Integrative Client Systems Assessment - SDSU Social

Client Systems Biopsychosocial Assessment Outline

Please Note: A biopsychosocial assessment must be completed on every client assigned to the student. All items on this outline must be completed for each assessment. This matrix must be completed for the client selected for the SW 489 Fall Field Assignment. You must seek the client’s permission to participate in this assignment. All identifying information is to be changed for purposes of maintaining confidentiality. This Assessment and Case Management Plan Paper will be handed in to the assigned Field Faculty on the due date. Select the client in consultation with your field instructor. The paper can be written in narrative form, or student may fill in the blanks of the following matrix. All areas on the matrix must be addressed, in either form.

Student Name:____________________________________________________ Date_______________

Field Instructor Signature___________________________________________ Date_______________

Client Systems Assessment Worksheet

Note: This form will be used to facilitate completion of biopsychosocial assessments.

|Identifying information |

|Name |

|Age, Sex, Race |

|Ethnic background |

|Current employment |

|Marital status |

|Household composition and circumstances (current living situation) |

|Micro level, Mezzo level, Macro level factors |

|Initial Presentation summary: |

|Appearance, orientation |

|Presenting Problem |

|Problem as reported by the client |

|Problem as reported by the referring person(if applicable) |

|Who made the initial contact |

|Onset of the problem, duration, severity |

|Micro level, Mezzo level, Macro level factors |

|Brief History |

| |

|A. Family Background including inter-generational themes, family dynamics, cultural assessment |

| |

|1. Please prepare one of the following: ecomap , culturagram, or genogram |

|2. Risk assessment(suicide, homicide, violence, child abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse) 3. Developmental/ |

|medical history |

|4. Relevant medical &/developmental history |

|5. Micro level, Mezzo level, Macro level factors |

|Current Functioning |

| |

|A. Current Stressors |

|B. Relationships: family, friends, co-workers |

|C. Adequacy of Role Functioning |

|D. Coping and Adaptive skills (strengths) |

|E. Barriers, risks affecting the problem |

|F. Micro level, Mezzo level, Macro level factors |

|Summary |

| |

|Overview of the current |

|Issues |

|Stressors |

|Strengths |

|Initial Steps Toward a Solution |

|Micro level, Mezzo level, Macro level factors |

|Student Self Assessment |

|A. Ethical dilemmas |

|B. Counter transference issues |

|C. Social work roles and techniques you used during the initial phases |

Biopsychosocial Assessment 8-07



| |Include Person Responsible for Each Activity | | |

| |Identify each activity/step that will occur | | |

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(The following section is included for demonstration purposes, and is not required)

Client Signature Date Staff Signature Date Review Dates



Ideation |Homicidal

Ideation |Physical

Aggression |Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect |Domestic

Violence |Elder

Abuse |Substance

Abuse |Psychotic


Processes | |Past Issues: onset, duration, severity | | | | | | | | | |Current Risk Rating

| | | | | | | | | |Method of Assessment

| | | | | | | | | |Actions Taken

| | | | | | | | | |


0 = Not applicable

1 = Minimal risk

2 = Low risk

3 = Medium risk

4 = High risk: requires immediate intervention

Adapted from Dr. Sally Mathiesen – Revised by LNewell 8/08


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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