TOPIC: Dred Scott v John F. A. Sandford

|When did the event happen? |Where did the event happen? |Who was involved in the event? |

|1847-1857 |Missouri |Dred Scott and his family |

| | |Mrs. Emerson and her brother, John F.A. Sanford |

|What happened? |Why did this happen? |

|Dred Scott, a former slave, sued his owner Mrs. Emerson for his and his family’s freedom. |Scott claimed since the Emerson’s had moved to Illinois, a free state, he and his family were |

| |free even though they all moved back to Missouri. Scott asked for wages and Mrs. Emerson |

| |refused. |

|What led up to the event? |How did the event end? |

|Several slaves had sued for their freedom after being moved to free territory and had won their |Emerson initially won (1847) for Scott’s lawyers could not fully prove Scott’s enslavement. |

|cause for freedom. “Once free, always free.” Emerson moved to MA and had her brother John F. A.|Retrial- Scott won. |

|Sanford take over. |Appealed- Sanford won-ruling stated that one state does not have to abide by the laws of others. |

| |(No Supreme Court ruling) |

|To which amendment(s) can this event be connected? |Explain how the amendment(s) are connected to the event? |

|(13, 14, 15) | |

|None of the amendments apply. The 13th amendment |However- the trail brought further attention to slavery and rather than lowering the tensions associated with slavery, it added conflicts. |

|was not ratified until 1865 at which time slavery | |

|was abolished. | |

Dred Scott


TOPIC: Brown v Board Education

|When did the event happen? |Where did the event happen? |Who was involved in the event? |

|Argued 1952 – US S. Court |Kansas |Oliver Brown-the school district of KS |

|Reargued 1953 | |Thurgood Marshall was Brown’s lawyer |

|Decided 5/17/1954 | |NAACP (many other plaintiffs) |

|What happened? |Why did this happen? |

|Oliver Brown’s daughter, a 3rd grader, had to walk one mile to her school’s bus stop, while a |Jim Crow Laws allowed for segregation which kept white and black children in separate schools. |

|white school was located only seven blocks away from her home. |African American schools were often inferior due to the lack of funding. |

|What led up to the event? |How did the event end? |

|US District Court that heard cases ruled in favor of the school boards. |Plessy Vs. Ferguson was overturned. |

|Appealed to U.S. Supreme Court and named Brown Vs. Board of Education because Brown was first |Separate but equal decided unconstitutional. |

|named in the case. |Segregation no longer legal. |

| |Brown won by a unanimous 9-0. |

|To which amendment(s) can this event be connected? |Explain how the amendment(s) are connected to the event? |

|(13, 14, 15) |Separate schools were found unequal; therefore; African American children were being deprived of equal protection under the law which is |

|14th Amendment |guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. Interfered with equal rights. |

Thurgood Marshall

HoH Homer Plessy


TOPIC: Plessy v Ferguson

|When did the event happen? |Where did the event happen? |Who was involved in the event? |

|1896 |Louisiana |Plessy and Justice John H. Ferguson |

|What happened? |Why did this happen? |

|Plessy, 7/8 white skin attempted to sit in an all-white railroad car. Plessy was arrested for |Plessy was exercising civil disobedience against what he believed to be an unfair law. |

|violating an 1890 LA statute of “separate but equal.” | |

|What led up to the event? |How did the event end? |

|At trial with Justice John H. Ferguson, Plessy was found guilty. |The Supreme Court of LA ruled in favor of Ferguson. |

|The law was found reasonable under the state’s powers because customs and traditions to LA. |The US Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal is fair. |

|Plessy took the case (Ferguson) to the Supreme Court stating segregation labeled blacks as |Plessy lost. |

|inferior. (not equal) | |

| |This ruling also gave legitimacy to Jim Crow Laws. |

|To which amendment(s) can this event be connected? |Explain how the amendment(s) are connected to the event? |

|(13, 14, 15) | |

|Plessy stated segregation violated 13th and 14th |The court stated the 13th amendment was not violated because his freedom wasn’t denied. |

|amendments. |The court further ruled the 14th was not violated because the amendment deals with privileges/citizenship not race. (Separate but Equal is |

| |constitutional.) |

| |The case was later overruled by Brown VS. Board of Education. |

Considered one of the worst Supreme Court ruling in history.


TOPIC: Jim Crow Laws

|When did the event happen? |Where did the event happen? |Who was involved in the event? |

|Between 1877 and mid 1960’s |Mainly in southern and border states |Southern and border states- whites and minorities – especially |

| | |African Americans |

|What happened? (What were the basic laws) |Why did this happen? |

|Segregation of races in all of these areas and others: |As a response to the belief by many whites that African- Americans were inferior in areas of |

|Transportation |intelligence, morality, and behavior. |

|Education | |

|Juries |An attempt to prevent interracial relationships and secure white control. |

|Cemeteries | |

|Entertainment | |

|Retail | |

|Parks | |

|Restrooms | |

|Social activities | |

|Blacks had rules of behavior towards whites | |

|What led up to the event? |How did the event end? |

|The 1877 election of Rutherford B. Hayes – many southern and border states began restricting |Many civil right laws successfully end Jim Crow- Brown v BOE, Civil Rights Act 1964, The Voting |

|rights of blacks regardless of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. |Rights Act 1965, Fair Housing Act 1968. |

|To which amendment(s) can this event be connected? |Explain how the amendment(s) are connected to the event? |

|(13, 14, 15) |Due to Jim Crow Laws- African Americans were denied equal protection under the law (14th) and Poll taxes, literacy tests, intimidation tactics,|

|14th and 15th amendments. |and lynching prevented most Blacks from voting(15th.) |

|19th (after 1920) |1896-Plessy Vs. Ferguson-helped to legitimize (make legal) Jim Crow Laws. |


TOPIC: Shooting of Medgar Evers

|When did the event happen? |Where did the event happen? |Who was involved in the event? |

|June 12, 1963 |Jackson, Mississippi – at his home in his driveway. |Medgar Evers and Byron De La Beckwith |

| | |(State of Mississippi) |

|What happened? |Why did this happen? |

|Medgar Evers, civil rights activists, was murdered by White Citizen’s Counsel member, Byron De La|Medgar Evers was active in civil rights activism and the first NAACP field secretary in |

|Beckwith. |Mississippi. He worked to desegregate schools, abolish Jim Crow Laws, register Black voters, and|

| |investigate into the lynching of Emmitt Till and wrongful imprisonment of Clyde Kennard. |

| |-Hatred from white supremacy |

| | |

|What led up to the event? |How did the event end? |

|Public investigations in murder of Emmett Till and support of Clyde Kennard made him a target. |6/12/63-shot in black with rifle on his driveway-Byron De La Beckwith arrested for murder. |

|5/28/63-Molotou Cocktail thrown on his carport. |All white jury deadlocked two times. |

|5 days before death- nearly run down by a car. |1994- 30 years later new evidence led to a new trial by Bobby De Laughter. |

|-Support for Black voting rights. |Convicted of murder on 2/5/94 – died in prison, 80 years old. |

|To which amendment(s) can this event be connected? |Explain how the amendment(s) are connected to the event? |

|(13, 14, 15) |15th-All men have right to vote regardless of race/color. |

|14th and 15th Amendments. |Evers worked to register Blacks (men and women) to vote. |

| |Poll taxes and literacy tests denied 15th amendment’s rights. |

| |14th-Evers and these for whom he fought were denied equal protection under the law. |

| |Even after death, Evers was denied justice through the handling of De La Beckwith’s trial. |

Medgar Evers


TOPIC: Crisis in Little Rock, Arkansas (The Little Rock Nine)

|When did the event happen? |Where did the event happen? |Who was involved in the event? |

|1957-1958 school year |Little Rock, AR – Central High School |NAACP, Governor Orval Faubus, AK National Guard, 101st Airborne |

|Began 9/4/57 | |Division |

|What happened? |Why did this happen? |

|9 African American students tried to enter all white Central High School. |Black students wanting equal education and stop the Jim Crow Laws. |

|National Guard brought in by Gov. Orval Faubus to block the entrance. |Much racial tension and even hatred in South and border states. |

|President Eisenhower called in Army’s 101st Airborne Division – Federalize National Guard. |Cultural belief in white supremacy. |

|What led up to the event? |How did the event end? |

|Brown VS. Board of Education=desegregation of schools. |Students attended Central High-8 of 9 attended one year. |

|Blossom Plan=desegregation began 1957 with Central High and throughout lower grades over 6 |Ernest Green graduated-MLK in attendance |

|years-plan had elements to keep Black schools all black. |Little Rock voters opted to close all 4 high schools to stop desegregation efforts. |

|To which amendment(s) can this event be connected? |Explain how the amendment(s) are connected to the event? |

|(13, 14, 15) |Black students not afforded equal education or quality of life. |

|14th Amendment. |AK attempted to reject law of lands to desegregate established by Brown Vs. Board of Education. |

| |High school closing denied white and blacks public education-known as “last year” as a result the Black community was blamed for school closing|

| |and turned on. |

| |Schools reopened on 8/12/59-against Faubus wishes. |




Jim Crow off of a piece of sheet music


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