Unit 3 test Review

Unit 3 test Review

Directions: Read the questions below and check to see if the items in red are the correct answers. If not, make the correct choice.

Expressions such as "Remember the Alamo," "Remember the Maine," and "Remember Pearl Harbor" are

a. political campaigns

b. great victories by American forces

c. wartime slogans

d. causes for wars

Which person has been called the Father of the American Industrial Revolution?

a. John Rolfe

b. Eli Whitney

c. Zebulon Pike

d. Noah Webster

What was the LAST piece of contiguous (touching) territory added to the U.S.?

e. Alaska

f. Gadsden Purchase

g. Panama Canal Zone

h. Mexican Cession

Who was the inventor of interchangeable parts and the cotton gin?

e. Eli Whitney

f. Henry Clay

g. Andrew Jackson

h. John Calhoun

The making of goods in large amounts is called

a. interchangeable parts

b. mass production

c. the American System

d. nullification

The canal that connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean is called the

a. Panama Canal

b. Suez Canal

c. Erie Canal

d. none of the above

How was the United States changed by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)?

a. Mexican bandits no longer raided Texas.

b. California became part of U.S. territory.

c. Slavery was abolished in Texas.

d. The southern portion of Oregon Country became part of the U.S.

How did President Polk use his executive power as president to encourage war with Mexico?

a. As Commander in Chief, he sent armed forces into territory claimed

by both the U.S. and Mexico.

b. As Chief Magistrate, he pardoned Americans who had committed

crimes against Mexicans.

c. As head of the diplomatic corps, he insulted the Mexican nation.

d. As Chief of State, he stated the policy of manifest destiny.

Which was NOT a long-term result of the factory system?

a. jobs for the working-class decreased

b. price of products decreased

c. cities grew

d. membership in labor unions increased

Which territory was NOT gained as a result of the war with Mexico in 1848?

a. California

b. New Mexico

c. Texas

d. Utah

In 1853, what did President Taylor buy that set the present-day borders of the lower 48 states?

a. Florida

b. Gadsden Purchase

c. The Port of Veracruz

d. Louisiana

Which of the following was NOT an invention that helped spark the Market Revolution?

a. the Liberator

b. the steel plow

c. the mechanical reaper

d. the cotton gin

What brought the Texans into conflict with the Mexican government?

e. slavery

f. tariffs

g. religion

h. both e & g

What was the result of the battle at the Alamo?

e. 187 Texans were killed

f. it sparked a successful revolution against the Mexican government

g. it eventually led to Texas becoming an independent republic

h. all of the above

With which American institution were Frederick Douglass, Levi Coffin, and Harriet Tubman most closely associated?

a. first industrial revolution

b. Underground Railroad

c. development of the canal system

d. creation of institutions of higher education

Which of the following people was MOST responsible for inciting a slave insurrection?

a. John Brown

b. Roger Taney

c. William Lloyd Garrison

d. Abraham Lincoln

Nat Turner and John Brown were similar in that both

a. were abolitionist leaders

b. used violence in their opposition to slavery

c. escaped slavery through the Underground Railroad

d. were involved in the Bleeding Kansas dispute

What was the goal of the newly formed Republican Party?

a. abolition of slavery

b. repeal of the fugitive slave law

c. lowering of tariffs

d. ban on slavery in U.S. territories

The Republican platform of 1860 included a reference to a change in the tariff, which would "encourage the industrial development of the whole country." This statement was meant to influence voting in

a. Georgia and Alabama

b. Florida and Georgia

c. New Jersey and Florida

d. Pennsylvania and New Jersey

One important result of the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 was that

a. all slaves were made free

b. all owners of freed slaves were paid for their "lost property"

c. freedom for slaves became an official aim of the war

d. every freed slave was given 40 acres and a mule

The issue of slavery in the territories was an important one during this period. The person most responsible for the argument that there could be no Congressional interference with slavery in the territories was

a. John Brown

b. Roger Taney

c. William Lloyd Garrison

d. Abraham Lincoln

Which is the most accurate statement concerning the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case?

a. It ended the argument over slavery in the territories.

b. It granted citizenship to former slaves.

c. It upheld the Missouri Compromise.

d. It intensified arguments over slavery in the territories.

Which statement would most historians support regarding the firing on Fort Sumter?

a. It was a basic cause of the Civil War.

b. It was an underlying cause of the Civil War.

c. It had nothing to do with the Civil War.

d. It was the immediate cause of the Civil War.

Which of the following was Lincoln's major war aim?

a. to free the slaves

b. to stop expansion of slavery into the territories

c. to force the South to unconditionally surrender

d. to preserve the Union

Women became dominant in what occupation in America during the Civil War?

a. college teaching

b. WAC units

c. management

d. nursing

The Emancipation Proclamation was

A) a law passed by Congress. B) an amendment to the federal Constitution.

C) a Presidential order. D) a joint resolution of Congress.

During the Civil War, which action posed the greatest threat to civil liberties?

A) The seizure of Mason and Slidell from the Trent.

B) Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus by President Lincoln.

C) The impressments of British soldiers by the American navy.

D) The assassination by President Lincoln.

The chief reason why the English commercial class supported the Confederacy instead of the North in the Civil War was that the South

A) was fighting for the preservation of its social structure.

B) was more likely to win the war.

C) was more likely to repay debts to British industries.

D) was more likely to provide favorable tariff conditions for British goods.

At the start of the Civil War, President Lincoln believed the main reason for the war was to

A) save the Union. B) end slavery.

C) defend states’ rights. D) protect the interests’ of northern industries.

Which of the following was a Union victory?

A) Gettysburg B) Antietam C) Bull Run D) Monitor v. Merrimac

Which of the following MOST accurately describes the similarity of "The Genius of Universal Emancipation," "The Liberator," and "Uncle Tom's Cabin"?

a. They were all anti-slavery novels.

b. All three were anti-slavery magazines.

c. They all pointed out the evils of slavery.

d. All three were written by Southerners.

What did the South gain in the Compromise of 1850?

a. Tariff rates were lowered.

b. California was opened to slavery.

c. A strict fugitive slave law was passed.

d. All territories would be equally divided into slave and free


The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 is an example of

a. separation of powers

b. division of powers

c. Manifest Destiny

d. popular sovereignty

Some Civil War leaders became folk heroes in American history. One became the commander of all the Confederate armies. He was

a. Salmon P. Chase

b. Robert E. Lee

c. Ulysses S. Grant

d. William T. Sherman

Some Civil War leaders became folk heroes in American history. The general who led a Union army on a destructive "March to the Sea" was

a. Salmon P. Chase

b. Robert E. Lee

c. Ulysses S. Grant

d. William T. Sherman

What was Abraham Lincoln’s position on slavery in the election of 1860?

A) He opposed slavery as an unjust and immoral practice therefore he should abolish it.

B) He encouraged the expansion of slavery into new territories.

C) He refused to take a stance because it was too politically risky.

D) He opposed expansion of slavery, but felt it should remain in states who have already established it.

The chief purpose of the Northern blockade during the Civil War was to prevent

A) English volunteers from reaching the South.

B) Confederate officials from escaping to Europe.

C) the South from exporting cotton.

D) the French navy from aiding the South.

When Lincoln was elected as President in 1860,

A) he was America’s clear cut choice.

B) South Carolina immediately seceded from the Union.

C) slaves rejoiced because they were immediately set free.

D) John Wilkes Booth attempted to assassinate him.

Which of the following was NOT one of the arguments against the Fugitive Slave Law?

A) The law made it easy to kidnap free African Americans.

B) Slaves were legally the property of the slaveholder.

C) Accused African Americans were not allowed to defend themselves.

D) Methods of returning escaped slaves was cruel and humiliating.

How did immigration affect the ability of the North to conduct the war?

a. A sharp drop in immigration restricted the North's ability to wage


b. Immigration benefited the South more than the North.

c. Immigration to the North provided workers for production and

replacements for soldiers killed or wounded.

d. Immigration was not a factor during the Civil War because immigrants

were excluded from draft laws.

Why did the South think its secession from the Union would succeed?

a. The Confederate army was larger.

b. The South had a better transportation system.

c. The South did not have to defeat the Union -- it only had to avoid


d. European nations had promised their support to Southern leaders

Which of the following military strategies is CORRECTLY paired with its advocate?

a. North: cut off Florida from the rest of the Confederacy

b. North: economically weaken the South by blockading its coast

c. South: use most of their armed forces to attack Northern cities

d. South: use gunboats on the Mississippi to divide the North

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the part played by naval forces in the Civil War?

a. Control of the rivers was of much less importance than control of


b. The North was able to use its sea power to blockade the South.

c. Sea power was of little significance in the war.

d. The North made little or poor use of its naval strength.

Unlike the South, the North in 1860

A) was committed to capitalism.

B) was not prejudice against African Americans.

C) was becoming a thriving industrial society.

D) had a democratic form of government.

Which of the following is NOT true of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

A) The book was written by Harriet Tubman.

B) Reaction to the book among northerners was favorable.

C) It provoked the publication of novels that refuted the book in the South.

D) The author was extended a visit to the White House by Abraham Lincoln.

Why was the Kansas/Nebraska Act unpopular among northerners?

A) They opposed the Missouri Compromise.

B) They opposed the spread of slavery into new territories.

C) They disapproved of a railroad uniting the east and west.

D) They despised Stephen Douglas.

Dred Scot sued for his freedom on the basis that

A) slavery was immoral and unjust.

B) the Fugitive Slave Act was unconstitutional.

C) he has been a resident in a free state.

D) salves were not property.

Which of the following factors proved to be the MOST important in the North winning the Civil War?

a. a spirited and unified population

b. high quality military leadership

c. faithful allies

d. large population

Why was the attitude of Great Britain so important to the outcome of the Civil War?

a. Both North and South depended on Britain for war materials.

b. The Union needed to borrow money from Britain.

c. The Confederacy needed British official recognition as a nation to

help break the Union blockade.

d. Both North and South wanted to hire British mercenary troops.

Why do you think Lincoln made the following comment to General McClellan:

"My dear McClellan: If you don't want to use the Army I would like to borrow it for a while."

a. McClellan lacked organizational skills.

b. McClellan was very cautious and he did not press on when he had the


c. McClellan used hastily conceived and ill-advised plans in battle.

d. McClellan refused to obey Grant's orders.

A Civil War leader led a naval attack on New Orleans in 1862, taking the city for the North. Who was this person?

a. Salmon P. Chase

b. David G. Farragut

c. Ulysses S. Grant

d. William T. Sherman

During Reconstruction, which American president faced an impeachment trial?

A) Bill Clinton

B) Andrew Johnson

C) Lyndon Johnson

D) Richard M. Nixon

How did the ratification of the 15th Amendment in 1870 affect the number of black men who voted in the North and South?

E) More voted in the South, but there was no change in the North.

F) More voted both in the South and the North.

G) More voted in the South, but fewer voted in the North.

H) Fewer voted in the South and the North.

The Republicans discovered that their margin of victory in the 1868 election was due mainly to their solid support among black voters. Eagerness to enlist more black voters would increase Republican support for

A) the Supreme Court decision in "Plessy v. Ferguson"

B) the ratification of the 15th Amendment

C) abolition of the Freedmen's Bureau

D) Lincoln's 10% plan

Which economic institution was sometimes called "slavery without slaves"?

E) the closed shop

F) the factory system

G) subsistence farming

H) sharecropping

Who was president during most of the period of Reconstruction (1865-1877)?

A) Andrew Johnson

B) Thaddeus Stevens

C) Abraham Lincoln

D) Ulysses Grant

Which of the following best expresses the Radical Republican philosophy of Reconstruction?

E) The Southern states never left the Union.

F) If 10% of the voters took an oath of allegiance, the state would be

restored to the Union.

G) If conventions in Southern states would amend their constitutions and

repudiate their war debts, the state would be restored to the Union.

H) The states were conquered territories that were to be ruled by military


To many Northerners, the Southern Black Codes were seen as

A) an attempt by Southern whites to recreate slavery under another name

B) acceptance by the South of the mortality of slavery

C) a practical way of meeting the needs of the newly freed slaves

D) a bad idea because Northern blacks might demand the same treatment

In addition to ending slavery, the 13th Amendment also had the effect of

E) creating American citizenship for all freed slaves

F) abolishing voluntary servitude

G) increasing Senate representation for the former states of the


H) increasing representation in the House of Representatives for former

slave states

Which of the following ended slavery in the United States?

A) Emancipation Proclamation (1863)

B) 13th Amendment to the Constitution (ratified 1865)

C) Civil Rights Act (1866)

D) 14th Amendment to the Constitution (ratified 1868)

Which of the following measures declared that all persons born in the United States were citizens of the United States?

A) 13th Amendment

B) 14th Amendment

C) 15th Amendment

D) Emancipation Proclamation

In 1868 President Andrew Johnson was impeached. What happened as a result of this impeachment?

E) The Supreme Court ruled the impeachment to be unconstitutional.

F) He was found not guilty and continued to serve as president.

G) Fearing a guilty verdict, he resigned from the presidency.

H) He was found guilty and forced out of office.

Why did northern congressmen favor high tariffs?

e. to protect the southern cotton industry

f. to end the slave trade

g. to enhance the Industrial Revolution

h. to ensure that American products be purchased domestically

A change in the making of small goods by hand to large factories that used machines was called the

a. Industrial Revolution

b. the American System

c. the Transportation Revolution

d. the Commercial Revolution

The main purpose of General Sherman's march across Georgia was to

a. save Grant's army from being surrounded

b. capture General Lee

c. divide the Confederacy

d. capture the cotton crop for later sale to England

One Civil War leader became commander in chief of the United States Army after his successful campaigns in the Western sector of the Civil War. He was

a. Ulysses S. Grant

b. William T. Sherman

c. William H. Seward

d. David G. Farragut

One Southern reaction to Congressional Reconstruction was the use of racist secret societies to obstruct Reconstruction policies by intimidation. One such society was the

E) Knights of Labor

F) Patrons of Husbandry and the Grange

G) Native American Association

H) Knights of the White Camellia


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