Loudoun County Public Schools

Clips you might be interested in looking at evaluating the positive and negatives.PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS INTERVIEWTRANSFORMERS INTERVIEW Interview OverviewYou guys have this beautiful portfolio now and I want you to use it. Employers are looking for individuals who can think on their feet, problem solvers, communicators, but most of all those with people skills. Positive impressions.Next class you will come dressed and prepared to be an interviewer and an interviewee.Define1. Define Interview-2. Define Job-3. Define Career-4. Where do you want to work when you grow up? What position? How much do you want to make? How much education are willing to get?5. What should you know before the interview about the company you want to work for?6. What are the top 3 questions you would ask a potential employee?a.b.c.52292253194057. What would you tell them about your last job?8. Personal Appearance: Look through magazines and find one picture of what someone should look like on an interview and one picture of how they should not look. Cut out and past them on the back with a List of do’s and don’ts below.Do’sDon’ts-9137652190759. Lists tips you would give someone before an interview.10. Scenarios: Highlight two scenarios form the “Observing Interview Behavior” below and write down how you would feel about these candidates for hire. Observing Interviewee BehaviorBrooke brings her two-year-old sister to the interview.Josh stares out the window for the entire interviewRyan slowly strolls into the office after arriving five-minutes late.Tiffany takes a stick of gum from her purse and offers some to you.Courtney fumbles through her large purse, never finding the pen she thought was there.Dale slouches in the chair and never smiles.After introducing yourself to Jim, he calls you by the wrong name.Shawna says, “I don’t care what job I get, Just as long as I get something”.Jaime keeps fidgeting, trying to conceal her torn collar.Randy wears dirty jeans and too much after-shave lotion to the interview.Scott gives you a very limp handshake before and after the interviewKirby repeats everything you say.Alan does not have an answer for over half of your questions.Rhonda keeps fingering her long, dangling earrings.Curt arrives early, answers all your questions well, behaves politely, and leaves samples of his work with pany Profile –Must have on Monday for Mock Interviewleft9159600If you can’t come up for a company you want to work for or what you want to be then pretend you want to be a preschool teacher at Golden Pond Preschool in Ashburn, VA Name:Location:Hours of operations:Position Applying for:Employee Salary/Wages:(try or )Special Benefits:Time to get there from your house:(mapquest?)Philosophy:Other interesting facts:5210175000Answer all the questions below and practice saying them out loud.Highlight 6 of the questions or statements below. These will be the questions you ask someone on Monday during the mock interview.Tell me about yourselfWhy should I hire you?What do you know about us?How did you become interested in this field?What is your greatest strength?What is your greatest weakness?Why are you leaving your current position?How do you gauge success?Why do you want this position?How do you handle stress?Describe a difficult work condition and how you overcame it.Do you have any references?MONDAYDRESS APPROPRIATELYPORTFOLIOCOMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONSCOMPANY PROFILE ................

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