World History - Coach Burgess

World History Name: __________________________

World War I Period: __________

“BIG” Quiz

Directions: List the member nations of the PRE-WAR ALLIANCES.

|Triple Entente | |

|Triple Alliance | |

Directions: List the member nations of the WORLD WAR I ALLIANCES.

|Allied Powers | |

|Central Powers | |

Directions: For questions 1 through 10, identify the country being described. Choose from AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY, RUSSIA & the UNITED STATES.

1. ___________________________ This country invaded Belgium, thus forcing Great Britain to enter the war.

2. ___________________________ This country declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914.

3. ___________________________ This country had the strongest navy before & during WWI.

4. ___________________________ Germany planned to quickly defeat this country in order to avoid a two-front war.

5. ___________________________ This country had promised to protect the neutrality of Belgium.

6. ___________________________ This country maintained neutrality until the interception of the Zimmerman Telegram.

7. ___________________________ This Allied power had a huge, but horribly weak & ill-equipped army during WWI.

8. ___________________________ This country wanted to regain Alsace-Lorrance, land it had lost to Germany in 1870.

9. ___________________________ This country wanted to build a Berlin-to-Baghdad railway.

10. ___________________________ This country expanded its navy in order to compete with Great Britain’s during WWI.

Directions: Choose the BEST answer to each question; write the letter of your answer on the line that precedes the question.

11. ____________ All of the following were aspects of militarism that contributed to pre-war tensions in Europe EXCEPT:

a. Germany attempted to build a navy that would rival Great Britain’s

b. New weapons had been developed & attack strategies planned

c. The military controlled the governments of most European nations

d. Countries believed that military strength reflected their importance & security

12. ____________ Before World War I Serbia came into constant conflict with _____________________ over the issue of expansion in the Balkan Region.

a. Austria-Hungary

b. Russia

c. France

d. Great Britain

13. ____________ Which of the following BEST describes the attitude of the Germans towards the final peace settlement of World War I?

a. The Germans believed that they were responsible for the war

b. The Germans accepted all points of the treaty except the high indemnity

c. The Germans approved of the treaty since Germany helped write it

d. The Germans considered it a humiliating, unjustified treaty but had to sign it

14. ____________ The Bolsheviks gained popular support in Russia by promising all of the following EXCEPT:

a. A democratic government

b. Withdrawal from the war

c. Land for peasants

d. Food for everyone

15. ____________ The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the catalyst of World War I because:

a. He was a unifying force between Serbia and the Austro-Hungarian empire

b. His death caused Russia to rush to the defense of Austria

c. His death ended plans for national self-determination within the Austro-Hungarian empire

d. His death increased the tensions underlying the alliances in eastern and western Europe

16. ____________ Which of the following is true about the relationship between the Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles?

a. Both held Germany responsible for the war

b. Both required all nations to provide their overseas colonies with independence

c. Both advocated the creation of an international peace-keeping organization

d. The basic spirit of the Fourteen Points was preserved in the Treaty of Versailles

17. ____________ Germany’s notorious Zimmerman Telegram:

a. Promised a temporary halt to submarine warfare

b. Warned the U.S. against sending merchant ships to belligerent nations

c. Rejected American efforts to a establish a truce

d. Proposed an alliance with Mexico if the U.S. became involved in the war

18. ____________ All of the following were post-World War I states created from Austria-Hungary EXCEPT:

a. Czechoslovakia

b. Poland

c. Yugoslavia

d. Austria

19. ____________ The Provisional Russian government lost the support of many Russian people because it:

a. Removed Russia from all war efforts

b. Established policies that discriminated against minorities

c. Continued on with the war effort

d. Denied Russian citizens the freedom of speech

20. ___________ Which statement is BEST supported by the data contained in the table?

a. Austria-Hungary could not afford a large military expenditure in 1880

b. France spent the greatest amount of money on defense in 1990

c. Germany rapidly increased its military spending in 1890

d. Great Britain attempted to prepare for a long ground war

Directions: Choose 3 of the following 5 questions to answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES!

1. List & explain the FIVE UNDERLYING CAUSES of World War I by referencing specific historical examples.

2. Explain the reasons for which Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrillo Princip.

3. Describe the various components of the Schlieffen Plan. Was the Schlieffen Plan successful? Why or why not?

4. Explain, in detail, the circumstances surrounding the American entrance into World War I.

5. Why was the Treaty of Versailles often referred to as a “peace built on quicksand?” Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not?












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