DeltaV Smart Connector to the PI System

DeltaV Smart Connector

to the PI System

DeltaV versions 10.3. or greater


Revision B

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Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Reference Manuals 1

Supported Features 1

Diagram of Hardware Connection 4

Overview of a Smart Connector 5

Installation 5

Principles of Operation 5

DeltaV Configuration Data 5

AF 2.0 Object Creation and Configuration 7

Installation Checklist 9

Smart Connector Installation 11

Buffering 11

Appendix A: Error and Informational Messages 13

Message Logs 13

System Errors and PI Errors 13

Revision History 15


The DeltaV Smart Connector for the Emerson DeltaV system is a term used to relate all the components needed to allow the new “embedded” option of an Enterprise PI Server and DeltaV Smart Connector on a DeltaV v10.3 Application Station. The Enterprise PI Server is installed separately and integrated into the DeltaV engineering and operations environments much like the DeltaV Continuous Historian. Integration of the embedded Enterprise PI historian is accomplished through the use of a new DeltaV interface known as the DeltaV Smart Connector which includes the: PI AF Client, PI OPC Data Access (DA) interface and the DeltaV Asset Connector. There are three main tasks of the DeltaV Smart Connector:

• Create PI Points automatically.

• Collect time-series data and send it to the PI System through the PI OPC DA Interface.

• Create AF Objects automatically.

Reference Manuals


• DeltaV Asset Connector to the PI System manual

• PI Server manuals

• AF manuals

• PI API Installation manual

• UniInt Interface User

• PI OPC DA Interface Manual

Supported Features

|Feature |Support |

|Part Number |PI-SC-EM-DV-NTI |

|* Platforms |Windows XP (SP3), Server 2003 (SP2), Vista, Server |

| |2008 |

|* Automatic Creation of PI Points |Yes |

|* Automatic Creation of AF Objects |Yes |

|APS Connector |No |

|ICU Control |Yes |

|PI Point Types |Int16 / Int32 / Float16 / Float3 / Digital/ String |

|Sub-second Timestamps |Yes |

|Sub-second Scan Classes |No |

|Automatically Incorporates PI Point Attribute Changes |Yes |

|Exception Reporting |Yes |

|Outputs from PI |No |

|Inputs to PI: Scan-based / Unsolicited / Event Tags |Unsolicited |

|**Supports Questionable Bit |Yes |

|Supports Multi-character PointSource |Yes |

|Maximum Point Count |Unlimited |

|* Uses PI SDK |Yes |

|PINet String Support |No |

|* Source of Timestamps |DeltaV / PI |

|History Recovery |No |

|** UniInt-based |Yes |

|**Failover |Server-level Failover; Interface-Level Failover Using |

| |UniInt Phase 1; Interface-Level Failover Using |

| |Microsoft Clustering |

|Vendor Software Required on PI Smart Connector Node |Yes |

|Vendor Software Required on Foreign Device |Yes |

|* Vendor Hardware Required |Yes |

|Additional PI Software Included with Smart Connector |No |

|* Device Point Types |Int16, int32, float16, float32, String, Digital |

|Serial Based |No |

* See paragraphs below for further explanation.


The DeltaV Smart Connector is designed to run on the above listed Microsoft Windows operating systems. The DeltaV Smart Connector also requires Microsoft .NET 3.0. Because it is dependent on vendor software, newer platforms may not yet be supported.

Please contact OSIsoft Technical Support for more information.

Automatic Creation of PI Points

The DeltaV Smart Connector creates and configures all PI Points needed for collection of time-series data. PI Points are created if the enterprise historian configuration file, (Enthist.xml) is present on startup and each time the file is updated.

Automatic Creation of AF Objects

The DeltaV Smart Connector creates AF objects such as Element Templates, Attribute Templates, Elements, and Attributes based on the asset information received from the DeltaV system contained in the DeltaV equipment hierarchy file (equiphier.xml). The DeltaV equipment hierarchy file is exported manually from the DeltaV Explorer. Assets are initially created after the initial creation of PI points.


The PI SDK and the PI API are bundled together and will be installed on each PI Smart Connector node. This Smart Connector specifically makes PI SDK calls to create and edit PI Points.

Source of Timestamps

Timestamps are received from the foreign system or the PI Server depending the how the OPC interface is configured.


UniInt stands for Universal Interface. UniInt is not a separate product or file; it is an OSIsoft-developed template used by developers and is integrated into many interfaces and Smart Connectors, including this Smart Connector. The purpose of UniInt is to keep a consistent feature set and behavior across as many of OSIsoft’s interfaces and Smart Connectors as possible. It also allows for the very rapid development of new interfaces and Smart Connectors. In any UniInt-based Smart Connector, the Smart Connector uses some of the UniInt-supplied configuration parameters and some Smart Connector -specific parameters. UniInt is constantly being upgraded with new options and features.

The UniInt Interface User Manual is a supplement to this manual.

Vendor Software Required on Foreign Device

DeltaV version 10.3 or later

Vendor Hardware Required

DeltaV Application Station.

Device Point Types

Int16, Int32, Float16, Float32, String, and Digital device point types are supported in the DeltaV System.

Diagram of Hardware Connection


Overview of a Smart Connector

The DeltaV Smart Connector handles all actions necessary to connect to and mine data from the DeltaV 10.3 system in order to populate and send data to both a PI Server and an AF 2.x Server. The DeltaV Smart Connector automatically creates and configures PI Points, stores time-series data in PI through the PI OPC DA Interface, and creates AF objects.


The standard installation has the Enterprise PI Server, the PI OPC DA Interfaces and the DeltaV OPC DA server on the same DeltaV Application Station. During the DeltaV_ACtr set-up program, the user is prompted to enter configuration information regarding the location of the DeltaV OPC DA server, PI Server, and AF Server. Defaults are provided for each selection, but the user may change these settings during the installation procedure. The Smart Connector creates and starts the DeltaV Asset Connector as a Windows service. See the Smart Connector Installation section of this manual for more information. For more information see the DeltaV Asset Connector to the PI System.

Principles of Operation

The DeltaV Smart Connector provides the following functionality:

• Stores DeltaV data in a PI System.

• Automatically creates and configures PI Points based on DeltaV historicized parameters.

• Automatically creates and configures AF objects based on DeltaV equipment hierarchy after a manual export operation.

DeltaV Configuration Data

DeltaV history collection configuration data is retrieved from the enterprise historian configuration XML file that is generated by a download of the Continuous Historian subsystem on the Application Station where the DeltaV Asset Connector is installed. On the initial download PI tags will be created for each DeltaV parameter in the file, and with each additional download, the file timestamp changes, causing the Asset Connector to check the file for updates and reflect those updates in PI. The “Use embedded Enterprise Historian” option must be chosen in the DeltaV Continuous Historian Properties before the DeltaV Smart Connector can be used.


To choose the embedded Enterprise PI Historian option, follow these steps:

1. Open DeltaV Explorer.

2. Right click the Continuous Historian subsystem on the proper Application Station and choose Properties.

3. Click the Enabled checkbox and choose the Use embedded Enterprise Historian option.

Note: The PI Enterprise Server should be version 3.4.375.80 or greater. It is recommended the latest released version of PI Enterprise Server be used.

AF 2.0 Object Creation and Configuration

The DeltaV Asset Connector automatically creates and configures AF objects when the DeltaV equipment hierarchy export is executed and the equipment hierarchy file, equiphier.xml, exists in the directory specified during the installation of the asset connector. During installation, the user is prompted to enter the AF node name and the AF Database name. If this AF Database already exists, it is updated with the information received from the DeltaV system. If this AF Database does not exist, a new AF Database with the specified name is created.


To export the equipment hierarchy XML file for the asset connector follow these steps.

1. Open DeltaV Explorer

2. Click, File ( Export ( Equipment Hierarchy,

AF Categories

The DeltaV Asset Connector creates a ‘DeltaV’ AF Element Category in AF 2.x and assigns all AF Element Templates and AF Elements created by the DeltaV Asset Connector to this category. The AF Category represents a user-defined value used to group objects in AF. Objects may be grouped by categories for generation of reports or to run queries.

AF Element Templates

One AF Element Template is created for each type of DeltaV object contained in the exported DeltaV equipment hierarchy file. DeltaV object types may include Control Modules, Units, Process Cells, Areas, etc. The AF Element Template name is set to the type name, and the Element Template is assigned to the ‘DeltaV’ Element Category described above.

AF Elements

The DeltaV Asset Connector creates one ‘root’ AF Element in order to group all AF Elements that it creates. The default name for this AF Element is “DeltaV_ACtr” but a different root name may be chosen during installation of the DeltaV Asset Connector. Once the initial synchronization is completed, and this root element exists in AF, it is recommended that the name not be changed in PI System Explorer. If it is necessary to change the name, the AFRoot argument in the PIDeltaV_ACtr.exe.config file must also be changed to match the new name, and the DeltaV Asset Connector must then be restarted.

One AF Element is created for each unique DeltaV object in the exported DeltaV equipment hierarchy file. The object position in the equipment hierarchy file is used to determine the appropriate position in the PI AF hierarchy. The AF Element is created under the ‘root’ element and is assigned to the ‘DeltaV’ AF Element Category described above. The AF Element Template corresponding to the DeltaV object type describing this object is used when the AF Element is created.

AF Attributes

When an AF Element is created, the DeltaV Asset Connector searches for all PI Points matching the AF Element’s name. A new AF Attribute is created for each PI Point configured for history collection that is found. The AF Attribute has the same name as its corresponding PI point and its ValueType is set according to the pointtype of the PI point associated with it. A PI Point Data Reference is configured in order to tie the AF Attribute to its corresponding PI Point. When the AF Attribute value is requested, the data reference returns the value of the associated PI Point.

Installation Checklist

For those users who are familiar with running PI data collection interface and Smart Connector programs, this checklist helps get the Smart Connector running. If not familiar with PI Smart Connector, return to this section after reading the rest of the manual in detail.

1. Verify proper licensing for Emerson DeltaV and the Enterprise PI Server.

2. Install the Enterprise PI Server (v3.4.375.80 or later) on DeltaV Application station.

3. Install PI AF Server on PI AF node (optional).

4. Configure DCOM for PI OPC DA interface connection to the DeltaV OPC Server (see the PI OPC DA Interface manual for help in configuring DCOM)

5. Run the PI DeltaV Smart Connector installation that will install the AF Client, PI OPC DA Interface, PI OPC DA Interface ICU Control and the DeltaV Asset Connector.

6. Verify that PI points are correctly configured and that data collection is correct.

Smart Connector Installation

The DeltaV Smart Connector installation includes the DeltaV Asset Connector and the PI OPC DA Interface. Each of these components will be installed as an automatically starting windows service on the DeltaV Application Station where the embedded PI Server is installed. There are several dialog boxes that prompt the user for information. Some entries are required while other information may be optional, based on the requirements of the project. The installation program for the DeltaV Asset Connector sets up the PI OPC DA Interface bat files automatically. (Please see the DeltaV Asset Connector to the PI Server manual for comprehensive instructions).

Note: The PI OPC DA Interface service is not removed when the DeltaV Asset Connector is uninstalled. The removal of the service must be done manually before the OPC interface is uninstalled. To remove the service run: OPCint_SCx –remove for each OPC interface service installed.


PI Buffering is not recommended on the DeltaV Application Station.

Appendix A: Error and Informational Messages

A string DV_ACtr is pre-pended to error messages written to the pipc log. Please see the DeltaV Asset Connector to the PI System manual for a comprehensive list of errors. PI OPC DA Interface error messages will be pre-pended with the string OPCpi. For more information see the PI OPC DA Interface manual.

Message Logs

The location of the message log depends upon the platform on which the Smart Connector is running. See the UniInt Interface User Manual for more information.

Messages are written to PIHOME\dat\pipc.log at the following times.

• When the Smart Connector starts many informational messages are written to the log. These include the version of the Smart Connector, the version of UniInt, the command-line parameters used, and the number of points.

• As the Smart Connector retrieves points, messages are sent to the log if there are any problems with the configuration of the points.

• If the /db is used on the command-line, then various informational messages are written to the log file.

System Errors and PI Errors

System errors are associated with positive error numbers. Errors related to PI are associated with negative error numbers.

Error Descriptions on Windows

On Windows, descriptions of system and PI errors can be obtained with the pidiag utility:

\PI\adm\pidiag –e error_number

Revision History

|Date |Author |Comments |

|16-Jul-2008 |BPayne |Initial Version |

|17-Jul-2008 |BPayne |Updates after MM review. |

|31-Jul-2008 |BPayne |Update from MKelly’s review |

|4-Aug-2008 |BPayne |Update from MKelly’s 2nd review |

|6-Aug-2008 |BPayne |Update from Sandy Branscomb review |

|09-Oct-2008 |MMoore |Updates from Emerson review; updated screenshots |

|10-Nov-2008 |MKelly |Version, Revision A, removed track changes, modified all |

| | |references to OPC interface to PI OPC DA Interface, added OPCInt |

| | |ICU Control to installation checklist, fixed headers. |

|03-Dec-2008 |BPayne |Version, Revision B, Added a Buffering section |

|5-Dec-08 |BPayne |Added a note about OPC interface service removal |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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