Minecraft mods 1. 12 2 portal gun


Minecraft mods 1. 12 2 portal gun

Home About Work Services Contact Fans of Valve's portal game series will definitely love the Gun Portal mod for Minecraft. Those who have played the games before will know exactly what it does, but for the rest of you, the weapon will allow you to make permanent semiperenic links between two different points within your world. There is a red portal and a blue portal, and these are independent of each other. Enter the red on one side and you will come out of red on the other; the same goes for blue. But the things you can do with these two different portals are what really make this mod a great addition to Minecraft. Consider this: we place a red portal at the bottom of a deadly fall, and exit near the top of a ravine, cliff or anything else that's jumping. This allows you to accumulate speed, falling faster and faster until you are moving at a rate that is only impossible in standard Minecraft. A more practical use for the Gun Portal mod is to make links between two different points, allowing an immediate journey from one to the other. Set up a portal to your home, and then you can return to it whenever you want from a mine tree, dungeon, temple, or other place. Gun Mod Portal for Minecraft Changelogs Compatibility mod fixed with changing texture packs. Fixed shooting portals through glass/iron fences that make you go through blocks. Correct whether luxury portal settings cannot be turned off. Fix crash when a block next to a portal changes while the portal is placed. Fix the aura luxury portal overlay with another portal that causes the overlapping area to display the block behind the portal. Correct the change to an empty hand while you take a block/entity that allows the entity to remain taken. Correct the moving portal rendering when the camera is in the third person in front of the player. Fix portals that don't match correctly when they're on dedicated servers. The aura luxury portal is only rendered if MC graphics are set for fantasy, with PG configurations also set in luxury portals. Correctly define the uniform fields in the shadow that may have been causing the open green/black/invalid portals. #BlameAma Portal Guns given via command (or similar) will now have NBT tags assigned when the player first tries to use it. The Ender Pearl powder is properly located. The miniature black hole element is now rendered brightly. Now you can be on wall portals thanks to a fix on iChunUtil How to install Portal Gun Mod? Download the mod and Minecraft Forge and iChunUtil. Open the Start Button Type in %appdata% then search the Roaming folder then look for the .minecraft folder Place the mod in the mods folder! (if you don't have one, make one or just launch the Minecraft a with Forge) Have fun! Homepage ? Minecraft Mods ? Portal Gun Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 (Teleport Anywhere) Author: iChun March 7, 2019 2,447,544 visits Portal Gun Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 is a mod that includes many elements of the Valve Corporation Games Portal and Portal 2 such as a portal gun, weighted cubes, beams, turrets, and more. The mod does however, they include chambers of the Portal. This mod adds a few different elements most of which are from the Game Portal. Features: Portal Gun: The portal gun comes in a few different colors and can create portals corresponding to its color. Portals are done by left and right clicking, portals cannot be made in transparent blocks, if an invalid location is selected for a portal, there is a small particle effect similar to the Game Portal. Portals can be reset by pressing the R KEY while holding down the portal weapon using the default settings. Solid blocks and mafias can be picked up with the portal gun while nearby by pressing the G key in the default settings and can be released by pressing the G key again, the blocks dropped by the portal gun will fall similar to sand and gravel if they are not placed next to a solid block , blocks will also maintain damage values and tile entities. Some blocks cannot be picked if the mod author choose, a good example of this are rubber tree blocks from Industrial Ship 2 cannot be picked up with the portal gun to prevent the creation of a wall of tappable rubber blocks. Blocks and mafias held with the portal gun will be taken through portal gun portals, but the player must walk through first. When there is only one active portal it will appear similar to how it would appear on the Game Portal, but when there are two active portals of corresponding colors you can see through each portal to the other. If one portal is fired at the Moon and the other on the ground, all nearby blocks and entities will be sucked. Portals have a schema that can be viewed through blocks similar to those of the game portal and portal 2. Spawners Portal: When a portal milling machine is placed it will display a GUI that displays all the portal colors from which you can choose, a portal milling machine will generate a portal when activated with a redstone current, this portal is no different from one created with a portal gun. Weighted storage cube: To put it simply, a storage cube is an entity, which can be used on pressure plates and can be pushed by other entities. Complementary cubes can be melted into the still-alive music disc that can be played on a jukebox to play the valve portal song, which will play in the portal game after defeating GLaDOS. The storage cube can also be combined with a grilled rose brewing to make a companion cube, see companion weighted cube. Weighted Companion Cube: Companion cubes can be made by combining a weighted storage cube with a grilled rose making to make your new friend. Complementary cubes can also be melted into the still-alive music disc that can be played on a jukebox to play one of the songs on the Valve Portal as it will be played on the after defeating GLaDOS. Otherwise, they act in the same way as a weighted storage cube. Sentinel turret: Turrets are entities hostile to all entities except the player, a strange feature. They fire laser tracking beams from a laser into the central part of your body and side panels of turret turrets will appear track something, not unlike the portal game. When hit abruptly or hit. The turrets will also rotate/move if gently pushed, and when they are activated they will make noises as in the portal game. Turrets have a 1/10 milling probability normally. Faulty turret: The faulty turret is a turret that has a laser beam tracker, but won't fire anything at all, and has a strange texture much like the portal game. They'll also say different things about the regular turret. Torreta Oracle: Oracle turrets have the same texture as a turret of sentinels, but have no laser beam and always face forward. They will also perform a dance (acts as an accordion) and song Valve: turret wife serenade when placed in a row of four. Various groups of oracle turrets can be made to dance at the same time, as long as there are at least five blocks of air between groups. High-energy pellet launcher: the high-energy pellet launcher is from Portal 1, this shoots an instant death pellet that moves at a moderate speed, should be placed in a block, and will become the item again when the block in which it is running is destroyed. If you get the pellet in a high-energy pellets catcher, the receiver will emit a redstone signal. The launcher itself needs to be powered by redstone to shoot a pellet, and will stop firing pellets once the pellet that last shot hits a high-energy pellet catcher. High energy pellet catcher: The high-energy pellet catcher will emit a redstone signal when a high-energy pellet hits. Like the high-energy pellet launcher, it should be placed in a block, and become the item if the block on which it is running is destroyed. When the usage button is clicked on the launcher, it will release the HEP (High Energy Pellet). Screenshots: Elaboration Recipes: Show Content ?? Mod Part 0: Portal Gun Atlas' Portal Gun P-Body's Portal Gun Bacon Gun Fire Portals with left and right mouse buttons. Zoom in and out with the middle mouse button. Grab blocks or entities with the G button. However, it can be set in the properties file. This is your special set of SMP portals. Unique by individual. Spawners Portal When placed, a GUI will appear asking you to set the color and whether the portal stays open if the redstone power is cut. When it feeds on redstone, it will generate a portal based on the color you set. Portal Gun Pedestals accepts any type of weapon from the portal. Automatically activate portals when you receive the redstone stream. The portal gun can be recovered by right clicking or entering them Single Coloured Default Portal Gun Fires just a type of portal. It will be merged automatically The one-color portal gun of the other color to form a double-door gun. They can also be prepared together. Long autumn boots denies all your damage that falls when you wear it! Fuel option Now you can enable a fuel option on 1.3.2v1 onwards in the configuration file. The fuel used by the portal gun is in by Ender Pearl Dust. An ender pearl powder is used every time you shoot a portal. If you run out of ender pearl powder, the portal gun will dasle and refuse to fire. Mod Part 1: Weighted storage cube Placing it in the world and right-clicking with a rose will be transformed into a companion cube! While in your inventory, the companion cube will help you heal every 5 seconds! The incineration of the cube (How could you!?) will cause you to leave behind a recorded message. Casting the disc will cause the plastic to deteriorate, changing the entire track! Making two of the first records together will also change the track. Radio Plays the radio loop disc repeatedly. It can be disabled with right click (configurable) Cube Storage Weighted Ventilation Cube Ventilation placed on roofs. It requires redstone power. The deployed cubes cannot be broken. Redeploy new cube if Redstone is still supplied and the cube is destroyed. Well clicking on the cube with cyan dye will make it inflatable! Get rid of the bounciness by putting it in water. Mod Part 2: Network of emancipation of materials These are placed from wall to wall, and has a maximum range of 15 blocks. Pouring liquid through it will disable you. These grids have several modes, which are configurable in the properties file. These networks are also configurable by having to be powered by redstone. Mod Part 3: Sentry Turrets (Techne-made Model) Shoots anything, configurable in property file. It has a range of 20 blocks, also configurable. Fire 20 rounds per second. He'll die if pushed. Faulty turrets When the sentineln turrets melt, your smooth body melts and your circuits melt! Mod Part 4: Air faith plates can be placed on floors, walls and ceilings. Wall plates can be oriented to look up or down. Right click to adjust the power. It can be configured to be redstone powered to work. Electronic Intelligence Indicator Intelligently indicates whether it is being indirectly powered by Redstone Warning: It will not increase intelligence if ingested. Mod Part 5: Launch of high-energy pellets launches a high-energy pellet when powered by redstone. High-energy pellets disintegrates living things in contact (Configurable to knockback) High-energy pellets spontaneously combustion if it bounces too many times, travels too far or lives for too long. High-energy pellet capturer captures a high-energy pellet to provide redstone power. It can be sneaked with the right button to release captured high-energy pellet. Mod Part 6: The discouragement beam emitter forms a high-powered laser when powered by redstone! Lasers travel 40 blocks maximum from the last portal/cube of passing objects, up to a maximum of 20 objects (This is so to avoid any game overload) It can be configured to cause damage to Extant. Because of my limitation in mathematics, lasers only go straight vertical, even when passing through a wall portal at an angle on a roof/floor portal. Discouragement Beam Catcher receives laser as his entry to produce Redstone Redstone The discouragement beam sensor detects the presence of a laser passing through it to produce redstone power. Discouragement Redirection Cube reframes a beam of thermal discouragement in the direction it faces. It was taken with the G button (default). It becomes inflatable if you right click with cyan dye! Discouragement Redirection Cube Wind Check Weighted Cube Winds for information. The blocks of control points will temporarily save the status of the player, portals and entities of the portal at the time the player passes it, established in the GUI. Restore the previous one when the player dies and returns awning (Note, this will take you away from your bed [if present] after turning off again). You can also feed Redstone 2 blocks below it as pressure plates. Requires: Minecraft Forge iChun Util How to install: Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and iChun Util. Locate the Minecraft applications folder. In Windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac unlock finder, hold ALT and click Go then Library to the top menu bar. Open the Folder Application Support and search for Minecraft. We placed the mod you just downloaded (.jar file) in the Mods folder. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed. Gun Portal Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 Download links: Previous versions: Show content ?? By Minecraft 1.5.2 Download from server 1 ? Download from server 2 ? Download from server 3 ? Download from server 4 for Minecraft 1.6.2 Download from server 1 ? Download from server 3 ? Download from server 4 for

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