Local Geography - Global Learning Circles

Learning Circles

January to May 2007

Places and Perspectives

Elementary School

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Grade 5

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

Local Geography

There are four regions in our state of Oregon, USA. They are the Coast, Willamette Valley, the Cascades, and Eastern Oregon. They are all very different in many ways.

The Oregon Coast is a beautiful place bounded on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Coast Range.

East of the Coast Range is the Willamette Valley. It is sometimes called the storehouse for our state, because of its rich resources and fertile farmland. Portland is in the Willamette Valley. Portland is the largest city in Oregon.

The Cascades Mountains form the eastern boundary of the Willamette

Valley. Our community of Corbett is in the foothills of the Cascades.

Mt. Hood (11,235 feet) is also part of the Cascades.

On the other side of the Cascades is Eastern Oregon. It is mostly high desert country, with several mountainous areas. They don't get nearly as much rain as we do on this side of the Cascades. Temperatures range from average lows of 10-20 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to average highs of 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer.

Oregon has it all-ocean, beaches, mountains, valleys, deserts, rivers, lakes, and forests. Maybe you can visit one day!

Taylor and Ray

Fourth and Third Grades

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Geological Formations

Corbett, Oregon, USA, is at the west end of the Columbia River Gorge. The gorge was carved by the Columbia River, and is about 80 miles long. It is up to 4000 feet deep. Many waterfalls flow into the river. The most famous is Multnomah Falls. It is 620 feet tall; the second highest waterfall in the nation. Just up the road from Corbett is the Vista House. This historical building has just been remodeled. It has a domed roof and marble floor. (A picture is attached.) Views of the gorge are incredible from this point!

Gabrielle and Nathan

Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Recreation Activities

Oregon is a wonderful place for water sports. Many people in our area own a boat. There are motorboats, sailboats, kayaks, canoes, and rowboats. Folks like to go boating, water skiing, knee boarding, tubing, swimming, or fishing. Many people go windsurfing at Hood River, about 45 miles up the river is often a strong breeze flowing through the gorge.


Fourth Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Mt. Hood

Mt. Hood is about an hour's drive from Corbett. (A picture is attached.) It is the place to go for snow sports. Timberline Lodge has runs for downhill skiing and snowboarding. Ski Bowl and Mt. Hood Meadows do also. Cross-country ski trails are everywhere around the mountain. Lots of people go tubing or sledding at Snowbunny.

Zander and Mitchell

Fourth and Third Grades

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Hiking in Oregon

There are lots of places to camp and hike in Oregon. Some people go to the woods, others to lakes and rivers, some to the mountains, and others to the coast.

My family likes to camp at Devil's Canyon. A lot of people bring their four wheelers to go on trails. People like to climb the mountain. You can also look for tracks. Most people go during the summer.

At night, you can hear the coyotes howl. Coyotes eat meat; others steal food from people. Coyotes usually travel in packs.

There is a lake with trout and rainbow salmon. The fish are two to three feet long. It is a great place to visit!


Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Local History

Mt. St. Helens is in the state of Washington, but it is only about 50 miles away from Corbett. On March 20, 1980, small earthquakes began occurring beneath the mountain. Ash and steam eruptions became fairly common. Finally, on May 18, 1980, an explosion blew out the north side and destroyed the top 1312 feet of the mountain. The ash cloud rose twelve miles into the air and caused darkness in the middle of the day in eastern Washington. Fifty-seven people died and hundreds of animals were killed. Bridges, roads, timber, and crops were destroyed. Minor eruptions have happened since then. (Pictures are attached.) It was devastating at the time, but animals and plants have now returned.

Leila and Morgan

Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Vanport was a town located along the Columbia River between Portland and Vancouver. It was completed in 1943 as wartime housing. The people who lived there mostly worked in the shipyards.

Warm temperatures and heavy rains in May 1948, caused mountain snowmelt to occur very fast. Streams and rivers overflowed their banks, and the biggest flood since 1841 filled the Columbia River to overflowing.

Vanport was separated from the river by a railroad track elevated on a dike. On Sunday, May 30th, at 4:17 p.m., the railroad fill gave way.

The town was completely destroyed, with damages to government property totaling over $21 million dollars. (Picture attached.) About 25 lives were lost.

Vanport is completely gone. There are now parks, baseball fields, and the Portland International Raceway in its place.

Seth Parker

Fourth Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Historical Events

In 1804, President Thomas Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on an expedition to explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory. Their mission was to search for a Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean, map the territory, identify plants and animals, and befriend the Indians. The Corps of Discovery left St. Louis, Missouri in May of 1804. They spent their first winter in what is now North Dakota. In 1805, they crossed the Bitterroot Mountains, with the help of their Indian guide, Sacagawea. They canoed down the Columbia River, passing right by where Corbett is today. They built Fort Clatsop, near what is now Astoria, Oregon, and spent the winter of 1805-06 there. They finally returned to Missouri in 1806. Their expedition encouraged many people to settle in the Oregon Territory.

Jessie and Josh

Fourth and Third Grades

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

The Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail started in Independence, Missouri, and stretched 2000 miles to Fort Vancouver, Washington. It took about six months to travel the trail by wagon. People had to leave in the spring as soon as the grass would feed their livestock in order to reach their destination without getting trapped by snow in the mountains. In 1852, more than 10,000 people traveled the Oregon Trail. Once folks reached The Dalles on the Columbia River, they had to make a choice. Some rafted through the rapids and floated down the river, passing right by where Corbett is today. Others continued by land around Mt. Hood on the Barlow Trail.

Vanessa, Alyssa, and Laura

Fourth and Third Grades

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Life in Corbett

In our rural community of Corbett, Oregon, USA, we have one market, the water district, the phone company, post office, volunteer fire department, a church, elementary, middle, and high schools, and several houses. Some people have small farms, and grow hay, Christmas trees, pumpkins, strawberries, or other fruits and vegetables. Since we surrounded by woods, some people are loggers. Most people work in neighboring communities. Temperatures in the summer range from 50-80 degrees

Fahrenheit. Winter temperatures vary from 30-60 degrees Fahrenheit. We are famous for the East Wind, which usually blows from 20-60 mph during the winter. The highest gust recorded at school was 100 miles per hour. Corbett averages 55 inches of rain per year, and from five to ten inches of snow. We often have freezing rain or ice. About 2500 people live within our school district boundaries, which enclose 134 square miles.

Iain and Austin

Fourth and Third Grades

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Place to Live

I'd like to live in Wisconsin, because my grandparents live there. We go visit them once each year, and have lots of fun with them. Every time we visit, we go to the Big Bucket. That is a swimming place with a big bucket filled with water. It spills on you, but the bucket doesn't fall. It's lots of fun!


Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

I want to live in Costa Rica, because it has lots of cool animals and birds, like the blue-crowned motmot. The blue-crowned motmot is a bird that is very colorful. There are tarantulas, frogs, and snakes. The blue morpho butterfly is big and blue. Sloths live there too. They usually just move when it's dark. I know this because I went there. I would love to live in Costa Rica!


Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in Eaglecrest. Eaglecrest is about two to three hours away from Corbett, in central Oregon. It has a lot of golf courses, pools, and recreation centers. Every summer, we go there with our grandparents and cousins. We have a lot of fun!


Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Well, if I could live anywhere, it would have to be Hawaii, because my aunt, uncle, and cousins live there. Plus, every day you can wake up and eat all sorts of fruit, like pineapples and mangoes. One of the fun things you can also do is go swimming with the sea turtles and tropical fish. Also, every day you could go hiking in the forest and find beautiful waterfalls. That's why I would choose Hawaii!


Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in Eaglecrest. Eaglecrest is about two to three hours away from Corbett, in central Oregon. It has a lot of golf courses, pools, and recreation centers. Every summer, we go there with our grandparents and cousins. We have a lot of fun!


Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

If I could choose a different place to live, I would choose New Zealand. The reason I would choose New Zealand is because it's usually sunny and hot. I would also like to search for kiwis, a type of bird. Some people go bungee-jumping. I wouldn't do it, because I am too scared. I don't know about you, but I would go for a swim in the Tasman



Fourth Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Ideal Environment

My ideal environment is named Huckleberry Lane. It has lots of nice people. Huckleberry Lane has lots of fruits and vegetables. The houses are mansions. One of the most famous places in Huckleberry Lane is a candy factory, with some of the newest candies. It even invented



Fourth Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

My environment is a world that is half sun and half snow. It is called Weather. You can rent an RV (recreation vehicle) or live in a house. There is a lake and a pond that you can go fishing in. There are really cool things for children too. School is only twelve minutes long. On the sunny side it is always summer, and on the cold side it is always winter. But that is not the best part-you can spend time with your sweet loving family!


Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Got a population problem? Get an Aquaterra, the original floating city! With twelve layers and a fishing platform, it is a marvel of engineering. It has five and a half layers of houses and half a layer of hotels. It also has two layers of schools. Additionally, it has a hydroelectric generator and a submarine dock, as well as a laboratory of research on new Aquaterra construction techniques. Each Aquaterra has an above water area. The submarine dock contains twelve two-seater submarines.


Fourth Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

One day, I was walking home and I took the wrong path. It led me to a place; a place nobody knows about. I call it Fantasyland.

It has wonderful trees. If you push on a tree that has a computer, it comes out and you type in what you want. Then you count to five and it comes out. You either eat it or drink it. Garbage cans also come out.

There are about five thousand, eight hundred ninety-two things happening. There are parties, celebrations, and birthbots. Birthbots are just robots that help with birthdays.

Well, that's Fantasyland!


Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

My environment called Majestic Clearing would be a quiet little wood with pink and white houses scattered here and there. A little white school and a church with a golden bell on top would also be there. The open areas would have bunnies, deer, horses, foxes, butterflies, and blue jays. I would go to the library everyday and get books. If you went to the river, you would always be able to see mermaids swimming around.

People there are nice and smart. They don't fight with each other, or hurt each other. They are wonderful people. If you were mean or rude, you would go to Majestic Clearing's jail. Really, all you have to do is go to the river. (The sheriff takes you.) Then you jump in the basket. The sheriff would push you gently into the river and you would float to an island covered with black soot. The prisoner is kept there until his/her time is up.

Majestic Clearing is a beautiful place, and I love it!


Third Grade

Corbett Elementary School

Corbett, Oregon, USA

Cascade Mountains

Mount Rainier is very big and it is 14,410 feet tall and 4,392 meters. The Cascade Mountains have vacation houses, Starbucks, diners, restaurants, and bars. There are parks and Camps. You can go camping at camps, play at the parks, and you can also go skiing on the mountains. In the cascades there is a Longmire Museum, visitor Centers, a fast food restaurants, and Hotels and Inns. Paradise Inn is closed for renovations and will reopen on May 2008. Mount Rainer is the tallest volcano in Continental United States of America. Also in the cascades, there are some gas stations in case you run out of gas for your car. There are lots of cities such as Leavenworth, and Darrington. There are landforms such as Mountains and Volcanoes.

The biggest bodies of water we have in the Cascades are Lake Chelan and Lake Wenatchee, but there are many smaller lakes.

In the Cascades, in the winter it will be icy, snowy, wet, and very cold. You can go skiing, snowboarding or just play in the snow. When it is summer, the Cascades can be cool and wet and sometimes very slippery. Douglas-fir trees grow in the Cascades. There are also nice days when you can go hiking and fishing.

Mount Rainer has waterfalls and major glaciers that are very exciting to watch. National park INN is one year round nestled in the forest of Longmire Historic District. You can see picture of the Historical Inn at this site:

During the summer you can go hiking around in the Cascades or even go camping overnight. You can find more information about Mt Rainier National Park at this site :

In the South of Washington State is Mt St Helens: the volcano blew up its top on May 18th 1980. A lot of ash fell over the city of Seattle and a lot of people still keep some of it at home in a container. This volcano can still show some activity and it is still changing. You can see pictures of Mt St Helens eruptive history at

Further north are Mount Baker and the North Cascades. The North Cascades is a National Park. You can go camping, hiking, climbing, boating, fishing, horseback riding or just look at the beautiful scenery as you drive by.

Amy and Dar

Lynnewood Elementary School

Lynnewood, Washington, USA

Puget Sound I-5 Corridor

Puget Sound transportation is by ferryboat, car, or bus. Puget Sound is mostly covered by water. Puget Sound is busy with boats all over filled with cargo going place to place. Did you know that Puget Sound is 100 miles long and has a depth of 180-925 feet? The downtown area of Seattle surrounds Puget Sound. Seattle has a picture perfect view of Puget Sound.

Puget Sound is a beautiful place! There are lots of fun activities around the Puget Sound area, from rock climbing to scuba diving or even sailing. There are lots of theaters and nice places to eat. If you go to Puget Sound you would like it very much!

Seattle has a marine climate that means that in the winter it’s pretty warm! Some people make a living by working at Boeing, Microsoft etc. Lots of flowers grow around I-5 corridor, like tulips, daisies, roses and lots more! The Seattle aquarium has animals that can be found in Puget Sound such as cucumber, jelly fish, crabs, fish, and starfish, also some other things like squid and octopuses.

Some places to visit include: the Space Needle, the Aquarium, the State Capitol in Olympia,

The Washington History Museum in Tacoma and the Boeing Museum.

Lynnwood is located North of Seattle. Our school is in the Edmonds School district.

You can also take a ferry from Edmonds to Bainbridge Island.

Jackie and Josh

Lynnwood Elementary School

Lynnwood, Washington, USA

Columbia Plateau

Grand Coulee Dam is the eight wonder of the world. It also griddles the Columbia River with 12 million cubic yards of concrete stacked one mile wide and 46 stories tall. Grand Coulee is part of the massive Columbia basin! It has a 600-mile shoreline and a surface area of 82,000 acres.

One great place to stay while you are in the plateau is Best Western; that hotel has 161 rooms and it is has one seasonal heated swimming pool. If you get hungry just stop by Dominos pizza, it is a great place to eat pizza. If you’re looking for somewhere to take your family Moses lake Water Park is the place to go. People make a living by growing and selling corn, carrots, potatoes and mining.

The Plateau is also the home of the Colville and Spokane Indians

For more information on Native Americans you can go to the link

Joe and Hannah

Lynnwood Elementary School

Lynnwood, Washington, USA

Southeast Washington

Major Cities

Walla Walla, Kennewick, Clarkston Pasco, Richland, Pullman, Pameroy.

Pullman is the home of Washington State University

Bodies of Water

Snake River, Columbia River, and Grande Ronde River. The Columbia River is a natural border between Oregon and Washington. The Snake River is the main tributary of the Columbia River. You can see a picture at

Businesses in Walla Walla

The Walla Walla Valley chamber of commerce has been active since 1875. They have over 730 members and they are growing. Walla Walla Valley is home to many small businesses that totally make a huge impact on the local economy. The upstarts in Walla Walla are promising due to the recent interest in the valley driven by the wine industry.


Lake Kahlotus, Lake Wallula, Lake Rock, Lake Herberet.


Desert conditions moist alpine conditions.

James, Daniel, Jocelyn, and Jemayka

Lynnwood Elementary School

Lynnwood, Washington, USA

One common animal is the crow.

Size: 18in. (45cm)

Nest: platform.

Eggs: 4-6in the color is bluish to olive green, brown marki ngs.

Food: fruit, insects, mammals, fish, carrions, seeds, and suet feeders

Lake Chelan in the summer

Geographical Description

Cluj County is situated in North – Western part of Romania, in the heart of the historical Transylvania province.

The name of `Transylvania` comes from the Latin expression -Trans Silva – which means `the land beyond the forests`, due to the forests that covered the mountains in the area. It is one of the provinces of medieval Romania that experienced difficult moments along the centuries. Transylvania is the place where the Romanian nation was born, and an important economic and cultural centre of this country.

And last, but not least, it is a region rich in natural and historical tourist attractions, being situated inside the arch of the Carpathians.

The clime is temperate continental.

Marc Mihai Vlad,

4th Grade

International School of Cluj

Cluj, Romania

Scarisoara Cave

It’s the biggest ice-cave of Romania. It is at 1165-meter height and it is more that 3000 years old. It has a length of 720 meter and a depth of 105 meter. The volume of the ice we find in the cave is of 75 000 m3 and its width of 15 meter.

Baisoara Hills

One of the relax places for the people in Cluj-Napoca is Baisoara Hills. They come here in the winter at ski and in the summer for a picnic. There is a nice view of the mountains. Is not far away from Cluj-Napoca.

Mihnea, Ionut and Sergiu

4th Grade

International School of Cluj

Cluj, Romania

Bears’ Cave

The cave was named so as numerous cave bears (Ursus spelaeus) were found in this cave. These large animals visited the cave more than 15.000 years ago. But one day, they say that a rockslide closed the entrance while more than 140 bears were still in the cave. Becoming hungry, the bears killed one another until all were dead. This story is told by their remains, tons of bear bones covering the floor of large parts of the cave with the marks of bear teeth.

Houliat Pavel

4th Grade

International School of Cluj

Cluj, Romania

The Apuseni Mountains

` Seen from a distance, The Apuseni Mountains don’t seem so much different from the other ranges that build up the great Carpathian wreath at the core of Romania. At a first glance one would even say they are are quite low and don’t seem to have anything spectacular to show to the visitor.

They do not impress by heights and steep rocks, but by something totally different. The Apuseni are part of the Western Carpathians and comprise a variety of geographical forms, beautiful landscapes and traditional livelihoods. What make them special are the unique limestone phenomena, the local people who inhabit them and their lifestyle.

Located in the Western part of Romania (as their name suggests – “apus” in Romanian means “sunset”), within a small distance from Oradea, the Apuseni Mountains can be reached by car on European roads (E60 and E70), and then by following several county roads that will take you even closer. They are also accessible by train, on the railroad linking Oradea to Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Napoca-Alba Iulia, Alba Iulia-Deva-Arad.

If you love folk traditions and you want to understand how an authentic lifestyle has been preserved here for thousands of years, you have the chance to do it in almost every rural community sheltered by the Apuseni Mountains. Pottery, chest-making, weaving, wood-carving, lime-making are but a few of the habitual occupations and crafts that contribute to the charm of these areas, keeping their spirit alive.

The traditional architecture, the work people do in the forest or in the field preserve a way of life that is typical for the mountain area, where human destiny interweaves closely with the deep meanings of water, earth, air, fire.

Raluca Bratfalean

International School of Cluj

Cluj, Romania

Rural Life in the

Apuseni Mountains

The rural habitants of Apuseni Mountains are named ``moti``.

They are very simple people and they have a very good hart. The ``moti`` only eat natural food. The example: cheese from the ships, milk from the cows and meat from the chickens.

The ``moti`` are very brave people. They are never lazy. If you beg them some food they will give even if they haven’t very much.

Raluca Bratfalean

4th grade

International School Cluj

Cluj , Romania

How Geography Influences

Your Life

The geography features in our area are many places that a lot of people go to like the Watchung Mountains. The Watchung Mountains are a group of three long low ridges of volcanic origin, between 400 ft. they’re important because nature in our area we always protect and that’s how the Watchung Mountains are to us.

There are also the Appalachian Mountains. They run through New Jersey also like the Watching Mountains. There just like the Watchung Mountains because they’re both nature and we all take care of them.

There is also the Delaware River. George Washington actually crossed the Delaware River through Trenton, which is now the capital of New Jersey ever since. That’s why the Delaware River is so important to New Jersey.

There are many geography places here in New Jersey. If you would like to visit one our websites to find out more go to:


There are many sports and activities because of the geography. There’s skiing and snowboarding down the mountains. There’s also hiking and rock-climbing on the mountains too. On the mountain you can also do mountain biking, which a lot of people do now.

What it’s like by my area is there are a lot of grass, trees, valleys, and hills. There’s also forests that there’s trails so you can go on them. We love where we live because we love walking on the grass and feeling in on our feet and also going in the forests for a little adventure. It’s a fun place to be here and we love it.

The geographical I would choose is Key West. I love the sand through my feet and being in the hot sun is just great. I also like the palm trees and the way they look. The ocean is right by the shore and it’s a fun geographical place to swim in. If I could live there it would be a dream come true.

The geographical place I would design would have mountains that you could mountain bike on, have rock-climbing you could climb, and do all the skiing and snowboarding you would like to do. Off the coast of the mountain would be the sand so moist you’ll sink right into it and the ocean so blue you see right through it. I know it sounds weird having mountains and a shore both together, but that’s how I would design it and that would be my home.

That’s the geography for where I live and what it tells about.

Alicea and Matthew

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

If I Could Pick Any Place…

If I could pick any place to live in the world I would live in the beach area, because I love to swim and play at the beach. It is very relaxing. It is fun to go swimming in the water. I like to build sand castles. It would be a great place to live for me. I go to the beach in New Jersey. It takes 2 hours to get to the beach, but I enjoy it every time.


Grade 5

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

The Watchung Mountains

The Watchung Mountains are two long low ridges of volcanic origin. They are from 400 to 500 feet high around 122 to 152 meters high. They are located parallel from each other in the northern state of New Jersey. The ridges are known as Orange or the first Watchung Mountain and Peakness or the second Watchung Mountain. They stretch for exactly 40 miles from Somerville to Paterson in the northeast. The discontinuous ridge formed by Long hill, Riker hill, Hook mountain, and Packanack Mountain, is sometimes referred to as the third Watchung, and lies on the northwest side of second Watchung.

During the Revolutionary War, General George Washington used the Watchung Mountains to erect the first and second Middlebrook encampment. This position also allowed him to monitor between Perth Amboy and New Brunswick and to find out and disrupt British movements between New York City and Philadelphia.

Blaise and Michael

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

Quakertown NJ USA

The Raritan River

The Raritan River is part of New Jersey. Its watershed drains much of the mountainous area is of the central part of the state, emptying into the Raritan Bay into the Atlantic Ocean. The Raritan River runs through the middle of New Jersey. The Raritan River has a lot of geography. It is very big and it flows fast and furious when it rains. It sometimes usually over flows when it rains. It is fun to raft in the summer because it is relaxing to sit and ride down the Raritan River. The Raritan River is well known part of geography in New Jersey.


Grade 5

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

Geography in New Jersey

A geographical feature in New Jersey is the Delaware Water Gap; it is believed to be over 8,000 years old. It is a beautiful land feature in our area. Found in the Appalachian region this gaping hole is filled by the Delaware River. The best part of the gap is the many different things to have fun doing there such as hiking, boating, and fishing. I haven’t yet been to the Gap but I really want to see it in person.

Hugh and Joey

Grade 5

Franklin Twp School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

Places To Live

If we could live any place in the world it would be Hawaii. We like Hawaii because it is a beautiful and amazing place to see. Also we are interested in the wildlife and geography. We love the warm, tropical air and humid rainforests. One unique thing about these very southern islands is that the volcano on the big island is snow-capped! The amazing thing about the snow-capped volcano is that these islands are in the tropics. Also we like the warm valleys ands the high volcano, mentioned earlier.

Those are a good bit of the reasons that we’d like to live in Hawaii. The other reasons have absolutely nothing to do with geography or anything like that.

Zach and Hailey

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

Geography in New Jersey

A geographical feature in New Jersey is the Delaware Water Gap; it is believed to be over 8,000 years old. It is a beautiful land feature in our area. Found in the Appalachian region this gaping hole is filled by the Delaware River. The best part of the gap is the many different things to have fun doing there such as hiking, boating, and fishing. I haven’t yet been to the Gap but I really want to see it in person.

Hugh & Joey

Grade 5

Franklin Twp School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

The Pinelands

The New Jersey Pine Barrens, or Pinelands, is a unique natural area covering over 1 million acres of the Outer Coastal Plain in southern and central New Jersey. The soils are sandy and acidic, and fires were historically common. As a result, many species are fire-adapted. The dominant pine species in fire-prone areas is Pitch Pine. For geologic and climatic reasons, partially relating to special events, many species are at their range limit, northern or southern, in the Pinelands.

A large part of the pinelands is protected by state and federal legislation. The New Jersey Pinelands Commission is an organization that oversees the management of the outer, Protection Area of the pinelands, and the inner, Preservation Area. The global significance of the pinelands is shown by its designation as the in 1978, and as a United Nations International Biosphere Reserve in 1983.

Addison and Charles

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA


The geography near me has very few hills and is very flat. In the middle part of New Jersey is very hilly. In the southern part of New Jersey is very flat. In the northern part of New Jersey it is very mountainous.

The most interesting geological formation to me is my creek. My creek is the most interesting to me because if it a very hot day I just walk back there in my woods and jump in. It the best on a hot day!!!

There are not any recreation activities that are close to me except for those I can do near my creek. You can not exactly go swimming or do any sport related activities although you could hike through it and see little baby tadpoles.

If I could choose where to live in the world it would be where there were the most geographic events that have happened or will happen. (Just not where there will be any earthquakes. Hurricanes, or volcanoes.)

The area I live in has very few mountains. It is mostly flat. I would rather live in a lat place than a hilly or mountainous place because it seems easier to travel and walk. Also if you were to walk a long distance, you would not get as tired as you would walking up or down hills or mountains.

If I could design my own environment it would have tons of animals because I am an animal lover, all of the food and candy in the world because I love to eat, the worlds largest mall because I love to shop, and nothing but playing all day.


Grade 5

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA


Questions We Asked:

1. Describe your local geography and tell us about features that are unique to your area.

2. What is the most famous and/or interesting geological formation that is closest to the area where you live? Tell us about it and send us pictures.

3. Are there any special recreation activities or sports associated with the geography of your area? Tell us about them. (As an example: Do you live near a skiing area or mountain bike area? Are the lakes or bodies of water that could be used for water activities?)

4. Is there any local history associated with your area that is associated with the geography of your area? (Such as: Do you live in a city near the sea or in the mountains? Has a major event such as an earthquake ever affected your area?

5. Has there been a major historical event associated with the geography in the area where you live? (As an example: We live near the location where General George Washington made his famous crossing of the Delaware River.)

6. Describe for us what it is like to live in your area of the world.

7. If you could choose any geographic area in the world to live what would you choose and why?

8. If you could design an ideal environment to live in what would it be like? Describe for us all the unique features of your ideal environment and tell us about the activities you would do there.


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