AP US History

AP US History

Terms, Concepts, Personalities

Unit 6: 1865-Progressive Era

African Americans and the West

1. New South, Henry Grady 16. Great American Desert

2. Slaughterhouse Cases 17. Homestead Act--1862

3. Civil Rights Act—1875 18. Morrill Land Act--1862

4. Civil Rights Cases—1883 19. Granger Movement

5. lynching 20. Granger Laws

6. Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Institute 21. Wabash Case--1886

7. Atlanta Compromise 22. barbed wire, Joseph Glidden

8. George Washington Carver 23. Plains Indians

9. W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk 24. Chivington Massacre

10. Plessy vs. Fergusson, “separate but equal” 25. Battle of the Little Bighorn

11. Jim Crow Laws 26. Chief Joseph

12. disenfranchisement 27. Battle of Wounded Knee

13. Williams vs. Mississippi 28. Helen Hunt Jackson

14. grandfather clause A Century of Dishonor

15. NAACP 29. Dawes Severalty Act—1887 30. Frederick Jackson Turner, Frontier thesis

31. Comstock Lode


1. laissez faire 18. J. Pierpont Morgan

2. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations 19. Gustavus Swift, Philip Armour

3. Union Pacific RR, Central Pacific RR meat-packing industry

4. Credit Mobilier 20. Andrew Mellon

5. “Robber Barons” 21. “stock watering”

6. John D. Rockefeller 22. Jay Gould and Jim Fisk

7. Standard Oil Company 23. pools

8. horizontal consolidation 24. rebates

9. Andrew Carnegie 25. trusts

10. Henry Clay Frick 26. holding companies

11. vertical consolidation 27. 14th Amendment’s “due process

12. Thomas A. Edison clause”

13. Alexander Graham Bell 28. Munn vs. Illinois--1877

14. James J. Hill, Great Northern RR 29. Interstate Commerce Commission

15. Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York Central RR 30. long haul, short haul

16. Bessemer Process 31. Sherman Anti-Trust Act--1890

17. Mesabi Range

Labor, Immigration, and Urbanization

1. National Labor Union 18. American Railway Union

2. Knights of Labor: Uriah Stephens, 19. Pullman Strike--1894

Terence Powderly 20. Eugene V. Debs

3. American Federation of Labor (AFL) 21. In re Debs

4. Samuel Gompers 22. Danbury Hatters Strike

5. collective bargaining 23. “honest graft”

6. injunction 24. Boss Tweed

7. strikes 25. Tammany Hall

8. boycotts 26. Thomas Nast

9. closed shop 27. “New Immigration”

10. blacklist 28. tenements

11. yellow dog contracts 29. Jane Addams—Hull House

12. company unions 30. Chinese Exclusion Act--1882

13. Great Railroad Strike—1877 31. literacy tests

14. Haymarket Square Riot 32. James Bryce: The American

15. John Peter Altgeld Commonwealth

16. Homestead Strike—1892 33. John A. Roebling, Brooklyn Bridge

17. Pinkertons

Late 19th Century Politics

1. Ulysses S. Grant 26. Election of 1892: candidates, issues

2. Whiskey Ring 27. Wilson-Gorman Tariff

3. “Waving the bloody shirt” 28. Pollock vs. Farmers’ Loan &Trust

4. Ku Klux Klan 29. Dingley Tariff

5. Treaty of Washington—1871 30. Bland-Allison Act

6. Liberal Republicans: Carl Schurz, Horace Greeley 31. Sherman Silver Purchase Act

7. Panic of 1873; depression 32. bimetallism

8. Election of 1876 33. free silver

Candidates, electoral commission 34. Depression of 1893

9. Compromise of 1877 35. Coxey’s Army--1893

10. Solid South 36. Repeal of Sherman Silver Purchase

11. greenbacks Act--1893

12. Legal Tender Cases 37. Farmers’ Alliance

13. Greenback-Labor Party 38. Populist Party Platform, Omaha

14. Pendleton Civil Service Act Platform--1892

15. Chester A. Arthur 39. William Jennings Bryan

16. Election of 1884: Blaine, Cleveland 40. “Cross of Gold” Speech

17. Stalwarts 41. Election of 1896: candidates, issues

18. Half-Breeds 42. Marcus Hanna

19. Mugwumps 43. Gold Standard Act--1900

20. Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion

21. pensions, Grand Army of the Republic

22. secret ballot (Australian ballot)

23. Election of 1888: candidates, issues

24. Benjamin Harrison, Billion Dollar Congress,

Czar Reed

25. McKinley Tariff

Social, Intellectual, and Progressive Reformers, Movements, and Ideas

1. Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 14. pragmatism

2. Social Darwinism 15. William James

3. Andrew Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth 16. Jacob Riis

4. Henry Ward Beecher 17. Lincoln Steffens

5. Social Gospel 18. Ida Tarbell

6. Salvation Army, YMCA 19. Walter Rauschenbusch

7. Mary Baker Eddy 20. Horatio Alger

8. Land Grant Colleges; A&M, A&T, A&I 21. Richard Ely

9. Hatch Act, 1887 22. Carrie Nation

10. Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward 23. Thomas Nast

11. the single tax 24. Ida B. Wells Barnett

12. “Gilded Age” 25. John Dewey

13. nouveau riche


1. “muckrakers” 28. Tom Johnson, Sam “Golden Rule”

2. initiative, referendum, recall Jones, Brand Whitlock, Hazen Pingree

3. direct primary 29. city manager plan, commission plan

4. Australian ballot (secret ballot) 30. William Howard Taft

5. 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Amendments 31. Department of Labor--1903

6. Charles Evans Hughes (Department of Commerce and Labor)

7. Triangle Shirtwaist Co. Fire 32. Payne-Aldrich Tariff—1909

8. Women’s Christian Temperance Union, WCTU 33. Ballinger-Pinchot controversy

9. Anti-Saloon League 34. Uncle Joe Cannon, Old Guard

10. Square Deal 35. rule of reason: Standard Oil case,

11. Forest Reserve Act-1891 American Tobacco case

12. anthracite coal strike—1902 36. “dollar diplomacy”

13. Elkins Act—1903; rebates 37. Taft-Roosevelt split

14. Hepburn Act—1906 38. Bull Moose Party

15. Mann-Elkins Act—1910 39. Woodrow Wilson, New Freedom

16. “trustbuster” 40. Election of 1912: Wilson, TR, Taft,

17. Northern Securities Co. case Debs--issues

18. Meat Inspection Act 41. Eugene V. Debs, Socialist Party

19. Upton Sinclair, The Jungle 42. Daniel DeLeon, IWW, Wobblies

20. Pure Food and Drug Act 43. “Big Bill” Haywood

21. Panic of 1907 44. Federal Reserve Act

22. Election of 1908: candidates, issues 45. Underwood Simmons Tariff

23. Wisconsin, “laboratory of democracy” 46. income tax

24. Robert M. La Follette 47. Federal Trade Commission, cease

25. regulatory commissions and desist orders

26. Jane Addams, Hull House 48. Clayton Antitrust Act

27. home rule for cities 49. Sec. of State William

Jennings Bryan

50. Federal Highway Act—1916

51. Adamson Act—1916


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