Periodic table of elements nonmetals and metals


Periodic table of elements nonmetals and metals

Learning objectives explain how the elements are organized in the periodic table. Describe how some features of the elements concern their positions on the periodic table. In 19th century, many elements previously unknown were discovered, and scientists observed that some groups of elements had similar chemical properties. For example, chlorine, bromine and iodine react with other elements (as sodium) to make similar compounds. Similarly, lithium, sodium and potassium react with other elements (such as oxygen) to make similar compounds. Why is it so? In 1864, Julius Lothar Meyer, a German pharmacist, organized atomic mass elements and grouped them according to their chemical properties. Later that decade, Dmitre Mendeleev, a Russian pharmacy, organized all the known elements according to similar properties. He left gaps in his table for what he thought they were elements not discovered and made some daring predictions regarding the properties of those unknown elements. When the elements were subsequently discovered whose properties closely combined the forecasts of Mendeleev, his version of the table has acquired favor for the scientific community. Since some properties of the elements repeat regularly throughout the table (ie, they are periodic), it has become known as the periodic table. Mendeleev had to list some elements outside the order of their atomic masses to group them with other elements that had similar properties. The periodic table is one of the headlights of chemistry because it organizes all the known elements based on their chemical properties. A modern version is shown in the figure (PageDex {1}). Most periodic tables provide additional data (such as atomic mass) in a box that contains the symbol of each element. The elements are listed in the atomic number order. Figure (PageDex {1}): a modern periodic table. A modern periodic table lists the elements from left to right from the atomic number. An interactive periodic table can be found here. (Public Domain; Pubchem Via Nih) The elements that have similar chemical properties are grouped in columns called groups (or families). In addition to being numbered, some of these groups have names - for example, alkalis metals (the first column of elements), alkaline earth metals (the second column of elements), halogens (the next-last column of elements) and gas noble (the last column of elements). The word halogen derives from the Greek for ? ? ?,? ? "Salt maker? ? ?,? because these elements combine with other elements to form a group of compounds called salts. To your health: Radon Radon is an invisible noble gas, odorless that is slowly released from the ground, in particular from rocks and land whose uranium content is high. Because it is a noble gas, Radon is not chemically reactive. Unfortunately, it is radioactive and the increase in exposure to it has been correlated with an increase in the risk of lung cancer. Because the radon comes from the ground, we cannot avoid it entirely. Furthermore, since it is more dense than air, Radon tends to accumulate in basements, which if in a fan improper can be dangerous to the inhabitants of a building. Fortunately, specialized ventilation minimizes the quantity of radon that could collect. Special fan-and-vent systems are available that nestle air from the low floor of the basement, before it can enter the living space and showle it over the roof of a house. After smoking, Radon is believed to be the second preventable cause of lung cancer in the United States. The American cancer society estimates that 10% of all lung tumors related to Radon's exposure. There is uncertainty regarding exposure levels causes cancer, as well as The exact causal agent could (or radon or one of his rupture products, many of which are also radioactive and, unlike radon, not gas). The United States Environmental Protection Agency recommends testing every floor below the third floor for guard radon levels against long-term health effects. Each row of On the periodic table is called a period. The periods have different lengths; The first period has only 2 elements (hydrogen and helium), while the second and third period have 8 elements each. The fourth and fifth period have 18 elements each, and subsequent periods are so long that a segment from each is removed and positioned under the main body of the table. Some elemental properties become evident in a periodic table survey as a whole. Each element can be classified as metal, a non-metallic or a metalloid (or semi metal), as shown in the figure (PageDex {2}). A metal is a substance that is typically (but not always) in color, and an excellent conductor of electricity and heat. Metals are also malleable (can be beaten in thin sheets) and ductile (can be drawn in thin wires). A non-metallic is typically boring and a bad conductor of electricity and heat. Even non-metal solids are very fragile. As shown in the figure ( The elements with intermediatible properties between metals and metals are called metals (or semi-metals). The elements adjacent to the bold line in the right side of the periodic table have semimetal properties. Figure (PageDex {2}): Types of elements. The elements are metals, not metals or metalloids (or metal seeds). Each group is located in a different part of the periodic table. (CC By-NC-SA; Anonymous on request) Example (PageDex {1} based on its position in the periodic table, classify each underlying element as metal, a non-metallic or a metal. Solution in figure (PageDex {1}), the selenium is located above and to the right of the diagonal line that marks the limit between metals and not metals, so it should be a non-metallic. The magnesium is located to the left of the diagonal line that marks the border between metals and not metals, so it should be a metal. Germanium is located inside the diagonal line that marks the border between metals and not metals, so it should be a metal. Exercise ("PageDex {1}) based on its position in the periodic table, do you expect the Indium to be a non-metallic, a metal or a metal? Answer The Indium is a metal. Another way to categorize the elements of the periodic table is shown in the figure ("PageDex {3}). The first two columns on the left and the last six columns on the right are called the elements of the main group. The block of ten columns between these columns contains transition metals. The two files under the main body of the periodic table contain inner transition metals. The elements in these two files are also indicated, respectively, the metals of the lanthanium and the intinid metals. Figure (PageDex {3}): Special names for periodic table sections. (CC BY-NC-SA; Anonymous on request) As previously noted, the periodic table is arranged so that the elements with similar chemical behaviors are in the same group. The chemists often make general statements on the properties of the elements in a group that use descriptive names with historical origins. Alkaline metals are lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francio. Hydrogen is unique as it is generally placed in group 1, but it is not a metal. The compounds of alkali metals are common of nature and everyday life. An example is table salt (sodium chloride); Lithium compounds are used in fats, batteries and as drugs to treat patients showing maniac-depressive or bipolar behavior. Although lithium, rubidium and cesium are relatively rare Nature, and Franceum is so unstable and highly radioactive that exists only in traces, sodium and potassium are the seventh and eighth element plus abundant in the crust of the earth, respectively. Video: Alkali metals in water chemical elements: properties and reactions. (The university opened via The earth metals are beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium and radio. Beryllium, strontium and barium are rare and the radio is unstable and highly radioactive. On the contrary, football and magnesium are the fifth and the sixth most abundant element on earth, respectively; They are in enormous limestone deposits and other minerals. Halogens are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatin. The halogen name is derived from the Greek words for "training Delsalt" which reflects that all halogenes readily react with metals to form compounds, such as sodium chloride and calcium chloride (used in some areas such as road rooms). The compounds that contain fluoride ions are added to the toothpaste and water supply to prevent dental cavities. The fluorine is also found in teflon coatings on kitchen utensils. Although it is believed although the propellants and refrigerants of chlorofluorocarbons lead to the exhaustion of the ozone layer of the earth and contain both fluorine and chlorine, the latter is responsible for the opposing effect on the ozone layer. Bromo and iodine are less abundant than chlorine, and Astatine is so radioactive that exists only in negligible amounts in nature. The noble gases are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon. Because noble gases are composed of single atoms, they are called monatomic. At room temperature and pressure, they are non-actual gases. Due to their lack of reactivity, inert gases or rare gases were called for many years. However, the first chemical compounds containing noble gases were prepared in 1962. Although noble gases are constituents relatively minor than the atmosphere, natural gas contains considerable quantities of helium. Due to its low reactivity, the argon is often used as an actual atmosphere (inert) for welding and bulbs. The red light emitted by neon in a gas drain tube is used in neon lights. Example (PageDex {2}): Groups provide the name of the family or group of each element. Solution Lithium is an Argon Alkali Metal (Group 1) is a noble gas (group 18) chlorine is a halogen exercise (group 17) ("PageDex {2}): the groups provide the name of the family or of the group of each element. Answer to: Fluoride is a halogen (group 17). Answer B: Football is an alkaline metal (group 2). Reply C: Krypton is a noble gas (group 18). Example (PAGNEX {3}): Classification of the elements Rank each element as metal, metal, metal, metal transition or internal internal metal. Exercise of the solution (PageDex {3}: The classification of the elements classifies each element as metal, metal, metal, metal transition or internal internal metal. Answer to: Fluorine is a non-metallic. Answer B: Uranium is a metal (and also an inner transition metal). Answer C: Copper is a metal (and also a transitional metal). The periodic table is a provision of the elements in order to increase the atomic number. Elements that show similar chemistry appears in vertical columns called groups (numbered 1 to 1 to from left to right); The seven horizontal lines are called periods. Some groups have widely used common names, including alkaline metals (group 1) and alkaline earth metals (group 2) on the extreme left, and halogens (group 17) and noble gases (group 18) on the extreme right. The elements can be widely divided into metals, not metals and metals. Metal seeds show intermediate properties between metals and non-metal. Metals are located on the left of the periodic table and the non-metals are located at the top right. They are separated by a diagonal band of metal seeds. Metals are brilliant, good conductors of electricity and well modeled (are ductile and malleable). Non-metal solids are generally and bad electrical conductors. Other important groupings of elements in the periodic table are the elements of the main group, transition metals and internal transition metals (lanthanini and draws). Petrucci References, Ralph H., William S. Harwood, F. G. G. and Jeffrey D. Madura. General chemistry: Modern principles and applications. 9 ? ?. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007. Sisler, Harry H. Electronic structure, property and periodic law. New York; Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1963. Petrucci, Ralph H., Carey Bissonnette, F. G. Herring, and Jeffrey D. Madura. General chemistry: Modern principles and applications. Personalized edition for Chem 2. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. This page was built by the content through the following contributors ? ? and modified (topical or extensively) from the LibretextSt development team to meet the style of the platform, presentation and quality : Marisa Alviar -agnew? ? (Sacramento City College) Henry Agnew? ? (UC Davis) Davis) where can you find metals nonmetals and noble gases in the periodic table of elements. periodic table of elements color coded by metals nonmetals and metalloids. periodic table of elements with names metals and nonmetals. periodic table of elements list metals and nonmetals. what category of elements is found between the metals and nonmetals on the periodic table. metals nonmetals and metalloids another look at the periodic table of the elements. periodic table of elements metals and nonmetals and noble gases. a group of elements that zig-zag on the periodic table and separate the metals from the nonmetals

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