Student Teaching Work Sample - Robert J. Varholak Jr.

Student Teaching Work SampleDerry Area School District – Middle / High School ExperienceFall 2011Robert J. Varholak Jr.Student TeachingStudent Teaching Work SampleDerry Area School District – Middle / High School ExperienceDuring student teaching, I prepared a work sample in order to provide verification of what I have learned and the positive impact that I had on students learning. This comprehensive work sample will provide evidence of my abilities in these various areas including but not limited to; engaging in thorough and effective standards-based planning, use of best practices that provided opportunities for student success, use of appropriate assessment strategies that fostered a great learning environment and documentation of the ongoing development of the students’ knowledge and skills, and finally analysis of student assessment results.Fall 2011Robert J. Varholak Jr.Student TeachingFall 2011Student Teaching Work Sample:Computing Concepts /Microsoft Word and ExcelAccounting I, II, AdvancedBobby VarholakFall 2011Derry Area Middle/ High School6th – 8th Grade / 9th – 12th GradeComputer Program: Microtype Keyboarding ProgramText: Microsoft Office Word/ Excel 2007, Shelly Cashman SeriesTable of ContentsMiddle SchoolDescription of the Learning Environment1 Planning for Instruction in Inclusive Settings2Unit Plan3Selected Lessons3Evaluation of Instruction5Assessment of Student Learning in Inclusive Settings5Pre-Test5Formative Assessment7 Alternative Assessment 8Summative Post-Test Assessment 8Analysis of Student Learning 9Reflection on Teaching Effectiveness and Professional Growth10Unit PlanAppendix ADataAppendix BGraphAppendix CIndividual Student Evaluations of DataAppendix DRubricsAppendix ELearning Support Tracking Sheet Appendix FExtracurricular ActivitiesAppendix GEvaluationAppendix HHigh SchoolDescription of the Learning Environment1 Planning for Instruction in Inclusive Settings2Unit Plan3Selected Lessons3Evaluation of Instruction5Assessment of Student Learning in Inclusive Settings5Pre-Test5Formative Assessment6 Alternative Assessment 7Summative Post-Test Assessment 8Analysis of Student Learning 8Reflection on Teaching Effectiveness and Professional Growth10Unit PlanAppendix IDataAppendix JGraphAppendix KIndividual Student Evaluations of DataAppendix LRubricsAppendix MProjects Appendix NExtracurricular ActivitiesAppendix OEvaluationAppendix PStudent Teaching Experience – Work SampleIn August 2011 I was placed for my student teaching experience at Derry Area School District. My time at Derry lasted from August 23, 2011 to December 9, 2011. I could not have been placed in a better school district, the staff and the students made the whole experience much better than I could have every asked for. This work sample will deliver a cumulative look at what consisted of my student teaching experience. The experience I had was a little different compared to what a normal Business Education major would experience in a normal semester, because I had a split level term. When I say a split experience I mean that I spent seven weeks in the middle school and then seven weeks in the high school. This gave me the ability to get the experience of both age groups of students. Description of the Learning Environment/ Inclusive ContextDerry Area Middle School is a AAA size school, with 570 students enrolled in the school and about 47 full time teachers, which is about a 12 to 1 student to teacher ratio. However, of the schools in the area they are one of the smaller districts. According to the free and reduced lunch data collected 44% of the students receive a free and reduced lunch, and based on these statistics this marks Derry as a school that is low SES. The students that I have in the middle school represent a diverse group. What I mean by diverse is that there are many students with different backgrounds, personalities, and they all bring their own academic background to the class. This can vary greatly because they can all add to the class in many different ways, but at the same time this can be frustrating in the sense that they all have their own individual needs and personal care requirements. There are a total of seven students in my 6th classes combined that have some sort of learning disability or that needed some sort of learning support. Of those seven students there are no more three learning support students in one individual class. Also, there is one student that is gifted, and also one student that has a 504 plan (this is a type of medical plan that a student has if they require a specific need that would affect them in the classroom), specifically the student that has a 504 plan in my class has this because of a peanut allergy that he has. Along with these students, there are a variety of behavioral issues that students bring to the classroom that need to be dealt with so that the learning process that is taking place does not get interrupted.Planning for Instruction in an Inclusive SettingWhen planning for my lessons and instruction for my class there are accommodations that I can make for the students. One accommodation that I make for the students in my classroom is a guide sheet that walks them through logging into the classroom and getting into the Microtype lesson. This helps the students get through the first part of the class because when you are teaching a computer class there are several things to prepare at the beginning of class, for instance getting logged in to the computer and also logging into the Microtype. Another accommodation that I make for one student who has problems with his motor skills is he does not have to use speed skins (a thin layer of rubber to that covers the keys on the computer keyboard to help the student learn the keys) in class. This helps him because he is still able to learn the proper keying form so that it does not inhibit learning. One of the nice aspects of the Microtype program that we used in this class was that it allows you three different skill levels. This gives us the option to change the skill level based on the skill level of the student, or if they have a certain IEP (Individualized Educational Program) they may need certain modifications for their assignments. The skill levels make it easy to adjust for each student, and all the students are able to improve on their skills and have a scaffolding effect within the lessons because they can always be improving. Unit PlanAt the beginning of the unit to start the semester, there were several tasks that needed to be taken care of before we could get started in the lessons. Some of those tasks included getting the students to understand the policies and procedures in the classroom because they are only in 6th grade, getting them logged into the computer, and then one of the final major tasks was getting them logged into an Edline account. These were all things that needed done before we got into our Microtype lessons. Then once we finished with those major tasks, we moved on to having the students take a skills analysis test. This test allowed us to assess the students to see where they would fit into the different skill levels. In this class we had a race car theme, thus all the activities were based on racing. The three levels were “sprint” for the more advanced keyboarder, the “performance” for the less advanced keyboarder, and the “action” for the lowest skilled keyboarder. Along with the race theme, the students had daily tasks to take care of like getting the class folders out and the people that were in charge of this was called the “Pit Crew.”Selected Lesson PlansAt the beginning of my experience, in the middle school at Derry, the student body consisted of sixth through eighth grade students, as was pointed out earlier. Do to the age group of the students much of the first few weeks of the school year consisted of procedural type of lessons plans, for example many of the these lesson plans consisted of getting students logged into the computer, the different programs, and access to their online grades. This limited the amount of creativity in my plans. However, Miss Sullenberger was able to assist me in creating fun and interesting activities that I was able to incorporate into the lessons to keep the students attentive and interactive, while still accomplishing the tasks in the lesson. Many of the lessons flowed well and the students were catching on to logging into the computers, which can be a frustrating task when it comes to sixth graders. One of the reasons why this is a lengthy learning process for them is because they never had to log into computers before and conquer the task of remembering a password. This made each and every class much shorter because the students were taking anywhere from five to ten minutes to log in and then also at the end of the class, there was time that needed to be allotted to close down the computers as well. I had to leave time for this, but also try to minimize the amount of time it took so that the focus and majority of the class time could be kept on the lessons and learning. Another challenge that I had to face in planning my lessons was to keep the students interactive in the class. After completing all the preliminary work of getting the students logged into every program they needed to be, we started working in the program Microtype. When working in this program the students had headsets on listening to different prompts from the activities and lessons. This is a great way for the students to work independently and develop self management skills. However, there are many issues with this type of class set-up. One problem is that there was no way for me to be able to connect with the students and have class interaction, which was an issue especially when the students had difficulties with the content. This made is less likely for me to assist them, and in some instances students were completing something that was completely wrong. For example, there were times when students were working on more advanced lessons in the program and struggling, but there was no way for me to know this by just walking around monitoring them. This required some adjustment from me so that I could be more in tune with the students and what they were doing.The other problem was that the students were not benefiting from any type of group work or interaction with other students. This is a very important piece to a student’s education, because students can benefit so much from other students and group collaboration. Thus, throughout my experience in the middle school I was able to develop many great lesson plans that allowed the students to be interactive and develop collaboration skills, and also time management skills as well. Also, throughout my lessons I tried to develop them in a way that allowed me to interact and monitor them as much as possible. Evaluation of InstructionAs I developed each lesson plan, I used the IDARE (Introduction, Development, Activity, Reaction, and Evaluation) format as a guide to each one. This format involves an evaluation of each lesson in order to reflect and come up with different modifications for the next lesson. After every lesson Miss Sullenberger and I would find time at some point throughout that day to sit down and evaluate my lessons. In order to keep track of all these evaluations I would place them at the end of every lesson (these can be found in Appendix A). Assessment of Student Learning in Inclusive SettingsPre-TestAfter the completing the beginning of the semester tasks, I was able to conduct a pre-test with the students in order to determine what level of typing they were. One of the advantages when using the Microtype program is that the students’ information is tracked within the program for you, so there is no need for the instructor to track this information on their own. Although, the students must be working in the proper skill level course determined by their own abilities. This is where I was able to pre-test the students before they started working, in order to determine what skill level they were. The test was called a “Skills Analysis Test.” Every student took the same test; the test consisted of typing a simple paragraph while they were being timed. The students had no preliminary guidance or instruction; I was trying to get an understanding of where each student was with their typing skills. I was warned by Miss Sullenberger that these students had no typing course and very little typing experience in the elementary school. The class schedule prohibited them from getting more than a few days of computer class every other week. Thus, I was not expecting many high level typing skills from the beginning. After taking the test most students were receiving a gwam in the teens, anywhere from 12 to 19 gwam. Gwam stands for gross words a minute. There were a few students that were in the higher range or even above this, and also a few students that were in the lower range. One of the cool aspects of Miss Sullenbergers class was a “Race Car Theme” that we developed. We told the students that there would be a race car theme for the class, and that they would all be designated a race track level and different race tracks to race in. These different race track levels were the three different skill levels that Microtype had built into their program. This made it easy to place different skill level students on different race tracks. So the gifted and more advanced students were placed in a higher race level, and the lower skilled typist was placed in a less advanced track. The skill levels made it very easy to track each student and also allowed them to go along at their own pace. Another pre-test that I assessed the students on was their form. Many of the students were taught some form in the elementary school. However, the students either forgot the skills, or because of the lack of form when they are at home on their own computers, resulted in very poor form when it came to typing at a computer desk. I used a tracking sheet that I created that assessed them on eight different areas including, feet placed for balance, body centered: elbows at sides, sits up straight, curves fingers: home row, wrist off the keyboard, eyes on screen, keys by touch with correct fingering, and keys with a smooth rhythm. This gave me a good sense of what I needed to focus my lessons on and what I needed to assess the students on later as well. Finally, there were a few students with learning disabilities and also some gifted students that I needed to have differentiated material for. However, as I mentioned before one of the features of Microtype was the ability to place students at different levels. Also, there was one student that had problems with his motor skills, so instead of having the student use a speed skin we allowed him to remove the skin in order to get a feel for the key placements and form. Formative Assessment Derry Middle School runs a schedule based on forty minute classes, because of this schedule it allows them to have what they call “Rainbow Class.” This class schedule allows students to be in rotation involving several classes such as, gym, music, art, and computer concepts. Due to the way that the schedule was set-up I was able to teach back to back classes, which allowed me to have the time to evaluate each student and their individual needs, and also as a whole evaluate how to better teach the classes. On an everyday basis, as I mentioned earlier, Miss Sullenberger and I were able to sit down and analyze my teaching and what I would be able to improve on. However, not only were we able to analyze my teaching we were able to discuss the individual students and their needs. This helped immensely with trying to assess each student and if they were retaining the information or not, and if I needed to go back and re-teach the entire concept. As I grew through this experience I began to see if the students were understanding information I was presenting or if they were just going through the motions on my own. Also, as I have mentioned several times earlier I had the opportunity with this schedule to teach back to back classes of the same section, thus teaching the same lesson a few times in a row. This allowed me to make adjustments and accommodations for any errors that happened in the first class I taught. This helped the students as well because they were receiving the information in a clearer manner. Also, due to this schedule I was able to have the time come up with techniques to help the learning disabled students in my classes. Some of these techniques included tools as simple as giving them directions on a separate piece of paper, so they could track along with what I was explaining to the other students verbally. One of these tools can be seen in the Appendix E. This was all in part by taking the time to assess the students informally and determining whether or not they are tracking along with the information as I am instructing them. Alternative AssessmentThrough the course of a semester there are many different ways to assess students on the concepts that are presented in a class. One of the alternative assessments that I was able to use was assessing the students on their form when they are keying. This was a great alternative way to assess them because it kept the students on track, but they were able to think about the concepts that we talked about as well. Another alternative assessment that I was able to utilize over the course of the first semester was to have the students think about technology in our society and what is going on. The students were to come up with news and bring this to class so that we could discuss the relevant topics together. This helped get the students involved in a way that would be interesting to them, but at the same be relevant to what is going on in the world. Summative Post-Test AssessmentThe last type of assessment that I was able to gain from the students and their work was the overall final grade from the different lessons in Microtype. There was no actual final exam that I gave to the students. However, the progression of the students work through Microtype was accumulated at the end of the nine weeks and I was able to use this data to analyze how the students were doing. Overall the students were all in the high teens with their average gwam numbers from the different lessons in Microtype. This is a great figure to see because the students had struggled coming into the course not having much knowledge of keying from the elementary school. Also, the students progressed a lot and showed much improvement when it came to their form. Just in the first few classes I could tell that the students were picking up great keying skills as we worked and concentrated on one technique each class period. This was a great final analysis to pick up on, in terms of future goals, because if the students keep up with their techniques then the speed will come and they will not have worry about accuracy. Analysis of Students Learning Pupils DataThe students’ data was collected in a major part through the use and assistance of the Microtype program. The other data was collected through the use of my form chart that I assessed the students’ form with. Over the course of the first half of the semester that I spent in the middle school I was able to see the students improve mainly on their form when they were keying, which was my main objective. The data that was collected from their lessons showed improvement that I hope will continue through the course of the school year. The data that was collected is shown in Appendix B.Interpretation of ResultsThe pupil’s data shows progression as was pointed out in the results from the different assessments that were analyzed. In terms of progression students from every level of the grading spectrum were able to show improvement in their scores and also their technique. The students that were in the lower level “Race Track” showed much improvement from anywhere from a single digit gwam to a 12 – 14 level gwam. In the average level scores the scores improved anywhere from a low teens to a high teens number or low twenty digit score. Finally, the students in the higher level track were able to improve from anywhere from low thirties to a mid sixties level gwam. Thus, the students were progressing wonderfully at the end of the nine week period, and with the proper technique they will become very well disciplined typists. Reflection on Teaching Effectiveness and Professional GrowthTeaching Effectiveness Obviously this is my first long term teaching experience, so there was going to be a learning curve for me. However, from the very beginning Miss Sullenberger was able to give me the experience in front of the class and the students in order for me to get used to being in front of them before I jumped into teaching any content to the students. This was a huge help because establishing that classroom presence is the big first step, and if you can overcome that then presenting the lesson is all planning. Overall I believe that I had a great rapport with the students and they grew to respect me as a teacher. From having the students in class and from either seeing them after school at an after school activity, like at Trojans on the run, I was able to build that respect from the students. This was very important to being a teacher. If you are not able to get that respect from the students, it will be hard to run the classroom in a manner that is contributing to their learning. Thus, I believe that I was able to build that teacher – student relationship that allowed me to be an effective teacher in the middle school.Finally, there were many guidelines that I was able to construct my lesson plans around. Those guidelines include the Pennsylvania State Standards, National Business Education Standards, ISTE Standards, and finally Danielson’s Four Domains. These gave me the guidelines I needed to be able to sculpt my lessons. When I created each of my lessons I tried to build them in a way that incorporated a current subject, technology, and finally something to keep the students active in the lesson. Overall, I believe that every one of my lessons was interesting and kept the students involved and created an environment that the students could learn and grow. Professional GrowthMy experience over the course of the first semester at Derry School District in the Middle school has been more than I could have ever been asked for. I hope to one day be as great a teacher as Miss Sullenberger is and have just some of the many characteristics that make her a wonderful instructor. There were many ways that I grew over the first half of this experience. Some of those include, learning exactly what classroom management is, learning how to critically evaluate my teaching in a way that I can improve over each lesson, and finally how to develop my own teaching pedagogy. From day one of the semester Miss Sullenberger was able to lay out and craft her classroom the way that she wanted because she was firm, but yet cared and assisted the students in a way that allowed them to respect her. The class room was organized and the students knew what to expect when they walked through the door. Also, the class procedures, not rules, were given on the first day and they went as follows; respect yourself, respect others around you , respect the teacher, and the classroom equipment. Miss Sullenberger told them that if they followed these rules they would have no problem, and she told me that rarely does she have a major issue with a student. I took notice of this over the course of my experience and she didn’t. The other way that I have grown over this experience is how to critically and effectively evaluate my teaching. From the very first lesson that I taught in the middle school I have been able to assess my teaching for positives and negatives, and also how I can improve or what I could have changed to make the lesson better for the students. This is in part because of the time that Miss Sullenberger and I took out of our busy schedule to sit down and analyze the lessons.One of the last ways that I have grown over of the course of this experience is how to develop my own teaching pedagogy. From the start of this experience I have been observing and analyzing and noting different teachers and the styles and ways they teach and operate their classroom, which has allowed me to grow and learn immensely from their knowledge and experience. However, not only has it allowed me to gain things from them, but it has allowed me to see how I would develop my own style and ways I would operate my own classroom. I feel that with the knowledge and experience that I have gained from Miss Sullenberger and the experience that I will gain from Mrs. Bushey, I will be well equipped to develop my own pedagogy that will allow me to be a wonderful instructor. Thus, with the experience that I have had over the course of this first semester in the middle I feel that I have grown a lot professionally. I have developed many skills including learning exactly what classroom management is, learning how to critically evaluate my teaching in a way that I can improve over each lesson, and finally how to develop my own teaching pedagogy. With these skills and abilities and from what I will gain from the high school experience, I will be well equipped for my first teaching position. Middle SchoolComputer Concepts Unit PlanCourse: Computer Concepts 6th Grade Teacher: Bobby VarholakUnit: Microtype keyboarding skills Weeks to Complete: First Nine Weeksand Basic Computer Concepts Purpose of Unit: The purpose of this unit is for the student to learn different basic concepts of the computer and to learn how to key properly, using good form and posture. The students will also learn about current events and how the world is ever changing with technology. The overall idea of the course and unit lessons will be for the students to really gain a knowledge of the computer and get them ready to move on to a computer based course in the later years of middle school. This unit meets the following standards:PENNSYLVANIA STANDARDSLearning to Read Independently1.1.11 E Establish a reading vocabulary by identifying and correctly using new words acquired through the study of their relationships to other words. Use a dictionary or related reference.1.1.11 F Understand the meaning of and apply key vocabulary across the various subject areas.1.6.11 A – Listen to others1.6.11 D – Contribute to discussions1.6.11 E – Participate in small and large group discussionsComputation and Estimation2.2.11 A. Develop and use computation concepts, operations and procedures with real numbers in problem-solving situations.Probability and Predictions2.7.11 F. Solve problems involving independent simple and compound events.Reading, writing, and, speaking NATIONAL BUSINESS EDUCATION STANDARDSFoundations of CommunicationSocial and Business Listening Demonstrates courtesy and respect for the speaker through active listeningCommunicationTechnological CommunicationDemonstrate basic keyboarding and computer functions ISTE STANDARDS1. Creativity and Innovation d. Process data 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making- c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions5.Digital Citizenship b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.6. Technology Operations and Concepts a. Understand and use technology systems. b. Select and use applications effectively and productivelyDanielson’s FrameworkDomain 1: Planning and PreparationComponent 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy.1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students1c: Selecting Instructional Goals1e: Designing Coherent Instruction1f: Assessing Student LearningDomain 2: The Classroom Environment2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport.2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning2c: Managing Classroom Procedures2d: Managing Student BehaviorDomain 3: Instruction3a: Communicating Clearly and Accurately3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques.3c: Engaging Students in Learning3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and ResponsivenessDomain 4: Professional Responsibilities4b: Maintaining Accurate Records4d: Contributing to the School and District4e: Growing and Developing Professionally4f: Showing ProfessionalismUnit Objectives Upon completion of this unit, the student will be able to accomplish the following objectives:The students after providing them with code conduct should be able to describe different procedures that would fall in line with acronym. The students after given the proper procedures should be able to successfully log into Edline and check their grades with 90% accuracy. After providing the students with the illustration of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, they should be able to explain the procedures for this task.The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to create a folder in My Documents for their files. They will also create a Microtype folder, for their files to be mapped to. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to log in and out of the Microtype program. The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to use proper keyboarding skills including seating, hand and wrist placement, leg and feet positioning, and also where to place your head to keep your vision on the screen.Given a computer keyboard and the proper direction, the students will be able to complete the Microtype Skills Analysis activity in order to gain a better idea of where each student is at in terms of their keyboarding skills. The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to use the headphones on the computer for the Microtype activities including proper placement and adjusting of the volume. Also, the students will know where to store the head set on the computer as well.Given a computer keyboard and the proper direction, the students will be able to complete the Microtype Skills Analysis activity in order to gain a better idea of where each student is at in terms of their keyboarding skills.Once the students receive the instruction they will be able to understand the proper procedures for the classroom when it comes to preparation and closure of the class, including taking attendance, disbursement and cleanup of the computer keyboard skins. Given a computer keyboard and the proper direction, the students will be able to complete the Microtype Skills Analysis activity in order to gain a better idea of where each student is at in terms of their keyboarding skills.The students after they are provided with the proper instruction will be able to calculate their averages for the three Microtype skills analysis test scores, in order to be able to better place them at a proper race level or series. The students after they are provided with the proper instruction will be able to read, comprehend, and apply the instructions that are on the Racing to Win Guide.The students after they are provided with the proper instruction will be able to read and review the instructions that are provided on the Racing to Win Guide.The students after they are provided with the proper instruction will be able to create their race car numbers for their class folders, properly cutting them out and placing them on their folders with 90% accuracy. Given a computer keyboard and the proper directions, the students will be able to begin the lesson one assignment in class, with 90% accuracy.The students with the proper instruction will be able to start lesson 2 once they are complete lesson 1 with 90% accuracy. Provided with the proper instruction the students will be able to use proper form with their feet, with 100% ics and Outcomes Alphabetic keyboardingThe students will learn the location of the keys and other functions while they are typing in the courseTechnique and Form while keyingThe students will be asked to keep the proper keying position while they are completing the keying assignments in MicrotypeCurrent Events in TechnologyFinally the students will be asked to keep attentive to what is going on in the news dealing with technology and how it is affecting us and changing every dayVocabularyRespect – a respect or reverence for someone or something. In the classroom we give respect to everyone and everything including ourselves. Cooperation - an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit; joint action. User Identification Name – also called login name, logon name, sign-in name, sign-on name. A unique sequence of characters used to identify a user and allow access to a computer system, computer network, or online account. Password - a word or other string of characters, sometimes kept secret or confidential, that must be supplied by a user in order to gain full or partial access to a multiuser computer system or its data resources. Security - precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage, etc. especially when dealing with computers.Copy - to make an exact duplicate of (a file, selected text, etc.) and store in another location or in temporary memory: accessed through several combinations of commands. Paste - to insert (copied text, images, etc.) into a file: accessed through several combinations of commands. Cut – to remove and store in on file or in memory: accessed through several combinations of commands. Stability - firmness in position. Technique - the body of specialized procedures and methods used in any specific field, especially in an area of applied technology and computer programs. Form – the students were to keep proper body placement from their toes up to their where they placed their eyes, they were to have constant vision on their computer screens while typing. Wi-Fi - a device or other product is compatible with a set?of broadband wireless networking standards.Ethernet - a local-area network?protocol featuring a bus topology and a 10 megabit per second data transfer rate. Modem - an electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data to or from a computer via telephone or other communication lines. Database - a comprehensive collection of related data organized for convenient access, generally in a computer. Server - a computer that manages centralized data storage or network communications resources. A server provides and organizes access to these resources for other computers linked to it. Operating System - the collection of software that directs a computer's operations, controlling and scheduling the execution of other programs, and managing storage, input/output, and communication resources.Windows Vista – the type of operating system that Derry placed on all their districts computers.File Management – the process of organizing and managing your computer files from the different programs that you saved them from.Consolidation – the act of reduces or dividing into sections or categories. Computer Folder – files that are used to classify or organize data on a computer.Technology - the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. Individual DifferencesThe teacher will accommodate for individual differences by:Step by Step guides for Learning Support studentsMicrotype skill level differencesRemoval of Skin for students with motor skills challenges Motivational TechniquesThe following methods will be utilized throughout the unit to enhance learning and increase student interest: 1. Group ActivityThe students will work through helping each other calculate their average for their three Microtype skills analysis tests. 2. Microtype Computer keyboarding Software:Students will go use this software to learn different keying procedures and form when keying. 3. DiscussionWhat is your favorite vegetable?What is your favorite TV show?What is your dream job?If you could get any car when you turn 16…what would it be?If you could vacation one place in the world where would it be?If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? Do you believe that Steve Jobs changed the world, if no why?And if you think he did, who would you compare him to in history?Materials UsedComputer with internet accessMicrotypeCalculatorsWorksheetsPens/PencilsDry erase board/chalkboardDry erase markers/chalk and erasersPaperProjectorSmart BoardSuggested EvaluationClass participation and activitiesIn-class work and computer use / Homework assignmentsCompleted Microtype assignmentsGrading the student’s individual form when keying, one aspect of their technique will be graded each day of the first nine weeks. Final Evaluation for UnitTime ScheduleTimeDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 67:15-7:40Morning SeminarMorning SeminarMorning SeminarMorning SeminarMorning SeminarMorning Seminar7:40-7:50Hall DutyHall DutyHall DutyHall DutyHall DutyHall Duty7:55-8:41Computer 6Days 1 – 4Computer 6Days 2 – 5Computer 6Days 3 – 6Computer 6Days 1 – 4Computer 6Days 2 – 5Computer 6Days 3 – 68:45-9:26Computer 6Days 1 – 4Computer 6Days 2 – 5Computer 6Days 3 – 6Computer 6Days 1 – 4Computer 6Days 2 – 5Computer 6Days 3 – 69:30-10:11Computer 7Computer 7Computer 7Computer 7Computer 7Computer 710:15-10:56Computer 7Computer 7Computer 7Computer 7Computer 7Computer 711:00-11:23TECH PeriodTECH PeriodTECH PeriodTECH PeriodTECH PeriodTECH Period11:27-12:08Prep PeriodPrep PeriodPrep PeriodPrep PeriodPrep PeriodPrep Period12:12-12:38Lunch DutyLunch DutyLunch DutyLunch DutyLunch DutyLunch Duty12:57-1:23Eat Lunch CEat Lunch CEat Lunch CEat Lunch CEat Lunch CEat Lunch C1:27-2:08Computer 8 Days 1 – 4Computer 8 Days 2 – 5Computer 8 Days 3 – 6Computer 8 Days 1 – 4Computer 8 Days 2 – 5Computer 8 Days 3 – 62:12-2:53Computer 8 Days 1 – 4Computer 8 Days 2 – 5Computer 8 Days 3 – 6Computer 8 Days 1 – 4Computer 8 Days 2 – 5Computer 8 Days 3 – 6AppendixThe following will be used as aids in this unit:Microtype Lessons:Skills Analysis SummaryNumeric Keyboarding SummaryNumeric Keypad SummaryNew Key Review Letter Keys Summary – AccuracyNew Key Review Letter Keys Summary – SpeedNew Key Review Numbers and Symbols Summary – Accuracy New Key Review Numbers and Symbols Summary – Speed Keypad Timed Writings SummaryMiddle SchoolLessons from the Unit PlanLesson 1:Introduction:Welcome/ Review procedures for beginning of class (ask students questions about procedures)Get to know you? What is your favorite vegetable?Discipline Procedures: Detention PolicyActivity:Folders/ Labels – distribute and then collect them.User Names/ PasswordsDiscuss Networks (all components in the school are connected; everyone logs in; saves files – you can access them on any computer in the school)Discuss network Security (don’t tell anyone your password; would you tell someone your locker combination?)Have students write down their user name in their folders/ agendas.Discuss passwords Combination of letters/ numbers Changing PasswordsResetting PasswordsAlso have them write down their passwords in their folders/ agendasApplication:Have students login/ logout and them login again on a different computer/ then the same computer (discuss cache memory)If time allows, set class printer Closure: Review today’s class and ask them all different questions.Anticipated Disasters and Errors:Students have a hard time getting into their computers or are new and do not have logins yet.The students are inattentive and I have to explain things a few times and the class gets held up.Students are not able to understand what a network is.SolutionsContinue to teach while Miss Sullenberger gets them their login and password. Also, you could have them work with their partner until thenStop for a moment, don’t speak, and allow the students to have your attention again.Give a good example and ask them what they are confused about. Also, just try to explain it again slowly, or in another way.ReflectionsThe class went well for the first full class I taught. Miss Sullenberger told me that it went well and that I will continue to work on raising my voice to carry across the classroom. The lesson overall went well, and one reason for this is because I was able to jump right in and get experience from the beginning, thanks to Miss Sullenberger.Lesson 2:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions.Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is one the agenda.“Getting to Know You” Question: What is your favorite TV show?DevelopmentReview discipline procedures (see script below)Review that we discussed our class code of conduct which emphasizes RESPECT.Introduce the acronym RACE to students – refer to posters in roomApplicationAsk students to define “acronym”Ask students if they could supply some words that correspond with the ideas in our code of conduct that go with each letter.R - Respect – Yourself, classmates, teachers, equipmentA – Attitude – Always have a positive attitude – come prepared to work – school is your job!C – Cooperate – Work together with each other – be a good neighbor!(Explain that you will tell students how to be a good neighbor later in class.)E – Excellence – Do your best work! Try hard!Discuss behavior management proceduresOur expectations for your success in this classroom are that you try hard and not be a distraction to other students. Sometimes your behavior falls short of our expectations.If you violate our classroom code of conduct there are consequences. If you receive a detention for your behavior, you will be required to call home and explain your actions and the consequence to your parents/guardians.Edline Account Activation (See Handouts that we made from Camtasia)ReviewAsk the students about what the acronym for RACE stands for and what that means in this class and also about the discipline policies. EvaluationExplain and ask students how they would log in and see their Grades on EdlineReflection of the LessonDay 2 Period 1Again I was choppy with my words. However, the volume of my voice was higher and much better. The time should have been known and I would have not have rushed through the class. Make sure that you are taking time at the beginning of class to take attendance. Sullenbergers Comments: Make sure to take attendance at the beginning of the class.Day 2 Period 2The class flowed much better, especially when I was able to discuss the discipline procedures at the beginning of class rather than in the middle. The volume of my voice was great again and the fluctuation is getting much better as I begin to relax. The students were much more attentive and that is because I started right away and didn’t give them much time to relax and lose their attention. However, the students did not give any examples, maybe because of the way that I explained it. Sullenbergers Comments: She said to make sure that you are handling the tardies better and keeping track of the students who are late. Also improve on the way that you pace yourself. Day 3 Period 1Brianna Dunlap login is DAMS, which will be fixed for next class. The class flowed much better, than the previous class. My voice again is improving. The smart board was still acting up when the students were doing the RACE acronym activity. For next time I should work on knowing the outline of the lesson so that it does not slow me up when class is going on. Sullenberger Comments: Work on the pace again and maybe that is focusing on knowing the lesson off memory or by having it sit there next to you out on the desk. Day 3 Period 2Class was cut at the end of the period by the assembly. However, we got through everything. I placed Edline at the beginning of class to assure that we would get through all of that. The students cooperated and the class flowed wonderfully. Work on knowing what to say to transition one class section to the next.Sullenberger Comments: Work on the transitioning from section of class to the next. Day 4 Period 1The class opening was good. However, I need to transition better, between one section of class to the next. Tasks for class were completed. I need to slow down because there was a lot of time leftover at the end of class, five minutes specifically. Day 4 Period 2The class went to the very end. Many students got error messages, but this was not my. I have to remember that technological issues will happen and it is alright I just have to move on and continue the lesson. Tyler Mastro was not in previous class. So catching him up slowed down the pace of the class and not everything got done. Michael Gaul was not following directions, so I want to keep an eye on him to make sure he follows the directions that are given in class. All the other students got the information so this is not my fault he just needs some remediation. Lesson 3:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes.Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda.“Getting to Know You” Question: What would be your dream job?Have the students log into the computers. Ask the students if they discussed Edline with their parents. If they did not discuss this with them, it’s fine because some students do not have computers at home. Explain that this is important for them to access this service.DevelopmentDiscuss with the students why it is so important to keep their folders organized. (Use good examples of concrete objects, like paper folders and filing cabinets.) Then walk them through this process.Provide a brief overview of the program Microtype and explain that we will be using this in class. Explain that this will require them to create an account, similar to logging into Edline.Walk the students through the steps that it takes to create an account on Microtype, also explaining how to map their folder back to their My Documents folder.ApplicationHave the students create a folder in My Documents.They can either click on the New Folder option at the top of the screen and or right click inside the window in the white space, then when the drop down menu comes up select New and then New Folder. Also, have the students create a New Folder in My Documents named Microtype. This will be where all their work will be rerouted to from the Microtype program.The students will follow the steps that it will take to create an account on Microtype.Click MT icon. New UserCAPS lock onFirst NameSkip Middle InitialLast Name Their USER NAME is the same as the computer login (JLYNCH)Class – Pick from dropdown list for their class period days after putting in class code.Send them word document from smart sync with class code.Copy and paste class code into boxPassword is “Derry”What is the name of your first petDogYour data location Select Microtype folder ReviewReview how they will not have to go through this whole process again when they go to log back into the computer. They will just have to type their user name and password again just as they did earlier. EvaluationAsk the students why file management on the computer is so important.Also, ask them how their assignments on Microtype will be saved to their My Documents folder.Reflection of the LessonDay 2 Period 1During the next class I will make sure to map the student’s files correctly. Technical difficulties slowed up the class; they had trouble sending their files to the correct username. Send the message at the beginning of class from Smart Sync so that they have it as soon as they come into class. Make sure to reinforce the idea that they should reset their work stations at the end of class. Review the previous class with them next time. Sullenbergers Comments: She told me to make sure that they understand this and that I should review these concepts with them.Day 2 Period 2Make sure that the files are mapped correctly and that the next time they will have the username and password mapped to their documents folders. Again remind them to reset their work stations at the end of class. Sullenbergers Comments: Also talk with Miss Grey about the students in the class that have learning disabilities to see if she could help in any way. Day 3 Period 1There was a great review at the end of class discussing all the things that we covered. Make sure to cover what we went over last period regarding the procedures. The class flowed very well because the students were getting logged in better and they all remembered their username and passwords. Also I am beginning to get more comfortable in front of the class. Andrew needs assistance in all tasks. The students in the front of the room seemed to not be getting the directions, maybe I should turn that way more often so that they get the information and are not struggling with the application and concepts. Sullenberger Comments: She said the agenda was great calling their attention to the front on the Smart Board. The organization of the class was excellent and the objectives were wonderful. Day 3 Period 2The class flowed smoothly and was much better than last class. The steps that they were to follow were given more effectively so that is probably why it went better. Everything in the class is beginning to come second nature and I am picking up on things better. Also the students stayed with me the whole class. I kept the main focus the whole way through the class. Sullenberger Comments: Explain the Homework assignment better at the end of class. Day 4 Period 1The class went much better today, referring to the homework assignment and the procedures that went along with that. The presentation on rolling on your chairs went much better. However, I did not explain “Not Applicable.” Sullenberger Comments: Rephrase how I presented the review questions with the students. Scaffold the questions so that you are not just explaining the whole thing to them. The dismissal at the end of class went much better.Day 4 Period 2Again everything flowed nicely the whole way through the lesson. Every piece of the lesson plan was covered to an exceptional level. I did not explain Edline until the end of class. But it fit because it did not interrupt any of the class or the flow of the lesson plan; I just moved the time slots around. Lesson 4:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes.Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda.“Getting to Know You” Question: If you could get any car when you turn 16…what would it be?Have the students watch the race car video. ()Have the students log into the computers. Ask the students if they learned anything at Grandview Elementary School about keyboarding techniques and the proper way to key. What were some of the techniques they learned?Explain to the students that they should watch the video for the proper techniques and how they will relate to what we are doing.DevelopmentDiscuss with the students why it is so important to key properly and why we do not just type however we want to.Explain to the students the different techniques for typing:Seating - Position the chair or bench the correct distance from the keyboard by sitting up straight with arms at sides and hands in lap. While in this natural and comfortable position, the student should lift the hands straight up and then measure how far the seat or keyboard should be moved to align fingers with the home keys with arms still in this natural position.Hands and Wrists - Hands should be placed over the home keys at a natural angle. The angle should be the same as if the person was standing or walking with hands at their sides. Hand position should be symmetrical with wrists flat and relaxed, preferably not resting on the keyboard frame or counter. Resting the wrists definitely restricts finger movement and reach.Legs and Feet - Upper leg (thigh) position should be symmetrical (not crossed). The student’s feet should be flat on the ground, creating a solid base.Head and Eyes - Monitor should be positioned so eyes are looking straight ahead and neck straight, not bent too far forward or back. ()(The video will be the introduction; the techniques used in the race car will help to relate to the proper techniques for keyboarding.) ApplicationThe students will watch the video looking for application points that relate to the ability to key with the proper form as related to driving a race car.The students will then go through the Microtype Skills Analysis activity, which will provide me a better look at where each student is at with their keying skills. ReviewAlso, ask them how if they have any questions and if they feel they are improving, or if the skills helped them improve their keying speed. EvaluationAsk the students to explain the different keyboarding techniques that we discuss and how they related to the race car driver.Ask the students why keying skills are so important.Reflection of the LessonDay 2 Period 1The homework only needs to be five minutes in length for them to finish submitting it online at the beginning of class. Good imagery to build the memory for form when they are keyboarding. The review was good at the end. Sullenberger Comments: The review at the end was good and the students were very responsive. The private reminder about the home work was good. The video was good as well. Day 2 Period 2Chevelle needs moved to assist her, probably to the front of the room. Again the homework should be done prior to class and they should be ready to go. The class was a little choppy but that was mainly due to the fact that there was a time adjustment in the class. Sullenberger Comments: Make sure that you discuss the average numbers that we are getting from the Microtype activities. Also add in the race car numbers for next class. The visualizing activity was very good and how there are similarities in racing and typing was great as well. Also good reminder about their hall way behavior, and the buddy system. Finally don’t say upload because that means something different technically, it should be said submit answers online. Day 3 Period 1Only allow students to have five minutes to work on their homework, they were taking too long in that class to submit their parent interviews. Sullenberger Comments: Again I referred to it as upload; make sure to refer to it as submit answers online. Day 3 Period 2When I got back into the internet explorer site I clicked on the one that popped up at the end of the video. This was the wrong video and I did not notice this because I was gathering papers and let it play for about a minute. Make sure to just click Play at the bottom of the screen for the video, to make sure you get the right one. Sullenberger Comments: The video was wrong however the class flowed well and that did not mess anything up. Day 4 Period 1The class flowed well but being that it was the first class of the day it was a little choppy and the students were not as interactive as they were in the previous days.Sullenberger Comments: The classroom management skills are getting much better and I should just continue to work on these, which comes with experience. Video related perfectly with the stability procedure for keying. The skins should be collected at the end of class and the students should reset their work stations. Day 4 Period 2The class went great and Dr. Moore was here to observe and gave me great reviews. I was not nervous when he was here and the class lesson flowed wonderfully. The classroom management skills were great and the students were very cooperative.Sullenberger Comments: She said that it went great and she did not see anything that we wrong with that class.Lesson 5:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes.Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda.If you could vacation one place in the world where would it be?Review the concepts with the students that we discussed the last class period regarding form when they are keyboarding. Kitty / Tiger Paws the students log into the computers.DevelopmentCover with the students the racing theme for the class and how we will carry these concepts through the course. Explain to the students the Pit Crew procedures and how this will be done every class period. Also, explain that they have to choose a number that they would have on their race car. Discuss with the students the proper use and procedures when it comes to using the head phones and how to properly put them away at the end of the period. Then explain to them how you can adjust the volume on the computer.Finally, explain the lesson activities that the students will go through next class after they finish the skills analysis test on Microtype. Explain the way that there will be a video to follow as they complete each step of the lesson. Also, explain that they will have to follow each step and use proper techniques that we will reinforce each class and on the videos within Microtype.Explain that along with the Microtype lessons they will go through they will be graded on their form each week, and every class there will be a different focus. ApplicationWe will review the last class period and the concepts that we discussed. The students will finish the skills analysis test that we began the week before, while they are focusing on the skills that we reviewed and focused on this week.ReviewStudents will recall the concepts regarding hand and finger placement on the keys that we focused on at the beginning of the class. Also, the students will be able to understand the procedures for the distribution and cleanup of the class and their responsibilities. EvaluationAsk the students to explain the different keyboarding techniques that we discuss and which ones we focused on this period.Ask the students what the different procedures are for distribution and cleanup in the classroom.Pass out Racing to Win Guides for students to take home and review with their parents.Reflection of the LessonDay 5 Period 1Great videos for the class. However, the one video did not work, so a reminder for next time to test the video before class. The other video was just fine though and it related to the content and got the students engaged. Sullenberger Comments: Classroom Management skills are continuing to develop and the videos for the lesson were great. The lesson plan was wonderful.Day 5 Period 2The video was not found for this class and I was forced to just move on and not show the video to the students. The class was cooperative and they got the next set of their skills analysis done.Sullenberger Comments: She said if I am going to play a movie in class I must make sure that I have this ready to go and that it works. This is important due to the fact that technology does not always work properly.Day 6 Period 1The presentation on the proper keyboarding skills was presented much clearer and it was great to cover that again. The video was saved in My Favorites so it was accessible for the rest of the classes. The lesson flowed well and the students were able to get through the Skills tests.Sullenberger Comments: She thought the presentation of the keyboarding skills was great and how I pointed out the proper techniques. Day 6 Period 2The class flowed well again for this period to. However, the students were much slower and there were a few learning support students in this class so the class got interrupted. Sullenberger Comments: Just make sure to be pacing yourself well so that those students who struggle will be able to keep up with you.Day 1 Period 1The homework process took way too long and the class did not get through the skills analysis tests. At the end there was plenty of time to cover the content that I did not get to. Sullenberger Comments: The home work took way too long to check. However, at the end of class there was a good review, and specifically the posture explanation was great. Also the engagement of the students was kept and held till the end. Day 1 Period 2The students were not as attentive in this class and it kept others from getting their work completed. The students need to be told but sometimes I should let them go and stop themselves. Also at the beginning when I am working on attendance I should have been talking to the students to get their attention.Sullenberger Comments: She told me to learn how to fill the time when there is something that is keeping you from starting class. Lesson 6:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes.Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Review the concepts with the students that we discussed the last class period regarding form when they are keyboarding. Kitty / Tiger PawsAlso review the Pit Crew with themHave the students log into the computersDevelopmentCover with the students the racing theme for the class and how we will carry these concepts through the course. Discuss with the students the way we will calculate the skills analysis scores in order to properly place them in the right race series level for them. Explain to them the way that you will calculate an average. Discuss with the students the Race to Win Guide and walk through reading the guide with them. Then, have them read the rest of this on their own. Finally, explain the way that they will all be assigned a number of their own choice. These numbers that they choose will be their race car numbers, they will have these on their folders and they will have to take these home and decorate them and bring them back in to put on their folders. ApplicationWe will review the last class period and the concepts that we discussed. The students will finish the skills analysis tests if they do not have them all completed. As a class we will calculate the average of all three of our skills analysis scores. Then, we will be able to figure out what series level the students will be placed in for the Microtype lessons.The students as a class will read through the Racing to Win Guide, and also read independently.Finally, if the students have time they will begin to cut out their race car numbers.ReviewStudents will review the concepts we reviewed from the last class. Also, the students will be able to understand the steps that it takes to calculate an average, just as we did with the Microtypes Skill Analysis tests’. EvaluationAsk the students to explain the different keyboarding techniques that we discussed the last class. Ask the students what the different procedures are for distribution and cleanup in the classroom and review the concepts to reinforce them.Ask them how they can calculate their averages.Ask the students to explain some of the things they read about in the Race to Win Guide. Reflection of the LessonDay 2 Period 1This class went smoothly and the students got through all their skills analysis tests. They were able to calculate their averages and circle them on their sheets. I had them place them in their folders. The beginning of the class the students seemed timid and they had to be asked several times to get started with the tasks that were on the Bell Ringer. For this class I will make sure to work on the students tasks at the beginning of class. Sullenberger Comments: The class was shortened and the students needed more time to work on their assignments, dealing with the race car number.Day 2 Period 2This class went just as smooth, but there was a student at the beginning that was tardy and received a detention for this. The students in this class did not have their skills tests done because of the glitch on the computer. The class was a little choppy and the students were very not very awake. So after I got done with the reading section I asked them if they were about to fall asleep to get their attention. For this class work on getting the students upbeat and motivated and ignore small bad behavior from students, although make sure to reprimand those students that are continuously misbehaving.Sullenberger Comments: In this class there was a student who was not very responsive with questions so Miss Sullenberger told me to handle it this way. When Dave said, “I don’t have an answer” tell him, “that is not a very good answer, or that he needs to come up with something.” Day 3 Period 1The students were not being on task, so I had to stop the class and get their attention and make them listen to what I was saying. Then once I was able to get their attention they sat up and were cooperative. I was able to get through the lesson as planned. I did not get to the race car numbers, which is perfectly fine because they will be able to work on these the next class. I was trying not to go too fast, because the students would not be able to retain the information from the Race to Win guide. The students gave great examples as well of averages and they understood what this was.Sullenberger Comments: She thought the class went well and when I called the attention of the students that was great. Day 3 Period 2This class went as planned as well. However, in this class the students were much more attentive and they gave great examples which helped the class move along faster and smoother. The students in this class did not know what an average was so I had to go back and explain this to them. I will cover this again and make sure that they are able to understand these concepts next class. Sullenberger Comments: She also thought this class was great, she likes how I am getting through the content with the students at a good pace and not rushing through it with them. Also she commented that the race car numbers will fit well in the next lesson for these students.Day 4 Period 1The students in this class were very cooperative and listened. I did not have to correct them to give them and bring their attention to me very often. Also the lesson flowed very smoothly. In this class I made a modification by using the Smart Board to explain how to calculate the students average scores. This was great and it allowed the students to see the information more objectively. The students provided great examples. Again I was not able to get to the race car numbers which was really a modification to the class because there was just enough time to get the race guide done, which I really wanted to have the students understand.Sullenberger Comments: She was in meetings all day. The substitute did not need to help really. She was pleased she said with how the classes went.Day 4 Period 2The students were again very cooperative. However, in this class there was one student who was trying to sleep so I just had to keep an eye on him and make sure I was keeping him on track. The students gave great examples and the Smart Board was a great modification to the classes I taught earlier. I really feel the students understand statistics and average. Finally we did not get to the race car numbers which we will tackle next class. The students were able to complete everything else though. Sullenberger Comments: She was in meetings all day. The substitute did not need to help really. She was pleased she said with how the classes went.Lesson 7:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes.Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda.If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you, meet? Review the concepts with the students that we discussed the last class period regarding form when they are keyboarding and also the Race to Win Guide. Choose a few students for the pit crew so that they can pass out the speed skins and take attendance.Have the students log into the computers.DevelopmentCover with the students the racing theme for the class and how we will carry these concepts through the course. Discuss with the students the Race to Win Guide and review the major concepts. This will be the time when the power will be out for class. Explain to the students what is expected for the race car numbers and how they should place them on their class folders.Finally, explain the lesson one assignment that the students will complete for this class. Cover the instructions in order for them to complete the first lesson. Remind them that they may not complete the entire lesson but to send their files after they are done. ApplicationWe will review the last class period and the concepts that we discussed from the Race to Win Guide. The students after we are completed with the review will work on their race car numbers that they started the previous class. They will paste them to their class folders. As the students complete their race car numbers they will have start on the lesson one assignment in Microtype.Finally, the students at the end of class will need to make sure to log off and send their data from Microtype as they close out of the program.ReviewStudents will review the concepts we reviewed from the last class. Also, the students will be able to understand the information that was provided in the Race to Win Guide. Finally, review what the students did in the Microtype lessons. EvaluationAsk the students about the Race to Win Guide and make sure they understand the information.Ask the students if they have any questions about the Microtype lesson. Reflection of the LessonDay 5 Period 1The students were very cooperative and they were able to get their numbers on their folders and we also reviewed the Race to Win Guide. The students did not bring this back to class with them, so that made it very challenging. In the future I need to make sure that the students are cooperating with home work skills. The class overall went very well and the students are getting to the Microtype lessons. This class will get to that point next week.Sullenberger Comments: Day 5 Period 2This class was very cooperative as well. I was able to get all the learning support students to stay with the class and be right on top of the tasks. Maybe next time I can provide the learning support students with individual directions for the class, so they have something to look at. Also the students were not able to get to the Microtype lesson either; there was just not enough time. Next class they will log in and get a user name for microtype and then start working on their lessons. Sullenberger Comments: Try not to use Ok all the time!!Day 6 Period 1The students cooperated as well in this class at the beginning. However, the students were not attending to the Smart Board for the Bellringer which provides them with instructions for the beginning of class and it gives them the objectives for that day. I will have to reinforce this each and every class. This class began working in Microtype and the students were very good while working in these lessons. I will have to continue to work on form with them. Also during the time when they were cutting out their race car numbers they got a little rowdy. I will have to continue to reinforce the no talking while I am talking policy. Finally, I forgot to send down the attendance sheet in the morning, so I have to remember to do this. Sullenberger Comments: Try not to use Ok all the time!!Day 6 Period 2This class flowed just as well. However, again the students continue to talk while I am talking, so I need to continue to work on my classroom management skills. Also the students quickly got their race car numbers done and they began working in Microtype. They all got to about the 3rd section in the Alphabetic Keyboarding lesson under Lesson 1. Next class I will move on to Lesson 1 and tell them this has to be finished by the end of class. Sullenberger Comments: Day 1 Period 1The class opened very slowly and the students were not awake answering questions and I was forced to repeat myself as I worked through the lesson. However, the students were cooperative as they worked on cutting their race car numbers out. Also they were all able to work on Microtype and get logged in.Sullenberger Comments: She told me that the beginning of class was slow and needed to be speed up. Also when I am speaking I need to work the pronunciation of words, so that the students can understand what I am saying during class. Day 1 Period 2I feel the class went just as well as the first one. However, in this class there was a student who was not able to get logged into her computer. So next class I will get her logged in and have her redo the registration process if need be. Sullenberger Comments: Clear and distinct announcements. Don’t explain as much in directions, short and clear. Ask them what we are going to do, by what you told them. Work through the directions with them. Before talking work on getting their attention, talk loud and then start talking lower so they have to work on it. Getting their attention by stop talking was good. Developing awareness of what is going on in classroom. Lesson 8:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes.Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda. a few students for the pit crew so that they can pass out the speed skins and take attendance.Have the students log into the computers.Explain to the students that they need to be logging into Microtype and that they will be working on Lesson 1 and then moving on to Lesson 2 once they are ready. Do not tell the students this so that it does not rush them. Also for certain classes you may have to walk students through the registration process. DevelopmentFor a few of the classes there are some students they may need their Microtype registrations done again, so take care of that when this is needed. Explain to the students what is expected while they are working in Microtype. They should be following and working on all the types of form that we have covered for the past few classes. Finally, explain the lesson one assignment that the students will complete for this class. Cover the instructions in order for them to complete the first lesson. Remind them that they may not complete the entire lesson but to send their files after they are done. Although for those students that are quicker than others, they may move on to the next lesson. However, you should not push the students through the lessons rushing their work. ApplicationWe will review the last class period. The students after we are completed with the review will work on their lesson 1 assignment in Microtype. Some classes may need to have to fill out their registrations again for the microtype program and make sure to map it back to their folder they created. As the students complete their lesson 1 assignment in Microtype, they may finish so they will have to move on only if they are done.Finally, the students at the end of class will need to make sure to log off and send their data from Microtype as they close out of the program.ReviewStudents will review the concepts we reviewed from the last class. Also, the students will be able to understand the information that was provided in lesson 1 of Microtype. Finally, we will continue to work on good technique. EvaluationAsk the students about the Race to Win Guide and make sure they understand the information.Ask the students if they have any questions about the Microtype lesson. Also make sure to always be evaluating the students on their form and pick a form to evaluate them on tomorrow. Reflection of the LessonDay 2 Period 1The students cooperated with the news question and introduction to the class. However, the computer program, Microtype, was not working very well at all. The class had to wait until Miss Sullenberger and I registered them all over again. This was very inconvenient and did not allow the students to get into Lesson 1. So next class we must get the registration taken care of at the beginning of class and then get them started in lesson 1.Sullenberger Comments: The computer issue was not my fault but the students needed to listen and behave while I was figuring out the problem. Also when something happens that interrupts the class, whatever it is, I need to be calm and collective and try to keep the class on track with what we are doing. Day 2 Period 2Again we had to redo the students their registrations. However, in this class the students had enough time to get into their lesson 1 activity. They were able to get caught up and get about five minutes of work done in Microtype. This class will be able to get into Microtype and get started. This class still needs to have their registrations fixed.Sullenberger Comments: The same problems in this class with having the computer issues in Microtype. The students were much better in this class and the students were able to get logged in. Also the news and current events video activity at the beginning was really good and it got the students involved.Day 3 Period 1Today went very well and the students seemed intrigued by the iPhone video clips and also they participated during the discussion. All the students were able to get logged in with ease; even Dylan the learning support student didn’t have any issues. Sullenberger Comments: The students cooperated very well with the videos. The only suggestion that she had was to ask the students analysis questions so that they have to think about an answer not just give short answers or even yes or no responses. Day 3 Period 2The students were again very cooperative and were able to discuss the videos and get logged into the computers and Microtype. There were no behavior issues with this period and all the students seemed to be listening and trying to keep good form.Sullenberger Comments: Again she thought that the class flowed well and that they students were very cooperative with the lesson. I will just try and work on getting the students to analyze the questions that I ask and before lead them with questions that force them to think critically.Day 4 Period 1The class went well, the students were cooperative and they were not distracted by anything. However, many of the students were not paying attention to the directions that I was giving. They were not keeping good form with their wrists of the table. Also the students that had their registrations messed up I helped to get them fixed. Sullenberger Comments: Day 4 Period 2The class was more attentive and they were listening to the form much better than the previous class. Also the students were working quietly while I fixed a student’s registration. One student did have an outburst at the end of class and I had him stay after. The student was upset because he was not doing well. I told him to relax and realize that he would continue to get better and better.Lesson 9:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes.Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda.Steve Jobs Video you believe that Steve Jobs changed the world, if no why?And if you think he did, who would you compare him to in history?Choose a few students for the pit crew so that they can pass out the speed skins and take attendance.Have the students log into the computers.Explain to the students that they need to be logging into Microtype and that they will be working on Lesson 1 and then moving on to Lesson 2 once they are ready. Do not tell the students this so that it does not rush them. Also for certain classes you may have to walk students through the registration process. DevelopmentFor a few of the classes there are some students they may need their Microtype registrations done again, so take care of that when this is needed. Explain to the students what is expected while they are working in Microtype. They should be following and working on all the types of form that we have covered for the past few classes. Finally, explain the lesson one assignment that the students will complete for this class. Cover the instructions in order for them to complete the first lesson. Remind them that they may not complete the entire lesson but to send their files after they are done. Although for those students that are quicker than others, they may move on to the next lesson. However, you should not push the students through the lessons rushing their work. ApplicationWe will review the last class period. The students after we are completed with the review will work on their lesson 1 assignment in Microtype. Some classes may need to have to fill out their registrations again for the microtype program and make sure to map it back to their folder they created. As the students complete their lesson 1 assignment in Microtype, they may finish so they will have to move on only if they are done.Finally, the students at the end of class will need to make sure to log off and send their data from Microtype as they close out of the program.ReviewStudents will review the concepts we reviewed from the last class. Also, the students will be able to understand the information that was provided in lesson 1 of Microtype. Finally, we will continue to work on good technique. EvaluationAsk the students about the Race to Win Guide and make sure they understand the information.Ask the students if they have any questions about the Microtype lesson. Also make sure to always be evaluating the students on their form and pick a form to evaluate them on tomorrow. Reflection of the LessonDay 5 Period 1This class needed to have their registrations reset and while that was going on the students had a chance to work on their race car numbers for their folders. The students were very cooperative and they were all able to get their folders done. At the end of the day the students and I went through a keying activity in Microsoft Word, that I came up with. I had them working on the home row. Sullenberger Comments: Good activity and the technology issues were not my fault so there were no issues there, I filled the time nicely.Day 5 Period 2This class was good. All the students were able to login to Edline and access their accounts. The students form in this class was just fine. Next class I will be grading them on their form. The students were also very cooperative and the class flowed well. At the end I did a review activity and the students were also participating in this too. Sullenberger Comments: Great review at the end of class. All the students were following along and it helped them to remember the keys they need to know. Day 6 Period 1The lesson flowed very well and the students are progressing through the Microtype lessons. However, they are not keeping their form when typing and this is resulting in missed point through class. I will remind them during the next class to keep paying attention to the form that we have discussed in class with keying. Sullenberger Comments: Great everything flowed well and there were not issues. You could not have had a better class period.Day 6 Period 2The class flowed well again and this was the class that I had Dr. Moore in to observe me. He thought that it went well and that I improved from the last class. He also mentioned that my classroom management skills are great.Sullenberger Comments: Great everything flowed well and there were not issues. You could not have had a better class period.Day 1 Period 1The class was a little choppy at the beginning. However, all the students were able to continue in Microtype and they were speeding through the lessons. The end of the period came and the students were a little rushed to get their stuff cleaned up. The video was great again and they were all cooperative. Day 1 Period 2The students were a little chattier than the other classes but that all were working very hard to get their work completed in their lesson. They were all cooperative with the video and they kept their eyes on screen for the whole movie. There was also a great discussion about the video afterwards as well. Lesson 10:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes.Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda. Video a few students for the pit crew so that they can pass out the speed skins and take attendance.Have the students log into the computers.Explain to the students that they need to be logging into Microtype and that they will be working on Lesson 1 and then moving on to Lesson 2 once they are ready. Do not tell the students this so that it does not rush them. Also for certain classes you may have to walk students through the registration process. DevelopmentFor a few of the classes there are some students they may need their Microtype registrations done again, so take care of that when this is needed. Explain to the students what is expected while they are working in Microtype. They should be following and working on all the types of form that we have covered for the past few classes. Finally, explain the lessons that the students will complete for this class. Cover the instructions in order for them to complete the first lesson. Remind them that they may not complete the entire lesson but to send their files after they are done. Although for those students that are quicker than others, they may move on to the next lesson. However, you should not push the students through the lessons rushing their work. ApplicationWe will review the last class period. The students after we are completed with the review will work on their lessons in Microtype. As the students complete their lessons in Microtype, they may finish so they will have to move on only if they are done.Finally, the students at the end of class will need to make sure to log off and send their data from Microtype as they close out of the program.ReviewStudents will review the concepts we reviewed from the last class. Also, the students will be able to understand the information that was provided in their lessons in Microtype. Finally, we will continue to work on good technique. EvaluationAsk the students about the Race to Win Guide and make sure they understand the information.Ask the students if they have any questions about the Microtype lesson. Also make sure to always be evaluating the students on their form and pick a form to evaluate them on tomorrow. Reflection of the LessonDay 2 Period 1This was my last lesson in the Middle School and the class flowed well and the students were able to get through the lesson without any technical difficulties. I was able to explain to the students that this was going to be my last time teaching them.Day 2 Period 2This was my last day in the Middle School and the class flowed well and the students were able to get through the lesson without any technical difficulties. I was able to explain to the students that this was going to be my last time teaching them.Day 3 Period 1This was my last day in the Middle School and the class flowed well and the students were able to get through the lesson without any technical difficulties. I was able to explain to the students that this was going to be my last time teaching them.Day 3 Period 2This was my last day in the Middle School and the class flowed well and the students were able to get through the lesson without any technical difficulties. I was able to explain to the students that this was going to be my last time teaching them.Day 4 Period 1This was my last day in the Middle School and the class flowed well and the students were able to get through the lesson without any technical difficulties. I was able to explain to the students that this was going to be my last time teaching them.Day 4 Period 2This was my last day in the Middle School and the class flowed well and the students were able to get through the lesson without any technical difficulties. I was able to explain to the students that this was going to be my last time teaching them.Press Control, ALT, DELETEType your Username and passwordUserName – First letter of your first name and then your last name. Your password you made up and saved in your AgendaClick on the Microtype icon on the desktop - 419105080Click the OK button if your name is on the screen The password is DERRYClick the Lesson 1 buttonThen select the Alphabetic Keyboarding option and follow the directions you hear on the head set.Technique Chart Used to Assess Students and their Keying FormStudentNamesFeet Placed for BalanceBody Centered: Elbows at SidesSits Up StraightCurves fingers: Home RowWrist off the KeyboardEyes on ScreenKeys by touch with Correct FingeringKeys with a Smooth RhythmExtracurricular ActivitiesOne of the extracurricular activities that I volunteered with was what Derry middle school calls, “Trojans on the Run.” This is a running program that takes place after school. This program was put in place to get the students to be out and active. The students meet after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This starts at the beginning of each semester and then in October and then in April the students run a 5K race. This was such an amazing activity to get involved with, because first I was able to build a great relationship with the students who are involved. It allowed me to see how staff can be involved in the students’ lives outside of the classroom but at the same time have a professional attitude and relationship. Second I was able to get to know Mrs. Fordyce the staff member who is in charge of the program, and she gave me great advice and experience that I would have never been able to obtain otherwise.High SchoolStudent Teaching Experience – Work SampleMoving from the Middle School to the High School was a challenge yet it was a wonderful experience because it allowed me to grow in a way that most normal full length experiences would not provide. From day one I knew that I needed to start the learning process over again in order to build the type of classroom management skills that I obtained in the middle school. Being that I had a split experience I needed to jump right into the middle of the students unit and try to adapt my style of teaching into the classroom that they had been used to from the beginning of the semester. This work sample will give a cumulative look at the course of my experience in the High School, which ran from October 17, 2011 to December 9, 2011. Description of the Learning Environment/ Inclusive ContextDerry Area High School is a AAA size school, with 830 students enrolled in the school and about 53 full time teachers, which is about a 16 to 1 student to teacher ratio. However, of the schools in the area they are one of the smaller districts. According to the free and reduced lunch data collected 37% of the students receive a free and reduced lunch, and based on these statistics this marks Derry as a school that is low SES. The students in my High School classes represent a great group of students. Over the course of my experience I had no need to severely discipline any student. All the students were well behaved and attentive in class. In all the classes that Mrs. Bushey had there was only one learning support student, and they were in the Microsoft Word and Excel classes. She also had three gifted students; these students were in her Accounting classes. In order to accommodate or modify the class for these students, it did not require that much because in the Microsoft classes the students followed through the projects together with directions and my help. The project due dates were extended as well for them, so that they would have plenty of time to finish. Also, for the gifted students Mrs. Bushey would allow them to take on more projects if they finished early, or they would be assigned a more difficult project. This seemed to work out great and challenge each student based on their own abilities. Furthermore, there were not any students that had severe 504 plans (this is a type of medical plan that a student has if they require a specific need that would affect them in the classroom), other than a few students that had allergies to bee stings, so this made the class much easier to maintain and run. Planning for Instruction in an Inclusive SettingWhen planning for my lessons and instruction for my class there are accommodations that I can make for the students. One accommodation that I made for the students in my classroom is that at the beginning of each chapter I would walk them step by step through each of the major projects to show them how to accomplish each function and task. Furthermore, the students were asked to complete some of the individual projects at the end of the chapter, and I assigned a due date for these projects. However, for the students that struggle and for the learning support students, I gave an extension in order for them to have plenty of time to finish the projects. Also, there are a few students that have problems with the applications in the book. As the students work I would walk the room and give one-on-one assistance to all the students and refer them to the directions so that I am not just giving them the answer to the questions, but allowing them to find the answer on their own. To add to this I would also help the students either during a study hall, homeroom, and after school. Many times the students that were behind or just needed help would come and I would assist them with their projects. Due to the fact that Mrs. Bushey started the students off at the beginning of the book, all the students were very knowledgeable in the Microsoft programs and were able to apply their knowledge across all the areas that we covered. Unit PlanComing in from Middle School to the High School at beginning of my High School experience the students were right in the middle of their units. Unlike my experience in the Middle School I did not need to have to provide the students with a lot of preparation for the semester, obviously because they were already into the second nine weeks of the school year. This made it nice because they were already under way with their work. However, on the other hand, I did not get the chance to focus on building that rapport with students early on because I had to jump right into teaching lessons. Also, this made my task even harder because the students were used to the teaching style of the student teacher that was there already from the beginning of the semester. This made it hard for me to come in and establish my style and classroom management skills. With the help from Mrs. Bushey I was able to come right in and start teaching the Microsoft Word and Excel classes. The students have Microsoft Office books and the way Mrs. Bushy instructed me to teach the class was to walk the students through the first large project and then assign to them a few end of the chapter assignments to assess the students on their work. The large project allows me to instruct the students and help them through the different functions and concepts from the chapter, and also see where they are having difficulties so that I can step in and recover this information. Then, the end of the project assignments allow them to apply their knowledge from the chapter and also allows me to see what they are having problems in order for me to help them through this content. Selected Lesson PlansFrom the beginning of my experience, in the High School at Derry, the student body consisted of ninth through twelfth grade students, as was pointed out earlier. Do to the range of the ages in the students I made sure to approach each lesson with an open idea of what each student could handle. Some of the students were able to breeze right through different assignments and other students needed more time and help in order to finish. In preparing each lesson I would first go through and complete the assignment in the book so that I knew exactly what the students would be learning. Then I would use the IDARE (Introduction, Development, Activity, Reaction, and Evaluation) form as a guide to structure the lesson. Being that these classes were taught straight from the book I was limited in the creativity of lessons. However, I tried to bring out the relevance of the topic and concepts to the students. One way that I was able to do this was by starting every chapter off with discussions between the students and I as to how they would be able to use these skills in their everyday lives. This allowed me to show the students that the information that they were learning would be useful to them whether they understood that or not. Also, I tried many times to explain that there is no field out there that they could go into that they would not need to have a good understanding of each of these programs, and how useful it would be to them. Many times the lessons flowed very well and this was in great part because the students were well behaved and they were attentive. Very few times was there an issue where I needed to discipline any of the students in my classes. One of the more frustrating issues that I had was that the students had a difficult time being independent and reading the directions. Many times I would give clear objectives for the students and they would still ask many questions, which takes time away from teaching them and also giving individual help. Also, the students need to learn how to make independent decisions and how to think for themselves, as opposed to them looking to me all the time hoping for the answer. So I tried to refer the students back to the directions, rubric, or book to gain the answer, and if they still had a problem then I would gladly help them with their problem. Thus, throughout my experience in the High school I was able to develop many great lesson plans that allowed the students to be interactive and develop collaboration skills, and also time management skills as well. Also, throughout my lessons I tried to develop them in a way that allowed me to interact and monitor them as much as possible. Evaluation of InstructionAs I developed each lesson plan, I used the IDARE (Introduction, Development, Activity, Reaction, and Evaluation) format as a guide to each one. This format involves an evaluation of each lesson in order to reflect and come up with different modifications for the next lesson. After every lesson Mrs. Bushey and I would find time at some point throughout that day to sit down and evaluate my lessons. In order to keep track of all these evaluations I would place them at the end of every lesson (these can be found in Appendix I). Assessment of Student Learning in Inclusive SettingsPre-TestBeing that I was moving in from the Middle School half way through the semester, all of the beginning of the semester tasks were completed before hand. However, this also meant that the students were already through the pretest and preparation work that you would complete at the beginning of the first nine weeks. Although these tasks were already complete, I was still able to assess and evaluate what the students had done so far. One evaluation that I was able to do was observing the class for the first week that I was in the High School. Mrs. Bushey was out for a few days when I came over to the High School for personal reasons, and the other student teacher taught for a few days, so I was able to see where the students were at and how they were learning this information. I learned that the students were already five chapters into the book and moving right along in the class.Next I was able to take a look at their grades and I saw most of the students were progressing very well through the chapters. There were a few students that looked as if they were struggling through some of the chapters. Although, overall the student’s grades were good and it seemed like they had a good base knowledge for these programs. Thus, I feel that I will be just fine starting my unit right in chapter five where the previous student teacher left off, mainly because the students have a good base knowledge to begin there. Formative Assessment Unlike the Middle School the High School at Derry School District runs their business classes on a semester by semester rotation. So the students will have the Microsoft Office classes for a full length semester everyday and then the next semester they switch. This made it much easier to evaluate and analyze my lesson and the classes in order for me to improve. On an everyday basis, as I mentioned earlier, Mrs. Bushy and I were able to sit down and analyze my teaching and what I would be able to improve on. However, not only were we able to analyze my teaching we were able to discuss the individual students and their needs. This helped immensely with trying to assess each student and if they were retaining the information or not, and if I needed to go back and re-teach the entire concept. As I grew through this experience I began to see if the students were understanding information I was presenting or if they were just going through the motions. Also one of the nice parts of the students schedule is that they all have a free study hall period which allowed them to have time for working on different class work. This made it possible for them to come down and work on the projects and concepts that we were learning. Also, this made it possible for me to assess and evaluate how much information the students were actually learning and retaining. Furthermore, I could go back and re-teach the information that the students were confused on. Thus, with both of these styles of formative assessment I will be able better prepared to assist the students in the learning process. Alternative AssessmentThrough the course of a semester there are many different ways to assess students on the concepts that are presented in a class. One of the alternative assessments that I was able to use was assessing the students on their performance when they were working on the projects within the Microsoft book. This was a great alternative way to assess them because it kept the students on track but they were able to think about the concepts that we talked about as well. Another alternative assessment that I was able to utilize over the course of this nine weeks was to have the students think about what they would be able to use these functions and concepts for in their everyday lives. The students carry discussion with me on ways that they would be able to utilize the chapter topics for their own personal use or for school projects. This helped get the students involved in a way that would be interesting to them, but at the same be relevant to things they would be doing in school or at home. If they could accurately list ways what they were learning could be applied then I could tell that they were understanding what we were doing and its value.Summative Post-Test AssessmentThe last type of assessment that I was able to gain from the students and their work was the overall final grade from the different chapter projects in the Microsoft Word books. There was no actual final exam that I gave to the students. However, the progression of the students’ work through the chapter work was accumulated at the end of my experience and I was able to use this data to analyze how the students were doing. Overall, the students’ performance was very comparable to where they were when I started within the semester and in some instances there were some improvements. This is great because it brought consistency to the classroom and allowed the students to continue along with their progression of learning. In addition, the students progressed a lot and showed much improvement when it came to short cut functions, terminology, and application skills within Microsoft Word. Just in the first few classes I could tell that the students were picking up some of these skills as we worked and concentrated on one technique each class period. This was a great final analysis to pick up on, in terms of future goals, because if the students learn the terminology and utilize these skills they will continue to grow and will be proficient in the future. Analysis of Students Learning Pupils DataThe students’ data was collected in a major part through the use and assistance of the Microsoft Word book application projects. I would assign the students approximately five or six projects from the end of the chapter. In addition to the book projects I would come up with an application project that would test their knowledge in order to find if they would be able to use the content from the chapter, in their personal or academic lives. In addition to the projects from either the book or the application project, there were several opportunities for the students to pick up bonus points for either class or community related bonus. For instance, there was a chance for the students to work on additional projects for a certain amount of bonus points, and on the other hand there was a food drive for the students to turn in can goods for bonus points. Over the course of the second nine weeks of the semester that I spent in the High School I was able to see the students improve mainly on their knowledge of Word and the features that the program has to offer, as opposed to just being able to follow the directions to complete the projects. The data that was collected from their projects show improvement that I hope will continue through the course of the school year. The data that was collected is shown in Appendix J.Interpretation of Results The pupil’s data shows progression as was pointed out in the results from the different assessments that were analyzed. In terms of progression students from every level of the grading spectrum were able to show improvement in their scores and also their technique. The students that were in the lower level scores showed improvement from project to project compared to where they were in the earlier chapter grades. In the average level scores, student’s improved showing progress from project to project, although in some instances scores stayed consistent from project to project. Finally, the students in the higher level track were able to improve greatly from project to project. The lower level students and the higher student’s scores seemed to vary the most from project to project. These are the students that I tried to keep on track in order to get their scores as high as possible and keep as consistent as possible. Thus, the students were progressing wonderfully at the end of the nine week period, and with the proper technique and continued work in Microsoft Word, will become proficient in Microsoft Office programs. Reflection on Teaching Effectiveness and Professional GrowthTeaching Effectiveness Due to the fact that this is my first long term teaching experience there was going to be somewhat of a learning curve. However, from the very beginning Mrs. Bushey was able to give me the experience in front of the classroom and in front of the students before I jumped into teaching any full length lessons. This was a huge help because establishing that classroom presence is the first step, and if you can overcome that then presenting the lesson is all just planning. Overall I believe that I had a great rapport with the students and they grew to respect me as a teacher. Not only was I able to build a student to teacher rapport with the students in the classroom, I was also able to help Mrs. Bushey after school and assist her and the students in the concession stand. This was great because it gave me the experience that I needed to see how important it is for a teacher to get involved with the students not only in the classroom, but to help with after school activities. This was something that I learned is a very important part of being a teacher. Thus, I believe that I was able to build that teacher – student relationship that allowed me to be an effective teacher in the High School.Finally, there were many guidelines that I was able to use to construct my lesson plans around. Those guidelines include the Pennsylvania State Standards, National Business Education Standards, ISTE Standards, and finally Danielson’s Four Domains. These gave me the guidelines I needed to be able to sculpt my lessons. When I created each of my lessons I tried to build them in a way that incorporated a current subject, technology, and finally something to keep the students active in the lesson. Every day I would work through approximately twenty pages from the chapter and plan my lesson around those twenty pages. Twenty pages was about the amount that we were able to get through during a single class period. However, this was all depending on how far we would get in any certain project, because sometimes I would have to go back and recover a certain topic and assess whether the students needed that particular section re-taught or if I could move on. One of the favorite lessons was when the students had to complete a project that I assigned to them, where they were to create a Christmas card mailing list and print labels, and also print their return address on the envelope. The students had fun with this activity and I really think it caught their interest. Overall, I believe that every one of my lessons was interesting and kept the students involved and created an environment that the students could and grow. Professional GrowthMy experience over the course of the first semester at Derry School District in the High school has been more than I could have ever been asked for. Mrs. Bushey has taught so much more than I would have ever thought that would have learned during this experience. I hope to one day be as great a teacher as she is and have just some of the many characteristics that make her a amazing instructor. There were many ways that I grew over the second half of this experience. Some of those include, learning how to manage high school students as opposed to middle school students, learning how to critically evaluate my teaching in a way that I can improve over each lesson, how to think independently and be creative in a classroom, and finally how important it is to be involved in the students’ lives not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom. Starting from when Mrs Bushey returned, I was able to observe Mrs. Bushey instruct her students the way that she wanted because she was firm but yet cared and assisted the students in a way that allowed them to respect her. Every class period she would always make it a point to ask each student individually how they were doing that particular day. This made each student feel connected to the class and important. One of the other reasons she told me she called on each student is because it keeps each student attentive as well, because they are wondering when she was going to call on them. This was very important because the students began to learn these independent skills, and this will help them as they make the transition from high school to the real world because just as Mrs. Bushey pointed out, their employer would not let them turn in something late. The other way that I have grown over this experience is how to critically and effectively evaluate my teaching. From the very first lesson that I taught in the high school I have been able to assess my teaching for positives and negatives, and also how I can improve or what I could have changed to make the lesson better for the students. This is in part because of the time that Mrs. Bushey and I took out of our busy schedule to sit down and analyze the lessons. Mrs. Bushey was always encouraging and explained the particular ways that I could improve on each part of my lesson. This was important because there are always parts of a lesson that could be improved.Another aspect of my teaching that I believe has improved because of my high school experience with Mrs. Bushey is how to think independently and be creative in a classroom. Mrs. Bushey was always very encouraging no matter what I came up with to include in my lessons. She would give me suggestions and assistance but at the same time allow me to make my own independent decisions on exactly what I planned on doing. For instance, the rubrics and projects that I designed were developed by me. However, she gave her input as to how to properly organize this as I presented the project to the students in my lesson, in other words I came up with the idea, but she helped give me direction. One of the last ways that I have grown over of the course of this experience is how important it is to be involved in the students’ lives not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom. From the start of this experience I have observed Mrs. Bushey organize and run many fundraisers and also many after school activities. Some of these include Pink shirt sales where the proceeds went to support Breast Cancer, home coming activities, concession stand sales for after school activities, class officer meetings , and finally youth basketball. All these acitivies seemed to be overwhelming at times, but Mrs. Bushey told me that she would have never have not gotten involved because these are the things that are important to the students and they appreciate and respect her for what she does. Her involvement impacts the students because they trust and respect her not just as a classroom teacher, but as a member of their community and that is something that cannot be obtained through just teaching accounting.Thus, with the experience that I have had over the course of this nine week in the high school, I feel that I have grown a lot professionally. I have developed many skills including learning how to manage high school students as opposed to middle school students, learning how to critically evaluate my teaching in a way that I can improve over each lesson, how to think independently and be creative in a classroom, and finally how important it is to be involved in the students’ lives not only in the classroom, but also outside the classroom. With these skills and abilities and from what I will gain from the high school experience, I will be well equipped for my first teaching position. High SchoolMicrosoft Word Concepts Unit PlanCourse: Microsoft Word Concepts 9th -12th Teacher: Bobby VarholakGradeUnit: Microsoft Office Word Concepts Weeks to Complete: First Nine Weeksand Computer Concepts Purpose of Unit: The purpose of this unit is for the student to learn different concepts within Microsoft Word to develop the skills in order to utilize the different features and tools that the program offers. Not only will the students be able to utilize the tools and features but they will be able to use them properly, using good efficient techniques. The students will also learn about current events and how the world is ever changing with technology, and how these skills will assist them one they complete high school. The overall idea of the course and unit lessons will be for the students to really gain a knowledge of this computer program and get them ready to move on to higher grade levels and or graduation. This unit meets the following standards:PENNSYLVANIA STANDARDSLearning to Read Independently1.1.11 E Establish a reading vocabulary by identifying and correctly using new words acquired through the study of their relationships to other words. Use a dictionary or related reference.1.1.11 F Understand the meaning of and apply key vocabulary across the various subject areas.1.6.11 A – Listen to others1.6.11 D – Contribute to discussions1.6.11 E – Participate in small and large group discussionsComputation and Estimation2.2.11 A. Develop and use computation concepts, operations and procedures with real numbers in problem-solving situations.Probability and Predictions2.7.11 F. Solve problems involving independent simple and compound events.Reading, writing, and, speaking NATIONAL BUSINESS EDUCATION STANDARDSFoundations of CommunicationSocial and Business Listening Demonstrates courtesy and respect for the speaker through active listeningCommunicationTechnological CommunicationDemonstrate basic keyboarding and computer functions ISTE STANDARDS1. Creativity and Innovation d. Process data 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making- c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions5.Digital Citizenship b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.6. Technology Operations and Concepts a. Understand and use technology systems. b. Select and use applications effectively and productivelyDanielson’s FrameworkDomain 1: Planning and PreparationComponent 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy.1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students1c: Selecting Instructional Goals1e: Designing Coherent Instruction1f: Assessing Student LearningDomain 2: The Classroom Environment2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport.2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning2c: Managing Classroom Procedures2d: Managing Student BehaviorDomain 3: Instruction3a: Communicating Clearly and Accurately3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques.3c: Engaging Students in Learning3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and ResponsivenessDomain 4: Professional Responsibilities4b: Maintaining Accurate Records4d: Contributing to the School and District4e: Growing and Developing Professionally4f: Showing ProfessionalismUnit Objectives Upon completion of this unit, the student will be able to accomplish the following objectives: The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to identify the process that it takes to find and create a main document for form letters. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to edit the document including, changing the margin settings, insert shapes and drawing canvases, and finally manipulating and editing the shapes and canvas. The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to identify the process that it takes to correct errors in the merged document for the Form letter. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to edit the document including, merging the form letter to the printer, removing a merged condition, and finally sort the data records in the data source. The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to identify the process that it takes to correct errors in the merged document for the Form letter. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to edit the document including, merging the form letter to the printer, removing a merged condition, and finally sort the data records in the data source. The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to identify the process that it takes to print mailing labels and envelops with 90% accuracy. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to merge all data from their access records; they created earlier in the chapter, to a directory. The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to identify the process that it takes to create and format WordArt, insert a symbol in a document, insert and format a floating graphic, and finally format a document in multiple columns, with 95% accuracy. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to set custom margins, create the nameplate, set a right-aligned tab stop, insert a symbol as a spacing feature, flip and move a graphic, and finally how to change the number of columns, with 95% accuracy. The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to identify the process that it takes to create and format WordArt, insert a symbol in a document, insert and format a floating graphic, and finally format a document in multiple columns, with 95% accuracy. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to set custom margins, create the nameplate, set a right-aligned tab stop, insert a symbol as a spacing feature, flip and move a graphic, and finally how to change the number of columns, with 95% accuracy. The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to create a pull-quote, format the second page of the newsletter, and finally modifying and formatting the Smart Art graphic they inserted, with 95% accuracy. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to insert a text box, format that text box, change the column formatting, utilize a split window to copy and paste information, and finally insert and format a Smart Art graphic, with 95% accuracy. The students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to finish and distribute the newsletter, and also learn how to create a PDF from their Microsoft Word document, with 95% accuracy. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to zoom in to display two pages, and also add a page border, with 95% accuracy. Topics and Outcomes Creating a Document with a Title Page, Table, Chart, and WatermarkAt the beginning of the Chapter we held an open discussion on what we would use this type of document with charts and tables for in our everyday lives. Also the students gave me examples once we got to inserting a water mark, and they gave me examples of where and why they saw the watermark used.Finally we looked into the options of a Chart and Table in Microsoft Word, and how we could use this instead of excel for a document. Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and DirectoriesOpening the chapter I held an open discussion with the students to see how they would be able to use a form letter, mailing labels, and a directory. The students were to give me reasons behind the usefulness of the three options that we were utilizing through the wizard in Word. Finally I wanted the students to be able to print Christmas Cards out that I provided them through the use of the mailing labels and also the option of printing the addresses right on the envelopes. Creating a Professional NewsletterTo begin the chapter I discussed with the students the different places that you would see the newsletter format, and also how they would accomplish this in different programs. One goal that I wanted the students to be able to accomplish was being able to format a document to hold three columns of information and edit it to create a professional letter.Finally I also would like the students to build team work skills in order to complete the final project, as if they were working for a news paper company. They will also need to be able to save the document as a PDF so that they can forward it to me and I will not be able to change or edit it. The students will accomplish these.VocabularyChapter 4Title Page – a separate cover page that contains, at a minimum, the title of the document.Smart Art Graphics – are visual representations of ideas, displayed in a chart like fashion.Shadow Effect – a light gray duplicate image that appears on the lower-right edge of a character or object. Watermark – text or a graphic that is displayed on top of or behind the text in a document.Section – break change at the top margin, bottom margin, page alignment, paper or footnotes in just a portion of the document. Header – text that prints at the top of each page in the document.Footer – text that prints at the bottom of each page.Microsoft Graph – a graph that has its own menus and commands because it is a program embedded in Word.Legend – a box that identifies the colors assigned to categories in the chart.Chapter 5Drawing Object – a graphic that you create using Work, containing shapes and figures of your choice. Drawing Canvas – a rectangular boundary between your shape and the rest of the document; it is a container that helps you to resize and arrange shapes on the page. Record – Data that is plotted on your worksheet.Header Record – identifies the name of each column.Data Record – Each row below the header rows. Data Field – Each column in the data source.Field Name – Each data field must be identified uniquely with a name.Merge Fields – merge, or combine the main document with the contents of the data source. Merge Field Characters – these mark the beginning and ending of the merged fields.Address Block Merge - contains several fields related to an address: title, first name, middle name, last name, suffix, company, etc.Greeting Line Merge Field – contains text and fields related to a salutation.IF Then Field – prompts the program to verify if a field contains an amount of information and then if it does then it requires it to prompt a certain command. True Text – If the result of a condition is true, then Word evaluates that text as true. False Text – If the results of a condition are false, then Word evaluates that text as false. Field Codes – Formulated text that is hidden unless unhidden to that shows the Word command.Directory – One way to print the contents of the data source is to merge all data records in the data source into a single document. Portrait Orientation – the short edge of the paper is the top of the document.Landscape – the long edge of the paper is the top of the document.Chapter 6WordArt – A type of drawing object, that enables you to create special effects such as shadowed, rotated, stretched, skewed, and wavy text. Gradient – when the colors blend into one another.Inline Object – an object that is part of a paragraph in a document, Word inserts it as an inline object. Floating Object – an object that can be positioned at a specific location in a document or in a layer over behind text in a document. Justified – the left and right margins are aligned, like the edges of a newspaper column. Drop Cap – a capital letter whose font size is larger than the rest of the characters in the paragraph. Column Break – the bottom of the second column, which places the insertion point at the top of the next column. Pulled Quote – a portion of the text that is pulled or copied from the text of the document and gives graphical emphasis so that it stands apart and commands the reader’s attention.Text Box – a container of text that allows you to position the text anywhere on the page. Source Object – any item being copied within a document. Destination Object – the object to which you are pasting.Smart Art Graphics – visual representations of ideas within a picture format. PDF – this stands for Portable Document Format – a file format created by Adobe Systems, which shows all elements of a printed document as an electronic image. Acrobat Reader – this can be downloaded free from Adobe’s Web Site that allows you to read these PDF files. Individual DifferencesThe teacher will accommodate for individual differences by:Step by Step guide for Learning Support studentsExtended Due Dates for assignments that are creating difficulty for those studentsMore assistance and greater attention to the students that are experiencing difficulties with a particular assignment or part of a lessonMotivational TechniquesThe following methods will be utilized throughout the unit to enhance learning and increase student interest: 1. Group ActivityThe students will work through helping each other through the different lessons and projects within the chapters. 2. Microsoft Word Computer Software:Students will go use this software and the text book to learn different program settings and skills that can be used within the Word. The students must use proper form and techniques while they are working through the chapter project together as a class and also on their individual assignments. 3. DiscussionWhat are some of the different ways that would able to use the features in Word that allow you to create a Title Page, Table, Chart, and Watermark in your everyday lives? What are the different instances where you can utilize the features in Word to create Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and Directories for your own personal use?In your everyday life where do you see professional style letters used, newspapers, magazines, journals, etc.? Materials UsedComputer with internet accessMicrosoft Word and other featured programs (Excel, Access, Publisher)CalculatorsWorksheetsPens/PencilsDry erase board/chalkboardDry erase markers/chalk and erasersPaperProjectorSuggested EvaluationClass participation and activitiesIn-class work and computer use / Homework assignmentsCompleted Microsoft Word assignmentsFinal Projects for UnitTime SchedulePDTimeClass – 1st SemesterClass – 2nd Semester1-A8:00-8:41Accounting I A105Accounting I A1052-B8:45-9:26Accounting II / Advanced Accounting A105Accounting II / Advanced Accounting A1053-C 9:30-10:11Word A105Word A1054-D10:15-10:56Excel A105Excel A1055-E11:00-11:23Homeroom A105Homeroom A1056-F11:27-12:09Word A105Word A105B12:08-12:38LUNCHLUNCH7-G12:42- 1:23DepartmentWord A1058-H1:27-2:08Accounting I A105Accounting I A1059-12:12-2:53Prep PeriodPrep PeriodAppendixThe following will be used as aids in this unit:Chapter Projects, followed by assignments and reinforcement projects.Chapter 4 - Creating a Document with a Title Page, Table, Chart, and WatermarkCharity Auction Class ProjectAwesome AntiquesAuto CareDeli ExpressSchool ReferendumChapter 5 - Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and DirectoriesHealth ClubForm Letter/Mailing Labels/ Envelope/ DirectoryGreen Grove NurseryFar Horizons TravelArrow ApplianceDiamond Eye CareChristmas Mailing Labels/ Envelope/DirectoryChapter 6 - Creating a Professional NewsletterHealth BitsTotally TonedPark DepartmentSpring ProjectsMemory LaneNewsletterHigh SchoolLessons from the Unit PlanLesson 1:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes. Also I will ask them how their weekends were and if they saw the Steelers Game. Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda on the chalk board.Have the students log into the computers. Ask the students if they know what a formal letter could be used for? Ask them what they might have used one of these for in the past or if they have ever completed one or seen one?DevelopmentProvide a brief overview of the chapter and what they will be covering.Discuss with the students why it is so important to know how to create this type of form letter and what they may be doing in the rest of the chapter. Walk the students through the steps that it takes to create the form document.ApplicationHave the students create the form letter and also have them manipulate the document so that it is ready to be edited with text.Next the students will go through the steps that it takes to edit the document including, changing the margin settings, insert shapes and drawing canvases, and finally manipulating and editing the shapes and canvas.Finally the students will be able to save the document in the proper folder so that they will be able to access this during the next class.While the students are working through the project with me I will call them up to apply their knowledge by doing certain steps on the projected computer screen.I can also utilize a pop corn style of calling on the other students to get them Also when the task allows I will have the students explain another method to perform the task different from the way they performed it previously. ReviewReview how information that they had gone through in the beginning of the chapter. Also do not forget to review why this information is so important for them to know and understand.EvaluationAsk the students why this will be so important to them and how they will use this ability.Also, the students will eventually turn in this document so that I will be able to grade and see how they are progressing through the information.Reflection of the LessonDay 1 Period 3The class went well and we were able to get through the information. However the students seemed to be uninterested in the information that we were covering. Also, the students got confused at the end of class, mainly because they missed a step at the beginning of the project. I will cover this with them at the beginning of the class tomorrow.Day 2 Period 6This class went much better because the students did not miss the step and the class flowed very well. The information was present in my mind and the lesson went much smoother, also the students were more cooperative. Lesson 2:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes. Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda on the chalk board.Have the students log into the computers. Continue to stress to the students how important the information they are learning is and how they will be able to use this type of information in the real world for everyday things.DevelopmentProvide a brief overview of the information that we covered the previous class period and what they will be covering today.Discuss with the students why it is so important to know how to create this type of form letter and what they may be doing in the rest of the chapter. Walk the students through the steps that it takes to create the form document.ApplicationHave the students create a data source, and finally compose the main document for the form letters. Next the students will go through the steps that it takes to create a new data source, edit the data source, merge and edit fields, create a multilevel list, and finally create IF FieldsFinally the students will be able to save the document in the proper folder so that they will be able to access this during the next class.While the students are working through the project with me I will call them up to apply their knowledge by doing certain steps on the projected computer screen.I can also utilize a pop corn style of calling on the other students to get them Also when the task allows I will have the students explain another method to perform the task different from the way they performed it previously. ReviewReview how information that they had gone through in the beginning of the chapter. Also do not forget to review why this information is so important for them to know and understand.EvaluationAsk the students why this will be so important to them and how they will use this ability.Also, the students will eventually turn in this document so that I will be able to grade and see how they are progressing through the information.Reflection of the LessonDay 1 Period 3The class flowed well and the students seem to be getting a hold of the information. The beginning of the lesson was not very difficult because we were just inserting the merge fields that we created, and also creating and adjusting our multilevel lists. The students did not seem to struggle through anything of that. However, once we moved into the IF, then field, some of the students started having questions and I had to put a hold on the lesson to recover the content that we went over originally. Finally, I helped the students get caught up to the same spot, and then we saved our work. Day 2 Period 6Similar to the first class the lesson flowed well and the students seem to be get a hold of the information. The beginning of the lesson was not very difficult because we were just inserting the merge fields that we created, and also creating and adjusting our multilevel lists. The students did not seem to struggle through anything of that just as the first class didn’t. However, once we moved into the IF, then field, some of the students started having questions and I had to put a hold on the lesson to recover the content that we went over originally. Finally, I helped the students get caught up to the same spot, and then we saved our work. Lesson 3:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes. Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda on the chalk board.Have the students log into the computers. Continue to stress to the students how important the information they are learning is and how they will be able to use this type of information in the real world for everyday things.DevelopmentProvide a brief overview of the information that we covered the previous class period and what they will be covering today.Discuss with the students why it is so important to know how to create this type of form letter and what they may be doing in the rest of the chapter. Walk the students through the steps that it takes to create the form document.ApplicationHave the students compose correct errors in the merged document for the Form letter.Next the students will go through the steps that it takes to edit the document including, merging the form letter to the printer, removing a merged condition, and finally sort the data records in the data source.Finally the students will be able to save the document in the proper folder so that they will be able to access this during the next class.While the students are working through the project with me I will call them up to apply their knowledge by doing certain steps on the projected computer screen.I can also utilize a pop corn style of calling on the other students to get them Also when the task allows I will have the students explain another method to perform the task different from the way they performed it previously. ReviewReview how information that they had gone through in the beginning of the chapter. Also do not forget to review why this information is so important for them to know and understand.EvaluationAsk the students why this will be so important to them and how they will use this ability.Also, the students will eventually turn in this document so that I will be able to grade and see how they are progressing through the information.Reflection of the LessonDay 1 Period 3The class flowed well other than a few points at the beginning when the students were not printing their documents out correctly. I had them reprint their documents if they were not correct. At this point I told them to quiet down because they were beginning to get talkative and I had to deal with the printing issue. Overall the students got through this and it was a successful class.Day 2 Period 6The class was similar to the previous class in the sense that the students were able to get through the content with understanding. However, the printing in this class went much smoother and the students caught on much faster. Also, both classes were able to get to the final step before they printed the mailing labels. Lesson 4:Introduction Introduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes. Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda on the chalk board.Have the students log into the computers. Continue to stress to the students how important the information they are learning is and how they will be able to use this type of information in the real world for everyday things.DevelopmentProvide a brief overview of the information that we covered the previous class period and what they will be covering today.Discuss with the students why it is so important to know how to create this type of form letter and what they may be doing in the rest of the chapter. Walk the students through the steps that it takes to create the form document.ApplicationThe students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to identify the process that it takes to print mailing labels and envelops. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to merge all data from their access records; they created earlier in the chapter, to a directory. Finally the students will be able to save the document in the proper folder so that they will be able to access this during the next class.While the students are working through the project with me I will call them up to apply their knowledge by doing certain steps on the projected computer screen.I can also utilize a pop corn style of calling on the other students to get them Also when the task allows I will have the students explain another method to perform the task different from the way they performed it previously. ReviewReview how information that they had gone through in the beginning of the chapter. Also do not forget to review why this information is so important for them to know and understand. EvaluationAsk the students why this will be so important to them and how they will use this ability.Also, the students will eventually turn in this document so that I will be able to grade and see how they are progressing through the information.Reflection of the LessonDay 4 Period 3The class flowed well and the students seem to be getting a hold of the information and the projects are getting completed error free. Also it seems as if some students are frustrated with the work, although I believe this is just a typical complaint and nothing to be worried about. However, I will continue to watch out for this and try to assist these students as much as I can. Day 4 Period 6This class flowed well as well. It seems to be easier to teach this the second time obviously, mainly because I can make any accommodations that need to be made the second time around. However, the class during the sixth period is much larger and is at times harder to control than the other smaller classes. Lesson 5:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes. Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda on the chalk board.Have the students log into the computers. Continue to stress to the students how important the information they are learning is and how they will be able to use this type of information in the real world for everyday things.DevelopmentProvide a brief overview of the information that we covered the previous class period and what they will be covering today with the new Chapter (6).Discuss with the students why it is so important to know how to create this type of form letter and what they may be doing in the rest of the chapter. Walk the students through the steps that it takes to create the Professional Newsletter document.ApplicationThe students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to identify the process that it takes to create and format WordArt, insert a symbol in a document, insert and format a floating graphic, and finally format a document in multiple columns. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to set custom margins, create the nameplate, set a right-aligned tab stop, insert a symbol as a spacing feature, flip and move a graphic, and finally how to change the number of columns. Finally the students will be able to save the document in the proper folder so that they will be able to access this during the next class.While the students are working through the project with me I will call them up to apply their knowledge by doing certain steps on the projected computer screen.I can also utilize a pop corn style of calling on the other students to get them Also when the task allows I will have the students explain another method to perform the task different from the way they performed it previously. ReviewReview how information that they had gone through in the beginning of the chapter. Also do not forget to review why this information is so important for them to know and understand.EvaluationAsk the students why this will be so important to them and how they will use this ability.Also, the students will eventually turn in this document so that I will be able to grade and see how they are progressing through the information.Reflection of the LessonDay 5 Period 3The class flowed very well as I let the students at the beginning print their documents as they worked on their projects. The students were cooperative with the choice of having someone work from the back computer as I walked through the room and directed the students as they worked on their projects. The lesson went well and I did not skip any steps as I walked through the content with the students. Mrs. Bushey – Mrs. Bushey thought that the class flowed well and there were no issues with the lesson. She told me not to chew gum during the lesson, but other than that she told me that the class flowed well. She liked having me in the back of the room.Day 5 Period 6This class went great as well, the students in this class though were a little apprehensive about working from the back of the room. However, the class flowed better this way. I messed up a few steps during the lesson, so this interrupted the content but everything got ironed at in the end. I will make sure to take each step a little slower tomorrow in order to make sure I catch each part of the step. Mrs. Bushey – Mrs. Bushey thought that the class flowed well and there were no issues with the lesson. She told me not to chew gum during the lesson, but other than that she told me that the class flowed well. She liked having me in the back of the room.Lesson 6:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes. Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda on the chalk board.Have the students log into the computers. Continue to stress to the students how important the information they are learning is and how they will be able to use this type of information in the real world for everyday things.Have the students pick who is going to work from the back computer for five bonus points.DevelopmentProvide a brief overview of the information that we covered the previous class period and what they will be covering today with the new Chapter (6).Discuss with the students why it is so important to know how to create this type of form letter and what they may be doing in the rest of the chapter. Walk the students through the steps that it takes to create the Professional Newsletter document.ApplicationThe students, after they are provided with instruction, will be able to identify the process that it takes to insert a file in a column of the newsletter, and also format the first page of the body of the newsletter. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to insert a continuous section break, change the spacing below a paragraph, increase the column width, format the letter as a drop cap, and finally format the columns and heading styles. Finally the students will be able to save the document in the proper folder so that they will be able to access this during the next class.While the students are working through the project with me I will call them up to apply their knowledge by doing certain steps on the projected computer screen.I can also utilize a pop corn style of calling on the other students to get them Also when the task allows I will have the students explain another method to perform the task different from the way they performed it previously. ReviewReview how information that they had gone through in the beginning of the chapter. Also do not forget to review why this information is so important for them to know and understand.EvaluationAsk the students why this will be so important to them and how they will use this ability.Also, the students will eventually turn in this document so that I will be able to grade and see how they are progressing through the information.Reflection of the LessonDay 6 Period 3The class went wonderfully and the students were very cooperative with the activities. Dr. Moore was in to observe me during this class and it went very well. The lesson flowed well and I did not make any mistakes on the steps as I did a few times in the previous classes and lessons. Mrs. Bushey Comments – She thought that the lesson went well. Day 6 Period 6This class well great as well. The students were cooperative. Also in this class I told the students that if they got through all the content that we would end when we were done instead of moving on. This worked very well and the students were cooperative with everything, and they participated. I thought they would be sarcastic with the content, but overall they actually were respectful of me and the information. Mrs. Bushey Comments – She thought again that the class overall went well, and that the students were attentive and cooperative. Lesson 7:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes. Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda on the chalk board.Have the students log into the computers. Continue to stress to the students how important the information they are learning is and how they will be able to use this type of information in the real world for everyday things.Have the students pick who is going to work from the back computer for five bonus points.DevelopmentProvide a brief overview of the information that we covered the previous class period and what they will be covering today with the new Chapter (6).Discuss with the students why it is so important to know how to create this type of form letter and what they may be doing in the rest of the chapter. Walk the students through the steps that it takes to create the Professional Newsletter document.ApplicationThe students, after they are provided with instruction will be able to, create a pull-quote, format the second page of the newsletter, and finally modifying and formatting the Smart Art graphic they inserted. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to insert a text box, format that text box, change the column formatting, utilize a split window to copy and paste information, and finally insert and format a Smart Art graphic. Finally the students will be able to save the document in the proper folder so that they will be able to access this during the next class.While the students are working through the project with me I will call them up to apply their knowledge by doing certain steps on the projected computer screen.I can also utilize a pop corn style of calling on the other students to get them Also when the task allows I will have the students explain another method to perform the task different from the way they performed it previously. ReviewReview how information that they had gone through in the beginning of the chapter. Also do not forget to review why this information is so important for them to know and understand.EvaluationAsk the students why this will be so important to them and how they will use this ability.Also, the students will eventually turn in this document so that I will be able to grade and see how they are progressing through the information.Reflection of the LessonDay 7 Period 3The lesson flowed well. However, a few students had their margins messed up and this was probably because they had missed a step in the earlier part of the chapter. Tomorrow I will be recovering this information again and hopefully I will be able to explain it to them better. I have realized that with these Word and Excel projects that the students do not follow the steps then they have a difficult time getting caught up. So in the future I will stress to the students to make sure they are following along in the book with me and this way they will not get left behind. Day 7 Period 6This class was about the same as the first class, the students were having difficulties with their margins and the alignment of their columns. I will finish the content in the chapter and make sure that they are correct with the alignment of their columns. The students again must follow the directions properly; otherwise they will not have a finished product like everyone else in the class. Lesson 8:IntroductionIntroduction will be the first task when I come into this classroom. I will ask the students how they are doing this morning and if they have any questions about anything from the previous classes. Discuss what we are going to do for that day from what is on the agenda on the chalk board.Have the students log into the computers. Continue to stress to the students how important the information they are learning is and how they will be able to use this type of information in the real world for everyday things.Have the students pick who is going to work from the back computer for five bonus points.DevelopmentProvide a brief overview of the information that we covered the previous class period and what they will be covering today with the new Chapter (6).Discuss with the students why it is so important to know how to create this type of form letter and what they may be doing in the rest of the chapter. Walk the students through the steps that it takes to create the Professional Newsletter document.ApplicationThe students, after they are provided with instruction will be able to, finish and distribute the newsletter, and also learn how to create a PDF from their Microsoft Word document. Given the proper instruction the students will be able to explain how to zoom in to display two pages, and also add a page border. Finally the students will be able to save the document in the proper folder so that they will be able to access this during the next class.While the students are working through the project with me I will call them up to apply their knowledge by doing certain steps on the projected computer screen.I can also utilize a pop corn style of calling on the other students to get them Also when the task allows I will have the students explain another method to perform the task different from the way they performed it previously. ReviewReview how information that they had gone through in the beginning of the chapter. Also do not forget to review why this information is so important for them to know and understand. EvaluationAsk the students why this will be so important to them and how they will use this ability.Also, the students will eventually turn in this document so that I will be able to grade and see how they are progressing through the information.Reflection of the LessonDay 8 Period 3The class went wonderfully and the students were very cooperative with the activities. I walked through the room before we started and was able to check each student and make sure that they were caught up to where we were in the chapter. There were a few students that were not caught up so I helped them get to that point. Overall there were only two students who were behind more than the other students. These two students usually struggle and I arranged time for them to come in and finish up their work. The lesson flowed well in order for the students to finish this project. Tomorrow I will pass out their rubrics and they will begin to work on their projects. Day 8 Period 6This class went wonderfully as well and the students were very cooperative with the activities. Just as I did in the previous class I walked through the room before we started and was able to check each student and make sure that they were caught up to where we were in the chapter. However, in this class there were not any students that were that far behind. The lesson flowed well in order for the students to finish this project. We got through all the content. Tomorrow I will pass out their rubrics and they will begin to work on their projects. Chapter 4MOS Word Name________________________ Period_______AssignmentPage (S)Save As…InstructionsPoints Available Your ScoreChapter 4 Work226-291Charity AuctionPrint in Color10Apply YourKnowledge292-293Awesome AntiquesBlack/ White10Lab 1296-297Auto CareBlack/ White10Lab 2298-299Deli ExpressBlack/ White10Lab 3300-302School ReferendumBlack/ White10TOTALPOINTS50Don’t forget the header: First and Last Name --- File Name --- Period Grade:0 Errors=101-2 Errors=93-5 Errors=86-8 Errors=78-10 Errors=610+ Errors=5 Please Paperclip in order with this sheet on top (-5 if not in order)On-time -5(1 day Late) -10 (2 days late)-15 (3 days late) Charity AuctionJOIN US FOR THIS GREAT CAUSE!Do you have any new or like-new items or antiques packed away, waiting for the perfect occasion? Would you consider donating these items or volunteering your time to a cause that will benefit humanity?Join us in making the Fifth Annual Knoll Springs Charity Auction a success. All proceeds of the auction reach health-related charities. The amount of funds raised at the past four annual auctions has been phenomenal, as shown in the following table and chart:Auction Distribution for Selected CharitiesCancerAllianceDiabetesLeagueHeartSociety1st Auction$4,383.23$4,286.09$5,383.382nd Auction$5,271.12$5,091.27$5,998.863rd Auction$5,889.33$5,331.67$6,039.224th Auction$6,553.21$6,211.28$7,182.32Total =SUM(ABOVE) $22,096.89 =SUM(ABOVE) $20,920.31 =SUM(ABOVE) $24,603.78\sFor every item sold at the auction, the donor and the buyer each specify a charity to which they want the proceeds directed. If the donor and buyer identify two separate organizations, Knoll Springs Community Club sends 50 percent of the proceeds to each charity. If the donor and buyer identify the same organization, the specified charity receives 100 percent of the proceeds.Auctioneers will sell items that are new or in like-new condition or antiques. Auction categories include, but are not limited to, the following:Art: figurines, paintings, photographs, pottery, statuesElectronics: computers, printers, scanners, camerasEntertainment: books, movies, music, gamesHome and Garden: appliances, clocks, toolsOutdoor Equipment: bicycles, golf clubs, tents, boatsWe also are requesting the assistance of volunteers before and during the auction, as outlined in the table below:Volunteers NeededBefore AuctionMay 22Accepting Donations9:00 a.m. to 9:00p.m.May 23Tagging Items9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. During AuctionMay 24Helping Auctioneer 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Collecting Payments10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you are interested in donating items or volunteering your time for this auction, please contact Mark Kane at 555-3828. Thank you!Awesome AntiquesSecond Quarter Sales ReportAprilMayJuneTotalZone 1Boston98,764102,987110,864 =SUM(LEFT) 312,615Chicago76,43269,07587,952 =SUM(LEFT) 233,459Detroit68,06471,53670,443 =SUM(LEFT) 210,043Zone 2Denver100,98798,221103,416 =SUM(LEFT) 302,624Houston64,84269,84470,009 =SUM(LEFT) 204,695Seattle88,51387,99092,752 =SUM(LEFT) 269,255Total Sales =SUM(ABOVE) 497,602 =SUM(ABOVE) 499,653 =SUM(ABOVE) 535,4361,532,6 =SUM(LEFT) 91Auto CareON-SITECLEANING381000894715Clean Fleet AutoWould you like an on-site auto cleaning service for your fleet of company-owned vehicles? Are you tired of paying high prices for your auto cleaning? Our prices are significantly lower than our competition’s, and our turn-around times are faster. We are certain you will be satisfied with our products and services. Our technicians are prompt, thorough, and friendly. We offer the following benefits:Products: only Star Brite products usedOn-site: service performed on-site in your company lotDetailing: same-day detailing service option availableDiscount: monthly discount packages offeredAs you can see from the following table, our prices for wash, wax, and detailing are unbeatable. Your company instantly will realize a significant cost savings with our low prices. On-Site Cleaning CostsType of VehicleWashWaxDetailingCarsCompact $15.50$40.00$55.00Mid-Size$18.50$50.00$62.50Full-Size$22.50$60.00$70.00Pick-up Trucks, Vans, SUVs$30.50$70.00$82.50No more transporting your fleet of vehicles to an auto cleaning service center! Our technicians work at your site. We provide our own equipment and products. Call Clean Fleet Auto at 555-2828 and start saving today. Deli ExpressLet us feed your crowd!For your next party, let Deli Express do the work. Whether you are planning a graduation, retirement, or birthday party, or even a business meeting, we can cater your event. Although you have great flexibility and choice, one of our more popular menus includes these items:Sandwich: submarine sandwich in 3-, 6-, or 12-foot lengthSalad: potato salad, Cole slaw, garden salad, or pasta saladSoup: vegetable, chicken noodle, or cream of broccoli Beverage: bottled water, canned soda, coffee, or teaIn addition to freshness and flavor, our food provides great nutrition. The table and chart below compare a 6-inch sandwich from Deli Express with sandwiches made at two other local delicatessens. All sandwiches in the comparison were made on wheat bread and contained ham, turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, and mayonnaise. The Deli Express sandwich boasts the lowest cholesterol, total fat, and calories. Midtown SubsB.J.’s SubsDeli ExpressCholesterol (mg)313322Total Fat (g)465240Calories315395295\sBesides great food, Deli Express provides complimentary condiments and paper products, including table coverings, napkins, cutlery, and plates. School RedistrictingReferendumVote on March 10On March 10, voters will have a voice in an important matter that impacts all the children in the school district. The vote will determine whether Ashton Community Schools will be redistricted. By voting yes, you will impact elementary school children in a positive way.In the past 20 years, our community has grown exponentially. As a direct result of that growth, our school system also has grown. Enrollment has increased at all four elementary schools, both middle schools, and the high school. This period of rapid growth and expansion has taxed our community’s resources dramatically. The following table and chart show the number of new homes built in the school district in the past four years, by quadrant (north, south, east, and west):School Districts (Past Four Years)QuadrantYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4TotalNorth95144123101463South158180255310903East55707264261West10410011299415\sWhile all schools have seen an increase in enrollment, Crafton Elementary has seen the most dramatic increase. Because most vacant land is in the southern part of the school district, this is the area that has seen the largest number of new neighborhoods being built. As a result, Crafton – as the school that accommodates these students – has become overcrowded. The following table shows last year’s enrollment, this year’s enrollment, and next year’s projected enrollment for all four elementary schools:Vote YesEnrollment Figures per SchoolSchool Last YearThis YearNext Year (Projected)Crafton342418475Grover Cleveland200212220Cummings240252267Idlewild210233260By drawing new district boundaries now, before student population increases further, we will have distributed the students more equally among the schools. In addition to easing overcrowding at Crafton, the new boundaries will help in the areas of bus safety, teacher-student ratio, scheduling, and teacher burden:Fewer riders per bus will increase bus safetyTeacher-Student ratio will decrease to 16:1Scheduling of special events/assemblies will be easierGrading and preparation time will be lessenedGoverning leaders and teachers have risen to the challenge of providing a quality education to a rapidly expanding student body, while meeting new state and federal requirements. By voting to redistrict now, you can do your part in helping our children obtain their education in the best environment possible.Chapter 5MOS Word Name________________________ Period_______AssignmentPage (S)Save As…InstructionsPoints Available Your ScoreChapter 5 Work306-368Health ClubForm Letter/Mailing Labels/ Envelope/ DirectoryBlack/ White10Apply YourKnowledge370-372Green Grove NurseryBlack/ White10Extend Your Knowledge372-373Far Horizons TravelBlack/ White10Make It Right374-375Arrow ApplianceBlack/ White10Lab 1376-377Diamond Eye CareBlack/ White10*ApplicationRubricMailing Labels/ Envelope/DirectoryBlack/White10TOTALPOINTS60Don’t forget the header: First and Last Name --- File Name --- Period Grade:0 Errors=101-2 Errors=93-5 Errors=86-8 Errors=78-10 Errors=610+ Errors=5Please Paperclip in order with this sheet on top (-5 if not in order)On-time -5(1 day Late) -10 (2 days late)-15 (3 days late) *Application Assignment – Choose 5 addresses and create a Mailing label sheet, envelope, and finally a directory with all fields included. Use the fields that were included on the previous assignments, i.e. Title, Last Name, First Name, Address, etc. 85 Cottage Grove Avenue, Dilton, NH 03324 * (282) 555-2838 * Total FitnessHealth ClubFall 2011 ADDRESSBLOCK \f "<<_FIRST0_>><< _LAST0_>><< _SUFFIX0_>><<_COMPANY_>><<_STREET1_>><<_STREET2_>><<_CITY_>><<, _STATE_>><< _POSTAL_>>" \l 1033 \c 0 \e "" Milan Sciranka85 Windmill LaneDilton, NH 03324 GREETINGLINE \f "<<_BEFORE_ Dear >><<_FIRST0_>> <<_AFTER_ :>>" \l 1033 \e "Dear Sir or Madam:" Dear Milan :We would like to thank you, Milan, for being a member of our health club. We hope you are pleased with our state-of-the-art cardiovascular and resistance training equipment and top-notch staff.Starting today, your experience at Total Fitness Health Club will include several additional amenities to make your visit more complete:Enhanced FacilitiesNow open 24 hours a day, 7 days a weekNew supervised child play centerNew 46 climbing wall Expanded Instructional Programs Wellness seminars Yoga and Pilates classes Nutrition educationWe strive to provide the highest quality amenities to our members. To continue to achieve this service level, we must raise our monthly fees effective July 1. As a member on the Standard Plan, your new monthly rate will be IF Standard = "Standard" "$75" "$105" $75. We appreciate your business and hope you enjoy our club.Sincerely, Robert J. Varholak Jr.Fitness Manager Student TeachingFar Horizons Travel5421 East Bay Street * Condor, CA 95702 * (980) 555-2109 ADDRESSBLOCK \f "<<_FIRST0_>><< _LAST0_>><< _SUFFIX0_>><<_COMPANY_>><<_STREET1_>><<_STREET2_>><<_CITY_>><<, _STATE_>><< _POSTAL_>>" \l 1033 \c 0 \e "" Rochelle Guiterrez690 E. Fourth Ave.Nutonne, PA 18539Dear MERGEFIELD First_Name Rochelle:Congratulations, MERGEFIELD First_Name Rochelle, on booking your MERGEFIELD Cruise_Type European cruise! Because you reserved a MERGEFIELD Cabin three-berth cabin, your final amount owed will be $810. This amount is payable upon receipt of our invoice. This cruise line offers many amenities for travelers, including:AccommodationsRefurbished cabinsNewly decorated common areasNew exercise/fitness facility on B deckActivitiesGroup outings/activitiesDances, parties, contestsOn-shore shopping tripsWe hope that you will enjoy yourself and return home relaxed and refreshed. Thank you for trusting Far Horizons Travel to help plan your MERGEFIELD Cruise_Type European cruise.Sincerely,Crystal WoodsonTravel AgentFall 2011Green GroveNursery1/15/2008Order online at today! ADDRESSBLOCK \f "<<_TITLE0_ >><<_NICK0_>><< _LAST0_>><< _SUFFIX0_>><<_STREET1_>><<_STREET2_>><<_CITY_>><<, _STATE_>><< _POSTAL_>>" \l 1033 \c 0 \e "" Ms. Esther Cronyn82 Maple GrovePurlington, IN 47632Dear Esther:Thank you for your order from our early spring catalog. Your peonies will be delivered in time for spring planting in zone 5.Your shipment will include all items ordered, detailed planting and care instructions, and – because you ordered before February 1 – your free gift. Also enclosed is a spring/summer catalog that contains a $10 coupon for use on your next order.Green Grove Nursery strives to provide the highest-quality specimens available commercially. If for any reason you are unhappy with your order, contact us for replacement plants or a full refund.Sincerely,Keesha WillsCustomer Order SpecialistArrow Appliance78 Willow ParkwayCondor, CA 95702 ADDRESSBLOCK \f "<<_TITLE0_ >><<_FIRST0_>><< _LAST0_>><< _SUFFIX0_>><<_COMPANY_>><<_STREET1_>><<_STREET2_>><<_CITY_>><<, _STATE_>><< _POSTAL_>><<_COUNTRY_>>" \l 1033 \c 2 \e "United States" \d Ms. Juanita Melendez5050 Severen CircleCondor, CA 95702Fall 2011Dear Ms. Melendez:We hope you are enjoying your new refrigerator. Appliances are major purchases, and it makes good financial sense to protect them. We are pleased to offer you an extended protection warranty on your refrigerator for two years at a cost of IF two years = "one year" "$75" "$135" $135.Our extended protection warranty is an outstanding value and provides these additional services:In-home serviceFree annual preventive maintenance checkNo hidden or unexpected chargesGuaranteed service within 24 hours of callTelephone supportKnowledgeable technicians available 24 hours a day, 365 days a yearAssistance with nontechnical issuesAppointment schedulingIn addition, parts and labor are included at no extra charge for most covered repairs. We urge you to take advantage of this warranty today. Call us at (724) 555-8500 to enroll.Yours truly,Benjamin CutsallSales ManagerDiamond Eye CareFall 2011Student TeachingHarrust, NH 03891 ADDRESSBLOCK \f "<<_FIRST0_>><< _LAST0_>><< _SUFFIX0_>><<_COMPANY_>><<_STREET1_>><<_STREET2_>><<_CITY_>><<, _STATE_>><< _POSTAL_>>" \l 1033 \c 0 \e "" Ira SeidlinApt. 5CDillon, NH 03324Dear Ira ,Our records indicate that you are due for an eye examination/evaluation. According to our file, your last comprehensive eye exam was ago. Your also were checked at that time.Keeping your eyes healthy is an important part of your overall physical health and well being. Please call at your convenience to schedule an appointment with one of our ophthalmologists. We look forward to seeing you very soon, Ira!Sincerely,James WuStudent TeachingChapter 6MOS Word Name________________________ Period_______AssignmentPage (S)Save As…InstructionsYour ScorePoints Available Chapter 6 Work389-450Health Bits Black/ White10Apply YourKnowledge452-453Totally TonedBlack/ White10Extend Your Knowledge453-454Park DepartmentBlack/ White10Make It Right455-456Spring ProjectsBlack/ White10Lab 1456-457Memory LaneBlack/ White10*ApplicationRubricNewsletterBlack/White10TOTALPOINTS60Don’t forget the header: First and Last Name --- File Name --- Period Grade:0 Errors=101-2 Errors=93-5 Errors=86-8 Errors=78-10 Errors=610+ Errors=5 Please Paperclip in order with this sheet on top (-5 if not in order)On-time -5(1 day Late) -10 (2 days late)-15 (3 days late) *Application Assignment – In groups of 4, you and your group members will design and compose a newsletter similar to the one that we created in the class project and in the end of chapter assignments. There are three different options for the newsletter. 1. Something similar to a newspaper (include news, sports, etc.)2. On one certain topic (like Health Bites was all about health)3. On where you each want to be in ten years (you will each type a paragraph on that)(Make sure your topic and content of your newsletter is school appropriate)There are a few guidelines you will need to follow to complete this project:(as a group)Each partner must type at least a seven sentence paragraph corresponding with one of the options above. You must switch paragraphs with someone in your group and have them “edit” your paragraph like turning in your piece for the editor of a newspaper. Then, make any necessary changes to your paragraph.As a group, make a title for your newsletter that corresponds with whatever one of the three options you chose above.Save to exchange somehow(as an individual)Collect all of your groups paragraphs and insert them into a newsletter including:The title your group pickedUse three columns with the text justified Use a boarder above and below the titleInclude a drop-cap for the first letter of the first paragraph of your newsletterInsert one pull-quoteUse at least one SmartArt graphic for a chart of informationUse a boarder around the outside edge of each page of the newsletterBe sure to include your name and the date, a volume/issue reference, something to identify which newsletter or newspaper this is in the seriesUse sub-headings (these will begin the different sections and should include the group member’s name who wrote that particular section – ex: Sports by: Robert Varholak)Use different font colors and sizes to designate things like subheadings and add interest to your newsletter/newspaper.5793427703613Monthly NewsletterVol. 4 Issue 9Health Concerns Related to Computer UseTRSIs are the largest job-related injury and illness problem in the U.S. today.he widespread use of computers has been causing health concerns. Computer users should be proactive and minimize their chance of health complications. This article discusses computer health risks and preventions. A repetitive strain injury (RSI) is an injury or disorder of the joints, nerves, muscles, ligaments or tendons. RSIs are the largest job-related injury and illness problem in the U.S. today. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has guidelines designed to minimize or prevent workplace injuries with respect to computer usage. Computer-related RSIs include tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon due to repeated motion or stress on that tendon. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is inflammation of the nerve that connects the forearm to the palm of the hand. Repeated and/or forceful bending of the wrist can cause tendonitis or CTS. Common symptoms linked to tendonitis of the wrist include extreme pain that extends from the forearm to the hand, along with a tingling feeling in the fingers. Some symptoms of CTS include numbness and tingling in the thumb and first two fingers, and a burning pain when the nerve is compressed.(Continued on next page)GROUP MEETINGThe next meeting of the Health Bits Group will be held on Saturday, May 17, at the Glenview Recreation Center (440 Cedar Street) from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A deli luncheon will be served. The guest speaker, Sean Riverton, will discuss how to keep our environment healthy.MEMBER DISCOUNTSBeginning May 1, Health Bits Group members are entitled to a 10 percent discount on regular price products at these stores: Office Warehouse, Simply Nutrition, and The Sports Center. To receive the discount, show your Health Bits Group membership card at the time of purchase.NEXT ISSUENext month’s issue of Health Bits will discuss hay fever and other pollen-related allergies.HEALTH BITSMonthly NewsletterVol. 4 Issue 9Health Concerns Related to Computer Use(Continued from first page)Long-term computer work can lead to tendonitis or CTS. If untreated, these disorders can lead to permanent damage to your body. You can take many precautions to prevent these types of injuries. Take frequent breaks to exercise your hands. To prevent injury due to typing, place a wrist rest between the keyboard and the edge of your desk. To prevent injury while using a mouse, place the mouse at least six inches from the edge of the desk. In this position, your wrist is flat on the desk. Finally, minimize the number of times you switch between the mouse and the keyboard, and avoid using the heel of your hand as a pivot point while typing or using the mouse.Another type of health-related condition due to computer use is computer vision syndrome (CVS). You may have CVS if you have sore, tired, burning, itching, or dry eyes; headache or sore neck; blurred or double vision; increased sensitivity to light; and difficulty focusing. CVS is not believed to have serious or long-term consequences.28575-2514600People who spend entire days using a computer sometimes complain of lower back pain and muscle fatigue. The back pain sometimes is caused from poor posture. One way to help prevent these injuries is to be sure the workplace is designed ergonomically. Ergonomics is an applied science devoted to including comfort, efficiency, and safety in the design of the workplace. Studies have shown that using the correct configuration and type of chair, keyboard, display device, and work surface helps users work comfortably and efficiently and helps protect their health. For the computer area, experts recommend a workspace of at least two feet by four feet.2943225971550Monthly NewsletterVol. 4 Issue 1Get in Shape for Summer!All through the fall and the long, long winter, many of us have become rather lazy. Eating too much and not exercising enough have taken their toll. Soon it will be time to put on summer clothes. Do not wait another day to get into shape! Visit the fitness center today and begin the path to a healthier you.Dennis Broward, one of our personal trainers, has developed a simple visual model he uses, which he dubbed “the CAN pyramid.” CAN stands for Consistency, Activity, and Nutrition, as shown in the figure below.1095375818515Consistency refers to being dedicated about exercising and practicing good nutrition and eating habits. Dennis notes, “It is about choosing an activity you enjoy and sticking to it. Add healthy eating habits and good nutritional choices, and you are on the road to success.” Dennis claims that adhering to all three areas nearly guarantees a fitter, more toned body.Weight Room Makeover“It is about choosing an activity you enjoy and sticking to it.”The weight room has undergone an extreme makeover. Renovations are complete, and new equipment is installed. For those of you who spent the last two weeks using the makeshift weight facility while the project was being completed, we are grateful for your patience.We are certain that members will be pleased with the finished renovations. Flooring and mirrors were replaced. The new rubberized flooring should provide a much more comfortable surface than the old carpet. Several new machines and stations were added to cut down on members’ waiting times. Benches and free weights also all were replaced.Feel free to stop in and check out the new additions.Upcoming EventsPlan to join members for one of the many upcoming events. Calendars are posted in the lounges, lobby, and locker rooms. Scheduled events include Pilates classes, aerobics, senior fitness, beginner and intermediate weights, and tennis clinics. See the front desk for a complete list.Park Department NewsletterVol. 2 Issue 2New Programs AboundThe holidays are past, and it seems spring is a long way off. Many of us are feeling the “winter blues” at this time of year. Take heart! We have many fun events and activities scheduled in the next few months that are guaranteed to lift your spirits and get you out and moving!Buck Hill SleddingBuck Hill in Schilton Park remains a family favorite for sledding. Bundle up the kids (and yourself) and grab your sleds, snowboards, and saucers for a day of fun.Kids’ Craft Day3114675-2853690This event promises fun for kids ages 3 to 10. Age-appropriate craft areas will be set up for each age group. Youngest participants will make a sock doll (with a parent’s help). Activities for older kids range from beading to painting to soap-making. Nominal fees cover materials used.Valentine’s Day DanceOn Saturday, February 9, a Valentine’s Day Dance will be held in the Red Room at the Park Department Conference Facility. The dance will feature a disc jockey, refreshments, and a silent auction. Proceeds will be directed to future park improvements. Call the Park Department at 555-8750 for tickets.Volunteers NeededThe Park Department always needs volunteers. Past projects completed with volunteer help include painting the bleachers at the baseball diamonds, planting flowers and bulbs, park cleanup, and cleaning and stocking the concession stands. If you use any of the park facilities, volunteering is a great way to express your appreciation. Check with Trent Dellman at the Park Department office for volunteer opportunities.Upcoming EventsThe table below lists some of the upcoming park events. Plan your activities and reserve your places early!Events DateLocationKids’ Track and Field DayApril 17West Park Park CleanupApril 21 – 22North Park Kids ConversationApril 23West Park Big Band ConcertMay 3Shelton Park Sidewalk Art for KidsJune 9South Park Cookout/FireworksJuly 3East Park Park FestAugust 15 – 17North Park19815971123950Monthly NewsletterVol. 5 ? Issue 1Spring Projects GaloreSpring will soon be here, and the warmer weather brings the motivation to tackle new projects. Whether you are a decorator, a carpenter, a painter, or a do-it-yourselfer, these jobs are among the most popular spring projects.Cover Your FloorsWhether opting for wood, stone, vinyl, laminate, ceramic, or carpet, you should consider the key factors shown in the figure.1333502059305Reena Choudhary, of Supreme Floors and Surfaces, points out that budget plays the largest role in choosing new flooring. She advises, “Be sure to visit several flooring vendors before finalizing your choice. The difference in price can be significant from vendor to vendor.” In other words, shop around. Grab a PaintbrushHot trends for interiors are wall murals.Nothing brightens up a home like a fresh coat of paint. A hot trend for interiors are wall murals, which can be simple or intricate, small or large. Unless you are an artist, though, it is best to hire a professional to achieve this effect. Faux finishes such as stone, suede, leather, or marble remain popular and are rather easy to master.Update the BathSpruce up a bathroom quickly just by replacing towels, the shower curtain, and mirrors. Add drapes and decorative soaps, and your bathroom will look like a new room.Decorators Showcase StartsThe 10th Annual Decorators Showcase will begin on February 5 and run through February 10. In years past, this event was held at Wright’s Arena. This year, a novel approach has been taken. Visitors will tour seven area homes that different teams of decorators have brought to life with new materials, fabrics, and products.Event organizer, Grant McCord, believes visitors will like this approach. “Rather than seeing booths and partitioned areas in a large building, guests will get to see how the elements work together in an actual home.” He added, “Each room in the house has been decorated by a different firm, so visitors can take in a variety of techniques, styles, and products in a single setting.”Plan to attend this event. Get new ideas and leave feeling inspired! Purchase tickets in advance for $20. Call 555-1716 for details and a map.3012795587045Monthly NewsletterVolume 3 Issue 2New Exhibit OpensA“A wedding dress is such an intensely personal artifact. It adds immediacy and a poignant human dimension to history.”fter a month of diligent preparation and hard work, the new museum exhibit has opened in time for the centennial celebration. Our exhibit “Wedded Bliss: Bridal Wear through the Ages” showcases bridal attire from the past to the present.More than 40 dresses are on display, along with stories of their history and wearer. Photographs of the bride wearing the dress on her wedding day are included in many displays. Accessories such as purses, jewelry, and -- in one case -- pressed flowers from the bridal bouquet accompany several of the dresses.The dresses range from the 1870s through the 1980s. The oldest dress in the collection belonged to the daughter of one of our town’s earliest settlers, and was worn for her 1873 wedding.Many turn of the century dresses also are on display. Fashions range from high-necked, full-sleeved Victorian gowns to sleek and short dresses worn in the 1920s and early 1930s. Some of the dress displays include copies of the bride and groom’s marriage license. Of special interest are the wedding dresses worn during the war. Fabrics were in short supply at that time, which is reflected in the short sleeves and noticeable lack of embellishment on wartime wedding dresses. Curator Roger Breman says, “A wedding dress is such an intensely personal artifact. It adds immediacy and a poignant human dimension to history.” Special thanks go to Becky Ruiz and Sharla Tant for their work in acquiring the gowns and to Leslie Simone and our tireless band of volunteers.New ArtifactsSome intriguing new artifacts have been added to the museum’s collection. The estate of Randall Frank donated part of his Civil War collection to the museum. New additions include an officer’s uniform jacket and several letters written by soldiers during the war.Beth McHenry presented us with her collection of Barbie dolls. Original cases, outfits, and accessories were included with her dolls, which were manufactured from 1959 to 1965. They provide exquisite examples of high fashion during those years.Four heirloom quilts were found by a Historical Society renovator during work on an 1800s house. Packed in an antique trunk, the quilts are in remarkably good shape, especially because they seem to be untouched during the home’s 30-year vacancy.Next Month’s Issue…Tour the Genealogy Library and meet the staff.Extracurricular ActivitiesThroughout my experience in the high school I had many opportunities to observe and assist Mrs. Bushy as she worked on the various extracurricular activities. One of the activities that she ran was a fundraiser that supported Breast Cancer. The students sold and bought t-shirts where all the proceeds went to support women’s breast cancer research. I helped distribute and collect the money for the shirts. Another activity that I assisted Mrs. Bushey in was year book sales. Mrs. Bushey was in charge of collected and analyzing the year book sales, alongside another staff member who was in charge of the creation and design of the books. I would help Mrs. Bushey keep track of the funds as they came in and whatever other task she would need help with. Finally, Mrs. Bushey is the advisor for the class officers. She helps coordinate and run the different programs and activities that the students hold. However, one of the major projects that operated almost the entire semester is the concession stand. The money that came from the concession stand is used for various things. She is in charge of planning who will work, what is sold in the stand, and also the money that is made from the sales. I helped Mrs. Bushey at various times with this task and observed how she kept track of everything that went on dealing with the concession stand. Thus, observing and assisting Mrs. Bushey in these efforts helped me to realize not only is teaching in the classroom but it means getting out there and helping with the students extracurricular activities. This is meaningful in many ways, but one of the most important parts of this is that the students will begin to build respect for you as a teacher in the classroom and outside of the classroom. ................

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