Local District 6

District 6 Multilevel Approach to Enhance

Parent Training and Parental Participation


One of our main goals as a Local District is “to provide learning environments that will improve the academic achievement of all students.” Such focus on academic achievement can only be productive if all of the three components: teachers, parents, and administrators, work together in unison to establish and nourish a Standards-Based system that will equalize instructional practices. Parents are the first teachers of their children and must have the capacity, through training and access to information, to provide the foundation for learning to their children, thus becoming partners in education with the rest of the school community to support student achievement. Research has proven that parent involvement and education results in higher student attainment and more effective schools.


1. Provide parents with strategies and techniques for assisting their children with learning activities at home that will support and extend their school’s instructional program.

2. Encourage and expand parent volunteerism at the school sites to support the local schools’ academic goals and school climate in general.

3. Provide extensive training to Community Representatives in charge of Parent/Family Centers at the local school to enhance the quality of services and communication available to parents.

4. Offer appropriate training to members of the local school councils, as well as to parent representatives to District 6 advisory councils, so they can become effective partners in the decision-making process at the local schools.

5. Augment through comprehensive training the communication skills of our parents so they can communicate more effectively with their children and lay the foundation for a positive family relationship.


District 6 will follow the Joyce Epstein’s “Six Types of Parent Involvement” Framework in order to attain these goals. This Framework facilitates the development of school and family partnership programs. Ms. Epstein believes that the benefits that can be achieved through the creation of interdependent bonds between schools and families is that these “…partnerships help all youngsters succeed in school and in later life.”


1. PARENTING: Assist families with parenting and child-rearing skills, understanding child and adolescent development, and establishing home environments to support children as students at each age and grade level.

• Parent Workshop Classes

Facilitators: Anna Carrasco, District 6 Parent Facilitators, District 6 Staff

Frequency: Up to 6 workshops per local school per year.

Participants: Parents at the local school sites.

Topics: Understanding your adolescent; Family literacy; Helping children at home with mathematics and reading; Study skills.

Family-All Families Meetings (Parenting Portion)

Facilitators: Anna Carrasco, School Services Directors, District 6 Staff; District 6 Psychologists; Guest speakers.

Frequency: Five monthly sessions by complex and three District-wide sessions.

Participants: Any parent from District 6.

Topics: Parent Conferences; Supporting your child’s academic career at home; School resources to support students and their families; District 6 Health and Human Services; ACT; Adolescent development; Disciplining at home; Exposing the gang culture; Culturally Relevant and Responsive curriculum; Lessons in character; Cognitive Development.

2. COMMUNICATING: Communicate with families about school programs and student progress through effective school-to-home and home-to-school communications.

Parent/Family Center Community Representative Meetings

Facilitators:, Anna Carrasco, District 6 Parent Facilitators, District 6 Instructional Support staff, LAUSD School Volunteer Program, LACOE trainers.

Frequency: Monthly.

Participants: Community Representatives from local schools.

Topics: Parent Center organization; Communication skills; Parent volunteers; Leadership training; Conflict resolution techniques; School procedures and regulations; Community resources; PESA training; Community College programs; Content and Performance Standards.

Integration Training for Parents (PHBAO)

Facilitators: Gloria Acosta, Irma Castillo, Anna Carrasco

Frequency: Three times a year.

Participants: PHBAO local school community representative.

Topics: Identified harms of racial isolation; Culturally Relevant and Responsive curriculum; Common understanding for all races; Magnet Programs; Gender Equity; Migrant Program; SRLDP; Categorical programs; High school graduation requirements; School articulation.

• Parent and Community Advisory Council (PCAC)

Facilitators:Mr. Merle Price, Directors, Anna Carrasco, District 6 Parent Facilitators

Frequency: Monthly.

Participants: Nine parents and Community/Business leaders elected at large.

Topics: District 6 instructional priorities; Analysis of STAR data; AYP; District 6 Parent Involvement Plan; Culturally Relevant and Responsive Curriculum; Walkthroughs; Small Learning Communities; District 6 budget; Parent Collaborative.

3. VOLUNTEERING: Improve recruitment, training, work, and schedules to involve families as volunteers and audiences at the school or in other locations to support students and school programs.

Parent/Family Center Community Representative Meetings

Facilitators: Anna Carrasco, Parent Facilitators, District 6 Instructional Support staff, LAUSD School Volunteer Program, LACOE trainers.

Frequency: Monthly.

Participants: Community Representatives from local schools.

Topics: Parent Center organization; Communication skills; Parent volunteers; Leadership training; Conflict resolution techniques; School procedures and regulations; Community resources.

4. LEARNING AT HOME: Involve families with their children in learning activities at home, including homework and other curriculum-linked activities and decisions.

Family-All Families Meetings (Instructional Portion)

Facilitators: Anna Carrasco, Parent Facilitators, School Services Directors, Support Services Director, District 6 Instructional Staff.

Frequency: Five monthly sessions by complex and three District-wide sessions.

Participants: Any parent from District 6.

Topics: Elementary/Secondary Instructional Plans; Student Outcomes, Intersession; Beyond The Bell Program; Secondary redesign; Preparing for college; ELA/Math periodic assessments; Strategies/Content Literacy; Culturally Relevant and Responsive curriculum; What do test scores mean?; Algebraic thinking.

Family Literacy

Facilitators: Bell/Huntington Park Adult School; ESL Instructors.

Frequency: Each school arranges own training dates.

Participants: Parents from local schools.

Topics: ESL; Family Literacy.

5. DECISION MAKING: Include families as participants in school decisions, governance, and advocacy through PTA/PTO, school councils, and other parent organizations.

• CEAC-ELAC Meetings

Facilitators: Anna Carrasco , Reyna Corral ,Vicente Lossada, District 6 Parent Facilitators, District 6 Council Presidents; Guest Speakers.

Frequency: Monthly.

Participants: Local School Council Representatives and Chairpersons.

Topics: Title I/English Learners Program compliance; School rules and regulations; Uniform Complaint Procedure; Bylaws.

District Sponsored, State, and National Parent Conferences

Facilitators: Anna Carrasco, District 6 Parent Facilitators, Executive Board CEAC/ELAC

Frequency: Many available throughout the year.

Participants: Local School Council Representatives and Chairpersons.

Topics: Title I issues, Bilingual Education issues; Family literacy; Achieving schools.

6. COLLABORATING WITH THE COMMUNITY: Coordinate resources and services for families, students, and the school with businesses, agencies, and other groups, and provide services to the community.

• Health and Human Services

Facilitators: Richard Tardaguila, John Gates, Dr. Bonnie Shannon, Pat Jimenez, and Health and Human Services Staff

Frequency: Ongoing.

Participants: Eligible students and families.

Services: Medical, Dental, Counseling.


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