Activities & Techniques for your projects

#NameDescription 1Acrostic crosswordTo review words & spelling ss answer Q’s to reveal a hidden word2Word chainsTo review words & spelling ss join words using only the 1st & last letters of each word. 3DIY word orderCut up sentences of 5-10 words each into parts (words and ‘chunks’). Ss must put them back in the same order. Good with 4/more envelopes for groups/pairs to work together. Grammar 4Growing storySilently, ss take turns writing the next word of a sentence on the board5Hot seat3 or 4 groups send one student to their Hot Seat to guess the word they can’t see on the board/screen. Ss mime OR give ENGLISH hints to help them guess6Sentence raceSs race to write a sentence with a give word on their miniboards (or classroom board)7Odd one outSs must say/write the different word in a group of words8Out of focusShow pictures of your key words out of focus (or only show a small part) for ss to predict what the matching word is. Online focus tool OR cover the picture/flashcard, and slowly reveal for ss to guess.9Running dictationIn pairs/groups one s. runs to the wall, memorizes a sentence and returns to the group and says the sentence for another s to write. Then ss change roles and repeat10Shunting wordsPrepare paragraph/sentence with no punctuation. Ss count the keywords/words/sentences… 11Agree/Disagree (T/F)Prepare a list of true & false sentences about your review words. To check ss understanding do with ss standing; move right for false, left for true; slowest to move is out. Those sitting become ‘teacher’, taking turns calling the sentences.12A to ZGo randomly around the class or the circle getting ss to name words in your word group starting with each letter you call. Ss sit down when he/she gives a new word 13Mini-BoardsUse laminated A4 paper for ss to write in pairs (word or sentence speed writing games)14On the wallsPin your keywords/phrases around the class walls (or show a pic or say the Korean translation). Ss must look for the matching word/sentence on the classroom walls.15Q to the ASay only the answer. Ss say the question.16Order Ss order the words according to length, (alphabetic) spelling. Also, do this standing!17Scramble/AnagramMix up the letters in a word or mix up the words in a sentence for ss to unscramble18QUESTIONS!Ask questions: open, multiple-choice, which is false/wrong/different19Fill-in the blankSs guess the word which fills the blank in a sentence20Finish the sentenceSs must finish your sentence21SubstitutionsSs replace one word (that you choose) in a sentence to make a new sentence22Find your mateGive out word/pic cards. Have ss hide their cards in a pocket. Ss must find their match by asking Q’s23Jigsaw puzzleSs must find other members of their word/picture group to complete a puzzle (groups of 4/5 suitable)24Jigsaw ActivityA collaborative group activity where each student solves ‘one piece of the puzzle’ Particularly effective in large classes!25Spot the mistakeSS must find the teacher’s deliberate mistake (in spelling, grammar, word choice etc.)26Pass the ballWhen the music stops or ss stop reading a sentence or there’s a pause, the s. holding the ball must do something27Join the Dots28Spot the difference…between two pictures/sentences/paragraphs2910 thingsRead a category name; The first group of ss to write (in turn) a complete list of 10, wins. Give a time limit (say 60’) 30DefinitionsGive the definition, ss name the word ex. Animals: They are covered in feathers; answers (various) Points for most original!31LinksEx.) Food: a loaf of; fish; orange link: bread; and chips; juice32Knowledge raceIn groups, ss name a ‘secretary’. They have 60’ to write AS MUCH as they can about the given topic. (Each group different) ................

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