Mineral Research Project

Mineral Research Project

1. You will select/be assigned 2 minerals to research in detail.

2. You will gather info about your minerals and fill in the project sheet. This sheet will be graded for a class work grade.

3. You will use the following websites to look up information about your mineral:




d. You must also use a database mentioned by Mrs. Smothers in her presentation

e. You must also use at least one book.

4. You need to make a creative power point presentation to display the info about your minerals. Put both minerals in the same presentation, but make a title slide for each one.

a. You must include all the information from the charts below—DO NOT just make a chart on your slide—be creative!!!

b. You must include pictures of your mineral and its uses.

c. You must include a map that shows the countries your mineral is found in, focusing on the countries for your grade level focus.

d. You need a bibliographic slide (which must be printed out and turned in).

i. At least one database

ii. At least one print source (book or magazine)

iii. At least one of the websites listed above

iv. At least one additional source

5. Remember, you need to use your own words as much as possible rather than just cutting and pasting from the Internet or copying from a book.

6. We will be in the media center on Thursday to receive info on the media center and the available sources. We will return on Friday to gather the information. On Monday we will use the mobile lab to continue work on your power points. You will receive extra credit if you are willing to share your power point with the class. (Get up and talk in front of the class about your minerals.)

7. Create an advertisement/cartoon for your mineral.

a. Create a slogan that “advertises” one of the important uses of your mineral and design a cartoon character or superhero to advertise it.

b. The advertisement for your mineral must include the mineral’s name, chemical formula, slogan , and a picture of your cartoon character or superhero that relates to your slogan.

c. Advertisements must be neat and colorful. They may be done by hand or computer printed.

Mineral #1

|Mineral Name | |

|Chemical formula | |

|Mineral family/class | |

|Locality/occurrence/ | |

|Countries it’s found in | |

| | |

|Crystal system | |

| | |

|Cleavage | |

| | |

|Fracture | |

|Color(s) | |

| | |

|Hardness (#) | |

|Luster | |

|Streak (color) | |

|Uses | |

| | |

| | |

|Other characteristics | |

| | |

| | |


Mineral #2

|Mineral Name | |

|Chemical formula | |

|Mineral family/class | |

|Locality/occurrence/ | |

|Countries it’s found in | |

| | |

|Crystal system | |

| | |

|Cleavage | |

|Fracture | |

|Color(s) | |

| | |

|Hardness (#) | |

|Luster | |

|Streak (color) | |

|Uses | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Other characteristics | |

| | |

| | |

| | |



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