September 10, 2008 The free-content news source that you ...

September 10, 2008

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50,000 people refuse

evacuation after flooding in

India caused by river

changing course

The Kosi River changed course

one week ago to a path which it

has not taken for over one


years. At

that time


people were


by rescue

Credit: Manoj nav CC-BY 3.0

workers, although

new data has revealed that

50,000 people have refused to

leave their homes. These people

were from the town of Saharsa.

Alleged 'rights group' involved with removal of antiScientology videos from YouTube doesn't exist; says EFF On September 4 and 5, at least 4,000 anti-Scientology videos were removed from the video sharing website, YouTube. The videos removed were done so by a single Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice by an alleged 'rights group' called the American Rights Counsel LLC, which Wikinews has confirmed, does not exist beyond the scope of those requests. In an exclusive interview with Wikinews the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) acknowledged that they "don't know anything about" the Counsel and that any attempt to intentionally commit fraud by

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Wikipedia Current Events

filing false DMCA requests, could Comedian Al Franken wins a

lead to criminal charges.

primary election for the

Records reveal US Senator John Sununu had ties to convicted lobbyist Wikinews has learnt that on October 24, 2001, convicted

Minnesota Democratic-FarmerLabor Party to challenge incumbent Senator Norm Coleman in the Minnesota Senate election.

lobbyist Jack Abramoff and four ?Military of Sri Lanka said 12 of its

Alexander Strategies Group

soldiers and 1 policeman were

associates donated $1,000 each killed in Tamil Tiger's suicide

to the Rely on Your Beliefs Fund. attack in Mullaittivu.

This political action committee in turn donated $3,000 to Representative John Sununu's primary campaign in New Hampshire on the same day, through the political action committee Team Sununu. The Greenberg Traurig lobbying company, which also employed

?The Prime Minister of Malaysia Abdullah Ahmad Badawi states that the governing United Malays National Organization will punish a party official for a series of statements he made about Malaysia's ethnic Chinese population.

Abramoff, gave $1000 to Team Sununu on December 16, 2002 for purposes of 'debt retirement.'

Records reveal US Senator John Sununu had ties to convicted lobbyist

US presidential candidate

On October 24, 2001, convicted

John McCain now leads

lobbyist Jack Abramoff and four

slightly in the polls

Alexander Strategies Group

United States presidential

associates donated $1,000 each to

candidate John McCain now retains a lead over Barack Obama

the Rely on Your Beliefs Fund. This political action committee in turn

in several polls conducted in the donated $3,000 to Republican

past few days. Both Zogby

Representative John Sununu's

International and Rasmussen

primary campaign in New

Reports have McCain with a slight, but not statistically

Hampshire on the same day, through the political action

significant lead. The most recent committee Team Sununu. The

Gallup tracking poll has McCain Greenberg Traurig lobbying

with a statistical lead of 5.0

company, which also employed

percent. The Day to Day Politics Poll Average also has a slight, but

Abramoff, gave $1000 to Team Sununu on December 16, 2002 for

not statistically significantly lead purposes of 'debt retirement.'

of 0.4% for McCain.

According to a report by the U.S.

Senate Indian Affairs Committee,

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


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Jack Abramoff commonly told

Approximately 1.2 million people

Native American tribal clients to The Alexander Strategy Group was are estimated to have had their

divert their funds through the

shut down in January due to ties homes flooded by the disaster. 42

Alexander Strategies Group.

with Jack Abramoff and former

people have been confirmed dead,

Earlier that October, Jack Abramoff House majority leader Tom DeLay. although The Australian has

had met with the legislative

The Rely On Your Beliefs Fund,

reported that the actual death toll

director of the Saginaw Chippewa owned by former Rep. Roy Blunt, is likely to be much higher.

tribe in Michigan. Representative has already donated to charity

John Sununu, now a sitting

$8,500 equivalent to the amount The incident started when gushing

senator from New Hampshire, had personally contributed by Jack

waters quickly overflowed the

served on the Appropriations

Abramoff in 2006. In November channel boundaries on both sides

Committee that helped draft the 2004, Gannett News Service had at a rate of about 200 meters per

Department of Interior funding bill. reported that Abromoff directed day, flooding vast tracts in Supaul,

In the section on Native American the Tigua tribe to contribute to the Araria, Saharsa, Madhepura,

water claims, land claims, and

Rely On Your Beliefs Fund. In

Purnia, Katihar, parts of Khagaria

miscellaneous payments, over

January 2006, John Sununu

and northern parts of Bhagalpur,

$6,000,000 in funding was given donated to charity $3000 he had as well as adjoining regions of

to Michigan fishing in the Great

received from the Saginaw

Nepal. About 2.7 million people are


Chipewa from the Daniel Webster affected by this flood disaster of


massive dimensions, with about

The event occurred a day before

900,000 people in the affected

the presentation of a Department 50,000 people refuse

areas having moved to 285 relief

of Interior funding bill to President evacuation after flooding in

camps and 249 health centers. An

George W. Bush for signing, and a India caused by river changing estimated 100,000 are still

week after the conference report course

trapped in various villages without

settling differences between the The Kosi River changed course one food or drinking water since

House and the Senate. Abramoff week ago to a path which it has several days ago when the crisis

wrote to fellow lobbyist Michael

not taken for over 100 years.


Scanlon on October 4, 2001 via e- While 900,000 people were

mail, "I had dinner tonight with

evacuated by rescue workers, new During the last 250 years, the Kosi

Chris Petras of Sag Chip. He was data has revealed that 50,000

has moved its path up to 150km

salivating at the $4-5 million

people, from the town of Saharsa, westward on multiple occasions,

program I described to him (is that have refused to leave their homes. leaving behind a series of

enough? Probably not)."

paleochannels. The river is a

Advertisements in local

tributary of the Ganges, with

Jack Abramoff was sentenced to newspapers have been used to

catchment areas in the Nepal

four years in federal prison earlier encourage the people who are still Himalayas, one of the fastest

this month. He had admitted to

remaining in the area to leave

rising mountain chains, flowing

conspiring to defraud four Native soon. People are encouraged to go through a 150-kilometer wide and

American tribes that either

to one of many camps, which are 180-kilometer long alluvial fan.

operated or were interested in

funded by the government, to seek Fast silting of the channels by the

operating casinos. The other three refuge from the continued

tons of annuvium brought down by

donors to the fund linked to


the river makes it drift off so often

Sununu were all members of the

that it is often cited as one of the

Alexander Strategy Group,

People have also started to return text book examples of a dynamic

including its founder, former Tom to their homes, due to the fact

river system to geologists.

DeLay chief of staff Ed Buckham. that they have seen the water

Donor Jim Ellis had led the group level drop by over half of a metre Alleged 'rights group' involved

Preston Gates & Ellis, which also in some areas. This is despite

with removal of anti-

employed Jack Abramoff. A fourth statements by officials

Scientology videos from

contributor was J. Thomas Smith, emphasizing that people may need YouTube doesn't exist; says

Jr., who had served as the

to stay in the camps for up to six EFF

Alexander Strategy Group's


On September 4 and 5, at least


4,000 anti-Scientology videos were

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Page 3

removed from the video sharing

groups who were affected by the

website, YouTube. The videos

The EFF is investigating the

mass take-down.

removed were done so by a single incident, and it is not yet known

Digital Millennium Copyright Act who or what was behind the DMCA US presidential candidate John

(DMCA) notice by an alleged

request. Some have speculated

McCain now leads slightly in

'rights group' called the American that the Counsel is a front for

the polls

Rights Counsel LLC, which

Scientology operated by a Dr.

United States presidential

Wikinews has confirmed, does not Oliver Schaper. In an exclusive

candidate John McCain now retains

exist beyond the scope of those interview with Wikinews, Schaper a lead over Barack Obama in


denied any involvement with the several polls conducted in the past

DMCA requests and also denied

few days. Both Zogby

In an exclusive interview with

having any knowledge whatsoever International and Rasmussen

Wikinews the Electronic Frontier of the Counsel.

Reports have McCain with a slight,

Foundation (EFF) acknowledged

but not statistically significant

that they "don't know anything

"As many other people, and even lead. The most recent Gallup

about" the Counsel and that any members of the Church of

tracking poll has McCain with a

attempt to intentionally commit Scientology received information statistical lead of 5.0 percent. The

fraud by filing false DMCA

about a company that removed

Day to Day Politics Poll Average

requests, could lead to criminal

anti-Scientology content from

also has a slight, but not


YouTube, shit hit the fan and

statistically significantly lead of

members of Anonymous went on a 0.4% for McCain.

"We don't know anything about

full attack on me. I still have to

this group. However, if these

this date no information about the Obama had a 6.0 percent lead in

DMCA notices were sent

American Rights Counsel and I

the Day to Day Politics Poll

improperly, there could be legal have no connection, knowledge or Average after the Democratic

remedies. The particulars would involvement in this company which National Convention, but now is

depend on the particulars of the I have been informed of does not trailing after the Republican

situation," Rebecca Jeschke, a

even exists," Schaper said.

National Convention and the

spokeswoman for the EFF, told

announcement of Sarah Palin as


Producer of XenuTV Mark Bunker McCain's running mate. This is the

defends Schaper and does not

first time McCain has led Obama in

The EFF first broke the story

believe he is responsible. Bunker the poll average since the two

regarding the requests. YouTube also believes that the Counsel is a candidates emerged as their

received the notice all at once, in a fraud and called the DMCA

party's presumptive nominees

single request. When Wikinews

requests a crime.

after the primaries.

asked the EFF if they knew the

names or links to the material in "I next did a Google search for

After McCain chose Palin, the

question, they stated that they do American Rights Counsel LLC

current Governer of Alaska, as his

not know the names and that they which brought up absolutely no

vice presidential candidate and the

have not seen the notice filed with results so clearly this was fraud

Republican National Convention, a


from the beginning. I had never Gallup poll had shown that the

heard of Schaper before he was percentage of Republicans who are

According to Jeschk, the "EFF

accused of this. I don't know

enthusiastic about voting has

fights abuse of the DMCA. ..." but anything about him other than he increased by 18%. The Democrats

did not state where the EFF heard contacted me and said he was not enthusiasm has only increased by

about the request.

involved. I don't know who was

10% since the addition of Joe

responsible. 4000 deletions in a Biden to the nomination ticket and

"We have not seen the notices,

matter of hours is a pretty major after the Democratic National

merely heard about them [and] we feat. It would be worth a subpoena Convention.

don't know enough to know if the to find out who committed this

DMCA has been abused here.

crime," Bunker said.

The Day to Day Politics Poll

However, only copyright holders

Average for the past week used

can issue DMCA takedowns,"

Currently the EFF does not

the Gallup Tracking poll, the

Jeschke said.

represent any of the users or

Rasmussen Tracking poll, the CNN

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


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poll, USA Today/Gallup,

would later abolish the death

Hotline/FD, the CBS News and the

penalty in 1981.

Zogby poll.

1990 ? Pope John Paul II

consecrated the Basilica of Our

Wikipedia Current Events

The United Nations decides to withdraw aid workers from Tamil Tiger held areas of Sri Lanka.

Lady of Peace in Yamoussoukro, C?te d'Ivoire, one of the largest

churches in the world. September 10 is National Day in

Gibraltar (1967)

?Hurricane Ike makes its second landfall on Cuba, near San Crist?bal, north of the Isle of Youth, on its way into the Gulf of Mexico.

?A Thai court rules that Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej must be removed from office for receiving payment for appearing on a television cooking show.

Quote of the Day Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. ~ Cyril


Word of the Day ventriloquist n

1. Someone, especially an entertainer, who practices

?US President George W. Bush pledges 4500 troops to


Afghanistan over the next few months and orders 8000 Iraq toops home by February.

?Apple Inc. unveils the revamped iPod line-up including the redesigned, fourth-generation iPod Nano.

Today in History 1798 ? At the Battle of St.

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George's Caye, a small force of British settlers called Baymen defeated an invading force from Mexico who were attempting to claim what is now Belize for Spain.

1897 ? A peaceful labor demonstration made up of mostly Polish and Slovak anthracite coal

miners in Luzerne County,

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Pennsylvania, USA, was fired upon by a sheriff's posse comitatus in the Lattimer Massacre.

1898 ? In an act of "propaganda of the deed", Italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni fatally stabbed Empress

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Elisabeth of Austria in Geneva, Switzerland.

1977 ? Hamida Djandoubi became the last person to be guillotined in

France, the official method of execution in that country. France

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