Woughton Parish Council



11 Gladius Grove


Milton Keynes

MK11 4DE

Minutes of Community Council Meeting

held remotely due to COVID-19 on 16th July 2020

| |Action |

|Item 1. Members Present | |

|Cllr H Turner - Chairman | |

|Cllr E Tait | |

|Cllr M Kitshoff | |

|Cllr V Kanumuri | |

| | |

|Mrs J Nicholas – Clerk | |

| | |

|5 members of the public KB, MG, SD, RO, JK. | |

|Sarah Everest and Shaun Major-Preece (OneMedical Group) | |

| | |

|Item 2. Apologies. | |

|Accepted unanimously from | |

|Cllr C Ritchie | |

|Paul vanGeete (MKC) | |

| | |

|Item 3. Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interest | |

|All councillors present acknowledged that they may have an interest in all policies discussed but none felt it| |

|should prevent them from voting | |

| | |

|Item 4. Public Time | |

|Items raised with Clerk prior to meeting by members of the public – | |

|Question 1. Who is responsible for green areas along Barrosa Way between Randall Avenue and Pembroke Lane. | |

|This area needs landscaping and nobody is looking after it. | |

|Answer Chairman has been in touch with L & Q and is awaiting reply. | |

|Question 2. Is there any updated information regarding the surfacing of Angus Way, all surrounding roads have | |

|now been finished except Angus Way. | |

|Answer Chairman will contact Abbey Homes about this problem. |Chairman |

|Question 3 The litter is bad there. There has been a discarded bag of rubbish on the corner of Berrenda Avenue| |

|for about 12 weeks, I have reported to main Council but have had no response. How can we escalate the litter | |

|problem outside of the community litter picks organised by Cllr Tait | |

|Answer Cllr Kitshoff knew of this bag and would deal with the problem but litter will not be main council. It| |

|is either the responsibility of the developers or the Management company, where developers have completed on |Chairman |

|site. | |

|Question 4 The footpaths at Lady Margery’s Gorse Play Park are very slippery and could lead to an accident. | |

|Answer Clerk to raise with Parks Trust who are due to take over the park very soon. Bovis are responsible at | |

|the moment. | |

| | |

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| |MK |

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| |Clerk |

| | |

|Item 5. Minutes | |

|The minutes of the Community Council meeting held on 18th June 2020 were approved unanimously and it was |Chairman / |

|agreed they would be signed in the next few days |Clerk |

| | |

|Item 6.Meeting Updates | |

|No meetings due to the virus | |

| | |

|The general state of the development was discussed from last minutes and Action List. | |

|Councillors had agreed to contact developers to find out their plans for tidying up their part of the site as | |

|follows:-. | |

|Chairman – Abbey Homes, awaiting response | |

|Cllr Tait and Cllr Ritchie - Bellway and Calla, no contact made |Chairman |

|Cllr Kitshoff- Taylor Wimpey, are are clearing up at the moment before completing onsite. | |

|Cllr Kanumuri – Bovis Homes. No contact made |ET/CR |

|Action List updates | |

|Royal Mail require 1 sq meter space to install a post box. L & Q to be contacted re possible sites. |MK |

|Suggestions are by Health Centre or school or Lady Margery’s Gorse play park as high footfall areas. | |

| |VK |

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| | |

| |Chairman/MK |

| | |

|Item 7 Whitehouse Health Centre update | |

|Sarah Everest introduced OneMedical Group, she explained their activities in the health field in many other | |

|parts of the country. The Health centre will be a standard GP and urgent care centre as well as a Wellness | |

|centre. An email address will be available shortly for residents to pre-register an interest in moving to the | |

|new Health centre GP practice. This will give OneMedical an idea of demand. Cllr Kitshoff to share via FB and| |

|website once received. When announcement can be made on website Sarah will let the Clerk know as the timeline| |

|is yet to be finalised.. | |

|Shaun Major-Preece gave information on the emphasis put on prevention and lifestyle management of OneMedical | |

|Group and use of modern technology including remote consultations which they have perfected during the | |

|pandemic. They have specialists that do outreach workshops for problems such as diabetes management rather |Clerk |

|than just handing out medicines. There will be no set catchment area - this is a new style contract where | |

|anyone in Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area can apply. CCG have stated approximately 2,000| |

|patients expected initially, so they are planning for 2,500 to 3,000 to cover this. He hopes to confirm the | |

|opening date very soon | |

| | |

|Item 8 MKC and Developers | |

|MKC – PvG had emailed an update | |

|Highways team are stating third week of August for re-opening of the V4 | |

|Community meeting place planning application has been submitted and he is working on the finance | |

|Watling Academy construction is progressing well and is on time | |

|Land Registry issue for Whitehouse large park almost resolved. Site will transfer to Parks Trust soon. | |

|Lady Margery’s Gorse problems have mostly been solved so that should follow the big park to Parks Trust | |

|although there is still a problem with slippery paths. | |

|Strong interest in the new parcels of land by the new pond largely from national housebuilders. Results of | |

|tenders will be known week commencing 20th July. | |

| | |

|No Developers attended meeting | |

| | |

|Item 9 Finance | |

|a) Finance report had been emailed and was accepted unanimously. | |

|b) Cheques were approved and would be signed in accordance with mandate out of meeting | |

| | |

|Item 10 Policies | |

|Casual Vacancies and Co-option Procedure and | |

|G.D.P.R. and Data Processing were both adopted unanimously | |

| | |

|Item 11 Keep Britain tidy | |

|“The Great British September Clean up” is taking place as the Spring Clean had to be cancelled due to COVID. | |

|Cllr Tait said council should get residents involved and educate them that litter picking is not just for the | |

|clean-up but to keep their own areas litter free for the rest of the time. An article would be produced for | |

|the newsletter which is due to go to the printers very shortly. Flyers will be put on noticeboards. | |

| |ET/MK |

| | |

|Item 12 Notice Boards | |

|Cllr Tait explained that the boards which had been provided by L&Q were not suitable for a Community Council. | |

|Following discussions it was decided that Cllr Tait would bring costs of replacing them to the next meeting. | |

|One will be funded by MKC. |ET |

| | |

|Item 13 Public Art Project | |

|The Digital Archive part of the project is commencing shortly and Louise Izod from the project had asked for | |

|volunteers to join the Steering Group. Chairman and Cllr Kitshoff agreed to join this group. Clerk to send |Chairman/MK |

|contact details to Louise. | |

| |Clerk |

| | |

|Item 14 Planning | |

|The only planning application this month is for the Community Meeting Place and as this has been submitted on | |

|our behalf there was no need to submit comments to planning department.. | |

| | |

|Item 15 Next meeting | |

|20th August 2020 | |

Meeting closed 19.50pm



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