WECC-0119 Posting 1 RA Removal MOD FITB Draft 1 5-2-2016

Recommendation / Request for CommentThe WECC-0119 Removal of Reliability Assurer Drafting Team (DT) is recommending retirement of the entire WECC CRT coincident with the July 1, 2016 effective date of MOD-032-1, Data for Power System Modeling and Analysis (MOD-032).Do you agree the WECC CRT should be retired in its entirety?If you answered “no” to the first question please identify which WR(s) should not be retired and explain why it should not be retired. If you answered “no” to the first question, please suggest the most appropriate alternate document into which the affected content should be relocated. Please explain your answer.Will retirement of the WECC CRT cause a reliability gap after the effective date of the associated NERC Reliability Standards? If you answered “yes”, please explain your answer. The DT welcomes comments on all other aspects of the proposed retirement.Remediation of Conflict of InterestDeletion of the WRs will address the SAR by eliminating the current conflict of interest whereby WECC serves both as the entity responsible to complete the assigned tasks as well as the entity responsible for monitoring the adherence to the assigned task. The DT concluded that retirement of the WRs will have no impact on the reliability of the Interconnection because the assigned tasks will continue to be performed in accordance with existing NERC Standards or peripheral WECC documents. OverviewThe WECC CRT is a Fill-in-the Blank (FITB) WECC Criterion drafted to meet the requirements of NERC Standards MOD-011-0 (MOD-011), Regional Steady-State Data Requirements and reporting Procedures, and MOD-013-1 (MOD-13), Regional Reliability Organization (RRO) Dynamic Data Requirements and Reporting Procedures.MODs 11 and 13 are completely replaced by MOD-032-1 (MOD-32), Data for power System Modeling and Analysis. NERC determined and FERC agreed that MOD-032 is a consolidation and replacement of both MOD-011 and MOD-013. MOD-032 eliminates any direct requirement for the RRO (AKA: Reliability Assurer / WECC) under the associated FITB standards. ................

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