Marketing 11

5-1 Why Most Product Launches Fail?

Watch this 11 minute video link from the Harvard Business Review.

…why most product launches fail.

-interview with Joan Schneider is the president of Schneider Associates; and

Julie Hall is its executive vice president. They are the coauthors of The New Launch Plan: 152 Tips, Tactics and Trends from the Most Memorable New Products (BNP Media, 2010).


Following the film, complete the following assignment from the link. Read through the article and check out the links listed on the side. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did the “Cell Zone” fail?

On the website above, select the LINK: “Can You Hear Me Now?”

2. On the website above, select the LINK: “Remember Any of These Short-Lived Successes?”

According to this article, what was the biggest problem for these new product failures?

3. On the website above, select the LINK: 40 Ways to Crash a Product Launch?

*skim—a) problems with “Pre-Launch Phase”

b) problems with “Launch Phase”

4. Keep reading under the “40 Ways to Crash a Product Launch”. Make a three column chart (use MS Word: table) that lists & explains the “5 fatal flaws”. Include one product example for each flaw.

(4 marks)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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