PowerPoint Project

PowerPoint Project – 100 Points

Instructions - You are going to create a PowerPoint presentation. The topic for this presentation will be one of those following. All of the topics deal with a medical condition or disease. You will need to do research on the Internet to find information, obtain images, and record resources.

Project Requirements

1. Your presentation must be at least 12 slides in length.

2. Every student must choose a different topic.

3. You must include at least 6 pictures from the Internet which are relevant to your topic.

4. You must have at least different 4 Internet web sites as resources for your project.

5. Your presentation must include transitions, animations, and effects.

6. No pictures used in your presentation may reveal risqué body parts.

Topic Ideas - You must select one of these topics, or if you wish to investigate something else, you must first clear it with me. If you build a presentation on a topic other than those listed, you will not receive credit!

|Lyme Disease |Lupus |Angioplasty |

|Epilepsy |Crohn’s Disease |Hemophilia |

|Alzheimer’s |Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |Autism |

|Halitosis |Botulism |Hodgkin’s Disease |

|Bell’s Palsy |Tay Sachs Disease |Melanoma |

|Surgical Healing with Leeches |Compartment Syndrome |Atkin’s Diet |

|Acne |Anorexia |Asthma |

|Hypothyroidism |Hyperthyroidism |Martan’s Syndrome |

|Narcolepsy |Guillian Barre Syndrome |Tourette’s Syndrome |

|Somnambulism |Spina Bifida |Peptic Ulcer |

|Blepharoptosis |Bulimia |Schizophrenia |

|Bartholin’s Glands |ADHD (ADD) |Cystic Fibrosis |

|Dyslexia |Reye’s Syndrome |Bipolar Disorder |

|Latex Allergy |Lou Gehrig’s Disease |Whipple’s Disease |

|Parkinson’s Disease |Migraines |Meckel’s Diverticulum |

|Down Syndrome |Otitis Media |Mononucleosis |

|Trench Mouth |Multiple Sclerosis |Adrenomyeloneuropathy |

|Osteoporosis |Myasthenia Gravis | |

Possible Slide Ideas – It may take several slides to cover one of these topics.

• Introduction slide - Topic, your name/hour, etc..

• Table of Contents - Outlines your presentation. (usually last slide created)

• Description of disorder

• Who is affected by this condition? How prevalent is this condition?

• Known treatments/cures.

• Historical information

• Your choice

• Reference Page – Include your 4 web pages

• Closing Chart

Internet Resources

Search Engines

There are several more search engines. Doing a search for search engines will display more.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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