Your Guide to Local Services - Best Start

Your Guide to Local Best Start and Area Services

|Service Provider |Description |Target Audience |Contact Number |

|Best Start |Information on supports and services in Chatham-Kent | |Toll free 1.866.720.7975 |

| | |All families with children 0-6 years of| |

| | |age | |

|Preconception and Prenatal Resources |

| |Genetic counseling enables prospective parents to make |All prospective parents with doctor |1.519.685.8140 |

|London Regional |informed decisions about childbearing, birth defects, and |referral | |

|Medical Genetics |human genetics | | |

|Centre | | | |

|Prenatal Education | |All expectant parents - early |CK Public |

|Classes |Topics include pregnancy and lifestyle choices, nutrition,|registration recommended |Health Unit |

| |comfort measures, stages of labour, birth, baby care, | |519.352.7270 |

| |safety, community supports, and breastfeeding. Online or | |1.866.251.7270 |

| |in-class. | | |

|Building Healthy | |For expectant mothers and women with |CK Public |

|Babies |Serves high risk expectant women through education and |babies up to three months of age |Health Unit |

| |nutrition support. Participants receive a grocery voucher| |519.352.7270 |

| |and may receive assistance with prenatal vitamins. | |1.866.251.7270 |

| |Meetings in Chatham, Blenheim, Tilbury, Wallaceburg and at| | |

| |Mennonite Central Committee. | | |

|Healthy Babies, |Home visits with a Public Health Nurse and Family Home |Voluntary program for expectant parents|CK Public |

|Healthy Children |Visitor for education, support, advice, and referral to |and families with children up to six |Health Unit |

| |services |years of age |519.352.7270 |

| | | |1.866.251.7270 |

| |Drop in bimonthly for peer support, support from a Public |Low German speaking women, especially |Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)|

|Family Support and |Health Nurse, nutritious meal ideas and much more |mothers who are expecting or have | |

|Education Program | |children up to six years of age |519.351.1941 |

|(F.E.S.P.) | | |1.866.269.5157 |

|Refuge |Information and support for unplanned pregnancies. Provide|Women in need of crisis pregnancy |Refuge |

| |confirmation, counseling and care |counseling |519.352.3576 |

|Prenatal Assessment |One hour session at the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance to |All expectant parents planning to birth|Book with the Patient Appointment|

|Clinic |complete pre-admission, tour the labour and birth unit, |at Chatham-Kent Health Alliance |Office |

| |and communicate birth plan | |519.437.6012 |

| | | |1.877.726.2542 |

|Midwives of | |All expectant parents |Self referral |

|Chatham-Kent |Complete midwifery care for the prenatal, labour, birth, | |519.358.1888 |

| |and postpartum period | | |

| Baby/Child Feeding Supports |

|Baby Weigh-in and | |Parents with children birth to six |CK Public |

|Developmental |Drop-in clinic with a Public Health Nurse for baby’s |years of age |Health Unit |

|Clinics |weight check, developmental screening and/or informal | |519.352.7270 |

| |question/answer. Weekly clinics at Chatham OEYC, and | |1.866.251.7270 |

| |Wallaceburg’s St. Elizabeth Best Start Hub. Monthly | | |

| |clinics at Best Start Hubs in outlying areas | | |

|Lactation Consultant |Breastfeeding advice and support via phone or appointment |Breastfeeding mothers |CK Public |

| |with a lactation consultant | |Health Unit |

| | | |519.352.7270 |

| | | |1.866.251.7270 |

| | |Parents and children |CK Public |

|Nutrition Services |Nutrition education specific to healthy weights, healthy | |Health Unit |

| |shopping, meal preparation, and balanced eating based on | |519.352.7270 |

| |Canada’s Food Guide. NutriSTEP™ is a program that screens| |1.866.251.7270 |

| |children’s nutrition status (18 months - 5 years of age) | | |

| |and links families to appropriate community supports | | |

|Telehealth Ontario |24/7 Breastfeeding Support |Breastfeeding parents |1.866.797.0000 |

| | | |TTY 1.866.797.0007 |

Revised: May 2014

Your Guide to Local Best Start and Area Services

| Parenting Resources |

|Service Provider |Description |Target Audience |Contact Number |

|One Day At a Time |A support group for pregnant and new moms with anxiety and |Pregnant and new moms |CK Public |

| |depression | |Health Unit |

| | | |519.352.7270 |

| | | |1.866.251.7270 |

| |Drop-in group meets weekly with a Public Health Nurse to |Parents with infants 0-9 months | |

|As Parent and Baby Grow|discuss various postpartum topics | | |

|Healthy Babies, Healthy |Home visits with a Public Health Nurse and Family Home |Voluntary program for expectant parents | |

|Children |Visitor for education, support, advice and referral to |and families with children up to six | |

| |services |years of age | |

|Parenting |Parenting programs provide support and education for parents |Parents with children from birth to 6 |OEYC |

|Programs/Classes |raising young children |years of age |519.358.1451 |

| | | |PHU 519.352.7270 |

|Ontario Early Years |Various literacy, play group and parenting programs with |Families with children aged 0-6 years | |

|Centres (O.E.Y.C) |centres in Chatham, Wallaceburg, Tilbury, Ridgetown, | |519.358.1451 |

| |Thamesville, Dresden, Wheatley, Blenheim, Paincourt and | |OEYC |

| |Mennonite Central Committee to encourage literacy, | | |

| |development, and learning | | |

|Family Service Kent |Provide a wide range of counseling and community-based |Families or individuals dealing with life|519.354.6221 or |

| |services including anger management, stress management, |challenges |Toll free 1.855.4FSKENT |

| |family issues, relationship issues, budgeting, etc. | |(437.5368) |

|Learning/Earning and |Supports parents aged 16-25 to complete high school, be job |Young parents eligible for/or receiving |C-K Community & Social |

|Parenting Program |ready, and be effective caregivers |Ontario Works |Services |

|(L.E.A.P.) | | |519.351.8573 |

| |Subsidy for sports and recreational programs |Families in financial need | |

|A.L.L. for Kids | | | |

|Dental Programs |Programs for children and families in need of dental care, |Families in financial need |Public Health Unit, |

| |includes Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO) and Children In Need of| |Clinic Services |

| |Treatment (CINOT) | |519.355.1071 |

|C-K Multiple |Meetings for support, information, and referral to available |Parents of multiple birth |Sheri 519.825.9075 |

|Births Association |services ~chatham | |Tracey 519.627.1333 |

| Early Education Experiences |

|Ontario Early Years |Various literacy, play group and parenting programs |Families with children aged 0-6 years |OEYC |

|Centres (O.E.Y.C.) |to encourage literacy, development, and learning. Locations | |519.358.1451 |

| |throughout Chatham-Kent | | |

|RecConnect |Connects citizens to area recreation programs and courses |All ages | |

| | | |519.360.1998 |

| |Children’s programs encouraging literacy, such as preschool |All ages |519.354.2940 |

|Library Services |story time and the Mother Goose program | | |

| |Prepares young children for school entry by developing school|2.5 to 4 year olds residing in specific |Best Start |

|Early Learning Program |readiness skills |areas in Chatham-Kent |1.866.720.7975 |

|18 Month Screening |Developmental screening, health assessment and referral to |18 month olds |CK Public Health Unit, |

|Clinics |appropriate services provided by a Nurse Practitioner or | |Clinic Services |

| |Public Health Nurse. | |519.355.1071 |

|Special Services for Children |

|Children’s Treatment |Provides screening and treatment for children including, |Birth to nineteen years of age |519.354.0520 |

|Centre of Chatham-Kent |physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech/language and | | |

| |hearing services, social work, family services, music | | |

| |therapy, and recreation | | |

|Autism Ontario |Regular meetings to provide emotional support and advocacy |Families coping with autism |Verna |

|Chatham-Kent | | |519.351.4531 |

|Chatham-Kent Children’s |Developmental, behavioural, and mental health services |0-6 years of age |519.352.0440 |

|Services | | | |

|Chatham-Kent Down |Support, meetings, and information sessions for families and |Parents of children with Down Syndrome |519.436.8192 |

|Syndrome Association |caregivers of children with Down Syndrome | | |

|Learning Disabilities |Tutoring, Social Skills Program, resources |Families and children with learning |519.352.2024 |

|Association of CK | |disabilities, ADD/ADHD, and social skills| |

| | |or school related difficulties | |

| Help Lines |

|Motherisk |Counselors will provide guidance and support to women and |Alcohol and Substance Abuse 1.877.327.4636 |

| |their healthcare providers on the safety of medications, |Morning Sickness 1.800.436.8477 |

| |infections, chemicals, personal products and everyday |HIV and HIV Treatment 1.888.246.5840 |

| |exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Weekdays, 9:00 |Prescription and over-the-counter drugs, herbal products, |

| |am – 5:00 pm. |chemicals, x-rays, chronic disease and infections during pregnancy |

| | |1.416.813.6780 |

|Telehealth Ontario |24/7 telephone support for health advice or general health |All ages |1.866.797.0000 |

| |information from Registered Nurses | |TTY 1.866.797.0007 |

| |24/7 Breastfeeding Support | | |


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