Can you find the mistakes - Weebly

Can you find the mistakes?

September 9, 2019

1. Because of some tech companies use face recognition, it will steal people’s information and cause irreparable damage.

2. Although it was founded to bring justice between people. The result of it was the opposite.

3. The other is external cause, Cuba is rely on other countries’ resources.

4. I think in the future with this technology. It will mean no more open cases.

5. The homeless usually suffering from different problems.

6. Since life in Cuba wasn’t easy, people moved to the U.S. for a better life. while the ones who stayed didn’t have enough food and other essentials.

7. Particularly, he explains how did the facial recognition help the police to catch criminals.

8. It is like someone spy on you.

9. Over the years, the system is changed a lot by the rise of political parties.

10. After graduated from law school, he worked as a lawyer in South Africa.

11. This technology usually use in government and police department.

12. Even if the public don’t collect and analyze citizens’ faces, companies have already used them.

13. The new leader makes Cuba a more open country.

14. She also want to see her brother in Miami.

15. Gandhi wasn’t like other campaign leaders, he advocate to nonviolent against British rule.

16. Gandhi is the most famous people in India.

17. Thanks to this new technology which can allow the police to identify criminals easily.

Caught Using Target Grammar and Skills Perfectly!

1. The article points out that people need a safe environment, but it does not mean that they should live in a place that is often monitored. (Claire)

2. What would I do if I lived there, and how would I manage? (JeJe)

3. Cuba is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. In recent years, a great change has taken place in Cuba. In the Upfront magzine article entitled, “Cuba at a Crossroads,” (September 2, 2019), Patricia Smith discusses the changes in three aspects: politics, economics, and education. (Yang)

4. In the article “No hiding your face?” by Joe Bubar (September 2, 2019), Bubar discusses how people see the new technology (facial recognition) in the police’s hands. The government uses facial recognition to solve cases that need the database to be solved. The facial recognition works by accessing the database to recognize people’s faces. Many people are happy with this technology because now people feel safe. At the same time, other people do not agree with this new technology, and they think there is no privacy in their country anymore. They are afraid if someone else could access the database and scan their faces. Moreover, if someone accesses or uses this information, it might identify people incorrectly. (Khaled Albalawi)

5. In the essay “No hiding your face?”, author Joe Bubar (2019) talks about facial recognition systems. The author says that because of this system, police have solved more crimes than before. However, the author also mentions that people worry about how the system may violate our privacy. Some places have already banned facial recognition systems. No matter if this system helps police find many criminals and missing people, people still worry that this system may reduce their privacy and make some racist situations. (Stella)

Notes from This Week’s Journals

q Put away the article while summarizing it! Some you are “quilting,” which means stitching together sentences from the original text and is a form of plagiarism.

q Some of you are also including way too much detail! Don’t look at the article while you summarize it to prevent this from happening!

q Summary-response journals should be 20% summary and 80% response. Some of you are doing the opposite.

q Use CAPITAL letters at the beginning of sentences and for proper nouns like Cuba. Make the letter fill the space between the lines on the paper when writing by hand.

q Do not leave a space between a word and the punctuation that follows it. The space goes AFTER the comma, period, or semi-colon.

q Check your spelling. If you misspell a common word like “article,” write it by hand 5-10 times until you can create a new connection in your brain,

q Be sure to NAME the article and the AUTHOR in the first sentence or two.

q Watch fragments and comma splices! Don’t start sentences with FANBOYS.

q Practice your APA citation. After the author’s name in your text, put the date (2019) in parentheses. At the end of your response write a full end-of-text citation:

Bubar, J. (2019, September 2). No hiding your face? Upfront, 6-9.

q Review the present perfect and when to use it vs. the simple present or simple past.


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