ESC West Weekly Notes Instruction 07/23/2014

ESC West Summer Principals’ Institute

Who: Principals K-12 and up to two members of your Leadership Team (administrative, out of classroom, lead teachers). Please bring the same team members both days as the work and planning we do will be connected to the learning of the other day.

What: The emphasis is on the learning of Common Core and the role of the leadership team in moving that work. Planning models, the role of the leadership team, and a variety of workshops to strengthen our Common Core knowledge will be offered. The final agenda will be sent by your director in the next few days. Watch for it in your email!

When: Wednesday and Thursday, July 30 & 31. Continental breakfast will be served at 7:30 am and the institute is from 8:00-4:30 each day.

Where: Webster Middle School, 11380 West Graham Place. We’ll start each day in the auditorium. Parking is available on the south side of the school and on the street. Carpooling is encouraged!

How: If members of your team are off basis, you may choose to pay them from school funds. Unfortunately ESCW does not have funds available for this purpose.

Register your team at

Textbook Sufficiency: Looking Ahead

Please be sure that your textbook inventory is complete, that all orders have been delivered and unpacked for use, and the online receiver has been completed by office staff. If you have shortages, contact ESC West immediately so we can initiate orders. Coordinators and specialists in the content areas can assist you with placing additional orders. If you’re not sure who to talk to, call the general number at ESC West, 310-914-2100, and we can direct you to the appropriate contact.

English Learners Master Plan

Completion of CELDT Security Forms: Please ensure to have completed the CELDT security agreement and affidavit on the State Testing Programs Requirements Link on the Principal’s Portal. Also, ensure to identify your school site CELDT Coordinator/designee. Instructions to complete this process are found on page 4 and 5 of Reference Guide 6316.

CELDT Training for CELDT Coordinators/Designees: The 2014-2015 CELDT training for the CELDT Coordinators/Designees and teacher CELDT examiners will be conducted in person rather than online this year. Each school will need to identify a CELDT Coordinator/Designee who must attend one of the scheduled ESC-West’s CELDT training workshops. This individual will then be certified to provide a two-part CELDT training to school-based CELDT test examiners to accurately and reliably administer the 2014-2015 CELDT assessment. Each part of the school-based CELDT examiner training takes approximately one hour to complete. The following CELDT training opportunities have been scheduled for the CELDT Coordinators/Designees to choose from:

|School Level |Date |Training Location |Time |

|Elementary |August 4, 2014 |Training locations to be announced. |8:00 AM-12:00 PM |

|Secondary |August 4, 2014 | |12:30 PM-4:30 PM |

|Elementary |August 19, 2014 | |8:00 AM-12:00 PM |

|Elementary |August 20, 2014 | |8:00 AM-11:45 AM |

|Secondary |August 20, 2014 | |12:15 PM-4:00 PM |

Your school CELDT Coordinator/Designee needs to register by noon, Friday, July 31, 2014 by using the appropriate hyperlink below:

Elementary Schools' CELDT Coordinator Training Registration Hyperlink

Secondary Schools' CELDT Coordinator Training Registration Hyperlink

Certificated Training Rate will be provided if the CELDT Coordinator/Designee attends the August 4th CELDT training during his/her off-track time.

Kindergarten Orientation (Elementary Schools): Ensure to schedule and conduct the three Kindergarten Orientations on the Master Plan Instructional Program for English Learners for parents of potential kindergarten ELs. All the necessary resources (PowerPoint, video, sample flyers, sign-ins, brochures and related handouts) are available on the ESC-West’s EL Programs Webpage (use the hyperlink below).

ESC-West's EL Programs Webpage


Andrea Ferber, ESC West Elementary Science Specialist, is available for Tuesday professional development, school visits, support with science instruction, integrated units, FOSS, science fairs, assistance with content integration, science lessons, unit planning and information about Next Generation Science Standards.  Please contact her at aaf0418@ 

Secondary Math

This year we will be fully implementing Common Core Math Courses in grades 6-11.

Please see Mem 6228.1 for placement recommendations for the class of 2015.

Curriculum Maps for Common Core math courses are found at . Click on middle school or high school to link to the maps.

We invite teachers to use our unit planning templates and our 1 stop Symbaloo planning tool. Scroll down to the Tools for Unit Planning and the Symbaloo sections at the bottom of the ESC West Secondary Math Website

Links to Important Math Memos can be found at the ESC West Secondary Math Website as well as the LAUSD e-library

6228.1 for course codes and math pathways and placements

6270 regarding the middle school algebra 1 summative assessment

6240 regarding the 6th grade math placement test for the accelerated pathways.

Keep an eye out this week or next for a memo on periodic assessments.

Placement test results from the 6th grade test for the accelerated pathway and the middle school algebra 1 summative test should be available in MISIS on Friday, July 25th. Per memos 6228.1, 6270, and 6240, these results should be one of multiple measures used to make course placement decisions.

8th grade textbooks should have been delivered to school sites. Please check that you have received the books. McGraw Hill textbooks were supposed to be delivered with barcodes; I believe the other textbooks will have to be barcoded at the school sites. If you have not yet received your order please contact the publisher directly :

McGraw Hill California Math: Gerren Bennett 310 713 4821 gerren.bennett@

Houghton Mifflin Go Math: Tere Rivera (818) 694-7947 teresa.rivera@

CPM business office: Jill George (209) 745-2055 george@

Textbook Services for P.O. #: Elidia Vazquez (213)-241-0449 evazq1@

Algebra Textbooks for high schools. Since CC Algebra 1 is now considered a high school course, we can anticipate higher enrollment numbers in high school Algebra 1. Please check your enrollment numbers against your algebra textbook inventory. If you anticipate a shortage of books, please e-mail me the quantity you might need. Firoza.kanji@, (310) 914-2164.

Professional Development Opportunities

8th McGraw Hill California Math Textbook Training Aug. 4-5 @ Pio Pico MS.

Gain an understanding of the structures, units, lessons, routines, learning goals, and assessments in the textbook. Begin planning the first unit of instruction. Please bring your own device. Receive training rate for both days, paid by ESC West. Register on the learning zone under Program ESC West.

8th CPM Textbook Training Aug. 7, 8, 21, and 22 @ Webster MS Parent Center. This 4 day initial training provides an overview of the structure and philosophy of the textbook, helpful implementation strategies, and a chance to work through the first few chapters of the book. Please bring your own device. Participants will be paid training rate by ESC West for Aug. 7-8. Register on the learning zone.

Unit Planning for all Secondary CC courses Aug 4-5, or 6-7 @ Pio Pico MS

Unpack the CCSS standards and plan your first unit of instruction. Bring your own device. Register on the learning zone under Program ESC West.

Pearson Math Workshops for Grades 6-8, Phase 1 and 2 IPAD schools. Aug 5-6 at Maya Angelou HS. Participants will explore the Pearson Math digital content on the IPAD to gain an understanding of the structures, units, lessons, routines, learning goals, and assessments. They will also utilize differentiation and personalization features within the program, calendar the first 30 days of instruction, and complete a walk through of additional modules and assessments. Register on the learning zone.


• ESC West is happy to welcome our new Teaching & Learning Coordinator! Eliza Muhammad is joining Paola Hernandez and Nancy Concha as your TLC trio. Eliza served as TLC last year in ESC East.

• Several schools received TGDC support last year from Teaching & Learning Observers (TLOs). Unfortunately, there will not be TLOs during the 2014-15 year to support the work.

• Principals are asked to review their Staff Roster on the My Professional Growth System (MyPGS) platform. Refer to the 2014-15 TGDC Deferral Guidelines and consult with your Instructional Director to manage the roster.

• TGDC Summer Training for both teachers and administrators continues:

o TGDC101A is the introductory three-hour training for teachers being evaluated. Classes are 8:00 to 11:00 or 12:00 to 3:00, various locations and several dates from July 23 through August 8. This is a prerequisite for TGDC101B.

o TGDC101B is the online portion of the training. The class requires completion of the Self-Assessment, and the first two objectives of the Initial Planning Sheet. Training requirements must be completed by August 31.

o EGDC201 is the introductory five-day training for administrative certification. Administrators need to be at least preliminarily certified as an observer to evaluate teachers. Trainings are available in August, September and October.

o EGDC202 is a Review/Refresh course for administrators who would like to practice and review objectivity, alignment, representation and accuracy in their observation of teacher practice. Classes are available through August 9.

o EGDC203 is a Calibration event. Administrators may choose to view either an elementary or a secondary video to calibrate with colleagues and possibly improve their performance level as an observer. Classes are available through August 6.

Title I Programs

Please refer to the attached document, “Title I Calendar and Due Dates for 2014-15” for an overview of the new school year. Print or save it to reference professional development dates throughout the year. Have questions? Contact Celina Reynoso, Title I Coordinator, at Office (310) 914-2134; fax (310) 479-7160, or by email at celina.reynoso@.



Register for the ESCW Principals’ Institute July 30-31 at

Principals can register up to two team members (out of classroom personnel or lead teachers). Teachers who are not on basis can be paid out of school funding; the ESC doesn’t have funds for this purpose.

Common Core Corner

Saturday August 22nd

Common Core Kick-Start

8:00-3:00 pm, location TBA

Repeating sessions offered at the CC Summer Institute for Teachers

Details will be posted on the ESC-West website...Common Core button.

Professional Development Calendar for Common Core Offerings

Coming Soon to the ESC-West website

Dates and times for the entire year will be posted!

Check the website.  More details will be provided at the Principal Institute next week.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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