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Paleolithic/Neolithic EraThe first humans migrated out of Africa (A)They migrated across the Bering Ice-Bridge (B)They Migrated first to Europe and Asia, and then into the AmericasBBARiver Valley CivilizationsMesopotamia: Location: Fertile Crescent - Rivers: Tigress/ Euphrates (A)Nile: Location: Egypt - River: Nile (B)Harappa: Location: India - River: Indus (C)Shang: Location: China - River: Yellow/Huang He (D)DACBEarly CivilizationsSumer and Babylon are two of the early Fertile Crescent civilizations discussed this yearCatal Huyuk, Aleppo, and Jericho were Neolithic Civilizations we “unearthed” this year.The Phoenicians were traders in the Mediterranean Basin. Their city-state, Carthage was the only state to survive the Babylonians. They would fight the Romans during the Punic Wars. They were known for trading in purple dye.Carthage is located at “A”AThe Hebrews (Jerusalem)The Hebrews originally settled in CanaanThey were expelled by King Nebuchadnezzar, and the Babylonians (who are known for the Hanging Gardens)The Diaspora – or expulsion of the Jews – lead them to Egypt where they were enslavedMoses lead the Hebrews on the Exodus back to JerusalemPersiaCyrus the Great is known for his tolerance during the Persian Empire. Persia became an imperial monarchy – meaning the monarch (leader) consulted a counsel before making decisionsCambyses was not as tolerant as his father Cyrus, but expanded the empire into EgyptDarius I further expanded the Empire to the Indus RiverPersia’s western extent was AnatoliaGreeceThe mountainous geography of Greece lead it to develop a government of city0statesEach city –state had a different governmentAthens was a direct democracySparta had a military culture and was an oligarchyThe bodies of water surrounding Greece are : The Aegean Sea, The Mediterranean Sea, The Ionian SeaRomeAlexander’s EmpireAlexander the Great came from MacedoniaHe expanded the Empire from Greece, in the West, to the Indus River, in the East, and conquered Egypt – in fact, Cleopatra was of Macedonian decentThe Roman Empire (After the Republic)Rome began as a Monarchy on the Palatine Hill (A) (Remember Romulus and Remus)It was then a Republic – the 12 Tables (Roman Law) were written and posted at the ForumAfter brutal civil wars, Julius Caesar headed the first Tetrarchy – he was murdered by his senatorsThen his nephew, Octavius/ Augustus Caesar headed the second Tetrarchy, and became the first emperor of Rome after killing Marc Antony and CleopatraThis would mark the beginning of Pax Romana – Roman PeaceAThe Roman SplitIn 400 AD Rome was divided by Diocletian Constantine moved the capital to Byzantium, naming it ConstantinopleThis city was idea of trade, and far away from Germanic InvasionsThe Western half of Rome falls in 476 AD (Romulus Augustus was emperor)The Byzantine EmpireThe Eastern portion of The Roman Empire became the Byzantine EmpireEmperor Justinian expanded the EmpireHe built the Hagia Sophia and created Justinian’s Code – a codification of all Roman lawsThe Byzantine Empire also presered classical Greek and Roman worksThe Capital was loacted at Constantinople between the Black and Aegean SeasThe Holy Roman EmpireCharlemagne was crowned the first emperor of the Holy Roman EmpireHe was a Frankish KingThe Church of the Holy Roman Empire was the Roman Catholic ChurchThe Pope was the head of the ChurchThe Islamic EmpireMuhammad was the first Muslim CaliphThe Empire/ Religion began on the Arabian Peninsula. (A) This is where the holy cities of Mecca and Medina are. The Kaaba is located in MeccaHe died, leaving no successorThe Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates expanded the empireCharles Martel defeated Muslim Armies at the Battle of Tours in FranceAIslamic traders from The Arabian Peninsula (A) would spread Islam into Northern AfricaAChina and IndiaThe first Chinese “Empire” was the Qin Dynasty after the Warring States PeriodThe Shang Dynasty was built between the Yellow/Huang He (D) and Yangtze (E) riversThe Indian Empires were located between the Indus (A) and Ganges (B) rivers – The Ganges had a deep spiritual meaning for HindusIndo-Aryans migrated to India through the Himalayas and Hindu-Kush mountainsThe Golden Age of India was the Gupta EmpireAfrican KingdomsGhana, Mali, and Songhai were all located in the North Western quadrant of Africa, in the Saharah regionThey grew because of their proximity to Arab caravan trade routesThey traded salt for goldAxum developed south of Nubia along the Red SeaAxum was Christain, which Songhai, Mali, and Ghana developed into Islamic kingdomsGreat Zimbabwe was a kingdoms of South Eastern Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers, it is characterized by the massive walls surrounding the cityTimbuktu was a center for learning and trade, built by Mali’s Mansa Musa – an Islamic kingThe Meso-American CivilizationsThe Aztec were located in the dry valley of Central America – their capital was TenochtitlanThe Mayans and Olmecs were found in the Rainforests of central America – the Mayan capital was Chichen Itza (The Maya were ruled by a king)The Incan Civilization was located in the Andes Mountains in South America – the Incan capital was Machu Picchu. The Inca had a very well developed Road system – like the Romans and Persians1 – France2 – Spain3 – England (Great Britain)4 – Holy Roman Empire5 – Italy (Papal States)6 – Portugal7 - GreeceNation states in EuropeMap of Middle East and Asia1 – India2 – China3 – Iran (Persia)4 – Ottoman Empire (Ottoman Turks)5 – Russia6 – Saudi Arabia7 – Japan8 – Seljuk Turks9 – Pakistan10 - KoreaMongol Empire The Mongols originated in Mongolia, north of China – they were brutal warriorsKublai Khan successfully conquered ChinaBatu Khan conquered Russia – naming it the Khanate of the Golden HordeIvan the Great would liberate Russia (Moscow) from the Mongols ................

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