C«ng tr×nh : 17 - The World Bank


|Electric Network Project Management Board |

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|Hanoi, 19 April, 2012 |




2.1. Vietnamese Legislations 3

2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies 4


3.1. Objectives of the Subproject 4

3.2. Subproject Location 4

3.3. Subproject Management Organization 4

3.4. Project description 4

3.5. Subproject Main Work Volume 8

3.6. Main Activities Before and During Construction 9

3.6.1. Main Activities Before and During Construction 9

3.6.2. Material and equiptment supplying source: 9

3.6.3. Transportation: 9

3.7. Subproject Implementation Schedule and Total Investment 9

3.7.1. Subproject Implementation Schedule 9

3.7.2. Total investment of the project: 10


4.1.Geography and Geology 10

4.1.1. Geography 10

4.1.2 Geology 10

4.1.3 Soil 11

4.1.4. Climate: 11

4.2. Natural resources: 11

4.2.1. Land resources: 11

4.2.2. Mineral resources: 11

4.2.3. Water Resources: 12

4.2.4. Forest resources: 12

4.3. Population, culture and society: 12


5.1. Environmental screening: 12


6.1. Mitigation measures: 18







12.1 Community consultation: 44

12.2 Disclosure of information: 45

ANNEX 1. TOR for monitoring of emp implementation for construction supervising consultant 46

ANNEX 2. Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation 48

ANNEX 3. Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation 50

ANNEX 4. Subproject area map 52

ANNEX 5. Some pictures of project area 53

ANNEX 6. Consultancy minutes 54

ANNEX 7. List of consulted peoples 55


The subproject “Jointing 110kV line at 220kV Bim Son substation - Thanh Hoa province” is one of the subprojects that will be implemented in Phase I of the Distribution Efficiency Project (DEP) of Electricity of Viet Nam Corporation funded by the World Bank. The subproject will be implemented in Bac Son District, Bim Son Town, Thanh Hoa Province.

The activities of the subproject include: Rehabilitation and newly construction of two 110kV branches and jointing to the existing lines. The first branch is to Ninh Binh, Bim Son with a total length of 3.537 km (4 circuit line). The second ones is to Ha Trung with a total length of 1.67km (2 circuit line). These activities can cause negative impacts on the environment and local communities in the period of pre-construction, construction and operation.

To ensure that the potential negative impacts are identified and mitigated during project implementation and compliance with policies on environment assessment of World Bank - (OP/BP 4.01), Environment Management Plan (EMP) of project had been prepared in accordance with the guidance of the Environment Management Framework (EMF) of DEP. This EMP includes: project description, policy framework, regulations of environmental technical, the potential negative impacts, the proposed mitigation methods will be implemented in the periods of pre-construction, construction and operation, implementation arrangements. EMP also includes Environmental Codes of Practice (ECOP) will be incorporated into tender documents and contract, attached with environmental monitoring.

To comply with the government environmental management regulation the subproject needs to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The EIA of the subproject is being prepared in parallel with the preparation of the EMP.


2.1. Vietnamese Legislations

- Law on Protection of the Environment No. 52/2005/QH11 passed by the National Assembly on November, 29th, 2005 regulates the obligations of individuals, organizations in protecting environment.

- Law on Water Resource No. 08/1998/QH10 dated 20 May, 1998

- Decree of Government No. 80/2006/ND-CP dated 9 August, 2006 on guidance for implementation of Law on Protection of the Environment.

- Decree of Government No. 29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April, 2006 regulating strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment and environment protection commitment.

- Circular No.26/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 18 July, 2011 on guidance for Decree No.29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April, 2011.

- Decree of Government No.106/2005/ND-CP dated 17 August, 2005 on guidance for Law on electricity relating to the protection of high-voltage networks.

- Decree of Government No.81/2009/ND-CP dated 12 October, 2009 amending some Article of Decree No.106/2005/ND-CP dated 17 August, 2005.

- Circular No.12/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 14 April, 2011 relating to toxic waste management.

- Vietnam National Standard: QCVN01: 2009/BYT- national technical regulation on drinking water quality; QCVN02: 2009/BYT- national technical regulation on domestic water quality; QCVN08: 2008/BTNMT - national technical regulation on surface water quality; QCVN09: 2008/BTNMT - national technical regulation on ground water quality; QCVN05: 2009/BTNMT – air quality – Standard for ambient air quality; QCVN06: 2009/BTNMT – air quality –specified maximum allowable concentrations of certain hazardous substances in ambient air.

- Guidance of EVN No. 2623/CV-EVN - KHCN & MT dated 28 May, 2007 on management and pollution prevention and exposure to PCBs.

2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies

An environmental screening was undertaken in line with the guidelines provided in the Environmental Management Framework (EMF) of the DEP project and it showed that the World Bank’s policies on Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) and Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) will be triggered for the subproject. In addition, the Bank’s requirements on public consultation and information disclosure will need to be followed. The implementation of policy on involuntary resettlement (OP 4.12) will be addressed in a separate report.


3.1. Objectives of the Subproject

The investment project: “Jointing 110kV line at 220kV Bim Son substation - Thanh Hoa province” is carried out in order to meet the demand of supplying power to the loads at Bim Son Town, VEAM auto factory, Bim Son Cement factory,… as well as the loads of Ha Trung Town, Thanh Hoa Province and to strengthen regional grid unity in order to supply power stably and reliably for Thanh Hoa and Ninh Binh Province.

3.2. Subproject Location

The subproject is implemented in Bac Son district, Bim Son town, Thanh Hoa province (For position of the project communes, please refer to appendix 5)

3.3. Subproject Management Organization

- Subproject Owner: Northen Power Corporation

- Technical Design Consulting Unit: Dong Hai consulting and construction joint stock company.

- Subproject Management Unit: Northen Project management Board - Northen Power Corporation

3.4. Project description

The project: “Jointing 110kV line at 220kV Bim Son substation - Thanh Hoa province” is implemented with the scale as follows:

a. Branch 1: To Ninh Binh, Bim Son

+ Voltage level: 110kV

+ Number of circuit: four

+ The first point: The pole No.1, newly construction pole, at the position of pole No.93 of 110kV Ninh Binh – Ha Trung line, route 171.

+ The endpoint: 110kV rod of 220kV Bim Son substation.

+ The length of four circuits line: 3.537km.

+ Conductor: New conductor is ACSR240mm2.

+ Lightning conductor: Newly installing one lightning conductor TK50 and one unit OPGW57/12.

+ Insulator: Newly installing insulator U70BS and U120B

+ Pole: Newly constructing four-circuit zinc-plate steel pole, two lightning conductors with 38m, 40m, 44m, 49m, 52m and 54m height.

+ Foundation: Newly constructing types of foundation for four-circuit line by ferro-concrete fabricated on-site.

+ Earthing: Newly constructing earthing RC4 for all of pole positions.

b. Branch 2: To Ha Trung

+ Voltage level: 110kV

+ Number of circuit: two

+ The first point: The new pole No.1 which is far from the status pole No.102 of 110kV Ninh Binh - Ha Trung line 171 route 20m, from pole 101 to 102 (belong to the project Bim Son – Nui Mot).

+ The endpoint: 110kV rod of 220kV Bim Son substation.

+ The length of two circuits line: 1.67km.

+ Conductor: New conductor is ACSR240mm2.

+ Lightning conductor: Newly installing one lightning conductor OPGW57/12.

+ Insulator: Newly installing insulator U70BS and U120B

+ Pole: Newly constructing two-circuit zinc-plate steel pole, one lightning conductors with 24m, 27m, 29m, and 33m height.

+ Foundation: Newly constructing types of foundation for two-circuit line by ferro-concrete fabricated on-site.

+ Earthing: Newly constructing earthing RC4 for all of pole positions.

c. Dismount and recovery of the status route

+ Voltage level: 110kV

+ Number of circuit: one

+ The first point: The status pole No.93 of 110kV Ninh Binh - Ha Trung line 171 route.

+ The endpoint: The status pole No.101 of 110kV Ninh Binh - Ha Trung line 171 route.

+ Dismount and recovery of the status line: one circuit line ACSR150mm2 with 2708m length and one lightning conductor TK50.

+ Dismount and recovery of the status pole: four concrete poles with 20m height, one supporting steel pole D111-26, four anchor steel poles N111-25, one anchor steel pole N122-29, one anchor steel pole N122-30

+ Dismount and recovery of conductor insulator: twenty three 110kV supporting insulator strings, forty two 110kV anchor insulator strings.

+ Dismount and recovery of lightning conductor insulator: four 110kV supporting insulator strings, thirteen 110kV anchor insulator strings.

The length and passing area of each route are described detailedly as follows:

Table 3.1. Description of medium voltage transmission lines

|No. |Poles Distance |Length (m) |Route description |

|A |Branch 1: To Ninh Binh, Bim Son: The route is from the pole No.1 that is newly constructed at the position of the pole |

| |No.93 of 110kV Ninh Binh - Ha Trung line, route 171 |

| |Pole No.1 to No.5 |1,309 |The 110kV line with four circuits would start from the pole No.1 that|

| | | |will be newly constructed at the position of the current pole No.93 |

| | | |on the pineapple planting hill and through the perennial planting |

| | | |area, sugar cane, through the positions of the poles No.2; No.3; No.4|

| | | |to the pole No.5 (G1) at the melon planting area, on the side of the |

| | | |B area of the Bim Son industrial zone. |

| |Pole No.5 to No.6 |202 |The section would pass through Tran Hung Dao road being constructed, |

| | | |the new Highway 1A, North-South railway and the old Highway 1A. |

| |Pole No.6 to No.8 |779 |The section would be from the pole No.6 passes through the perennial |

| | | |garden to the pole No.8 at the tea planting hill, it will pass |

| | | |through the concrete road one time, one time through 35kV line, and |

| | | |two times through 0,4kV line. |

| |Pole No.8 to No.9 |292 |The section passes through the valley over the pineapple planting |

| | | |hill, through 0,4kV line one time. |

| |Pole No.9 to No.10 |321 |The section would be from the pole No.9 passing through the valley, |

| | | |crossing a lake to the pole No.10 over the pineapple planting hill. |

| |Pole No.10 to No.13 |533 |The section would pass through the pineapple planting hill. |

| |Pole No.13 to No.14 |110 |The section is from the pole No.13 passes through the valley to the |

| |(seperate the 1st | |pole No.14 over the pineapple planting hill. |

| |branch) | | |

| |Pole No.14 to 220kV Bim|27 |The section goes straight to 220kV Bim Son substation and ends the |

| |Son substation | |1st branch in the pineapple planting hill. |

| |Pole No.13 to No.15 |101 |The section is from the pole No.13 passes through the pineapple |

| |(seperate the 2nd | |planting hill to the pole No.15. |

| |branch) | | |

| |Pole No.15 to 220kV Bim|27 |The section goes straight to 220kV Bim Son substation and ends the |

| |Son substation | |2nd branch in the pineapple planting hill. |

| |Total I |3,573 | |

|II |Branch 2: To Ha Trung: The route is from the pole No.1A that is newly constructed under the line within the pole distance|

| |between pole No.101 and No.102 of 110kV current line, route 171 to the end point at 220kV Bim Son substation. |

| |Pole No.1 to No.2A |418 |The section follows the direction of current line over the pineapple |

| | | |planting hill. |

| |Pole No.2A to No.3A |289 |The section is from the pole No.2A through the valley to the pole |

| | | |No.3A over the pineapple planting hill. |

| |Pole No.3A to No.4A |330 |The section is from the pole No.3A through the valley, lake to the |

| | | |pole No.4A over the pineapple planting hill. |

| |Pole No.4A to No.6A |312 |The section passed through the pineapple planting hill. |

| |Pole No.6A to No.8A |294 |The section is from the pole No.6A through the valley to the pole |

| | | |No.8A over the pineapple planting hill. |

| |Pole No.8A to 220kV Bim|27 |The section goes straight from the pole No.8A to 220kV Bim Son |

| |Son substation | |substation and ends at the bar of the substation. |

| |Total 2 |1,670 | |

3.5. Subproject Main Work Volume

Table 3.2. Work volume to be implemented in Ha Noi City

|No. |Construction and installation |Unit |Quantity |Executing methods |

|1 |Pole foundation digging |cubic metre |17,532 |Manual |

|2 |Pole foundation filling |cubic metre |16,214 |Manual |

|3 |Concrete |cubic metre |1,804 |Manual |

|6 |Foundation steel, earthing, bolts |ton |205.03 |Manual |

|7 |Erect steel pole |pole |23 |Manual |

|8 |Stretching the conductors |metre |53,458 |Manual |

|9 |Stretching the lightning conductors and optical fiber |metre |9,254 |Manual |

|10 |Insulation |unit |512 |Manual |

3.6. Main Activities Before and During Construction

3.6.1. Main Activities Before and During Construction

- To implement the clearance compensation;

- To receive the site, build temporary camps;

- To mobilize manpower, machinery, material and equiptment to the constrution site;

- To dig the pole foundation, erect poles, stretch line.

3.6.2. Material and equiptment supplying source:

- The electrical material are bought in Hanoi and transported to the construction site.

- Steel structures: is bought in domestic.

- Construction material: is bought in the local area.

3.6.3. Transportation:

- Equipment and material are transported from the receving place in Ha Noi to the store in Bac Son Ward, Bim Son town, Thanh Hoa province by specific vehicles by land. The specific vehicles are selected in accordance with goods packing methods that specified in the contracts. Length of long-distance transportation is about 120 kilometres, following the Highway 1A. After that they are transported to the site by strucks, loaded and unloaded by the automated cranes.

- Cross-arm, bracket structure, accessories are transported by five-ton strucks and loaded manually.

- Goods that must be stored at site such as: conductors, insulators, accessories, ... are transported intermediately from the store to the manual transporting position by mechanical and manual combination.

- The whole material are transported manually to the site. The transmision line mainly passes through medium high and low hill with valley of rice fields alternately, or plant corn, potatoes, cassava, sugar cane and short-term fruits likes pineapple etc. The average transportation distance is 150m.

3.7. Subproject Implementation Schedule and Total Investment

3.7.1. Subproject Implementation Schedule

The estimated schedule as follow:

- Establishing investment project: Quarter IV - 2011

- Establishing executing drawing design: Quarter I - 2012

- Establishing equipment and construction bidding document: Quarter II - 2012

- Providing operation time: Quarter IV-2012

3.7.2. Total investment of the project:

Table 3.3. Total investment of the project

|No. |Capital structure |Amount (VND) |

|1 |Constrution cost | 40,566,201,916 |

|2 |Compensation cost | 950,000,000 |

|3 |Project management cost | 820,349,307 |

|4 |Construction investment consultancy cost |2,687,527,377 |

|5 |Other cost |2,929,052,791 |

|6 |Provision cost |7,197,001,887 |

| |Total: |55,177,014,470 |


4.1.Geography and Geology

4.1.1. Geography

Bim Son town is the border area of Thanh Hoa province and the whole Central region, Bim Son town is far from Thanh Hoa City 34 kilometre as North, Ha Noi Capital 120 kilometre as South and at the coordinates of 2002 to 2009' north latitude and 105047' to 105056' East Longitude. It is on favourable transportation nework with North-South railway, 1A highway passing. This is creat a large trade with neighbouring province and big economic central on whole the country.

+ Its North borders on Ninh Binh province

+ Its South borders on Ha Trung district, Thanh Hoa province

+ Its East borders on Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province

+ Its West borders on Thach Thanh district, Thanh Hoa province

4.1.2 Geology

Bim Son is lower from west to east. Geological characteristics of Bim Son belongs to Son La structure zone, subsidiarity of Ninh Binh; Its soil and stone is formed on the medieval period - Toriat Century, about 300 million years ago. The area is not large but Bimson has plain, rocky, hilly and river.Hilly and mountainous area extends from NorthWest to the Northern of Northeast with 5,097.12 ha in area, plain is ​​1,518.98ha in area; rock has characteristics of the sandstone being rough sharpening stone, shale and limestone vessel ups and downs alternately, plain is convenient for agricultural development and is also reserved ​​land area to develop urban.

4.1.3 Soil

Bim Son Town has two main soil groups are alluvial soil, Feralit soil. Area of alluvial soil is 999.22 ha. Area of Feralit soil is 4,193.93 ha.

4.1.4. Climate:

Bim Son Town is influenced by three alternating climatic regions being Northeast, Northwest of Northern and near north central part. Yearly average temperature is 23,6 degree, average rainfall is 1,514 mm per year; average humidity is 80 percent, wind regime changes seasonally, is sunny and rainy.

4.2. Natural resources:

4.2.1. Land resources:

Bim Son Town has two main soils is alluvial soil, gray feralit soil , specifically:

- Alluvial soil: 999.22 ha, of which:

+ Glay heavy sour alluvial soil : located six low-lying terrain area; area: 126.26 ha, concentrated distribution in the communes: Ha Lan, Quang Trung accordance with the development of rice cultivation, aquaculture production.

+ Glay heavy change alluvial soil: 872.96 ha, distributed in the terrain highly, favorable for the rice cultivation, crops and anual industrial crops.

- Grey area: 4,193.93 hectares, including:

+ Rock and shallow grey feralit soil 3,535.86 ha.

+ Rock and deep grey feralit soil 658.07 ha. The thickness of soil is quite favorable for long-time industrial plants, short development.

4.2.2. Mineral resources:

Main mineral of Bim Son: limestone, clay. Of which:

- Yen Duyen mine limestone: 3,000 million tons, distribution area: 1000 ha;

- Co Dam mine schist with reserves of 60 million tons, distribution area: 200 ha;

- Cement clay (Tam Dien mine) reserves of 240 million tons, distribution area: 200 ha;

- Leveling land (Thung Con) reserves of 3.5 million tonnes, area: 100 ha;

- Two clay mines for brick production at the Ha Lan with reserves of 19 million tons, area ​​30 ha.

4.2.3. Water Resources:

Bim Son Town has a network of rivers, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams short and small, poor surface water erratic seasonal fluctuations: the rainy season flooding, dry season water shortages.

The town's streams: Song stream, Chin Gieng, Co Dam, Go chink, 3 Voi, Khe Can are flow Hoat river, through Tam Diep canal.

Total volume of water flooding the entire town: 1,685,000 m3/day and night, the dry season: 9,513m3/day and night.

Town has groundwater resources very plentiful. Due to the limestone terrain, Bim Son has many caves, underground rivers can provide water to the town, according to survey results 56km2 Bim Son town area (Geology Group 47) the Council reserves national water through said: Bim Son area of underground water reserve level of about 41,300m3/day and night.

4.2.4. Forest resources:

Forest of Bim Son mainly of planted forest, natural vegetation on the rocks are mainly brushwood, area: 1,141.57 hectares.

Wild animals of Bim Son poor, mostly a few reptiles and mink, fox on the rock.

4.3. Population, culture and society:

According to information from the electronic portal of Thanh Hoa province, to 31st December, 2008 population of Bimson 59,747 peoples ; population density: 820 people per km2

In the area of the project: the problem of culture, society has always been interested in local government, all people have access to clean water, electric lighting. The project will contribute directly and indirectly improve the lives of local people by providing electricity for production, local economic development, lighting of public works.

The project is not located in area of historic, cultural - social facilities as well as security and defense.


5.1. Environmental screening:

Table 5.1. Environmental impact assessments

|Screening Question |Yes |No |Remarks |

|1. Is project located near or in sensitive area with regards| | | |

|to? | | | |

|Cultural heritage | |X |The project power line would not go through the culture or |

| | | |history works so it has no impact. |

|Reservation zone | |X |The project’s power line would not go through the |

| | | |conservation areas so it has no impact. |

|Wetlands | |X |The project’s line would mainly go through the hill so they |

| | | |does not go through the wetlands. |

|Forests | |X |The project’s line would not go through the forests so it |

| | | |has no impact. |

|Estuary | |X |The project’s line would not go through the estuaries so it |

| | | |has no impact. |

|Reservation buffer zone | |X |The project’s line would not go through the buffer zone of |

| | | |protection areas so it has no impact. |

|Rivers and reservoirs |X | |Line from pole No 9 to pole No 10 goes through lake. There |

| | | |is no foundation next to lake. The impact is considered to |

| | | |be small. |

|Canaland irrigation network |X | |The project’s line goes through some canal but they are not |

| | | |the location to build foundation for the poles so it has no |

| | | |impact. |

|2. Potential environmental impact, by project? | | | |

|Intrusion to cultural and historical sites | |X |The project’s line does not go through areas that have the |

| | | |culture or history works so it has no impact. |

|Encroachment on critical ecosystem (e.g. sensitive or | |X |The project’s line does not go through the conservation |

|protected area, national park, nature reserve etc....) | | |areas so it has no impact. |

|Intrusion to ecosystem (ex: nature reserve, national park) |X | |Because of corridor clearance, there will be small changes |

| | | |in landscape and increase waste. However, impact is low and |

| | | |mitigation measures will be applied. . |

|Affecting landscape and resulting in waste | | | |

|Undermining vegetation cover or cutting down trees for site |X | |The route mainly goes through the average high and low hill,|

|during site clearance for substations and along the | | |most land areas are using to plant corn, potatoes, cassava, |

|transmission line? | | |sugar cane and short-term fruit-tree such as pineapple, so |

| | | |it is unnecessary to cut down them (the vegetation cover is |

| | | |only impacted at foundation positions) |

|Change surface water quality or river course | |X |The route does not go through any river, pond or lake so it |

| | | |has no impact. |

|Increase water turbidity due to change in surface water |X | |The excavated soil (1,318 m3) will be given to inhabitant in|

|quality or erosion | | |subproject area to plant tree and farm produce. There fore, |

| | | |there is no excavated soil after completing the subproject. |

| | | |Because the topography where the line passes through is |

| | | |mainly the average high and low hilly and mountainous areas,|

| | | |while constructing if in the raining season without |

| | | |projection measure for the foundation it will cause erosion |

| | | |and impact the flow. |

|Domestic waste water by workers is discharged directly into | |X |The constructing units rent private houses, so the |

|outside water bodies? | | |wastewater is collected into the general sewage system. |

|Construction waste water is discharged directly into outside| |X | |

|water bodies? | | | |

|Result in more dust? |X | |- Dust will be generated from soil excavation, ground |

| | | |leveling activities, particularly in dry season. The |

| | | |affected are people living and working around the subproject|

| | | |site. |

| | | |- Dust would also be generated by transportation means that |

| | | |carry materials and equipment during the construction. The |

| | | |affected are people involved in the traffic during the |

| | | |transportation of construction materials or equipment, |

| | | |either on local roads or on provincial or national roads. |

| | | |- The measures described in section VI will be implemented |

| | | |to minimise the impacts of dusts. |

|Increase noise and/or vibration? |X | |- Noise and vibration are generated by operation of |

| | | |equipment, transportation of materials, transportation |

| | | |means, ground leveling, pole erection, and operation of |

| | | |power generator (if any). |

| | | |- The substations will be located on foot hills, far from |

| | | |residential areas, and hence noise and vibration during |

| | | |construction would not affect local communities. |

| | | |- Construction materials will be provided and transported to|

| | | |the construction sites by local suppliers. |

| | | |- Base on above-mentioned reasons, impacts on increasing the|

| | | |noise and/or vibration at the subproject area are assessed |

| | | |as not significant and can be mitigated. |

| | | |- Relevant measures listed in section VI will be implemented|

| | | |to minimise these impacts. |

|Permanent land acquisition |X | |Permanent occupied land area is 1,828 square metre |

|Temporary land acquisition |X | |Temporary occupied land area is 19,464 square metre |

|Resetlement of households? If yes, how many households? | |X |The route mainly goes through the low hills that plant |

| | | |short-term crops. The constructing area does not impact |

| | | |local household so there is not any household to move. |

|Would the resettlement site is environmentally and/or | |X | |

|culturally sensitive | | | |

|Is there any risk of disease dissemination from construction|X | |- Construction force includes one construction team/per |

|workers to the local peoples (and vice versa)? | | |commune, each team will have about 10 workers. The total |

| | | |number of workers on the site at the peak time is about 250 |

| | | |people but they are in many places of the route, not |

| | | |gathering in one place. Therefore, the spread of disease |

| | | |will also be limited. |

| | | |-Interactions with local community may pose the risks of |

| | | |STD/HIV/AIDs diseases transmission between workers and local|

| | | |community. Relevant measures described in section VI of this|

| | | |EMP will be implemented to minimise these risks. |

|Is there any potential for conflict between construction |X | |Workers and local people are different in income, lifestyle,|

|workers and local peoples (and vice versa)? | | |custom thus it will generate small conflict but it will be |

| | | |limited. |

|Are explosive and hazardous chemicals used within the | |X | |

|Project? | | | |

|In the past, there was any accident incurred due to | |X | |

|landmines or explosive materials remaining from the war? | | | |

|Will Project's construction cause disturbance to the |X | |Great impact: The transportation of material and equiptment |

|transportation in the Project's site? | | |can cause traffic jam. The excavation impacts the quality of|

| | | |the road and cause the traffic. |

|Project's construction will cause any damage to the existing|X | |- The heavy transport vehicles can damage the current roads.|

|local roads, bidges or other rural infrastructures? | | |- The impacts on traffic will also be be managed by the |

| | | |measures presented in this EMP |

|Will soil excavation during Project's construction cause |X | |The constructing time for each pole foundation is not long |

|soil erosion? | | |(maximum about one week) and avoiding to construct in |

| | | |raining seasons and constructing definitively each item, so |

| | | |the erosion is negligible. |

|Will Project need to open new access roads? | |X |Using the current road system to construct. These roads |

| | | |will be improved for constructing and traffic of local |

| | | |people. |

|Will Project cause fragmentation of habitat of flora and |X | |In the corridor if there are crops and trees that affect the|

|fauna? | | |constructing process must be cut off. |

|Will Project cause impact on air quality? |X | |The impact level to the environment by exhaust fumes of |

| | | |traffic means during transportation will be limited by |

| | | |covering, avoid scattering. |

|Will Project cause accident risks for workers and community |X | |It is possible to occur transprort traffict to worker and |

|during construction phase? | | |area community during subproject implement. However, all |

| | | |workers are disseminated implementing process and method of |

| | | |safety at work. Thus, the ocurrence of accident will be |

| | | |limitted maximum. |

|Will Project generate hazardous wastes including PCBs from | |X |There is no removed transformer in this subproject. Due to |

|the replacement of transformers? | | |there is no PCBs. waste |

|Will Project cause risk to safety and human health (electric| |X |- The transmission lines shall be designed and constructed |

|and magnetic fields, electric shock etc.)? | | |in accordance with applicable standards of power industry |

| | | |(in accordance with Vietnam applicable technical |

| | | |regulations, electromagnetic field (EMF) < 5 kV/m), wherein |

| | | |impacts from EMF and safety standards and operation safety |

| | | |have to be taken into due account. |

| | | |- Prior to operation, all safety indicators shall be tested |

| | | |and accepted by the project owner, contractor and operation |

| | | |entity therefore workers shall not be suffering from such |

| | | |EMF impacts. |

| | | |- In the phase of commissioning, the safety in power use of |

| | | |households of ethinic minorities who use electricity for the|

| | | |first time also needs to be paid attention to minimize the |

| | | |risk of electric shock. However, this impact is very little |

| | | |and avoidable if the people are trained well in safe power |

| | | |use. |

| | | |- The mitigation measures in Section VI will also be |

| | | |implemented to minimise safety risks |

Since implementation of the subproject would mainly cause land acquisition, increased dust generation, air pollution, and domestic wastes. However, these impacts are not significant, temporary, and localized, and can be mitigated available mitigation measures. Therefore, the subproject is assessed as B environmental category and eligible for funding by the World Bank.


6.1. Mitigation measures:

The above impacts can be mitigated by: (a) ensuring that the application and supervision of ECOP (Table 6.1) below; and (b) implementing site specific mitigation measures.

Table 6.1. Mitigation measures description as ECOP

|Preriod |Protential impact |Mitigation measures |Responsibility |

|Preparation |Permanent and temporary land |To plan for construction activities after harvesting|PMU |

| |acquisition will impact affected |season and try to shorten the progress. |Contractor |

| |households and agriculture production |Inform the affected HHs about permanent and | |

| | |temporary land acquisition. | |

| | |Properly compensate for land acquisition and tree | |

| | |compensation in accordance with the Resettlement | |

| | |Policy Framework of the DEP project and Resettlement| |

| | |Plan of the subproject. | |

| |Impacts on vegetation cover as a |Minimize land clearing by planning for |PMU |

| |result of site clearance (ROW) |installation of transmission/distribution lines |Contractor |

| | |above existing vegetation. | |

| | |Utilize hand clearing of vegetation if possible. | |

| | |Save as much vegetation as possible. Careful manage | |

| | |cutting trees. Cut only tree above 4m within the | |

| | |ROW. | |

| | |Do not burn cleared trees and branches; | |

| | |Carry out the safety procedures to prevent hazard of| |

| | |downing trees. | |

| | |Dispose at established dump site. | |

| | |During clearing, contact with the affected HHs in | |

| | |order to mitigate impacts and carry out | |

| | |compensation. | |

| |Temporary duty roads |Use roads/trails that are available. Any new road |Contractor |

| | |cause minimum damage to the local land usage. | |

|Construction |Surface water,  |The contractor will comply with the water drainage |Contractor |

| |sediment and landslides  |system design to prevent rain drop from causing |CSC |

| |(Leveling) |local inundation, soil erosion in high risk areas. | |

| | |To ensure proper operation of the drainage system. | |

| | |To sustain those areas not impacted by construction | |

| | |activities. | |

| | |The excavation work needs to be done in compliance | |

| | |with applicable technical construction regulations. | |

| | |To prevent the spreading of mud into surrounding | |

| | |environment, take proper measures to control | |

| | |sedimentation in high risk areas. | |

| | |When there is a need to dry construction site | |

| | |(foundation concrete pouring), the pumped water | |

| | |containing sand will be controlled with regards to | |

| | |sedimentation before discharging it into outside | |

| | |water bodies. | |

| | |Use diversion techniques at construction to prevent | |

| | |deposit from being stirred up in water bodies. | |

| |Dust generation |The contractor is responsible for implementing the |Contractor |

| | |state applicable regulations related to air quality.|CSC |

| | |The contractor will ensure minum dust generation and| |

| | |no impact on local residents and take proper | |

| | |measures to control dust generation (for example, | |

| | |praying water, covering the trucks when carrying | |

| | |material). | |

| | |Material will be covered up during. transportation | |

| | |to prevent scattering of material along the way. | |

| | |Material dump site and storage yards will be covered| |

| | |up and isolated from winds and located away from | |

| | |schools and residential areas. | |

| | |Workers will be provided with masks when working in | |

| | |high risk areas. | |

| |Air pollution |All transportation vehicles must comply with |Contractor |

| | |applicable regulations of Vietnam with regards to |CSC |

| | |exhaust gases. | |

| | |Transportation vehicles in must be tested frequently| |

| | |on the waste gases and have to show certificate of | |

| | |quality, technical safety and environmental | |

| | |friendliness according to Decision | |

| | |No.35/2005/QD-BGTVT. | |

| | |Do not burn waste or construction materials at the | |

| | |site. | |

| |Noise and vibration level |The contractor will be responsible for complying |Contractor |

| | |with applicable regulations related to permitted |CSC |

| | |noise and vibration levels. | |

| | |All transportation vehicles need to show certificate| |

| | |of quality, technical safety and environmental | |

| | |friendliness according to the Decision | |

| | |No.35/2005/QD-BGTVT; to prevent excessive noise | |

| | |level from machinery that is not properly | |

| | |maintained, proper noise reduction measures are | |

| | |taken, including noise reducers or arrangement of | |

| | |noisy machinery in a specific noise proof area. | |

| | |To prevent or reduce traffic in residential area as | |

| | |well as processing of material in residential areas | |

| | |(concrete mixing) | |

| |Waste water pollution |The contractor will be responsible for complying |Contractor |

| | |with applicable regulations related to waste water |CSC |

| | |treatment and discharge. | |

| | |To provide mobile toilets or construct proper | |

| | |toilets for workers at the site. Toilet waste water | |

| | |and restaurants will be treated before discharging | |

| | |into the outside environment. | |

| | |When construction is completed, toilets have to be | |

| | |properly destroyed and/or removed. | |

| |Material warehouse and material quarry|Material storage yards will be predetermined in the |Contractor |

| |management |approved engineering design. |CSC |

| | |Material supplied by local suppliers need to have | |

| | |operation licenses for particular material type. | |

| | |To rehabilitate material storage yard after | |

| | |construction is completed. | |

| |Waste and hazardous waste |Prior to construction, the contractor needs to |Contractor |

| | |prepare a procedure for controlling waste (storage, |CSC |

| | |use of recycle bins, site decommissioning, etc.) and| |

| | |strictly complying during construction phase. | |

| | |Prior to construction, all necessary licenses have | |

| | |to be obtained related to waste management. | |

| | |Proper measures are taken to ensure good practices | |

| | |in waste management and treatment. The contractor | |

| | |will provide recycle bins, containers and other | |

| | |means to collect waste from necessary areas. | |

| | |Waste can be stored temporarily at the site when it | |

| | |is approved by the Construction Monitoring | |

| | |Consultant, local authorities before collection and | |

| | |treatment. If in the absence of such authorities, | |

| | |normal domestic waste can be land filled. | |

| | |Recycle bins or containers storing waste have to be | |

| | |covered up from weather impacts and intrusion by | |

| | |scavengers. Do not burn waste. | |

| | |Recyclable waste such as wood form, waste steel and | |

| | |packing material will be collected and separated at | |

| | |the site from other waste sources for reuse, | |

| | |refilling or sale to an external company. | |

| | |If it is impossible to carry away from the site, | |

| | |solid waste can be land filled at a certain place | |

| | |approved by the construction supervising consultant | |

| | |provide in the waste management plan. Under any | |

| | |circumstance, the contractor has to treat all | |

| | |construction waste within the site. | |

| | |Waste lubricants will be taken out from the site by | |

| | |an authorized recycling company. | |

| | |Waste lubricants and cleaning solutions will be | |

| | |collected into covered containers and carried away | |

| | |by a contracted external company that is permitted | |

| | |to treat hazardous waste | |

| |Site clearance |The contractor will prepare a plan on site clearance|Contractor |

| | |and vegetation recovery according to applicable |CSC |

| | |regulations for the construction supervising | |

| | |consultant to approve. The contractor will strictly | |

| | |comply with this plan. | |

| | |Do not use chemicals in clearing vegetation. | |

| | |Do not cut down any trees when it is not provided in| |

| | |the vegetation clearance plan. | |

| | |If necessary, set up temporary fence to protect | |

| | |valuable trees prior to starting any construction | |

| | |activities. | |

| |Impact on cultural property |During construction phase if the contractor finds |Contractor |

| | |any cultural and historical sites, including |CSC |

| | |commentary or tombs, the contractor will: |PMU |

| | |- Stop construction activities in the particular | |

| | |area; | |

| | |- Protect the area from any damage or loss to the | |

| | |sites. In case the historical objects can be removed| |

| | |or sensitive objects assign a person to protect it | |

| | |until local authorities come to confirm and take | |

| | |over the issue; | |

| | |- Notify the construction supervising consultant, | |

| | |who will be responsible for informing local | |

| | |authorities or the state agencies of such cultural | |

| | |or historical sites (within 24 hours or less); | |

| | |- Local authorities or state agencies will be | |

| | |responsible for protecting and isolating such area | |

| | |before any further processing. | |

| | |Decide how to process such issues is the | |

| | |responsibility of the local authorities, including | |

| | |change, (in case a cultural or historical site is | |

| | |found and cannot be removed), reservation, | |

| | |isolation, rehabilitation and rescue; | |

| | |If the cultural or historical site are of high value| |

| | |and the reservation is recommended by relevant | |

| | |agencies the project owner will have to change | |

| | |project design accordingly for the component in that| |

| | |particular area; | |

| | |Decisions related to the management of found sites | |

| | |will be notified in writing to relevant authorities;| |

| | | | |

| | |Construction work will continue only after relevant | |

| | |authorities come and take responsibility of | |

| | |potential sites. | |

| |Traffic management |Prior to construction, conduct consultation with |Contractor |

| | |local authorities and traffic police. |CSC |

| | |Impacts on traffic flow needs to be considered in | |

| | |the construction plan before approval. Traffic | |

| | |routes, particularly those with heavy duty vehicles | |

| | |need to consider high risk area such as schools, | |

| | |hospitals or markets. | |

| | |It is necessary to provide sufficient lighting | |

| | |system for night time to ensure proper traffic | |

| | |conditions. | |

| | |Arrange indication signs at the construction site to| |

| | |inform public people, provide instructions to | |

| | |different components and instructions and safety | |

| | |directions. | |

| | |Take proper traffic safety measures including sign | |

| | |posts and flags to indicate danger | |

| | |Do not transport material during peak house. | |

| | |Space spared for walkers and vehicles at the site | |

| | |need to be separate from the site and can be easily | |

| | |accessible. Provide proper sing posts where | |

| | |necessary. | |

| |Cultural property |Apply settlement procedures if accidentally discover|Contractor, PCs |

| | |during  in digging activities. | |

| |Interruption of utility and business |Planned or unplanned interruptions to services such |Contractor |

| |services |as water, gas power supply and internet access: The |CSC |

| | |contractor will be prepared for emergency scenarios |PMU |

| | |and any potential failures. | |

| | |Cooperate with services suppliers (water, | |

| | |telecommunications, etc.) to work out a proper | |

| | |construction schedule. | |

| | |During the laying out of cables crossing over | |

| | |telecommunications cable, mitigation measures have | |

| | |to be taken (What are the measures?) | |

| | |Notify affected households of construction schedule | |

| | |as well as expected interruptions (at least 5 days | |

| | |in advance) | |

| | |Interruptions to water supply for agriculture | |

| | |production need to be avoided. | |

| | |The contractor will ensure alternative water supply | |

| | |for affected residents in case it is more than one | |

| | |day. | |

| | |Any damage to the existing service cables will be | |

| | |notified to the local authorities for timely repair.| |

| |Rehabilitation of affected areas |Clearance areas such as soil or rock quarries, waste|Contractor |

| | |treatment areas, worker houses, warehouse and wood |CSC |

| | |forms and any other temporary areas during | |

| | |construction phase will be rehabilitated with | |

| | |regards to the landscape and vegetation cover. | |

| | |Compensate the vegetation cover at the soonest. Use | |

| | |proper vegetation for such rehabilitation. | |

| | |Do not use exotic or banned vegetation for such | |

| | |rehabilitation | |

| | |Excavated hillsides and waste yard need to be | |

| | |planted with grass to prevent soil erosion and | |

| | |landslide; | |

| | |All the affected areas will be compensated with | |

| | |proper landscape and there should be no delay in | |

| | |doing so, including any necessary repair or | |

| | |construction of green space and other affected | |

| | |areas. | |

| | |Soil contaminated with chemicals or hazardous waste | |

| | |will be carried away and land filled in a proper | |

| | |hazardous dump site | |

| | |Rehabilitate all affected roads and bridges due to | |

| | |the project construction | |

| |Labor and public safety |The contractor will comply with all applicable |Contractor |

| | |regulations related to labor safety. |CSC |

| | |Prepare and implement action plan in response to | |

| | |risk and emergency cases. | |

| | |Prepare emergency services right at the site. | |

| | |Provide training for workers on labor safety | |

| | |requirements. | |

| | |Ensure to provide protective devices for workers, | |

| | |including noise protection at high risk places | |

| | |In destroying existing structures, workers and | |

| | |community need to be protected from falling objects | |

| | |by taking proper protection measures | |

| | |Provide protective fences and warnings of danger at | |

| | |the construction site to indicate danger to local | |

| | |resident. | |

| | |The contractor will provide safety measures such as | |

| | |installation of fences, provision of warning signs | |

| | |at high risk areas, including pole foundation under | |

| | |construction to prevent traffic accidents as well as| |

| | |other risk to local residents. | |

| | |Only allow trained workers to install, maintain or | |

| | |repair electrical equipment. | |

| | |Cut off and do correct earthling for the existing | |

| | |power line prior to construction work. | |

| | |Comply with labor safety procedures when working at | |

| | |height and with electrical equipment | |

| |Communications to local community |Sustain communications to local authorities and |Contractor |

| | |community; the contractor will work with local |CSC |

| | |authorities to agree on construction schedule for |PMU |

| | |sites near sensitive areas or at sensitive time | |

| | |(regional festivals). | |

| | |Enhance relationship with local community in order | |

| | |to obtain necessary information about the project | |

| | |activities in the region, progress and performance; | |

| | |Keep track of the community concerns and information| |

| | |required such as project progress; | |

| | |Respond to community concerns via telephones and | |

| | |documents in a timely manner; | |

| | |Notify local residents of construction schedule, | |

| | |work schedule, potential interruptions to services | |

| | |and detour roads and temporary buses, any | |

| | |destruction or mine explosion schedule; | |

| | |Provide technical data and drawings for community, | |

| | |particularly a scheme on construction sites and EMP;| |

| | |Provide notice boards at all sites to provide | |

| | |information about the site manager, environmental | |

| | |officer, medical and safety officer, with concrete | |

| | |contact details and other information so that | |

| | |affected people will be able to raise their voice | |

| | |and concerns. | |

|Operations |Health and safety for workers and |Disseminate the information on electricity safety |NPC |

| |local residents |regulations to the users. | |

| | |Comply Decree No. 106/2005/ND-CP dated 17 August | |

| | |2005 of Goverment on protecting grid; Decree No. | |

| | |81/2009/ND-CP dated 12 October 2009 of Goverment on | |

| | |protecting hight voltage grid | |

| | |Regular training for local technicians and people on| |

| | |safety issues. | |

| | |Use warning signs, barriers (locks, gates, iron | |

| | |barriers...) around substation or tower to prevent | |

| | |people reach danger equipment; | |

| | |Putting warning signs, barriers on the ground close | |

| | |to electricity wire to prevent electric shock | |

| |Fire and explosion |Periodically inspect fire prevention and fighting |NPC |

| | |facilities. | |

| | |Organize training on fire prevention and fighting | |

| | |for operation workers. | |

| |Transmisison line - Mitigation |Only allow workers who have been trained and |NPC |

| |measures related to transmission lines|obtained certificates on installation, maintenance | |

| | |and repair of electrical equipment | |

| | |Cut off power and provide safe earthling before | |

| | |construction on the power line or where it is near | |

| | |power line | |

| | |Ensure operations related to power line will be | |

| | |undertaken by trained workers with strict compliance| |

| | |with safety regulations. Qualified or trained | |

| | |workers to operate power lines need to able to: | |

| | |Distinguish between online and offline power lines | |

| | |from other parts of the distribution system | |

| | |Determine voltage of online power lines | |

| | |Understand safety distance for each cable types | |

| | |Ensure correct and sufficient use of safety devices | |

| | |and other safety procedures or other online parts of| |

| | |the distribution system | |

| | |Even when being trained, workers will not contact | |

| | |any online parts unless: | |

| | |Workers have been safely isolated from online parts | |

| | |via gloves or other insulation devices | |

| | |Online parts have been safely isolated from workers | |

| | |and other parts or | |

| | |Workers have been isolated and safely insulated from| |

| | |online objects | |

| | |When operations and maintenance request minimum | |

| | |distance, provide trainings on safety measures and | |

| | |safety devices for individuals and other preventive | |

| | |measures identified in the health and safety | |

| | |compliance plan. (Below is the recommended safety | |

| | |distance for workers: | |

| | |2-15 kV: 0.6 m | |

| | |15.1-35kV: 0.71 m | |

| | |72.6-121 kV: 1.01 m | |

| |Safety measures when working at height|Preventive and control measures include: |NPC |

| | |Check the firmness of structures before starting | |

| | |work | |

| | |Take anti-fall measures including climbing skills, | |

| | |use of supporting devices and first aid toolkit | |

| | |Install supporting and anti-fall devices | |

| | |Safety bands will not be smaller than 16 mm, two | |

| | |layers, and durable strength. Safety bands will be | |

| | |replaced before any defect or crack is detected or | |

| | |if is too old | |

| | |When working with tools at height, workers will need| |

| | |an additional safely band (backup). | |

| | |Sign posts and other obstacles need to be removed | |

| | |before starting work | |

| | |Use standard tool bag to carry tools and materials | |

| | |to the height when working on pillars | |

| |EMF impacts |Prevent or minimize exposure to EMF in the working |NPC |

| | |environment by developing and implementing a EMF | |

| | |safety program with the following components: | |

| | |Determination of potential exposure level | |

| | |Trainings for workers on how to identify their | |

| | |exposure to EMF and its impacts | |

| | |Determination of safe areas in order to | |

| | |differentiate those areas with higher EMF impacts | |

| | |than the others where EMF impacts are small enough | |

| | |not to be provided with mitigations and minimize | |

| | |exposure to high EMF impact areas | |

| | |The exposure detector for individuals will be | |

| | |installed to give warning when exposure is below the| |

| | |safety limit (for example, 50%). Action plans for | |

| | |mitigating impacts includes taking turn to work in | |

| | |high risk areas, and if necessary being provided | |

| | |with protective devices. | |

Table 6.2. Site specific mitigation measures

|Preriod |Protential impact |Mitigation measures |Responsibility |

|Construction |Electricity cutting off on the|The replaced sections fort he upgraded and newly connection to |Contractor |

| |crossing over line will |existing routes will cause loss of power to the people. |CSC |

| |influence production and |With rehabilitated line, the power management unit will cut local |PMU |

| |living activities in the |electricity during the day(when people go to work on the fields) and | |

| |electricity cutting- off area |the contractor will carry out construction and rehabilitation of the| |

| | |line segment and at the end of the day, grid should be resumed for | |

| | |power supply for people to use. | |

| | |For newly construction routes, contractors will be resumed grid after| |

| | |application. However, the construction period for each commune is | |

| | |short (about a month)so that people can overcome | |

| | |However, in oder to avoid electricity cutting-off for a long time | |

| | |when the line crossing over the information line; line 35; 22; 0,4 | |

| | |kV; scaffoldings must be used. | |

| | |Before the setting up of the scaffoldings, the contractors should | |

| | |work directly with the electricity control team of the commune and | |

| | |the hamlet for permission to cut off electricity during the setting | |

| | |up of scaffoldings and avoid electricity cutting-off during peak | |

| | |time. The electricity control team of the commune and the hamlet will| |

| | |inform in advance the electricity cutting-off time to the local | |

| | |people to arrange their production plan and living. | |

| | |After the setting-up of scaffoldings, electricity should be supplied | |

| | |again to the line. Only after that, line extending could be | |

| | |conducted. | |


Table 7.1: Environmental monitoring plan is shown in the below table

|Impact |Monitored parameter |Monitored point |Monitoring equipment|Timing/ |Responsibility |

| | | |/method |frequency of monitoring | |

|Construction phase |

|I. Vegetation cover |-Clearance technique |- Along the |Observation |-From beginning to the |-Contractor |

|clearance or cutting|- Disposal of cut-down |transmission line | |last moment. | |

|down trees |trees. |- In a centralized | | |-Construction supervising |

| | |place for processing. | | |consultant |

|I I. Rural roads in |- All heavy tonnage |- Along the roads |Observation and |-Weekly basis when |- Contractor, |

|the project region |vehicles on the local | |consultation with |material is transported |-Construction supervising |

| |roads | |local residents. |to the region. |consultant |

| | | | |- Four months. | |

|III. Surface water |- Not excavate while it |- Surface water near |Observation |-During and after heavy |-Contractor, |

|quality, |is raining |the site. | |rain |-Construction supervising |

|sedimentation and |- Not clear plants | | | |consultant |

|erosion |completely | | | | |

|IV. Dust and air |- Dust concentration in |- Areas with |Observation |-In presence of strong |-Contractor, |

|pollution |material storage area |excavation foils and | |winds |-Construction supervising |

| |- Cover for material |material storage | | |consultant |

| |during transportation | | | | |

| |process | | | | |

|V. Noise level |- Noise by machinery |- The line section |Consultation with |-During activities that |-Contractor, |

| |- Local resident |running over |local residents |may result in high noise|-Construction supervising |

| |response to noise from |residental area | |level; Complaints by |consultant |

| |the construction process| | |local residents | |

|VI. The culture and |- The effects of noise |-At the construction |Observing the local |-During construction, |-Contractors |

|history monuments | |places close to |residents |the activities emanate |-Construction monitoring |

| | |culture and history | |noise |consultant |

| | |monuments | | | |

|VII. Sanitation |-Garbage, waste water at|-At the tents |Observing |-Every week, when |-Contractors |

|situation at the |the construction site | | |official acceptance of |-Construction monitoring |

|construction site, |and workers’ tents | | |work |consultant |

|including the |- If he tents have been | | | | |

|hygiene of workers’ |supplied clean water and| | | | |

|camps |had sanitary latrines | | | | |

|VII. Safety of |- Accidents happen |- At the sites, local |- Consult, Record | |-Contractors |

|workers and local | |areas |the construction log| |-Construction monitoring |

|presidents | | |of the contractor | |consultant |

|Operation phase |

|I. Maintain and |The height of plants |Along the ROW, houses |Prune trees and |One month/ |North High Voltage grid |

|protect the ROW |along the ROW |and trees |ensure a safe |time |Company |

| | | |distance for the ROW| | |

|II. Danger due to |-The intact situation of|- At the pole of the |- Observing and |3months/ |-North high voltage grid |

|danger |poles, insulators, |line route, the |assessing |time |Company |

| |protecting devices of |position of the | | | |

| |the station |station | | | |


a) During Detailed Design and Preparation of Bidding Contract Documents

During the detailed design and bidding invitation preparation, the project management unit will be responsible for incorporate the EMP (mitigation measures, responsibilities of the contractor) into the attached annexes in the bidding invitation and contract signed with the contractor. Engineers taking charge of the detailed design will also refer to findings in the EIA and EMP to ensure environmental issues will be looked at in the final design.

During the bidding invitation preparation and the contract, it is necessary to ensure the contractor is fully informed of its responsibilities in implementing environmental mitigation measures and its commitment to compliance.

b) During Construction Phase

PPMU will assign the Construction Supervising Consultant (CSC) and/or field engineer to be responsible for supervision of safeguard performance of contractor on a daily basis. A generic Terms of Reference (TOR) is provided in Annex 1. CSC and/or field engineers will carry out, but not limited to, the following tasks:

- Before the commencement of the construction, confirm that all compensation for land and facilities are provided and relocation and/or land acquisition/donation has been completed.

- Closely supervise the implementation of safeguard measures throughout the construction period.

- Confirm the compliance with the EMP and inspect for any damages caused by the contractor. If necessary, prepare a minutes to ask the contractor to compensate or rehabilitate as provisions of the contract. Contractor safeguard performance will be included in the subproject progress report.

Role and responsibilities of parties in implementing EMP are summarized in the below table:

Table 8.1. Responsibility for EMP Implementation

|Role |Responsibility |Organization |

|Project owner |Take final responsibility with regards to the management and implementation of project |-North Electricity |

| |including environmental compliance environmental performance. |Corporation |

|Environmental officer |Indicate specific responsibility and provide contact details. |Environmental officer of|

| | |project |

|Project management and |Responsible for cooperating and managing the implementation of project including |PMU |

|implementation entity |providing guidance and implementing the EMP: | |

| |Develop plan and implement EMP activities during construction. | |

| |Cooperate with relevant stakeholders with regards to environmental performance. | |

| |Conduct internal supervision and independent audit. | |

| |Supervise and provide budget for monitoring activities. | |

| |Report environmental information to relevant stakeholders. | |

|Project operation |Operating the project including environmental management and supervision during |North High Voltage Grid |

|entity |operation phase. |Company |

|Contractor supervisor |Support the PMU in supervising project operations with regards to environmental impacts |Construction supervising|

| |mitigation according to measures described in the EMP and keep in touch with local |consultant hired by the |

| |residents. |PMU |

|Contractor |Constructing and complying with technical requirements of the EMP, including: |Construction supervising|

| |Taking mitigation measures to minimize negative impacts as described in the EMP. |consultant hired by the |

| |Communicating with local residents and taking action to prevent environmental and social|PMU |

| |interruptions in the project region during construction. | |

| |Ensuring at least one officer supervises compliance to EMP during construction. | |

| |Ensuring all construction activities are given necessary approvals from relevant | |

| |authorities. | |

| |Ensuring workers and officers understand their responsibilities and procedures in | |

| |environmental management. | |

| |Reporting to the construction supervising consultant on difficulties and solutions. | |

| |Reporting to local authorities and PMU and cooperating with relevant agencies to address| |

| |any issues. | |


Responsibility and frequency of reporting on EMP implementation are shown in the below table.

|No. |Report by |Submitted to |Frequency of reporting |

|1 |By contractor to project owner |PMU |Once prior to starting construction |

| | | |afterwards every one month. |

|2 |Construction supervisor (cum environmental monitor) |PMU |Monthly |

|3 |Community supervisor (if any) |MPU |If any complaint |

|4 |PMU |EVN |Quarterly |

|5 |EVN |WB |Biannually |


Table 10.1. Estimates of capacity building for implementing EMP

|Training content |Trained staff |Trainee quantity |Training time |Training organizing |Cost |

| | | | |agency | |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

| | |Six mans | | |* Cost: |

|Training about |Staff responsible for | |January, 2012 |EVN |2,000,000VND per man x 6 mans = 12,000,000VND |

|environmental management |environmental management of | | | | |

| |NPC | | | | |

|Training about |Staff of district power |Twenty mans |December, 2012 |EVN NPC |* Document cost: 300,000VND per man |

|mitigation, environmental|company | | | |* Subsistence cost: |

|monitor | | | | |300,000VND per day x 2 days = 600,000VND |

| | | | | |* Travelling cost for trainees: |

| | | | | |50,000VND x 2 times = 100,000VND |

| | | | | |* Supporting cost for training lecturer: 2,000,000VND x 4 mans = 8,000,000VND |

|Total cost |26,700,000VND |


Table 11.1. Table of estimate cost

|No. |Activity |Construction Phase |Operation Phase |Total (VND) |

|1 |Implement Mitigation Measures |The costs are covered in |The cost is covered in production | |

| | |Contract with Construction |cost of NPC | |

| | |Contractors | | |

|2 |Environmental monitoring during |The costs are covered in the| | |

| |construction phase by |contract of hiring | | |

| |Construction Supervisor |monitoring consultant | | |

|3 |Capacity Building | | |26,700,000 |

| |Total cost | | |26,700,000 |


12.1 Community consultation

Public consultation was conducted on April 4, 2012. All issues and concerns raised during the consultation have been addressed and incorporated into the final draft of the EMP.

12.2 Disclosure of information

- The EMP Vietnamese will be disclosed at Bim Son town People's Committee for the public, organizations are able to access. The abbreviated EMP will be disclosed at the ward People's Committee.

- The EMP in English and Vietnamese will be sent to the Vietnam Development Information Center at 63 Ly Thai To, Hanoi for information disclosure.

- The EMP in English will be sent to the InfoShop of the World Bank in Washington DC to be disclosed.


TOR for monitoring of emp implementation for construction supervising consultant


The construction supervising consultant will deliver technical services (“Services”) to ensure efficient implementation of the EMP for the project.

Scope of services:

Services provided by the supervising consultant will include reviewing and monitoring of construction activities to ensure mitigation measures described in the EMP for the project are correctly complied with and negative environmental impacts are minimized.

On behalf of the PMU, supervising consultant undertakes the following duties:

- Conduct frequent field inspection;

- Review the implementation of environmental protection measures described in the EMP and contract documentation;

- Review the effectiveness of the mitigation measures and environmental performance of the project;

- If necessary, validate the acceptability of construction methods with regards to environmental compliance (for temporary and permanent items), relevant design plans and other submitted documents. If necessary, the supervising consultant will seek for and recommend methods with less environmental impacts with consultation with the design consultant and the PMU;

- Validate inspection results with regards to any non-conformance to environmental performance and effectiveness of any countermeasures;

- Provide audit results for the leading engineer of the contractor in accordance with non-conformance handling procedure described in the EMP;

- Direct the contractor to take corrective actions within a specific time period and exercise additional monitoring if necessary, as per the requirements of the contract in case of non-conformance and complaints;

- Direct the contractor to take actions to mitigate impacts and comply with the EMP in case non-conformance is found;

- Direct the contractor to stop any activity resulting negative impacts and/or in case the contractor does not fulfill requirements of the EMP, to take corrective actions.

- For contracts that need Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP), the supervising consultant will conduct a final review and approve all environmental plans at the site that may affect environment. This work includes but not limited to: dredging areas, material quarries and dumping areas and worker houses. The supervising consultant will review and approve such SEMP submitted by the contractor. If such plans are found non-compliant to the EMP, EPC or RAP, the supervising consultant will work with the PMU and contractor for a proper solution.

- Complaint handling: Complaints from local residents will be collected by site officer of the contractor, which may include violations to noise level, dust concentration and traffic safety requirements. The lead consultant of the contractor and the supervising consultant will address and work out a final solution organizes all such complaints. The supervising consultant will provide a list of these complaints and confirm they have been properly handled by the contractor in the same way with issued identified during site inspection.

- Confirmation of monthly payment: The supervising consultant will confirm monthly payment for environment related activities undertaken by the contractor.

- Report: The supervising consultant will make the following reports in English:

o Report twice a week on non-conformances

o Monthly summary report will include issues and findings from the reviewing and monitoring of construction activities

o At the end of project, the supervising consultant will make a final summary report on findings from their work, number of violations, and solutions, etc. as well as provide consultancy and guidance on how to implement such duties in future.


Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation

(Used for report by supervising consultant to PMU)

Project name:

Project location: Province: District:


Supervising consultant:......Full name Date of report:……………………

|No. |Parameter |Assessment of comments |Comment/ |

| | |by supervising |Recommendation |

| | |consultant and community| |

| |Construction phase | | |

|1 |Water turbidity and soil erosion | | |

|2 |Noise level at the site and nearby residential area | | |

|3 |Dust concentration | | |

|4 |Solid waste and site cleaning after construction | | |

|5 |Conflict between workers and local residents | | |

|6 |Disease spreading | | |

|7 |Hygiene condition and safety for workers | | |

|8 |Local traffic interruption | | |

|9 |Road damage | | |

|10 |Safety measure application | | |

|11 |Material management | | |

|12 |Remained soil and rock management | | |

|13 |Evidences about loss to biodiversity (if any) | | |

|14 |Evidences about loss to cultural and historical sites | | |

|15 |Other environmental issues (if any) | | |

| |…. | | |

| |Operation phase | | |

|16 |Transmission line lobby maintenance | | |

|17 |1. Health and safety for operation workers and local residents | | |


Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation

(Used for reports by contractor)

Project name:

Project location:

Contractor name:

Initial or monthly report:

Date of report:

|No. |Impact |Mitigation measure taken |Comment |

| |Construction phase | | |

|1 |Surface water pollution | | |

|2 |Noise and vibration level | | |

|3 |Soil erosion | | |

|4 |Air pollution | | |

|5 |Impacts on agriculture land due to temporary land acquisition| | |

|6 |Local traffic interruptions | | |

|7 |Existing road damage | | |

|8 |Solid waste from excavation | | |

|9 |Remained soil management | | |

|10 |Environmental impacts by workers | | |

|11 |Conflict between workers and local residents | | |

|12 |Disease spreading between workers and local residents | | |

|13 |Health and safety | | |

|14 |….. | | |

Reported by :

Title :

Address :

Telephone :


Subproject area map


Some pictures of project area

|[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |


Consultation minutes


List of consulted peoples

|No. |Place |Local authority representative |Household representative |

|1 |Bac Son Ward |Chairman of Ward people’s Committee: Mr. Phan Cong Truong |Nguyen Van Manh |

| | |Chairman Fatherland Front Committee: Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hue |Tran Hoai Nam |

| | | |Duong Thi Dung |

| | | |Pham Duc Ninh |

| | | |Phan Van Quoc |

| | | |Vu Huu Duc |

| | | |Nguyen Tat Dat |

| | | |Ha Quang Thiet |

| | | |Mai Van Lam |

| | | |Vo Duy Thang |



E3035 v11


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