Five Themes of Geography Portfolio Project Rubric

Five Themes of Geography Portfolio Project Rubric

Mesopotamia River Civilization

For the next unit we will be exploring the five themes of geography and how they can be applied to the Mesopotamian River Civilization.

By the end of this unit, each of you will have completed five major assignments to put into your Portfolio Project. These assignments include; Location Letter, Place Concept Map, Relationship Illustration, Movement PowerPoint, Region Web Quest.

Location Letter

| |Below Average- 1 pt. |Average- 2 pts. |Above Average- 3 pts. |

|Understanding of the four types |Student’s description shows |Student’s description shows |Student’s description shows |

|of location |knowledge of one or less |knowledge of two to three |knowledge of four location types|

| |location types |location types | |

|Accuracy in their description of|Student accurately describes |Student accurately describes |Student accurately describes |

|Mesopotamian civilization |Mesopotamia with one or less |Mesopotamia with two to three |Mesopotamia with all four |

|location |location type |location types |location types |

|Neat work |Students work is handwritten |Students work is handwritten |Students work is neatly typed |

| |sloppily |neatly | |

|Writing Mechanics |Students writing shows 3 or more|Students writing shows 1-2 |Students writing shows no |

| |mechanical errors |mechanical errors |mechanical errors |

|Creativity |Students writing does not show |Students writing shows little |Students writing is creative and|

| |any creativity |creativity |engaging |

Place Concept Map

| |Below Average- 1 pt. |Average- 2 pts. |Above Average- 3 pts. |

|Understanding of place |Students concept map includes 3 |Students concept map includes |Students concept map includes |

| |or more items that do not |1-2 items that do not represent |items that represent place |

| |represent place |place | |

|Accuracy of how Mesopotamian |Students concept map is not |Students concept map gives basic|Students concept map defines |

|civilization was defined as a |accurate information about |facts about Mesopotamia |Mesopotamia as a place |

|place |Mesopotamia | | |

|Logical organization |Bubbles of concept map are |Bubbles of concept map are |Bubble of concept map are |

| |organized with 3 or more |organized with 1-2 confusing |organized in a logical and |

| |confusing connections |connections |thoughtful manner |

|Writing Mechanics |Information is written with 3 or|Information is written with 1-2 |Information is written with |

| |more writing errors |writing errors |proper writing mechanics |

|Creativity |Concept map involves ideas that |Concept map involves ideas that |Concept map involves ideas that |

| |are not accurate |are straight from the research |are creative and unique |

Relationship Illustration

| |Below Average- 1 pt. |Average- 2 pts. |Above Average- 3 pts. |

|Understanding of the geographic |Understanding of two or less |Understanding of three |Understanding of all four |

|characteristic of relationships |relationships is shown in |relationships is shown in |relationships is shown in |

| |illustration |illustration |illustration |

|Accuracy in Mesopotamian |Illustrations and descriptions |Illustrations and descriptions |Illustrations and descriptions |

|relationships |have 3 or more errors |are accurate with 1-2 errors |are accurate |

|Understanding of relationships |Understanding of two or less |Understanding of three |Understanding of all four |

|in real life |relationships is shown in real |relationships is shown in real |relationships in real life |

| |life |life | |

|Writing mechanics |Descriptions include 3 or more |Descriptions include 1-2 writing|Descriptions include proper |

| |writing errors |errors |writing mechanics with no errors|

|Creativity |Illustrations do not show effort|Illustrations show effort but |Illustrations show enthusiastic |

| |or creativity |lack creativity |effort and creativity |

Movement PowerPoint

| |Below Average- 1 pt. |Average- 2 pts. |Above Average- 3 pts. |

|Understanding of the different |Inaccurate information on type |Understanding of chosen type of |Understanding of chosen type of |

|types of geographic movement |of movement |movement |movement as well as another |

|Movement’s importance to |Inaccurate representation on |Accurate representation on |Accurate representation on |

|Mesopotamia |Mesopotamian relation |Mesopotamian relation with |Mesopotamian relation |

| | |points of error | |

|Accuracy in information about |Inaccurate information on |Accurate information or |Accurate information and |

|movement from Mesopotamia |movement |reflection on movement |reflection on movement |

|Writing mechanics |PowerPoint shows 3 or more |PowerPoint shows 1-2 writing |PowerPoint shows no writing |

| |errors |errors |errors |

|Creativity |PowerPoint is not fully |PowerPoint is fully completed |PowerPoint is pleasing to the |

| |completed and lacks creativity |but lacks creativity |eye and shows effort |

Region Web Quest

| |Below Average- 1 pt. |Average- 2 pts. |Above Average- 3 pts. |

|Understanding of the three |Understanding of one or no |Understanding of two region |Understanding of three different|

|different types of regions |regions |types |region types |

|Mesopotamia’s role in different |Accurate responses about |Accurate responses about |Accurate responses about |

|regions |Mesopotamia’s role with 3 or |Mesopotamia’s role with 1-2 |Mesopotamia’s role |

| |more errors |errors | |

|Accuracy in listed Mesopotamian |One or less accurate regions |Two accurate regions |At least three accurate regions |

|regions | | | |

|Completed map |Inaccurate map |Accurate map |Accurate and easy to read map |

|Creativity |Inaccurate map |Accurate map lacking creativity |Creatively designed map |

| | |is representations | |


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