Maywood Academy High School

Maywood Academy High School


Syllabus for School Year 2012 – 2013

Teacher Mr. A Tagaban Phone School 323-838-6000

Class 321A Email

SLC Business and Technology Office Hours M,W,Th 3:30-4:30 pm Lib

Text ALGEBRA 1AB (Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving) Glencoe-McGraw-Hill

by: Holliday, Luchin, Cuevas, Carter, et al.


Symbolic reasoning and calculations with symbols are central in Algebra. Through the study of algebra, a student develops an understanding of the symbolic language of mathematics and the sciences. In addition, algebraic skills and concepts are developed and used in a wide variety of problem solving situations. (See Mathematics Content Standards for California Public Schools)

Units Algebra 1AB covers the essential California Content Standard in four (4) units:

• Unit 1: Solutions of Linear Sentences in One Variable

• Unit 2: Solutions and Graphs of Linear Sentences in One and Two Variables

• Unit 3: Solutions and Graphs of Systems of Linear Sentences in Two Variables

and Quadratic Equations and Functions

• Unit 4: Quadratic Equations and Operations on Polynomials and Operations

with Rational Expressions and Rational Equations


Students are expected to:

✓ Be Ready – with book, graphing notebook, mechanical pencil and other required

✓ materials; be ready to learn by actively participating in class when the bell rings.

✓ Respect – themselves and their classmates, teachers, administrators, and school


✓ Be Responsible – complete assignments and return homework; this includes NO

CHEATING and keeping the classroom clean

✓ Follow All Academy and School Rules


+ Textbook with cover

+ Spiral Bound Graphing Notebook

+ Mechanical Pencil with eraser

+ Straightedge or ruler

+ Lined paper

Grading Structure

|Task |Grades (%) |

|Homework – will be assigned nearly every class period. You must fully attempt to solve all problems to receive full | |

|credit. It is due the next class period unless otherwise stated. |15% |

|Exams – will be given approximately every two weeks. It will cover concepts discussed in class and the homework from the | |

|first day of class to the day of the exam. | |

|Quizzes – will be given weekly every Friday and will cover material discussed the week preceding the quiz. |60% |

|Notebook/Projects – notebook will be checked every Friday, small projects will be assigned throughout the semester. | |

|Grading Rubrics for these will be provided. |10% |

|Classwork/Participation/Materials/Warm-Up – it is required that you be prepared with the right materials (see first page)| |

|and that you actively participate in class. For students who are frequently tardy, absent, or fail to participate, their | |

|grades will suffer. |15% |

|Total | 100% |

|Extra Credits and Late Works | |

|Extra Credits - students who show exemplary work in projects will receive extra credit. Students who attempt solving | |

|challenging problems on homework, quizzes, and exams may receive extra credits. At times, exams will contain extra credit| |

|problems. Group study will also be a means to receive extra credit. Extra Credit will be determined at the Teacher’s | |

|discretion. | |

|Late Assignments - Homework or Projects that are not completed by the due date will lose 10% of the grade per class | |

|period that it is late. It is the student’s responsibility to get make-up assignments and to return them to the teacher | |

|promptly. | |

|Late Exams / Quizzes – unexcused late exams and quizzes not completed in the class period will lose 10% of the resulting | |

|grade. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange a time to take make-up quizzes and exams. | |

|Tutoring – will be available every Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday 3:30-4:30 pm at Library | |

Grade Scale:

A 90 - 100% Advanced

B 80 – 89% Proficient

C 70 – 79% Satisfactory

D 60 – 69% Basic

F 0 - 59% Below Basic

Academic Dishonesty:

CHEATING will not be tolerated in my class at any level. Cheating is any unauthorized communication among students during quiz, exams, or copying homework. It is grounds for being dropped from the course and/or a zero on the quiz/exams/homework.

Parent Involvement:

Parents must understand that students will have Math Homework after every class period. It should take students 30 minutes to an hour to complete the homework. Please encourage the student to do their homework, quiz, and exams preparations. Students will also need you to sign their exams for full credit. If you have any concerns, fell free to contact me at the number in the first page.

Mr. A. Tagaban

Maywood Academy High School

Business and Technology

Please complete this page and return to Mr. Tagaban[pic]

Acknowledgement of Course Expectations


“I have read and fully understood the above-mentioned course requirements and it is my responsibility to comply with the requirements”

________________________________________ ________________________________

Student’s Name (last, first) Student’s Signature

________________________________________ ________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature

________________________________________ ________________________________

Home Phone Work/Cell Phone

Date Signed:________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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