Born: Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, August 26, 1910 The Parish ...

The Parish of

Born: Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, August 26, 1910 Died: September 5, 1997 Canonized: September 4, 2016


Sacred Heart

Founded 1912

Saint Francis

Founded 1909

301 Ann Street ? Newburgh, NY 12550 sacredheart.newburgh@

145 Benkard Avenue ? Newburgh, NY 12550 sainrancisnewburgh@

Phone: 845-561-2264 ? Fax: 845-562-7144

February 9, 2020

Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule

Saturday ------------------------------------------5:30 pm Sunday ----------------------- 10:00 am & 12:00 noon Weekdays ---------------------------------------- 9:00 am


Saturday --------------------------------- 4:30 - 5:15 pm

Saturday ------------------------------------------4:00 pm Sunday---------------- 8:30 am & 1:30 pm (Spanish) Weekdays-----------7:00 am (Communion Service)

& 12:00 noon


Saturday --------------------------------- 3:00 - 3:45 pm

Holy Days ------------------------------As announced

Parish Staff

Rev. William Damroth, Pastor Msgr. Peter Tran Van Phat, Parochial Vicar (rered) Lawrence Kawula, Deacon Peter R.C. Haight, Deacon John Hanley, Deacon Jack Seymour, Deacon Rest in Peace Sister Alba Danese, FMI, Pastoral Assistant Sister Anna Sasso, FMI, Pastoral Assistant Sister Laura Urbano, PBVM, Pastoral Assistant


Bapsms are celebrated twice a month. Please arrange for the obligatory preparaon session by calling the Rectory.


Engaged couples should contact the Rectory at least six months in advance. Diocesan regulaons require a marriage preparaon program for all couples.

Padre's Corner


"12 Catholic actors who worshiped at St. Malachy's in NYC J P Mauro / Aleteia / November 20, 2019

The "Actors' Chapel" at St. Malachy's served some of the most recognizable names of the 20th century. In "The City that Never Sleeps," there stands the old church of St. Malachy's. Known for containing famed "Actors' Chapel," St. Malachy's has been in service to the New York's Catholic acting community since the 1920's. Nearly 100 years ago, the Theatre District of NYC made its way uptown to surround St. Malachy's, and this migration made the Gothic Revival-style building the hotspot for some of the most memorable names in the entertainment industry to congregate for worship. In order to provide for the needs of this community, then-pastor Monsignor Edward F. Leonard ordered the construction of a Chapel of St. Genesius, patron saint of actors, which became known as the "Actors' Chapel."

Due to the unusual hours kept by these stage performers and late-night entertainers, Monsignor Leonard sought and received special permission to celebrate Mass at 4 am, a practice that was banned by canon law at the time. St. Malachy's became the primary place of worship for the entire entertainment community of New York, and as a result the congregation flourished, drawing in as many as 16,000 faithful per month for Sunday services, according to Wikipedia. By the late 1960s the entertainment industry migrated once more, sending the famous congregation back downtown, along with Madison Square Garden. Today, St. Malachy's serves a standard congregation of faithful, but maintains the historic Actors' Chapel and continues to celebrate its unique history and cultural significance to New York City. Let us take a look at 12 of the most famous celebrities to have worshiped at the Actors' Chapel. Chris Farley ? Chris Farley was known to attend Mass at St. Malachy's during his stint on Saturday Night Live. He is the church's most recent actor congregant, although his time was far removed from the heyday of the Actors' Chapel. Bob Hope ? The original late-night funny man, Bob Hope was often seen in the pews at the Actors' Chapel. Florence Henderson ? Best known for her role as Carol Brady, mother of The Brady Bunch, Florence Henderson was a regular at St. Malachy's. George M. Cohan ? Cohan was a staple of the New York Broadway scene. In his lifetime he wrote, composed, produced, and appeared in more than three dozen Broadway musicals and published more than 300 songs, many of which are standards today. Jimmy Durante ? Jimmy Durante was a famed comedian, but his faith was no joke. St. Malachy's website tells us that Jimmy served his Catholic community as an altar server at the esteemed acting parish. Ricardo Montalban ? Montalban's acting career spanned seven decades, but his faith lasted for nine. When he wasn't filming for the Planet of the Apes franchise or his Fantasy Island TV show, he was often found within St. Malachy's. Carroll O'Connor ? Best known for his role of Archie Bunker on All in the Family, Carroll O'Connor was a regular churchgoer at St. Malachy's. We're pretty sure he left the cigars at home. Gregory Peck ? Actor and humanitarian Gregory Peck was known to stop in to St. Malachy's with regularity when he was in New York. Rosalind Russell ? Fans of early cinema and Broadway will recall the great performances of Rosalind Russell, which won her Golden Globes, Tonys and Oscar nominations. St. Malachy's remembers her for her devout faith as she visited the Actor's Chapel often. Danny Thomas ? Danny Thomas was a comedian and philanthropist best known for his starring role in The Danny Thomas Show. When he wasn't filming or attending services at St. Malachy's, Thomas worked to found the St. Jude's Children Research Hospital in Memphis. Spencer Tracy ? One of the best known actors from early cinema, Spencer Tracy shares the record for most Oscar nominations (9) with Laurence Olivier, winning two of these. A class act all the way. Tracy rarely missed Mass on Sunday. Sir Alec Guinness ? Best known for his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, Alec Guinness was also one of the great stage actors of the 20th century. Although he spent a lot of his time in England, when he was on Broadway he was a regular at St. Malachy's."

Comments from Father Bill These selections of Catholic actors speak for themselves. Many years ago, during my seminary formation, I had written encounters with Bob Hope and Florence Henderson as well as Ricardo Montalban (who asked me to pray for his dying brother). Spencer Tracy always intrigued, first in "Boys Town" based on a real orphanage created in Nebraska by a Father Edward Flanagan back in the early 1930's. He also played a bitter and disgruntled pastor in the "Devil At Four O'Clock" from 1961. Three convicts help him to recover his faith, as they save leper children from a volcano about to explode nearby their school. That type of Hollywood film lifts the human spirit, guided by these actors of faith. How the world needs so more of them today. Father Bill


Monday, February 10 9:00am Nicholas Renchkovsky By The Walker Family

Tuesday, February 11 9:00am Ralph Knickerbocker By The Walker Family

Wednesday, February 12 9:00am John R. Relyea Sr. By Daughters Jacqueline & Lucy

Thursday, February 13 9:00am John E. VanStrander By The Walker Family

Friday, February 14 9:00am Eliza Carue VanStrander By The Walker Family

Saturday, February 15 9:00am Friars Pro Life Mass and Procession 5:30pm Juanita Favoino By: Nancy & Michael Coffey

Rita Kroon By: Pat Porvaznik Sunday, February 16 10:00am Pat Riciti By Filomena & Lorenzo Buda 12:00pm John Liberi By Dawn Liberi

Mariana Foti By Family


Sacred Heart-St Francis Weekly Collection

February 1-2, 2020 1st Collection $10,924

2nd Collection $ 2,985




Monday, February 10 7:00am Communion Service

12:00pm Margaret Hardy (8th Anniv) By Daughter Ann

Tuesday, February 11 7:00am Communion Service

12:00pm Barcia/Benson Families By Estate of Ida Barcia

Sacred Heart Mass Attendance February 1-2, 2020 5:30 132 10:00 250 12:00 221 TOTAL 603

Saint Francis Mass Attendance

February 1-2, 2020

4:00 225

8:30 145

1:30 235



Mass Intentions for This Weekend February 8-9, 2020 -Sacred Heart 5:30pm David Stairs 10:00am Richard Maslowski

Genevieve Maslowski 12:00pm World Peace

Mass Intentions for This Weekend February 8-9, 2020 Saint Francis

4:00pm Rich Irons (Health & Blessings) Bill Cathcart (5th Anniv) Barbara Pavlik

8:30am Steven Russo

Wednesday, February 12 7:00am Communion Service 12:00pm Gaetana DePalma By Paula & John O'Connell

Thursday, February13 7:00am Communion Service 12:00pm World Peace By

Friday, February 14 7:00am Communion Service 12:00pm Barcia/Benson Families By Estate of Ida Barcia

Saturday, February 15 4:00pm Fred Fischer By Rose Sulley, Claude Hawver & Family

Sunday, February 16 8:30am Barbara Geisinger By The Geisinger & Zalanowski Families

TODAY FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Isaiah 58:7-10 This reading is a vigorous exhortation from the prophet Isaiah to lead lives of active charity and generosity. He promises that the Lord will be our "dawn," our "rear guard," our "light" if we share our bread, shelter the homeless, and clothe the naked. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Paul tells the Corinthians that he and they must not rely on the so-called "wisdom" of secular teaching and philosophy but on the power of the Spirit. Gospel: Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus reminds the disciples and all Christians that they carry special responsibilities to be "the salt of the earth." They must not hide their light but show their goodness to all. Monday 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday 1 Kgs 10:1-10; Mk 7:14-23 Thursday 1 Kgs 11:4-13; Mk 7:24-30 Friday 1 Kgs 11:29-32, 12:19; Mk 7:31-37 Saturday 1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34; Mk 8:1-1

PARISH DEVOTIONS ST. FRANCIS CHURCH Chaplet of Divine Mercy is recited every Sunday at 8:10am. Weekly Miraculous Medal Novena following the Noon Mass every Tuesday. Weekly Adoration & Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ? Thursdays 4:45-5:45pm.

SACRED HEART CHURCH Rosary prayed following the 9:00am Mass Monday through Saturday in the Chapel. FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION ?After 9:00am Mass

1st FRIDAY PRAYER MEETING Come encounter Jesus in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Join the Franciscan Friars every 1st Friday of the month, 7:00pm-8:30pm, at St. Mary's Church, 180 South Street, Newburgh, NY. 914-963-0250,

ASH WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE 7:00 am Communion Service - (St. Francis) 9:00 am Mass -- (Sacred Heart) 12 noon Mass ? (St. Francis) 5:30 pm -- Mass ? (Sacred Heart) 7:00 pm ? Liturgy of the Word (St. Francis) **Ashes will be distributed at all of the above times**

HEALING MASS ? Father Bill will celebrate a Healing Mass on Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 7:00 pm at St. Francis Church.

The Rectory will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2020 in observance of President's Day.

On Sunday, February 9, 2020 join us in the Chapel at Sacred Heart after the 12 noon mass for some coffee/tea, bagels and conversation. On Sunday, Febuary 16, join us in O'Connor Hall after the 8:30am mass for some coffee/tea, bagels and conversation.

Please remember the following members of the armed service in your prayers. LCpl Nick Kozlik - US Marines, Sgt. C.J. Kozlik - US Army LCDR Thomas O. Mennerich ? USN, LCDR Abby K. Mennerich Lorfeld ? USN, Keith O'Connor - US Army, Sgt. Anthony Colotti - US Army, Nicholos M. Pisani - US Navy Capt. Bryan Malone - US Army, Airman Matthew Cook Air Force, PFC.Cory Ray Kretzmer - US Army Sgt Vincent Thurston - US Marines, Pvt Francis Thurston - US Marines, E2 Thomas Pacenza III - USAF Pvt. Haley Pacenza - US Army, Airman Samantha Trappe - Air Nat'l Guard, S/Sgt Grant Drumgold - Air Force M/Sgt Theresa Castellane - Air Force, SPC Patrick D.Ortland - US Army, PFC David Recine Jr. - US Army PFC Matthew F. Lease USMC, If you know of someone deployed overseas,please let us know.

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Deacon Peter Haight, Vincenza Secor, Aaron Stagliano, Maureen Kelly, Anne McClellan, Donnie Ruckdeschel, Bobbi Hull, Jim Formato, Paul Neugebauer, Catherine Fossella, Julia Vecchio, Gloria Presutti, Beulah Politi, Tom Marino, Maverick Coolidge, Carol Retuer, Barbara Wolyzyn, Anthony Bilello, Mary Michele Lease, Eliana Rose Mary Valenti, David Vandermast, George Quintyne, Carol Brown, Ariana Cruz, Rina Bozzone, Jaddon Johnson, Eileen Burke, Ken Masten, John Marullo, Joann Fayo-Perry, Kathleen Bachman, Mike Fitzgerald, Samuel Cerone, Jr, Frances Marino, Joan Michalowski, Jean Mendoza, Michelle Ryan, Jamel Issa, Patricia Rifenburgh, April Carlyon, Margaret Juliano, Erin Garvey, George Sarvis, Nettie Gironda, Guiseppe Gagliardo,Teresa Centeno, Cindy Cerone, Patrick Fayo, Jr., Rebecca Pacella, Janie Favoino, Bea Gruini, Carol Bourdage, Sharon Mendoza-Lindenauer, Albert Irwin, Barbara Colurciello, Joyce Diaz, Peyton Flaig, Maurena Luzzi, Aldo Capone, Mary Leoce, Arlene Sheridan, John Raszcewski, Giovanna Garrison Please call the rectory (561-2264) to add / delete names from this list

ST. MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA PARISH YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Our parish youth ministry meets in the school, using the Ann Street entrance. Grades 6 through 8: EDGE will meet the first and third Friday of each month from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Grades 9 through 12: LIFE TEEN will meet the second and fourth Friday of each month from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

EDGE SCHEDULE (GRADES 6-8) February 21 March 6 March 14 or March 21 retreat afternoon or evening March 20

LIFE TEEN (GRADES 9-12) February 14 February 28 March 13 March 14 or March 21 retreat afternoon or evening

SNACK WARRIORS NEEDED--The youth ministry is in need of snacks for Friday night meetings. In your generosity please share in this important parish ministry by donating bottles of water, juices (little boxes or individual pouches), chips, and cookies. Thank you. Sister Laura

The baptismal preparation class for March will be on March 1, 2020 at 9:30 am in Saint Francis Church located at 145 Benkard Avenue, Newburgh, NY. Please bring a copy of the child's birth certificate and the sponsors' certificates or letters from their church saying they are practicing Catholics. Parents and Godparents must attend session. Please contact Sister Laura at 347-207-5020

REQUIRED TRAINING ALL Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion of St Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish All active Ministers MUST attend one session. This training is from the Archdiocese of New York Office of Liturgy. At the completion of the Training the Archdiocese will issue a certificate for the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. DATES: SAT 2/8 8AM-10AM PLACE: GALLO HALL (park in lot behind GYM, enter via ramp to Gallo Hall) FACILITATOR: Deacon John Hanley

ALL Lectors of St Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish All active Lectors MUST attend one session. This training is from the Archdiocese of New York Office of Liturgy. At the completion of the Training the Archdiocese will issue a certificate for the Lector. DATES: SAT 2/8 10:15AM-12:15PM

SUN 2/9 3PM-5PM; 7PM-9PM PLACE: GALLO HALL (park in lot behind GYM, enter via ramp to Gallo Hall) FACILITATOR: Deacon John Hanley

SACRED HEART DONATIONS FOR MARY'S HOPE - Items most needed are Canned Fruit (any kind), peas, carrots, mixed vegetables, chicken noodle, tomato and vegetable soups, spaghetti sauce, canned chicken, gravy, chili and corned beef hash. Please note we cannot give out expired food to our clients. Note: We are out of brown paper bags with handles. We prefer the bags from Adams as Shop Rite and Price Chopper are too small. Next delivery is in 2 weeks. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Meet after the 9:00 am Mass at Sacred Heart on Saturday, February 15th to join the crew as they "clean up" and "spruce up" the church and grounds.

Deacon Jack Seymour Food Pantry Hours: Friday 9:00am to 12noon Saturday 9:00am to 12noon

Located at The Msgr. Valastro Activity Center 319 Broadway, Newburgh, NY

In your goodness please bring ONE POUND PACKAGES OF RICE to Church next weekend to be distributed to the less fortunate in our area. If something is on sale and of good value, please feel free to donate that as well. If your child needs volunteer hours, the Food Pantry will coordinate service hours however, you must pre-register with Curt Bourdage at 845-863-6504.

The Society of St. Vincent DePaul of Sacred Heart/Saint Francis

Our Society sponsors a Baby Outreach Center in Gallo Hall on Tuesdays from 9am-12pm. Diapers, hygiene, baby clothes, and layettes are given to those in need. New and gently used baby/toddler clothes are welcomed. Call S. Conner at 562-3947 for drop off information. Monthly meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month. We welcome new members. To learn more, please visit our website at

The Catholic Daughters, Court Patricia #195, will meet at 7pm, Wednesday, February 12 in Gallo Hall (basement of school). New members are always welcome. For further information, please contact Linda DeWitt at 845-565-7837

Come Celebrate Mardi Gras Sponsored by the St. Vincent DePaul Society When: February 22, 2020 Time: 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Where: Gallo Hall Cost: $40.00 per person (Adults over 21 only) DJ Music, hats, masks, beads and door prizes! Hors D'Oeuvres buffet and refreshments Tickets are on sale after all masses this weekend and next weekend at both churches and at the rectory during the week. No tickets will be sold at the door. Deadline is February 16th. For more information call the rectory at 561-2264. Join us for a great evening out! All proceeds to benefit the St. Vincent De Paul Society Baby Resource Center.

Hosted by Knights of Columbus Msgr. Henry O'Carroll Council 444, Newburgh, NY. Delicious desserts will be provided by Catholic Daughters Court Patricia #195

Dates: Friday, February 28, 2020 Friday, March 6, 2020 Friday, March 13, 2020 Friday, March 20, 2020 Friday, March 27, 2020 Friday, April 3, 2020

Time: 5pm ? 8pm Location: Gallo Hall at Sacred Heart School

Entrance on Ann Street Price: $10 per person or $15 for combo platter Proceeds will go to the parishes of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta and St. Patrick's ? St. Mary's, Our Lady of Lake


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