SDSU School of Social Work - Field Education

|[pic] |School of Social Work |MSW I, Foundation Year – |

| |Field Education |SW 650 Field Practicum Course |

| |5500 Campanile Drive | |

| |San Diego, CA 92182-4119 |SW 650 Comprehensive Skills Evaluation |

| |Phone: (619) 594-6865 |2011 - 2012 |

| |Fax: (619) 594-5991 | |

| | | |

Evaluation Instructions:

Portions of this form may be completed electronically before printing. Complete the form, print it, and attain all required signatures before returning to student’s assigned field faculty instructor at SDSU SSW. Please save a copy for your files to use as an evaluative tool, and for this to be re-submitted at the end of the spring semester.

The MSW I Comprehensive Skills Evaluation, completed at the end of the fall and spring semesters, is organized into the following Five Core Learning Areas of the Field Education curriculum:

I. Development of Professional Responsibility and Identity of Social Work Profession

II. Development of Responsibility as a Learner

III. Development of Knowledge of the Field Work Agency and the Community

IV. Development of Organization, Work Management, and Communication Skills

V. Development of Micro and Macro Practice and Intervention Skills.

Each section includes articulated learning objectives, followed by specific behavioral measures, all of which are to receive a rating.

Evaluation Key:

1 = Does not meet minimum competencies. Student shows little or no evidence of understanding the concept and/or demonstration of skill development.

2 = Does not fully meet competencies. Student shows some understanding of the concept and is beginning to recognize in hindsight how it might have been applied in practice situations. Student’s performance is uneven.

3 = Meets minimum competencies. Student understands the concept and demonstrates the skill with consistency.

4 = Meets and exceeds competencies. Student has high level of skill development.

Development and Progression of Performance are required:

A rating of “1 – Does not meet minimum competencies” requires:

1. A Field Instructor comment in the narrative section accompanying each Core Area section, and

2. Hold immediate consultation with the Field Faculty to discuss the areas of difficulty, concerns, challenges, and to arrange a three-way (or four-way, including the Course Instructor) meeting to either develop a Performance Agreement with the student, determine if the student will receive a passing grade for the semester, and present eligibility status for field practicum.


A rating of “2 – Does not fully meet competencies” requires:

If there are more that 50% “2’s” (behavioral measures) in any Core Area, please address this assessment in the narrative section, and contact the Field Faculty Instructor immediately.

1. The Field Instructor is required to address his/her assessment and comment in the narrative section accompanying each Core Area section, and

2. Hold immediate consultation with the Field Faculty to discuss the areas of difficulty, to arrange a three-way (or four-way, including the Course Instructor) meeting to either develop a Performance Agreement with the student, determine if the student will receive a passing grade for the semester, and present eligibility status for field practicum.

Therefore, if a student seems to be “marginally meeting expectations” at mid-semester, the concerns should be discussed immediately, consultation with Field Faculty is required, and a definitive plan is made to help the student improve.

A rating of “4 – Meets and exceeds minimum competencies” hopefully warrants comment in the Narrative section attached to each Core Area to mark the student’s progression of outstanding work.

Narrative Section:

Please use the narrative section each semester to individualize the student’s evaluation. The narrative is a significant and necessary part of the evaluation. Your comments personalize and clarify for your students the essence of your evaluation of their work. It is important to comment on areas that need work, as well as areas in which the student excels or has shown significant growth or accomplishment. If possible, give examples of strengths or weaknesses. If a student is failing in a certain area, please document thoroughly the examples of problems in that area.

|[pic] |School of Social Work |MSW I, Foundation Year – |

| |Field Education |SW 650 Field Practicum Course |

| |5500 Campanile Drive | |

| |San Diego, CA 92182-4119 |SW 650 Comprehensive Skills Evaluation |

| |Phone: (619) 594-6865 |2011 - 2012 |

| |Fax: (619) 594-5991 | |

| | | |

PART 1 – Fall Semester

Please print or type.

Student Name      

Field Instructor      

Task Supervisor      

Agency       Program/Unit/Site      

Field Faculty      

Specialized Program: MSW/MPH MSW/JD Title IV-E: Complete MSW I Title IV-E Form

MSW I - SW 650 Field Practicum Students: Complete Part 1 with Evaluation

• 210 hours required in Agency for SW 650 Field Practicum Course - Fall Semester.

Hours Completed       Field Instructor Initials ____________

• MSW I Field Processing Recordings required for SW 650 Field Practicum Course - Fall Semester.

Minimum of one process recording for fall semester.

Process Recordings Completed & Reviewed – Date(s):       Field Instructor Initials ___________

Student’s Signature acknowledges that the student has participated in and has reviewed the evaluation, in its entirety, with his/her field instructor.


Student Signature Date


Field Instructor Signature Date


Field Faculty Signature Date

This Evaluation is to be handed in to the assigned Field Faculty Instructor by the required due date. Please refer to the Field Education Calendar and Course Syllabus for date.

|[pic] |School of Social Work |MSW I, Foundation Year – |

| |Field Education |SW 650 Field Practicum Course |

| |5500 Campanile Drive | |

| |San Diego, CA 92182-4119 |SW 650 Comprehensive Skills Evaluation |

| |Phone: (619) 594-6865 |2011 - 2012 |

| |Fax: (619) 594-5991 | |

| | | |

PART 2 – Spring Semester

Please print or type.

Student Name      

Field Instructor      

Task Supervisor      

Agency       Program/Unit/Site      

Field Faculty      

Specialized Program: MSW/MPH MSW/JD Title IV-E: Complete MSW I Title IV-E Form

SW 650 Field Practicum Students: Complete Parts 2 and 3 with Evaluation

• 240 hours required in Agency for SW 650 Field Practicum Course - Spring Semester.

Hours Completed       Field Instructor Initials __________

• MSW I Field Processing Recordings required for SW 650 Field Practicum Course - Spring Semester. Minimum of two process recordings for fall semester.

Process Recordings Completed & Reviewed – Date(s):       Field Instructor Initials ___________

Student’s Signature acknowledges that the student has participated in and has reviewed the evaluation, in its entirety, with his/her field instructor.


Student Signature Date


Field Instructor Signature Date


Field Faculty Signature Date

This Evaluation is to be handed in to the assigned Field Faculty Instructor by the required due date. Please refer to the Field Education Calendar and Course Syllabus for date.

|[pic] |School of Social Work |MSW I – SW 650 Field Practicum |

| |Field Education Program | |

| |5500 Campanile Drive |650 Comprehensive Skills Evaluation |

| |San Diego, CA 92182-4119 |2011 - 2012 |

| |Phone: (619) 594-6865 | |

| |Fax: (619) 594-5991 | |

| | | |

PART 3 – Spring Semester

- To Be Completed By Field Instructor at the end of Spring Semester Only and hand in original, along with Part 2, to Field Faculty. Field instructor retains one copy.

- Student retains one copy for future field practicum courses and to demonstrate progress in learning.


Student Name (print) Student Signature Date


Field Instructor (print) Field Instructor Signature Date


Task Supervisor if applicable (print) Task Supervisor Signature Date


Agency Program/Unit

Field Faculty Signature Date

Please summarize your assessment of the Student’s Strengths and the areas requiring Further Development to assist the Field Instructor in the MSW II Advanced Field Practicum.

Summary Comments (Please keep responses within the limits of the box):

|      |

|[pic] |School of Social Work |MSW I, Foundation Year – |

| |Field Education |SW 650 Field Practicum Course |

| |5500 Campanile Drive | |

| |San Diego, CA 92182-4119 |SW 650 Comprehensive Skills Evaluation |

| |Phone: (619) 594-6865 |2011 - 2012 |

| |Fax: (619) 594-5991 | |

| | | |

Evaluation Key: 1 = Does not meet minimum competencies

2 = Does not fully meet competencies – Attention and Improvement Needed.

3 = Meets minimum competencies

4 = Meets and exceeds competencies

Please refer to Evaluation Instructions for requirements on page 1.

Core Area I: Development of Professional Responsibility and Identity

|A. Objective: Integrates professional ethics and values in the social work profession. |Stud. |Fi |Stud. |Fi |

| |Fall |Fall |Spring |Spring |

|Describes interactions that are respectful of the client, including community members and colleagues, and reports| | | | |

|in a respectful manner. | | | | |

|Identifies own values and cultural background and those of the client. | | | | |

|Identifies differences between own values and cultural background and those of client. | | | | |

| Identifies the likely consequences of particular decisions the client may make. | | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to examine with the client the likely consequences of decisions and self-determination. | | | | |

|Allows the client to make decisions that are within the limits of the client’s and/or community group’s rights to| | | | |

|self-determination. | | | | |

|Upholds the confidentiality of the client in interactions with colleagues and acquaintances both within and | | | | |

|outside the organization. | | | | |

| Demonstrates in practice and verbally in supervision familiarity with the NASW Code of Ethics. | | | | |

| Discusses ethical dilemmas with supervisor as soon as they arise and responds appropriately, with guidance. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|B. Objective: Distinguishes between personal and professional role. | | | | |

|Operates within the social work role and scope of practice in the context of the placement agency. | | | | |

|Identifies differences between assertive and aggressive behavior and the appropriate use of authority. | | | | |

|Demonstrates professional assertiveness and use of authority. | | | | |

|Identifies and effectively addresses potential boundary issues. | | | | |

|Maintains professional boundaries, distinguishing a professional relationship from a personal relationship with | | | | |

|clients, staff, and community members. | | | | |


Core Area I: Development of Professional Responsibility and Identity

Please keep responses within the limits of the box.

|Narrative for: |

|      |

Core Area II: Development of Responsibility as a Learner

| |Stud. |Fi |Stud. |Fi |

|A. Objective: Demonstrates motivation and initiative in the role of learner. |Fall |Fall |Spring |Spring |

|Seeks relevant information. | | | | |

|Demonstrates willingness to try new experiences and follows through on new experiences when asked to do so. | | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to transfer knowledge and skill from one situation to another. | | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to learn from a variety of sources (peers, other agency staff, field instructor, task | | | | |

|supervisor, field faculty consultants, assigned reading). | | | | |

| | | | | |

|B. Objective: Demonstrates self-awareness of biases, strengths and limitations and learning style. | | | | |

| Accept and utilizes constructive feedback/ criticism. | | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to self-evaluate, identify strengths, biases and limitations in supervision. | | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to identify needed changes in self in supervision. | | | | |

|Demonstrates a beginning ability to identify and apply professionally appropriate conflict resolution skills in | | | | |

|relationship with supervisors and colleagues in the agency and community. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|C. Objective: Utilizes field instruction effectively. | | | | |

|Assumes role of learner and acknowledges the Field Instructor as teacher. | | | | |

|Prepares for supervisory conferences by bringing cases, questions, macro issues, community issues, etc. to | | | | |

|supervisory meetings. | | | | |

|Participates readily in educational planning and evaluation of his/her performance. | | | | |

|Openly shares information and seeks feedback. | | | | |

|Applies knowledge and techniques learned in supervision. | | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to operate independently when appropriate to setting and student’s social work related | | | | |

|experience. | | | | |

Core Area II: Development of Responsibility as a Learner

Please keep responses within the limits of the box.

|Narrative for: |

|      |

Core Area III: Development of Knowledge of the Field Work Agency and the Community

|A. Objective: Demonstrates knowledge about the agency’s goals, mission, and organizational structure. |Stud. Fall|Fi |Stud. |Fi |

| | |Fall |Spring |Spring |

|Defines and accurately describes the services and resources provided by the agency to its clients and is | | | | |

|committed to its mission. | | | | |

|Demonstrates understanding of the mission, scope, organizational structure, general funding sources, and | | | | |

|limitations of the agency. | | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge, respect, and ability to work cooperatively with agency personnel and community members. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|B. Objective: Demonstrates knowledge of the community the agency serves. | | | | |

|Understands key linkage arrangements with other provider agencies in the community as demonstrated by | | | | |

|appropriate referrals. | | | | |

|Identifies and communicates social policies, laws, practices, etc. which impact the client system or the | | | | |

|delivery of services. | | | | |

|Demonstrates understanding of demographic composition of populations served by the agency (i.e. racial, ethnic, | | | | |

|cultural, gender, socio-economic, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation, age, religion). | | | | |

Core Area III: Development of Knowledge of the Field Work Agency and the Community

Please keep responses within the limits of the box.

|Narrative for: |

|      |

Core Area IV: Development of Organization, Work Management and Communication Skills

| |Stud. Fall|Fi |Stud. |Fi |

|A. Objective: Demonstrates effective written communication, e.g. notes, reports, process recordings, agency | |Fall |Spring |Spring |

|documentation, in accordance with agency policy. | | | | |

|Keeps accurate and up-to-date records and completes and submits reports and documents in a timely manner as | | | | |

|defined by the Field Instructor or agency guidelines. | | | | |

|Writes clear, complete, concise and legible documents with proper grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation in | | | | |

|all written work. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|B. Objective: Demonstrates clear, concise, focused, oral presentation in a professional manner. | | | | |

|In supervision, identifies and focuses on client’s presenting problems, red flags, history, community concerns or| | | | |

|issues, and own concerns. | | | | |

|In supervision, prioritizes crucial issues. | | | | |

|In supervision, describes his/her interventions and the rationale for the intervention. | | | | |

|Presents in at least one case and/or with a group of professionals within the agency. | | | | |

|Attends a minimum of one community meeting as a macro practice activity, i.e. needs assessment; community | | | | |

|collaborative, policy meeting; agency board or Board of Supervisors meeting, etc. | | | | |

|Writes community reports and orally presents on macro meetings each semester. | | | | |

|Communicates clearly and professionally; seeks help if necessary. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|C. Objective: Plans and organizes work, adheres to agency expectations. | | | | |

|Follows school and agency attendance policies. | | | | |

|Arrives on time and is well prepared for appointments and other commitments. | | | | |

|Plans, prioritizes, and manages work assignments effectively and efficiently. | | | | |

Core Area IV: Development of Organization, Work Management and Communication Skills

Please keep responses within the limits of the box.

|Narrative for: |

|      |

Core Area V: Development of Micro and Macro Practice and Intervention Skills

|Objective: Professional use of self. |Stud. Fall |Fi Fall |Stud. |Fi Spring |

| | | |Spring | |

|Articulates own feelings, values, and attitudes. | | | | |

|Differentiates own feelings from those of others. | | | | |

|Displays genuineness – honesty, warmth, sensitivity, and compassion. | | | | |

|Demonstrates skill in communicating empathic responses to clients and/or colleagues. | | | | |

|Identifies stressful and high-risk situations and maintains appropriate involvement with help. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|B. Objective: Understanding and application of selected knowledge and theoretical concepts in work with | | | | |

|client systems. | | | | |

|Identifies and describes the Generalist Social Work perspective, knowledge and precepts, and identifies | | | | |

|which skills are on micro, mezzo, or macro levels of intervention. | | | | |

|Applies the Generalist Social Work perspective in micro, mezzo, and macro interventions. | | | | |

|Demonstrates understanding of the impact of social policy on clients and client service delivery systems. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|C. Objective: Skill in verbal/non-verbal communication. | | | | |

|Uses verbal and non-verbal communication and interviewing skills, including open and closed questions, | | | | |

|paraphrasing, reflecting, summarizing, reframing, focusing, confrontation, interpretation, etc. | | | | |

|Identifies and discusses use of verbal and non-verbal communication and interviewing skills listed above. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|D. Objective: Assessment and Diagnosis | | | | |

|Demonstrates beginning ability to engage the client in identifying and clarifying the presenting problems.| | | | |

|Consistently demonstrates ability to engage the client in identifying and clarifying the presenting | | | | |

|problems. | | | | |

|Demonstrates an organized capacity to elicit information, including facts, feelings and goals from client | | | | |

|and significant others. | | | | |

|Has received training, knows agency policies, and can follow policy in handling high-risk situations such | | | | |

|as suicide risk, child abuse, elder abuse, domestic violence, homicidality, substance abuse, and other | | | | |

|high-risk situations. | | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to identify, intervene with some guidance, and follow thorough in high-risk | | | | |

|situations such as those listed above. | | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to identify client strengths and resources. | | | | |

|Identifies and demonstrates an understanding of the impact of diversity issues such as ethnicity, gender, | | | | |

|age, sexual orientation, cultural background socioeconomic status, cultural issues, etc. in work with the | | | | |

|client. | | | | |

|Accurately assesses the extent to which the agency can provide services needed by the client. | | | | |

|Identifies systems and resources in the client’s environment and identifies the role each system or | | | | |

|resource plays in assisting or hindering the client’s functioning. | | | | |

|Shows beginning ability to complete a comprehensive biopsychosocial history and assessment with guidance | | | | |

|from Field Instructor and/or Task Supervisor. | | | | |

|Demonstrates beginning ability to apply assessment information to case conceptualization, identifying | | | | |

|possible intervention theories and models. | | | | |

|Demonstrates a beginning ability to formulate an appropriate intervention plan with the client that | | | | |

|includes appropriate immediate/short-term and/or long-term goals. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|E. Objective: Micro and Mezzo Interventions | | | | |

|Articulates client expectations, status and present behaviors to supervisor or colleagues in the agency; | | | | |

|starts where the client is. | | | | |

|Engages the client in problem solving and in mutual goal setting. | | | | |

|Regularly assesses and discusses the client’s progress in relation to intervention goals and revises | | | | |

|treatment plan accordingly. | | | | |

|Demonstrates willingness to work with different types of clients and perform tasks assigned by agency. | | | | |

|Demonstrates the ability to identify and address diversity issues and value differences with the client in| | | | |

|flexible and culturally responsive ways (i.e. child rearing, abortion, sexual orientation, drug use, | | | | |

|sexual practice) | | | | |

|Selectively chooses and utilizes and advocates for adjunct resources, networks and systems to compliment | | | | |

|the intervention process. | | | | |

|Focuses on client strengths to empower clients to advocate for themselves. | | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to assess the individual within the family system as evidenced by completion of | | | | |

|assessment tools such as genograms and eco-maps. | | | | |

|Plans and implements termination process with clients. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|F. Objective: Macro Interventions | | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of the agency’s collaborations and/or community development activities. | | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to assess and describe a community’s or population’s assets and needs. | | | | |

|Demonstrates beginning knowledge of models for organizing/empowering clients and communities served by the| | | | |

|agency. | | | | |

|Attends agency teams, coalition meetings, collaboration meetings, and/or community development activities.| | | | |

|Actively contributes as a participant at a series of at least four agency team, coalition, collaboration, | | | | |

|and/or community development meetings. | | | | |

|Participates as instructed in management information systems and evaluation methods in the agency. | | | | |

|Participates in the use of evidence-based practice in the design of programs and interventions at the | | | | |

|community and organizational level. | | | | |

|Conducts and in-service training for the agency covering evidence-based practice in the spring semester. | | | | |

|Participates in at least one macro activity involving advocacy and social change to advance social and | | | | |

|economic justice. | | | | |

Core Area V: Development of Practice and Intervention Skills

Please keep responses within the limits of the box.

|Narrative for: |

|      |


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