Polk County Youth Fair Inc. - Polk County Youth Fair Inc.

CAKES - CUPCAKES FROM SCRATCHNAMELASTFIRSTMIDDLECATEGORY #CATEGORY NAMEDESCRIPTIONCLUB/SCHOOLAWARD (CIRCLEBLUEREDWHITENO AWARDDISPLAYED ACCORDING TO RULESYESNORECIPE ATTACHEDYESNO*If citrus, honey or blueberry entry must contain ? C OUTSIDE APPEARANCEBLUEREDWHITENEEDS IMPROVEMENTShape: Symmetrical, slightly rounded top, free from cracks or peaksFrosted or layer cakes: layers even in thickness; filling & frosting evenly appliedFrosting: consistency characteristic of kind – creamy, moist, free from stickinessUnfrosted Cake Surface: smooth, uniform surface, free from cracks or peaksINSIDE APPEARANCETexture: tender, moist crumb, velvety feel, not sticky or doughy, no un-baked streaks, not harsh or crumbly or overly dryGrain: smooth; free from tunnels ; fine evenly distributed air cellsColor: uniform, characteristic of cake type; free from streaksFLAVORBlended flavor of ingredients, characteristic for cakeNo distinct taste of such flavors as salt, fat, leaveningCAKES - CUPCAKES FROM SCRATCHNAMELASTFIRSTMIDDLECATEGORY #CATEGORY NAMEDESCRIPTIONCLUB/SCHOOLAWARD (CIRCLEBLUEREDWHITENO AWARDDISPLAYED ACCORDING TO RULESYESNORECIPE ATTACHEDYESNO*If citrus, honey or blueberry entry must contain ? COUTSIDE APPEARANCEBLUEREDWHITENEEDS IMPROVEMENTShape: Symmetrical, slightly rounded top, free from cracks or peaksFrosted or layer cakes: layers even in thickness; filling & frosting evenly appliedFrosting: consistency characteristic of kind – creamy, moist, free from stickinessUnfrosted Cake Surface: smooth, uniform surface, free from cracks or peaksINSIDE APPEARANCETexture: tender, moist crumb, velvety feel, not sticky or doughy, no un-baked streaks, not harsh or crumbly or overly dryGrain: smooth; free from tunnels ; fine evenly distributed air cellsColor: uniform, characteristic of cake type; free from streaksFLAVORBlended flavor of ingredients, characteristic for cakeNo distinct taste of such flavors as salt, fat, leavening ................

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