Redmond North Little League

Redmond North Little League League ID = 447-09-112014 Safety ManualPrepared by Scott Hilbun – Safety Officer01/15/2014This document will be distributed to every manager of every team in every division of Redmond North Little League (RNLL). It is the policy of RNLL to provide an environment in which the risk of injury is reduced to the lowest possible level by the application of our published safety code. Behavior in violation of the safety code will be treated as misconduct and may result in the application of appropriate corrective action up to and including dismissal.Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Redmond North Little League Mission PAGEREF _Toc312777505 \h 4How we achieve our Mission PAGEREF _Toc312777506 \h 4Volunteering PAGEREF _Toc312777507 \h 4Sportsmanship PAGEREF _Toc312777508 \h 5Redmond North Little League Policies PAGEREF _Toc312777509 \h 5RNLL Safety Plan PAGEREF _Toc312777510 \h 9Emergency Contacts, League Board Members and Contacts, and Field Locations PAGEREF _Toc312777511 \h 9Emergency Contacts PAGEREF _Toc312777512 \h 9Board Members and League Contacts PAGEREF _Toc312777513 \h 10Field Locations PAGEREF _Toc312777514 \h 11RNLL Code of Conduct PAGEREF _Toc312777515 \h 12RNLL Safety Code PAGEREF _Toc312777516 \h 13RNLL Safety Manual PAGEREF _Toc312777517 \h 14First Aid Training PAGEREF _Toc312777518 \h 14First Aid Kits PAGEREF _Toc312777519 \h 14Volunteer Applications and Background Checks PAGEREF _Toc312777520 \h 15Medical Release Forms PAGEREF _Toc312777521 \h 15Training PAGEREF _Toc312777522 \h 15Incident Reporting PAGEREF _Toc312777523 \h 16Facility Survey – Field Traits PAGEREF _Toc312777524 \h 20Facility Survey - Safety PAGEREF _Toc312777525 \h 21Facility Survey - Facility Management PAGEREF _Toc312777526 \h 22Facility Survey - Field Dimension Data PAGEREF _Toc312777527 \h 23Appendix PAGEREF _Toc312777528 \h 24Volunteer Application PAGEREF _Toc312777529 \h 24Medical Release Form PAGEREF _Toc312777530 \h 25Injury Tracking Form PAGEREF _Toc312777531 \h 26Accident Notification Form PAGEREF _Toc312777532 \h 27Warm-Up Drills PAGEREF _Toc312777533 \h 28Coaches – Let Players Catch Poster PAGEREF _Toc312777534 \h 29Pre Game Check List PAGEREF _Toc312777535 \h 30Catcher Safety PAGEREF _Toc312777536 \h 31Asthma Emergency Signs PAGEREF _Toc312777537 \h 32Bat Safety PAGEREF _Toc312777538 \h 33Lightning Safety PAGEREF _Toc312777539 \h 34Redmond North Little League MissionWelcome to Redmond North Little League. Serving youth baseball in the county areas east of the town of Redmond. RNLL is a non-profit volunteer organization supported totally by league fees and donations. RNLL provides an opportunity for all youth within our boundaries to learn the game of baseball in a safe environment. RNLL is an all volunteer organization dedicated to service to youth. The Little League program seeks to provide an outlet for healthy activity and an opportunity for training under sound leadership—all in the context of community participation. The program further strives to help children become good and decent citizens and establish the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play. RNLL is dedicated to creating an atmosphere of discipline and teamwork. We strive to challenge players towards perfection of physical skills and bring into play the excitement of tactics and strategy. The goal is to instruct players in the physical aspects of the game as well as to teach players that even though they will eventually strike out, or be on the losing team, there is always another chance for success in the next at-bat, play, or game. We will provide these opportunities to all boys and girls ages 5-12 years old and does not limit participation in its activities on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, national origin, gender or religious preference How we achieve our Mission First and foremost RNLL operates in a manner that provides a safe environment for children to learn the game of baseball or softball. Many of the rules of our league are designed with the players’ safety in mind. The health of all players is first and foremost at any RNLL sponsored activity. Growth and development of skills, citizenship, sportsmanship, and teamwork are encouraged in an atmosphere where younger players are placed in training divisions that are less competitive than the upper divisions where older players are able to implement the more advanced aspects of the game in a competitive environment. As players progress through the divisions they are presented with greater opportunities to feel a sense of accomplishment in situations that require an understanding of the game as well as the teamwork required for success. Through this system we will move the greatest number of players through a system that matches there age and skill with a level with an environment in which they can be safe and successful. We appreciate your participation in RNLL and hope that your son or daughter has an enjoyable time within the framework of the league’s mission and ideals. Please contact the manager or Division VP (to be named at each division) if you have questions or concerns that you would like addressed. Volunteering The role of parents and volunteers in Little League is absolutely critical to its success. Players need each parent to volunteer and contribute their time and unique skills to meet the objectives of Little League. Every parent has a skill which will benefit a child in RNLL. Parents shoulder the sole responsibility for making the RNLL program successful. The burden of operating the League should not fall on a few. Parents who shirk their responsibility in this regard cannot expect others to assume the burden. Managers, Coaches, umpires, scorekeepers and facilities managers are needed to help enable the game and make it memorable for players. Other volunteers are needed to serve as League officers, members of the Board of Directors, fundraisers, team supporters, etc. The opportunities to serve are numerous. Each parent must volunteer to make the RNLL program a success! Sportsmanship Establishing in children the value of sportsmanship is one of the primary objectives of Little League. RNLL fully expects this objective to be met, every day of every season. Sportsmanship comprises a communal, shared respect for all participants, be they players, managers, coaches, umpires, or parents, regardless of the outcome of a play, a call, or the game. Sportsmanship is exhibited continuously and without reserve. Sportsmanship is learned and cultivated by example. Practicing sportsmanship means: abiding by the rules of the game, avoiding arguments, playing fair, respecting the other team’s effort, offering encouragement, and accepting the judgment calls of umpires. Redmond North Little League Policies The Board of Directors of RNLL shall operate this League according to the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball, Inc., any and all Washington District 9 policies in effect, and these Local Policies. The recommendations and policies of the Little League Baseball, Inc. Operating Manual shall be implemented to the fullest extent in the best interests of all boys and girls playing within RNLL. So that RNLL may operate in the most efficient manner possible and so that those involved as volunteers remain engaged and properly empowered to act in the best interest of all players, please direct all inquiries to RNLL officials before contacting District 9 staff or Little League Baseball, Inc. staff in Williamsport, PA or San Bernardino, CA. League Age Breakdown RNLL operates multiple divisions. Player placement is based on player league age, and (in Minors and Majors) player ability. League age is determined by a player’s age on April 30th of a given year (season). Players shall play at the division level determined by their league age and/or ability as follows: 12 year olds - Majors 11 year olds - Majors or Minors (Coast) 10 year olds - Majors or Minors (Coast or AAA) 9 year olds - Minors (Coast or AAA) 7 and 8 year olds - Slugger 5 and 6 year olds - T-ball Twelve year olds are automatically placed in the Majors Division, unless they are deemed a safety risk by the division managers and the District 9 Administrator concurs. This occurs very rarely. No player may skip a divisional level of play. Each player between 9 and 11 years of age is eligible for manager evaluation at the level played at the previous year, as well as at the next higher level of play. Divisional placement will be based on the Draft Stack Ranking Process. Any deviation from the normal age grouping as charted above must be requested in writing to the RNLL Executive Board before evaluations. The RNLL Executive Board, in concert with the team managers, will evaluate the player during tryouts and make a decision on the request following tryouts. Six (6) year old players who have completed one season of T-Ball in RNLL may play Sluggers if in first grade or with Divisional VP approval. In order to provide equal team size, each year some 8-year-olds are invited to play at AAA based on player talent or manager availability. This process does not move any 9-year-olds to Sluggers. Managers and Coaches Managers shall be appointed by the League President, and approved by the RNLL Executive Board. Once appointed by the League President, the responsibility of the Managers and Coaches is to manage their team responsibly and ensure that all the players, together with their parents, know and observe the Official Little League Rules and these Local Rules. Intentions to manage a team must be submitted to the League President verbally or in writing by the date established by the RNLL Executive Board, for the coming season. The privilege of managing or coaching extended by RNLL exists only for the current season or where applicable, through League-sanctioned post-season tournament play. Managers and Coaches shall do their best to learn, understand, and interpret the Official Rules and these Local Rules and be capable of correct interpretation and implementation. All Managers and Coaches acknowledge that all rules, policies, and procedures are subject to interpretation of the ―Intent of the Rule‖ by the RNLL Executive Board. Managers appoint volunteers for their team. All such persons appointed by the Manager are his/her responsibility. The Manager is responsible for drafting new players for his/her team and ensuring each player plays at a level that benefit the player’s mental and physical development. All members of RNLL Executive Board, as well as Managers and Coaches, whose activities in another youth baseball or softball program are deemed detrimental to the operation of RNLL, can be removed by a majority vote of the RNLL Executive Board.Managers, Coaches, Players, Spectators, or Board Members shall: Reflect an understanding of the age group they supervise and be acutely aware that their behavior and conduct serves as an example to all players in RNLL. Maintain the focus of attention on the players and not on themselves. Demonstrate they have an awareness and appreciation of the philosophy and objectives of Little League Baseball and actively cooperate with others in making the program of mutual benefit to all players. Sign a Disclosure Statement regarding any past convictions of sexual assault, abuse, or exploitation of minors. Failure to sign this statement will result in forfeiture of the individual’s right to manage or coach any RNLL team. At all times exhibit behavior which exceeds common standards for sportsmanship, recognizing their behavior sets a critical example for players. Demonstrate a mutual respect for other Managers and Coaches and refrain from exhibiting any unsportsmanlike behavior toward a fellow Manager or Coach. Show by example that they respect the judgment and the position of authority of the umpires and work to assist League officials to recruit, encourage, and constructively educate an effective umpire corps. Instill in their players a respect for the authority and decisions of the umpires and other adult volunteers in the League. Refrain from making any violent, animated, or otherwise inappropriate disapproval of an umpire’s call or allowing or encouraging players to do the same. Private, post game discussions between Managers and umpires are encouraged. Managers with a complaint about a particular umpire should first consult respectfully and privately with that umpire (after the game), then consult with the League’s Umpire in Chief who will take action to educate and remedy the situation as appropriate. Not use profane, obscene or vulgar language in any manner at any time.Not publicly discuss with spectators in a derogatory or abusive manner any play, decision or a personal opinion on any players during the game.Not Appear on the field of play, stands, or anywhere on the Little League complex while in an intoxicated state. Intoxicated will be defined as an odor or behavior issue.Not tamper or manipulate any league rosters, schedules, draft positions or selections, official score books, rankings, financial records or procedures.Not use unnecessary rough tactics in the play of a game against the body of an opposing player.Umpires Good umpiring is a crucial element in the successful conduct of a local Little League program. Building and maintaining a competent group of volunteer umpires is critical to the success of RNLL. Character, good judgment, ability to get along with youngsters and the desire to do the job well are attributes of a good umpire. All Little League umpires are volunteers; paying umpires (or anyone else) runs contrary to Little League philosophy and policies. Like Managers and Coaches, expectations of umpires are high, despite their volunteer status. Managers and Coaches must recognize that: a) umpiring is a difficult and often thankless job, b) umpires are volunteers and c) Little League is not the ―big leagues‖. While umpires must master the basic rules and mechanics, controversial calls will be made. This is a part of Little League baseball – accept it! While difficult, it is also a unique and valuable opportunity for children to learn the value of volunteer service. RNLL umpires are required to attend the provided training to master basic mechanics and shall position themselves properly on the field during play. The League shall provide formal umpire training prior to the start of each season and shall endeavor to make available to umpires ongoing training and mentorship throughout each season. RNLL umpires will at all times exhibit behavior that exceeds common standards for sportsmanship, and recognize their behavior sets a critical example for players. During a game, umpires possess full authority to eject Managers, Coaches, or players if, in an umpire’s sole judgment and in accordance with the Official Little League Rules and/or these Local Rules, the person’s actions so warrant. Should an ejection occur, the umpire shall promptly provide the League President and League Umpire in Chief a full, written report. See rules 9.01(d) and 9.05(b). All teams, including Sluggers teams, will supply umpires as dictated by the Umpire in Chief. No Shows When umpires fail to show up for a game, 24 kids are affected, not to mention the volunteers who then have to quickly work to fill in. ―No shows‖ are unacceptable. All no-shows shall be promptly reported by the home team Manager and/or umpires to the League Umpire in Chief and the Division Vice President. If no person from a team scheduled to ump a game shows up to perform the assigned obligation, then the Manager of that scheduled team is to be given a warning by the Division Vice-President. If any additional ―no show(s)‖ occur during the same season, the Manager of that team shall be suspended from participating in that team’s next game. A Manager may be suspended for two, three, or more games in a row until they ensure volunteers that have agreed to umpire during the season are meeting their commitments. Umpires who fail to adhere to these rules and guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action and/or removal from the League umpiring corps at the discretion of the League Umpire in Chief and/or League President. Spectators All parents and spectators shall: Become well-acquainted with the objectives of Little League Baseball. Recognize that Little Leaguers are children—not professional players and each needs ample encouragement, not destructive criticism. Applaud the good play of all participants and ignore the errors. Award great effort, initiative and hustle. Congratulate the winning team and players. Encourage the losing team and players. Enjoy the game. Constructively offer any criticism of the program to League or District officials and at the same time be willing to volunteer their services to improve the League and the District. Refrain from unsportsmanlike conduct and ―bleacher management‖. Realize that the umpire is closest to the play and that each umpire calls them as he or she sees them. Volunteer and contribute to ensure the League can fully meet the objectives of Little League Baseball. League Officials (elected and appointed board members) possess full authority to require spectators to depart the game site; the official shall submit a written report to the President and the Umpire in Chief if this occurs.RNLL Safety Plan In 1995, ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program) was introduced with the goal of re-emphasizing the position of Safety Officer “to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League Baseball”. In order to be an ASAP-compliant league, a Little League approved Safety Plan must be file with Williamsport.The goal of the Redmond North Little League (RNLL) Safety Plan is to develop guidelines for increasing the safety of activities, equipment, and facilities through education, compliance, and reporting. In support of the attainment of this goal, RNLL also commits itself to providing the necessary organizational structure to develop, monitor, and enforce this Safety Plan.The Safety Plan, by reference, includes the RNLL’s Code of Conduct, Safety Code, and Safety Manual. The combination of these documents outlines specific safety issues and RNLL’s policy or procedure on each issue. All participants, volunteers, spectators, and guests are bound by the guidelines set forth in these documents.One of the elected members on the RNLL Board of Directors is the Safety Officer. For the 2014 season, the elected Safety Officer is Scott Hilbun . This individual is the primary point of contact for the creation and enactment of RNLL’s Safety Plan. The Safety Officer authors or modifies the League’s Safety Plan, Code of Conduct, Safety Code, and Safety Manual each year, as necessary. These documents are then presented to the Board for approval and ratification (usually in February or March) for the upcoming season.The ultimate responsibility for ensuring compliance of the Safety Plan lies with the Safety Officer. Because of the size of RNLL, the numerous facility venues, and to provide more width to the enforcement of the Plan, the following individuals are tasked with ensuring the overall Safety Plan compliance with respect to the level-of-play.Emergency Contacts, League Board Members and Contacts, and Field LocationsEmergency ContactsPolice . Fire . Rescue.............. 911Redmond Police................ (425) 556-2500Redmond Fire & Rescue.............. (425) 556-2233Evergreen Hospital............ (425) 899-1000Overlake Hospital.............. 425-688-5000Board Members and League ContactsPresident: Jd Klein jdklein33@; president@206-612-9200 Vice President: Mark Fazio mark.fazio@206-890-8260 Secretary: James McBain jmcbain@425-941-4032 Treasurer: Bryan Roos bjroos@425-444-2753 Registrar: Chris Mageecmagee8@425-455-1066Player Agent: Ryan Dosch ryand@206-992-7334 Safety Officer: Scott Hilbun scotthilbun@425-417-5265 Scheduling Director: Mike Condonmike.condon22@206-406-1854The RNLL Board meets at least once per month, September through June. The dates and times of Board meetings are published on the League’s website, . All adult RNLL members are welcome and encouraged to attend.The Safety Officer is included on every Board meeting’s agenda. Besides providing an opportunity for the Safety Officer to inform and update the other Board Members on the status of certain safety initiatives (whether they be at the local, District, or Headquarters level), it also ensures the continued awareness and attention to the subject of safety within RNLL.The Board has the responsibility to consider, discuss, and recommend courses of action regarding any safety issues that present itself to the League. The Board (or appointed committee) is responsible for drafting any proposed new or modified Local Rules for RNLL. Areas such as competitive balance, player participation, speed of play, and safety are discussed. Any changes or additions are presented to the Board for discussion and/or ratification. Each year existing Local Rules are evaluated for any necessary changes and/or additions.Each year there will be an annual inspection of all equipment by the Equipment Director. This individual is responsible for discarding worn or faulty equipment and for providing appropriate replacement equipment.Field LocationsAlcott Elementary School4213 228th Ave. NE, Redmond WA. 98053 Elementary School7040 - 208th NE, Redmond, WA 98052 Park Fields 1 – 617300 NE 104th Street, Redmond, WA 98072Rainout Line (425) 556-2394 Marymoor ParkFields 3 – 86046 West Lake Sammamish Parkway, Redmond, WARainout Line (206) 205-3892 Ridge Park22915 NE Alder Crest Dr. Redmond WA 98053Rainout Line (425) 836-8101 Elementary School22130 NE 133rd St., Woodinville, WA 98077 Code of ConductThe Board of Directors has adopted the RNLL Code of Conduct. The Safety Officer as well as each of the RNLL Board Members enforces this Code. All League officers, participants, and volunteers are required to abide by this Code. It is the responsibility of the Safety Officer to author and/or make any revisions to this Code of Conduct, as necessary.Speed Limit is 5 mph in roadways and parking lots while attending any RNLL function. Watch for small children around parked cars.No alcohol allowed in any parking lot, field, or common areas at a RNLL function.No playing in parking lots at any time.No playing on or around lawn equipment.Use crosswalks when crossing roadways. Always be alert for traffic.No profanity.No swinging bats at any time within the walkways and common areas of an RNLL complex.No throwing baseballs at any time within the walkways and common areas of an RNLL complex.No throwing balls against dugouts or against backstop. Properly equipped catchers must be used for all batting practice sessions.All gates to the field must remain closed at all times. After the players have entered or left the field, all gates must be closed and secured.No throwing rocks.No horseplay.No climbing fences.No on-deck batting. Only a player at bat may swing a bat. Observe all posted signs. Players and spectators must be alert at all times for foul ball and errant throws.During games, players must remain in the dugout in an orderly fashion at all times.After each game, each team must clean up trash in dugout and around stands. Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in expulsion from the Complex.RNLL Safety CodeThe RNLL Safety Code has been adopted by the Board of Directors and is enforced by the Safety Officer. All League Officers, participants, and volunteers are required to abide by this code. It is the responsibility of the Safety Officer to make revisions to the Safety Code, as necessary.Any individual that will have regular contact with players must annually complete and submit the Little League Volunteer Application Form along with a copy of their current driver’s license to the RNLL Safety Officer. The Safety Officer will conduct background checks on each of the individuals.Managers, coaches, and umpires should have training in First Aid.First Aid kits are issued to each team manager.Managers must have First Aid Kit and Medical Release Forms at all games and practices.No games or practices should be held when weather or field conditions are not good, particularly when lighting is inadequate.Fields and practice areas should be inspected by the manager before each use for holes, damage, stones, glass and other foreign objects. All team equipment should be stored within the team dugout.Only players, managers, coaches, and umpires are permitted on the playing field or in the dugout during games. Responsibility for keeping bats and loose equipment off the field of play should be that of a player assigned for this purpose or the team’s manager and coaches.Procedure should be established for retrieving foul balls batted out of playing area.During practice and games, each player should be alert and watching the batter on each pitch.During warm-up drills, players should be spaced so that no one is endangered by wild throws or missed catches.Equipment should be inspected regularly for the condition as well as proper fit. Batters must wear Little League approved protective helmets during batting practice and games.Catchers must wear catcher’s helmet, mask, throat guard, long model chest protector, and shin guards.All male participants must wear a protective cup with athletic supporter for all practices and games.Except when runner is returning to a base, headfirst slides are not permitted.All RNLL playing and practice fields will be equipped with Little League approved detachable bases. Marymoor, Redmond Ridge and Hartman Park bases were replaced with approved detachable bases by King County and the City of Redmond, respectively. At no time is horseplay permitted on the playing field.Parents of players who wear glasses are encouraged to provide “safety glasses” for their child.Players may not wear jewelry during games and practices.A catcher must wear catcher’s helmet and mask with a throat guard in warming up a pitcher. This applies between innings during a game and also during practices.Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers before or during a game, (rule 3.09). This includes standing at backstop during practice as informal catcher for batting practice.On-deck batters are not permitted.All pre-game warm-ups should be performed within the confines of the playing field and not within areas that are frequented by, and thus endanger, spectators (e.g., playing catch, swinging bats, etc.)RNLL does not own or operate any concession stands at any of the playing or practice facilities.RNLL Safety ManualRemember, safety is everyone’s job. Prevention is the key to reducing accidents to a minimum. Report all unsafe conditions to the Safety Officer or other RNLL Board Member immediately. Don’t play on a field that is not safe or with unsafe playing equipment. Be sure your players are fully equipped at all times, especially catchers and batters. Check your team’s equipment before each use. “Destroy” bad equipment to prevent reuse. All managers will be provided with a printed copy of the Safety Plan and a copy will be kept at Redmond Ridge and Hartman Field ComplexFirst Aid TrainingEvery manager must complete First Aid training every three years and at least one coach and for each team must have a current First Aid card valid for the 2014 season. Umpires are strongly recommended to have current First Aid training as well. RNLL will sponsor First Aid Classes annually to maintain current certifications. Managers and coaches that attained first aid certification independently through their employment (e.g., physicians, fire fighters, etc) are not required to attend. See appendix for additional First Aid information. If you are unable to attend one of the provided classes, you will need to attend alternative first aid training at your own expense. These trainings are offered on a regular basis through your local fire department.First Aid KitsEach team was supplied with a complete first aid kit and ice packs in 2014. These kits including the following items: Bandages — sheer and flexibleNon-stick pads — assorted sizesSoft-Gauze bandagesOval eye padsTriangular bandageHypo-allergenic first aid tape Antiseptic wipesInstant cold packWhistleFirst aid guideDisposable glovesRain ponchoEmergency Drinking WaterHand WarmersFace masks If you need extras or replacements for anything in the kit, contact Scott Hilbun (Safety Officer) at safety@.Volunteer Applications and Background ChecksManagers are responsible for ensuring their coaches, umpires, and any individuals that will have regular contact with players have completed and submitted the Little League Volunteer Application Form, along with a copy of their current driver’s license to the RNLL Safety Officer. The information supplied will be use to conduct background checks on each of the individuals. Each team should have a minimum of six volunteer applications. A listing of all approved volunteers will be posted on the home page of the website. The volunteer applications are keep confidential and destroyed after the season ends. The background checks are processed via the First Advantage service. Medical Release FormsManagers will have parent fill out Medical Release forms and keep with you during ALL Practices and Games. Make sure that players are healthy, rested and alert. Make sure that players returning from being injured have a medical release form signed by their doctor. Otherwise, they cannot play.TrainingRNLL goes to great lengths to provide as much training and instruction as possible. In addition to First Aid classes, annual training is provided forManagersUmpiresScorekeepersRNLL will also offer Umpiring Training prior to the 2014 season. Dates and locations will be available on the website.Incident ReportingThe following reporting procedures should be used by all managers, coaches, parents, umpires, and volunteers concerning injuries.What to Report:An incident that causes any player, manager, umpire, or volunteer to receive medical treatment and/or First Aid must be reported to the Safety Officer. The terms “medical treatment and/or First Aid” should include even passive treatments such as the evaluation and diagnosis of the extent of the injury. Any incident that (a) causes a player to miss any practice or game time; or (b) any event that has a potential to require medical assistance must be reported promptly.When to Report:All incidents described above must be reported to the Safety Officer within 48 hours of the incident. The Safety Officer for 2014 is Scott Hilbun, and he can be reached at the following:Cell Phone: 425-417-5265Email:safety@In the event he cannot be reached, contact JD Klein, the RNLL President at 206-612-9200.How to Make the Report:Reporting incidents can take a variety of forms. Most typically, they are telephone conversations with the Safety Officer. At a minimum, the following information must be provided:The name of the individual involved and their phone number (or of their parents)The date, time and location of the incidentA detailed description of the incidentA preliminary estimation of the extent of any injuriesThe name and phone number of the individual reporting the incidentSafety Officer’s Incident Report Responsibility:The Safety Officer will receive the incident reports and will maintain a log all of the reports in the League’s Safety Database. “Near-misses” will be tracked to evaluate practices and avoid future injuries. Information on accidents and pertinent “near-misses” will be shared with District 9 staff. Within 48 hours of receiving the incident report, the Safety Officer will contact the injured party or the party’s parents and:Verify the information received,Obtain any other information deemed necessary,Check on the status of the injured party, andIn the event that the injured party required other medical treatment (e.g., emergency room visit, doctor visit, etc.) will advise the party of the RNLL insurance coverage and the provisions for submitting any claims for reimbursement.If the extent of the injury is more than minor in nature, the Safety Officer shall periodically call the injured party to check:On the injury status andIf any other assistance is necessary in areas such as submission of insurance forms, etc. until such time as the incident is considered “closed” (i.e., no further claims are expected and/or the individual is participating in the League again).Forms:Accident Notification and Claim Form Instructions Tracking Report INCIDENT DO’S AND DON’T’SDO:Reassure and aid children who are injured, frightened or lost.When giving First Aid:LOOK for signs of injuryLISTEN to the injured describe what happened and what hurts, if conscious.FEEL gently and carefully the injured area for signs of swelling or broken bones.Provide or assist in obtaining medical attention for those who require it.Know your limitations.DON’T:Administer any medications.Provide any food or beverage (other than water).Hesitate to give First Aid, when needed.Be afraid to ask for help, if you’re not sure of the proper procedures.Transport injured individuals except in extreme emergencies.Leave an unattended child at a practice or game.Hesitate to report any present or potential safety hazard to the Safety Officer or any RNLL Board Member immediately.Hesitate to report a safety incident to the Safety Officer.Check the Home Page for League information. It is updated frequently and can be a very valuable resource. All safety information, including this Safety Plan, is available on the website. Contact information for the Safety Officer as well as all Board Members is listed on the website. League Name:_______________________________Redmond North Little LeagueDistrict #: __________________________________9ID #:_______________________________________4470911(if needed)ID #:_______________________________________(if needed)ID #:_______________________________________City: ___________________ State:______________President: _JD Kleinll__________________.Safety Officer: _Bryan Roos________________Address:__ 8520 219th Ave NE_______.Address:_8825 255th Ave NE______________City:______Redmond WA_______________.City: ___Redmond________________________State:_____WA________ZIP: 98053_____________.State: __WA_________________ZIP: 98053___Phone:_(206) 612-9200_________________.Phone (work):_____ 985-2804 _(425) ____________________________.Phone (home): _______________________________(425) 882-0708Email: _president@___.Email: ______________________________________safety@PLANS FOR FUTURE NEEDS What are league's plans for improvements?Next 12 mons.1-2 yrs.2+ yrs. a. New fields3 b. Basepath/infield c. Bases d. Scoreboards e. Pressbox f. Concession stand g. Restrooms h. Field lighting i. Warning track j. Bleachers k. Fencing l. Bull pens m. Dugouts n. Other (specify):2010 LL SeasonFacility surveys may also be entered online at: number of fields in boxes below.LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL? & SOFTBALLNATIONAL FACILITY SURVEY20121League Name:_______________________________Redmond North Little LeagueDistrict #: __________________________________9ID #:_______________________________________4470911(if needed)ID #:_______________________________________(if needed)ID #:_______________________________________City: ___________________ State:______________President: _JD Kleinll__________________.Safety Officer: _Bryan Roos________________Address:__ 8520 219th Ave NE_______.Address:_8825 255th Ave NE______________City:______Redmond WA_______________.City: ___Redmond________________________State:_____WA________ZIP: 98053_____________.State: __WA_________________ZIP: 98053___Phone:_(206) 612-9200_________________.Phone (work):_____ 985-2804 _(425) ____________________________.Phone (home): _______________________________(425) 882-0708Email: _president@___.Email: ______________________________________safety@PLANS FOR FUTURE NEEDS What are league's plans for improvements?Next 12 mons.1-2 yrs.2+ yrs. a. New fields3 b. Basepath/infield c. Bases d. Scoreboards e. Pressbox f. Concession stand g. Restrooms h. Field lighting i. Warning track j. Bleachers k. Fencing l. Bull pens m. Dugouts n. Other (specify):2010 LL SeasonFacility surveys may also be entered online at: number of fields in boxes below.LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL? & SOFTBALLNATIONAL FACILITY SURVEY20121Facility Survey – Field Traits-997267102393800Facility Survey - Safety-113093558737500Facility Survey - Facility Management-1137920134239000 Facility Survey - Field Dimension Data AppendixVolunteer ApplicationMedical Release FormInjury Tracking FormAccident Notification FormWarm-Up DrillsCoaches – Let Players Catch PosterPre Game Check ListCatcher SafetyAsthma Emergency SignsBat SafetyLightning Safety8445515621000 ................

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