1.0Purpose - Michigan Medicine | University of Michigan

LMJ.UniYersity ol Michi IDComprehensive Cancer CenterSOP-BCR- 1.16Orientation Procedures for OSEH, UCUCA,ULAM & Wicha LabAuthor: Tahra Luther·'f0iJJli70Approved: M. Wicha:51t211·Rev: 12.0Issued: 02/08/08 Revised: 10/30/151.0PurposeProvide detailed orientation and training procedures for new employees of the Wicha laboratory.2.0ScopeThis procedure pertains to all existing and new employees of the Experimental Breast Cancer Research Laboratory of the University of Michigan.3.0DescriptionFollow the preceding steps in order to enroll in required orientation and training classes.4.0Procedure: Orientation EnrollmentTo facilitate your orientation to the University of Michigan Medical Center and to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of our experimental animal research laboratory, we have put together this orientation that has links to the current mandatory training that you must receive before beginning your independent research as well as several informative training sessions available to you.First, including UROP students, please contact our Hematology/Oncology department Administrative Specialist Senior (currently - cvuocolo@med .umich.edu) and provide the following information: date of birth, UMID (or social security # if UMID is unknown), contact e-mail address, contact phone number, and effective date and termination date (if you are unsure of these dates, please check with the Wicha lab Administrative Assistant). She/he will request MCIT assistance to set up your Novell and Outlook passwords (level 1 and 2) if you do not yet have these. If you are a volunteer, you must first go to the Volunteer website (www .med.umich. edu/volunteer), click on the "Pre-Approved Special placements" and then click on the link "Pre-approved online application" ()and complete the top part of the form ("Volunteer information" section); some useful information to help you complete the form for the "Placement information":Arrange your work dates and times, including your appointment start date and end date, with the Lab Manager to complete and submit the form. You will be contacted to set up an appointment with Volunteer Services. This is the first step in getting started in the lab, before you get card access and complete the training. If you are an employee, please contact the Internal Medicine HR Representative.Department: Internal Medicine-Hem/Onc Lab campus address: B26 NCRC, 333S Contact Phone #: 734-763-1744Volunteer direct supervisor: Wicha Lab Manager Lab contact e-mail: maryberr@med.umich.edu or jlguy@med.umich.edu Volunteer work locations: B26 NCRC 328S, 320S, 314S and B20 NCRC 326WDescription of volunteer duties: Preparation of cell media, assist with cell culturing and rudimentary animal handling. Volunteer will be working directly with: check "Animals" and "Blood".Please print, complete thoroughly (including signing and dating the top), and have Denise Poirier sign the NCRC ID/Access request form, found under the "Orientation resources" section on the "Links" tab of the Wicha lab webs ite, to acquire a UMID badge to NCRC. Courtney and Denise can complete the information that you do not know before you take the form with you to the Mcard office in B018 NCRC room G218 (open Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., or by appointment; 734-764-00.University of Michig1nComprehensive Cancer CanterSOP-BCR- 1.16Orientation Procedures for OSEH, UCUCA,ULAM & Wicha LabAuthor: Tahra Luther'fJ &JJliiUApproved:M. Wicha3 t)J1Rev: 12.0Issued: 02/08/08 Revised: 10/30/159004). Please also obtain a key request form from Denise Poirier; once signed by Denise you may pick up your lab key at the key office at 525 Church Street. You will need to bring a $5 CASH ONLY deposit refundable upon return of your key.Once your unique name and passwords are set, contact the Wicha Lab Manager to add you to the University Committee for the Use and Care of Animals (UCUCA) protocol. This will prompt an e?mail that will be sent to your university e-mail account, please check this IMMEDIATELY, as you will have a limited time to complete these trainings in order for you to remain on the protocol. MLearninghttps: //mlearning.med.umich. edu/login/?Host=10.30.6 .101 automatically creates a Learning Plan for you to complete with the following UCUCA required mandatory training sessions:Select "Log in to ULAM training" NOT "Log in to MLearning 2.0". (Instructions on how to get set-up in and for registering for training courses can also be found through MLearning by clicking here or you can simply click on "MLearning" in the bottom left list of the UCUCA website .umich .edu/ulam/services/tra ining course .html.) You will login with your uniquename and level 2 (Outlook) password this time for this training.You must first take the Orientation for Animal Care and Use Personnel course# ULAM-10000 online, The Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) requires several animal handling and safety courses to be completed online including a Hazard Containment course# ULAM-10050, Training in Survival Rodent Surgery course# ULAM-10120, and Introduction to Laboratory Rats and Mice course# ULAM-10100 for handling and husbandry information. Once you have completed these online courses, please send copies of your certificates to Denise and Courtney. You can then enroll in and complete the remaining hands-on courses Laboratory Mouse Techniques 101 course# ULAM-10105 to gain specific injection technique instruction; Kaitlin Harvey in the Wicha lab is certified to complete this training with you. To gain access to our mouse colonies, you will need to take a brief online quiz and then enroll in the ULAM Animal Room Procedural Course (formerly ULAM Microisolator Training for SPF Mice) course# ULAM-10130.Please enroll early as some of these classes are offered less frequently and fill up quickly, although many are offered to be completed online in MLearning now, but you cannot start any animal work until you have completed these courses. You have 60 days from being added to the protocol to complete the hands-on courses.Depending upon your job duties, you may need to enroll in optional training classes that ULAM offers (including Advanced Rodent Breeding Colony Management).Once complete you will need to contact Scot Pittman, the NCRC ULAM animal care supervisor for a quick tour and orientation of the NCRC animal facility. Finally, once that is done, you should be granted access to the mouse facilities in the NCRC within a few days.You must also complete the Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (OSEH) required training in Comprehensive Laboratory Safety & Bloodborne Pathogens course# BLS-025w in MyLINC. This must be completed before you can perform any work in the laboratory. You can enroll in this coursethrough their website at .oseh.umich.edu/. On the left-hand menu, select "Research Safety" then"General Laboratory Safety'' then towards the bottom of the list "Required New Hire Training Schedule for00.University of MichiganComprehensive Cancer CenterSOP-BCR- 1.16Orientation Procedures for OSEH, UCUCA,ULAM & Wicha LabAuthor : Tahra Luther'1Approved : M.Wicha:};((/1Rev:12.0Issued: 02/08/08 Revised: 10/30/15Laboratory Personnel" and "Log in to My LINC" where you will login with your uniquename and level 1 password (not the password used for Outlook/e-mail). All lab members are required to take Centrifuge Training course #BLS-008 . If you will be work ing with viral vectors, you are required to take Viral Vector Safety course # BLS-023. You can enroll in these two courses in MyLINC. These courses must be completed before you will be allowed to do these activities. Lastly, please review the Biological Safety Cabinet manual that can be found here: .umich. edu/research/bi ohazardous . shtml. You will be required to sign a form saying you have read through this, as well as our safety SOPs 1.1, 1.3 and 1.15.The Autoclave On-Line Training for NCRC can be found on the following OSEH websitehttp: //www . oseh.umich. edu/pdf/Courseli st.pdf course description BLS032w. Once you have completed the course, please e-mail ncrclabservices@umich.edu and let them know you have completed the online training and need to complete the in person training.The department of Internal Medicine requires all staff to complete five mandatory classes below. These should show up in your learning plan, or enroll in these courses in MLearning at .med. umich. edu/loqin/?Host=10.30. 6.101 and select "Log in to MLearning 2.0''. You will login with your uniquename and level 2 (Outlook) password this time for training. The classes all new employees must take are:SECU-20101 UMHS Critical Incident COMP-30002 UMHS ComplianceSAFE-10041 Fire Safety for Staff Who Do NOT Work in Patient Care Areas OCAX-28385 Patient SafetyIMED-10000 A Department of Internal Medicine Stewardship Compliance CertificationYou can refer to the "Training Checklist", link next to this SOP 1.16, to ensure you have completed all required training. Should you experience any difficulties or have any problems enrolling in the above? detailed orientations and trainings, please ask Denise and Courtney for assistance. It is very important that all of these classes are completed before you go into the lab to do any work . Please remember that it is required to wear proper PPE (personal protective equipment) whenever you are working in the laboratory and to always follow the designated laboratory SOP.Please print out certificates of all of your training sessions and provide Tahra with a copy of your training certificates as you receive them so we have the necessary documentation when we are audited for regulatory compliance. Please also provide your contact information (cell phone number) to Courtney so she can add it to the Emergency contact list. She can also help orient you to the lab and do some basic lab training. Please also sign any other required forms at this time, such as controlled substance use formsand HepB vaccination declination or confirmation form which we need to have on file for all employees.Lastly, let us refer you back to our laboratory website : ab/research.htm l. Therein you'll find pertinent information on our latest research & support, quick access to our publications & standard operating procedures, personnel expertise, on-going collaborations & affiliations, videocompilat ions of Dr. Wicha's recent interviews and related links and resources. Check back periodically as the site is updated on a regular basis.Welcome to the Wicha lab!5.0Reference(s)00.University of MichiganComprehensive Cancer CenterSOP-BCR- 1.16Orientation Procedures for OSEH, UCUCA,ULAM & Wicha LabAuthor: Tahra Luther/ fJlM-Approved : M.Wicha.:j t2J1Rev: 12.0Issued: 02/08/08 Revised: 10/30/156.0Procedural Change DescriptionRevisionDateReferenceDescription of Change3.02/11/11NAUpdated training compliance requirements.4.07/2/12CLUpdated room numbers.5.07/1/14TLUpdated information/procedures6.010/15/14TLAdded which training site to use for training courses and updated contact info7.01/15/15TLChanged "Rodent Survival Surgery" to required training, not optional8.02/16/15TLChanged ULAM supervisor; added "provide contact info"9.02/24/15TLUpdated new MLearning procedures and course numbers10.010/13/15TLUpdated order of procedures (add new personnel to UCUCA protocol first)11.010/14/15ccUpdated training requirements12.010/30/15TLAdded signing form confirming read SOPs, and changed printed certs go to Tahra ................

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