Applied Chemistry MCQ- Full portion

Portion - Mid Sem--Unit - II1. One of the following is not a conductor A. AlB. CuC. BronzeD. Rubber2. Metals conduct electricity due to the movement of ----- A. ionsB. electronsC. protonsD. all the above3. One of the following is an example for metal-metal ion electrodeA. Zn/Zn2+B. Pt,H2(gas)/H+ aqC. Hg,Hg2Cl2 D. Pt, Fe2+, Fe3+4. One of the following is a primary standard electrode A. SHEB. GEC. Calomel electrodeD. Cu2+/Cu5. In the cell Zn/Zn2+ //Ni2+/Ni; E0 of Zn2+/Zn is -0.76V and E0 of Ni2+ /Ni is -0.25V, the standard emf of the cell is A. +0.51VB. -0.51V C. +1.01V D. -1.01V6. For a redox reaction to proceed in a cell, the emf must be A. positiveB. negativeC. zeroD. fixed 7. In an electrochemical cell, electrical energy. A. is generatedB. has to be supplied C. may be evolved or absorbed D. neither supplied nor released8. Salt bridge eliminates ------------ potential A. Standard electrodeB. Zeta C. Liquid junctionD. Electrode9. Which one of the following is a strong electrolyte A. alcoholB. CH3COOH C. HClD. None10. The easily corroded metal is A. ZnB. Fe C. Ag D. Au11. In a reversible cell reaction the equilibrium constant (K) can be calculated using ---- of the cell. A. ?G?B. E? C. both ?G? and E? D. none of these12. The metal with highest oxidation potential is A. ZnB. FeC. AgD. Ni13. What happens to the oxidizing agent in an oxidation-reduction reaction? A. It is oxidized as it gains electrons. B. It is reduced as it gains electrons C. not affected D. becomes passive14. Which statement is true for an electrochemical cell? A. Oxidation occurs at the anode only. B. Reduction occurs at the anode only. C. Oxidation occurs at both the anode and cathode. D. Reduction occurs at both the anode and cathode.15. What happens to the reducing agent in an oxidation-reduction reaction? A. It is oxidized B. It is reduced as it gains electrons C. not affected D. becomes active 16. What is the term for the electrode where oxidation occurs? A. anodeB. cathode C. oxidizing agentD. reducing agent17. Which of the following is true for an electrolytic cell? A. an electric current is produced by a chemical reaction. B. a nonspontaneous reaction is forced to occur. C. electrons flow towards cathode and come out through anode. D. electrons flow through the salt bridge.18. What does the reducing agent do in an oxidation-reduction reaction? A. gains electrons from the oxidizing agent B. is always reduced C. loses electrons D. is reduced by the oxidizing agent19. Which of the following metals could be used cathodically to protect a sample of lead? A. IronB. gold C. SilverD. Pt20. An electrochemical cell differs from the electrolytic cell in many respects. But one of the statements regarding this is wrong. A. In electrochemical cell electrical energy is produced in electrolytic cell electrical energy is used for a chemical reaction. B. emf is measured using potentiometer, but amount of electricity by coulometer. C. In electrochemical cell, anode is positive but in electrolytic cell anode is negative. D. In electrochemical cell, two half cells are used.21. Which is the strongest reducing agent? A. Zn(s)B. Cu(s)C. H2(s)D. Fe2+ (aq)22. In normal hydrogen electrode, the concentration of H+ ion is A. 0.1MB. 0.2MC. 1MD. 2M23. For a redox reaction to proceed spontaneously in a given direction, the e.m.f. of the cell should have. A. zero valueB. positive value C. negative valueD. fixed value24. The main function of the salt bridge is A. to allow ions to go from one half cell to another B. to provide link between two half cells C. to keep the e.m.f. of the cell positive D. to maintain electrical neutrality of the solution in two half cells25. Pure water does not conduct electricity because it A. has low boiling pointB. is almost unionized C. is neutralD. is readily decomposed26. In the cells, Zn| Zn2+ || Cu2+ | Cu, the negative terminal is A. CuB. Cu2+C. ZnD. Zn2+27. Standard electrode potentials of two half cells are given as Zn2+/Zn = - 0.76 V Ag+/Ag =0.80 V. The EMF of the cell Zn | Zn2+(1M) || Ag+(1M) | Ag, will be A. 1.56 VB. 0.04 V C. 1020 VD. -1.56 V28. The EMF of cell is 1.5 V for Ni/Ni2+(1.0M) | | Au3+(1.0 M)/Au. (E0 Ni2+/Ni = -0.25 V). Find E0 of Au3+/Au. A. 1.25 VB. -1.25 VC. 1.75 VD. 2.00 V29. Cell reaction is spontaneous when A. E0 is negativeB. E0 is positive C. ?G0 is negativeD. both b and c30. In an electrolytic cell containing NaCl, on passing electricity A. Na+ will move towards cathode B. Na+ will move towards anode C. Na+ will not move D. Na+ movement depends on the concentration31. Standard electrode potential of Fe2+/Fe is, A. + 0.44 VB. - 0.44 VC. + 1.44 VD. - 1.44 V32. The cell Zn/ Zn2+ //Fe2+ /Fe, E0Zn2+,Zn = - 0.76 V, E0Fe2+,Fe = -0.44 V, the E0 cell is A. - 1.20 VB. -0.32 VC. +1.20 VD. +0.32 V 33. The unit of quantity of electricity is A. VoltB. CoulombC. AmpereD. Ohm34. At cathode, the electrolysis of aqueous Na2SO4 gives A. NaB. H2C. SO3D. SO235. In electrolytic cell, flow of electron will be A. from anode to external source B. from cathode to external source C. from cathode to anode D. none of these36. One of the following is not an electrolyte A. NaClB. H2SO4C. BaCl2D. Glucose37. One of the following is an electrolyte A. CaCl2B. ureaC. sucroseD. benzamide38. In the conductometric titration of HCl Vs NaOH when NaOH is added to HCl, the conductance A. decreasesB. increases C. No changeD. decreases and then increases39. In reversible electrochemical reaction ?G and emf of the cell are related as A. ?G = nFEB. ?G = - nFE C. ?G =0D. none of these40. In galvanic cells, A. electrical energy is converted into chemical energy B. chemical energy is converted into electrical energy C. electrical energy is converted into light energy D. chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy 41. E0 of a reaction is zero when the reaction is A. spontaneousB. non-spontaneous C. equilibriumD. cannot be predicted42. Glass electrode is sensitive to ---- ions A. Ca2+B. Na+C. H+D. Cu2+43. Solution of NaOH conducts electricity because NaOH is A. a non-electrolyteB. a strong electrolyte C. a nonpolar compoundD. a weak electrolyte44. Electrolysis of NaCl will liberate A. H2 at the cathodeB. H2 at the anode C. O2 at the cathodeD. O2 at the anode45. On dilution the equivalent conductance of an electrolyte A. decreasesB. increases C. not affectedD. none of these46. Water is a non-electrolyte. But it conducts electricity on dissolving a small quantity of ---- A. sugarB. oxygenC. sodium chlorideD. acetone47. During electrolysis all ions move A. In the same directionB. do not move C. to oppositely changed electrodeD. none of these48. Unit of specific conductance is A. ohm-1cm-1 B. C. ohm-1 D. cm2ohm-149. When the resistance of a conductor is more, conductance will be A. moreB. less\ C. will not be affectedD. none of these50. For the determination of standard emf of a cell, the conditions are---- A. Ion concentrations should be 1M B. Partial pressure of gases should be 1 atm C. temperature of the cell should be 25?C D. all the above are applicable51. Standard electrode potential of hydrogen is, A. 1.00 VB. 0.00 V C. 0.01 V D. 0.001 V 52. Standard reduction potential of Al3+/ Al is, A. + 0.66VB. - 0.66 VC. - 1.66 VD. + 1.66 V53. Standard reduction potential of Zn2+/ Zn is, A. - 0.76 VB. + 0.76 VC. - 2.76 VD. + 2.76 V 54. In galvanic series, a metal high in series is more _________. A. AnodicB. CathodicC. CorrodedD. None of the above 55. One of the followings is a redox electrode A. Pt/Fe2+,Fe3+ B. Cu2+/Cu C. Pt/H2/H+ (1M) D. Ni/Ni2+56. In electrolytic conductors the passage of electricity will ------- with increase of temperature. A. decreasesB. increases C. not affectedD. increase and then decrease57. In concentration cells the cell reaction involves A. the chemical reactionB. no transfer of matter C. no net chemical reactionD. none of these58. The ionic speed of H+ ion is ----- than that of Na+ ions A. zeroB. equalC. lessD. more59. In the potentiometric determination of emf of a cell -------- principle/law is used A. FaradayB. Ohm’sC. Poggendorff’sD. Kohlraush’s60. Electrical conductivity of electrolytic solutions depends onA. temperatureB. concentrationC. nature of electrolyteD. All the above 61. An ampere is a unit of current strength. A. True B. False62. In electrolytic cell flow of electron will be from anode to external source. A. True B. False63. When acidic water is subjected to electrolysis, hydrogen gas is collected at the cathode. A. True B. False64. Sugar solution is non electrolyte because it does not produce ions in aqueous solution. A. True B. False65. In Electro chemical cells cathode is negatively charged electrode while anode is positively charged. A. True B. False66. During electrolysis, cations move towards anode while anions move towards cathode. A. True B. False67. In electroplating, the article to be electroplated is made as cathode. A. True B. False68. Oxidation and reduction go hand in hand. A. True B. False69. In conductometric titrations phenolphthalein is used as indicator. A. True B. False70. The voltage of the SHE is arbitrarily fixed as 0.000V. A. True B. False71. The emf values are temperature independent. A. True B. False 72. If E0 of a cell is negative, the cell reaction is not feasible. A. True B. False73. Chemical properties of the metallic conductors will change when electricity passed through the metals. A. True B. False74. Flow of electrons is responsible for the conduction of electricity by metals. A. True B. False75. Quantity of electricity A. I x tB. ResistanceC. VoltD. None of these76. The unit of conductance A. VoltB. OhmC. CoulombD. Mho77. Electrical conductance depends upon --------------- of ions A. numberB. number and mobility C. mobilityD. None of these78. Oxidation is a process which involves A. gain of electron B. loss of proton C. loss of electron D. none of these79. Kohlraush law is applicable to conductance of electrolyte at A. Saturated solution B. Molten condition C. infinite dilution D. solid state80. In Daniel cell, the copper electrode serves as A. anode B. cathode C. both anode and cathodeD. None of these81. Saturated Calomel Electrode is constructed using a solution of A. Saturated KClB. Saturated NH4Cl C. Saturated CaCl2D. Saturated NaCl82. The reduction potential of Saturated Calomel Electrode is A. 0.335 V B. 0.2810 V C. 0.2422 V D. 0 V83. In glass electrode, a potential is produced across the membrane which is used to measure A. Colour of the solutionB. pH of the solution C. hardness of the water sampleD. None of the above 84. Zn displaces hydrogen from an acid, because A. Zn has negative reduction potential B. Zn has positive reduction potential C. Zn has zero potential D. None of the above85. Zn displaces Cu from CuSO4, because A. Cu2+ is oxidised B. Zn has lower reduction potential than Cu C. Zn has higher reduction potential than Cu D. None of the above86. Example for electrode concentration cell A. Zn(Hg) (C1) / ZnSO4 / Zn(Hg)(C2) B. Ag / AgNO3 (C1) // AgNO3 (C2) / Ag C. Zn / Zn2+ // Cu2+ / Cu D. None of the above87. Example for irreversible cell A. Zn / Zn2+ // Cu2+ / CuB. Fe / Fe2+ // Cu2+/Cu C. Zn / H2SO4 (aq) / Cu D. None of the above88. Nernst equation is used to determine A. hardness B. oxidation / reduction potential C. alkalinityD. pH89. In a cell when Zn and Ag electrodes are coupled, then A. Ag acts as anodeB. Zn acts as anode C. Ag looses electronD. Zn is reduced90. In the electrochemical series, the elements are arranged in the A. increasing order of atomic weight B. increasing order atomic number C. increasing order of oxidation potential D. increasing order of reduction potential91. An example for secondary reference electrode A. Glass Electrode B. Standard Hydrogen Electrode C. Calomel ElectrodeD. None of the above92. Glass electrode is used as A. Primary reference electrode B. Internal reference electrode C. Secondary reference electrode D. None of the above93. Electrochemistry deals with A. Chemical changes produced by electrical current B. Production of electricity by chemical reaction C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the above94. Ohms law states that A. I= VRB. I= V / RC. V = I / RD. None of these95. The value of Ecell for Zn/Zn2+ // Cu2+/Cu at equilibrium A. 0.00 VB. 1.00 VC. -0.79 VD. + 0.34 V96. In the formula ?G = - nFE, One Faraday = --------- A. 9,600 CoulombsB. 96,500 Coulombs C. 9,500 CoulombsD. 1 Coulomb97. In a half reaction the amount of a substance that is reduced or oxidized is directly proportional to the number of electrons generated in the cell. A. True B. False98. In conductometric titrations of mixture of strong acid and weak acid Vs strong base gives only one end point. A. True B. False99. 1 siemen = 1 mho A. TrueB. False100. The molar concentrations of H+ and OH- ions are1 x 10-7 M each in water whose pH is 7. A. True B. FalsePortion - Mid SemUnit - III1. Corrosion passivity is ---- A. resistant to corrosion B. yielding to corrosion C. resistant to conductanceD. remaining to corrosion2. One of the following forms stable oxide layer on corrosion A. Pb B. Hg C. Ca D. K3. Volatile oxide layer is formed by A. Ag B. NaC. Cu D. Mo4. The factor that will influence the corrosion of metals A. purity of the metalB. over voltage C. pHD. all the above5. One of the following will not influence the corrosion of metals A. pressureB. temperature C. pHD. humidity6. In sacrificial anodic protection of metals, the metal to be protected is made as -----A. anodeB. cathodeC. inert electrodeD. coating material7. --------- is not used as anodic inhibitor in corrosion protection A. chromateB. chlorideC. phosphateD. tungstate8. Corrosion of metals involves A. Physical changeB. Chemical change C. Both a and bD. None9. Zn is more ________ than Fe. A. ElectronegativeB. Passive C. ElectropositiveD. None of above10. Which metal does not undergo corrosion? A. Pt B. Zn C. Fe D. Pb11. One of the following is an example for differential aeration corrosion. A. PittingB. Pipe line corrosion C. CreviceD. all the above12. Electrochemical corrosion takes place on, A. at anodic areaB. at cathodic area C. near cathodeD. near anode 13. Identify the metal which is not employed as Sacrificial anode, A. Mg B. Zn C. Al D. Na14. Coating applied must be chemically __________ to the environment. A. inertB. reactive C. solubleD. none15. Volatile oxidation corrosion product of a metal is, A. Fe2O3 B. MoO3 C. Fe3O4 D. FeO16. Lower is pH, corrosion is A. Greater B. Lower C. ConstantD. None of above 17. Galvanic corrosion can be prevented by having ------ A. smaller cathode area B. larger anode area C. inserting insulating materialD. all the above18. Chemical formula of Rust is, A. Fe2O3 B. FeO C. Fe3O4 D. Fe2O3.xH2O19. Which of following metals could provide cathodic protection to Fe? A. Al & Cu B. Mg & Zn C. Zn & Cu D. Al & Ni20. One of the following will not induce corrosion on metals A. SO2 B. NO2 C. H2S D. H221. Process of corrosion is not enhanced by, A. alloyingB. electrolytes in water C. metallic impuritiesD. gases like CO2 and SO222. Which of the following metal does not resists the corrosion process? A. Ni B. Cu C. Pb D. Fe23. More active metal used in sacrificial anodic protection method is known as, A. Sacrificial anodeB. Sacrificial cathode C. Active anodeD. Active cathode 24. Evolution of hydrogen type corrosion occurs in _______ environment. A. AcidicB. NeutralC. BasicD. Saline25. Identify the group which is used as cathodic inhibitor A. AminesB. Mercaptans C. Thiourea D. All the above26. Coating of Zn and Al on steel are _________ , because their electrode potentials are lower. A. CathodicB. Anodic C. Not affectingD. None of above27. _________ is the process of coating Fe or steel with a zinc coating. A. Tinning B. Hot dipping C. GalvanizingD. None of above28. ______ is the process of coating of tin over Fe or steel. A. Tinning B. Galvanizing C. Metal claddingD. Sheardizing29. . _______ coating is non toxic in nature. A. Sn B. Zn C. Fe D. Cu 30. Fe or steel is ____ with respect to copper. A. Anodic B. Cathodic C. inert D. Non corrosive31. Al is _________ than Zn. A. Less anodic B. More anodic C. Less Cathodic D. More Cathodic32. The process of decrease in carbon content in steel is known as A. Decarburization B. Demineralization C. Desalination D. Deionization33. Dry corrosion is otherwise called as ------ A. wet corrosion B. electrochemical corrosion C. chemical corrosion D. galvanic corrosion34. Which metals are more resistant to corrosion? A. Noble metals B. Alkaline metals C. Alkaline earth metals D. none of these 35. Tarnishing of silver articles is due to ---- in the atmosphere A. hydrogen B. waterC. hydrogen sulphide D. oxygen36. Which is not an example of differential aeration corrosion A. pitting corrosionB. galvanic corrosion C. pipeline corrosionD. wire fence corrosion37. Which one of the following adopts adsorption mechanism? A. conduction of ions B. differential aeration corrosion C. electrochemical corrosion D. chemical corrosion38. In which medium corrosion rate is high? A. basic medium B. acidic medium C. neutral medium D. none of these39. When the cathodic area is larger, the rate of galvanic corrosion is A. low B. constant C. higher D. none of these40. Rusting of iron is quicker in saline water than in ordinary water. A. True B. False41. Galvanization and cathodic protection are one and the same A. True B. False42. Corrosion cannot be prevented by painting the surface A. True B. False43. Extraction of metals does not require energy A. True B. False 44. Pure metal is thermodynamically more stable. A. True B. False45. Collection of gases in the voids inside to metals increases the strength of metals A. True B. False 46. Iron is more easily corroded than Cu A. True B. False47. Lower the pH (more acidic) greater is a corrosion in metals. A. True B. False48. Metals are corroded faster near the seashore A. True B. False49. At high temperature metals are oxidized easily. A. True B. False50. Unstable oxide layers are formed on the surface of gold. A. True B. FalsePortion - End Sem--Unit - III1. The phenomenon of radioactivity was first discovered by A. Rutherford B. Marie curie C. Henry Becqurel D. Marie curie2. Example of a fissionable nucleus is A. 92U235 B. 92U238 C. 90Th232 D. 56Ba1393. Uranium ultimately decays into a stable isotope of A. radium B. carbon C. lead D. neptunium4. The particles more eminent for nuclear fission are A. Fast neutrons B. Fast protons C. Slow neutrons D. Slow protons5. Which of the following is used as control rod? A. Cadmium rod B. graphite rod C. Boron D. both (a) & (b) 6. Which of the following is used as moderator? A. D2O B. Alum C. cadmium D. lead7. In terms of energy 1 a.m.u. is equal to A. 100 J B. 931.1MeV C. 931.1 kcal D. 107 erg8. The temperature in a nuclear reactor is maintained primarily by the use of A. shielding B. coolants C. moderators D. control rods 9. To make nuclear fission more efficient, which device is used in a nuclear reactor to slow the speed of neutrons? A. internal shield B. external shield C. control rod D. moderator 10. Fissionable uranium- 235 or plutonium-239 are used in nuclear reactors as A. coolants B. control rods C. moderators D. fuels11. Control rods in nuclear reactors are commonly made of boron and cadmium because these two elements have the ability toA. absorb neutrons B. emit neutrons C. decrease the speed of neutrons D. increase the speed of neutrons 12. Heavy water and graphite are two examples of materials that are can be used in a nuclear reactor to slow down neutrons. These materials are called A. fuels B. shields C. coolants D. moderators 13. Which reaction illustrates fusion? A. 1H2 + 1H2 --------> 2He4 B. 0n1 + 13Al27 ------ > 11Na24 + 2He4 C. 13Al27 + 2He4 ------> 15P30 + 0n1 D. 7N14 + 2He4 -------> 1H1 + 8O1714. Atoms with the same atomic number and different mass numbers A. do not exist B. are isomers C. are isotopes D. are allotropes15. What is an environmental problem associated with nuclear power plants? A. nitrogen oxide emissions B. sulphur oxide emissions C. carbon dioxide emissions D. none of the above 16. Breeder reactors convert A. 92U238 into 92U235 B. 92U238 into 94Pu239 C. 92U235 into 94Pu239 D. 92U235 into 92U238 17. Hydrogen bomb works on the principle of A. Nuclear fission B. Oxidation C. Nuclear splitting D. Nuclear fusion 18. Atom bomb operates based on the principle of A. Nuclear fission B. Oxidation C. Nuclear splitting D. Nuclear fusion19. According to Einstein’s equation, the relationship between mass and energy can be written as---------- A. E= h B. E= mc2 C. E= hc/ D. none of these 20. Explosive used in an atom bomb is A. Uranium B. Radium C. Trinitro toluene (TNT) D. Neutron21. Nuclear reaction is influenced by temperature, pressure, concentration and presence of catalyst. A. True B. False22. In nuclear fission, neutrons can be used for bombarding the target. A. True B. False 23. Nuclear fusion involves joining of two light nuclei to form a heavy nucleus. A. True B. False24. Law of conservation of mass is applicable in Nuclear reactions. A. True B. False25. In atom bomb, two pieces of fissionable materials are used in sub-critical masses. A. True B. False 26. A battery is a device that can operate A. as electrical cell B. as voltaic cell C. both as voltaic and electric cell D. None of the above27. A battery is a device that can operate A. as electrical cell B. as voltaic cell C. both as voltaic and electric cell D. None of the above28. During discharging operation in a Pb-acid cell, the concentration of H2SO4 A. decreases B. not affected C. increases D. H2SO4 is not used29. A cell whose reaction is reversible is called A. Fuel cell B. Primary cell C. Secondary cell D. All the above30. An electrolytic cell is a device which converts A. Electrical energy to chemical energy B. chemical energy to Electrical energy C. chemical energy to mechanical energy D. mechanical energy to chemical energy31. Leclanche cell is a A. Chemical cell B. Electro chemical cell C. Dry cell D. Storage battery32. The cell potential is related to--------- A. free energy change B. entropy change C. enthalpy change D. heat33. A battery is made up of ----------- A. anode only B. cathode only C. several anode and several cathodes D. only one cathode and one anode34. Which of the following battery belongs to primary battery A. Lithium battery B. Mercury battery C. Lead acid battery D. Nickel-Cadmium battery35. Rechargeable battery is otherwise known as A. primary battery B. flow battery C. secondary battery D. disposable battery36. Dry cell consists of a zinc cylinder, which acts as--------- A. anode B. cathode C. electrolyte D. salt bridge37. The number of cells connected in series in a 12 V lead acid battery are A. 6 cells B. 3 cells C. 12 cells D. only one cell38. In alkaline batteries, which of the following acts as electrolyte A. NaOH B. KOH C. Ca(OH)2 D. Mg(OH)239. Which one of the following is a solid state battery A. Lithium battery B. Lead acid storage cell C. Nickel-cadmium battery D. Alkaline battery 40. p-type semiconductors consist of the following A. Si doped with P B. Si doped with B C. Si doped with Ga D. Si doped with In41. Which one of the following battery is eco-friendly A. Lithium battery B. Lead acid storage cell C. Nickel-cadmium battery D. solar battery42. The by-product formed in hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is A. Hydrogen B. Oxygen C. Water D. Carbon dioxide43. In lead storage cell, Pb is used as A. anode B. cathode C. electrolyte D. all the above44. In a Lithium-Sulphur battery, Lithium and Sulphur is used in the form of A. solid state B. Gaseous state C. molten state D. none of these45. Li battery generates higher voltage than other types of cells, why? A. Li has high negative reduction potential B. Li has high positive reduction potential C. Li has lower oxidation potential D. None of these 46. Primary batteries are also called disposable batteries. A. True B. False47. In lithium battery, Li is used as anode. A. True B. False48. The life of alkaline battery is longer than the dry battery, because there is no corrosion of Zn. A. True B. False49. In lead acid battery, acetic acid is used as electrolyte. A. True B. False50. Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is a flow battery. A. True B. FalsePortion - End Sem---Unit - IV1. Electromagnetic radiation is characterized by A. Wave length only B. Wave number only C. Frequency only D. all the above2. One Hertz is equal to----------------- A. 1m-1 B. sec-1 C. 1 sec D. cm-13. Molecular spectrum is a ------------- A. line spectrum B. Barrel spectrum C. line and band spectrum D. None of these4. Absorbance A is equal to A. T B. 1/T C. may vary D. cl5. UV region is A. 200 - 400nm B. 400 - 800nm C. 10000 - 25cm D. 4000 - 100cm-16. In UV visible spectrometer -----------is used as source of light A. Tungsten B. tungsten - halogen C. deuterium - tungsten D. all the above7. Normal IR range is---------- A. 4000 - 600 cm-1 B. 200 - 400 nm C. 600 - 50 cm-1 D. 400 - 800 nm8. Auxochromes are -------- groups A. Color producing B. Color Intensifying groups C. Color underlying D. None of these9. An auxochrome when attached to a chromophore, it alters A. Wavelength B. intensity of absorption C. Both a and b D. None of the above10. The monochromators filters used in UV spectroscopy is A. Glass filters B. Gelatin filters C. Quartz prism D. All the above11. Auxochromes are commonly called as A. Color helpers B. Color intensifiers C. Both a and b D. None of the above 12. The energy of is A. directly proportional to wave length B. inversely proportional wave length C. equal to wave length D. not definite13. Spectroscopy deals with the interaction of EM radiation with matter A. True B. False14. Redirection of light due to its interaction with matter is called scattering. A. True B. False15. Bathochromic shift is shifting of wavelength to longer wave length. A. True B. False16. Hypsochromic shift is shifting of wavelength to longer wave length. A. True B. False17. Hyperchromic is shifting wavelength to longer wavelength A. True B. False18. Azobenzene is colorless A. True B. False 19. IR spectroscopy is used to identify functional group present in organic compounds. A. True B. False20. UV spectrum is an electronic spectrum A. True B. False21. Tungsten filament lamp is used as a source of light in photo colorimeter. A. True B. False22. For a compound (molecule) to be IR active, It must have permanent dipole moment. A. True B. False23. Nitrobenzene is colorless. A. True B. False24. Electrons present in the chromophore get excited from the ground level to the excited state when visible light falls on them. A. True B. False25. Amino groups are examples of positively charged / basic auxochromes. A. True B. False26. Carboxyl, hydroxyl and sulphonic groups are examples of negatively charged/ acidic auxochromes. A. True B. False27. UV spectroscopy can be used to find out functional groups in organic compounds. A. True B. False28. Electron magnetic radiation can travel through vacuum. A. True B. False29. Photoelectric devices are used as a detectors in colorimeters. A. True B. False30. Maximum wavelength of 1,3 butadiene is greater than that of methane. A. True B. False31. UV-Vis spectroscopy is used to detect the impurities of the organic compounds. A. True B. False32. azobenzene is red in colour A. True B. False33. Beer - Lambert’s Law is applicable to -------- A. Poly chromatic light B. turbid solutions C. dilution solutions D. polymerized solutions34. Which one of the following is a not a chromophore A. methyl group B. Azo group C. ethyl group D. Propyl group35. Which one of the following is an auxochrome A. Amino group B. Carbonyl group C. Alkyne group D. cyanide group 36. In monochromator glass filters, which one of the following metals is not used for giving color to the glass A. calcium B. vanadium C. chromium D. nickel37. The number of vibrational degrees of freedom for water is---- A. 3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 638. The number of vibrational degrees of freedom for CO2 molecules is---- A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 139. The formula for the calculation of vibrational degree of freedom for a linear molecule A. 3N-5 B. 3N C. 3N-6 D. N-540. The formula for calculation of vibrational degree of freedom for a non-linear molecular is A. 3N-6 B. 3N-5 C. 3N D. N-641. The IR frequency for finger print region is A. 3650 cm-1B. 2800 cm-1C. 1300 cm-1 D. 3300 cm-142. Which of the followings is IR inactive A. N2 B. CO2C. H2O D. NH343. Bending vibration is also called as A. deformation vibration B. symmetric strtching C. asymmetric stretching D. All of these.44. The solvent used in UV study is --------------- A. Water B. ethanol C. cyclohexane D. all the above45. The number of vibrational degree of freedom for HCl is--------- A. 1 B. 3 C. 2 D. 446. IR Spectroscopy provide valuable information about A. Molecular weight B. Melting point C. Conjugation D. Functional groups 47. The IR spectrum of NO2 gives…….peaks A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 D. no peaks48. What is the exact mass (in atomic mass units: C, 12.0000; H, 1.0078; N, 14.0031; O, 15.9949) of the molecular ion of a compound with molecular formula C3H8O? A. 60.0000 B. 60.0573 C. 60.0624 D. 59.994949. A transition from a lower level to a higher level from the radiation field to the atom or molecule is called A. Absorption B. EmissionC. Reflection D. Scattering50. Hypo chromic shift is otherwise known as A. Green shift B. red shiftC. blue shiftD. yellow shift51. An auxochrome when attached to a chromophore, it alters A. Wavelength B. Intensity of absorption C. Both A and B D. None of the above52. The dark red color of para-hydroxy azobenzene is due to the presence of auxochrome A. hydroxy group B. Azo group C. Benzene D. None of the above53. In glass filters, the color is produced by the incorporation of oxides of A. Nickel B. IronC. Copper D. All the above54. Which of the following is not a auxochrome A. -NH2 B. EthyleneC. –NHRD. -NR255. Which of the following do not absorb above 200nm in UV region A. n-Propyl alchol B. Diethyl ether C. Methyl alcohol D. All the above56. Intensity of color can be measured by using A. UV spectroscopy B. colorimeter C. IR spectroscopy D. NMR specrroscopy57. Colorimeter is used to determine A. coloured solution B. colourless solution C. turbid solution D. All of these58. UV-Visible spectroscopy otherwise called as A. Electronic spectroscopy B. Vibrational spectroscopy C. Rotational spectroscopy D. None of the above59. Molar composition of complexes can be determined by A. Colorimeter B. Electronic spectroscopy C. Emission spectroscopy D. Vibrational spectroscopy60. Beer-Lambert’s law is only applicable for A. Colloidal solution B. Homogeneous solution C. Heterogeneous solution D. None of the above61. Absorbance is also called as A. Transmittance B. Percentage of Transmittance C. Optical density D. None of the above62. One nanometer is equal to A. 10-9 m B. 10-9 mC. 10-9 cm D. 10-9 mm63. According to Max Planck’s quantum theory E = A. h B. hcC. hc D. all the above64. Avogadro number N is equal to A. 6.023x1023 B. 6.023x10-27C. 6.023x10-23 D. 6.023x10-34 65. Which is the correct order in terms of energy? A. σ→ σ* > π→ π* > n→ π* > n→ σ* B. π→ π* > n→ π* > n→ σ* > σ→ σ* C. n→ σ* > n→ π* > σ→ σ* > π→ π* D. σ→ σ* > n→ σ* > π→ π* > n→ π* 66. CH3.CH2.OH will undergo--------- transition A. σ→ σ* B. n→ σ* C. n→ π* D. π→ π* 67. Alkenes will undergo-------- A. σ→ σ* B. π→ π* C. n→ π* D. n→ σ*68. Which one of the following will have higher UV absorption value A. butane B. butene C. 1,3-butadiene D. n-propene69. The unit of molar absorption coefficient is A. Mol-1cm-1 B. L-1 Mol cm-1 C. Mol cm-1 D. L Mol-1cm-1 70. How many fundamental modes of vibration is possible for methane A. 1 B. 4 C. 7 D. 971. Hyperchromic shift causes A. decrease in max B. Increase in ?max C. Increase in max D. decrease in max72. Decrease in the value of max A. Bathochromic shift B. Hypsochromic shift C. Hypochromic shift D. Hyperchromic shift73. Which of the following do not show IR spectra A. Br2 B. CO2 C. H2O D. NH374. n-propyl alcohol has A. Maximum UV absorption B. Minimum UV absorption C. No UV absorption D. None of the above75. Steric inhibition of resonance can be determined by using A. UV spectroscopy B. IR spectroscopy C. Colorimetry D. All the above76. IR spectroscopy is also known as A. Electronic spectroscopy B. Vibrational spectroscopy C. Rotational spectroscopy D. None of the above77. The region for the IR spectra in the electromagnetic spectrum ranges from A. 0.8 to 200 B. 200 to 400 C. 150 to 300 D. 1 to 10078. The absorption bands which are caused bending vibrations are called as A. Fingerprint region B. Functional group region C. Vibrational region D. None of the above79. The fingerprint region ranges from A. 400-700 cm-1 B. 700-1500 cm-1 C. 1500-3000 cm-1 D. 3000-4500 cm-180. The fingerprint region is used to detect A. Identify the molecule B. Characterize the molecule C. Presence of different functional group D. All the above81. Vibration that causes change in the bond length is known as A. Stretching vibrations B. Bending vibration C. Deformation vibration D. None of the above82. Vibration that causes the change in bond angle is known as A. Stretching vibrations B. Bending vibration C. Deformation vibration D. None of the above83. How many types of stretching vibration are possible for a molecule? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four84. How many types of bending vibration are possible for a molecule? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four85. The value of stretching vibrational frequency of a bond can be calculated by usingA. Beer’s law B. Hook’s lawC. Lambert’s law D. Boyle’s law86. How many fundamental vibration modes are possible for benzene? A. 9 B. 20 C. 30 D. 4087. Sulphur dioxide has... number of fundamental modes A. 2 B. 3C. 4 D. 588. Nitrogen dioxide is a A. Linear triatomic molecule B. Non linear triatomic molecule C. Linear diatomic molecule D. Non linear diatomic molecule89. The radiation source of IR spectrophotometer is A. Nernst glower B. Glober C. Both A and B D. Tungsten filament90. Nernst glower is a rod containing mixture of oxides of A. Zirconium B. YttriumC. Erbium D. All the above91. The sample holder in IR spectrophotometer is made up of A. NaOH B. NaBrC. KBr D. KOH 92. The detector in IR spectrophotometer converts infrared energy to A. Light energy B. Mechanical energy C. Electrical energy D. Unchanged93. IR spectra of phenylmethylketone shows the presence of the following except A. Phenyl group B. Methyl group C. Keto group D. Acid group94. IR spectra of a compound provide information about the presence of A. Intermolecular hydrogen bond B. Intra molecular hydrogen bond C. Stacking interaction D. Both A and B95. IR spectroscopy is used to get information regarding A. Nature of hydrogen bond B. Geometry of the molecule C. Progress of chemical reaction D. All the above 96. Nitrogen dioxide gives three peaks in its IR spectrum which confirms the molecule is A. Linear B. Non-linear C. Cyclic D. None of the above97. Bathochromic shift is otherwise known as A. Red shift B. Blue shift C. Green shift D. Yellow shift98. A transition from a higher level to a lower level from the radiation field to the atom or molecule is called as A. Absorption B. EmissionC. Reflection D. Scattering99. Flame photometry is used in soil analysis elements such as A. Fe B. Ni C. Cd D. U100. In plane bending vibrations are A. Scissoring B. Rocking C. Both A and B D. WaggingPortion - End Sem--Unit - V1. In the experimental determination of order of reaction by graphical method, the order of reaction can be determined by drawing a graph between A. rate of a reaction Vs (concentration)n B. rate of a reaction Vs (concentration)n/3 C. rate of a reaction Vs (concentration)n/2 D. rate of a reaction Vs (concentration)n/42. Slowest step is the rate determining step. A. True B. False3. Greater the concentration of reactants slower is the rate of the reaction. A. True B. False4. A small rise in temperature decreases the rate of reaction. A. True B. False5. In general rise in temperature increases the rate of reaction. A. True B. False6. Unit for the rate constant of second order reaction is liter mol-1 sec-1 A. True B. False7. A reaction is said to be of second order if its rate is determined by variation of two concentration terms. A. True B. False8. A reaction is said to be of zero order if its rate of reaction is independent of the concentration of the reactants. A. True B. False9. If the mach number of a plane is grater then 3 the flow regime is A. Supersonic B. Transonic C. Hypersonic D. Ultrasonic10. Shock wave can propagate through A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. All the above 11. Mach number is expressed as A. M= V^2/AB. M=(V/A)^3 C. M= V/AD. M= V/A^212. An object traveling faster than the speed of sound is given a number called A. Doppler B. BeatC. Decibel D. Mach13. If the mach number of a plane is greater than 3 then the flow regime is A. Low subsonic B. Transonic C. Hypersonic D. Ultrasonic14. If the mach number of a plane is equal to 1,then the flow regime is A. Low subsonic B. Transonic C. Hypersonic D. Sonic15. If the mach number of a plane is less than 0.3 then the flow regime is A. Low subsonic B. Transonic C. Hypersonic D. Ultrasonic16. If the mach number of a plane is between 1.2 and 3.0 then the flow regime is A. Supersonic B. Transonic C. Hypersonic D. Ultrasonic17. For a first order reaction the rate of the reaction doubles as the concentration of reactants doubles A. True B. False18. Order of the reaction can be fractional. A. True B. False19. Enzymes act as catalysts in biological processes. A. True B. False20. Shock waves require a medium for propagation. A. True B. False21. The order of the reaction need same as molecularity of the reaction. A. True B. False22. The units for the rate constants for a first order reaction are mol.Lit -1 . A. True B. False23. The second order reaction becomes first order if one of the reactants is Present in large execs. A. True B. False24. The hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in base medium is first order reaction. A. True B. False 25. Half life period of a first order reaction is Independent of initial concentration. A. True B. False26. Enzymes are highly specific in action. A. True B. False27. In a zero order reaction, the rate is Independent of initial concentration of reacting substance A. True B. False28. In rate of reaction is determined by theoretically . A. True B. False29. In majority of chemical reaction catalysis will Increase the speed of the reaction. A. True B. False30. Shock waves can propagate in vacuum. A. True B. False31. The rate of reaction Increase in presence of catalyst. A. True B. False32. If the shock wave is inclined at an oblique angle to flow direction then it is called as A. normal shocks B. oblique shocks C. electromagnetic shock D. surface shock33. If the shock wave is perpendicular to the flow direction then it is called as A. normal shocks B. oblique shocks C. electromagnetic shock D. surface shock34. If the mach number of a plane is between 0.8 and 1.2 then the flow regime is A. supersonic B. transonicC. hypersonic D. ultrasonic35. Rate of a reaction A. increases with increase in temperature B. decreases with decrease in temperature C. does not depend on temperature D. does not depend on concentration36. The spice rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the A. concentration of the reactant B. concentration of the product C. time D. temperature37. The rate constant of a reaction depends on the A. temperature B. initial concentration of the reactants C. time of the reaction D. extent of reaction38. In the case of first order reaction the half - life of the reaction does not depend upon A. temperature B. initial concentration of the reactant C. pressure D. the order of the reaction39. The time required to convert half of the reactant to the products is known as the A. first order reaction B. zero order C. half - life of the reaction D. half of the time needed for reaction 40. In a chemical reaction the molar concentration of reactants ------- with increase of time A. increases B. decreases C. remains constant D. cannot be predicted41. The unit of rate constant, k [when the concentration are expressed in mol L- and time in seconds (s)] for zero order reaction is A. s-1 B. L mol-1 s-1C. L2 mol-2 s-1 D. mol L-1s-142. If the half life period of a particular reaction is found to be constant and independent of the intial concentration of the reactant then reaction is-------- A. first order B. second order C. zero order D. none of these43. In reversible equilibrium reaction both side rates of the reaction are------ A. same B. different C. one side more D. reactant rate is less44. For a first order reaction we have k = 2 x 10-3s-1. The time of completion of 50% reaction is. A. 693s B. 69.3s C. 346.5s D. 3465s45. The first order rate constant for the decomposition of N2O5 is 6x10-4 s-1. The half life period for the decomposition in seconds is. A. 1155 B. 11.55C. 115.5 D. 1.15546. The reaction L M is started with 10.0g of L. After 30 and 90 minutes 5.0g and 1.25 g of L respectively are left. The order of the reaction is A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 347. The half life period of a first order reaction is 100 sec. the rate constant of the reaction is A. 6.93 x 10-3 sec-1 B. 6.93 x 10-4 sec-1 C. 0.693 sec-1 D. 69.3 sec-148. The rate constant for a reaction is 10.8 x 10-5 mol dm -3s-1. The order of the reaction is. A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 349. Rate constant of a first order reaction is A. inversely proportional to the concentration units B. independent of concentration units C. directly proportional to the concentration units D. inversely proportional to the square of the concentration units50. The ratio of the time required for the completion of 50% of a of first order reaction are time to complete75% of the reaction is. A. 1:2B. 4:7 C. 2:3 D. 3:451. Specific rate of a reaction is 11.7 mol -1 dm3 min. what is the order of reaction? A. zero B. 1 C. 2 D. 352. Order of reaction is decided by. A. concentration B. catalystC. temperature D. all the above53. Half life of a reaction is found to be inversely proportional to the square of initial concentration of reactants the order of the reaction is. A. 5 B. 2 C. 2 D. 354. Units of rate constant of first and zero order reaction in terms of molarity M unit are respectively. A. sec-1, M sec-1 B. sec-1,M C. M sec-1,sec-1 D. M,sec-155. The half life period for a first order reaction is 693 seconds.The rate constant for this reaction would be. A. 0.1 sec-1 B. 0.01 sec-1 C. 0.001 sec-1 D. 0.0001 sec-156. If the rate of the reaction is equal to the rate constant the order of the reaction is. A. 3 B. 0 C. 1 D. 2 57. The unit of second order reaction rate constant is. A. lit-1 mol sec-1B. lit2 mol-2 sec-1 C. lit.mol-1sec-1 D. sec-1245808514859058. The graph indicates ----------- reaction A. zero B. first C. third D. second 25914356477059. The graph indicates ----------- order reaction A. first B. second C. zero D. third60. The order and molecularity of the following reaction H2 + I2 to give 2HI are A. 2 and 2 B. 1 and 2 C. 2 and 1 D. 0 and 161. The order of the reaction can be determined by ----------- method A. graphicalB. integration C. half – lifeD. all the above62. In case of hypersonic flow the Mach number will be ----------- A. << 0.3 B. 0.321 C. 1.2 to 3 D. >> 363. In the production of shockwave -------- gas is used as driver gas A. helium B. hydrogen C. nitrogen D. a or b64. The number of atoms or molecules whose concentration changes during a chemical cgange is its A. order of the reaction B. molecularity C. change in reaction D. dynamics65. A reaction proceeds in three steps. The first step is a fast reaction and is a first order reaction, The second step is a slow and is a second order reaction. The third step is a fast and is a second order reaction. The overall order of the reaction will be A. first order B. second orderC. fifth order D. zero order66. Which of the following is correct A. molecularity of a reaction is same as the order of a reaction B. in some cases order of reaction may be same as the molecularity of the reaction C. both (a) and (b) are correctD. all the above are incorrect67. A reaction follows the following equation for the rate constant, it indicates that the reaction is a A. first order reaction B. zero order reaction C. reversible reaction D. irreversible reaction68. A reaction follows the following equation for the rate constant, its indicates that the reaction is a A. zero order reaction B. second order reaction C. first order reaction D. third order reaction 69. A catalyst changes the rate of a reaction by A. changing H B. increasing the temperature C. decreasing the energy of the products D. providing an alternate reaction mechanism70. The minimum amount of energy required to overcome the energy barrier in a chemical reaction is the A. heat of reaction B. activation energy C. KE of the reactants D. enthalpy of the products71. Decomposition of H2O2 is a A. first order reaction B. second order reaction C. zero order reaction D. third order reaction72. The rate-determining step in a reaction mechanism is always the A. first step B. last step C. fastest step D. slowest step73. The minimum amount of energy required to overcome the energy barrier in a chemical reaction is the A. heat of reaction B. activation energy C. KE of the reactants D. enthalpy of the products74. Units of rate respectively. A. mol.lit-1 sec-1 B. sec-1 C. lit-1 sec-1 D. mol. lit-175. A certain first-order reaction A gives to B is 25% complete in 42 min at 25oC.What is the half-life of thereaction? A. 21 min B. 42 min C. 84 min D. 40 min76. The rate constant of a first-order process that has a half-life of 225 s is __________ s-1 A. 3.08 x 10-3 B. 12.5 C. 1.25 D. 4.44 x 10-3 77. The rate of a reaction depends on __________ A. collision frequency B. collision orientation C. collision energy D. all the above78. A first-order reaction has a rate constant of 3.0 × 10 ─ 3 s ─ 1.The time required for the reactionto 75% complete is: A. 201 s B. 231 s C. 462 s D. 41.7 s 79. The order of reactions determine by A. half-life method B. integral method C. graphical method D. all the above80. For the chemical reaction A + B to gives C, a plot of log [A] versus time is found to give a straight linewith a negative slope.What is the order of reaction? A. zero B. first C. second D. third81. For the chemical reaction A + B -----> C, a plot of 1/[A] versus time is found to give a straight line witha positive slope.What is the order of reaction? A. zero B. first C. second D. third 82. For a second-order reaction, the half-life is equal to: A. t1/2 = 0.693/k B. t1/2 = k/0.693 C. t1/2 = 1/ka D. t1/2 = k 83. For Zero-order reaction, the half-life is equal to A. t1/2 = 0.693/k B. t1/2 = k /0.693 C. t1/2 = 1/ka D. t1/2 = a /2k84. For an elementary reaction, 2A+B C+D, the molecularity is. A. zero B. one C. two D. three85. The rate of reaction A+B Products is given by the equation r =k [A] [B]. If B is takenin large excess the order of the reaction would be. A. 2 B. 1 C. 0 D. unpredictable86. For the reaction H2 (g) + B2 ------> 2HBr (g) the reaction rate = k [H2] [Br2]1/2. Which one of thefollowing statements is true about this reaction? A. this reaction is a second order one B. molecularity of the reaction is 3/2 C. the unit of k is sec-1 D. molecularity of the reaction is 2 87. For reaction N2 + 3H2 2NH3 ?[NH3] /?t = 2 x 10-4 mol lit- sec- the value of -? [H2]/ ?twould be A. 1 x 10-4 mol lit -1 sec-1 B. 3 x 10-4 mol lit -1 sec-1 C. 4 x 10-4 mol lit -1 sec-1 D. 6 x 10-4 mol lit -1 sec-1 88. For the reaction A + 2BC, rate is given by R = [A] [B]2 then the order of the reaction is. A. 3 B. 6 C. 5 D. 789. The differential rate law for the reaction H2 + I2 2HI is. A. B. C. D. 90. The rate law for the reaction. 2N2O5 4 NO2 + O2 is A. r = k [N2O5] B. r = k [N2O5]2 C. r = k [N2O5]0 D. r = k [NO2]4[O2]91. Decomposition of HI on metallic surface is a first order reaction A. TrueB. False92. For the reaction H2+I2 -----> 2HI the order of reaction is. A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 393. The reaction 2N2O5 2N2O4 + O2 is. A. bimolecular and first order B. uimolecular and first order C. bimolecular and second order D. bimolecular and zero order94. If the order of the reaction x + y + sunlight ----> xy is zero it means that the rate of. A. reaction is independent of temperature B. formation of activated complex is zero C. reaction is independent of the concentration of reaction species D. decomposition of activated complex is zero95. Which is the correct expression for the rate of reaction for the reaction 2A B A. -1/2d [A]/dt B. -d [A]/dt C. -d [B]/dt D. +d [A]/dt96. The rate constant for the reaction. 2N2 O5 ---> 4 NO2 +O2 is3.0x10 -5 sec-1. If the rate is 2.40 x 10-5mol litre-1 sec-1then the concentration of N2O5 (in mol litre -1) is A. 1.4 B. 1.2 C. 0.04 D. 0.8 97. The rate of a reaction, A+B+C Products is given by r = k [A] 1/2 [B] 3/2 [C]1/2 The order of reaction is. A. 3/2 B. 2 C. 1/2 D. 5/298. The fast reactions can be measured by pulse method A. True B. False99. The half life period of a first order reaction is 100 sec. the rate constant of the reaction is A. 6.93 x 10-3 sec-1 B. 6.93 x 10-4 sec-1 C. 0.693 sec-1 D. 69.3 sec-1100. Consider the rate law: rate = k[Y]m[Z]n. How are the exponents m and n determined? A. by using the balanced chemical equation B. by educated guess C. by using the coefficients of the chemical formulas D. by experiment ................

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