transformed between contexts. For instance, for accident costs and the Mohring effects, single formulae are presented which may be transferred between contexts. However, there are problems with simply recommending transfer of methodology. In the case of infrastructure and supplier operating costs, an econometric approach is preferred, but data availability is a big problem, and even where data is available it is rarely possible to obtain results at the level of disaggregation needed for pricing purposes (eg by vehicle type). Thus econometric methods need to be supplemented by engineering and cost allocative methods, perhaps transferring cost elasticities from econometric studies elsewhere. Similarly, the preferred bottom up studies of congestion costs and environmental costs are expensive so simpler approaches to transferability would be desirable

Transfer of functional form and input values

Some relationships, such as speed/flow relationships, have been extensively studied and may be transferred to similar locations elsewhere. Similarly, as explained above, parameters such as cost elasticities and accident risk elasticities may be transferred to similar situations elsewhere. In general economic values, such as values of time and values of a statistical life may be transferred, adjusting for real incomes and purchasing power parities. But most other relationships and input values have to be freshly estimated for each context.

Transfer of output values

The marginal costs review and analysis of the transferability possibilities undertaken in this report demonstrate, in the first place, that the availability of marginal costs estimates is uneven across the analysed cost categories. Road and rail, on one hand, are widely documented thanks to a substantial number of case studies on a significant range of cost categories, i.e. environmental costs, infrastructure costs, transport users costs. On the other hand, aviation, inland waterways and maritime transport have only been analysed in a fairly limited number of case studies.

This reflects heavily on the potential comparability of results. In fact, the meaningfulness of comparisons across sites and situations is directly geared to the size and quality of the sample of original observations. The higher the number of available case studies, the better the chance of identifying meaningful relationships between marginal cost values and the corresponding cost drivers.

In order to ensure the comparability of marginal costs estimates, all of the following minimum requirements must be met:

← a common measure for monetary values at a given time (year) : value of time (VOT) for transport user marginal costs, value of a statistical life (VOSL) for estimating accidents and environmental costs etc, should be related to a specific year, using purchasing power parity for transferring values among countries and adjusting for inflation if a different year is available;

← a common methodological background: for instance, with reference to the marginal accident costs, many studies do not adequately distinguish external from internal costs.

← a common set of cost drivers: to ensure, in turn, a common framework of results, e.g. environmental marginal costs for road traffic must be differentiated along the same vehicle classification etc.

In particular cases, (e.g. supplier operating costs, air pollution), the possibility to use average costs as an approximation to marginal costs should be taken into account.

Certainly, the quantification of marginal costs is a complex task and, in some cases, as for environmental marginal costs and infrastructure costs, it is a time-consuming process, requiring in-depth analyses for the identification and documentation of the cost functions. Devising a robust methodology for transferring results across sites and situations could therefore yield substantial benefits to a wide range of potential users.

However, the results of the undertaken work proves that “devising such a robust methodology” for transferability of marginal costs estimates across contexts is not a simple process. Efforts to develop a generalisation technique were made in the RECORDIT project[1]. The general idea behind the generalisation process is to start from a “reference value” based on the data sets made available from case studies, and then “adjust”, or “correct” this reference value to account for the specific characteristics of the context where the reference value has to be transferred. The specific situational characteristics determine the need (and opportunity) to adjust the marginal cost (reference) value to a different context. These characteristics are represented and determined by its relevant cost drivers. This rough transferability process can be summarised as follows:

It must be stressed that the above transferability process cannot be implemented with the same degree of confidence throughout the external cost categories. Although much of the effective implementation depends on sheer data availability, the level of difficulty in implementing the transferability process varies with the cost categories, as summarised below.

|External cost category |Difficulty in the implementation of the transferability process |

|-Wear and tear |Low |

|-Congestion |No transferability |

|-Accidents |High |

|-Air pollution |High |

|-Global Warming |Low |

|-Noise |High |

|-Up- and down-stream |Low |

Quite obviously, one can observe that the more a given external cost category relies on bottom-up data, the higher will the level of difficulty in ensuring a reliable transferability process be.

As with the basic requirements for comparability of results outlined above, one can conclude that the transferability of results should be based on a similar set of basic pre-conditions.

1. A common methodology for estimating marginal costs should be adopted at the outset, in order to minimise the problem of comparability.

2. A large number of marginal cost (reference) values should be available, in order to guarantee the robustness of the statistical analysis, i.e. regression analysis, carried out to determine the correction coefficients.

Finally, extreme caution should be used for the transferability of the specific marginal costs category that is highly site-dependent, with particular emphasis on congestion costs.


1 Study context and purpose of the report

The UNITE project is designed to support policy-makers in the development of pricing and taxation policies for transport infrastructure use. UNITE contains three components: transport accounts, marginal costs and integration of approaches.

The marginal costs component of UNITE relates to:

← The development of the marginal cost methodology for all relevant transport modes and cost categories and identification of the best practice methodology.

← Implementation of these methodologies by means of case studies and provision of new empirical evidence, and building on existing empirical evidence.

← Examination of the possibilities of generalisation and transferability of methodology and results to other contexts, and elaboration of guidelines for the generalisation of the marginal costs estimates.

This diagram presents the role of the Generalisation work in UNITE and its relationship with the project components. The outcome of the generalisation work presented in the current report will form a building block for advancing the policy perspectives for transport infrastructure charging discussed elsewhere in UNITE.

The purpose of the generalisation work in UNITE is to maximise the opportunities for generalisation of the outcome of the implemented case studies. In particular, it aims to provide general methodological guidelines for the adaptation of the empirical marginal cost (MC) values for different contexts, which should serve as a reference for decision-makers and other interested user groups.

The aim of this report is to:

← Compare the estimates produced in the UNITE project with estimates found elsewhere in relevant literature.

← to examine transferability of marginal cost estimates between different contexts; and design the respective guidance based on transferability requirements and needs of potential user groups.

2 Transport modes and cost categories covered in UNITE

The cost categories covered in UNITE are: infrastructure costs, supplier operating costs, transport user costs and benefits, accident costs, and environmental costs.

Marginal infrastructure costs are the costs to infrastructure managers of additional traffic using it, principally maintenance and renewal but potentially other aspects of operating cost such as administration.

Marginal supplier operating costs are understood as the increased costs of operating transport services as a result of an additional transport unit entering the flow.

The marginal external transport user costs relate to the increased operating costs/ benefits and the impact of increases/decreases in journey time caused by increased traffic flow. In the negative case, e.g. when the activity of one user causes extra costs for others, we talk of congestion costs. In the positive case, when users’ activities improve the welfare situation of other users we talk about the ‘Mohring effect’.

The marginal accident cost is the economic value of the change in accident risk when a user enters the traffic flow (this risk relates to the user himself as well for other users). Marginal external accident costs are understood as the difference between the social marginal accident cost and the private marginal accident cost (a part of the marginal accident cost which is internalised by the user). These costs include repair costs, medical costs, suffering and delays imposed on others as a result of an accident. UNITE deals with external accident costs.

Environmental external effects of transport cover a wide range of different impacts, including the various impacts of emissions of noise and a large number of pollutants on human health, materials, ecosystems, flora and fauna. Most early studies on transport externalities followed a top-down approach, giving average costs rather than marginal costs. The basis for the calculation is a whole geographical unit, a country for example. For such a unit the total cost due to a burden is calculated. This cost is then allocated based on the shares of total pollutant emissions, by vehicle mileage, etc. But marginal environmental costs of transportation vary considerably with the technology of the vehicle, train, ship or plane and site (or route) characteristics. Only a detailed bottom-up calculation allows a close appreciation of such site and technology dependence. The above-mentioned facts are the reason why the largest number of the case studies are for the estimation of the marginal environmental costs.

The transport modes covered in UNITE are: road transport, public transport, railway transport, aviation, inland waterway transport and maritime shipping.

The following table presents the UNITE case studies by mode and cost category they cover.

Table 1-1 Quantitative overview of the case studies by mode and cost category

| | | | |Inland Waterways | |Total – by cost |

|Category |Road |Rail |Air | |Maritime |category |

|Infrastructure costs |2 |2 |1 |1 |2 |8 |

|Supplier operating costs |0 |2 |1 |0 |0 |3 |

|Congestion costs |6 |1 |1 |0 |0 |8 |

|Mohring effect |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |3 |

|Accident costs |3 |2 |0 |1 |1 |7 |

|Environmental costs |6 |3 |0 |1 |1 |11 |

|Total – by mode |17 |11 |4 |4 |4 |40 |

|Source: D3, Unite – update |

As it can be seen the largest number of case studies covers road transport. This is explained in particular by the relative importance of the costs for this mode of transport. Some of the costs are considered of no or minor significance for certain modes and therefore no case studies were implemented. For example accidents in aviation are rare, and most costs are internal while the role of congestion in waterborne transport is normally insignificant.

The wide variety of case studies is explained by the need for a high level of disaggregation in order to allow for generalisation and differentiated policy measures. Still, even the great number of case studies did not manage to cover all types of infrastructure and all type of users. The level of disaggregation is highly dependent on those factors that influence the physical and monetary magnitude of the costs. The next table shows the level of disaggregation covered by the case studies.

Table 1-2 Disaggregation covered in the case studies

| |Infrastructure |Supplier operating |Transport user |Accidents |Environment |

|Road |-Total road network |-Not considered |-Motorways, urban, |- All roads, motorways,|-Urban, interurban road|

| |-Motorways | |non-urban roads |urban, interurban roads|-Passenger car, HGV, |

| |-Passenger car, LGV, | |-Passenger car (peak), |- All vehicles, HGV by |-Fuel used (diesel, |

| |HGV (with and without | |HGV |different axle type |petrol) |

| |trailer) | | | | |

|Railway |-Track segments: |-Urban passenger |-Railway network, |-Level crossings (open |-Railway network |

| |main/electrified, |trains (peak, off-peak)|interurban rail |crossings with lights, | |

| |secondary/non-electrif| |(different lines) |unprotected crossings, | |

| |ied |-Interurban passenger |-Passenger trains, |barriers) | |

| |-Passenger, freight, |trains (peak, off-peak)|medium to long distance| | |

| |diesel unit, electric | |passenger transport | | |

| |unit, diesel loco, | | | | |

| |electric loco | | | | |

|Aviation |-Single airport case |-Short & medium/long |Single airport case |-Not considered |-Airports |

| |study |distance |study | |incl. departure, |

| | | | | |cruising, arrival |

|Inland Waterway|-IWW segment |-Not considered |Intermodal freight |-IWW segment |-IWW segment |

| |-Container barges | |transport (IWW-road) | |-Container barges |

|Maritime |-Single ports |-Not considered |Intermodal freight |-Single port |-Passenger ferry |

| | | |transport | | |

| | | |shipping-road) | | |

|Source: D3, UNITE – update |

3 Organisation and structure of the report

Before going into the generalisation aspects of the marginal costs, a brief overview of the relationship between marginal, average and total costs is presented. This knowledge is a pre-requisite for a proper transport sector pricing policy. Since different groups have different interests and needs, we will outline who are the main user groups and correspondingly their needs and/or expectations regarding marginal costs information.

The most important part of the report is presented in chapters three to seven. These chapters aim to answer the main questions of this deliverable: what are the main results and conclusions of the UNITE case studies and which of them can be adapted to other contexts and how can they be adapted. Each of these chapters will cover an individual cost category and includes the following:

← An overview of respective UNITE case studies.

Before proceeding to the analysis of the results for specific cost category, a brief overview of the case studies is presented. The overview will present the case studies in the context of scope, geography, transport users, and network considered.

← A summary of corresponding empirical values found in other sources.

Since many studies do not follow what UNITE considers best practice in terms of methodology or valuation methods, different results can be expected. In this context the comparison with other results should help the reader to estimate a possible range of marginal costs values resulting from the application of different methodological approaches. Next a brief overview of existing empirical values of marginal costs in transport sector is presented. Only recent studies are considered since the majority of older studies would not now be considered reliable. All in all, the primary expected outcome of this review is to facilitate the comparative analysis, associating the empirical marginal costs estimates with a brief explanation of the underlying methodologies. Besides, an additional key aspect in the framework of the review is the classification of costs according to their main determinants, or cost drivers.

In fact, the identification of meaningful cost drivers is a major feature for an effective presentation of results, owing to the fundamental role they can play in facilitating the process of adaptation to other contexts. Hence, the results of the review of marginal cost estimates presented hereafter include the systematic specification of the cost drivers associated with the various cost categories and individual cost items.

← Discussion and recommendations on the generalisation aspects of the respective cost category.

The above-mentioned review is based on the results of UNITE case studies, and a literature survey[2], mainly drawing from the relevant EU 4th Framework research projects (QUITS, EUNET, PETS, ExternE) and other studies, i.e. INFRAS/IWW 2000, and also taking into account the results of the RECORDIT project[3] (5th Framework). In order to favour comparisons of the marginal costs estimates from UNITE case studies with other estimates, the corresponding sections review only the marginal cost categories addressed by the UNITE case studies, focusing in particular on the results, and referring the reader to Annex A for a more comprehensive and detailed review of marginal costs estimates, including the underlying methodological issues.

Unless the distance travelled has no effect on costs, as in the case of the marginal aviation infrastructure costs, all marginal costs estimates have been expressed in €/vkm. The time scale of analysis is the short run period, assuming infrastructure capacity being fixed.

Within each cost category the issue of the assessment of the potential transferability of results is specifically analysed with respect to the most important factors affecting the results. Attention is paid to both physical aspects and monetary values at three levels i.e. methodology, relationships and output values. The corresponding sections discuss transferability principles mainly reflecting the differences arising from circumstances such as location, environment, and time.

In order to ensure the full comparability of results, a specific year of reference and the necessary rules for adjustment have been considered. The reference year for the cost estimates is 1998. Guidance on adaptation of money values is presented in chapter eight. In particular it relates to adjustments for inflation and purchasing power parity if the relevant input values, i.e. WTP estimates, have to be transferred from one country to another or if they have been calculated for different years.

The final chapter (chapter 9) draws conclusions from the generalisation aspects by cost category and highlights the further research needed.

The detailed results of the case studies are presented in the cost category specific reports and are summarised as a separate annex to the current report.

Relevance of generalisation of marginal costs for policy needs

1 Policy needs

Before proceeding to the construction of guidelines for the adaptation of the MC estimates, we tried to detect the target groups and the respective needs and requirements for transferability. Within this framework, we have met a number of EU DG TREN representatives to discuss their expectations concerning generalisation and possible needs of the key target group, namely decision makers, based on which a framework for developing transferability techniques was developed.

In the following section we will present a synthesis of the outcome of these meetings and our conclusions regarding the next questions:

← Who are the key target users?

← What are their requirements for transferability of estimates and transferability of approach?

1 Key target groups

The need for adaptation of MC values has broad utilisation borders and has to be seen from different perspectives. Different users make use of the information for different purposes. Generalisation can be exploited for general aspects as well as from specific perspectives.

Based on specific generalisation perspectives their users can be classified in groups. The following figure summarises the key target groups based on their different perspectives.

Politicians at all levels (national/regional/local) are confronted with either strategic policy options on the one hand (e.g. where to go with our national, regional or local transport plans?), and often with very direct practical and operational questions concerning the content of the policy field (e.g. level of charges for the Eurovignette). Politicians should have a clear perspective on how and to what extent the results of UNITE could/should be used.

Policy makers at all levels (national/regional/local) are confronted not only with strategic options. They may have no data whatsoever, and be seeking to adapt existing studies. They may have their own study, but want to know by means of comparison with other studies if this conforms to the state of the art and/or whether the results were valid, e.g. are the relativities between urban and rural situations sensible? They may be considering commissioning a new study and want to understand current thinking on the state of the art methods and key cost drivers, for specification in their terms of reference.

For the academic world the results of UNITE should be presented in a transparent, objective way, providing sufficient information to enable re-use of the material for further (fundamental) research in the field.

Consultancies may be commissioned by the policy maker to conduct further research into specific aspects. The consultant will have to be able to derive from UNITE best research practice in a clear and efficient way.

Finally, intermediary organisations (for example operator organisations like IRU, UIC etc), may wish to be informed of best practices in this field, in order to share a common understanding of the problems and types of solutions to be pursued in the process of formulating transport policy goals.

Generally, for each of those parties the question arises “which aspects of these case studies can be adapted to suit my needs?” When adaptation is not possible – either completely or partially – new analysis needs to be carried out to fill in the gaps.

2 Policy requirements of decision-makers

In earlier work on UNITE basic methodologies for the marginal cost case studies have been developed. The marginal cost case studies themselves provide valuable empirical output for a large number of cost categories and modes. This output however relates to a specific context - which includes the case study location, infrastructure characteristics, vehicle characteristics, traffic volume and the specific year (1998).

1 Importance of MC information

There is a strong interest in major expansion of MC evidence available. MC estimates are very scarce. Total cost estimates are also often needed, as marginal cost based pricing regulations often allow for mark-ups with a cap based on total costs. The degree of coverage of financial costs is also of importance. The need for MC estimates is most urgent where charging directives exist already (rail, heavy goods vehicles). Often, however, the absolute values are of limited use. In most cases, it is for the Member State to make estimates and satisfy the Commission that their methods are robust.

2 Need for methodological guidance

Perhaps more important than values is the need for methodological guidance. This may even be at the basic level of defining terms. Charging policy proposals should be in accordance with the White Paper's pricing principles. Thus for example air transport (air traffic management and terminal charges) could have similar information needs as rail and HGV in the near future. For specific cases within the maritime transport sector (ports and seaways), urban road charging and inter-urban car charging there might be more limited direct interest in MC estimates. Methodological developments and additional information, however, would remain valuable.

3 Guidance on generalisation

Normally rather limited interest was shown in transferring MC estimates between contexts, e.g. from one country to another. It is felt that robust estimates should be produced that are specific to the situation in question and making use of an acceptable estimation approach. Basic plausibility checks would be desirable, e.g. it is often the ratio of marginal infrastructure cost to total cost, or one vehicle type to another, which are of interest. These can be taken from one context for use as a check on the outputs from the situation being examined.

There is a high level of expectation of the comprehensiveness of MC information that UNITE will provide. It has to be noted however, that although very broad and comprehensive indeed, the information is mainly relevant for specific situations. Therefore, the generalisation of these results is a complex issue and cannot provide simple formulas and rules of application. What it can provide are the driving factors that influence the marginal costs estimates and which should be taken into account when transfer possibilities are considered.

2 Relationship between marginal, average and total costs

Why are marginal costs not “standard practice” as a starting point when it comes to transport pricing? Economic theory clearly indicates that pricing policies starting from a marginal costs perspective lead to better usage of the available transport capacity than pricing practices based on average costs and or cost recovery rules. The reason for this is manifold, but four important reasons why average cost is estimated are:

• In the back of the minds of many policy makers the issue of cost recovery plays an implicit role when it comes to price setting

• Pricing of transport often serves more interests (public budget requirements, etc) than solely the most efficient use of available transport capacity

• Marginal costs are difficult to calculate, average costs easier. In many pricing cases there is not enough willingness to invest in elaborate price schemes based on sound economic analysis.

• Technology and investment burdens do not always allow for efficient implementation of elaborate pricing schemes based on marginal costs.

This overview of reasons should however not divert our attention from the fact that marginal social costs indeed form the best price incentive for optimal use of transport capacity. In the following paragraph, the essential differences between total costs, average costs and marginal costs are presented.

Within UNITE the total social costs (TSC) of the transport sector cover 5 cost categories included in the expression below:


Transport accounts in UNITE provide information on social costs and charges on a national level in order. Accounts can be seen both as monitoring and strategic instruments.

For all modes and cost categories the transport accounts developed within UNITE contain information on total social costs at a national level. This information may be used to monitor the development of costs, the financial balance and the structure and level of prices. For pricing purposes, information on average costs (AC) and marginal costs (MC) is of interest.

In addition to total social costs, information on average costs is available from the transport accounts. Average social cost represents the total social cost divided by the traffic output (Q):


Marginal social costs (MSC) on the other hand are the social costs of transport arising when one additional traffic unit/vehicle joins the existing traffic flow. In mathematical terms this can be presented by the following equation:


There is a useful relationship between the two in that the cost elasticity (the percentage change in cost resulting from a 1% increase in output) is ∂TSC/∂Q*Q/TSC, which is MSC/ASC

For pricing purposes it is the marginal social cost which is of interest. However, the existing empirical values are not comprehensive and do not provide in all cases sufficient information for setting prices. Average costs are therefore used in many pricing cases as an approximation or proxy for marginal costs. The case studies undertaken in UNITE are to extend the set of available marginal costs estimates. The analysis of the estimates and analysis of their potential transferability should contribute to assisting policy-makers in development of more adequate pricing policies.

Since there is always a danger that in policy development basic averages of marginal costs across contexts will be used to set charges, we also need a clear emphasis on the range of values produced by a variety of contexts – to show that detailed cost estimation is necessary to reflect the right context mainly on the basis of corresponding cost drivers. This report will give guidance in situations where aggregate estimates are not suitable for practical use. Moreover the range within which values can lie for different cost categories will be presented.

In certain cases when the existing empirical evidence (UNITE case studies and other estimates) does not provide marginal costs estimates, these could be estimated starting from the available information on average costs from accounts (and/or case studies) and the output values and relationships from the case studies or other relevant studies. Combining the information on average costs and elasticities for example may provide an estimate of the marginal cost, if these elasticities show a certain degree of transferability.

3 Framework for generalisation of MC estimates

The UNITE case studies were performed on the basis of certain assumptions and their output is, consequently, related to a certain context. The results of the case studies will prove valuable as long as one bears in mind that they are subject to uncertainties, and that they cannot simply be transferred. Policy makers and other target groups should be cautious in the interpretation or use of the results. Before going into detail per cost category, we will shortly highlight some important elements of the framework developed for the generalisation of MC estimates.

Transferability aspects for individual cost categories will be discussed in the next chapters. Here we set up the general approach for generalisation.

As a starting point for the advancing of generalisation techniques, one should consider the following questions:

← How consistent are different estimates?

← How can the estimates in a specific case be adjusted to changes (what is the relation between the cost driver and the respective estimate)?

← What are the technical and organisational problems in the way of generalisation?

← How practical and theoretically robust are the integration and transferability approaches proposed?

The development of generalisation techniques should be done on the basis of the following principles: the transferability method should be easy to understand, practical and acceptable; it should clearly specify the assumptions, rules and constraints it imposes; it should provide a step by step guide of utilisation/application etc.

The purpose of the generalisation necessarily involves highlighting the limitations that exist and make transfers unwise. Adaptation can take many forms, and does not only refer to transferring values from one situation to another. Within the scope of this report we distinguish transferability of the physical effect and monetary valuation.

In general the estimation of marginal cost may be broken down into estimation of a physical effect, and its monetary valuation as follows (sometimes the two steps are combined in a single equation):

“marginal cost” = “physical effect” x “monetary valuation”.

The monetary valuation of a given physical effect will in general vary between contexts only for a small number of reasons – different price levels, different relative prices, different real incomes, different tastes. Techniques for translation of the money value from one context to another are considered further in chapter 8. Where there is confidence that the only difference in context is one leading to different money values, these may be used to transfer the entire result from one context to another. But this will be exceptional.

In most cases the physical effects will differ. Amongst the reasons for this are:

← Different starting points in terms of what is the current situation (nature of assets, traffic volumes, background conditions etc).

← Different population, population density and locational patterns.

← Different climate.

← Different laws, customs or behavioural patterns.

In these situations, transferability may relate to any of the following forms: methodology, functional relationships, and values (input and output). For all these forms, described below, the “user” should have clear guidance how to assess the feasibility of adaptation.

1 Methodology

Transferability in this context should aim at adapting the methodology directly related to the specific context. In general we would expect methodology to be transferable from one location to another. The main limits on this are the availability of data, special circumstances that may need to be taken into account in any particular example and the sheer cost of applying best practice methodology for each and every calculation needed. Where data availability or cost rule out the use of best practice methodology in each case then consideration needs to be given to a simpler alternative methodology which may then be used – perhaps with information such as cost elasticities from the best practice examples.

2 Functional relationships and input values

If a functional relationship, such as a speed-flow curve, complete with its parameter values, may be transferred from one context to another then information relating to the new context (in this example traffic flow, number of lanes) may be used to calculate the value relevant in the new context. Where the parameter values differ but the functional form is believed to be transferable, then a way must be found of recalibrating the relationship in order to transfer it.

In general the input values to the relationship (e.g. in the above example traffic flow, number of lanes) are the factors most likely to be context specific, and also the factors for which context specific information is most readily available. However, there may be some circumstances in which input data may be usefully transferred between contexts.

Also here the aim should not solely be a description of the type of function to be used, but the objective should be extended to an assessment of how specific functions derived from empirical research directly can be adapted to a new specific context. If a cost function is produced, how can this be (re-)used in an appropriate form?

3 Output values

Most attractive for direct use are of course values found in empirical research. Transferability in this case means that a value in effect can be adapted to a different context. In particular values refer to: basic inputs to the methodology (e.g. vehicle emissions), economic unit values (e.g. the value of life, the unit cost of construction), output values (that is empirical outputs), output ratios or relationships (for example the ratio of marginal to average cost).

Where circumstances are comparable, actual outputs may be transferred from one context to another, with adjustment confined to differing economic valuation as discussed above. If actual outputs are not directly transferable, it may be possible to transfer by applying some adjustment, allowing for factors such as traffic or population density.

In the cost categories specific chapters we consider the possibilities for generalisation in terms of the above three levels for each of the cost categories in turn. We then consider transferability of money values in chapter eight.

Infrastructure costs

1 Overview of UNITE case studies

The following table summarises the infrastructure costs case studies.

Table 3-1 Overview of the infrastructure costs case studies

|Case study |No |Disaggregation level |

| | |Type of user |Type of network |

|Inland Waterway, the Rhine: |0A |Container barges |IWW on Rhine, Rotterdam-Mannheim |

|infrastructure costs | | | |

|Econometric Analysis for the Road |5A |Germany: car, van, bus, truck |Motorways: |

|Sector Applied for Various | |Austria: all, LGV, HGV |Germany |

|Countries | |Switzerland: all, cars, trucks |Austria |

| | |(with/without trailer) |Switzerland |

|Engineering-based HGV case study |5B |LGV, LGV with trailer, HGV, HGV with |All roads |

|(Nordic) | |trailer | |

|Rail Econometrics, Sweden |5C |All |Track segments, main/electrified, |

| | | |secondary/non-electrified |

|Rail Infrastructure, UK |5D |Passenger, freight, diesel unit, |Track segments |

| | |electric unit, diesel loco, electric | |

| | |loco | |

|Airport Infrastructure, Helsinki |5E |Passenger and freight (only on |Helsinki airport (traffic control, |

| | |aeronautical side); weekends, season |manoeuvring area, apron area, passenger |

| | | |services, ground transport services) |

|Price relevant MC of Swedish |5F |All |Swedish seaport in the Baltic sea |

|seaport services | | | |

|Mediterranean Short-sea Shipping |5G |All |Mediterranean seaports |

|including Piraeus Port | | | |

To estimate the marginal infrastructure costs three main approaches were used:

1. Econometrics approach – where costs are the dependent variable, and transport outputs are among the independent variables. Cross sectional and/or time series analysis produces parameters that may be directly interpreted as marginal costs, or used to construct the total cost function from which marginal cost may be derived;

2. Engineering approach – where total costs are disaggregated into sub-categories, and for each of these categories, separate analysis provides the technical relationship between inputs and output measures.

3. Cost allocation methods – a traditional method to allocate variable infrastructure costs to different cost drivers (axle load, vehicle kilometres, etc), according to engineering, empirical and expert evaluation, following a top-down approach.

2 Outline of empirical values

1 UNITE values

The following tables summarise the results of the UNITE infrastructure case studies.

Table 3-2 Marginal infrastructure cost estimates for German, Austrian, Swiss and Swedish motorways (€ per vehicle km)

|Mode |Country | | | |

|Road | |Mean |Trucks |Passenger cars |

| |Germany1) |- |0.0005 ... 0.027a) |- |

| |Austria2) |0.0016 |0.0217b) |0.0007b) |

| |Switzerland3) |0.0067 ... 0.0115 |0.0362 ... 0.0517 |0.0042 ... 0.005 |

| |Sweden4) |- |0.0077 ... 0.0186 |- |

|1) Marginal renewal costs. –2) Marginal costs of maintenance and renewals. –3) Marginal costs of maintenance (operational and |

|constructional) and upgrades & renewals. Calculated from the minimum and maximum values of table 6 for all cost categories. |

|–4) Marginal costs of renewals. –5) Marginal maintenance costs. |

|a) Marginal costs obtained from a model with the ratio between trucks and passenger cars where the AADT of passenger cars was |

|fixed at the minimum and maximum observed value in the sample. –b) Based on log-linear regression model with vehicles-km of 2 |

|vehicles classes. The model was statistically insignificant. |

|Sources: Annex A1 (Link 2002), A1b (Schreyer et al. 2002), Annex A1c (Herry and Sedlacek 2002) |

Table 3-3 Estimates of marginal cost in € per train km (at 1995 and 2000 exchange rates)1) for Sweden and Finland railways

| |Sweden |Finland |

| |1995 |2000 |1995 |2000 |

|All tracks |0.052 |0.056 |0.068 |0.108 |

|Main/electrified tracks |0.0352 |0.0396 |0.052 |0.08 |

|Secondary/non-electrified tracks |0.388 |0.44 |0.116 |0.18 |

|1) 1 SEK is Euro (ECU) 9.332 in 1995 and € 8.446 in 2000. Based on figures given in gross tonne km, converted assuming a |

|passenger train is 400 gross tonnes |

|Source: Johansson and Nilsson 2001. |

The econometrics approach is generally preferred since it provides objective evidence of cost causation, except regarding issues such as selection of variables. However, it is also problematic. To get an adequate sample size generally requires disaggregate data for individual stretches of infrastructure, rather than data for an organisation or a country as a whole. Expenditure on maintenance and renewals may be lagged many years behind the traffic that caused it, so that misleading results may be obtained if an organisation is not pursuing a ‘steady state’ maintenance policy.

The most successful application of the econometrics approach in UNITE has been to the railways of Sweden and Finland, where detailed data for a large number of individual track segments was obtained. The results confirmed that less than 20% of rail track maintenance and renewal costs are variable with traffic levels, at least for relatively lightly used railways. An engineering model for the heavily used railways of Great Britain used by Railtrack gives similar, but slightly higher results.

For roads the econometric approach was also attempted but the data difficulties were more acute. With one exception, the econometric approach gave cost elasticities well below 1, as did the engineering cost study of HGVs. This is in contrast with an elasticity of 1 from a full cost allocation approach as commonly used.

The case studies of water transport relied much more on expert opinion, as adequate data could not be found. The view was that in most cases the marginal maintenance and renewal costs for water transport infrastructure are negligible. However, it was suggested in a case study of ports that since modern ports on out of town sites have very low short run marginal costs, but adapt in size quickly and easily to demand, this might be a case where a long run marginal cost pricing approach would be appropriate. This would be especially true in cases where expansion was the result of long-term contracts for specific customers. Even for the long run, however, the cost elasticity was estimated to be no higher than 0.59.

The airport case study was different from the others as it addressed the issue of marginal operating costs in terms of staff. It examined this by relating staff numbers to number of flights by time of day and season, and in this way obtained a marginal cost for aircraft movement of €38, which is clearly very low compared with the total cost of maintaining and operating an airport.

2 Integration with other values and comparative summary

1 Road

Studies in the field of road infrastructure marginal cost estimation mainly rely on cost allocation methods. The UNITE marginal road infrastructure costs case studies, on the other hand, provide additional insights by applying either an econometric approach, as in the German, Austrian and Swiss case studies (motorway) or an engineering approach, as in Sweden (all road).

Table 3-4 Comparison of marginal road infrastructure costs in € 1998/vkm



| | |STUDIES | |

|Total Road |Passenger cars | |0.00074-0.00103 1) |Cost allocation methods |

|Network | | |0.0002 – 0.0014 2) | |

| |Light Goods vehicles (3.5t GVW) | |0.111-0.1444 1) |Cost allocation methods |

| | | |0.0173 – 0.0524 2) | |

| |Trucks |0.0077- 0.0186 5) | |Engineering approach |

|Motorways |Passenger cars |0.0007 3) | |Econometric approach |

| | |0.0042-0.005 4) | | |

| |Light Goods Vehicles (3.5t GVW) | |0.0218 – 0.1756 9) |Cost allocation methods |

| | | |0.0225 – 0.1908) | |

|1) - UK study (Sansom et al. 2001), 2) - DIW at al (1998) Average data from European countries (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, |

|Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Great Britain), 3) - Austria. Marginal |

|costs of maintenance and renewals based on log-linear regression model, 4) - Switzerland. Marginal costs of maintenance and |

|upgrades and renewal based on log-linear regression model, 5) - Sweden. Marginal costs of renewal, 6) - Data from Germany, 7)|

|- Germany. Marginal costs of renewal based on a translog approach, 8) - Recordit estimates based on corridor segment, 9) - |

|Germany, Italy and Switzerland data. |

It can be observed in the figure below that cost allocation methods lead to a high degree of variation across European countries owing to differences in accounting rules adopted for the fixed and variable part of infrastructure expenditures, and in the allocation by cost drivers. For instance, with reference to the total road network, the range of marginal costs varies between 0.02 and 0.14 Cents/vkm for passenger cars, between 0.02 and 0.17 Cents/vkm for LGV, while the range of values for HGV is even broader, extending from 1.73 to 14.4 Cents/vkm.

The econometric and engineering approaches show smaller variations, i.e. from 3.6 to 5.1 Cents/vkm for marginal costs of maintenance and upgrades in Switzerland (econometric approaches) and from 0.8 to 1.9 Cents/vkm for marginal renewal costs in Sweden (engineering approach), both estimates being related to trucks damage.

Figure 1 Variation in marginal road infrastructure costs in €c 1998/vkm


On the other hand, it should be stressed that a direct comparison of results between the econometric and engineering approaches is hazardous, owing to differences in quality and availability of data.

2 Rail

With reference to rail, short-run marginal costs correspond to the damage to rail infrastructure - essentially wear and tear of tracks - due to an additional train. Other studies, such as IWW (INFRAS-IWW, 2000) focus either on long-term marginal costs, including operational costs (e.g. signalling), or on average costs, as in EUNET (EUNET D 12, 1998), where infrastructure expenditures and maintenance costs are derived from EUROSTAT data.

Table 3.7 below shows the comparison between the pure short-run track maintenance marginal costs estimated in UNITE case studies and other estimates based on a similar MC definition, such as PETS (1999) and CERNA (2000).

Table 3-5 Comparison of marginal rail infrastructure costs in € 1998/train-km



|Type of network|All tracks | 0.052 1) |- |Econometric approach |

| | |0.068 2) | | |

| |All tracks |- |0.004 3) |Estimation from the variable |

| | | | |part of the Swedish tariff |

| |Main/electrified tracks |0.0352 1) |- |Econometric approach |

| | |0.052 2) | | |

| |Secondary/non-electrified | 0.388 1) |- |Econometric approach |

| |tracks |0.086 2) | | |

|Type of train |Freight train |0.0881) – 0.292) |0.050 4) |Estimation from Finnish |

| | | | |feasibility case study |

|1) - Sweden. Marginal track maintenance costs based on a translog approach, 1995 prices, cents per gross tonne km figures |

|multiplied by 400 gross tonnes to derive figures per passenger train km and by 1000 tonnes for freight train km2) - Finland. |

|Marginal track maintenance costs including information on track renewal based on a translog approach, 1995 prices, conversion to|

|train km as above 3) - Sweden. CERNA (2000), quoted in TRL et al. (2001). Costs are related to a 10-wagon passenger train, 4) - |

|PETS D11 Case Study based on the study by VR Track Centre, 1995 “New track from Kevara to Lahti, Preliminary General Plan, |

|Feasibility studies of the Alternatives”. Costs are related to a 1,000 t load freight train. |

Variations are limited when the same methodological approach is being used, i.e. for the econometric approach, where values range from 5.2 to 6.8 €c/train km for the Swedish and Finnish case study (total network). The comparison with average infrastructure costs (including administration, operational services and railway-police services) clearly shows higher average values: 1.8 €/ train km in Sweden and 1.1 €/ train km in Finland (see TRL et. al. (2001).

3 Aviation

The marginal airport infrastructure operating cost in the UNITE case study of Helsinki-Vantaa has been estimated at € 38 for an extra aircraft movement. The estimation of infrastructure costs, i.e. infrastructure services excluding operational, commercial and public sector services, is based on linear regression analysis. A study on marginal short-run airside cost based on a regression model in USA (the California Corridor) yields values of € 84 per scheduled air carrier movement, € 18.4 per commuter carrier movement and € 13 per general aviation movement [4].

3 Generalisation aspects

1 Methodology

Based on the results for infrastructure, we have two preferable methods; econometrics and engineering. The problem with both is getting suitable data at a sufficient degree of disaggregation. As a result a more common approach is cost allocation; this simply divides all costs into fixed and variable. The problem is getting evidence on this subdivision into fixed and variable costs.

2 Input values and relationships

Required input values for both methodologies are situation specific and cannot be applied to other contexts.

3 Output values

As has been already stated, the two preferable different approaches for infrastructure cost estimation were applied: econometrics and an engineering based approach. Both approaches were applied to maintenance and renewal costs for road and rail. On the other hand, infrastructure-operating costs were only considered in the case of airports; here an econometric approach was again used.

The preferred approach to generalisation is to transfer the econometric methodology and to regress the relevant cost elements on traffic levels and other relevant variables using data for the application at hand. However, data requirements for this are severe. It requires data on maintenance and renewal costs for individual segments of infrastructure, and corresponding data on traffic levels disaggregated by vehicle type. These data are often not available; even if it is experience suggests that multicollinearity may make it impossible to get useable results. It will certainly be impossible to get detailed results for a large number of different types of vehicle (e.g. different axle weights) in this way.

This suggests the use of an engineering approach. Two case studies examined this approach – one for rail and one for road. However, the data requirements for this are also severe. The rail model examined was built up in great detail from a large number of separate relationships, but was still criticised for not necessarily accurately reflecting actual cost levels. The road model combined an engineering approach with econometric estimation of the relation between road deterioration and axle weights; the latter needed detailed information road condition and traffic volumes for individual segments of road.

It may be therefore that both econometric and engineering approaches have to be seen as informing a more traditional cost allocation approach, rather than as approaches to be routinely used in all cases. The actual value of marginal cost will clearly differ from location to location according to factors such as variations in factor prices, transport costs, weather and ground conditions. It seems more plausible that the cost elasticity, or in other words the ratio of marginal to average cost, may be transferable.

For roads, the evidence on this parameter is mixed. The Swiss case studies showed elasticities of somewhat less than one (for maintenance and renewals of the order of 0.8), whilst the Swedish engineering cost approach had an average elasticity for pavement reconstruction and resurfacing as low as 0.4 (but varying from 0.1 for high strength roads to 0.8 for low strength). On the other hand the Austrian study showed a higher elasticity, but it is thought that data limitations throw doubt on the reliability of this result.

It is not clear how the cost elasticity varies with traffic levels and other variables; again results were contradictory, although the most reliable evidence seems to point to it rising as traffic levels rise and falling as road strength is increased. Perhaps, on the basis of the Swiss econometric evidence, an elasticity of 0.8 is the best very tentative single assumption, but the Swedish study points to the possibility of much lower values, particularly where densities are less, and clearly more work in this field is required. Relative costs for different types of vehicles still require an engineering cost approach based on standard axle kilometres for the relevant cost categories.

For rail, there was greater consistency, with an elasticity of maintenance and renewals costs with respect to traffic levels of the order of 0.14-0.17 emerging from the econometric analysis and 0.2-0.3 emerging from the engineering approach. The higher value for the latter may be explained by the higher levels of traffic and speed in Great Britain. It appears from the review of international experience conducted for the British rail regulator that the elasticity may be higher where traffic volumes and speeds are high. A new econometric study for France (Quinet, 2002) gives elasticities in the range of 0.3 to 0.4. It will be lower where structures, signalling and electrification account for a higher proportion of total maintenance and renewals costs. Relative costs of different vehicle types will again require an engineering cost approach, with the British results from the Railtrack model perhaps providing some guidance.

For other modes we have little firm evidence except for the airport and seaport operating cost case studies, but it appears that the marginal costs of using existing infrastructure for air and water transport are generally very low.

If we do apply elasticities to average cost information to obtain our estimates then of course information from accounts becomes a prime source of information. However, it is desirable that the accounts information should be as disaggregate as possible both in terms of type of asset (e.g. type of road) and in terms of categories of cost (e.g. track renewal, bridge maintenance)

A synthesis on methodology, cost drivers, values and their transferability is given in the next section.

4 Synthesis of generalisation aspects

The table below presents a synthesis of the main case study results and transferability aspects for infrastructure costs.

Table 3-6 Synthesis of the infrastructure costs

|Type of transport|Recommended method2) |Key cost drivers |Range of values1) |Specific remarks on transferability |

|Road |Econometric method is the|Vehicle characteristics |Traffic volume |For trucks |Higher values in case renewals and |

|maintenance |preferred approach. |Type, axle weight, speed |Location: weather conditions, wage |€ 0.02-0.05 |upgradings are included |

| |Data availability |Infrastructure type |levels |per vkm | |

| |sometimes forces the use |-infrastructure characteristics | |MC/AC |ON ratio MC/AC |

| |of the engineering |-construction and maintenance | |Ranging |Higher values for greater traffic density |

| |method, especially to |standards and practice | |from 0.1 to 0.8 |Lower values for roads with greater |

| |examine different vehicle| | | |strength |

| |types. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |More often, however, cost| | | | |

| |allocation methods appear| | | | |

| |to be unavoidable. They | | | | |

| |should be informed by | | | | |

| |cost elasticities derived| | | | |

| |in other studies | | | | |

|Rail | |Vehicle characteristics |Infrastructure type |For all types of |For Nordic conditions |

|maintenance | |-freight and passenger trains |-track geometry, no of sleepers |tracks | |

| | |-axle weight |-operating requirements |€ Cent | |

| | |-number and type of wagons |-construction and maintenance |0.056-0.108 | |

| | |-quality of maintenance of wagons |standards and practice | | |

| | |-speed |Traffic type |MC/AC |ON ratio MC/AC |

| | |-construction standards |-traffic volume |Ranging from |The higher values relate to higher levels |

| | | |Location type |0.14 to 0.30 |of traffic and speed |

| | | |-wage levels | | |

|Airport | |Airport traffic |Infrastructure type |€ 38 per aircraft |Development activities pushed cost up. |

|operations | |Passenger/aircraft movements |type of infrastructure elements |movement | |

| | |Mix internat/nat traffic |Personnel costs | | |

| | |passenger/freight mix) |Operational costs | | |

| | |Vehicle characteristics |Location type | | |

| | |type of plane |-climate conditions | | |

| | | |-ongoing expansion programme | | |

|Type of transport|Recommended method2) |Key cost drivers |Range of values1) |Specific remarks on transferability |

|Inland waterway |Econometric |Vehicle characteristics |Infrastructure type |Marginal costs of | |

|maintenance | |-vessel type/ size |-geometry and construction of the |embankments for | |

| | |-speed and draught of vessel |waterway |free-flowing rivers| |

| | |Waterway type |-type of bank stabilisation system |presumably | |

| | |Free-flowing or canal |-electric power for operating |negligible. | |

| | | |locks/ship canal lifters |For canals or | |

| | | | |canalised rivers | |

| | | | |such costs and | |

| | | | |costs of bridges | |

| | | | |and sluices may not| |

| | | | |be negligible. | |

| | | | | | |

|Seaport |Econometric approach |Cargo throughput |Institutional matters |MC/AC 0.59 |Not transferable |

|stevedoring | |- Type, physical appearance and |- Terms of concession |(Long run) | |

| | |packing |- Fixed and variable - concession | | |

| | |- Volume |fee | | |

| | |- Volume per ship call |- Port charges system | | |

| | |Cargo handling technique | | | |

| | |- Type and size of cranes | | | |

| | |Type and size of ships calling | | | |

| | |- Type of ship operations | | | |

| | |- Pattern of ship calls | | | |

|1) -actual value of costs varies from location to location; cost elasticity, the ratio of marginal to average costs may be transferable |

|2)-key functions not applicable |

Supplier operating costs

1 Overview of UNITE case studies

The following table summarises the supplier operating costs case studies.

Table 4-1 Overview of the supplier operating case studies

| |No |Disaggregation level |

| | |Type of user |Type of network |

|Urban Public Transport, Lisbon |6A |Passenger train (peak, off-peak) |Urban rail crossing Tagus river, |

| | | |Lisbon |

|Swedish Rail |6B |Intercity passenger trains (peak, |Interurban rail |

| | |off-peak) | |

|European Air Transport Operating Costs |6C |All |Set of 13 European airlines |

Marginal costs are assessed by applying one of the three approaches: econometric approach, engineering approach or accounting approach. The econometric approach can link outputs to inputs in a flexible way without constraints on the functional form of the underlying production functions. The translog function is the most popular functional form. The engineering approach links outputs to inputs on the basis of some underlying physical relationships, between factors such as vehicle size, vehicle speed, number of roundtrips and related costs. The cost allocation method allocates variable costs to different cost drivers (vehicle km, peak vehicles in service etc), according to engineering, empirical and expert evaluation, following a top-down approach.

Application of the econometrics approach has been undertaken extensively, but the results are not usually directly applicable to pricing decisions. This is due to three major constraints: firstly, output measures are too aggregate; secondly, the difficulty of separating the relevant parts of total accounting cost data that relate to output, and the fact that such costs do not necessarily relate to real costs; and, thirdly, the way in which quality of service systematically varies at different levels of output. These constraints imply that the econometrics approach will seldom directly yield viable marginal cost estimates, although it is very valuable in giving an idea of the degree of economies of scale and how this varies with circumstances.

Within UNITE, two case studies applied to rail used the engineering cost approach. The Lisbon case study dealt with an expansion of capacity involving running additional fixed formation trains; the Swedish case study dealt with train length. A major part of the incremental cost of expanding capacity concerns the capital cost of the additional vehicles. In situations of peaked demand, this cost should be attributed entirely to the times and locations providing the peak vehicle requirement. The result is that marginal cost pricing for the off peak might involve very low fares. However, these fares will themselves shift demand so that in equilibrium the profile of demand is fairly flat, but fares vary enormously between peak and off peak.

2 Outline of empirical values

1 UNITE values

Results for the three case studies are summarised in the following table.

Table 4-2 Results of the supplier operating case studies

|Case study |Marginal cost |MC/AC |

|Urban public | |Per train in peak: 0.866 |

|transport (6A) |€17.640 per train km peak1) |Per train in off-peak: 0.440 |

| |€1.864 per train km off peak | |

|Swedish rail (6B) | |0.5 per passenger km |

| |€ 10.852) per passenger train km in peak |Based on all costs of traffic operations minus |

| |€ 3.31 per train km in off-peak |overhead costs |

|European air |Engineering method: |Engineering method: Available ton-km (000) |

|transport (6C) |31.86 pkm3) |-Europe: 0.9 |

| | |-North America: 0.82 |

| |Econometrics method: |Hours flown (000) |

| |26.35 pkm |-Europe 1.310 |

| | |-North America: 1.110 |

| | |Econometrics method: |

| | |Available ton-km (000) |

| | |-Europe: 0.9302 |

| | |-North America: 0.868 |

| | |Hours flown (000) |

| | |-Europe 1.015 |

| | |-North America: 0.880 |

|Lisbon case study. Figure derived from MC per train divided by average km travelled, plus MC per passenger multiplied by |

|average number of passengers, plus marginal cost per vehicle multiplied by average number of vehicles. |

|Swedish rail interurban case study. Based on MC per passenger round trip figures, multiplied by average no. of passengers |

|(150) and divided by trip length (816km). Note that this is a rather artificial number, given that it is derived from the |

|marginal cost of lengthening trains rather than running additional trains. It is derived for comparative purposes only. |

|Based on MC per hour flown figure, multiplied by 2 hours and divided by 930km, the time and distance respectively of a flight |

|from London to Berlin. |

2 Integration with other values and comparative summary

Two marginal rail supplier operating costs case studies carried out in UNITE are related to the urban and extra-urban context. The former concerns the recent commuter service crossing the Tagus River in Lisbon, the latter the inter-urban transport passenger service in Sweden. Both estimates are based on a bottom-up approach, i.e. the engineering approach, using detailed information at corridor level.

The EUNET Project (1998) provides operating marginal supplier costs for the passengers rail sector based on statistical data and published reports, with a top-down approach.

Expressed in terms of costs per train kilometre, the different methodological approaches lead to wildly different cost estimates. It appears that the EUNET study must have treated fleet size as fixed, yielding very short run marginal cost estimates that are of doubtful policy relevance. UNITE treats fleet size as variable but infrastructure capacity as fixed.

Table 4-3 Comparison of rail supplier operating costs in € 1998 train-km



|Type of network|Urban | 1.864 off -peak |- |Engineering approach |

| | |17.640 peak 1) | | |

| |Interurban |3.31 off peak –10.85 |0.1474 – 0.2398 2) |Estimation from publications and reports |

| | |peak4) |0.0948 – 0.1699 3) | |

|1) Lisbon case study 2) Average data from European countries (Belgium, Austria, Denmark, France, Germany and Italy). High |

|speed train, 3) Average data from European countries (Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France Germany, Greece, Ireland |

|and Italy). Fast train.4) Swedish rail case study. |

3 Generalisation aspects

1 Methodology

Econometric approaches have the advantage that they easily deal with economies of scale and density, but the disadvantage that the level of outputs often is too aggregate to deal with pricing relevant issues such as peak and off-peak and that the costs are difficult to obtain from accounting data. For the engineering approach more or less the opposite applies. The accounting method is an approach which makes assumptions as to which categories vary with which output measures. However, it does not deal adequately with the effects of peaks on staffing levels; a better approach would be to do a complete vehicle and crew scheduling exercise to identify staff requirements and costs.

The engineering and econometric approaches require a great amount of input data and in case of scarcity of data or just a small research budget, often the more straightforward accounting approach is applied by simply dividing incremental outputs by incremental inputs per main cost category. This may however produce very misleading answers if other variables have changed.

The approximately constant returns to scale and comparable results found in the accounting and econometric approaches in the air case study, suggest that the cost allocation method should be adequate.

Concluding on the application of the methodological approaches, they are transferable given that detailed data on costs are available. Field evidence shows that this type of information is often not easily obtained, and simpler approaches, based on cost allocation models have to be used. Econometric and engineering cost methods are then ways of informing these models on parameters such as the ratio of variable to total costs, or the cost elasticity.

2 Input values and relationships

The preferred relationship for econometric studies is the translog cost function; however, this is simply because it is a flexible form able to represent a reasonable approximation to any true relationship. Engineering and accounting methods generally use simple linear models, of the form:

Costs=a+ b*train-km + c*train-hours + d*vkm + e*vehicle-hours + f*peak-vehicle requirement

3 Output values

The output values concern marginal costs, the ratio of marginal costs to average costs (MC/AC), returns to scale and returns to density. For the case study on European passenger air transport, both the econometric and cost accounting methods were applied producing results of a comparable order of magnitude. Also a comparison was made with passenger air transport in North America, which shows a considerably lower level of marginal costs.

The results of the Swedish long distance rail transport are transferable for the case of flexible formation trains in long distance services. Note that this flexibility need not be on a day to day basis; UNITE treats rolling stock as variable so the variability may come from obtaining additional cars or switching to fixed formation trains of a different length.

4 Synthesis of generalisation aspects

Table 4-4 Synthesis of supplier operating costs

|Type of mode |Recommended method |Key functions |Key cost drivers |Range of values |Specific remarks on |

| | | | | |transferability |

|Urban public transport |Preferred approach is the |With econometric methods |Vehicle characteristics |MC |Not transferable |

| |econometric method. |the preferred function is |Type of vehicle |€17.640 per train km peak |given specific |

| |Data availability |the translog cost function|Intensity of use |€1.864 per train km off-peak |situation |

| |sometimes forces the use | |Location specific data |MC/AC | |

| |of the engineering method.|With the engineering |geographical environment, |Per train in peak: 0.866 | |

| | |method specific functions |wages and infrastructure |Per train in off-peak: 0.440 | |

| |More often, however, |very specific per |charges | | |

| |accounting and cost |situation | | | |

| |allocation methods appear | | | | |

| |to be unavoidable. | | | | |

|Inter-urban passenger | | |Vehicle characteristics |MC |Transferable for |

|transport by rail | | |Type of vehicle | |specific situation of|

| | | |Intensity of use |€10.85 per train km peak |Nordic intercity |

| | | |Location specific data such as|€3.31 per train km off peak |railways |

| | | |wages and infrastructure | | |

| | | |charges |MC/AC | |

| | | | |0.5 per passenger km | |

| | | | |Based on all costs of traffic | |

| | | | |operations minus overhead costs | |

|Air transport | | |Vehicle characteristics |MC |Transferable for |

| | | |Type of vehicle |€31.86 pkm (Engineering) |European air transport|

| | | |Intensity of use |€26.35 pkm (Econometric) | |

| | | |Location specific data such as|MC/AC | |

| | | |wages, airport fees and on |0.90-0.93 for available ton-km | |

| | | |route fees |1.0-1.3 for 1000 hours flown | |

Transport user costs

1 Overview of UNITE case studies

Within the UNITE project 11 case studies on the external costs and benefits arising from user interactions have been carried out. These comprise congestion and scarcity costs on the one hand and benefits on the other hand. The table below presents the case studies and their background, that is the scope, location and disaggregation by the considered infrastructure and user.

Table 5-1 Overview of the transport user cost and benefits case studies

|Case study |No |Disaggregation level |

| | |Type of user |Type of network |

|Marginal user costs |

|Passenger road transport, |7A |Passenger car |Road: urban and inter-urban corridors |

|Paris-Brussels | | | |

|Passenger road transport, Paris-Munich|7B |Passenger car |Road: urban and inter-urban |

|Passenger rail transport, Switzerland |7AB |Passenger trains |Rail |

|Freight (container) road and rail |7C |HGV |Road: urban and inter-urban |

|transport Cologne – Milan | | | |

|Freight (bulk goods) road transport, |7D |HGV |Road: urban and inter-urban |

|Duisburg-Mannheim | | | |

|Road urban (inter-urban) transport, |7E |Passenger car |Motorways, metropolitan roads, arterial |

|Brussels | | |streets, local streets |

|Urban road transport, Edinburgh, |7F |Passenger car |Road: urban and inter-urban |

|Salzburg, Helsinki | |Morning-peak | |

|Congestion costs, Madrid Airport |7I |Passenger flights |Aviation: Madrid airport |

|Marginal user benefits |

|Mohring benefits in rail passenger |7G |Medium to long-distance passenger |Inter-urban rail network (different |

|transport, Sweden | |transport |lines) |

|Mohring benefits in European air |7H |Passenger flights |Aviation: routes between European |

|passenger transport | | |airports |

|Mohring benefits in intermodal |7J |Freight intermodal transport: |Rotterdam-Basle (IWW-road) |

|freight transport | |automotive & machinery, chemicals, |Antwerp-Milan (rail-road) |

| | |FMCG, heavy metals |Antwerp-Bilbao (SSS-road) |

For congestion, different approaches apply for road and for rail and air transport. For road congestion, the usual approach involves the use of speed-flow relationships - for individual road links/ junctions, aggregated areas within a city or a city as a whole - combined with an iterative transport modelling approach to determine equilibrium prices. For rail and air regression analysis to relate delays to capacity utilisation has been undertaken.

Estimation of marginal congestion costs or benefits can be simplified into three steps, which give an indication of the basic data requirements:

← Determination of a volume-time relationship. This relationship is given by engineering-style speed-flow curves in inter-urban road transport, by model outputs in urban road transport and by regression analysis in rail and air transport.

← The unit costs of time and other operating costs.

← The price elasticity of demand: Elastic demand is only considered in the road case studies. Case Studies 7A to 7D consider this as an external input, while the urban road case studies generate elastic demand as an internal model variable.

Independent of transport mode, marginal external user effects at a given level of traffic demand are defined by the following equation:


where PC(Q) denotes the private costs (i.e. average costs), which the user perceives. PC(Q) is generally expressed as the product of the value of travel time (VOT) and the private time consumption PT(Q) perceived by the traveller. The composition of PT(Q) might vary by mode of transport and cost/benefit category. E.g. for the determination of external rail congestion costs, PT(Q) denotes the delay time, while it denotes the headway time for the estimation of Mohring benefits in rail transport. In road congestion, PT(Q) denotes the load-dependent travel time.

In the case studies the marginal road congestion costs (CS 7A-B) are defined as extra time and fuel costs due to additional passenger cars or HGVs. They were estimated using speed-flow curves and fuel consumption functions.

Total congestion costs for the inter urban private transport (CS 7E) are defined as the social costs, which are avoided when congestion is totally eliminated. Marginal congestion costs are defined as the additional social costs of an extra traffic unit (incl. additional user time costs, environmental costs and accidents costs). They were calculated using a demand model and road network assignment model.

In the case of rail and air passenger transport marginal external user costs (CS 7AB, 7I) were defined as the delay time against the scheduled arrival of trains with above 5 minutes against scheduled arrival, and respectively planes above 30 minutes against the scheduled arrival. They were calculated by considering delay as a linear function of total trips, and valuing this using the value of time.

Mohring effects in railway passenger transport were explored based on the value of headway time, in two steps: optimisation for a single railway line, and cross-section analysis of rolling stock inputs and trip outputs. In freight transport the Mohring benefits were defined as the value of modifying the frequency of services in intermodal freight transport (combined rail and waterborne transport). With the help of a stated preferences survey the shippers’ generalised costs were expressed as a function of demand levels. The marginal external Mohring benefit was obtained by multiplying the demand and the derivative of the average user’s generalised costs with respect to demand.

Mohring effects (benefits) in air transport are defined as the marginal time savings induced by the entry of additional passengers. They were estimated by relating the changes in travel times and adjustment-to-schedule times as a result of changing the schedule alongside growth in the demand.

2 Outline of empirical values

1 UNITE values

The next table summarises the input data used and the standardised quantitative outputs of the majority of the user costs and benefits case studies.

Table 5-2 Result of the user cost and benefits case studies

|Case study by |Time demand |Value of time and |Demand |Magnitude of |

|Context |relationship |operating costs |Elasticity |results |

|Interurban road |Engineering style |11-13 Euro / pass-h |-0.25 to -0.50 |0-0.15 Euro/pcu-km1) |

|congestion (7A) |functions (EWS) |41-53 Euro/ HGV-h | |0-0.7 Euro/HGV-km |

|Urban road congestion |Simulation output |4.30 Euro/pcu-h |Model output |0.02-0.4 Euro/pcu-km1) |

|(7B) | | | |0.04-0.80 Euro/ HGV-km |

|Rail congestion |Regression |6.38 Euro/ pass-h |Not considered |0.002 Euro/ pass-km2) |

|(7AB) |analysis/simulation | | |0.3-0.72 per train km peak |

| |model | | |0.08-0.19 per train km off-peak |

|Swedish Interurban |Cost model of trade offs|2-3 Euro per pass-h headway |Not considered |0.075-0.525 Euro per train km |

|Rail Mohring |between extra costs of |cost | |depending on headway time (30 |

|(7G) |services and reductions | | |mins-4 hours), assuming passenger |

| |in headway. | | |load of 150 |

| | | | |-0.005 to –0.fdfda |

| | | | |-0.005 to 0.0035 Euro per |

| | | | |passenger km |

|Air traffic congestion|Analysis of records at |15.9 Euro/pass-h; |Not considered |0.015- 0.05 Euro pass km (km (with|

|(7I) |Madrid airport |5000 Euro/ aircraft-h | |journey length of 525-1815km, 1sd |

| | | | |around mean) |

| | | | | |

| | | | |1.98-6.85 Euro per plane km (with |

| | | | |journey length of 525-1815km) |

|Air traffic |Analysis of records |11.4 Euro/pass-h; |Not considered |0.239-1.347 Euro per plane km |

|Mohring benefits |across Europe | | |(depending on line density)_ |

|1)Ranges due to results from single road segments, with different levels of congestion rather than network averages |

|2)Differs from results presented in D7; here it is assumed there are 300 passengers per train and the range is based on different |

|assumptions about delays. |

It is surprising that the values found for urban traffic are not much higher relative to those for inter-urban road traffic, but it must be remembered that these studies were generally for smaller cities, covered a fairly large network of roads and found the congestion cost for the system optimum allowing for rerouting of traffic in response to optimal pricing of each link. Models which do not allow for rerouting, for instance estimating the optimal level of

a single cordon charge, appear to estimate much higher costs. It is also the case that congestion costs are clearly heavily dependent on levels of demand; optimal congestion costs are also quite sensitive to the price elasticity of demand.

Congestion costs for Swiss rail averaged around 0.002 Euro per passenger kilometre and thus are clearly lower than those for road and air. The figures for Britain were higher which may reflect both differences in methodology and the fact that rail congestion in Britain is a bigger problem than in Switzerland.

Mohring benefits are quantified for air and rail transport. At between 0.00584 and 0.00839 Euro per passenger kilometre the air results are less than congestion costs. However, this ratio strongly depends on the size of the airport and on the density of particular lines. The results from the Swedish Rail study shows a higher Mohring benefit although this varies considerably with headway time.

2 Integration with other values and comparative summary

1 Road

The marginal road congestion costs have been addressed in UNITE both at the urban and inter-urban level in several case studies: four corridors (Paris-Brussels; Paris-Munich, Cologne-Milan and Duisburg-Mannheim) for passenger and freight transport at inter-urban level, and four cases studies (Brussels, Edinburgh, Helsinki and Salzburg) at urban level.

The methodological approach adopted varies from the application of speed-flow relationships defined in the EWS manual for Germany at inter-urban level to traffic models with the definition of speed-flows curves per link at urban level.

Marginal congestion costs have also been estimated by the INFRAS/IWW 2000 study at the European level through the use of continuous speed-flow relationships for different classes of roads and vehicle types, where the basic input is provided by the European Road Traffic database.

Other approaches are based on exponential congestion functions (under the assumption that the Brussels urban area has homogeneous traffic conditions[5]) and on speed flow relationships calculated from the UK National Road Traffic Forecast database, as in Sansom et al. (2001). This study calculates speed-flow curves by area types (London and conurbations) and road types (motorways, trunk and principal and other); however it calculates marginal cost for existing rather than optimal traffic volumes and is therefore naturally much higher than estimates at the optimum.

Table 5-3 Comparison of marginal road congestion costs in € 1998/vkm



|Type of |Urban |0.02-0.4 1) |Major urban peak: |Model output |

|network | | |0.343-1.2867) | |

| | | |Major urban off peak: | |

| | | |0.166-0.7077) | |

| | |- |0.028-3.292 2) |Model output |

| | | |0.004-1.315 3) | |

| | | |1.045 4) | |

| |Interurban | | |Model output |

| |Passenger car |0-0.15 5) |1.2-216.1 2) | |

| |Freight |0-0.7 6) |2.9-540.1 2) | |

| |Motorway | |19.197) | |

| |Rural trunk, | |13.66-13.817) | |

| |principal | | | |

|1) - Urban road congestion case studies for car. Data per pcu/km. Peak hour conditions, 2) - IWW-INFRAS (2000). Average data |

|from European countries, Range between off peak and peak conditions, 3) - Brussels. Mayeres et al. (1996). Range between off |

|peak and peak conditions, 4) - Central London, trunk & principal, 5) - Interurban road congestion (Paris-Brussels and |

|Paris-Munich). Mix of peak and off peak conditions, 6) - Interurban road congestion (Cologne-Milan and Duisburg-Mannheim). Mix|

|of peak and off peak conditions, 7)DETR Surface Transport costs and Charges, GB 1998 |

Discrepancies, particularly at the urban level, can be explained by the adoption of different time values, as well as by specific methodological aspects that can hamper comparisons (the UNITE urban marginal congestion costs for instance are expressed in pcu/km, the other studies in vkm/km). In fact, the UNITE urban case studies include smaller cities such as Edinburgh and Salzburg while estimates from other studies relate to large conurbations such as London, with presumably higher congestion costs. Furthermore, congestion costs are strictly related to the specific characteristics of the routes, i.e. traffic volume, infrastructure bottlenecks, etc, as can be assessed in the following figure.

Figure 2 Variation of marginal road congestion costs in €c 1998/vkm


The figure compares the marginal congestion costs variation between the three UNITE interurban case studies and the other studies, which show congestion costs in several routes at European level, including peak traffic conditions. The inclusion of critical traffic conditions episodes in the other studies, lead to higher estimates of marginal congestion costs.

2 Rail

The Mohring effect, i.e. the benefit accruing to the users from an additional train in service, has been addressed in the Swedish rail traffic UNITE case study. The methodological approach consists in calculating through models the trade-off between the increased operating costs for the operators and the lower adjustment costs for the passengers from being able to travel more closely to their optimal departure time.

A different approach has been adopted in the Cross Channel case study carried out by PETS (1999), which calculates the benefits arising from the possibility for the user to choose a more favourable departure time simply assuming that the operator increases frequencies to hold load factors constant.

Table 5-4 Comparison of Mohring benefits in rail sector € 1998/pkm



|0.0005 –0.0035 1) |- |Model output |

|- |0.03092) |Estimates from assumptions on value of time and average load |

| |0.02163) | |

|1) - Swedish rail traffic assuming 150 passengers per train and a 35 km per trip, 2) - PETS D9 case study. 165 passengers per |

|Le Shuttle, 3) - PETS D9 case study. 365 passengers per Eurostar. |

The Mohring effect has also been estimated for the British rail network (passenger sector) in Sansom et al (2001), using the PETS approach. In terms of € per train km the benefits have been quantified in € 0.26 / train km (total network), € 0.41 / train km in the London area. At mean trip loads this is roughly 0.26€ cents per passenger km, which is consistent with the UNITE values.

3 Generalisation aspects

The degree to which generalisation of user costs is possible will vary by mode and user cost. In UNITE we have undertaken 13 case studies (including to 2 UK railway studies, one on congestion costs and one on Mohring benefits), varying with:

← Transport mode: road, rail, air or intermodal

← Type of user i.e. passenger or freight

← User effect: congestion cost or Mohring benefit.

1 Methodology

A brief overview of the general methodology used in the case studies was presented in the previous section. For congestion of rail, air and water transport infrastructure, the basic approach is to regress delays on measures of capacity utilisation, including where possible variables that are likely to affect the relationship, such as the nature of the infrastructure and the type of traffic. This basic methodology should be readily transferable provided that data may be obtained.

For road transport the usual approach is to use speed/flow and junction-delay relationships, either in a model of specific links or in a complete network model. These relationships have been thoroughly researched and it is not usually necessary to undertake new research; many existing models are available which may be used. Other modes in general are not suitable for generalisation, because the conditions in each station/track, airport, seaport or inland waterway port are different. In principle for each of those facilities a characteristic relationship of traffic volume and delay must be estimated. The same holds for urban public transport concerning congestion costs and Mohring benefits. For road transport a TRENEN-style approach can be applied using an area speed-flow curve that is estimated from the more disaggregate model, although there is some indication in the case studies that this may lead to higher estimates of congestion costs than using the full disaggregate model since it cannot cope explicitly with rerouting, at least for the case where optimal charges are applied for each individual link

The types of models applied for the assessment of congestion costs and Mohring benefits differ between scheduled and non-scheduled transport. Mohring effects only apply to scheduled transport. Congestion costs apply to both, but are more complex for scheduled transport as they often impact on both the costs of the users and producers of transport services (see the figure). When congestion occurs users react by waiting or shifting to alternatives and producers react by adapting supply. Therefore both the reactions of users and producers of transport services have to be analysed.

1 Congestion costs for scheduled services

Per case study the approach appears to differ considerably and no single one dominates. In the Swiss railway study (7AB) a regression analysis was applied to assess a linear relation between train delays and passenger trips per hour. No allowance was made for the cause of delays, the utilisation degree of the railway tracks and the reactions of the suppliers. The UK railway study went into more depth by including scarcity related delays only, by adopting a measure of capacity utilisation and estimating the relation between delays and capacity utilisation according to an exponential relation. The Madrid airport congestion study shows a comparable or even larger level of aggregation than with the Swiss railway study. Flight delays were expressed as a linear function of the number of delayed flights rather than by an indication of capacity utilisation (as in the UK study) or traffic level (as in the Swiss study). A separate estimate is used for the probability of any flight being delayed in order to estimate the marginal cost of an additional flight. Finally, having estimated the marginal delays in time, this may be multiplied by the value of time to get a value in costs

It can be concluded that the precise methodology depends strongly on the specific situation and is of an experimental nature. The approach of the Swiss and Spanish studies is transferable for situations requiring a first start. After that adaptations need to be made allowing for capacity utilisation and disregarding non-congestion related delays. The UK study goes more into depth, but also states that for pricing purposes the assessment of opportunity costs of railway slots has not yet been undertaken. This is also true for air transport and remains a major gap in estimation of marginal social cost for scheduled transport.

2 Mohring benefits

The Mohring effect is a form of user economy of scale in public transport services. As traffic on a particular route increases, so public transport operators tend to improve the frequency of service, and to provide other benefits to passengers. Other benefits may include services to a wider range of places and a mix of express and stopping services. If it is assumed that any increase in passengers on public transport is met with a proportionate increase in services, there are clearly benefits to existing users from increases in traffic.

In practice, it may be that operators would not increase services, or would not increase them proportionately. In such circumstances, if the result is simply increased load factors, then there is no Mohring effect and the marginal cost to operators is close to zero (although there may be a disbenefit to passengers from increased crowding to take into account). If operators maintain load factors by operating larger vehicles then there is no disbenefit to passengers but there is a significant marginal operating cost, which, however, is typically well below average cost. Jansson, in the case study on Swedish Rail finds theoretical reasons for expecting frequency of service to increase in proportion to the square root of the level of traffic, and shows that this indeed appears to be broadly the policy followed by Swedish Railways.

If we make the assumption that operators increase service frequencies in direct proportion to increases in patronage, a basic approach to estimating the Mohring effect is set out in Sansom et al. (1999). The steps in the calculation begin by estimating the marginal external benefit of increased passengers as the number of existing passengers (Q) multiplied by the change in their average cost (AC) with a change in passengers:

MC = [pic]

An increase in frequency allows the user to choose a more favourable departure time. We can rearrange this in terms of headway time, the time-span between consecutive trips for an origin-destination pair. The mean value of this, assuming evenly distributed desired departure times and that users are equally willing to adjust to earlier and later departures, can be taken as quarter the headway (h), multiplied by the value of time for departure time shifts (VOTdep_time). The above equation then becomes:


Furthermore, if occupancy (O) is fixed and Q is expressed in terms of passengers per hour, the headway equals O/Q and the equation becomes:


The negative sign indicates that this is a marginal external benefit rather than a cost. This is the basic and very simple equation which may be used to estimate the Mohring effect in these circumstances. It should be noted that this is obviously a gross simplification of reality – in practice frequencies will not vary continuously with increases in traffic, but in discrete steps. However, if we are estimating the overall marginal social cost of additional rail traffic this is less of a problem than it appears; when frequencies do not increase we will have overestimated the Mohring effect, but we will have overestimated the marginal operating cost as well, and the sum of the two should be more stable. Moreover, Jansson shows that if frequencies are optimal then the marginal social cost should be the same, whatever assumptions we make about the way in which frequency adapts to traffic levels.

The results of Wardman (1998) suggest that the mean value of departure time shifts may be taken as 0.72 of the value of in-vehicle time. If service frequency is equal to or less than every 10 minutes, however, passengers are likely to turn up at random so that the departure time shift becomes wait time and, again according to Wardman (1998) this should be valued at a multiple of 1.6 of the value of in-vehicle time.

If frequency rose in proportion to the square root of Q rather than Q, then it is easily shown that the Mohring effect is halved (but so too would be the marginal operating cost, as half of any increased traffic would be accommodated simply by raising load factors). Note that the above formulation only applies to low frequency services where passengers use a timetable. Where passengers arrive randomly the familiar half the headway formula should be used together with the value of waiting time rather than departure time shift.

A key issue in the case studies was to estimate how frequency does in fact vary with traffic levels.

The study concerning air traffic estimated the relation between changes in headway time and traffic level. For the major Intra-European air trades there appears to be a statistically significant relation between headway time and the inverse of passenger traffic. This means that the Mohring effect decreases with increasing traffic levels. The study on Swedish railways explicitly deals with supplier reactions, which in Sweden react to increased demand by a combination of increasing length of the trains, frequency and capacity utilisation. As well as calculating what hypothetically would be the optimal response of operators, the study examines the relationship between the actual frequency and traffic levels for a cross section of routes. As stated above, frequency was found to be proportional to the square root of traffic level, as was implied by the theoretical model.

In the inter-modal freight case study, the key issue was to discover whether shippers valued frequency of service, and by how much. Parameters of a logit model were estimated by a sample of stated preferences and results were combined with the specific situations on the trade relations with respect to transport costs, transit time and frequency of service. A significant valuation is found, providing evidence of the existence of a Mohring effect in scheduled freight transport as well as passenger. In summary then we have a general methodology for estimation of the Mohring effect, which requires knowledge of:

← the way in which operators respond to changes in traffic levels,

← the value users place on these changes.

Methodologies for estimating both these effects have been presented.

2 Input values and relationships

The main input values are VOT, demand patterns and traffic data. In addition to the basic input values, depending on the scope and approach, a number of specific input values and functions/relationships can be utilised i.e. speed-flow relationships.

Values of time can be generally transferred to other situations by careful consideration of the situation in terms of the composition of vehicles and travel motives and by application of the UNITE valuation rules briefly presented in chapter 8. Speed-flow relationships as well as demand patterns and traffic data cannot be readily transferred due to the specific patterns for individual cases. Even for road transport, a variety of shapes and parameters for speed-flow curves are used, even after allowing for factors such as number of lanes and lane width. It is not clear to what extent this is the result of genuine behavioural differences, for instance between countries, and to what extent it represents continued uncertainty in the values of the relevant parameters.

For rail and air transport, the relationships will clearly also depend on the configuration of the infrastructure and services. However, research in this area is so new that little can be said about transferability of results.

3 Output values

The principal output values of the case studies are estimates of congestion costs and of Mohring benefits.

1 Congestion costs

Important for the evaluation of these outcomes is to what extent choice options are included in the model: such as with respect to route choice, modal choice, time shift, destination choice and travel decision. In general one can state that the more choices are included, the more congestion can be avoided and the lower will be congestion costs.

For road congestion it appears that the resulting output values are transferable as far as concerns situations, where the infrastructure, traffic levels and value of time are similar.

The congestion cost estimates for rail transport are not transferable. The various values depend too much on the specific situation of the network, the spare capacity included in the timetables and the operator’s options to deal with congestion.

The congestion cost estimates for airport transport may be transferable to other airports of similar size and configuration. More evidence is needed however to confirm this result.

2 Mohring benefits

The estimates of Mohring benefits for passenger air and rail traffic are transferable, provided that similar traffic densities exist and the response of operators is as found in these case studies. Where these factors differ, the basic methodology may be used to adjust for them if the necessary situation on the actual densities and behaviours is obtained.

The main issues on user costs and Mohring benefits are synthesised in summary tables presented below.

Table 5-5 Overview of generalisation issues

|Case study |Main output values |Generalisation issues |

|Inter-urban road congestion (7A, |Congestion costs |Partly possible with careful considerations |

|7B, 7C, 7D) | | |

|Urban road congestion (7E, 7F) |Congestion cost |Not transferable |

|Rail congestion (7AB) |Congestion cost |No, depending on network, time-tables and operating policy |

|Airport passengers congestion |Demand elasticity |Not considered |

|(7I) | | |

| |Congestion costs |Possible, considering airport size |

|Air passenger traffic Mohring |Mohring benefits |Possible, considering OD-pair density |

|effects (7H) | | |

|Intermodal freight Mohring |Mohring benefits |Not transferable |

|Effects (7J) | | |

|Rail passenger Mohring effects |Mohring benefits |No, depending too much on network, timetables and operating |

|(7G) | |policy. Further, outcome to be evaluated in conjunction with |

| | |supplier costs. |

4 Synthesis of generalisation aspects

The main issues on user costs and benefits are synthesised in the following summary tables.

Table 5-6 Synthesis of congestion costs

|Type of |Recommended method |Key functions |Key cost drivers |Range of values |Specific remarks on|Further research |

|transport | | | | |transferability |needs |

|Inter-urban |At road corridor level using |Speed flow |Vehicle characteristics |Infrastructure type |For cars € .0-0.15 per |Partly possible | |

|road |simulation model including route |relation |-vehicle type |-road capacity use |vehicle km. |with careful | |

|transport |choice, mode choice and so on | |-fuel consumption functions|-speed-flow relationships |For HGVs € 0 -0.27 per |considerations | |

| | | |-other vehicle operating |Traffic type |vehicle km. | | |

| | | |costs |-traffic mix and volume | | | |

| | | |-vehicle load rate |-travel alternatives | | | |

|Urban road |At urban network level using |Speed flow | | |€ 0.02 – 0.4 per PCUkm |Not transferable |Assessment of the |

|transport |simulation models including |relation | | | | |outcome of |

| |choices of trip, destination, | | | | | |different models on|

| |route and time of departure and | | | | | |same urban |

| |so on | | | | | |situation |

|Passenger |Regression analysis to estimate |Demand-delay |Vehicle characteristics |Traffic type |€0.298-0.719 per train |Not transferable |Research on |

|rail |demand delay function |relation |-train load rates |-traffic mix |peak1) | |methodology needed |

|transport | | |-train class |-travel alternatives |€0.077 –0.191 off-peak | | |

| |Simulation to model supplier | |Infrastructure type |-demand-delay relationships |0.002 € per pass km | | |

| |behaviour | |-rail track/station | | | | |

| | | |capacity use | | | | |

|Air port |Regression analysis to estimate |Demand-delay |Vehicle characteristics |Traffic type |€ 0.015 - 0.05 per |Transferable | |

|traffic |key function |relation |-airport capacity use |-traffic mix |passenger. Km |considering the | |

| | | |-in-vehicle capacity use |-travel alternatives |€1.92-6.85 per plane km2) |size of the airport| |

| | | | |-demand-delay relation | | | |

1) Based on the assumption of 300 passengers per train and a 39.2km round trip.

2) Based on the range of flight km 525-1815, 1s.d. around European mean of 1170

Table 5-7 Synthesis of Mohring benefits

|Type of transport |Recommended method |Key functions |Key benefit drivers |Range of values |Specific remarks on |Further |

| | | | | |transferability |research needs|

|Passenger rail |Combination of |Frequency demand |Traffic type |Location type |0.075-0.525 € per train|No, depending too much| |

|traffic |regression and |relation |Passenger volume |Capacity reserve |km depending on headway|on network, timetables| |

| |simulation models | |Frequency level |Investment |time. 0.0005 to 0.0035 |and operating policy. | |

| | | |Traffic growth rate |limitations |€ per passenger km |Further, outcome to be| |

| | | |Economies of train length | |assuming load of 150 |evaluated in | |

| | | | | |pax. |conjunction with | |

| | | | | | |supplier costs. | |

|Passenger air traffic|Combination of |Frequency demand |Traffic type |Location type | |Possible, considering | |

| |regression and |relation |Passenger volume |Situation and role |-€0.239 to –1.347 per |OD-pair density | |

| |simulation models | |Frequency level |of OD-pair in air |plane km1) | | |

| | | |Traffic growth rate |line network | | | |

| | | |Economies of plane size | | | | |

|Inter-urban freight |Revealed preference |Modal split function |Traffic type |Location type |No values given |Not transferable |Modal split |

|transport |analysis to estimate|including frequency |Freight volume |Availability of | | |studies for |

| |parameters of logit |variable |Frequency level |rail, IWW and SSS | | |corridors |

| |model | |Model split options |options and | | |including |

| | | |Critical mass scheduled |potential | | |rail, SSS or |

| | | |transport | | | |IWT |

1) Based on line density of 150000-250000 per year, flight length of 525-1815km and occupancy of 130.

Accident costs

1 Overview of UNITE case studies

The issue of valuation of accidents is complicated. The risk elasticity approach set out in Jansson and Lindberg (1998a) is applicable to all modes of transport. This considers the risks that a user imposes on himself or herself, on others using the same mode, and on users of other modes (including pedestrians). In addition, the way in which such risks vary with an additional unit of traffic, i.e. the risk elasticity, is also incorporated. Valuation of the external element is specific to each risk type, reflecting the wider costs to society. The next table presents the accident cost case studies.

Table 6-1 Overview of the accident case studies

|Case Study |No |Disaggregation level |

| | |Type of user |Type of network |

|Full Country Study, Switzerland |8A |All |All roads, motorway, urban, other urban |

| | | |Rail (only average costs) |

|Stockholm with a Lisbon Comparison |8B |All |Road |

|Railway Accident, Sweden |8C |Train passage |Level crossings (open crossings with lights, |

| | | |unprotected, barriers) |

|Heavy Goods Vehicles, Sweden |8D |HGV by different axle |Road |

| | |weight classes | |

|Short-sea Shipping |8E |All |Maritime |

|IWW on Rhine, Netherlands and Germany |0A |All |Rhine segment Rotterdam-Mannheim |

2 Outline of empirical values

1 UNITE values

The results of the accident costs case studies are summarised in the following table.

Table 6-2 Results of the accident costs case studies

|No |Country |Marginal external costs (€) |Risk elasticity |

|8A |Switzerland |Road |-0.62 to -0.25 by type of road |

| | |0.014 €/vkm outside settlements; | |

| | |0.048 €/vkm within settlements, | |

| | |0.002 €/vkm motorways | |

| | |Rail | |

| | |Average costs only, negligible | |

|8B |Sweden, Portugal |Lack of information on traffic volumes measuring risk exposure prevented Marginal |

| | |Accident costs and risk estimation. |

|8C |Sweden, |0.034 €/train passage |-0.87 all |

| |level crossings |0.007 unprotected crossings |-0.92 for unprotected crossings |

| | |0.062 barriers |-0.72 with barriers |

| | |0.108 open crossings with lights or St |-0.85 open crossings with lights or St |

| | |Andrews Cross |Andrews Cross |

|8D |Sweden – HGV |8.4 €/1000 km |-0.92 to -0.71 according to vehicle axle |

| | |(0.39 light to 13.19 heavy axle weight) |weight |

|8E |Sweden |Very low |0 |

|8F |Germany, Netherlands |0.0018 €/tkm |0 |

The Swiss study provides new evidence on risk elasticities with respect to increases in road traffic in Switzerland. The study obtains values ranging from 0.002€/vkm for motorways to 0.048 for roads in built up areas, based on the assumption of the accident causer internalising their risk (but not the victim). The equivalent analysis could not be undertaken for rail because of lack of data, but it is clear from the average accident rates for rail that it is very unlikely that any marginal external accident cost is large.

For rail a significant issue is that of accidents at level crossings. This is a situation where each mode causes external accident costs for the other mode. The Swedish study of level crossing accidents again finds strongly negative risk elasticities for all types of level crossing. However, the liability regime here is that road users are regarded as totally responsible for level crossing accidents; the rail operator therefore currently bears none of the costs to road users of level crossing accidents. In this situation, since a rise in rail traffic does cause a small increase in level crossing accidents, there remains a positive external cost, averaging 0.3 SEK/passage and ranging from 0.06 for unprotected crossings through 0.55 with barriers to 0.96 for open crossings with lights or St Andrews cross.

The study of heavy goods vehicles utilizes a database of distances run by HGVs in Sweden to see how the risk of accident increases as kilometres run per vehicle rises. Again, risk elasticities are strongly negative, though this may be influenced by the nature of the work that vehicles running high distances do, with less being in urban areas. Strictly these results relate to the marginal external cost of a single operator running more kilometres with the same fleet size, rather than an increase in vehicle kilometres in general. The risk elasticity rises with axle weight. Assuming that operators realize that their accident risk will decline as they run more kilometres, there is an average external cost of € 8.4 per thousand kilometres, ranging from 0.39 for the lightest vehicles to 13.19 for the heaviest. This is much lower than previous estimates.

The final accident costs case study relates to inland waterway traffic on the Rhine. It did not prove possible to obtain a meaningful estimate of the risk elasticity in this case. Once again, increasing traffic has been associated with declining accidents but it is thought that this was due to other factors. A risk elasticity of 0 has therefore been assumed, which leads to a small external accident cost of € 0.0018 per tonne kilometre.

The general pattern therefore is that external accident costs are found to be quite low for all modes; the reason being that typically increasing traffic is associated with a less than proportionate increase in accidents. The degree to which this falling accident risk is genuinely the result of increased traffic, leading to a negative external effect that counteracts other external elements of accident cost, as opposed to other factors correlated with traffic levels, remains controversial.

2 Integration with other values and comparative summary

1 Road

Marginal road external accident costs have been estimated in the Swiss road network and in the Swedish HGV UNITE case studies. The methodology is based on the calculation of risk values combined with values of statistical life (VOSL). An important issue is the decision on whether to assume that the mean accident risk is internalised. If not, the results are in the same order of magnitude as those from other studies that follow a similar approach, i.e. PETS, the SIKA (the Swedish Road Administration) study and the UK study (Sansom et. al. (2001).

Table 6-3 Comparison of marginal external road accident costs in €c 1998/vkm



|Type of | |Causer’s risk |Both victim and | | |

|road | |internalised |causer’s risk | | |

| | | |internalised | | |

| |Urban |4.81), |-0.41), |1.76-4.31 2) |Estimates from assumptions on risk |

| | | | | |values and VOSL |

| |Inter-urban | | | |Estimates from assumptions on risk |

| |Passenger car |0.2 5) |-0.55) |0.87-2.77 3) |values and VOSL |

| |Freight |0.32 6) |-0.36) |1.14-2.29 4) | |

| | | | |2.46 7) | |

|1) - Swiss case study. Road inside settlement area, 2) - SIKA (2000). Range from car to HGV vehicles, 3) - PETS D11. The Nord |

|Triangle Finland within Finnish borders, 4) - PETS D10. Transalpine freight corridor, 5) - Swiss case study. Motorway, 6) - |

|Sweden HGV case study, 7) - Sansom et al. (2001). Average for low and high cost estimates HGV rigid. |

In the case where the accident risk is fully internalised (ie by causer and victim), the UNITE Swiss case studies provide negative accident marginal costs, due to the decreasing risks of accidents where traffic volume increases (between - 0.4 and –2.2 €c vkm, according to different road types).

3 Generalisation aspects

Some aspects of the proposed marginal accident cost methodology can be generalised and some may not be generalised. However, it should be noted that such a generalisation often is ‘second-best’ and the availability of data will often decide where generalisation is necessary.

← The proposed method is general and can be used for all modes everywhere.

← Risks should not be generalised as these data are reasonable easy to collect and vary a lot. However, they should be compared and controlled.

← Risk elasticities need to be generalised as we cannot make specific studies everywhere and for all modes.

← Risk values can, with a benefit transfer function, be generalised as studies are not available everywhere.

← Other costs should not be generalised.

← A trend function for reduction in risk over time should be used and the function is thus general (even if it might not be linear).

1 Methodology

The risk elasticity method and theory presented in D9 (Case Studies of Accident Costs) is summarised in the equation for marginal external accident cost below:


where r represents accident risk, a the value of statistical life (VOSL), b ditto for relatives and friends, c the costs for the rest of society, θ the injurer’s risk and E the risk elasticity (i.e. the relationship between accidents and traffic volume).

It is clear from this that marginal external costs of accidents will differ when any of these parameters differs, and that direct transfers of values from one context to another may only be done if it is believed that all these parameters are unchanged.

We expect the external marginal cost to be high if:

← the accident risk r is high

← the cost per accident is high (a+b+c);

← most of the costs fall on other user groups (θ≈0);

← the risk increases when the traffic increases (E>0);

← or a large part of the accident cost is paid by the society at large (c).

This method is suitable for all modes in all member states. We cannot foresee any more general form of the external marginal accident cost, except that risk-avoiding behaviour should be introduced. This involves formidable practical issues in terms of estimation, however.

2 Input values and relationships

The basic function to discuss is the accident function. The form of this function is captured in the accident risk, r, and the risk elasticity, E.

While the various case studies do not give a clear recommendation, we have shown how risk elasticities vary for example by road type, level crossing type and axle weight. We assume that the risk elasticity can be generalised and used in other Member States. However, we have only carried out a limited number of studies and some of our results are lower than expected. More case studies should be carried out before we are prepared to suggest a set of transferable and reliable elasticities.

The accident risk will define the level of the accident function. Estimates of accident risk are often easy to collect and available in each member state. In addition, the UNITE accounts present the average accident cost, which is the product of the risk and the cost per accident. This information fits very well into our approach. However, for some modes we have seen that it is difficult to estimate the risk due to lack of data. A priority has to be to improve the data availability.

The cost share that falls on a user category (θ) could possibly be generalised to other Member States provided that their insurance regimes and charging systems for public services are similar. However, this information should be possible to find within country accounts. A trend function for the reduction in risk over time should be used and the function is thus general (even if it might not be linear)

3 Output values

The value of statistical life remains the subject of some controversy; the value used within UNITE is based on our reading of the best evidence possible. In common with other money values, procedures for its transfer from one context to another are discussed in chapter 8. Other costs of accidents are not easily transferred, as they will depend on factors such as the mix of vehicles of different types, nature of property close to roads etc, although if these are believed to be similar it might be reasonable to make such transfers simply using purchasing power parity exchange rates as discussed in chapter 8.

In any event, as stated above, average figures for the cost of accidents should be available from the country accounts.

4 Synthesis of generalisation aspects

The following table summarises the results of the case studies and generalisation aspects for the accident costs.

Table 6-4 Synthesis of the accident costs

|Type of transport |Recommended method |Key functions |Key cost drivers |Range of values |Specific remarks on |Further research needs |

| | | | |(marginal external cost) |transferability | |

| | | | |from the case studies | | |

|Road transport |Risk elasticity approach. |Accident |Cost of accident |€ /vkm |Simple transfer is generally |Further research to support |

| |Scope: Relationship between HGV |function |Accident risk (traffic |HGV |not recommended. The accident|the findings in respect to: |

| |vehicle weight and marginal |(risk & risk |volume, composition of |Average: 0.0084 |risk differs across EU |-liability aspects, |

| |external cost |elasticity) |traffic, speed of vehicles, |From light to heavy axle: |countries and unit values are|-amount of internalised |

| | | |road conditions, weather, |(-0.00081)-0.032 |linked to Purchase Power. At|costs, |

| | | |time of day, consumption of |All types1) |the least values should be |-risk avoiding behaviour, |

| | | |alcohol, safety regulation) |All roads: 0.012 |adjusted for the two |-traffic safety policy, |

| | | |Risk elasticity |Motorway:0.002 |variables. |-accident function, |

| | | |Proportion of cost already |Outside settlements: 0.014 | |-other than trip decision |

| | | |born by the user |Inside settlements: 0.048 | |type of behaviour. |

| | | | | | |More research should be |

| | | | | | |carried out in order to |

| | | | | | |suggest a set of reliable |

| | | | | | |and transferable |

| | | | | | |elasticities. Improve data |

| | | | | | |availability necessary for |

| | | | | | |estimation of risk for some |

| | | | | | |modes. |

|Rail transport |Risk elasticity approach. | | |€ /passage | | |

| |Scope: Allocation of costs | | |All level crossings: 0.034 | | |

| |between different users | | |Barriers: 0.062 | | |

| | | | |Open cross: 0.108 | | |

| | | | |Unprotected: 0.007 | | |

|IWW |Risk elasticity approach | | |0.0019 € /ship tonne km | | |

| | | | |16 € /ship movement | | |

|Maritime shipping |Risk elasticity approach. | | |73-10000 € annually per registered | | |

| |Scope: How well the legal system| | |ship | | |

| |ensure ex post internalisation | | | | | |

| |of maritime accidents | | | | | |

|Note: - 1) Result base on assumptions: internalisation of average accident risk by the causer. |

Environmental costs

1 Overview of UNITE case studies

A total number of nine case studies were undertaken to estimate the marginal environmental costs. These studies quantified marginal environmental costs (air and noise pollution and global warming) as the costs caused by an additional vehicle or train or vessel driving on a specific route. For noise costs the time of day is relevant as well, due to the sensitivity of the receptors and the high importance of the background noise level, which varies with traffic density. Marginal environmental costs were assessed for a number of specific routes in urban areas and important inter-urban relations, covering both passenger and goods transport. A broad range of vehicle types was considered for which costs related to the emission of air pollutants, greenhouse gases and noise proved to be relevant and quantifiable cost categories. The table below summarises these case studies.

Table 7-1 Overview of the environmental case studies

|Case Study |No |Disaggregation level |

| | |Type of user |Type of network |

|Urban Passenger Car Case Study for |9A |Passenger car (diesel, petrol) |Urban road, Helsinki |

|Finland, Helsinki | | | |

|HGV Case Study for Finland |9B |HGV diesel |Inter-urban road, south Finland |

|Nordic Short-Sea Shipping Case Study |9C |Passenger ferry |Baltic sea, maritime shipping |

|Urban Road and Rail Case Studies, |9D |-Passenger car (diesel, petrol), HGV |-Urban road (Southwest, East) |

|Germany | |diesel |-Rail |

| | |-All | |

|Inter-Urban Road and Rail Case Studies,|9E |-Passenger car (petrol, diesel), HGV |-Inter-urban road (Southwest, |

|Germany | |diesel |Northeast) |

| | |-All |-Rail |

|International Air Transport, Germany/ |9F |Passenger air transport. |Berlin-Tegel to London-Heathrow, |

|UK | | |including departure, cruising and |

| | | |arrival. |

|Urban Road and Rail Case Studies, Italy|9G |Passenger car (diesel, petrol), HGV |Urban road |

| | |diesel | |

|Inter-Urban Road and Rail Case Studies,|9H |- Passenger car (petrol, diesel), HGV |-Inter-urban road |

|Italy | |diesel | |

| | |-All |-Rail |

|IWW on Rhine, Netherlands and Germany |0A |Container barges |Rhine segment, Rotterdam-Mannheim |

Only a detailed bottom-up calculation allows a close appreciation of such site and technology dependence. In the ExternE project series (see e.g. European Commission (1999), Friedrich and Bickel (2001)) funded by the European Commission the Impact Pathway Approach (IPA) has been developed, which meets these requirements. In ExternE the impact pathway approach was applied for assessing impacts due to airborne emissions. Starting with the emission of a burden, through its diffusion and chemical conversion in the environment, impacts on the various receptors (humans, crops etc.) are quantified and, finally, valued in monetary terms.

In other words, information is generated on three levels:

← the increase in burden (e.g. additional emissions and ambient concentration of SO2 in µg/m3) due to an additional activity (e. g. one additional trip on a specific route with a specific vehicle, train, ship, plane),

← the associated impact (e.g. additional hospital admissions), and

← the monetary valuation of this impact (e.g. WTP to avoid additional hospital admissions).

Within the UNITE project the IPA has been extended to quantification of noise impacts and applied to a large number of case studies in Finland, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. Environmental costs considered in these studies are categorised in the following way:

← Air pollution impacting on human health, natural environment and building materials.

← Global warming as a result of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O etc).

← The emission of noise, which has impacts on amenity and human health.

For both air pollution and noise, the IPA is suitably generic that it may be applied to all modes of transport. This method has been tried and tested for local and regional air pollution (e.g. Friedrich and Bickel 2001; European Commission, 1998; AEA, 1997). Although substantial uncertainties remain at each stage of simulation, no robust alternative approach exists. For noise, a particular challenge lies in modelling noise emissions from vehicle flows and noise dispersion to take account of factors such as topography and noise barriers, to a degree of accuracy that yields plausible results. The Impact Pathway Approach for noise has been successfully applied to a number of road and rail case studies.

For global warming, since emission estimation is relatively straightforward, the main area of continuing debate is the monetary estimation of damages. In the case studies, a central value from the relevant studies was applied.

One case study (Florence) replaced the dispersion-modelling step of the IPA with the statistical correlation of vehicle mileage with measurement data for carbon monoxide and noise levels. This would be a considerable simplification if reliable results can be obtained. However, to allow judgement of the reliability a large number of case studies must be carried out with this approach. The other case studies were performed with a common set of computer tools for impact assessment.

2 Outline of empirical values

1 UNITE values

The results show significant variations between the locations studied, reflecting the different characters and conditions of the relations. Besides the magnitude of total costs, the relative shares of air pollution, noise and global warming vary to different degrees.

• Costs due to the emission of greenhouse gases are relevant on a global scale. As a consequence all the variation is caused by the emission factor of a vehicle or the underlying electricity production process.

• Besides variations in emission factors, the costs due to airborne pollutants are determined by the population density close to the road, the local meteorology and by the geographical location within Europe, which is important for the size of the population affected.

• Noise costs are mainly determined by the population affected, the time of day as well as the number of vehicles and their speeds, and the resulting background noise. The higher the existing background noise level is, the lower the costs of an additional vehicle. Marginal noise costs of maritime shipping and inland waterway transport were found to be negligible.


Air pollution

The table below gives an overview of costs due to air pollution from exhaust emissions quantified in the case studies for petrol and diesel passenger cars and HGVs, all complying with the EURO2 emission standard. The costs per vehicle kilometre vary for different locations and vehicle/fuel types. For the Florence case only CO, Benzene and PM10 pollutants were considered (with NOx, SO2, O3, NMVOC not included). Also, in this case calculations referred to the local (human health) impact.

Table 7-2 Overview of damage costs due to air pollution from road vehicle exhaust emissions in € per vkm

| |Location |Car Petrol EURO2 |Car Diesel EURO2 |HGV Diesel EURO2 |

|Urban |Helsinki |0.0012 |- |- |

|case |Stuttgart |0.0025 |0.0145 |0.1752 |

|studies |Berlin |0.0015 |0.0073 |0.1019 |

| |Florence a) |0.00011) |0.00261) |0.04691) |

|Interurban |Helsinki – Turku |- |- |0.0209 |

|case |Basel – Karlsruhe |0.0037 |0.0063 |0.0691 |

|studies |Strasburg – Neubrandenburg (outside built-up areas) |0.0012 |0.0026 |0.0389 |

| |Strasburg – Neubrandenburg (within built-up areas) |0.0011 |0.0038 |0.0746 |

| |Milano – Chiasso |0.00252) |0.01912) |0.06722) |

| |Bologna – Brennero |0.00202) |0.00732) |0.005072) |

|1) - Restricted comparability to other results, because estimate is based on a different methodological approach; 2) - Emission|

|standard not specified. |

The main parameters determining the costs due to direct vehicle emissions (representing “line emission sources”) are:

← Emission factors, which differ by fuel (e.g. petrol – diesel), vehicle type (e.g. heavy diesel vehicles – diesel cars), emission standard (e.g. EURO2 – EURO4), and driving pattern (speed, acceleration processes).

← The local environment close to the road (receptor density, meteorology, above all average wind speed).

← The geographical location (determining the number of receptors affected by long-range pollutant dispersion and formation of secondary pollutants).

To eliminate the effect of different emission factors and to allow analysis of differences between locations, damage costs are related to a unit of emission of PM2.5. The table below shows damage costs on the local and regional scale. Costs on both scales add up to the total costs caused by a unit of pollutant. In urban areas local scale effects dominate due to the high receptor density. For this reason, it was hypothesised that costs could be generalised based on number of population affected in the urban area. However, this table shows the relationship to be far from perfect. Local meteorology has to be taken into account when generalising cost estimates for emissions in urban areas.

Table 7-3 Comparison of damage costs due to PM2.5 emissions of urban case studies

|Location |Population density |Costs due to damages on the local scale |Costs due to damages on the regional |

| |(inh./km2) |in € /tonne of PM2.5 |scale |

| | | |In €/tonne of PM2.5 |

|Helsinki |2800 |95000 |2800 |

|Stuttgart |2800 |200000 |26800 |

|Berlin |3800 |90000 |17500 |

|Florence 1) |4100 |50000 1), 2) |- |

|1) - Restricted comparability to other results, because estimate is based on a different methodological approach; 2) - €/t |

|PM10. |

Regional scale costs depend on the geographical location within Europe, determining the number of receptors affected and when looking at other species than PM2.5 the formation of secondary pollutants (above all ozone as well as nitrate and sulphate aerosols) via air chemistry.

Global warming

We show differences in global warming costs in the following table. Differences in the costs per km are caused only by variations in the emission factors, which vary with vehicle type, fuel used, and traffic situation.

Table 7-4 Overview of damage costs due to global warming from exhaust greenhouse gas emissions in € per vkm

| | |Car Petrol EURO2 |Car Diesel EURO2 |HGV Diesel EURO2 |

|Urban |Helsinki |0.0035 |- |- |

|case studies |Stuttgart |0.0047 |0.0031 |0.0328 |

| |Berlin |0.0047 |0.0031 |0.0328 |

| |Florence |0.0069 |0.0043 |0.0200 |

|Interurban |Helsinki – Turku |- |- |0.0240 |

|case studies |Basel – Karlsruhe |0.0037 |0.0032 |0.0218 |

| |Strasburg – Neubrandenburg (outside |0.0034 |0.0025 |0.0203 |

| |built-up areas) | | | |

| |Strasburg – Neubrandenburg (within |0.0047 |0.0031 |0.0328 |

| |built-up areas) | | | |

| |Milano – Chiasso |0.0036 1) |0.0036 1) |0.0216 1) |

| |Bologna – Brennero |0.0036 1) |0.0036 1) |0.0216 1) |

|1) – Emission standard not specified. |


The table below illustrates the broad variation in noise costs quantified in the studies. Marginal costs are generally higher at night than at daytime, with a difference of up to a factor of three. This is due to the higher disturbance effect of noise at night and lower background noise. Differences between the case studies are large, reflecting the variability of marginal costs with the population distribution, number and speed of vehicles, share of HGVs, etc.

Table 7-5 Overview of costs due to noise from road vehicles in € per vkm

| | |Passenger car |HGV |

| | |Day time |Night time |Day time |Night time |

|Urban case |Helsinki |0.0022 |0.0053 |- |- |

|studies |Stuttgart |0.0150 |0.0450 |0.2575 |0.7825 |

| |Berlin |0.0047 |0.0145 |0.0767 |0.2333 |

| |Florence |1) |

|Interurban |Helsinki – Turku |- |- |0.0158 |0.0386 |

|case studies |Basel – Karlsruhe |0.0002 |0.0003 |0.0011 |0.0018 |

| |Strasburg – Neubrandenburg (outside |0 |0 |0 |0 |

| |built-up areas) | | | | |

| |Strasburg – Neubrandenburg (within |0.0012 |0.0019 |0.0304 |0.0506 |

| |built-up areas) | | | | |

| |Milano – Chiasso |0.0001 |0.0004 |0.0009 |0.0035 |

| |Bologna – Brennero |0.00001 |0.00002 |0.00006 |0.0002 |

|1) - Marginal costs not given per vehicle kilometre, but per 1 dB(A) reduction. |


The table below shows the environmental impacts measured by the rail case studies. Air pollution and global warming costs vary with type of traction and (where relevant) prime energy source for electric traction. Air pollution costs are generally the highest.

Table 7.6 Rail environmental marginal external costs (euro/train km) 1998


| | | | |Day |Night |

|Interurban |FREIGHT TRAIN |0.148-0.32 |0.0015-0.212) |0.003-0.22 |0.0059-0.16 |

|Case studies1) | | | | | |

| |PASSENGER TRAIN3) |0.16-0.418 |0.004-0.172) |0.0004-0.06 |0.0003- |

| | | | | |0.041 |

|Urban Case |PASSENGER TRAIN4) |0.025-0.05 |0.002-0.04 |0.025-0.03 |

|Studies | | | | |

|1)Results come from the Italian and German case studies |

|2)There was huge variance between the case studies with German results much higher |

|3)Results vary by train type; costs higher for high speed trains |

|4)Results come from the German case study |

Costs due to air pollution from electricity production depend on the pollutant emissions from the power plants in which the electricity is produced and the share of fossil fuels used. Costs per kWh of electricity produced vary considerably, mainly depending on the share of fossil fuels used.

The table below illustrates the fuel mixes considered in the German case studies. The resulting costs per kWh of electricity produced vary considerably, mainly depending on the share of fossil fuels used.

Table 7-7 Share of fuels in the electricity production of rail transport operators

| |Berlin1) |Stuttgart2) |Germany3) |

|Coal |74.0% |1.9% |34.4% |

|Nuclear |- |89.6% |22.1% |

|Oil/Natural gas |26.0% |1.9% |13.2% |

|Hydro |- |2.1% |10.1% |

|Electricity from public grid and other |- |4.5% |20.2% |

|Total |100.0% |100.0% |100.0% |

|1) - Bewag (2002); 2) - Schmid et al. (2001); 3) - Deutsche Bahn (1998). |

Air Travel

Marginal environmental costs due to a flight from Berlin to London are quantified in the table below. Berlin Tegel and London Heathrow are important international airports, located within densely populated agglomerations; important for air pollution and noise costs. The Boeing 737-400 considered is a medium range aircraft, commonly used by many airlines on domestic and European services.

Marginal costs due to airborne emissions per LTO-cycle at Berlin Tegel and London Heathrow, as well as quantifiable costs due to a flight from Berlin to London are shown. Total costs of aircraft movements at airports are dominated by direct emissions. For cruising only costs from CO2 emissions and fuel production could be considered, causing a potentially considerable underestimation of costs.

Table 7-6 Marginal costs due to airborne emissions of a Boeing 737-400 in EUR

| | |Air pollution |Global warming |Total |

| | |Direct |Fuel |Total |Direct |Fuel |Total | |

| | |emissions |production | |emissions |production | | |

|Berlin Tegel |LTO-cycle |42.18 |8.56 |50.74 |44.74 |5.68 |50.42 |101.16 |

| |Departure |28.29 |4.64 |32.93 |24.26 |3.08 |27.35 |60.28 |

|London Heathrow |LTO-cycle |37.86 |6.01 |43.87 |48.57 |6.17 |54.74 |98.62 |

| |Arrival |13.21 |2.77 |15.98 |22.35 |2.84 |25.19 |41.17 |

|Flight Berlin - |Cruise |1) |33.47 |33.47 |175.00 2) |22.22 |197.22 |230.70 |

|London |Total 3) |41.51 |40.88 |82.39 |221.61 |28.14 |249.75 |332.15 |

|1) Costs due to direct air pollution emissions not included; 2) Possible order of magnitude for global warming effects due to |

|high altitude nitrogen emissions: ca. EUR 3000; 3) Consisting of departure at Tegel, cruise, and arrival at Heathrow. |

Marginal noise costs for arrival and departure of a Boeing 737-400 at Heathrow amount to almost € 59. Together with the costs due to air pollution and global warming the costs for a flight from Berlin to London can be estimated to € 391. This assumes that the costs of a starting aircraft at Berlin Tegel are about the same as at Heathrow. With the distance between Berlin and London of about 930 km, the costs can be expressed as € 42 per 100 aircraft kilometres.

The shares of the cost categories in the LTO activities of the flight are about the same: air pollution € 49, global warming € 52.50 and noise EUR 59, adding up to € 160.50. The costs of cruising of € 230.70 are dominated by CO2 emissions, costs due to fuel production emissions are only of minor importance.

2 Integration with other values and comparative summary

1 Road

Marginal road air pollution costs have been estimated in six UNITE case studies and in numerous European projects and case studies, e.g. RECORDIT (2001), INFRAS/IWW (2000), SIKA (2000), ExternE estimations, and Sansom et al. (2001), all applying the Impact Pathway Approach (IPA).

Emission factors and emission standards, vehicle types (e.g. diesel, petrol), and geographical location (urban or inter-urban area) are the most relevant cost drivers to be considered in the interpretation of results.

Table 7-9 Comparison of air pollution MC in the road sector in € 1998/ vkm


|Type of |Vehicle type and emission |UNITE |OTHER STUDIES | |

|road |standards | | | |

|Urban |Car Petrol EURO 2 |0.0012 2) |0.0004-0.01481) |IPA |

| | |0.0025 3) | | |

| | |0.0015 4) | | |

| |Car Diesel EURO 2 |0.0145 3) |0.0036-0.06045) |IPA |

| | |0.0073 4) | | |

| | |0.0026 5) | | |

| |Heavy Goods vehicles (>3.5t GVW)|0.1752 3) |0.4338-0.51996) |IPA |

| |EURO 2 |0.1019 4) | | |

| | |0.0469 5) | | |

|Inter-urban|Car Petrol EURO 2 |0.0011-0.0037 7) |0.0010-0.0021 8) |IPA |

| |Heavy Goods vehicles (>3.5t GVW)|0.0209-0.0746 7) |0.0323-0.1606 9) |IPA |

| |EURO 2 | |0.0180-0.0770 17) | |

|1) - ExternE range (Brussels, Helsinki, Stuttgart, Athens, Groningen, Amsterdam, London), 2) Helsinki, 3) Stuttgart, 4) – |

|Berlin, 5) - ExternE range (Brussels, Helsinki, Stuttgart, Athens, Groningen, Amsterdam, London), 5) - Florence, only local |

|scale pollutant (CO, Benzene, PM10). IPA methodology integrated with regression analysis instead of dispersion models, 6) |

|-INFRAS/IWW (2000). European averages. 7)Range among Basel-Karlsruhe, Milano-Chiasso,Bologna-Brennero, Strasburg-Neubrandenburg|

|case studies, 8) - ExternE range (Brussels, Helsinki, Stuttgart, Athens, Groningen, Amsterdam, London), 9) - INFRAS/IWW |

|(2000). European averages, 10) -RECORDIT case studies (2001). |

The same methodological approach, i.e. IPA, ensures in general a small degree of variation, as can be observed in the figure below, with the exception of the HGV marginal costs in urban areas, where the INFRAS/IWW study produced substantially higher values than UNITE.

Figure 3 Variations in marginal air pollution costs in the road sector in €c 1998/vkm


Road marginal costs associated with climate change depend on emission factors and the cost factor applied for reducing CO2 emissions, following the avoidance or the damage cost approach.

While the UNITE case studies, RECORDIT (2001) and INFRAS/IWW 2000 follow the avoidance costs approach, Sansom et al. (2001) used a damage cost approach.

Table 7-10 Comparisons of global warming marginal costs in the road sector in € 1998/vkm


|Type of road |Vehicle type and |UNITE |OTHER | |

| |Emission standards | |STUDIES | |

|Urban |Car Petrol EURO2 |0.0035 1) |0.039 4) |Avoidance costs |

| | |0.0047 2) | | |

| | |0.0069 3) | | |

| | | |0.00176-0.00691 5) |Damage costs |

| |Car Diesel EURO2 |0.0031 2) |0.028 4) |Avoidance costs |

| | |0.0043 3) | | |

| |Heavy Goods vehicles (>3.5|3.282) |0.230 4) |Avoidance costs |

| |t GVW) EURO2 |2.003) | | |

| | | |0.0104-0.042 5) |Damage costs |

|Inter-urban |Heavy Goods vehicles (>3.5|0.0203-0.0328 6) |0.034-0.059 7) |Avoidance costs |

| |t GVW) EURO2 | | | |

| | | |0.142 4) | |

|1) – Helsinki, 2) –Stuttgart , 3) –Florence, 4) – INFRAS/IWW (2000). European averages, 5) - Sansom et al. (2001), 6) -Range |

|among Basel-Karlsruhe, Milano-Chiasso, Bologna-Brennero, Strasburg-Neubrandenburg case studies, 7) - RECORDIT estimates at |

|corridor level. |

The table shows that no major variations can be observed between the cost estimates based on the avoidance Vs the damage cost approach. On the other hand, the assumptions behind the avoidance cost approach are crucial: a reduction target of 50% the CO2 emissions at the 2030 horizon leads the INFRAS/IWW study to an average shadow value of 135 € per avoided tonne. Instead, the Kyoto CO2 target reduction at 2010 assumed in the UNITE case studies and RECORDIT leads to an average shadow value of € 38 per avoided tonne of CO2 emissions. Such a wide difference explains the higher marginal costs estimated in INFRAS/IWW, on average of a factor ten.

Noise marginal costs estimations can be also found in the UNITE case studies and in several EU projects and case studies, e.g. INFRAS/IWW 2000, RECORDIT (2001), PETS (1999). The IPA methodology, using the bottom-up approach and dispersion models, was used in the UNITE case studies, as well as in the RECORDIT estimations and in the PETS case studies, while INFRAS/IWW (2000) relies on a top-down approach based on inventories of households and persons affected by road noise.

Table 7-11 Comparison of external noise MC in the road sector in € 1998/vkm


|Type of road |Vehicle type and emission |UNITE |OTHER | |

| |standards | |STUDIES | |

|Urban |Day time |0.0022 1) | |IPA with dispersion models |

| |Passenger cars |0.015 2) | | |

| | |0.0047 3) | | |

| | | |0.0256-0.01214) |Top-down approach |

| |Nigh time |0.0053 1) | |IPA with dispersion models |

| |Passenger cars |0.045 2) | | |

| | |0.0145 3) | | |

| | | |0.0605-0.02854) |Top-down approach |

| |Day time |0.2575 5) | |IPA with dispersion models |

| |Heavy Goods vehicles |0.0767 6) | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |0.236-0.11167) |Top-down approach |

| |Night time |0.7825 5) | |IPA with dispersion models |

| |Heavy Goods vehicles |0.2333 6) | | |

| | | |0.5561-0.26267) |Top-down approach |

|Inter-urban |Day time |0.0001-0.0012 8) | |IPA |

| |Passenger cars | |0.002-0.0008 9) |Top-down approach |

| |Night time |0.0003-0.0019 8) | |IPA |

| |Passenger cars | |0.0047-0.0019 9) |Top-down approach |

| |Day time |0.0011-0.0304 10) | |IPA with dispersion models |

| |Heavy Goods vehicles | |0.0213 11) |Top-down approach |

| | | |0.0182-0.0076 21) | |

| |Night time |0.0018-0.0506 10) |0.0372 11) |IPA with dispersion models |

| |Heavy Goods vehicles | |0.0429-0.018 12) |Top-down approach |

|1) – Helsinki, 2) - Stuttgart , 3) – Berlin, 4) - INFRAS/IWW (2000), range between thin and dense traffic conditions. |

|European averages, 5) - Stuttgart , 6) – Berlin, 7) - INFRAS/IWW (2000), range between thin and dense traffic conditions. |

|European averages, 8) - Range among Basel-Karlsruh and Strasburg-Neubrandenburg case studies, 9) - INFRAS/IWW (2000), range |

|between thin and dense traffic conditions (suburban areas). European averages, 10) - Range among Basel-Karlsruhe and |

|Strasburg-Neubrandenburg case studies, 11) - PETS D10 Transalpine freight case study, 12) - INFRAS/IWW (2000), range between|

|thin and dense traffic conditions (suburban areas). European averages. |

Figure 4 Variation in marginal noise costs in the road sector €c 1998/vkm


Figure 4 shows quite surprisingly that with different approaches and the high dependency of noise costs from site-specific characteristics, i.e. location of noise receptors, distance from the source, etc, considerable variations can be observed among the case studies outcomes.

2 Rail

Marginal external costs of air pollution and global warming for the rail sector largely depends on the share of fossil fuel used for producing electricity. The results from UNITE case studies, i.e. the inter-urban case studies for Germany and Italy, are consistent with the average of other studies, i.e. between 0.07 and 2.2 € / train km (passenger and freight) for air pollution and € 0.1 and € 2.5 for global warming.

Concerning the rail noise marginal costs (passengers and freight), as for road noise estimations, bottom up and top-down approaches have been used respectively in the UNITE case studies, together with RECORDIT (2001), and in the INFRAS/IWW study.

Table 7-12 Comparisons of marginal costs of noise in the rail sector in € 1998/train-km


|Type of |Type of train |UNITE |OTHER | |

|network | | |STUDIES | |

|Inter-Urban |Passengers day time |0.00041) –0.062) | |IPA with dispersion models |

| |Passengers night time |0.00031) –0.0412) | | |

| | | | |Top-down approach |

| | | |0.048-0.624 3) | |

| |Freight day time |0.0031) –0.222) |0.076-0.352 4) |IPA with dispersion models |

| |Freight night time |0.00591) –0.1552) |0.07.-0.313 6) | |

| | | | |Top-down approach |

| | | |0.05-3.45 5) | |

|1) - Bologna-Brennero2)Basel-Karlsruhe, 3) - INFRAS/IWW (2000). European averages. No distinction between day and night time, |

|peak and off-peak estimations - 4) - PETS, D10 Transalpine freight case study, 5) -INFRAS/IWW (2000). European averages. No |

|distinction between day and night time, 6) -RECORDIT estimates, range from corridor estimates. |

The results show different values according to the site-specific characteristics, i.e. density of receptors, etc. In some cases the INFRAS/IWW study gives values an order of magnitude higher than the UNITE results.

3 Generalisation aspects

In this section we first comment on generalisation issues in general for each category of environmental costs. We then look specifically in turn at methodology, input values and functional forms and outputs.

1 Air pollution

The generalisation of the cost estimates is highly dependent on the scale effect of the air pollution. On the local scale, that is up to ca. 25 km from the emission source, the damage depends mainly on the density of population in that area. In this case, the transferability of estimates to locations could be realised as follows:

← Costs per unit emission per location type can be transferred to locations where the same economic values are to be applied.

← Physical impacts per unit emission per location type can be transferred between countries if different economic values are to be applied.

← On the regional scale, that is covering Europe, the air chemistry (which implies non-linearity) becomes important, along with the geographical location within Europe. In this case the estimates are transferable for adjacent countries, with the same environmental characteristics. To facilitate a generalisation of the damage estimates on the regional scale, unit values per country could be produced.

2 Global warming

Damage cost estimates (per unit emission) are globally applicable, as the location of emissions is irrelevant. Avoidance costs (per unit emission) are expected to differ between countries, as the most efficient measures to avoid greenhouse gas emissions may be different and may cause different costs.

3 Noise

Noise cost estimates are typically difficult to generalise due to the their very local nature and dependence on the background noise level. For rough estimates of the order of magnitude, a cautious transfer of output values may be undertaken for locations with similar characteristics and background noise.

2 Methodology

The preferred approach is the impact pathway approach, which first forecasts the emissions of each pollutant, then their dispersion and finally looks at all the various impacts these have and costs them. The overall Impact Pathway approach is generally transferable for all categories of pollutant. However, it should be considered that in spite of considerable progress made in recent years, the quantification and valuation of environmental damage still suffers from significant uncertainties. The following list summarises the crucial areas of uncertainty[6].

Effects of particles on human health. The dose-response models used in the analysis are based on results from epidemiological studies. However, at present it is still not known whether it is the number of particles, their mass concentration or their chemical composition which is the driving force.

Effects of nitrate aerosols on health. Nitrate aerosols are a component of particulate matter, which we know cause damage to human health. However, in contrast to sulphate aerosol (but similar to many other particulate matter compounds) there is no direct epidemiological evidence supporting the harmfulness of nitrate aerosols, which partly are neutral and soluble.

Valuation of mortality. ExternE recommends the use of Value of a Life Year Lost rather than the Value of Statistical Life for the valuation of increased mortality risks from air pollution. This approach is still controversially discussed in the literature. The main problem for the Value of a Life Year Lost approach is that up to now there is a lack of empirical studies supporting this valuation approach.

Impacts from ozone. As the EMEP ozone model, which is the basis for the Source-Receptor Ozone Model (SROM) included in EcoSense does not cover the full EcoSense modelling domain, some of the ozone effects in Eastern Europe are omitted.

Omission of effects. Impacts on e.g. change in biodiversity, potential effects of chronic exposure to ozone, cultural monuments, direct and indirect economic effects of change in forest productivity, fishery performance, and so forth, are omitted because they currently cannot be quantified.

The next box presents a case study based on an alternative methodological approach.

3 Input values and relationships

The following tables show the list of input values for the estimation of air pollution and noise marginal costs and their relationship with the generalisation issues.

Concerning air pollution, input to dispersion models, due to their highly site-dependent nature, cannot be generalised in other case studies.

The exposure-response functions for the acute and chronic health effects of air pollution, on the other hand, can be generalised.

Table 7-13 Input values and generalisation issue for air pollution

|Input values |Generalisation aspects |

|Inputs to dispersion models |Generalisation not recommended |

|Exposure-response functions |Can be generalised |

|Monetary values for health impacts |Country-specific adjustment/values for local impacts |

|Exhaust emission factors for specific vehicle technologies |Same emission standard; same driving characteristics/speeds |

|Exhaust emission factors for vehicle fleets |Generalisation not recommended |

|Emission factors for the production and transport of fuel |Refinery processes and fuel distribution are comparable |

Concerning the generalisation of monetary values, the use of country-specific adjustments is recommended, i.e. the Purchasing Power Parity structure.

Emission factors for specific vehicle technologies (e.g. passenger car complying with EURO2 standard) can be transferred to other countries/locations. Emission factors for vehicle fleets (e.g. of a country, on a certain road) are not generally transferable, because the fleet composition usually varies.

The generalisation of specific exhaust emission factors for vehicle technology should be carried out taking into account the driving characteristics and the average speed. This explains why, on the other hand, the generalisation of exhaust emission factors for vehicle fleets is not recommended.

Emission factors for the estimation of up and down-stream processes can be generalised.

Aircraft emissions are a special case as most of the emissions take place in high altitudes. Assessment of the resulting impacts is still to be improved, because modelling of dispersion and chemical conversion is not as advanced as for low-level emissions. Other impacts due to low-level emissions at airports can be assessed with existing models.

Concerning marginal noise estimates, the exposure-response functions, as for the air pollution costs, can be generalised. Monetary values should be generalised according to country-specific adjustment factors.

Table 7-14 Input values and generalisation issue for noise

|Input values |Generalisation aspects |

|Exposure-response functions for health impacts |Can be generalised |

|Monetary values for health impacts and amenity losses |Country-specific adjustment/values |

|Noise emission factors for vehicle/ train/ aircraft types |Only if same driving characteristics/speeds |

|Noise emission factors for vehicle fleets |Generalisation not recommended |

Noise emissions factors for vehicle types should be generalised taking also into account the driving characteristics and the average speed. Generalisation of noise emissions related to vehicle fleets is not recommended.

4 Output values

A comparison of the case study results suggests that a direct transfer of costs due to air pollution cannot be recommended. Some general rules could be derived, but an operational formula for transfer requires a broader statistical basis of case studies. A generalisation methodology for air pollution costs should account for:

← the local scale conditions (population density and local meteorology);

← the regional scale costs per tonne of pollutant emitted in a certain area (e.g. on NUTS1 level).

Table 7-15 Output values and generalisation issues for air pollution

|Type of cost |Location |Generalisation issues |

|Regional scale unit costs per tonne of |Extra-urban |Pollutant is emitted in the same geographical area |

|pollutant | |(e.g. administrative unit on NUTS1 level) |

|Local scale unit costs per tonne of pollutant|Urban |Comparable local environment, i.e. population density|

|for low-level emissions from vehicles with | |and local meteorology; country-specific adjustment of|

|internal combustion engine | |monetary values |

|Costs due to fuel production (per litre of |Extra-urban |Comparable emission factors for production and |

|fuel or per vehicle kilometre) | |transport of fuel; pollutants are emitted in the same|

| | |geographical area |

|Costs from exhaust emissions per vehicle |Urban, extra-urban |Comparable emission factors and local environment and|

|kilometre | |geographical area/regional scale unit costs |

The following cost drivers mainly determine marginal costs due to noise exposure:

← the distribution and distance of exposed persons from the source,

← the existing noise level, which in most cases is dominated by traffic (number of vehicles or trains per hour, mix of vehicle or train types, speed),

← the time of day (variation in disturbance effect of noise).

Such characteristics imply a difficult generalisation process of costs per vehicle/ train kilometre or aircraft movement. Generalisation is difficult due to high sensitivity concerning local characteristics.

Marginal noise costs due to maritime shipping and inland waterway transport are negligible because emission factors are comparably low and most of the activities occur outside densely populated areas and therefore relevant thresholds for observing effects are not exceeded.

Due to the global impact of global warning, there is no difference where the emission of greenhouse gases takes place. For the choice of the abatement cost value a European perspective can be adopted, i.e., the value is applicable to all countries of the European Union. It is based on calculations for reaching the Kyoto targets of the European Union.

4 Synthesis of generalisation aspects

Table 7-16 Synthesis of air pollution costs

|Type of |Recommended method |Key cost drivers |Range of values from the case studies |Specific remarks on transferability |Further research needs |

|transport |and key functions | |cent/vkm | | |

|Road |Method: Impact |Emission factors |Urban (interurban) passenger car | |Costs cannot be transferred based on the |Further research may be |

|transport |Pathway Approach): |Fuel type |Petrol: 0.12-0.25 (0.11-0.37) | |population density only. General rule can|oriented to: |

| |-emission calculation|Vehicle type |Diesel: 0.26-1.45(0.26-1.91) | |be derived given the engine specification|- finding the set of |

| |-dispersion & |Emission standard |Urban (interurban) HGV | |and taking into account: |correction coefficients |

| |chemical conversion |Driving pattern |Euro2: 4.69-17.52 (2.09-7.46) | |- correction for actual emission; |for the generalisation of |

| |modelling |Geographical location | | |- in urban areas adjustment for local |results; |

| |-calculation of |Environment conditions | | |population density and meteorology; |- initiate a broad |

| |physical impacts |next to road | | |- in extra-urban areas adjustment for |statistical analysis to |

| |-monetary valuation |Fuel mixture | | |geographical location and route |develop operational |

| |of physical impacts | | | |character. |formula(s) for transfer of|

| |Functions: | | | |-regional costs per tonne of pollutant in|MC estimates |

| |Exposure response | | | |a certain area |- estimate MC for missing |

| |functions | | | | |categories of vehicles. |

| |Dispersion models | | | | | |

|Rail | |Geographical location of |Interurban passenger train |Freight train |Geographical location | |

|transport | |power plant and emission |High speed: 41.756 |14.758-32.03 |Share of different fuels in the | |

| | |factors |Intercity: 25.41-31.65 |cent/train-km |electricity production | |

| | | |Local: 16.23-23.261 | |Fuel consumption of the country for which| |

| | | | | |they are calculated | |

| | | |Urban passenger train | | | |

| | | |0.025-0.05 | | | |

|IWW | |Population density |1.2-1.8 cent/TEUkm |Transferable for similar vessel, route, | |

| | |Emission factors | |fuel characteristics. | |

|Maritime | |Population density |Passenger ferry at open sea (at berth) |Transferable for similar: | |

|shipping | |Wind direction |Direct: 12.959 € /vkm (1.524-1.589 € /visit) |-vessel traffic, -port location, -route | |

| | | |Fuel chain: 1.38 cent/vkm (15 cent/visit of 8.5 hrs) |length, -vessel type, -fuel | |

| | | | |characteristics. | |

|Notes: 1) – All case studies used IPA with the exception of Florence urban road and rail which used a statistical analysis. |

Table 7-17 Synthesis of global warming costs

|Type of transport |Recommended method and|Key cost drivers |Range of values from the case studies |Specific remarks on transferability |Further research needs |

| |key functions | |cent/vkm | | |

|Road transport |Multiplication of |Emission factor of |Urban (interurban) passenger car | |Global warming costs are not |Further exploration of |

| |emission level by a |the vehicle |Petrol: 0.35- 0.69 (0.34-0.47) | |location specific, since they are |results |

| |cost factor1) |Electricity |Diesel: 0.31-0.43 (0.25-0.36) | |relevant on global scale. | |

| | |production process |Urban (interurban) HGV | |Generalisation does not pose a | |

| | | |Euro2: 2-3.28 (2.03-3.28) | |problem, because the cost factors | |

| | | | | |per unit of greenhouse gas emitted | |

| | | | | |are applicable to all countries of | |

| | | | | |EU. Consequently, generalisation is | |

| | | | | |possible in the case of comparable | |

| | | | | |emission factors for exhaust | |

| | | | | |emissions, and emission factors for | |

| | | | | |production and transport of fuel for| |

| | | | | |fuel production. | |

|Rail transport | | |Interurban passenger train |Freight train | | |

| | | |High-speed: 0.731 |0.149-21.22 cent/train-km | | |

| | | |Intercity: 0.554-16.83 | | | |

| | | |Local: 0.407-10.75 | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Urban passenger train | | | |

| | | |0.002-0.04 | | | |

|IWW | | |n.a. | | |

|Maritime shipping | | |Passenger ferry |Passenger ferry | | |

| | | |At open sea: 5.935 € /vkm |At berth: 81.2 | | |

| | | | |cent/visit (8.5 hrs) | | |

|Notes: 1) – All case studies used IPA with the exception of Florence urban road and rail which used a statistical analysis. |

Table 7-18 Synthesis of noise costs

|Type of |Recommended method and key |Key cost drivers |Range of values from the case studies |Specific remarks on |Further research needs |

|transport |functions | |cent/vkm |transferability | |

|Road |Method: |Density of the exposed |Urban (interurban) passenger car | |Broad variation in |Since application of |

|transport |Impact Pathway Approach1) |population |Day: 0.22-1.50 (0.001-0.12) | |estimates reflects the|Impact Pathway Approach |

| |Functions: |Distribution and distance|Evening: 0.24-2.0 (0.001-0.12) | |population |in the context of noise |

| |Exposure-response functions |of the exposed persons |Night: 0.53-4.5 (0.002-0.19) | |distribution, number |is a relatively new |

| | |from the source |Urban (interurban) HGV | |and speed of vehicles |tool, it might be |

| | |Existing noise levels |Day: 7.67-25.75 (0.006-3.04) | |etc. |subject to revision and |

| | |(traffic volume, traffic |Evening 10.17-34.25 (0.008-3.04) | |Generalization is |extension in future. |

| | |mix, speed) |Night: 23.33-78.25 (0.021-5.06) | |difficult due to |Particular attention may|

| | |Time of the day Fuel mix | | |non-linearity and |be applied to |

| | |from which electricity is| | |variability of local |exposure-response |

| | |produced | | |characteristics. |functions. |

| | | | | |Costs can be | |

| | | | | |generalised for | |

| | | | | |vehicles on the same | |

| | | | | |relation as studied, | |

| | | | | |adjusting for | |

| | | | | |differences in | |

| | | | | |specific emissions | |

| | | | | |(i.e. cost for a | |

| | | | | |petrol car complying | |

| | | | | |with another emission | |

| | | | | |standard can be | |

| | | | | |derived for the same | |

| | | | | |urban area from | |

| | | | | |existing results). | |

|Rail | | |Interurban passenger train |Freight train | | |

|transport | | |day: 0.04-6.17 |day: 0.3-22.25 | | |

| | | |evening: 0.2-3.99 |evening: 0.37-14.1 | | |

| | | |night: 0.03-4.63 |night: 0.59-15.74 | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Urban passenger train | | | |

| | | |0.025-0.03 | | | |

|IWW | | |Negligible | | |

|Maritime | | |N.A. | | |

|shipping | | |Negligible | | |

|Notes: 1) – All case studies used IPA with the exception of Florence urban road and rail which used a statistical analysis. |

Transfer of Money Values

The purpose of this section is to help generalisation by outlining the valuation conventions used in various contexts by the UNITE project, and commenting on their transferability between contexts. We consider first some particular issues regarding transfers in space and time. We then comment specifically on key parameters – the value of a statistical life, the value of a life year lost, the value of time and the discount rate.

A more detailed discussion of these issues together with tables showing the values used in UNITE can be found in annex 3 of Deliverable D5.

1 Transfer between countries

A number of specific issues concerned with transfers between countries are dealt with in this section

1 Factor cost versus market prices

Factor cost and market prices are two different units of account. Items valued at factor cost and items valued at market prices cannot be compared directly and cannot be added together. The numerical difference between factor cost and market prices is the average rate of indirect taxation (net of subsidy) on consumer expenditure, which will obviously differ between countries. For practical purposes this can be estimated from Eurostat/OECD’s datasets on “Taxes linked to production and imports minus subsidies” and “Actual individual consumption” for each country. These can be found in annex 3 of Deliverable D5.

The UNITE marginal cost estimates could in principle be expressed in either unit of account. However, since many of the items concerned are conventionally measured at factor cost the UNITE convention was decided to be Factor Cost.

2 Common values versus country specific values

In general, common (i.e. average) European values will be avoided because they hide genuine differences in willingness to pay between countries. Where national-level willingness to pay-based studies exist and are consistent with the state-of-the-art, values from these studies can be adopted. Where these conditions are not fully met, the second best approach will be to take values from the state-of-the-art willingness to pay studies and apply benefit transfer methods to other countries.

We are aware of the equity argument in favour of using the same value of parameters such as the value of a statistical life or the value of time across all countries regardless of income. However, we do not consider this an appropriate way of handling differences in income between countries. To charge people in poorer countries for congestion and pollution they cause as though they were inflicting them on people of average European income appears to us to be inefficient and unfair. We prefer to take distributive considerations into account through the use of explicit equity weights.

3 Exchange rates

For countries in the Eurozone, exchange rates are now locked and all values can be expressed in Euros. Note that for years before exchange rates were locked, data is likely to be in local currencies. To convert to the UNITE basis, adjustment is made to the UNITE price base year of 1998, and then the 1998 euro exchange rates can be used in order to express values in Euro. These can be obtained from Eurostat’s Official Annual ECU Exchange Rates. For countries outside the Eurozone, exchange rates are required in order to express values in Euro for all years. Again these should be obtained from the ‘Official Annual Euro Exchange Rates’, annexed in Deliverable D5.

When transferring benefit values between countries, it is not sufficient to use these official (nominal) exchange rates because they do not reflect differences in purchasing power, which are the best guide we have to differences in WTP in different countries. A Purchasing Power Parity adjustment is required, specifically: multiplication of the value by the ratio of Real GDP per capita (at PPP) in the second country to Real GDP per capita (at PPP) in the first country. For countries in the Eurozone, only this PPP adjustment will be required - no exchange rate is involved. For countries outside the Eurozone, the exchange rate and PPP adjustments can be made simultaneously by using the OECD GDP per capita (at PPP) series annexed in Deliverable D5. The issue of the sequence of events may arise: in general, starting with, say, 1999 data, the first step should be to deflate to the price base year (1998) using the country-level general price index for the first country, then apply PPP exchange rates for 1998.

2 Changes in value over time

The main factor that requires adjustment to values over time is the growth in real incomes. In general, it should be assumed that values grow with real incomes, based on an elasticity of 1.0. After much discussion of the rather limited evidence available we have applied this to all willingness to pay values in UNITE, and believe this to be the best approach to transferring values to use in general unless there is robust evidence to the contrary.

3 Other contexts

There is a reasonably widespread agreement that monetary values of risk reductions in the transport sector should be defined so they reflect individual preferences of the affected population. The value should be expressed as the affected individuals collective willingness to pay (WTP) for safety improvements or willingness to accept compensation (WTA) for increased risk.

1 Value of statistical life

The revealed preference method, where the values are derived from actual choices, has been employed for especially workplace accidents. Given the emerging evidence on context specific values the transferability of these values could be questioned.

The WTP or WTA can be estimated by asking a sample of the affected population about the amount they would be willing to pay or accept as compensation for changes in the level of safety. This method is often referred to as the ‘contingent valuation’ (CV) method. From the WTP a ‘value of statistical life’ (VOSL) can be derived.

However, lately, serious questions on the reliability of the results appeared. In principle, it turns out that individuals when responding to the CV question are not aware of the exact type of safety improvements that they are asked to pay for. Instead of summing studies with uncertain quality and estimating an average, the UNITE studies base recommendations on a few well-conducted studies.

Based on a limited number of well-designed studies we have proposed a European Standard Risk Value. We used the value 1.5 million Euros per fatality measured in market prices. To have the full value of a fatality the cost of net lost production, medical and ambulance costs should be added, which is approximately 10% of the risk value. To express it as a Factor cost, it should be reduced with the proportion of indirect taxation (approximately 20%).

As a sensitivity test a higher VOSL of 2.5M€ is used as it is at the upper end of reliable state-of-the-art studies. If also a low value was tested, a value of 0.75M€ was used. This lower sensitivity test represents a rough lost gross production approach.

For individual countries we recommend the following procedure. If a National value exists, if it is based on the WTP/WTA principle and if the basic study is well designed it is used. In the absence of National values, a European Standard Risk Value should be used, adjusted in accordance with real per capita income at purchasing power parity exchange rates for each country.

2 Valuation of environmental effects based on life years lost

The quantification of health risks due to air pollution in UNITE is based on exposure-response functions (ERFs), giving a relationship between ambient pollutant concentrations and health effects.

To quantify the changes in mortality, the population affected by pollutant exposure has to be tracked over time, because the effects show in later years. This means that based on Pope et al (1995), we can quantify lost life years and not so-called premature deaths. To account for this, the YOLL (Years of Life Lost) approach was adopted in ExternE, implying a valuation of lost life years and not fatality cases. So in the first place the use of the VLYL (Value of a Life Year Lost) follows the requirement of the underlying study.

In addition, this approach helps to more transparently handle the component of lost life expectancy, which is an issue when using the VSL approach in the environmental context. It has been suggested to decrease the VSL when applied to air pollution mortality due to the age of the affected persons. With the VLYL approach it is possible to explicitly consider lost life expectancy.

In the absence of empirical data on VLYL, the VLYL can be estimated from the VSL according to the following relationship:



← VSLa is the value of statistical life;

← a the age of person whose VSL is being estimated;

← VLYL(r) value of a life year lost;

← r the discount rate;

← T maximum life expectancy (100 years in our calculations);

← Pni (conditional) probability that a person of age n will reach age i.

Uncertainties remain considerable in the monetary valuation of environmental mortality risks.

There is evidence suggesting that WTP for reducing environmental mortality risks is higher than for traffic accident risks. Jones-Lee et al. (1998) propose a factor of two to transfer the VSL for road accidents to the air pollution context. In the case of UNITE this means, that the VSL for road accidents is multiplied by two to account for the environmental context. Based on this value the VLYL is then derived according to the equation above. Starting from a value of 1.5 million Euros (as recommended) this implies a value of a life year lost of 95 000 and 150 000 Euros for discount rates of 0% and 3% respectively. These values are applicable for acute effects, i.e. effects which appear immediately after pollutant exposure. For chronic effects, i.e. effects which occur with delay, the time lag between pollutant exposure and occurrence of effect has to be taken into account and discounted accordingly.

Transfer between countries follows the same approach as for the value of a statistical life.

3 Valuation of time by mode

It has been agreed that the first choice basis for values of time (VOTs) is to take them from a limited set of state-of-the-art research studies using a consistent methodology. The state-of-the-art studies identified by the Work Package leader (IWW) are given below. The second choice basis is to transfer values from these state-of-the-art studies to other settings.

For passenger travel the following differentiation of the values of travel time should be made where the data permits:

← Travel purpose (business; commuting; leisure);

← Mode (car; bus; rail; air );

← Travel distance (urban/local; inter-urban/long distance);

← Travel condition (expected travel time; delay time; in-vehicle/walk/wait).

The state-of-the-art studies are the Dutch national value of time studies 1986-1995 (Hague Consulting Group, 1996), the UK value of time study 1994 (Hague Consulting Group, 1994), the Swedish national value of time study (SNRA, 1996) and, for freight, the work carried out by De Jong and the Hague Consulting Group in 1993 for the Netherlands (de Jong, 1996). Evidence on the relationship between values under different travel conditions in passenger transport is taken out of (Wardman 1998).

The empirical results cannot support the level of disaggregation suggested in this methodology, and instead the values are split simply into:

Road (values per vehicle hour):

← Light goods vehicles

← Heavy goods vehicles

Other modes (values per ton hour):

← Rail freight

← Inland waterway

← Maritime

← Air freight

For delay time, the evidence would seem to support 1.5 as a conservative estimate of the factor on expected in vehicle time. Based on the analysis in HCG (1996), in-vehicle time values should be multiplied by a factor of 1.6 if walking or waiting values are required.

In order to apply the UNITE values in specific countries, the values should be adjusted in accordance with real per capita income at purchasing power parity exchange rates for each country.

To reach a final UNITE value for commuting and leisure time, values of time should be divided by (1+τ) (where τ is average indirect taxation) for the country concerned.

4 Discount rates

In the UNITE accounts and Marginal Cost case studies, infrastructure costs should be valued on a social basis. This means that when discount rates are required they should be social discount rates. There are various possible bases, discussed at length in Lind (1982). Generally, we feel that a social opportunity cost rate is appropriate. Furthermore, all prices in UNITE are constant 1998 prices, so the discount rate should be a real rather than a nominal rate.

The ExternE project used a 3% rate, except for global warming, where 0, 3 and 6% were used as sensitivity tests. A review of the interest rates used in national-level studies has ranged from 2.5% to 3% real (2 studies), and from 5.3% to 8.3% nominal (2 different studies).

In view of the evidence, the standard rate of discount in UNITE is a 3% real rate. Although this might in principle differ between countries, we would expect that within Europe there would be sufficient mobility of capital that a similar rate would be appropriate for all countries.


In this chapter we summarise our conclusions about the extent to which marginal cost estimates may be adapted or transferred from one context to another. We consider transferability in terms of methodology, input values, functional relationships and output values, and look at each cost category in turn.

1 Infrastructure costs

For road and rail, previous studies tend to use a cost accounting approach, based on a simple division into fixed and variable costs. Very few included regression analysis to derive marginal costs. However, there is no agreement on which costs are fixed and which are variable, or with which output measure they vary; different countries tend to use different conventions.

Both econometric and engineering approaches can help with this problem. But data requirements are heavy, and it cannot be expected that such studies will be undertaken every time marginal cost estimates are required. Moreover, the econometric approach is best for getting general information about cost elasticities; it cannot identify the impact of different types of vehicles in great detail because of multicollinearity from the lack of independence of the explanatory variables. The engineering approach is therefore needed for this.

In practice many studies will continue to use data from accounts, with cost elasticities and vehicle relativities borrowed from other studies. However even these parameters vary with context. For instance cost elasticities vary with traffic density, and relative marginal costs of heavy vehicles are higher when infrastructure quality is low. This seems to be less of a problem for rail where cost elasticities are generally lower. Also, road authorities do not decide expenditure on the grounds of necessity, but in relation to budgetary reasons. More research on costs elasticities is needed, particularly for road infrastructure, where considerable variation in the results was found.

Much less work has been done for air and water; it appears that marginal infrastructure costs are very low, but that result needs further work to confirm it. For nodes (airports and ports) estimates of marginal operating costs are also needed; a regression approach has been used but again data requirements are heavy.

Table 9-1 Infrastructure costs: methodological approaches and generalisation characteristics

|Main cost elements |Methodology |Generalisation |

| | |Possible |Not recommended |

|Maintenance and renewal |Econometric approach|-Overall methodology: although |-Economic unit values: unit costs (e.g.|

|(mainly rail and road) |(translog cost |application is heavily data-dependent |costs/m2 road surface) - these are |

| |function approach) |-Inputs: functional form and “weight” |usually country specific; |

| | |variables |-Output values |

| | |-Output ratios or relationships: ratio |-Output functions |

| | |of MC/AC | |

|Maintenance and renewal |Engineering approach|-Overall methodology |-Economic unit values: as above |

|costs | |-Output functions: e.g. axle-damage |-Output values |

| | |rules for road damage | |

| | |-Output ratios or relationships: ratio | |

| | |of MC/AC | |

|Operations (only applied|Econometric approach|-Overall methodology |-Economic unit values: unit costs |

|to airports and | | |-Output values |

|seaports) | | |-Output functions |

| | | |-Output ratios or relationships |

2 Supplier operating cost

As with infrastructure costs, our preferred approach is the econometric approach, but there are big problems with it. The first is getting appropriate data. Usually data is only available as time series data for an entire company, or for a cross section of different entire companies (or both). One company includes a wide variety of types of service, but it is difficult to estimate the costs of each type of service accurately from such data, and variables representing different types of output are highly correlated. The result is that the econometric approach is most useful to provide evidence on economies of scale and scope at an aggregate level. These elasticities appear to be transferable; usually as in the air case here they are found to be low (around constant costs) for this category of costs, meaning that an approach based on fully allocated cost should be adequate as an estimate of marginal cost.

The main approach for more detailed estimates of marginal cost is the cost accounting approach. Accounts are the obvious source of the relevant data, but usually business accounts of the companies concerned rather than national accounts, which are too aggregated. The standard formula for supplier operating cost is along the lines of:

Cost = a + b* train hours +c* vehicle miles + d* peak vehicle requirement

Logic, rather than econometrics, is used to determine which output variable determines the level of each cost category. This approach does not necessarily deal adequately with effects of peaks on staffing levels, or with variability by type of vehicles. In situations of peak demand, many costs are attributed entirely to the times and locations providing the peak vehicle requirements. This may result in huge differences between peak and off-peak MCs. To estimate this accurately, a better approach is to do a complete vehicle and crew scheduling exercise to identify numbers required and cost.

Table 9-2 Supplier operating costs: methodological approach and generalisation characteristics

|Mode |Methodology used |Generalisation possible |Generalisation not recommended |

|European air transport |Econometric approach |- Overall methodology |-Economic unit values: unit costs |

| | | |-Output values |

| | | |-Output functions |

| | | |-Output ratios or relationships |

| Urban public transport |Cost allocation approach |- Overall methodology |-Economic unit values: unit costs |

|Swedish rail | | |-Output values |

|European air transport | | |-Output functions |

| | | |-Output ratios or relationships |

3 User cost

For road, studies using speed flow relationships, either for individual links or on a network basis are commonplace. Many existing models are available which may be used. Yet there is still considerable variability of results. The UNITE urban case studies produced results that are an order of magnitude less than some other case studies. This may simply be because the UNITE case studies concentrated on locations which were not particularly congested, but this is not always the case. For instance Greater Brussels was one case study where the UNITE figure is very much lower than other estimates. Another reason is that the UNITE case studies model optimal charges for each individual link; the reassignment this causes gives lower congestion costs than produced by a simple cordon charge.

Speed flow relationships as well as demand patterns and traffic data cannot be readily transferred due to differences in the standard of infrastructure, traffic laws and in behaviour between countries. Resulting output values are transferable with regard to situations sharing similar infrastructure, traffic levels and values of time. In any event, values of time may be transferred using an appropriate income elasticity.

For rail and air, there is very limited evidence on congestion. Further studies are needed to confirm the UNITE case studies and to shed further light on them. The basic regression methodology used in the Swiss and Spanish studies should be readily transferable provided that data may be obtained. It is more doubtful whether relationships and outputs can be transferred given differences in the infrastructure and the level and mix of traffic. The assessment of opportunity costs of railway and airport slots remains a priority for future research.

For the Mohring effect, which only applies to scheduled transport, an approach based on first principles assuming that operators increase service frequencies in direct proportion to increases in patronage (see appendix to Sansom et al, 2001) may be used to give a simple formula. This may also be adapted to cases where other behavioural rules apply. The rail case study put forward theoretical arguments to suppose that frequency will increase with the square root of traffic levels, and showed that this was in fact the case for inter urban rail services in Sweden.

The UNITE case studies show that this basic result, that increases in traffic lead to external benefits to existing users, applies not just to urban public transport but also to inter urban rail, air and scheduled freight services. In each case users value the improved frequencies and increase in through services resulting. However, the value of these benefits relative to other cost elements is obviously smaller for longer distance trips. For instance, the air study found Mohring Benefits to be around 25% of congestion costs, although this ratio depends on airport size and the density of lines.

This methodology is general, subject to knowledge of the way in which operators respond to changes in traffic levels, and the value users place on these changes. Values of time and of departure time shift are transferable given knowledge of relevant income elasticities. If frequencies are optimal then Jansson shows that marginal social cost should be the same, irrespective of the way frequency adapts to traffic levels.

Table 9-3 Delay costs and Mohring benefits: methodological approach and generalisation characteristics

|Mode |Methodology used |Generalisation possible |Generalisation not recommended |

|User costs | | | |

|Road transport |Estimation of additional time |-Overall methodology |-Inputs: Speed-flow-, junction |

| |and operating costs by applying|-Inputs: passenger car |delay- and speed-operating cost|

| |speed-flow and speed operating |equivalence factors |functions |

| |cost functions |-Economic unit values: values |-Output values may be |

| | |of time |transferable if circumstances |

| | | |similar in terms of |

| | | |infrastructure and traffic |

| | | |levels |

|Scheduled transport (rail, |Demand-delay modelling for rail|-Overall methodology. |-Inputs: Demand-delay |

|aviation, inland navigation, |infrastructure, airports and |-Inputs: vehicle-class |statistics by type of rail |

|shipping) |ports |equivalence factors |infrastructure, airport, inland|

| | |-Economic unit values: values |waterway port or seaport. |

| | |of time |-Output values |

|Mohring effects | | | |

|Rail transport |Simulation or optimisation |Methodology transferable |Results transferable if user |

| |models | |values, operator behaviour and |

| | | |traffic volumes similar. If not|

| | | |readily adapted |

|Air traffic |Frequency benefits to existing |-Overall methodology |As for rail |

| |passengers and freight |-Economic unit values: values | |

| | |of time | |

|Intermodal freight (shipping) |Stated preferences surveys of |Methodology transferable |As for rail |

| |shippers behaviour | | |

4 Accident cost

Many studies in the past have failed correctly to distinguish between internal and external accident costs and used simple average figures.

Our formula requires knowledge of:

← The accident risk for the mode and context. Such data is usually available and is derivable from the UNITE accounts.

← The relevant risk elasticity. UNITE research has extended the knowledge of risk elasticities and how they vary but this is still an area of uncertainty. However, estimation of elasticities is difficult on a case-by-case basis.

← The value of a statistical life, which may generally be transferred using data on real incomes.

← The proportion of costs borne by the injurer, which will need to be estimated locally, as it varies with legal and insurance company provisions.

The general pattern is that external costs are found to be quite low for all modes, the reason being that typically increasing traffic is associated with a less than proportionate increase in accidents. The degree to which this falling accident cost is genuinely the result of increased traffic, as opposed to other factors correlated with traffic levels, remains controversial.

Table 9-4 Accident costs: methodological approach and generalisation characteristics

|Mode |Methodology used |Generalisation possible |Generalisation not recommended |

|Accidents (all modes) |Risk elasticity approach |-Overall methodology |-Inputs: accident risk rates |

| | |-Inputs: risk elasticities |(usually readily available) |

| | |(relevant studies or data-sets |-Economic input values: |

| | |rare) |non-human/ damage related costs|

| | |-Economic input values: human | |

| | |cost related | |

5 Environment

Physical impacts (except global warming) are difficult to transfer. Bottom up impact pathway studies are the best way of calculating environmental costs, and are generic enough to be applied to all modes of transport. However, there are several areas of controversy surrounding the use of this methodology, such as ambiguities over the effects of particles and nitrate aerosols on human health, the valuation of mortality, ozone impacts and the potential omission of other impacts which cannot be quantified.

A direct transfer of costs due to air pollution cannot be recommended; a generalisation methodology should account for local scale conditions such as population density and meteorology and regional scale costs per tonne of pollutant emitted in a certain area.

Noise cost estimates are also difficult to generalise due to their local nature and dependence on background noise level.

Whilst exposure response functions can be generalized, inputs to dispersion models, due to their site-dependence, cannot be generalized. Specific exhaust and noise emission factors for vehicle types can be generalized, accounting for driving characteristics and average speed. Generalisation of emissions related to vehicle fleets is not recommended. Economic values may be transferred using real income and the Purchasing Power Parity structure.

Regarding global warming, damage cost estimates are transferable as location of emissions is irrelevant.

Table 9-5 Environmental costs: methodological approach and generalisation characteristics

|Mode |Methodology used |Generalisation possible |Generalisation not recommended |

|Air pollution (all |Impact pathway approach |-Overall methodology |-Inputs: Infrastructure |

|modes) | |-Inputs: emission factors for specific |characteristics (e.g. gradient, |

| | |vehicle technologies; dose-response |vehicle speeds) ; emission factors |

| | |functions |for vehicle fleets; local |

| | |-Economic input values: human cost related |dispersion model inputs |

| | |-Output values: Local costs per unit |(meteorology); receptor |

| | |emission per location type (same economic |density/distribution |

| | |values); local physical impacts per unit |-Economic input values: material |

| | |emission per location type (different |damage costs |

| | |economic values); regional costs per unit |-Output values per vehicle km |

| | |emission per country | |

|Noise (all modes) |Impact pathway approach |-Overall methodology |-Inputs: infrastructure |

| | |-Inputs: emission factors for specific |characteristics (e.g. gradient, |

| | |vehicle types; dose-response functions |vehicle speeds, barriers, |

| | |-Economic input values: human cost related |mitigation measures (e.g. double |

| | |-Output values: e.g., cost per person at |glazing); background noise level |

| | |400m from X dBA noise emission if |-Output values |

| | |characteristics similar | |

|Global warming (all |Damage cost factor |-Overall methodology |-Inputs: infrastructure |

|modes) |Avoidance cost factor |-Inputs: emission factors for specific |characteristics (e.g. gradient, |

| |(multiplication of |vehicle technologies; relative weight of |vehicle speeds) ; emission factors |

| |emission times cost |pollutants compared to CO2 |for vehicle fleets |

| |factor) |-Economic unit values: damage cost per |-Economic unit values: avoidance |

| | |tonne of CO2-equivalent; modification for |costs per tonne of CO2-equivalent; |

| | |emission in high altitudes |modification for emission in high |

| | | |altitudes |

6 Final Conclusion

The UNITE case studies have produced estimates for a wide range of circumstances and using a wide variety of approaches. In some cases (such as supplier operating costs for rail and air) these have been the subject of much previous analysis; in others, such as infrastructure costs for water transport, the existing literature is very sparse.

These case studies illustrate that there is no unique ‘state of the art’ approach for the estimation of marginal costs. For instance, for infrastructure and supplier operating costs, there may be a preference for econometric estimation, but it is seldom possible to do that at a level of detail that lends itself directly to pricing decisions; a mixture of econometric research with engineering and accounting cost approaches therefore is necessary. For user costs, road congestion has been extensively investigated using either single link or network models based on speed flow relationships and junction delay formula.

In the case of accidents, progress has been made on estimating the crucial parameters explaining how accident risk varies with increased traffic, but this remains a controversial issue. For environmental cost, detailed estimates have been obtained for a variety of circumstances using the impact pathway approach; a key issue here is whether simpler approaches, such as the regression approach used in two of the case studies, provide an acceptable level of accuracy more simply and cheaply.

In terms of external costs, for roads, as expected generally congestion costs dominates, followed in the case of urban areas only, by accidents and noise, with global warming and air pollution being very much smaller. In general, the differences between areas are quite large. Outside urban areas, noise and accident costs are of course much smaller.

For other modes, external costs are generally much smaller, with congestion being much less important, but we have no quantification of pure scarcity costs, which can be important for rail and air.

The big gap where no work has been done to date is rail and air scarcity: These were not studied in UNITE since there was no established methodology, not even agreement that pricing was the right way to approach these issues. Pricing versus administrative approaches for dealing with scarcity is being considered in other EU projects, notably in SPECTRUM.

More work is also particularly needed on:

← Road infrastructure cost elasticities

← Rail and air congestion

← Accident cost risk elasticities

Given the difficulties referred to above, the idea of transferring functional forms, input values or output values from one context to another is attractive. We have shown that in some cases this may be a reasonable approach. However great caution is needed; from some categories of cost there is great variability with context and not enough case studies have been done to understand fully this variability. Thus, in general more state of the art case studies are still needed.


AEA Technology (1997), Economic Evaluation of Air Quality Targets for CO and Benzene. Interim report prepared for the European Commission DG XI, Harwell, UK.

Alger, S., J.L Dillen, and S. Widlert (1996), The National Swedish Value of Time Study. Paper presented at the PTRC International Conference on the Value of Time.

Bickel, P., Schmid, S., Krewitt, W., Friedrich, R (eds.) (2000) External Costs of Energy Conversion – Improvement of the ExternE Methodology and Assessment of Energy-Related Transport Externalities (“ExternE Core/Transport”), Final Report to the

CSERGE (2000) Pearce, Brian; Pearce David. Setting Environmental taxes for aircraft: A case study of the UK. CSERGE Working Paper GEC 2000-26. Centre for social and Economic Research on the Global Environment, University College London and University of East Anglia 2000

De Jong, (1996), Freight and Coach VOT Studies. Paper presented at the PTRC Seminar on the Value of Time, Wokingham, UK

DETR (2000) Valuing the External Costs of Aviation. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. London December 2000

DIW, INFRAS, Consultancy Dr. Herry, NERA (1998), Infrastructure Capital, Maintenance and Road Damage Costs for Different Heavy Goods Vehicles in the EU. Final Report, Berlin March 1998

EUNET (1998) Socio-Economic and Spatial Impacts of Transport, Deliverable D 12. The Transport Cost Database Report and Software Prototype. Authors: Dr. G.-D. Jansen

(PC); O. Hamann (PC); S. Kotzagiorgis (PC), EC RTD 4th Framework Project

European Commission (1998), Transport Research – Fourth Framework Programme. QUITS: Quality Indicators for Transports Systems, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

European Commission, (1999a), ExternE - Externalities of Energy, Vol. 7: Methodology 1998 Update. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Results are also available at

European Commission, (1999b), ExternE - Externalities of Energy, Vol. 10: National Implementation. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Results are also available at

European Commission, Contract No. JOS3-CT97-0015, Stuttgart.

de Jong (1996), Freight and Coach VOT Studies. Paper presented at the PTRC Seminar on the Value of Time, Wokingham, UK.

ExternE (1999b), External Costs of Energy Conversion - Improvement of the ExternE Methodology and Assessment of Energy-related Transport Externalities. Final Report. EU Joule III. IER Germany et al., December 1999.

FISCUS, (1998a), Cost Evaluation and Financing Schemes for Urban Transport Systems, Deliverable 3, Real Cost Scheme, Karlsruhe/Lissabon

FISCUS, (1998b), Cost Evaluation and Financing Schemes for Urban Transport Systems, Deliverable 2, External Costs, State of the Art, Karlsruhe/Lissabon

Friedrich, R.; Bickel, P. (Eds.), (2001), Environmental external costs of transport. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer-Verlag

Golaszewski, Richard (1987) The unit costs of FAA air traffic control services, Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 28, no. 1 (1987), p. 13-20

Hague Consulting Group (1994), UK Value of Time Study.

Hague Consulting Group (1996), The 1985-1996 Dutch VOT Studies. Paper presented at the PTRC Seminar on the Value of Time, Wokingham, UK.

INFRAS-IWW 2000, “External Costs of Transport”, March 2000

Jones-Lee, M., Loomes, G., Rowlatte, P., Spackman, M. and Jones, S. (1998) Valuation of Deaths from Air Pollution, Report for the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions and the Department of Trade and Industry, London.

Link, et al: The cost of road infrastructure and congestion in Europe. Physica Verlag 1999

Lind (1982), Discounting for Time and Risk in Energy Policy.

Lindberg, G. (2000). Marginal Cost Methodology for Accidents. UNITE (UNIfication of accounts and marginal costs for Transport Efficiency) Interim Report 8.3.

NERA (1999). NERA, AEA Technology Environment, TRL. Report on Phase 2 of the Study into Lorry Track and Environmental Costs. NERA, London 1999.

PETS 1999a: Pricing European Transport Systems (PETS), Deliverable D9: The Cross Channel Case Study; Project financed by the EC, DG VII, Brussels.

PETS 1999b: Pricing European Transport Systems (PETS), Deliverable D10: Trans-Alpine Freight Case Study; Project financed by the EC, DG VII, Brussels.

PETS 1999c: Pricing European Transport Systems (PETS), Deliverable D11a: Case Study The Nordic Triangle within the Finnish Border; Project financed by the EC, DG VII, Brussels.

PETS 1999d: Pricing European Transport Systems (PETS), Deliverable D11b: The Oslo - Gothenburg Case Study; Project financed by the EC, DG VII, Brussels.

PETS 1999e: Pricing European Transport Systems (PETS), Deliverable D9 Case Study Lisbon - the Crossing of the River Tagus; Project financed by the EC, DG VII, Brussels.

PETS 1999f: Pricing European Transport Systems (PETS), Deliverable D12. Lisbon, the crossing of the River Tagus, Summary Report, April 1999

PETS (2000) Pricing European Transport Systems, Final Report, Project Coordinator: Professor Chris Nash. Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, UK, December 2000. EC RTD 4th Framework Project

Pope CA III, Thun MJ, Namboodiri MM, Dockery DW, Evans JS, Speizer FE, Heath CW Jr. (1995) Particulate air pollution as predictor of mortality in a prospective study of US adults, AM J Resp Crit Care Med 151: 669-674NEA. Vergelijkingskader modaliteiten. Rijswijk: NEA, Sterc, Transcare. 2001

Quinet E (2002), "Détermination des coûts marginaux sociaux du rail, draft report", Emile Quinet , April 2002.

QUITS (1998), Quality Indicators for Transport Systems. Final Report for Publication, Project Coordinator: ISIS. EC RTD 4th Framework Project, Rome April 1998.

RECORDIT, “Real Cost Reduction of Door-to-Door Intermodal Transport”, Brussels 2001

Sansom et al. (2001). Sansom T, Nash CA, Mackie PJ, Shires J, Watkiss P (2001) Surface Transport Costs and Charges: Final Report. For the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, July 2001.

TRL, IWW, NEA, PTV AG and University of Antwerp 2001 “A study on the cost of transport in the European Union in order to estimate and assess the marginal costs of the use of transport”

TRENEN II STRAN, (1999), Policy Analysis for Externalities in Road Transport: Models and Results, Brussels

Wardman, M. (1998), The Value of Travel Time: A Review of British Evidence, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy.

Annex: Overview of marginal costs from selected studies

This Annex presents an overview of the marginal costs estimates carried out in other EU projects and case studies. It also includes costs categories not directly addressed by the UNITE marginal case studies, together with average costs estimations in case the marginal estimations were not available. The overview leaves also room for methodological issues that allow a better understanding of the results.

Infrastructure costs

1 Road

The marginal road infrastructure costs show significantly differing values across European countries. The reasons lie, on one hand, in the differences between the specific methodologies adopted in each country for the estimation of the infrastructure variable costs, and, on the other, in the different approaches to cost allocation.

For example, the review of the methodologies underlying the estimation of road marginal infrastructure costs by trucks carried out within RECORDIT[7] has brought to light significant variations between the approaches adopted at country level both for the calculation of capital costs and for what concerns the cost allocation procedure. The latter involves at least the following variables, which are used and weighted in different ways at country level:

← Vehicle-km

← Vehicle length-km

← Axle weight factor-km

← Standard axle weight factor-km (based on the AASHO road test)

The following table shows the values of marginal road infrastructure costs by road type (total road and motorway) and by vehicle type (passenger, buses and freight). Sources of data are the reports by DIW at al. (1998), Sansom at al. (2001) and the RECORDIT project deliverables.

Table-A. 1 Marginal road infrastructure costs in 1998 €/vkm


|Road Type |Vehicle Type |EU1) |UK2) |

|Total Road |Passenger cars |0.0002 – 0.0014 |0.00074-0.00103 |

| |Buses |0.0017 – 0.0507 |0.07691-0.1 |

| |Light Goods vehicles (3.5 t GVW) |0.0173 – 0.0524 |0.11103-0.14441 |

| |All vehicles |0.0022 – 0.0075 |- |

|Motorway |Passenger cars |- |- |

| |Buses |0.05883) |- |

| |Light Goods Vehicles (3.5 t GVW) |0.0218 – 0.1756 |- |

| | |0.0225 – 0.19004) | |

| |All vehicles |0.0037 |- |

|1) - DIW at al (1998), 2) - Sansom at al (2001), 3) - Data from Germany only, 4) - RECORDIT estimates. |

The ranges of EU estimates notably account for the specific national methodologies adopted for the determination of the variable part of infrastructure costs. The same procedure has been used for the RECORDIT estimates, whose range corresponds to the lower and the higher value calculated along the national segments of the intermodal corridors under examination[8].

The marginal cost estimates for UK are based on the NERA (1999) database, which includes a set of cost drivers, i.e. standard axle-km, gross weight (average and max.), PCU-km, and their relationship with infrastructure costs.

Short run marginal infrastructure costs of road transport have also been examined by the ECMT Task Force on the Social Costs of Transport[9], particularly to derive European averages of marginal costs values.

The results shown below, in ECU/1000 p-km, related to four countries, confirm the considerable variability and uncertainty associated to cost assignment between different categories of road users.

Table-A. 2 Marginal infrastructure costs of road transport in 1998 ECU/1000 pkm

| |Passenger |Freight |

|Switzerland |0.013 |0.006 |

|Austria |0.014 |0.009 |

|Sweden |0.002 |0.027 |

|Netherlands |0.017 |0.018 |

|Average |0.012 |0.014 |

Data for Switzerland and Austria derive from a Joint study by the Swiss and Austrian Transport Ministries (INFRAS, Herry and PROGNOS, 1996), which applies a methodology based on a harmonised cost accounting framework to estimate short-run marginal costs for road and rail networks, and allocates costs on the basis of vehicle km. Data for Sweden derive from a study by Hansson (1993), as well as from the traffic user charges in Swedish Transport, while data for the Netherlands are drawn from the study of Bleijenberg and Davidson (1996) on the Dutch road network.

2 Rail

Marginal rail infrastructure costs refer to operational costs, i.e. cleaning, winter service, inspection (long term marginal costs) and wear and tear costs (short term marginal costs) incurred by an additional train. Since wear and tear costs are very small and show a big variance, long-term marginal costs, for infrastructure operation and maintenance can serve as reference in the marginal cost review.

Table-A. 3 Marginal rail infrastructure costs in Euro 1998/train-km


|Type of Train |Operation Type |IWW1) |UK2) |

|Passenger |High speed |2.700 |1.641 |

| |Fast train |1.450 |- |

| |Regional train |0.950 |0.219 |

| |Local train |0.350 |0.5974) |

|Freight |Light, low speed |0.910 |- |

| |Heavy, express |3.500 |- |

| |Bulk |- |2.632 |

| |Containerised |2.400-4.8003) |1.294 |

|1) - IWW calculation, 2) - Sansom at al (2001), 3) - RECORDIT estimates. 4) London commuter train |

Data from IWW, based on linear regression analyses, are related to long-term marginal maintenance and operating costs, while the RECORDIT estimates are based on literature review[10] and range from 2.4 to 4.8 €/train-km depending on the number of wagons considered. UK data, provided by Railtrack, also include electricity for traction.

Other estimates of marginal track maintenance costs and average infrastructure costs (passengers and freight), drawn from the PETS case studies, show the following results:

Table-A. 4 PETS case study results for marginal infrastructure costs in 1998 €/vkm


|Nordic Triangle |Passenger |0.168 €/train km Marginal |

| | |1.12 €/train km Average |

| |Freight |0.500 €/train km Marginal |

| | |5.700 €/train km Average |

|Oslo-Gothenburg |Passenger |1.13 €/train km Average |

|Transalpine Freight |Freight |3.460 €/train km Average |

Drawing conclusions, due to the extreme variability of marginal wear and tear costs (possibly deriving, at least partly, from the heterogeneity of the corresponding calculation methodologies), long term marginal maintenance and operation costs are often assumed as representative of rail marginal infrastructure costs. Reference values for the latter are the following (from TRL et al. 2001):

← 1.15 €/train km for a 10-wagon train at 100 km/h

← 1.5 €/train km for a 10-wagon train at 140 km/h

← 3.00 €/train km for a 1300 gross ton freight train at 100 km/h

3 Inland waterways

Few data and case studies are available for the estimation of marginal infrastructure costs for inland waterways operations. In addition, infrastructure maintenance expenses are often shared, at least partly, with sea shipping operations, so that a correct expenditure allocation between inland waterways and sea shipping has to be made before estimating marginal costs.

Infrastructure costs have been estimated for the Netherlands[11], with a cost allocation approximately proportional to the vessel size.

Table-A. 5 Average IWW infrastructure costs in 1998 €/vkm


|Size class | |

|> 650 ton |0.61 |

|650 – 1000 ton |1.22 |

|1000 – 1500 ton |2.45 |

|1500 – 3000 ton |3.67 |

|> 3000 ton |4.89 |

|Source: NEA (2001) |

4 Aviation

Marginal aviation infrastructure costs can be assessed on the basis of the balance sheets published by airport companies. In general, according to the breakdown of available data on infrastructure costs, it is possible to derive average values, i.e. including operating and maintenance infrastructure costs.

Data on marginal aviation infrastructure costs can be only found in a US study concerning the California Corridor[12]. The average costs, expressed in terms of aircraft movement (ATM) and broken down by airport type in three categories (international hub, national airport and regional airport) are shown in the table below.

Table-A. 6 Average aviation infrastructure costs in 1998 €/ATM


|International hub |Amsterdam 768.2 |

| |Frankfurt 2,186.8 |

| |London Gatwick 805.7 |

| |London Heathrow 1,176.5 |

| |Munich 1,263 |

|National Airport |Brussels 479.7 |

| |Copenhagen 348.4 |

| |Manchester 1,339.4 |

| |Stockholm 355.3 |

| |Vienna 1,148.9 |

|Regional Airport |Leeds/Bradford 588.3 |

| |Newcastle 747.6 |

|Source: TRL Airport Performance Indicators |

Supplier operating costs

1 Road

Marginal supplier operating costs are defined as the marginal costs incurred by the transport provider for an additional transport unit offered. They basically cover the cost of service provision (vehicle costs, personnel, etc). The notion of costs can be extended to those costs imposed on other users of the service. The latter can possibly be negative (benefits) as in the case of the so-called Mohring effect: offering an additional unit of service may require an increase in the frequency of service, resulting in a direct benefit for the user.

The analysis of marginal supplier operating costs has to be based on scheduled transport services, i.e. public transport or freight transport.

While in the case of freight transport no data are available from private companies a limited number of case studies are available for public transport services. The UK study (Sansom et al. 2001) provides the following estimation for local bus service for London, the English Metropolitan areas and other areas of Great Britain:

Table-A. 7 Marginal supplier operating costs (buses) in 1998 £/vkm


|London |1.2469 |

|Other conurbations |0.8387 |

|Elsewhere |0.7382 |

|Source: Sansom et al. (2001) |

The differences by road type reflect a differing mix of types of service (express and local).

2 Rail

Marginal supplier operating costs for rail transport include capital costs (depreciation and interest costs), personnel costs, maintenance and wear and tear of vehicles. The available estimates are limited and divergent in their order of magnitude, i.e. a factor ten between PETS/UK studies and EUNET.

The PETS values for marginal operating costs of rail are based on two case studies (Channel crossing and Trans-Alpine freight traffic). The former includes the estimation of additional costs for providing additional Public Transport services taking as reference various sources[13], while the latter mainly focuses on the additional costs of energy.

The UK study, due to data constraints, limits the estimation of marginal rail operating costs to three types of passengers service, i.e. InterCity, Regional and London commuter catchment area, and to two types of freight operations, i.e. bulk and other. The Rail Industry Monitor was the data source.

The EUNET study collected data from published statistics and reports for railway sector.

Table-A. 8 Marginal rail supplier operating costs in 1998 €/train-km


|Type of Train |Operation Type |EUNET1) |UK2) |

|Passenger |High speed |0.1474 - 0.2398 |1.641 |

| |Fast train |0.0948 - 0.1699 |- |

| |Regional train |- |7.41 |

| |Local train |- |9.82 |

|Freight |Light, low speed |0.0951 - 0.3153 |3.023) |

| |Heavy, express |- |- |

| |Bulk |- |12.65 |

| |Other |- |14.26 |

|1) - Range from European countries estimates, 390 tons per freight train, 2) - Sansom et al 2001, 3) - PETS, only additional |

|energy costs. |

The EUNET figures are so low that they must be based on totally different assumptions, such as a fixed fleet size.

3 Inland waterways

Operating costs for vessels can be broken down into fixed, i.e. depreciation costs, insurance, labour costs, etc and variable, i.e. fuel and maintenance costs. The source for the calculation is the NEA database (NEA, 2001), containing financial data gathered from IWT operators.

Fixed costs vary per year and variable costs per hours of operation. Size and type of vessel are the relevant cost drivers. Only variable costs can be assumed as a proxy of marginal costs.

Table-A. 9 Marginal IWW supplier operating variable costs in 1998 €/km


|Size of vessel |Dry cargo |Liquid cargo |Push convoy |Container vessel |

| |Motor vessel |Motor vessel | | |

|< 650 t |0.77 |0.77 |- |- |

|650-1000 t |1.21 |1.09 |- |- |

|1000-1500 t |1.75 |156 |- |1.82 |

|1500-3000 t |2.61 |2.06 |- |2.50 |

|> 3000 t |- |- |8.38 |- |

|Source: NEA, vergelijkingskader modaliteiten |

4 Aviation

Data on average operating costs for the main European airlines are available from the TRL publication “Airline Performance Indicators”. Supplier operating costs include flight crew salaries, aircraft fuel and oil, equipment insurances, maintenance, etc.

It is important to avoid the potential double counting between supplier operating costs and the airport infrastructure costs. In fact airports and air traffic control pass their infrastructure maintenance costs on to the airlines companies through charges. Insofar as the charges are not excluded from the airport supplier operating costs, there is a double counting.

Information on marginal supplier operating costs is not available, due to the lack of data, so that only average operating costs can be estimated.

The following table shows a list of average operating costs including sales, reservations, advertising and promotion, commission, general and administrative as well as other operating expenses. No differentiation by type of airport is made.

Table-A. 10 Average air transport supplier operating costs (passenger) in 1998 €/vkm

| |Vehicle related operating |Service related operating |Administrative and commercial|

| |costs |costs |costs |

|British Airways |0.00661 |0.00311 |4.428 |

|Air 2000 |0.00480 |- |0.320 |

|Britannia Airways |0.00487 |0.00194 |0.766 |

|British Midland Airways |0.00597 |- |3.725 |

|British World Airlines |0.00450 |0.00057 |1.196 |

|Debonair Airways |0.00452 |0.00052 |1.419 |

|Easy Jet Airline |0.00382 |0.00029 |1.281 |

|KLM UK |0.01112 |0.00273 |4.399 |

|Virgin Atlantic Airways |- |- |4.049 |

|Source: TRL Airport Performance Indicators. |

5 Maritime transport

In the maritime context, supplier operating costs are borne by the suppliers of shipping services (ship owners), the suppliers of cargo handling services (stevedores) and the suppliers of supplementary or supporting services (bunkering, water supply). Estimations provided by the available literature are however very limited in this area.

In the case study of the port of Antwerp (TRL et al. 2001), the marginal supplier operating costs have been estimated with reference both to the port vessel and to the port service related costs.

The former include operating costs directly related to the vessel, i.e. pilotage or tugging, the latter are related to the maritime transport services, i.e. manning of the cargo handling, ship repair and cleaning, anchorage, etc.

The results are shown in the following table.

Table-A. 11 Average maritime supplier operating costs in 1998 €/ship


|Type of load |Port vessel related costs |Port service related costs |

|General Cargo Vessel |2.897 |20.875 |

|Container Vessel |9.377 |11.056 |

|Dry bulk vessel |4.113 |35.798 |

|Tanker |2.489 |19.100 |

|Passenger Vessel |2.913 |3.144 |

|Source: TRL et. al. (2001). |

Transport user costs

1 Road

Road transport user costs are often identified with congestion costs, i.e. costs imposed to other road users when an additional vehicle enters the traffic. Congestion costs components can be broken down into four categories: time costs, accident costs, operating costs, (i.e. additional fuel costs), and environmental costs. Several estimations mainly focus on the time cost component, which usually accounts for as much as 90% of total congestion costs. Detailed marginal congestion costs have been estimated by the INFRAS/IWW 2000 study through the use of continuous speed-flow relationships for different classes of roads and vehicle types.

The use of speed-flow relationships, which provide empirical relationships between traffic, capacity and speed of a given road, have also been taken in account for the estimations carried out in RECORDIT (freight traffic) on specific corridors. Other approaches, like in TRENEN (1999), are based on exponential congestion functions, relying on extensive tests with detailed urban network models in cities with different structures.

In addition, marginal external congestion costs, i.e. without including the loss of time incurred by the marginal user, which is considered as internalised, have been estimated on the base of the National Road Traffic Forecast database by Sansom at al (2001). The following table shows the results for passengers and freight vehicles.

Table-A. 12 Marginal road congestion costs in 1998 €/vkm


|Vehicle Type |Traffic situation |Motorway |Rural road |Urban road |

|Passenger car |Uncongested |0.012 |0.039 |0.028 |

| | | | |0.0042) |

| |Dense |2.102 |1.333 |2.879 |

| |Congested |2.161 |2.074 |3.292 |

| | | | |1.3152) |

|Motorcycle |Uncongested |0.005 |0.020 |0.014 |

| |Dense |1.052 |0.667 |1.440 |

| |Congested |1.080 |1.037 |1.646 |

|Bus |Uncongested |0.022 |0.080 |0.055 |

| | | | |0.0072) |

| |Dense |4.205 |2.666 |5.759 |

| |Congested |4.321 |4.149 |6.584 |

| | | | |2.4612) |

|LGV |Uncongested |0.017 |0.060 |0.041 |

| |Dense |3.154 |1.999 |4.319 |

| |Congested |3.241 |3.111 |4.938 |

|HGV |Uncongested |0.029 |0.009 |0.069 |

| | |0.010-0.2603) | |0.0072) |

| |Dense |5.257 |3.332 |7.198 |

| |Congested |5.401 |5.186 |8.230 |

| | | | |2.4611) |

|1) - Data from INFRAS/IWW (2000), 2) - Data from Mayeres at al., 3) - Data from RECORDIT |

Value of time (VOT) assessment, a crucial step in the overall methodology, has been carried out through a state-of-the-art studies review, transferred by country using the real per capita income at purchasing power parity exchange rates.

The INFRAS/IWW estimate takes into account a European time value of €21.44 per passenger-hour for business travel (25% of this for private trips) and €37 per shipment and hour (HGV, €20 per LGV). The RECORDIT estimates of VOT in freight transport are based on state-of-the-art studies[14] transferred to other countries by VOT-factors.

Due to the wide variation of VOT depending on the travel purpose country and mode, a pragmatic approach would select a reference value from a limited set of case studies using a comparable methodology.

2 Rail

It is debatable to what extent congestion costs (external user costs generated by marginal users’ decisions) arising from delays in public rail transport can be properly defined as “external”, since the impact of an additional unit of traffic demand can be anticipated by the planner (rail operator). Only those costs imposed by one operator on another are truly external.

In practice, delays caused by infrastructure capacity problems as a result of additional demand do generate social costs, although increased frequency of the services generate benefits (the Mohring effect[15]).

The Cross Channel case study carried out by PETS has estimated the benefits arising from an additional traveller, at constant train occupancy factors and for variable departure times.

The following results could be interpreted as indicative of the value of possible subsidies to transport users.

Table-A. 13 PETS Cross Channel case study results for Mohring benefits in 1998 €/pkm

|Cross Channel Service |Mohring benefits |

|Le Shuttle |-.0309 |

|Eurostar |-.0216 |

In the UK, Sansom et al (2001) have estimated rail congestion costs arising from an additional train and the corresponding delays through a simulation model provided by Railtrack. (see table below).

Concerning freight services, due to the higher degree of flexibility in scheduling, and the preferred use of off peak slots, congestion costs imposed to others are assumed to be low and are consequently excluded from the analysis.

Table-A. 14 Marginal congestion costs for passenger rail 1998 €/train-km


|Type of train | |

|Inter City |0.22 |

|Regional |0.13 |

|London |0.41 |

|Passenger sector |0.26 |

|Source: Sansom et al. (2001) |

3 Aviation

No estimation is provided for marginal congestion/delay costs in aviation. A case study from TRL, et al. (2001)[16] for a flight from UK to Palma de Mallorca reports 10.15 €/vkm for a 12 hours delay and 20.31 €/vkm for a 24 hours delay. Again however, this does not relate delays to capacity utilisation.

Accident costs

1 Road

The estimation of road marginal accident costs raises, among others, two basic issues: which cost components should be considered as external (vs. internal), and how to estimate the accident risk elasticity, i.e. the impact of an additional vehicle on accident risk rates. The former issue relates to methodology, i.e. whether the user’s WTP for safety has to be considered as an external cost or, on the contrary, whether it is internalised in the user decision. The latter, how to estimate risk elasticity, is deemed to have a direct impact on the calculation of marginal accident cost.

According to Lindberg (2000) and PETS, accident risks have to be assessed for each country and cannot be transferred (such a procedure would require a great amount of data); other approaches, i.e. INFRAS/IWW 2000 and FISCUS, calculate average costs as a proxy of external costs. RECORDIT has estimated marginal costs based on a risk elasticity drawn from PETS, by road and vehicle type, and subsequently applied this to the national risk rates (number of killed person per billion vkm).

Table-A. 15 Marginal external costs of accidents in the road sector in 1998 €/vkm


|Road Type |Vehicle Type |INFRAS/IWW1) |SWEDEN2) |

|Motorways |Car |0.0117 (NE)-0.0454 (Italy) |- |

| |Motorcycle |0.052 (NE)- 0.2027 (Italy) |- |

| |Bus |0.0099 (NE)- 0.0384 (Italy) |- |

| |LGV |0.0075 (NE)- 0.0294 (Italy) |- |

| |HGV |- |0.0200-0.4313) |

|Interurban |Car |0.0374 (B) - 0.0974 (F) |0.0097 |

| |Motorcycle |0.1735 (B) - 0.4346 (F) |- |

| |Bus |0.0306 (B) - 0.0822 (F) |0.0282 |

| |LGV |0.0169 (B) - 0.0493 (F) |0.0088 |

| |HGV |0.0287 (B) - 0.0640 (F) |0.0247 |

|Urban |Car |0.0575 (DK)- 0.1452 (P) |0.0176 |

| |Motorcycle |0.2697 (DK) - 0.6303 (P) |- |

| |Bus |0.0474 (DK) - 0.1241 (P) |0.0326 |

| |LGV |0.0292 (DK) - 0.0738 (P) |0.0114 |

| |HGV |0.0366 (DK) - 0.0949 (P) |0.0431 |

|1) - Average costs, 2) - Marginal costs, 3) - RECORDIT estimates. Marginal costs range depending on the corridor. |

The UK study (Sansom et al. 2001) provides other estimates for marginal external accident costs of road transport. The study applies the risk elasticities from PETS project, i.e 0.25 in urban areas (both light and heavy vehicles), zero for inter-urban contexts (0.5 for HGVs and HLGs). The results are shown in the following table (in €/vkm, 1998) by type of vehicle and road type.

Table-A. 16 UK marginal external road accident costs in 1998 €/vkm


|Type of vehicle |Car |0.01174 (Peak)-0.01176(Off-peak) |

| |LGV |0.0076(Peak)- 0.0077 (Off-peak) |

| |HGV–rigid |0.0205(Peak)-00204 (Off-peak) |

| |HGV-artic |0.0145(Peak)-0.0145 (Off-peak) |

|Road type |Motorway |0.0004 (Min.)-0.0022 (Max.) |

| |Trunk & Principal |0.01279 (Min.)-0.022 (Max.) |

| |Other |0.0163 (Min.)-0.0270 (Max.) |

|Source: Sansom et al. 2001 |

2 Rail

In general, the availability of the relationships between train frequency and accident risk is poor.

The available estimates of marginal accident costs for rail can be classified in two categories, depending on the scale of analysis:

1. Studies carried out at wide area level, i.e. a country or the whole of Europe.

2. Studies referring to narrow areas, i.e. a corridor or a city.

In the former category the estimations range from 0.150 to 0.300 €/vkm for freight transport, depending on whether the “damage to relatives” component is included or not[17] as in the PETS case study on Transalpine freight transport[18]. An estimation of marginal accident costs at the European level has also been provided by HLG (1999), i.e. 0.431 €/vkm.

At corridor level, as for road accident costs, marginal accident costs for rail have been estimated in different studies, taking into account average costs as a proxy variable (INFRAS/IWW 2000) or calculating marginal external costs through specific risk elasticities (as in PETS case studies). Nevertheless, in PETS case studies, (Deliverable D10), the estimates of marginal accident costs in the freight sector are identical to the average costs. The estimates from RECORDIT also take into account the risk elasticity from PETS. The following table shows a review of results.

Table-A. 17 External costs of accidents in the railway sector in 1998 €/vkm


|Type of train (operation) | |

|Passenger |0-0.240 (0.216) 1) |

| |0.014-0.1122) -D9-D11- |

| |0.500 peak |

| |1.750-2.150 off peak2) -D12- |

|Freight |0.046-0.0921) |

| |0.0224-0.81762) -D10- |

| |0.062-0.6313) |

|-Unaccompanied combined transport |0.5951) |

|-Rolling Motorway |1.4601) |

| |0.046-0.0922) -D10- |

|1) - INFRAS/IWW Estimates. Passenger load factor 240, freight 280 t combined transport, 500 t rolling motorways, 2) - PETS case|

|studies, Passenger load factor 140 (D9-D11), 500 (D12) freight 500 t (D10), 3) - RECORDIT estimates, freight load factor |

|approx. 840 t. |

3 Inland waterways

External accident costs in inland waterways are negligible, due to the very low number of accidents occurring. An estimation from TRL at al. (2001) reports €1.29 per vkm, including fatalities.

4 Aviation

There are no extensive estimations of the marginal accident costs for air transport. Those available are hardly comparable, as they range from the estimation of average external costs based on average fatality risk (INFRAS/IWW 2000) to the utilisation of WTP for other people, safety and material costs (PETS case studies).

Cost estimations provide €0.135 per vkm (PETS case studies) and €0.00064 per pkm at 1998 (INFRAS/IWW 2000).

One should mention that the results from INFRAS/IWW (2000) and PETS (1998) are only partly consistent with the UNITE guidance. In fact, although both studies include the same cost components, i.e. immaterial (intangible) costs based on WTP techniques and material costs (e.g. net lost production, medical care, administrative cost), no deduction of internal/private costs - in order to derive external marginal accident costs - is introduced.

Other estimates[19] based on an accident probability (for the Netherlands) of 1 death and 1 wounded person per 1 million passenger-flight provide the following average accident costs in Euro cent per vkm.

Table-A. 18 Average accident costs for air transport in 1998 €/vkm

|Aircraft, 150 km | 15 |

|Aircraft, 500 km | 18 |

|Aircraft, 1,500 km | 9 |

|Aircraft, 6,000 km | 5 |

5 Maritime transport

No estimates for marginal accident costs of maritime transport are available. The TRL et al. (2001) case study for the Port of Antwerp provides the following estimation of marginal accident costs:

Table-A. 19 Marginal port accidents in the maritime sector 1998 €/ship


|Type of Port |Type of operation | |

|Main port |General Cargo |49.4 |

|Regional |Container Vessel |449.2 |

|London |Bulk Vessel |175.8 |

|Passenger sector |Tanker |0 |

| |Passenger vessel |0 |

|National Port | |0 |

|Regional Port | |0 |

|Source: TRl et al. (2001) |

Environmental costs

1 Road

Environmental marginal costs include the categories of noise, global warming, air pollution and up and downstream processes for the production and maintenance of the vehicle.

The estimation of noise marginal costs depends on the shape of the cost functions deriving from the combination of WTP functions (exponentially growing in PETS, or linear as in INFRAS/IWW 2000) and the logarithmic function of noise diffusion (the higher the noise level, the lower the incremental noise perception associated to the marginal unit of traffic). In general, PETS and INFRAS/IWW (2000) conclude that even with an exponentially growing WTP function, road noise marginal costs are decreasing. On the other hand, RECORDIT estimates noise costs through a bottom up approach using a dispersion model, for the following three case studies:

1. the route Basel-Venlo (motorway)

2. the route Bergamo-Chiasso (motorway)

3. the route Stuttgart-Vaihingen (urban)

Estimations from case studies provide the following results:

Table-A. 20 Marginal external noise costs in the road sector (corridor estimates) in 1998 €/vkm


|Vehicle type |Day |Night |

|Car |0.00591) Lisbon Tagus River |- |

|Bus |0.39971) Lisbon Tagus River |- |

|LGV |0.01391) Lisbon Tagus River |- |

|HGV |0.02131) Lisbon |0.0372 |

| |0.02391) |0.04161) Transalpine freight |

| |- |0.01292) Basel- Venlo |

| |0.2602) Stuttgart-Vaihingen |0.8502) Stuttgart-Vaihingen |

| |- |0.00482) Bergamo-Chiasso |

| |0.0024-0.00133) Rural |0.0057-0.00303) Rural |

| |0.0182-0.00763) Suburban |0.0429-0.01803) Suburban |

| |0.236-0.11163) Urban |0.557-0.2623) Urban |

|1) - PETS case studies, 2) - RECORDIT estimates, 3) - INFRAS/IWW (2000), Range between thin (min. values) and dense (max. |

|value) traffic condition. |

The UK study (Sansom et al. 2001) provides another set of estimates for marginal external noise costs of road transport. For a number of road types (motorway, trunk, and other), and assuming typical speeds and ‘annual average’ daily traffic flows, the transport noise was quantified using a threshold of 55 dB(A).

The study assessed marginal noise costs assuming a noise change from a 10% increase of vehicle numbers for each of the road types. Noise levels were combined with average population density data to derive the population weighted noise levels above the 55 dB(A) threshold. For evaluation, the relationships between average noise levels and property prices were used. The results are shown in the following table.

Table-A. 21 UK marginal noise costs of road transport in 1998 €/vkm


|Type of vehicle |Car |0.00015 (Peak)-0.00015(Off-peak) |

| |LGV |0.00029(Peak)- 0.00029 (Off-peak) |

| |HGV–rigid |0.00088(Peak)-0.00088 (Off-peak) |

| |HGV-artic |0.00103(Peak)-0.00118 (Off-peak) |

|Road type |Motorway |0.00029(min.)-0.0125(max.) |

| |Trunk & Principal |0.00015(min.)-0.01074(max.) |

| |Other |0.00029(min.)-0.01222(max.) |

|Source: Sansom et al. 2001 |

Marginal road air pollution costs, including the evaluation of impacts on human health, building materials and ecosystem, have been estimated in numerous case studies applying the Impact Pathway methodology approach.

The relevant cost drivers can be identified as follows:

← Type of location, i.e. urban, non-urban, (to account for different population densities).

← Type of vehicle and emission standards.

← Vehicle speed.

The following table provides an overview of values for marginal air pollution costs including values from RECORDIT (2001), INFRAS/IWW (2000), SIKA (2000) and ExternE estimations.

Table-A. 22 Marginal air pollution costs in the road sector in 1998 €/vkm


| |Car Petrol |Car Petrol |Car Petrol |HGV Diesel |HGV Diesel EURO2 |

| |EURO1 |EURO2 |EURO3 |EURO 3.5-7.5t |32-40t |

|Urban |0.0102-0.01292) |0.0004-0.01485) |0.0088-0.01122) |0.218-0.26162) |0.4338-0.51992) |

|case |- |- |- |0.04313) |- |

|studies |- |- |- | | |

|Inter- |0.0076-0.00962) |0.0010-0.00215) |0.0045-0.00572) (car |0.0241-0.08302) |0.0323-0.16062) |

|urban |(car dense) |(car dense) |dense) | | |

|case |- |- |- |0.02473) |- |

|studies |- |- |- |- |0.0180-0.07701) |

| |0.0013-0.00162) |0.0010-0.00215) |0.0012-0.00152) (car |- |- |

| |(car rural) |(car rural) |rural) | | |

|1) - RECORDIT range min-max depending on the corridors, 2) - INFRAS/IWW, 3) - SIKA 2000, 5) - ExternE range. |

Moreover, other estimates for marginal external air pollution costs for road transport have been provided by the UK study (Sansom et al. 2001). The study has quantified and valued the impacts of emissions based on the Impact Pathway methodology (ExternE, 1995) approach:

← Assess the atmospheric emissions of all pollutants from vehicles;

← Assess the effect of these emissions on local and regional air concentrations (including

← secondary pollutants formed);

← Quantify the health and environmental impacts of pollution concentrations using dose-response functions and data on the population exposed at both the local and regional level;

← Value these health and environmental impacts in monetary terms.

The results are shown in the following table (in €/vkm, 1998).

Table-A. 23 UK marginal air pollution costs 1998 €/vkm


|Type of vehicle |Car |0.00265 (Peak)-0.00265(Off-peak) |

| |LGV |0.01118(Peak)- 0.00100 (Off-peak) |

| |HGV–rigid |0.02706(Peak)-0.02309 (Off-peak) |

| |HGV-artic |0.02088(Peak)-0.02074 (Off-peak) |

|Road type |Motorway |0.00515(min.)-0.02691(max.) |

| |Trunk & Principal |0.005(min.)-0.02441(max.) |

| |Other |0.00515(min.)-0.02471(max.) |

|Source: Sansom et al. 2001 |

Road marginal costs associated with climate change can be assessed through the estimation of damage costs (high uncertainty) or through avoidance costs, based on specific CO2 reduction targets.

INFRAS/IWW 2000 follow the avoidance costs approach with a reduction target of 50% of CO2 by 2030, i.e. €135 per tonne. The RECORDIT approach has been similar: avoidance costs of €37 per tonne CO2 in order to reduce CO2 emissions by 5.2% over the period 2008-2012. On the other hand, Sansom et al. (2001) use a damage cost approach (£14.6/tonne - €23 at July 2002 exchange rate-of CO2 central value), consistent with the ExternE analysis. A cost review for diesel passenger cars and HGVs follows below.

Table-A. 24 Marginal costs of global warming in the road sector in 1998 €/vkm


|Location |Engine Type |Vehicle type |INFRAS/IWW |Sansom at al |

|Motorway |Diesel |Passenger Car |0.022 |0.00176-0.00691 |

| | |LGV |0.067 |0.00265-0.01059 |

| | |HGV (3.5-7.5t) |0.056 |0.0647-0.02559 |

| | |HGV (32-40t)1) |0.144 |0.01044-0.04206 |

| |Petrol |Passenger Car |0.040 |0.00176-0.00691 |

| | |LGV |0.044 |0.00265-0.01059 |

|Urban |Diesel |Passenger Car |0.028 |0.00176-0.00691 |

| | |Bus |0.172 |0.00824-0.03294 |

| | |LGV |0.041 |0.00176-0.00691 |

| | |HGV (3.5-7.5t) |0.0067 |0.00647-0.02559 |

| | |HGV (32-40t) |0.230 |0.01044-0.04206 |

| |Petrol |Passenger Car |0.039 |0.00176-0.00691 |

| | |Motorcycle |0.012 | |

| | |LGV |0.050 |0.00265-0.001059 |

|Interurban/ |Diesel |Passenger Car |0.015 |0.00176-0.00691 |

|rural | |Bus |0.116 |0.00824-0.03294 |

| | |LGV |0.034 |0.00265-0.01059 |

| | |HGV (3.5-7.5t) |0.0039 |0.00647-0.02559 |

| | |HGV (32-40t) |0.142 |0.01044-0.04206 |

| |Petrol |Passenger Car |0.022 |0.00176-0.00691 |

| | |LGV |0.028 |0.00265-0.01059 |

|1) – RECORDIT value is 0.034-0.059. |

Marginal costs for up and downstream processes, i.e. emissions for the generation, exploration and transport of the fuels, have been estimated by INFRAS/IWW (2000). RECORDIT also considers vehicle costs (HGV).

Table-A. 25 Marginal costs of up/downstream processes in the road sector in 1998 €/vkm


|Type of vehicle | |

|Passenger car |0.0061 |

|Motorcycle |0.0032 |

|Bus |0.0503 |

|LGV |0.0129 |

|HGV |0.0252 |

|Source: INFRAS/IWW, 2000 |

2 Rail

Rail noise marginal costs (passengers and freight) have been estimated in several case studies, involving different types of trains and geographical contexts.

As for the road noise estimations, a top down approach, i.e. inventories on the household level, average speed daily traffic flow, average population density, and/or a bottom up approach based on dispersion models can be adopted for estimating rail noise marginal costs.

The former approach for marginal noise estimation has been followed by INFRAS/IWW (2000) and Sansom at al. (2001). The latter has been used in RECORDIT and in the PETS case studies. For monetary valuation, as for road noise estimations, relationships between average noise levels and property prices were used.

Table-A. 26 Marginal noise costs for rail transport 1998 €/train-km

|Train Type |Type of operation |Cost estimation |Source |

|Passenger |Fast train electrical |0.230 - peak |PETS (D12) |

| | |0.700 - off-peak | |

| |No distinction |0.048-0.624 |INFRAS-IWW |

| |Intercity |0.179-0.597 |Sansom et al., range min-max |

| |Regional |0.062-0.204 |Sansom et al., range min-max |

| |London |0.129-0.428 |Sansom et al., range min-max |

| |Local |0.033 - peak |PETS (D12) QUITS |

| | |0.102 - off peak | |

|Freight |Light, low speed |0.076-0.0352 |PETS (D10)., range min-max |

| |Freight sector |0.250-0.828 |Sansom et al., range min-max |

| | |0.070-0.313 |RECORDIT case studies |

| |No distinction |0.050-3.450 |INFRAS-IWW |

The results show a wide variability, particularly in the freight sector, with marginal external costs ranging from € 0.070 to 0.828 /train-km.

Marginal external costs of air pollution for the rail sector have been assessed by UIC and INFRAS/IWW (2000), at the European level, and by RECORDIT and PETS, through case studies.

Table-A. 27 Marginal air pollution costs for rail transport 1998 €/ train-km

|Train Type |Type of operation |Cost estimation |Source |

|Passenger |No distinction |0.552 - 6.240 |INFRAS/IWW |

| |No distinction |0.196-0.728 |PETS (D11), D9a |

| |InterCity |0.410-0.275 |Sansom et al. range min-max |

| |Regional |0.060-0.529 |Sansom et al. range min-max |

| |London |0.099-1.132 |Sansom et al. range min-max |

|Freight |Light, low speed electrical |0.550-3.800 |UIC |

| |No distinction |0.076-0.220 |PETS (D10) |

| |Heavy, electrical |0.207-4.130 |RECORDIT case studies |

| |No distinction |0.244-1.766 |Sansom at al. range min-max |

Moreover, an assessment of air pollution impacts from rail transport has also been carried out in the UK study (Sansom et al. 2001). For diesel trains and electricity generation emissions, data were taken from the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, NAEI. Railtrack provided information on electric and diesel train km.

The estimation by type of train, passenger and freight, are shown below (in €/vkm, 1998).

Table-A. 28 UK external marginal air pollution costs in 1998 €/vkm

|Train Type |Type of operation |Cost estimation |

|Passenger |InterCity |0.410 (min)-0.275 (max.) |

| |Regional |0.060(min.)-0.529(max.) |

| |London |0.099(min.)-1.132(max.) |

|Freight |No distinction between bulk and other |0.244(min.)-1.766(max.) |

Concerning the marginal costs of climate change in rail transport, the considerable variation across the various case study results reflects the varying patterns of electricity generation.

Marginal external costs of climate change per train-km have been assessed in INFRAS/IWW (2000) and RECORDIT, PETS, and UIC (2000) through case studies. Other sets of estimates are provided in QUITS and ExternE (in pkm and tkm).

The results are shown in the following table.

Table-A. 29 Marginal climate change costs for rail transport 1998 €/train-km

|Train Type |Type of operation |Cost estimation |Source |

|Passenger |No distinction |1.104 - 2.352 |INFRAS/IWW |

| |No distinction |0.313-0.891 |PETS (D11), D9a |

| |No distinction |1.153-1.6701 |UIC (2000) |

| |InterCity |0.009-0.396 |Sansom et al. range min.max |

| |Regional |0.046-0.181 |Sansom et al. range min.max |

| |London |0.054-1.216 |Sansom et al. range min.max |

|Freight |Light, low speed electrical |0.190-6.600 |INFRAS/IWW, PETS |

| |No distinction |2.300-2.650 |INFRAS/IWW |

| |No distinction |1.870-2.400 1 |UIC (2000) |

| |Heavy, electrical |0.1847-3.690 |RECORDIT case studies |

| |No distinction |0.193-0.772 |Sansom at al. range min.max |

|1- Selected values for corridor estimates. |

3 Inland waterways

Due to small impacts, no noise external costs have been estimated.

Concerning marginal external air pollution costs, including global warming, the following estimates are available (for containerised goods).

Table-A. 30 Marginal air pollution and global warming costs in IWW in 1998 €/vkm


|Size of vessel |Type of operation | |

|650-1000 t |National |3.14 |

| |International |3.14 |

|1000-1500 t |National |4.41 |

| |International |4.41 |

|1500-3000 t |National |5.48 |

| |International |6.01 |

| | |6.301) |

|> 3000 t |National |7.07 |

| |International |7.80 |

|Source: NEA (2001) 1) - RECORDIT estimate, Basel-Rotterdam corridor. |

Primary data sources behind these estimations, i.e. emission factors and energy consumption for barges, are: CE (1999) for the NEA study, and the literature review carried out by (Shulz 1999) in the case of RECORDIT.

4 Aviation

Existing estimates of marginal noise costs for aviation are poor, ranging from average values for short and long distance at the European level (INFRAS/IWW 2000), to estimates based on hedonic house pricing at the Heathrow airport (DETR 2000 and CSERGE 2000).

The cost estimates based on the Heathrow airport case study vary between €17.15 and €322.99 per LTO (landing and take off event), depending on the type of aircraft.

As regards costs estimates at the European level, based on WTP for noise reduction, due to the lack of information on dispersion models for European airports and the extreme variability of results, the reported values assume marginal costs as a ratio of average costs. As a result marginal noise costs for a short distance flight range from €0.220 to €1.153 per vkm.

Marginal costs for air pollution in the aviation sector, based on a bottom-up approach for different air traffic situations, have been calculated by INFRAS/IWW 2000, based on the ExternE dose-response model.

In addition, estimates of marginal costs of air pollution per type of aircraft have also been provided by CSERGE 2000, using shadow prices for the economic value of air pollution damage.

Table-A. 31 Marginal costs of air pollution in aviation sector in 1998 €/vkm


|Type of operation |Type of aircraft |INFRAS/IWW |CSERGE |TRL |

|Short-haul passenger |- |0.00527-0.05121) |- |- |

| |Several types |- |1.160-0.9002) |0.731-2.3493) |

|Short-haul freight |- |0.00594-0.00951) |- |- |

|Long-haul passenger |- |0.00942-0.09151) |0.380-0.8102) |- |

|1) - Range due to different approaches: The minimum value is based on an ExternE estimate; the maximum also includes costs for |

|building damages, 2) - Range depending on the type of aircraft, 3) - TRL case study include climate change costs. |

Marginal costs of climate change for the aviation sector have been estimated according to the methodological approach already described with reference to the road and rail sector. INFRAS/IWW 2000 estimates, based on the avoidance cost approach (€135 per CO2 tonne) lead to the following values:

← €2.714/vkm for short-haul passenger,

← €1.490/vkm for short-haul freight,

← €3.200/vkm for long-haul passenger.

5 Maritime transport

No estimates of short run marginal noise costs for the maritime transport sector have been found.

Marginal costs for air pollution (including global warming) in maritime freight transport have been assessed in the context of RECORDIT, with reference to a ship carrying on average 500TEU, on two corridors: Rotterdam-Felixstowe and Patras-Brindisi. The results are as follows: Rotterdam-Felixstowe 27.1 € /ship, Patras-Brindisi 14.4 € /ship.


[1] The procedure has been encompassed in a software tool DSS (Decision Support System) for policy simulation.

[2] In particular, the recent study “A study on the cost of transport in the European Union in order to est浩瑡⁥湡⁤獡敳獳琠敨洠牡楧慮潣瑳⁳景琠敨甠敳漠⁦牴湡灳牯鑴‬祢吠䱒‬坉ⱗ丠䅅‬呐imate and assess the marginal costs of the use of transport”, by TRL, IWW, NEA, PTV AG and University of Antwerp, which provide an exhaustive literature review on marginal costs (see Volume II).

[3] The RECORDIT project, “Real Cost Reduction of Door-to-Door Intermodal Transport”, has analysed the marginal external costs for intermodal transport.

[4] See TRL et. Al. (2001), costs at US dollar/ € exchange rate of 19.09.2002.

[5] Mayeres et al., 1996, The Marginal External Costs of Urban Transport. Transportation Research D, Vol. 1, No 2, pp 111-130.

[6] A more detailed introduction to the uncertainties of the Impact Pathway Approach can be found in the D11 “Environmental Marginal Cost Case Studies”, chapter 3.1.5.

[7] RECORDIT, “Infrastructure costs and method of calculation”, internal working paper by Tetraplan, 2002.

[8] Three corridors, i.e. Genova-Manchester, Patras-Gothenborg, Barcelona-Warsaw, involving 16 countries.

[9] European Conference of Ministers of Transport. Efficient Transport for Europe - Policies for Internalisation of External Costs (1998).

[10] Link et al. (1999), Diw et al. (1998).

[11] NEA (2001) Data extracted from the cost model for inland-waterways with additional calculations. Rijswijk: NEA transport research and training.

[12] Short run marginal costs for domestic air carrier, based on linear cost functions Golaszewski, Richard (1987).

[13] PETS, D9, The Cross Channel Case Study, page 12.

[14] De Jong et al. (1996), the Wardman review (1998).

[15] For instance, the PETS case studies, i.e. the Cross Channel service, has estimated the Mohring benefits as –3.09 €/100 pkm for Le Shuttle and – 2,16 €/100 pkm for the Eurostar (negative values have to be interpreted as subsidies to transport users).

[16] See Voll. 3.

[17] The “relatives” component consists in the willingness to pay for safety on the part of relatives and friends.

[18] PETS D10 The Transalpine freight case study, June 1999.

[19] CE (1999) 'Efficiënte prijzen voor het verkeer', Eindrapportage, Centrum voor energiebesparing en schone technologie. Delft October 1999.


Target groups






Academic world


Intermediary organisations



Derive correction factors

i.e. with help of statistical analysis


Identification of cost drivers,

i.e. specific context characteristics to be adjusted for


Identification or estimation of

“reference values”,

i.e. marginal external costs


Box 1. Estimating pollutant concentrations through regression analysis: the Florence case study.

The IPA approach, through a consistent sequence of bottom-up steps, has proved the most accurate method to calculate environmental costs for site-specific situations. Estimating pollutant concentrations based on the modelling of the impact chain (from traffic flows to emissions to concentrations) however requires a large amount of micro-data and the use of complex dispersion models. The Florence case study carried out within UNITE has experimented a simplified methodology, which could be taken as a possible reference for generalization purposes, whereby concentration estimates are derived through a statistical procedure based on a regression between traffic flows and concentration values, where the latter are drawn from actual measurements carried out by monitoring stations.

The results for air pollution obtained in the Florence cn from actual measurements carried out by monitoring stations.

The results for air pollution obtained in the Florence case study are presented below (in € /vkm)

Florence Urban area: 24.14

Florence Central area: 47.81

Florence Peripheral area: 21.66

INFRAS/IWW average for German urban areas: 23.5

Air quality monitoring stations are currently being massively deployed in most European cities, leading to the availability of robust sets of concentration data, and therefore lending increased credibility to the simplified procedure above, which, however, is not meant to replace the IPA approach, in that:

← The simplified procedure only deals with one of the IPA steps.

← The regression analysis is more reliable when abundant datasets are available from full-fledged bottom-up studies (i.e. relying on IPA).


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