Federal Compliance Information

Federal Compliance Material Packet

Submitted to:

Academic Quality Improvement Program

The Higher Learning Commission

September 25, 2009

East Central College

Federal Compliance Information

Credits, Program Length and Tuition

East Central College (ECC) assigns semester credit hours to courses and programs based on the guidelines set forth by the Missouri Department of Higher Education, which recommends courses meet a minimum of 750 minutes for each credit hour assigned.

Curriculum changes submitted by faculty or administration are vetted and approved by the College’s Vice President of Instruction and the Academic Council. New programs must be approved by the Missouri Department of Higher Education. Career and technical programs must also be approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Degree and certificate plans, as well as course descriptions, are available for each program through the College’s website eastcentral.edu and the College Catalog.

ECC’s Administration and Board of Trustees strive to control student costs. As a result, the in-district tuition rate of $61 per credit hour has remained constant since 2005 and is lauded as the lowest in the state. The mean average in-district tuition for Missouri public two year colleges is $73. When comparing annual tuition and fees, ECC’s average cost is $2130, while the state average for public community colleges is $2468. The College also charges $10 per credit hour in common fees for technology, student activities, and support services. Individual courses may charge a special fee to cover exceptional costs, e.g. private music lessons, when approved by the Board of Trustees. Tuition charges are consistent throughout programming at the College; however, to defray the higher costs associated with Nursing and Occupational Therapy Assistant, a special fee is charged in certain coursework to cover the low student-teacher ratio in those programs. ECC also has a special partnership with Rolla (Missouri) Technical Center to offer programs in Radiologic Technology and Respiratory Therapy. Special fees for these two partnership programs are set by Rolla Technical Center. ECC collects the special fee and submits it directly to RTC.

The semester Schedule of Classes and the College’s website publishes current information on tuition and fees.

Student Complaints

ECC enjoys a high level of student satisfaction, as evidenced by the graduate survey administered each semester. To complement the graduate survey, a Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) will be administered in the fall 2009 semester. Several avenues exist for students to express their grievances, e.g. open door policy, regular email communication with the Vice President of Student Development, student newspaper, and regular faculty evaluations. Complaints are channeled through the Vice President of Instruction or Vice President of Student Development and handled in a timely manner. A shared file system between the two Vice Presidents was implemented in the fall 2009 semester, and the College has identified the development of a formal student complaint procedure as an AQIP Action Project for FY 2010. Students are encouraged to submit online suggestions to the President, who also meets with the Student Government Association each semester to solicit their input.

The eight procedures listed below are shared with students through the College Catalog and the Student Handbook, which are available in print and online.

• ADA Grievance Procedure

• Tuition Appeals Procedure

• Grade Appeals Procedure

• Student Conduct Code, Discipline and Appeals Procedure

• Academic Honor Code, Discipline and Appeals Procedure

• Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Procedure

• Academic Suspension Appeal Procedure

• Non-Discrimination Appeal Procedure

A summary of written student complaints from the two years of operation preceding the comprehensive evaluation will be available during the HLC site visit.

Transfer Policy

The following policy and procedures for courses accepted in transfer are made available to students via the College Catalog, the Student Handbook and the College website:

Transfer Credit Policy

East Central College is committed to assisting student transfer to and from East Central College and facilitating credit transfer to and from other post secondary institutions. Transfer in credit will be analyzed in terms of level, course content, comparability and compatibility with degree programs and course offerings at East Central College.

A. Transfer In Credit Procedures

1) Courses completed at any Missouri public institution in compliance with the Missouri Department of Higher Education’s guidelines and agreements concerning the transfer and articulation of credit will be accepted in transfer if appropriate to a student’s program of study.

2) Courses completed at any institution maintaining current articulation agreements with East Central College will be accepted in transfer as outlined in the agreement.

3) Courses completed at any regionally accredited institution will be reviewed for course equivalency and program relevance and accepted for transfer accordingly.

4) Courses completed at non-regionally accredited institutions will be reviewed as follows:

i. The transfer institution’s accreditation status will be examined.

ii. Information provided by the school or the student regarding the completed coursework (e.g. transcripts, catalog descriptions, course syllabi, faculty credentials, etc.) will be distributed to the appropriate program/academic department official for recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer.

iii. After an evaluation has been completed and the results communicated to the student, the student may appeal the decision regarding transfer to the Registrar and the Chief Academic Officer.

5) Courses completed at a foreign institution will be reviewed as follows:

i. Student is required to provide an official transcript, along with an English translation, and an explanation of the foreign institution’s grading procedures.

ii. Information regarding the completed coursework will be distributed to the appropriate program/academic department official for recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer.

iii. After an evaluation has been completed and the results communicated to the student, the student may appeal the decision regarding transfer to the Registrar or the Chief Academic Officer. Such an appeal will require a review through an international credit evaluation service, as directed by the Registrar’s Office. The cost of the evaluation must be paid by the student prior to the evaluation.

6) Experiential learning will be reviewed as follows:

i. Student will submit a written request to the Registrar describing the experiential learning and provide supporting documentation. Student will make a formal request for course/credit equivalency.

ii. Information regarding the request will be distributed to the appropriate program/academic department official for recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer.

iii. After an evaluation has been completed and the results communicated to the student, the student may appeal the decision regarding transfer to the Registrar and the Chief Academic Officer.

7) Military credit will be reviewed as follows:

i. Student will provide an official copy of their DD214 and/or a transcript from their military service.

ii. Courses completed through the military will be reviewed for course equivalency and program relevance using ACE credit recommendations and accepted for transfer accordingly.

iii. After an evaluation has been completed and the results communicated to the student, the student may appeal the decision regarding transfer to the Registrar and the Chief Academic Officer.

8) Dual credit coursework will be reviewed based on the policies and guidelines of the Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) with respect to the transfer in of dual credit coursework. Limitations and exclusions may apply based on the MDHE policy and guidelines statements.

9) All other incoming credit transfer requests not covered by the aforementioned procedures must be made in writing to the Registrar’s office.

Verification of Student Identity

As required by Missouri House Bill 1549, ECC requires students to submit verification of citizenship or legal presence when applying for admission. Once accepted, students are issued a secure username and password which allows access to the online learning management system for all web-online, web-blended, hybrid, web-enhanced, and web-supported courses. Students are directed to change their password once they have accessed the system. Faculty members who teach courses with online components require students to complete a minimum of one exam on campus with a student photo ID. Students must show a driver’s license or other photo ID before receiving a student photo ID. The student’s ID photograph becomes part of their permanent record and is fully accessible to the faculty member through the class roster.

Title IV Compliance

General Program Responsibilities

ECC complies with all Title IV requirements, as evidenced by the annual audit report which examines the business practices of both the Financial Services and the Financial Aid Offices.  No program reviews occurred during the three year period prior to the HLC visit, and the annual audit for 2008 reported no unresolved findings.

ECC participates in the Federal Family Education Loan Program, and the U.S. Department of Education releases final cohort default rates each September.  The College’s default rates for the past four years follows:

2004                     2005                     2006                     2007

  6.3                        3.2                        5.2                       10.2

The default rate increased in 2006 and 2007 due to several changes in department leadership. In July 2006, the Associate Director of Financial Aid resigned to take a different position with the College and in May 2007, the Director of Financial Aid resigned, forcing the College to cover the position with the services of a financial aid consultant and current staff until a new director could be hired in August 2007.

While the default rate has increased, FY 2007 is consistent with other Missouri public community colleges:

St. Charles Community College 4.8

Jefferson College 6.9

State Fair Community College 8.0

St. Louis Community College 8.1

Moberly Area Community College 8.7

East Central College 10.2

Metropolitan Community College 10.4

Mineral Area College 10.6

Ozarks Technical College 10.9

Crowder College 13.2

Three Rivers Community College 13.3

As most students who default on their loans are non-graduates, supporting academic success is an essential component of reducing the loan default rate at ECC. The College found that students enrolled in math or English who attended three or more tutoring sessions in a semester were 20% more likely to receive a final grade of C or better. Therefore, students receiving financial aid are strongly encouraged to use the free tutoring services available through the College’s Learning Center. A brochure on The Minimum Standards of Academic Progress for financial aid recipients is also mailed to every student receiving federal aid. The minimum standards policy is published in the College Catalog, the Financial Aid section of the College website and the Student Handbook.

A default rate prevention grant from the Missouri Department of Higher Education provides personnel funds to support individual loan counseling.  Each student is encouraged to borrow conservatively and efforts are made to persuade students to accept work study positions in lieu of borrowing excessive student loans.  Commencing with the fall 2009 semester, monthly loan delinquency reports from loan servicers will be used to call students who are delinquent. Faculty members are also required to submit attendance records for the first two weeks of the fall and spring semesters. Students who are reported as “no show” are deleted from their classes and their financial aid is cancelled.

The following documents are on the College website or will be available for inspection during the November site visit:

• Program Participation Agreement (PPA)

• Eligibility and Certification Approval Report (ECAR)

• Independent Annual Audit, including A-133 Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations

• ECC’s Completion/Graduation Rates eastcentral.edu/ir/reports.html

• Campus Crime-Reporting eastcentral.edu/ir/reports.html

• Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP)

• Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Reports

• Equity in Athletics Report eastcentral.edu/ir/reports.html

• Student Right to Know Disclosures eastcentral.edu/ir/reports.html

• Minimum Standards of Academic Progress

• College Catalog, Viewbook, Employment Application, Student Handbook, Class Schedule

Institutional Disclosures and Advertising and Recruiting Materials

ECC provides information about accreditation status through the College Viewbook, Curriculum Program Sheets, Brochures, Course Schedules and the College Catalog, all of which are distributed to high school students and adults through Admissions, Advising and Athletics.  The College website, scheduled to be redesigned during the coming year, includes information on accreditation and institutional disclosure.

Relationship with Other Accrediting Agencies and

With State Regulatory Bodies

Missouri’s Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) is charged with statewide postsecondary planning and administration. As such, the Coordinating Board approves all new programs and sets guidelines for the transfer of credits within the state. Further, the CBHE hires the Commissioner of Higher Education, charged with the operation of the Department of Higher Education. In addition to CBHE approval, career and technical programs must be approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Culinary Arts and Precision Machining hold specialized professional accreditation for their degree and certificate programs, and the Nursing degree program is approved by the State Board of Nursing.

ECC has no contractual relationships with third-party entities not accredited by a federally recognized accrediting agency whereby such third-party entities provide 25-50% of the academic content of any degree program.

 Public Notification of Comprehensive Evaluation Visit

and Third Party Comment

In early September, advertisements seeking third party comments appeared in the following local newspapers, along with the College’s student newspaper. 

• Washington Missourian

• Sullivan Independent

• Sullivan Journal

• Rolla Daily News

• The Cornerstone (student newspaper)


East Central College is seeking comments from the public about the College in preparation for its periodic evaluation by its regional

accrediting agency. The College will undergo a quality check-up visit November 11-13, 2009, by

a team representing The Higher Learning

Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. East Central College has been accredited by the Commission since 1972. The team will review the institution’s ongoing

ability to meet the Commission’s Criteria

for Accreditation.

The public is invited to submit comments regarding the college:

Public Comment on East Central College

The Higher Learning Commission

30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400

Chicago, IL 60602

Comments must address substantive matters related to the

quality of the institution or its academic programs.

Comments must be in writing and signed; comments cannot

be treated as confidential.

All comments must be received by September 30, 2009

A press release detailing the accreditation process and the opportunity to comment was distributed to 18 area newspapers and four radio stations.  As a part of her monthly visit to three local radio stations, the public relations director also discussed accreditation and encouraged listeners to participate in the public comment opportunity.

On the College’s home page eastcentral.edu, public notification items have been added: 1) a link with the same information included in the newspaper ads, 2) a link the Higher Learning Commission website, 3) a third party comment page, and 4) a link to the HLC mark of affiliation showing the College’s status and basic accreditation information. 

In addition, over 40,000 continuing education booklets were sent to postal patrons in 19 zip codes in the College service district the first week of September.  The booklets included news about the upcoming site visit and an invitation for public comment.

N e w s   R e l e a s e 

|Contact: Dot Schowe | |

|Director of Public Relations |East Central College |

|Phone (636) 583 5193, ext. 2413 |1964 Prairie Dell Road |

|Fax (636) 584-0513 |Union, MO 63084 |

|schoweda@eastcentral.edu |eastcentral.edu |

For immediate release

Union, MO – September 3, 2009

ECC Requests Public Input for Upcoming Accreditation Visit

          East Central College will undergo a quality check-up visit November 11-13, 2009, by a team representing the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.  ECC has been accredited by the Commission since 1972.  Its accreditation is at the associate degree level.

          The Higher Learning Commission is one of six accrediting agencies in the United States that provide institutional accreditation on a regional basis.  Institutional accreditation evaluates an entire institution and accredits it as a whole.  Other agencies provide accreditation for specific programs.  Accreditation is voluntary.  The Commission accredits approximately 1,100 institutions of higher education in a 19 state region.  The Commission is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

          For the past two years, ECC has been engaged in a process of self-study, addressing the Commission’s requirements and criteria for accreditation.  The evaluation team will visit the institution to gather evidence that the systems portfolio is thorough and accurate.  The team will review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Commission’s criteria for accreditation using the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) and recommend to the Commission a continuing status for the college.  Following a review process, the Commission itself will take final action.

          The public is invited to submit comments regarding the college directly to the Commission:

Public Comment on East Central College

The Higher Learning Commission

30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400

Chicago, IL 60602

          Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs.  Written, signed comments must be received by September 30.  The Commission cannot guarantee that comments received after the due date will be considered.  Comments should include the name, address, and telephone number of the person providing the comments.  Comments will not be treated as confidential.  Comments can also be submitted through the Higher Learning Commission’s website: , then click on “File Third-Party Comments.”

          Individuals with a specific dispute or grievance with ECC should request the separate Policy on Complaints document from the Commission office.  The Higher Learning Commission cannot settle disputes between institutions and individuals.  Complaints will not be considered third party comment.


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