MacKay Clan Grand Council

MacKay Clan Courier

EDITION # 77 JUNE 2016

48th Annual Clan Reunion


MacKay Clan Grand Council

Kenneth MacKay, Chieftain

Bob Sutton

Gary Martineck

Milford Dunn

John MacKay

Mark McCready

Donald Martineck

Tom MacKay

Edward MacKay

Jim Sarra

Advisory Board

Ginny Clark

Marilyn Cash

Jerry MacKay

Greg Sutton

Robert MacKay

Debbie Ritz

Christine Sarra

Historian: Dawn Sutton

The MacKay Clan Courier has been published since 1968 and will continue only with your support. It is each family’s responsibility to submit articles. Without these articles, there would be no Clan Courier. Please do your part to keep this tradition alive!


Just one short week after last year’s reunion, Roy McCready passed away on August 9, 2015. His health failing, he was determined to attend the Clan Reunion, and so he did. Roy’s love of family and his adventures around the globe will be remembered by all. May he rest in peace!

This edition of the Clan Courier is dedicated to Roy.

Chieftain’s Message

Dear MacKay Clan-

I am writing this from Killarney having just come from Bothar Bui, a small retreat on the remote Beara Peninsula in S-W Ireland. Bothar Bui, which means ‘yellow road’ in Irish, was built in the early 70’s by an Irish architect, Robin Walker, as a gathering place for his family and friends. I found the place on-line when searching for information on the Irish poet Seamus Heaney. Heaney wrote a poem about both the architect and the place. He also narrated a short film about Bothar Bui entitled ‘The Lives of Spaces’. As an architect, when speaking about buildings and places I normally say that there is no substitute for ‘being there’. However, my two days in Bothar Bui left me with enough spider and midge bits to send me looking for the nearest pharmacy when we reached Killarney. I am finally willing to admit that sometimes ‘being there’ is not always necessary

Monica will be joining me in Limerick in a week and we will be travelling to Copenhagen for a few days. Parker will be meeting me in Glasgow, Scotland in early July. We plan to rent a car and head north, possibly getting as far north as the MacKay homeland. I am not sure if Parker’s motivation is based on seeing our heritage first hand or to re-enact the final scenes from the James Bond movie Skyfall, where 007 travels to the physical and digitally remote castle in which he was raised. I hope that it will be more enjoyable than the movie. At least there should be fewer bugs in Northern Scotland than S- W Ireland.

I had hopes that the newly-weds; Emily and Michael, might also join me this summer. Michael, a Star Wars fan, was impressed when he found that I had climbed to the top of Skellig Michael. The stone beehive-like constructions above the clouds were constructed by monks nearly 1,400 years ago and were recently featured in the recent Star Wars movie. I explained that the journey to Skellig Michael involved dangerously small boats navigating the swells of the North Atlantic, inadequate docking facilities which required you to leap from a moving boat, and the slippery stone steps up the side of the 800-foot mountain. All things considered, perhaps it is best that they will only experience Skellig Michael through the movies.

I look forward to seeing you all at the annual MacKay Family Reunion. It’s the one event each year that I can truly say that there is no real substitute for ‘being there’ and seeing everyone in person.

Chieftain Ken MacKay

New Members to the Clan

Michael Kiebzak, by marriage to Emily MacKay, October 4, 2015

MacKay Lauran Conley, born March 11, 2016 to Holly and Neil Conley, first grandchild of Ed and Phyllis MacKay

Emerson James Watts, born May 5, 2016 to Kory Watts and Stephanie Leidolph

Ashley Marie Pecorano, by marriage to Anthony Rafe, May 21, 2016

Gina Hanson, by marriage to Patrick McCready, June 18, 2016




This year’s reunion will be held again at Sweeney Hose Fire Hall, 499 Zimmerman St (corner Erie Ave), North Tonawanda, NY 14120 on Saturday, August 6th. Please see the MacKay Reunion link for the details. We will once again celebrate our family by being together, meeting new members, and enjoying each other’s company.

The MacKay Golf Tournament will be held for again at Shawnee Golf Course, 6020 Townline Rd, Wheatfield, NY 14132. We will have to make tee times for our group, so it will be necessary for those wanting to play to let us know – via email or phone – no later than 7/21/16, so the correct # of tee times can be made. We will be starting at 8:00 so please arrive between 7:30-7:45. Since the course is somewhat close to the location for the reunion, golfers will be able to go directly to the reunion site from the course.

We are also asking for you to contact us – phone 716 691-4800 or email (ssarra1044@) - to let us know how many in your family will be attending the reunion to help us prepare for and have sufficient food and drink.

From John MacKay -

Over forty-seven years ago, Aunt Dorothy came up with a wonderful idea of formally establishing The MacKay Clan partly to honor Robert and Jane MacKay and also to provide an opportunity to unite family in the future. At that time, my father Gerald was the only one of their children who was deceased.

At the 25TH Reunion, there was a beautiful tribute to the brothers, sisters and their spouses who had died in the interval. We could have another such tribute at the 50th reunion in 2018.

Three years ago I suggested that anyone who wants to visit the gravesite of Jane and Robert at Elmlawn Cemetery in Buffalo meet on Sunday morning of the Reunion Weekend around 10am to pay respects. I would like to make this an annual event and again bring a dozen roses, one for each child and two for Robert and Jane. If you can’t make it that day, the cemetery is open 8am to 8pm every day. The grave is located to the left of the fountain off of Delaware Ave. It is about 12 gravesites forward from the fountain. Several family members also are buried near Jane and Robert.

If you have any suggestions or questions about this idea, please email or call me. John MacKay 516 404 6064 or mackayjohnra@


As we approach the Clan’s 50th reunion, it is overwhelming to think about all the Clan members who have passed on. We are looking for some way to memorialize them all, to share their life stories, their love of life and family so the younger MacKays and future generations will have a connection with their past. We are looking for ideas on how best to accomplish this. At this year’s reunion we will have an opportunity to make suggestions, and for those not attending, please send them in by email to ssarra1044@


Speaking of the 50th Reunion, it will be here in 2 short years!!! August 4th and 5th, 2018! It is truly a milestone! We want it to be a Golden Celebration for all MacKays, and it’s not too early to start planning. Once again we are looking for input from all, so by next year we can decide what way to best celebrate this momentous occasion. We will have an opportunity to make suggestions at this year’s reunion, so put your thinking caps on! Or send suggestions in by email to ssarra1044@

Clan Finances

The Clan’s finances have remained steady this past year. However, we continue to be in need of, and will be collecting donations, contributions, or “dues” at this year’s Reunion. Contributions can also be mailed to Michael Martineck. These funds help pay for Clan expenses, mainly the mailing of the Courier, maintenance of the Clan website, and have allowed us to keep the food and beverage charges at the Reunion affordable for all our families. With the cost of so many things rising quickly, all of the Clan expenses are rising as well. Please help!

A suggestion from Nina Martineck (Clan Treasurer in training) last year to have a basket raffle to raise funds proved to be overwhelmingly successful. So we will once again ask any Clan members who would like to donate a basket in whatever theme you would like – children’s items, lottery tickets, spirits, use your imagination! Each person donating a basket will receive a ticket for a special raffle only for donators. This will help defray costs of the reunion and keep our prices family friendly, as well as provide needed funds for the 50th Reunion.

Clan MacKay on Facebook

The MacKay Clan continues to be on Facebook! We have 63 members. Join our group to share and receive information about our family all year long. All members of the group can share Clan photos, post exciting news, and receive reminders about upcoming events. As a reminder, posts to your own Facebook page are not carried over to the MacKay page, so you need to post them separately.

To join the group you must first be a member of Facebook, then search for our group under the name “Clan MacKay of Buffalo, NY” and click to join! If you are already a member, you can add your friends by clicking “Add Friends to Group” and typing in your friends’ names. Only members of our group can read or see items posted to the site.

MacKay Clan Web site

We continue to maintain the web site. Ideas for improving it are welcome, please contact Mike Sarra with your suggestions. The site includes Clan Courier issues – current and former, the Clan Directory, info about the Reunion, and results from all the events at last year’s Reunion.

The section on Clan History needs enhancement, and any suggestions, ideas, expertise you have to offer are needed. The link for lost family members continues to grow; please give us updates on your families. There are a number of members whose email addresses are no longer valid – please remember to send us a notice when you change your email address! Every year we lose touch with some members who fail to give us their updated information.

Roger MacKay Family News

Greetings from the family of Roger MacKay:

The year between the Clan Courier articles seems to go by more quickly every year!

I made my first trip with our local Senior Citizen group (yes, I am definitely one of those!) last August.  We traveled through New England by rails and sails and enjoyed the beautiful sights and of course, the New England seafood.  Other travels included a week on the Jersey Shore and a week this past spring with my friends in Naples, Florida.

I have a new addition to my household.  She is a “torti” cat called Erma and has me trained very well.

My grandson, Michael Bouchard, finished his third year at Fredonia with a 4.0!  We are so proud of his hard work and this achievement.

Debbie continues to work with Marty at Pies Furniture Store in Lockport.  Although they have a very busy schedule, there is always time to find entertainment and enjoy their friends.   Debbie now wears a beautiful diamond ring on her left hand … let’s see what 2017 brings!

Hope to see you at the reunion, Phyllis MacKay

Bob Sutton Family News

Last year was challenging for the Sutton family. As some of you know, Bob had a pace maker implanted less than two weeks after the reunion. Meanwhile I was still struggling with RA. To top it off, Greg was hospitalized at Walter Reed with a mysterious heart condition. I am thrilled to report that Bob is doing very well, Greg is as good as new, and my RA is being controlled to some extent with 3-hour long infusions every 5 weeks. 

Our travels for the rest of the year were somewhat curtailed, but we managed to visit the Russell’s in their new house in Michigan. We were also lucky, once again, to have the Russells with us for Christmas and Zach's 8th birthday. Greg and JoAnn joined us for a few days before the 25th, so the entire Sutton family was together.

Bob and I have just returned from a river boat cruise up the Mississippi from New Orleans to Vicksburg. We truly enjoyed ourselves and were accompanied by two other couples we have known since college. 

In June we are going to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico with dear friends for a week.

We are looking forward to the reunion and seeing all the relatives again.

Bob and Dawn

Gary Martineck Family News

The Martinecks of Arkansas have had a busy year travelling to AK, AZ, HI and most recently OH and WI. Coming up is Winnipeg and a tour of ND including a visit with Carl and family. We have added to our list of visits to Nat'l Parks and state capitals.

Gary continues to volunteer at Crystal Bridges in the museum as well as the Frank Lloyd Wright house that was moved piece by piece to the grounds from NJ and reopened last year.

I recently started to volunteer at Horses for Healing, a riding academy for handicapped children. My job is to walk along side and make sure the child stays in the saddle. It's very rewarding.

In Barnes Co ND, Carl recently ran for District Judge against 2 other candidates. The top 2 in the primary go on to the election in Nov. Unfortunately, Carl placed third. Although we were all disappointed, it was a great experience and know that he will be successful in another election sometime in the future. Abby has graduated to 5th grade and plans to be a couch potato this summer. She and Carl will be visiting us in July, but won't be able to make it to the Clan meeting this year.

In NYC, Scott and Dani continue with their jobs at Starbucks and Baruch College respectively. Scott was very active with an improv group and recently got a singing part in a small production. Dani has also acted in a few Shakespeare plays lately. We may see their names up in lights one of these days. They will be at the Clan meeting.

My Dad is doing pretty well despite a recent fall. His bones must be like stone because none were broken, but he has some muscle soreness and will be starting therapy. His girlfriend, Jean, is a gem. She's a huge help to him and we are thankful for that. Dad will be 97 in Aug.

Well, that is the long and short of it. We look forward to seeing everyone in Aug.

Jim Sarra Family News

It has been a relatively quiet year for Jim and Sue. Efforts centered on completing the furnishing of the new FL home purchased last year. We are glad to be done with the shopping mode of life and back to the laid back lifestyle of retirement!

A highlight this winter was having the whole family down to FL. The weather mostly cooperated for Mike and Geo, Chrissy, Jeremy, Gavin and Victoria. All were very thankful for the extra room in the house vs the old condo!

This summer we are tending to some long-overdue projects at home, always fun. Are we the only ones who pick a paint color, only to find out it looks nothing like what you thought it would when painted?

We are looking forward to our road trip in September – we will be travelling out west to visit the Geists in Idaho and stopping along the way to visit many sites on our bucket list – Chicago, Mt Rushmore, Yellowstone, and after Idaho, Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, San Antonio, New Orleans, ending in FL for the remainder of the fall. A lot of driving!

Safe travels to all, see you in August!

Dusher Family News

The Dushers have had another busy year. It’s never a dull moment with two toddlers full of boundless energy. Anyway, Christine is still at the JCC as Kids Place director but was promoted into a new position that oversees programs at two different sites. She is also looking forward to another great summer with Camp Centerland. Jeremy is still with Nike as an Assistant Head Coach where everything is going swell.

We celebrated our 6th year of marital bliss by taking a family vacation down to Florida to visit Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Mike, and Aunt Geo in February. It was Tori’s first plane ride and was an adventure getting through the airport with two car seats and two kids in tow. We thought the Venice weather was amazing, even if we were the only ones in the community pool that week.

In Gavin related news, he is becoming quite the athlete. He still loves basketball and soccer, but has also become pretty good at baseball and even went ice skating with mom this past winter. He is very competitive so watch out everyone in the children’s games! He also got to try bowling for the first time recently and will be a likely participant in Sunday’s Scotch bowling competition. He is a wonderful big brother who loves playing games with Tori, as long as he ends up winning.

Victoria has had a very busy year too. For Halloween she stole the show as Tinkerbell as part of our family’s Peter Pan themed costumes and got to trick-or-treat for the first time. She loves everything Minnie Mouse and is absolutely obsessed with Anna and Elsa and Disney’s Frozen. Big brother Gavin is still her idol and she does a great job keeping up with the “big kids.”

McCarthy Family News

This has been a very busy year as we worked to get a lot of trips off our bucket list. In January, we took the Antarctic Experience cruise with Holland America Lines. We were blessed with beautiful weather and saw wonderful wildlife: penguins, seals, whales and ocean birds of all kinds. The huge pale blue icebergs, think of a chunk of ice the size of your local shopping mall, were awesome. The trip finished with a cruise thru the Chilean fjords, which were amazing. This trip was one of the best we’ve taken.

In May, we were off again to South America on a tour of Peru and Ecuador. This trip included several days visiting Inca ruins, including Machu Picchu and the city of Cusco. Our flight to Ecuador, took us first to Quito, where we got a chance to stand on the equator and visit a rose plantation. We had lunch in the 300 year old hacienda surrounded by bouquets containing more the 3,000 roses. All of this, at an altitude of over 9000 ft., made breathing difficult. Then it was down to sea level on the Galapagos Islands. Our ship held 90 passengers and we traveled from the ship to each island by rubber pangas. Walking was difficult but the animals were close up and ignored our presences. The heat and humidity made us decide that we should have done this trip 10 years ago. Wonderful, but a little hard to handle. Getting old takes its toll.

We won’t be at the picnic this year. Dan and I will be on the Pacific Princess cruising around the British Isles. Our final port is Edinburgh and we have plans to visit St. Andrews and have tickets that evening for the Military Tattoo at Edinburgh Castle. This something I’ve always wanted to see. We will be in Dublin on picnic day and will toast you all with a glass of Guinness.

Mary Jane

Ken MacKay Family News

Dear Family,

As I write this I am getting ready to fly over to Ireland to meet up with Ken who is once again teaching there in and in Scotland for the summer. We plan to take a detour to Denmark while the students have a ‘mid-semester’ break. Ken keeps reminding me that there is a lot of architecture we used to talk about years ago maybe one day seeing – all I remember is taking care of babies and growing children!

Our year has been an embarrassment of riches. We refer to Emily and Michael’s wedding as the ‘best day ever’…Peter Henderson piping the processional and recessional, a resplendent Chieftain in full kilt regalia, the groom and MacKay boys sporting matching tartan ties, Donny Martinek – officiant extraordinaire and a ruckus break out jig by the bride and Chieftain to Drop Kick Murphys! Ahhh….a good time was had by all.

After a hard year of really (really) learning to study, Stuart successfully completed the post-baccalaureate program at LECOM and will be starting medical school in late July. Sadly, he won’t be able to attend the Reunion this year. Ken and I will join up with him in September for the white coat ceremony to mark the start of his medical training. As an aside, Ken was a remarkable support for Stuart through some of the more tedious exam periods. Stuart quickly figured out that if you call mom, all she is going to do is worry…a lot.

Parker continues to grow his law practice. He plans to break away this summer and join up with his dad in Scotland then travel on his own to Spain and Morocco. I’m sure there will be stories and photos to share. The important question is who is taking care of his dog while he’s traveling?!?!

Ken continues with his over the top involvement at UB. The Solar Decathlon team from UB ended up a very, very close second in the international completion. Ken traveled to California to supervise the de-construction of the house which is now on the UB campus. Ken is overseeing the permanent siting of the structure so it can be used as a teaching tool for the community. Ken has been very involved with the international studies program at UB. This year he was instrumental in establishing an exchange program with University College Dublin (UCD) and UB to high accolades. Who knows where he will end up traveling to next; as long as he can take his golf clubs.

My news is that I received a promotion and am now a ‘construction project manager’. Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks and my hard hat has a permanent place in my car. I’m just getting my feet wet but so far, so good.

Wishing good health and safe travels to all and as always, looking forward to seeing everyone the first weekend in August.

Much love,

Kenneth S. MacKay Family

John MacKay Family News

Hello MacKay Family Members

The family of John MacKay is fine and looking forward to its first family camping (in  cabins!) vacation. Returning to Gilbert Lake State Park in Laurens, NY for a week of family time. This was the park we camped in when the children were young. Now we will be including spouses and six grandchildren. 

After a winter in Florida, John and I had a fun return trip to Buffalo this year, visiting the Ray Charles plaza in Albany, GA and the Cheekwood Botanical Gardens in Chattanooga, TN. We enjoyed a concert at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville as well as the Parthenon in this "Athens of the South".

John is working at Buffalo General Hospital on Monday and Wednesday as a pastoral volunteer and sees all the incredible construction activity happening in that area. Our five years living in Buffalo feels like great change to us, so we can only imagine how it seems to long time residents! 

Hope all the family will enjoy the city this summer and regards to all. 

John and Mary Ellen

Christopher Martineck Family News

For me and Lisa the last year has been a complete focus on our building project in downtown Buffalo.  And yes….the new salon just opened.  So come visit Capello Salon and Day Spa, 220 Franklin Street, Buffalo, NY 14202.

It officially opened June 2nd – but we’ll be having a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 10th (special guest . Kathy Hochul.)

The building renovation/development has been quite the experience.  Too many stories to highlight here.  The second floor still needs to be finished but the three luxury apartments are taking shape.

The kids have been great throughout the process – and a special shout out to Grandma Judy.  She’s been on-hand, usually with short notice, to take care of the kids when a problem or meeting has come up unexpectedly (and typically that’s weekly.)

Natalle will be testing for her brown belt in karate in the next week.  Chase is a triple-threat with swimming, soccer and piano (I know, not your usual triple-threat.)  Nicholas is in his second year of baseball, and the swing is starting to look like Great Grandpa Mike’s.  Perhaps there is new hope.

Look forward to seeing everyone.  Start thinking Chinese (we’re in charge of the food this year.)

Chris and Lisa Martineck (Natalle-10, Chase-7, Nicholas-almost 5)

Michael Martineck Family News

Sarah, Michael, Nina and Max Martineck

The highlight of this past year had to be both children appearing in the same play. Max and Nina are five years apart, so the odds of this happening again and poor. Unlike those rare celestial events – you know, like when they tell you Mars and Venus are going to line up and it only happens once in 100 years and you go up and look and it’s a highly disappointing two specks in the night? – Max and Nina made this one count. The Wizard of Oz. They were munchkins. In fact, they were the best munchkins.

Nina took home a national French award this year. Max took home a perfect attendance award. Both of these achievements are remarkable to me, as in I don’t have perfect attendance anywhere and can’t speak more than four words of French. This year Sarah traveled to the Dominican Republic to perform back surgeries on the less fortunate. Yet another thing I find remarkable, as I hate to leave Grand Island – especially for another island - and I probably don’t have to tell any of you about my surgery skills. Sometimes I ask for help with a lamb chop. 

Jeff Geist Family News

Hi everyone from the Jeff Geist family in Twin Falls, ID.

Jeff has gone to part time work now which is great but it now seems like we're busier than he was when he worked full time. He has a bike trip planned with our daughter Ashley to ride 7 days through the Great Allegheny Passage starting on June 11th. Can't wait to hear about their adventures. I opted to stay home and keep things running, ha.

Our son Ryan just graduated from the College of Idaho. He is planning on taking a year off of school and then deciding where he may apply for a graduate position.

Ashley just completed her first year of MOT graduate school in Pocatello. So she is looking forward to a quick break before she heads back at the end of June.

We really enjoy the time we spend with our kids and family that is so close by. Hope all of you are doing fine and enjoying life.

Don Martineck Family

Hi to all from beautiful Barker New York. Terri retired in December and to celebrate we decided to take a two week road trip to Nashville and then to Tunica over the Christmas Holidays. Great, not so. Between the tornadoes, thunder storms, and flood warnings, we spent more time in our hotel room and car then we did sightseeing. We did manage to see a couple of shows in Nashville and a great bus tour thru the record district, in between tornado warnings that is. After a few days in Mississippi we headed home early from our trip and spent New Year’s at home, safe and sound. We were planning some early camping trips but in getting the trailer ready we found that over the winter, several water lines had frozen and broke. It was the dealer’s problem because they had it in their shop for warranty work and returned it to our house in December while we were on vacation and apparently did not re-winterize it. After coming back out to take care of it in May, we thought we were good to go. Unfortunately that's when I started having a problem with my right leg swelling up. It was diagnosed as DVT and they found blood clots in my leg and my lungs. After several weeks on blood thinners the leg was still swollen so they put me on antibiotics for cellulitis. Needless to say we are hoping to start our camping season the end of June. Since last year we have been taking care of Terri's son’s dog, a six pound Chihuahua, Daphne. It's a far cry from two Rottweilers but at my age I guess it's all I can handle. Terri, who never had a dog is in love. Possession is nine tenths of the law so I guess she's officially ours. Besides, she travels well in the glove compartment. Looking forward to seeing you all in August, travel safe.            

Don & Terri             

Greg Sutton News

I start this year’s update with a word of advice: If you run a fever and have night sweats for a month, see a doctor! I felt terrible all last September and spent a week at Walter Reed with a bunch of doctors trying to figure out why my right ventricle was so enlarged. Their best guess was that everything was fine with my heart and some sort of virus was to blame. Just to make sure JoAnn and I recently finished a rather hilly trail half marathon and I’ve never felt better.


I’m still at the same Navy command in Virginia Beach and have been busy renovating a condo I bought in the fall and with frequent travel, including a number of trips to Tampa that allow me to visit mom and dad in Sarasota. I know my way around their club as well as they do with all the golf I’ve played there this year! JoAnn and I were in Sarasota over one of the weekends Uncle Jim and Aunt Sue were up for a tournament so it was great to hang out with them. We will absolutely be at this year’s reunion and are looking forward to catching up with the rest of the clan!

Rafe Family News

Hello from Omaha, Nebraska! Mike & Denise Rafe happily welcomed Ashley Marie Pecoraro into our family by marriage to our son Anthony on May 21, 2016.  It was a very happy day for all. The couple went on a honeymoon to Jamaica & came home very tanned & relaxed! Anthony works at Werner Enterprises as a project manager. Ashley works as an x-ray technician at a clinic in Omaha.

On July 8th, our son Nicholas will be marrying his soul mate Jenna Means. The happy couple live in Maryville, Missouri. Nicholas works at the Kawasaki plant there & Jenna is studying at Northwest Missouri State to become an elementary school teacher. The couple will take a honeymoon to Las Vegas! It's been a busy spring & will be a busy summer here in Omaha!

My nephew Patrick McCready (Karen McCready's son) is getting married on Saturday, June 18th to the love of his life Gina Hanson. Pat works at Saia Transportation & Gina is studying to become a nurse.


Mike & Denise Rafe

Watts Family News

Our biggest news this year is we have a new arrival~~~ Emerson James Watts was born on May 5th. Proud, happy exhausted parents are Kory Watts and Stephanie Leidolph,  We are so thrilled to have this bundle of joy in our lives. He is perfect and those are the doctor's words.:-)

Jim is enjoying retirement. Keeping busy by golfing and lots of yard work. We try to get down to VA to see Owen, Colben and Logan as much as we can. They are growing so fast.  Last September Jim, Kris, Jon, Kelly, Kip, Owen, Colben, Logan and I did a Muddy Run. It was very messy, but so much fun. Boys loved seeing us all covered in mud.  Then in October Kory, Stephanie, Jim, Kris, Jon the boys and I went tent

camping to Shenandoah National Park. It was so cold and misty. We did get some hiking in. But it got too cold for me after a couple days and we left. Of course it warmed up and was nice. The boys did more hiking and exploring, even saw bears. This year we have rented a house in Poconos. Will be much warmer. Visited the boys for their 8th birthday

in December. Had a good time at Chucky Cheese. Everybody was here for Christmas. Always good when all the kids and grandkids are here for the holidays. Bad part was a horrible bug went thru the house. But we survived.  In February Jim and I took a mini vacation and drove up to Montreal for a few days. It was beautiful. Had a very nice time. This summer is our summer of weddings. We will be driving to Omaha 3 times

for weddings and in Sept we will be driving to VA Beach for another wedding. Looking forward to seeing everybody at the reunion. Safe travels to everyone. Lynn

Daisher Family News

The Daisher's are all doing well!  I, Nikki, decided to stay home this year, not working as an OT.  It has been great to focus on the kids, cooking, house projects, helping Miles with his crazy schedule and our rentals.  My parents, Dorothy and Harry moved in two doors down 3 years ago and it has been so much fun to have them near.  The kids love biking down to grandma and grandpa's for ice cream.  Miles continues to jump parachutes for Red Bull and other adventures.

Our oldest daughter Dorothy will be 12 at the end of the summer and headed to middle school.  She competes on a cheer team and loves to tumble.  Audrey is 9, has been doing cheer, but recently switched over to gymnastics.  Eli is 7 and loves soccer, golf and baseball.  Our family loves to ski together all winter.

This past year we were lucky enough to travel with Miles to Europe.  Miles was teaching BASE jumping and the kids and I toured around Italy, Switzerland and France.  In the fall we all went to China for 3 weeks while Miles hosted the first ever team wingsuit competition with the top wing suiters from around the world.  All to raise money for the kids that were orphaned from a large earthquake the year before.  It was quite the experience, we stayed in a small mountain town and think our kids were the first blondes most of the village had ever seen!  

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Nau Family News

John and Marjie have had a great year.  We were glad to have Julia return in December from her Peace Corps assignment in Kyrgyzstan in time for the holidays.  John’s guitar/bass amplifier business continues to go strong and his band is doing a lot of fun gigs.  Marjie continues to work as a Regulatory Compliance Director at HSBC.  We went to Holland in May, staying on a barge while we cycled each day on a fantastic bike route system, seeing acres of flowers and animals and enjoying the local cheese, brews and cuisine and engaging company.  In June, we were able to travel to Florida to be part of the surprise 50th wedding celebration for Dan and MaryJane McCarthy.  It was a great event.  It was extra special because Eileen, Pam, Cindy and I were all part of the wedding party back in 1966!  

Looking forward to seeing everyone in August!

Hey, Julia Nau here, back from spending almost two years in Kyrgyzstan with the Peace Corps.  While living in Central Asia, I taught at university, lead trainings and English clubs. Now I'm back in Buffalo at the JCC working in fitness and aquatics and studying personal training. Currently living with boyfriend Anthony in Kenmore, I've been running a lot and preparing for two full marathons later this year. 


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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