Detailed Guide to Windows 7 - Renfro

Detailed Guide to Windows 7

The purpose of this document is to allow you to have a more in-depth knowledge of Windows 7 than can be obtained by completing a walkthrough of the Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010 Quick Start Guide. By design, this guide can be used as a replacement for the Quick Start section for "Windows 7 Desktop". Most of the quick start text is duplicated in this document, but it does go quite a bit further in pointing out helpful new and enhanced functionality, as well as providing tips to make the overall conversion experience more satisfying.

This document can also serve the dual purpose of acting as a FAQ resource. The Table of Contents has been set up primarily as a "How To". It is our hope that you will find this document to be a beneficial learning tool and Help guide, in addition to a useful trouble shooting guide.

Finally, you will also find additional links to Microsoft training or quick reference guides that are not available in the Quick Start. These links provide you with more in-depth knowledge of the Microsoft product than the casual user generally wants to know.

We hope you find this guide to be helpful!

Table of Contents

What Should I Do First How to most quickly familiarize myself with the new features in Windows 7 How to change my Desktop Wallpaper

Windows 7 Taskbar How to set up my Quick Launch shortcuts (aka Pinned Applications) How to remove (unpin) an application shortcut from the Taskbar How has the Windows Taskbar changed How to get to my desktop without minimizing all of my open applications How to "Peek" at my desktop without selecting it How do I know which applications are currently open How to choose between multiple open documents or spreadsheets (Peek) Why Peek does not work as described How to display my volume icon and my new email notification icon How to open frequently used files and folders from the taskbar How can I quickly clear my desktop to focus on only one file (Shake) How can I compare to files side by side (Snap) How to learn more about the new Windows 7 Taskbar

How Internet Explorer has changed How to change my Internet Explorer Toolbar settings How to set my Internet Explorer Home Page

Windows Explorer How to set up a shortcut to a favorite local or network folder How to find a network folder How to change the settings and views in Windows Explorer


Additional Resources Keyboard Shortcuts Additional Training

For Your Information Setting up Network Drives Changing Passwords


Windows 7 Desktop

1. Look at the Getting Started video, accessed via the Start button. A link to this can also be found on the Windows 7 & Office 2010 website. Go to Getting Started and click Discover Windows 7 Video is approx. six minutes. Click here to go to full-screen mode and press Esc to leave it.

2. Desktop Wallpaper - It is important to know that your Windows 7 desktop is setup with Microsoft Windows 7 Wallpaper, designed to support new functionality in Windows 7. Changing your wallpaper could deactivate some of the new tools we will cover below, particularly the Peek and the Show Desktop hover functionality. If you choose to change your wallpaper, do so with care, following these guidelines.

Right-click on your desktop to display this menu. Select "Personalize".

You will have a number of options, but you want to stay away from the Basic and High Contrast Themes. You will lose functionality with these. (Key: You need Aero Themes.)


You can select from Desktop Backgrounds, as well. If you like to display personal pictures, you can do so from here, BUT, it could also disable

functionality. You will certainly want to test it, should you make this change.

If functionality has been disabled, you will see the following when you attempt to use the Peek function, as compared to the view shown below.

If you change the wallpaper back to an Aero-enabled version, it will restore the functionality. You may

have to maximize and then minimize anything that is currently open in order to restore the functionality.

3. Set up your Windows 7 Taskbar and familiarize yourself with the new look and functionality. The first step in this process is to ensure your most frequently used applications are "Pinned" to the taskbar. a. The old Quick Launch functionality in Windows XP is now called "Pinning" and offers more functionality. To add applications to the Taskbar: i. From Desktop: Drag and Drop or Right-click on the desktop shortcut and select "Pin to Taskbar". Click Here

ii. From Start Menu: Locate desired application. Right-click on the application and select "Pin to Taskbar".

iii. To Reposition the icon on the Taskbar, simply select and hold with the left mouse button, drag, and drop in the desired location.

iv. To Unpin an application from the taskbar, right-click on the application icon and select "Unpin this program from the taskbar".

Click Here



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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