Medical Imaging Project -

Medical Imaging Project

Create a PowerPoint Presentation on the medical imaging technique (CAT Scan, MRI, X-Ray, PET Scan) of your choice. Think of yourself as a physician’s assistant who needs to create a presentation to explain the technique to your patient. The following topics need to be addressed in your presentation.

• Describe the medical imaging technique. How does it work?

• What is the medical imaging technique used for?

• What should a patient expect if this technique is part of their diagnosis process?

• Include visuals (images taken using the technique) in your presentation.

Each section should be between one and three slides depending on the number of pictures and amount of content. Your presentation needs to be cited correctly.

Medical Imaging Project Rubric


5 Presentation meets the content expectations outlined in the assignment.

Presentation is comprehensive and includes all three required topics.

3 Presentation somewhat meets the content expectations outlined in the assignment.

Presentation is somewhat comprehensive and includes at least two required topics.

1 Presentation barely meets the content expectations outlined in the assignment.

Presentation includes only one of the required topics or topics are addressed incompletely.


5 Presentation meets the expectations outlined in the assignment. The presentation includes visuals and could be used to educate a patient.

3 Presentation somewhat meets the expectations outlined in the assignment. The presentation may not include visuals, but could still be used to educate a patient.

1. Presentation barely meets the expectations outlined in the assignment. The presentation may not include visuals and would be difficult to use in order to educate a patient.

Format / Bibliography:

5. Format and Bibliography meet the expectations outlined in the assignment.

3 Format and Bibliography somewhat meet the expectations outlined in the assignment.

1 Format and Bibliography barely meet the expectations outlined in the assignment.


This rubric will be used to assess your work. A grade will be awarded using the following formula: (Content x 4) + (Presentation x 3) + (Format x 1) + / 40 Times 100%


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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