Word Cell Dictionary

Word Cell Dictionary


|a |to, towards |aspire, aback, abandon, abase, abate |

|a |on |ashore, aboard, afire, atop |

|a, an |not, without |apathy, atheist, anarchy, anorexia |

|a, ab, abs |off, away, from |abrupt, abnormal, abduct, abstract, avert |

|able, ible, ble |capable of, that which, |loveable, capable, portable, eatable, affordable, hospitable |

| |inclined to | |

|ac |to |accredit, accept, accomplish |

|ac, acr |sharp |acute, acumen, acrimonious, exacerbate |

|acea |healing, cure |panacea |

|acid, acidi, acer, acri |sour, bitter, sharp |antacid, acidic, acidity, acerbic, acrimony |

|acious |inclined to, given to, |voracious, vivacious |

| |abounding in | |

|acou |to hear |acoustics, acoumeter, acoustical |

|acr, acro |height, high, tip, end |acrophobia, acrobat, acronym, acropolis |

|act |to act, to drive, to do |hyperactive, active, transact, act, hypoactive |

|acu, acr, ac |needle |acute, acumen, acuity |

|acy |quality, rank of, condition |lunacy, privacy, infancy, agency |

|ad |group |decade |

|ad, ac, at, as, ap, am, |to, toward |advance, adjustment, adversity, advertise |

|an, ar, ag, af | | |

|ade, ad, ata, ada |result, product |lemonade, limeade, marmalade, monad, serenade |

|ade |having the characteristic of |decade, facade, cascade |

|ade |process, action |parade, blockade, escapade, promenade |

|Adelphia |brother, brotherly |Philadelphia |

|ae |Latin feminine plural |alumnae, formulae, algae, larvae |

| | | |

|age |place of |orphanage, parsonage, anchorage, frontage |

|age |action, process, do that which|ravage, pillage, marriage, pilgrimage, manage, homage |

| |is indicated | |

|agi, ago, ag |move, go, do |agent, agency, agenda, agile, agitation, antagonist |

|agogue |to lead, to guide |synagogue |

|agora |place of assembly, market |agoraphobia, agoraphobic |

| |place | |

|agr |field, land |agriculture, agrarian, agronomy |

|ailuro, felin |cat or cats |ailurophobia, feline |

|aire, an, anean, arian |one who, that which |millionaire, amphibian, librarian, suburban, grammarian, Lutheran |

|al |like, suitable for |dental, rental, mental, continental |

|al |action, process, quality or |immortal, manual, medial, mortal, pedal |

| |state | |

|al |of or pertaining to |audiovisual, semiannual, semifinal, abnormal, diagonal, postnasal, |

|alb |white |albino, albumen, album |

|alg, algos, algia |pain |nostalgia, analgesic, neuralgia, cardialgia |

|ali, alter, allo |another, other |alias, alien, unalienable, alienate, alternative, allonym |

|ali |wing or wings |aliped |

|ality |quality or state |mortality, immortality |

|alt |tall, high |altitude, alto, altimeter, exalt, altar |

|alter, altr |other |alternate, alternative, alter ego, altruism |

|alti |high, height |altimeter, altitude, altitudinal |

|am, amor |love, like |amiable, amorous |

|ama, ami |love |amateur, amiable, amicable, amorous |

|ambi |around, both |ambidextrous, ambivalent, ambiguous |

|ambul |walk |amble, ambulatory, somnambulist |

|amphi |both, around |amphibian, amphibious |

|an |of or pertaining to |antemeridian, postmeridian |

|an |not, without |anarachy, anarchism, anathema, anarchic |

|an, ian |native of, relating to |Cuban, African, Dominican, American |

|ana |back, backwards |anachronism, anachronistically |

|ana |up |anatomy, anatomical |

|ance, ancy |state of being |resistance, avoidance, vacancy, truancy |

|and, end |to be done |multiplicand, addend, dividend, subtrahend |

|andro, andry |man, male |androcracy, androphobia, polyandry |

|ane |belonging to, characterized by|intramundane, mundane |

|anean |of or pertaining to |Mediterranean, subterranean |

|anean |one who |Mediterranean |

|anemo |wind |anemometer |

|ang, angle, angul |angle, corner |angle, rectangle, quadrangle, triangular |

|Anglo |English |Anglophile. Anglo-Saxon, Anglophobe |

|anim, anima |life, spirit, soul |inanimate, unanimous |

|annu, ann |year (s) |anniversary, annual, biannual, annuity |

|ant, ent |that which, thing, one who |hydrant, immigrant, resident |

|ant |doing or being something |dormant, defiant, radiant, vacant |

|ante |before, in front of |anteroom, antepasto (Italian), antemeridian, antechamber, antebellum |

|anthlon |contest |decathlon, triathlon |

|antho |flower, flowers |anthology |

|anthropo, anthrop |man, humankind |anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropist, anthropopathy |

|anti, ant |against, opposite |antibiotic, antichrist, antifreeze, antonym, anti-American |

|apo |away from |apotype, apogee, apology, apostle |

|aqu, aqua, aque |water |aquarium, aquatic, aquamarine, aqueduct |

|ar |having, like, pertaining to |circumlunar, lunar, solar, stellar |

|arbitr, arbiter |to judge, consider |arbitrate, arbitrator, arbitrary |

|arbor |tree |arbor day, arboreal, arbor, arboretum |

|arch, archi, archy |chief, rule(r), govern |architect, monarch, archbishop, hierarchy |

|arch, arche, |ancient, first, very old |archaeology, archaic, archive, archetype |

|archeo, archa | | |

|arian |of such an age, occupation |centenarian, octogenarian |

|arian |one who |grammarian, librarian, humanitarian |

|aristo |best |aristocracy, aristocrat |

|arium |a place of or for |aquarium, terrarium |

|arm |weapon, arms, army |armor, armory, armistice, armada |

|art |craft, skill |art, artist, artwork, artisan, artful |

|arthr, art |segment, joint |arthritis, arthropod, arthritic |

|ary |relating to, like |customary, primary, secondary, military |

|ary |person who, place where, |library, secretary, sanctuary, dictionary, infirmary |

| |object which | |

|aster, astro |star |asterisk, disaster, astronomy, astronaut |

|ate |one who |post graduate, graduate |

|ate |make, cause to be |decapitate, dehydrate, collaborate, renovate, radiate |

|ate |having or showing the quality |inanimate, intermediate, irradiate, mediate, postgraduate, triplicate |

| |of | |

|athl, athlon |prize, contest |athlete, athletic, decathlon, pentathlon |

|atic |of, of the kind |lunatic, aquatic |

|ation |quality or condition, action, |constellation, reincarnation, occupation, decoration |

| |process, result | |

|atmo, atmos |vapor, gas |atmosphere, atmosperic |

|ator |one who or that which |dictator, mediator, orator |

|atory |process, action, place where |oratory, reformatory, laboratory, conservatory |

|aud, audio, audit, aus |hear |auditorium, audience, audition, audible, auscultation |

|aulic |a tube, a pipe |hydraulic |

|aureo, auro |gold |aurophobia, aureate, aureole |

|aut, auth, auto |of, by or for oneself, self |autobiography, autocracy, autograph, autonomy, author, automobile |

|avi |bird |aviator, aviary, aviculture, aviation |

|bak |to bake |bakery, bake, baking |

|baro |weight, pressure |barometer, barograph, baroscope, isobar |

|bat |to walk, to go |acrobat |

|batho, bathy |water, depth |bathophobia, bathymeter, bathysphere |

|be |intensive |bedeck, beguile, behavior, belabor |

|belli, bell, bellium |war |belligerent, bellicose, post-bellum, ante-bellum, rebel, rebellion, |

| | |rebellious |

|bene, ben, bon |good, well |benediction, benefit, beneficiary |

|ber |month |November, December, October |

|bibl, biblio |book |Bible, Biblical, bibliography, bibliophile |

|bi, bin, bis |two, twice, double |biped, bicycle, bisect, bilingual, biweekly, bifocal, binocular, biscuit,|

| | |bicorn |

|bi, bio, bious |life, living |biology, biography, biopsy, antibiotic |

|bode |to announce, declare |forebode, bode |

|branch |a branch, twig |branch, branchlet |

|brev |short |brevity, breviary, abbreviate |

|bronch |windpipe |bronchitis, bronchial, bronchopneumonia |

|bronto |thunder |brontosaur |

|bursa |bag, purse |bursar, bursitis, reimburse, disburse |

|caco |bad |cacophony, cacophonous |

|cade |to fall, falling |cascade, aquacade |

|calc |calcium |calcemia, calcium, calcify |

|cali, calori |warm, heat |calorie, caliduct, calorimeter |

|camer, camera |vault, chamber |bicameral, camera, unicameral, cameral |

|cancero |cancer |cancerophobia |

|cand |glow, white, pure |candle, candidate, candelabra, incandescent |

|cann |can, cans, canning |cannery, canned, canning |

|cant |song |canto, incantation, canticle, cantor |

|cap, capit, cipit |head |cap, captain, capital(city), decapitate |

|capt |take, receive, seize |capture, captivity, captivate, captor |

|cardi, cardio, cardia, |heart |electrocardiogram, cardiac, cardiologist, coronary, core, cordial, |

|cor, cord, cour | |courtship |

|carn |flesh, meat |chili con carne, incarnation, carnivore |

|cast |to record |forecast |

|cata |down |cataclysm, catalyst, cataract, catalogue |

|caus, cuse, cus |cause, case, lawsuit, motive |cause, causal, causality, excusable, accusation, becauase |

|caut |on guard |caution, precaution, cautionary |

|cav |hollow |cave, cavern, concave, excavate |

|ced, cede, ceed |go, yield, to move, withdraw |proceed, recede, accede, antecedent |

|cele |honor |celebrate, celebration |

|cell |a small room, a cell |unicell, cell, cellar, cellular |

|ceno |recent |Cenozoic |

|cens |judge |censor, censorship, census, censure |

|cent, centu |hundred, hundredth |century, centenarian, centennial, percent, bicentennial, centuple |

|centi |a hundredth part, 100 |centimeter, centigrade, centipede |

|centric |pertaining to the center |geocentric, homocentric, egocentric |

|cept, capt, cip, cap, |take, receive, catch |reception, conception, accept, receptive, receipt, captivate |

|ceive, ceipt | | |

|cert |sure, to trust |certify, certified, certification |

|chol |bile |cholemia, choleric, cholera |

|choreia, chorus |dancing |choreography, chorus, chorister, Terpsichore |

|chrome |color |monochrome, polychrome |

|chron, chrono |time |chronological, chronicle, chronic |

|cide, cidal |kill |suicide, fratricide, herbicide, genocide, homicide |

|ciner |ashes |cinder, cinerarium |

|circ, circu |ring, around, about |circle, circus, circuitous, circuit |

|circum |around, about, on all sides |circumnavigate, circumference, circumvent |

|civ |citizen |civilization, civil, civility, civic |

|claim |shout |acclaim, exclaim, declaim, proclaim |

|clam |shout |exclamation, proclamation, acclamation, clamor |

|clar |clear |clarify, declarative, declaration, clarity |

|class |class, group |classify, classical, classic, declassify |

|claustro, claud |to confine, close or shut |claustrophobia, claustrophobic |

|clin, cline |lean, lie, bend |declination, decline, recline, incline |

|clud |shut |include, preclude, exclude, seclude |

|clus |shut |conclusive, exclusive, seclusion, inclusion |

|cogn, cog |know |recognize, cognitive, cognizant, incognito |

|colo, cult |cultivate, settle |colony, agriculture, culture, cultivate |

|commun |common |community, commune, communicate, communicable |

|comput |compute |computer, computation, compute |

|con, col, cor. com, co, |with, together, jointly, unite|confide, confer, conjunction, connect, collect, correspond, collaborate, |

|cont | |commune |

|coni, koni |dust |coniosis, pneumonoconiosis, konimeter, otoconia |

|contra, contro |against, opposite |contradict, contraindicate, contradistinction, controvert |

|cop |to cut |syncopation, coppice, |

|copy |to copy, duplicate |microcopy, copy, copy boy, copycat, copyist, copyright, copywriter |

|coron |crown |coronet, corona |

|corn, cornu |horn |unicorn, cornucopia, bicorn, cornet |

|corp |body |corporation, corps, corpuscle, corpulent |

|cosm, cosmo |order, universe, world |cosmopolitan, microcosm, cosmos, cosmonaut |

|costate |ribbed |quadricostate, unicostate |

|cotta |cooked |terra cotta |

|counter |against, in return |counterclockwise, counteract, counterbalance, counterrevolution |

|cracy, crat, crac |rule, authority, |aristocracy, democratic, bureaucrat, plutocrat, theocratic |

| |government | |

|cranio, crani |skull |cranium, cranial |

|crea |create |create, creation, creative, creator, recreation, procreate |

|creas |flesh |pancreas, pancreatic |

|cred, credit |believe, trust |creditor, credulous, credentials, credibility |

|crim |judge, accuse |crime, criminal, discriminate |

|crit, cris, crite |separate, judge |critic, criticize, criterion, critical, hypocrite, crisis |

|cruci |cross |crucifix, crucify, cruciform, crucifixion |

|crypt, hidden |secret |cryptic, crypt, cryptogram, cryptography |

|cub, cumb |lean back, lie down |incumbent, encumber, incubation, incubus, succumb |

|cuit |to cook, cooked |biscuit |

|cule |small |minuscule, molecule, animalcule |

|culp |fault, blame |culpable, exculpate, culprit, inculpate |

|cult |cultivate |cultivate, floriculture, culture |

|cum |pile up |accumulate, cumulative, cumulate, cumulus |

|cumb, cub |lie, recline |incubate, incumbent, succumb, incumbency |

|cur, cour, curs, curr, |run |course, courier, current, excursion, concur |

|corr | | |

|cur, cure |care, heal |cure, manicure, accurate, curator, |

|custom |one’s own |custom, customary, customs |

|cycl, cycle, cyclo |ring, circle, wheel |bicycle, cyclic, cyclone, cyclist, tricycle, quadricycle, cyclorama |

|dactyl |in anatomy, fingers or toes |octodactyl, pentadactyl, polydactyl, pterodactyl |

|dat, date |give |data, postdate, mandate, antedate |

|de |down |describe, description, descendent, descent, deposit |

|de |remove, undo, away from |decapitate, dehydrate, deduct, defrost |

|de |making less |devalue, depreciate, deprave, demote |

|deb, debt |owe |debt, indebted, debtor, debit |

|dec, deca, decem, decu, |ten, tenth, ten times |decade, decathlon, decagon, decameter, decennial, December |

|deka, decim | | |

|deci |a tenth part |decimal, decimeter |

|décor |proper, fitting |decoration, decor, indecorous, decorum |

|deem |to buy |redeem, deem, redemption |

|dei |god |deity, deify, deiform, deism |

|demi |half, inferior |demigod |

|demic |of or pertaining to so many |pandemic, epidemic |

| |people | |

|demo, demos, dem |people, citizens |democracy, epidemic, demography, demagogue |

|demono |evil spirits, demons |demonophobia, demonic, demoniacal |

|dendron |tree |philodendron, rhododendron, dendrite |

|dent, denti, odont, odon |tooth |dentist, dental, dentifrice, trident |

|derm, dermato |skin |hypodermic, dermatology, dermatitis, epidermis |

|dextr |the right hand |dexterous, ambidextrous |

|di, dis |two, twice |diurnal, dissect, diphthong, dioxide, digraph |

|di, dia, die |day |diary, per diem, dismal |

|dia, di |across, through, between |diameter |

|dic, dict |say, speak, word, to tell, |dictate, predict, verdict, contradict |

| |assert | |

|dign |worth |dignity, dignitary, condign, dignify |

|dino |terrible |dinosaur |

|dipso |thrist |dipsomania, dipsomaniac |

|dis |opposite |disarrange, discomfort, disconnect, disobey |

|dis, dif |apart, away from, deprive, not|dissect, disrupt, dislike, disobey, disapprove, discredit, dissection |

|dit |to give |tradition |

|div |separate |divide, divisor, divisive, dividend |

|do |give |donate, donor, condone |

|doc |teach |doctor, doctrine, documentary, indoctrinate |

|dom |state of |freedom, martyrdom, wisdom, boredom |

|domin |master |dominate, predominant, domain, indomitable |

|dorm, dormit |sleep |dormitory, dormant, dormer, dormancy |

|doxa |belief, praise |unorthodox, heterodoxy, paradox, orthodoxy |

|drome |course, to run |syndrome, hippodrome |

|du, duo |two, double |duet, duplex, duo, duel |

|duc, duce, duct |to lead, draw |conduct, abduct, aqueduct, seduce, produce, introduce, product, reduce |

|dur |to harden, hold out |durable, endurable, endure, duress |

|dyn, dynam |power |dynamite, dynamic, dynasty, dynamo |

|dys |difficult, bad |dysfunctional, dyslexia, dysentery |

|e, ex, ec, ef |out, beyond, from |eject, erupt, evacuate, emancipate, exit |

|eco |environment, home |ecology, ecologist, ecosystem |

|eco |management |economy, economical, economize, economics |

|ecto |outside of |ectoplasm |

|ectomy |surgical removal |tonsillectomy, hysterectomy, appendectomy |

|ed |eat |edible, edibles, edibleness |

|ed |characterized by |dejected, rejected, associated, subjected, edify |

|ee |one who receives the action |donee, assignee, devotee, employee, referee, trustee |

|ego |I |egotistic, ego, egocentric, egomania |

|el |having or showing the quality |novel, level, novelty |

| |of | |

|ella, et, ette, let |small, a group |umbrella, duet, cigarette, booklet, islet, novella |

|em |in, into |empathy, embody, emit, employ |

|em, empt |buy, obtain |exempt, redemption, preempt |

|emia, hemia |blood |anemia, leukemia, hemostat, hemorrhage |

|en, enn, enni, ennial, |year |biennial, centennial, perennial, bicentennial, millennium |

|ennium | | |

|en |in |encircle, enfold, encase, enslave |

|en |to make |lengthen, shorten, weaken, strengthen |

|ence |state, quality of |credence, science |

|endo, ento |within, inside |endoderm, endocrine, endocarp |

|ent |doing or being something, to |evident, translucent |

| |form | |

|ent |one who |vice-regent |

|entomo |insect(s) |entomologist, entomology |

|eous |of, the nature of, resembling |aqueous, gaseous |

|epi, ep |among, upon, at, in addition, |epidemic, epitaph, epidermis, epicenter, epicure |

| |over or above | |

|epos |song, word |epilogue, epic, epigram |

|ept |suitable, fit |inept |

|equ, equi |equal, even, just, fair |equality, equator, inequity, equation, equal |

|er,or, an |one who |geographer, carpenter, swimmer, orator, actor |

|er |comparative degree |faster, lighter, clearer, tighter |

|er |quality of, do that which is |quarter, render, sender |

| |indicated | |

|erg, ergo, urg |work |energy, erg, anergy, synergy, ergophile |

|err |wander |err, error, erratic, erroneous |

|ery, ry |place where |bakery, rookery, bindery, laundry, cannery |

|ese |derivation, language |Japanese, Maltese, Chinese, Nepalese |

|esque |in the manner, style of, like |picturesque, burlesque, statuesque, Romanesque |

|ess |female, feminine ending |princess, lioness, actress, shepherdess, countess |

|est |comparing more than 2 |fastest, latest, neatest |

|esth, esthesia |feeling, sensation |esthetic, anesthetic, esthete, anesthetist |

|et, ette, etta |a group |quartet, quintet, duet, octet, sextette, islet, dinette |

|ethn, ethnic |nation |ethnic, ethnicity, polyethnic |

|etic |of the nature of |pathetic, phonetic |

|etymo |true |etymology, etymologist, etymological |

|eu |well, good |eulogy, euphemism, euphony, euphoria |

|eur |agent |amateur, chauffeur, masseur, saboteur |

|eval |of or pertaining to a certain |medieval, primeval |

| |time | |

|ex |out, out from |exit, expel, extend, exclaim, excel, export |

|ex |former |ex-mayor, ex-wife, ex-husband |

|extra |beyond, outside |extraordinary, extravagant, extramural |

|extro |outside |extrovert, extroverted, extroversion |

|fac, fact, fy, fic, fect |make, do |manufacture, factory, benefactor, facsimile, petrify, personification, |

| | |beneficiary |

|fall, fals |deceive |fallacy, infallible, falsify, false |

|famil |family |family, familiar, familial |

|femina |woman |female, feminine, feminist, effeminate |

|fen |to strike |fend |

|fer |carry, to bear, bring |transfer, refer, infer, conifer |

|ference |that which is carried |circumference |

|fest |given or taken (by the hands) |manifest |

|fic |do, make |efficient, beneficial, sufficient, proficient |

|fid, fidal, fide |faith, trust |confide, fidelity, infidel, bona fide, fiduciary |

|fila, fili |thread |filament, filet, fillet |

|fili |son, daughter |filial, affiliate, filicide, affiliation |

|fin |end |final, finite, infinite, finale |

|finis |limit |infinite, infinity |

|firm, firma |steady, firm, solid |confirm, infirm, affirm, confirmation, terra firma |

|fix |fasten, attach |suffix, affix, fixture, prefix |

|flam |blaze |flame, (in)flammable, flamboyant |

|flate |to blow |deflate, inflate |

|flect, flex |bend, to turn |reflect, reflector, deflect, inflection |

|flex |bend |reflex, flexible, flex, circumflex |

|flor, floral |flower |flora, floral, efflorescent, florist |

|flu, fluous, fluc |flow |fluid, fluent, influx, affluent, fluctuate |

|foc |focus, lens |bifocals, focal point, focus |

|fol, foliate |leaf |portfolio, foliage, folio, defoliate |

|forc, fort |strong |force, fortify, forceful, forcible, fortitude, fortissimo |

|fore |before in time or place |forecast, forefather, foreleg, forehead, foretell |

|form |shape or form |uniform, reform, formation, transform |

|fort |strong, chance, luck |fort, forty, fortification, fortitude, fortune |

|frag, fract |break |fraction, fracture, fragment, fragile |

|frat, frater |brother |fraternity, fraternal, fraternize, fratricide |

|frice |to rub |dentifrice |

|frig |cool |refrigerator, frigid, refrigerate |

|fru |enjoy |fruit, fruitful, fructify, fruition |

|fug |flee |fugitive, refuge, refugee, centrifugal |

|ful |enough to fill |cupful, spoonful, mouthful, handful |

|fum |smoke, scent |fumigate, fume, fumigation |

|funct |perform |functional, malfunction, defunct, dysfunction |

|fus, fuse |pour |transfusion, fusion, diffuse, profuse |

|fy |to make, form into |magnify, unify, clarify |

|gage |a pledge |mortgage, engage, engagement |

|gam, gamy |marriage |monogamy, bigamy, trigamy, polygamy |

|gen |race, birth |generation, progeny, genetics, genocide |

|gen |kind, race, family |generous, homogenous, hydrogen |

|genesis |birth, to become |biogenesis, monogenesis |

|geno, genea |race of people, class, type |genocide, genotype, genre, genus |

|genu |knee |genuflect, genuine, |

|geo, gee |earth |geography, geology, apogee, perigee |

|germ |vital part |germ, germane, germicide |

|geronto |an old man, old age |gerontocracy, gerontophile |

|gest |carry, bear |gestate, gestatorial, congest, suggestion |

|glot |language, tongue |heptaglot, hexglot, monglot, polyglot |

|glyc |sweet, sugar |hypoglycemia, glycerin, glycemia |

|gnos, gnosis, gnostic |know |agnostic, diagnose, diagnostic. agnostic |

|gon, gonio |angle, corner |trigonometry, octagonal, polygon, pentagon |

|grad, gradu, gred, gress |step, to walk, degree, rank |degrade, graduation, gradation, retrograde, digress |

|grade |degree (s) |centigrade, retrograde |

|gram |a metric measure of wgt. |centigram, milligram, decagram |

|gram |letter, written |monogram, telegram, grammar, epigram |

|gran |grain |grain, granary, grange, granulated |

|graph, gram, graphy |write, draw, describe, record |autograph, paragraph, graphite, biography |

|grat |please, thank, goodwill, joy |grateful, congratulate, gratis, gratitude |

|grav, gravi, griev, grief |heavy |gravity, grief, grievance, gravimeter |

|greg |herd, group |congregation, gregarious, aggregate, desegregate, segregation |

|gress |to go, to step |progress, digress |

|gymn |naked |gymnasium, gymnastics |

|gyn |woman |monogyny, polygyny, gynecologist, misogynist |

|hab, habit |live, have, hold, dwell |inhabit, habitat, habit, habitual |

|hale |to breathe |exhale, inhale, inhalation |

|hearse |to rake, harrow |rehearse, co hearse |

|hecto |a hundred |hectometer, hectare |

|hedr, hedron |side, seat(s), surfaces |polyhedron, tetrahedron, cathedral |

|heli, helio, helion |sun |helium, heliotrope, heliocentric, heliograph |

|hem, hemo, emia |blood |hemorrhage, anemia, leukemia, toxemia, hemophilia |

|hemi |half, occurring twice |hemisphere, hemispheric |

|hept, hepta |seven |heptarchy, heptagon, heptangular |

|herbi |grass, herb, plant |herbivore, herbivorous |

|hetero |various, unlike, different |heterogeneous, heterosexual, heteronym, heterodox |

|hex, hexa |six |hexagon, hexangular, hexahedron |

|hier |sacred |hierarchy, hieroglyphics |

|hind |rear, behind |hind, behind, hind leg, hindsight, hindquarter |

|hippo |horse |hippopotamus, hippodrome |

|histor |knowing, learned, history |history, prehistoric, historian, historical, historic |

|holo |whole |holistic, holograph |

|hom, homi, homo |man, human |homage, homo sapiens, homicide, hombre, homosexual |

|hom, homo, homeo |same, like |homogenized, homonym, homograph, homophone, homogeneous |

|hood |state of, quality of, |knighthood, manhood, falsehood, womanhood |

| |condition of | |

|hor |to shutter, shiver |abhor, horrible, horrid, horrendous |

|hosp |guest, host |hospitable, hospitality, hospice, hospital |

|host |enemy, stranger |hostile, hostage, hostility |

|hum, hume |earth, soil, ground |humus, humiliate, exhume, inhume, posthumously |

|hydr, hydro, hydrous |water |hydrant, hydrogen, hydrophobia, dehydrate |

|hygro |moisture, wet |hygrometer, hygroscopic, hygrometry |

|hyper |excessive, over, beyond |hyperactive, hypersonic, hypertension |

|hypno |sleep |hypnotize, hypnotic, hypnosis |

|hypo, hyp |less than usual, too little, |hypodermic, hypoactive, hypocritical, hypotension |

| |below or under | |

|ial |characterized by, related to |connubial, industrial, commercial, remedial |

|ian |characterized by, related to, |Christian, physician, Parisian, barbarian |

| |one that is | |

|iatric, iatrist, iatro |healing art, healing, curing |pediatrician, psychiatric, geriatrics, podiatry, podiatrist |

|ible |capable of, worthy of |audible, credible, incredible, edible |

|ic |pertaining to, connected with,|prehistoric, rhetoric, angelic, iambic, volcanic, quixotic |

| |like, having the nature | |

|ic |someone or something that |chronic, hypodermic, supersonic |

|ic |to form nouns |magic, classic, public, rhetoric |

|ical |like, having the nature of |nautical, identical |

|ichthyo |fish |ichthyosaur |

|ician |expert, practitioner |mortician, physician, pediatrician, optician |

|icle, cule, ling |little |icicle, article, particle, canticle, miniscule, inkling |

|ics |denotes certain sciences, |pyrotechnics, electronics, physics, phonics |

| |studies | |

|ident |same |identify, identical, identification, identity |

|ideo, idea |idea |ideology, idea, ideal |

|idio |peculiar |idiot, idiom, idiomatic, idiosyncrasy |

|ier, yer |person who, place where |cashier, gondolier, chiffonier, lawyer |

|ign |fire |ignite, ignition, igneous, ignitron |

|il, im, in, ir, un |not, without |illegal, illegible, immortal, unreal, immovable, invincible, irreversible|

|il, im, in, ir |in, into, within |illuminate, import, inspect, irradiate |

|ile |condition |fragile, virile, senile |

|ile |relating to, suited for, |domicile, docile, agile, ductile, fertile, fragile |

| |capable of | |

|im |into |import, immerse, immigrate, implant |

|im |not, without |impossible, immature, immune, immobile |

|imperi |command |imperative, empire, emperor, imperious |

|in, ir, im, il |not, without |infidelity, invincible, inequality, incredible |

|in, im |in, into, upon |inject, infuse, inscribe, insect |

|in |denotes alkaloids |antitoxin, toxin |

|ine |feminine suffix |heroine, Caroline, Josephine, Clementine |

|ine |nature of, like |canine, feline, asinine, feminine |

|infra |below |infrared, infrahuman, infrastructure |

|ing |the result of |painting, fainting, sleeping, walking |

|ing |material |bedding, roofing, siding, quilting |

|init |to begin, enter upon |initialize, initial, initiate, initiative |

|insul |island |peninsula, insulate, insularity, insular |

|integ |whole, untouched |integrity, integrate, integral, integer |

|inter |between, among |interstate, international, intersect |

|intra, intro |inside or within |intramural, intrastate, introspect, introvert |

|ion, tion, ation |the act of, being, the result|junction, motion, fraction, construction, reaction |

| |of | |

|ior |comparative, one who or that |superior, inferior, inferiority |

| |which | |

|ious |characterized by |gracious, ambitious, infectious, dubious |

|ir |not, without |irregular, irresponsible, irreplaceable |

|ir |in, into, within |irradiate, irrigate, irruption |

|ir |anger |irritate, irate, ire, irascible |

|ish |like, pertaining to |Turkish, clownish, whitish, Scottish |

|isk, oid |resembling |asteroid, asterisk |

|isl |island |island, islet, isle |

|ism |action, process |baptism, plagiarism, heroism |

|ism |state of, condition of |hypnotism, barbarism, racism, pacifism, autism |

|ism |doctrine, system |stoicism, Quakerism, Americanism, realism |

|iso |equal, same |isobar, isometric, isotope isosceles |

|ist |one who |florist, dentist, manicurist |

|it |go |exit, initiate, obit, transit |

|ite |a resident of |urbanite, suburbanite |

|ite |do that which is indicated |unite |

|itis |inflammatory disease |appendicitis, bronchitis, arthritis, meningitis |

|ity, ty |state or quality of |unity, conformity, deity |

| | | |

| | | |

|ive |having the quality or nature |hyperactive, hypoactive, proactive, active |

| |of, belonging to | |

|ive |causing, making |declarative, derogative, affirmative, additive, subtractive |

|ize, ise |make, to do that which is |legalize, naturalize, synchronize, homogenize |

| |indicated | |

|ject |throw, cast |project, inject, reject, eject, subject |

|jocus |joke |joke, jocular, jocund, jocose, jocularity |

|journ |daily |journal, journalism, journey, sojourn |

|ju, jud |law, right, judgment |judge, judicial, judgment, judicious, prejudge, prejudice |

|junct |join, unite, connect |junction, conjunction, juncture, adjunct |

|jur, jus, jud |law, right |jury, perjury, jurisdiction, jurisprudence, juror, judicial, justice |

|jus |law, right |just, justice, injustice, justification |

|juven |young |juvenile, rejuvenated |

|kilo | a thousand |kilometer, kilograms, kiloton, kilocycle |

|kinesia, kinesis, kino |movement, motion |kinesthetic, telekinesis, kinetic, kinematics |

|klepto |to steal, thief |kleptomaniac, kleptomania |

|kno |to know |knowledge, know, knowing |

|lab, labor, laborat |work |collaborate, laboratory, elaborate, laborious |

|laps |slip |elapse, relapse, lapse, collapse |

|lat, lateral |side, wide |lateral, unilateral, bilateral, quadrilateral |

|lat |bring forward |legislate, legislature |

|late |to carry |collate, relate |

|laud |praise |applaud, applause, laud, illaudable |

|lavat |to wash, clean |lavatory, lave |

|le |small |semicircle, circle |

|lect |gather, choose |collect, elect, select, electoral |

|lect, leg |read, speak |lectern, legend, legible, illegible, dialect |

|leg, lig |law, contract, understand |legal, delegate, legitimate, legislate |

|leg |to read |legible, illegible |

|less |without |careless, fearless, hopeless |

|let |small |streamlet, ringlet, leaflet, bracelet |

|leuk |white, colorless |leukemia, leukocyte |

|lev |raise, lift, to make light |elevator, leverage, lever, levee |

|liber, liver |free |liberty, liberate, libertarian, liberal |

|libr |balance |equilibrium |

|libr |book |library, librarian, librettist, libretto |

|lic, licit |permit |license, licentious, licit, illicit |

|like |like |homelike, lifelike, ghostlike |

|ling |small |duckling, gosling, hireling, nestling |

|lingu, langu |tongue, language |lingual, linguistics, linguist, bilingual, language |

|liter |metric measure of volume |liter, deciliter, milliliter |

|litera, liter, lit, letter|letter |literature, literary, illiterate, literal, litany, literal, alliteration |

|lith, litho |stone |monolith, Paleolithic, Neolithic, lithograph |

|loc |place |local, location, dislocate, localize |

|locu, loqu |speak, word |locution, elocution, circumlocution, colloquial |

|log |knowledge, idea, word, speech,|geologist, logic, logically, logistics |

| |reason, study | |

|log, logue, logy |speech, speak |dialogue, prologue, epilogue, eulogy |

|loger, logist |one versed in the study of, |chronologer, astrologer, astrologist, cardiologist, penologist |

| |one involved with | |

|logical |in order |chronological, logic, logical, logician |

|logo, log |word |logic, logical, logogriph, logogram |

|logy, logue, loquy |science, study of |geology, anthropology, astrology, etymology, soliloquy, zoology, eulogy |

|logy |a collection of |anthology, trilogy |

|lop |run, leap |elope, interloper, elopement, lope |

|loqu, loqui, loc |speak |eloquence, soliloquy, colloquial, loquacious, elocution |

|lu |wash |deluge, antediluvian, ablution, dilute |

|luc, lum, lumin, lun |light |lucid, translucent, elucidate, Lucifer, illuminate |

|lud, lude |play |interlude, prelude, postlude, ludicrous |

|lun, luna |moon |lunar, lunatic, translunar |

|lustr |to light, shine |illuminate, translucent, illustrious |

|ly |occurring every so often, like|quarterly, annually, biannually |

| | | |

| | | |

|ly |characteristic of, in the |fatherly, motherly, regally, timely, beautifully |

| |manner of | |

|lysis |to loose, loosing |dialysis, hydrolysis |

|macro |great, large, long |macrocosm, macron, macroscopic, marcometer |

|magni, magn, mag, meg, maj|great, large |magnify, magnitude, magnanimity, magnificent, major, majority |

|mal, male |bad, evil, ill, harm |malice, malady, malign, malignant, malediction |

|man, manu, mani |hand |manual, manuscript, manipulate, manicure, emancipate, manage, manufacture|

|mand |order |command, demand, mandatory, mandate |

|mania |a craving, madness |bibliomania, kleptomania, pyromania, dipsomania |

|mar, mare, marine |sea |marine, submarine, mariner, maritime |

|marit |marriage |marital, postmarital |

|mat |acting |automatic, mathematical |

|mater, matri |mother, source |maternal, maternity, alma mater, matron |

|med, medi |middle, in the middle |medium, mediate, medieval, mediocre, intermediate, median |

|medic |physician, heal |medical, medicine, medic |

|mega |large, great, a million |megaphone, megaton, mega millions |

|mela |black, dark |melanoma, Melanesia |

|mem, memor, memoria |memory, mindful, remember |commemorate, memorize, memorandum, memorial, memo, memory |

|men, min, mon |to think, remind, advise, warn|admonish, mention, mentor |

|ment |mind |mental, demented, mentality, memento |

|ment |state, quality, condition, |fragment, department, figment, condiment, amazement, adornment, |

| |product |arrangement, refinement |

|ment |do that which is indicated, |fragment, development, abridgement, government, embezzlement |

| |action, process | |

|merg, merge, merse |plunge, dip, sink in, to arise|merge, submerge, merger, emerge, submerse |

|meri |the middle |antemeridian, postmeridian |

|meta |change |metaphor, metamorphic, metabolism |

|meta |beyond |metaphysics, metabiolgocial, metachrome |

|meter |measure, a measurement |diameter, barometer, altimeter, perimeter |

|metr, metry |measure |metric, geometric, isometric, symmetrical, geometry |

|migr, migra |move, travel |migrate, emigrate, immigrant, migratory |

|micr, micro |small, a millionth |microscope, microbiology, microphone |

|mil |soldier |militant, military, militia, militate |

|mill, milli, mille |a thousandth part, a thousand |millimeter, milligrams, millionaire, millipede, milliliter |

|mim |imitate, copy |mimic, mimeograph, pantomime, mime |

|mini, mina |small |miniature, minute |

|mis, miso |wrong, bad, less |mistake, misfortune, mishap, misopedia |

|miser |wretched, pity |miserable, miser, misery, commiserate |

|miss |send, let go |mission, missionary, missive, missile |

|mit, mis |send |transmit, emit, remit, intromit |

|mnem, mnesia |memory |amnesia, mnemonic, amnesty, Mnemosyne |

|mob, mobil, mobile |move |automobile, mobile, immobile, mobility |

|mon, mono |one, single, alone |monarch, monoplane, monarchy, monorail, monocle |

|mon, monit |advise, warn, remind |admonish, monitor, admonition, premonition |

|mon |state of |matrimony |

|monstr, monstri, must |show |demonstrate, demonstrative, remonstrance |

|mor |custom, fool, manner, way of |moral, morality, morals, mores, moron, amoral, immoral |

| |carrying oneself | |

|morph, morpho |form, shape |metamorphosis, morphometry, metamorphic, morphology |

|morse |to bite |remorse, morsel |

|mort, mortem, mortu, mors |death, to die |mortal, immortal, mortality, mortician, remorse |

|mot |move, motion |motor, promote, demote, commotion |

|mov, mob, mot |move |move, movable, remove, movie, mobile |

|mult, multi |many, much |multicolor, multitude, multimillionaire |

|mund |the world |mundane, intermundane, mundanely |

|mur |walls |murals, intramural |

|mut |change, exchange |mutual, commute, mutuality, mutation |

|nas |nose |nasal, postnasal |

|nat, nasc |birth, born |native, nativity, natal, innate, renascence |

|natat |to swim |natatorium |

|natio |nation, race |international, national, nationality |

|natur |nature |supernatural, nature, natural |

|naus, naut |ship / sailor |nausea, nautical, nautilus, aquanaut |

|nav |ship, to sail |navy, navigate, naval, circumnavigate |

|necess |unavoidable |necessary, unnecessary |

|necro |the dead, a dead body |necrophilia. necromancy |

|neg, non |not, without |nonsensical, neglect, negate |

|neo |new, modern |neologism, neophyte, Neolithic, neonate |

|nes, nesia |island |Indonesia, Polynesian, Micronesia, Dodecanese |

|ness |state of, quality or condition|greatness, kindness, wilderness, dimness |

| |of | |

|neuro, neur, nerv |nerve, nerves |neurological, neurology, nerves, nervous, neuron, neuralgia |

|noc, nox |night, harm |noxious, nocturnal, nocturne |

|nom |law, order, arrangement |astronomy, economy, autonomy, taxonomy |

|nomen, nomin |name |nomenclature, denomination, nominative, nominate |

|nomy |scientific study, the science |astronomy |

| |of | |

|non |not, without |nonliving, nonstop, nonexistence, nonfiction |

|nona, nov, novem |nine |November, novennial, nonagon, novena |

|norm |rule, pattern |normal, abnormal, normality |

|nov |new, recent |novel, novelty, novice, innovate, nova |

|null, nihil, nil |nothing, void |nullify, annihilate |

|numer |number |numeral, numerator, numerous, enumerate |

|nunci, nounc |declare, warn |denounce, renounce, enunciate, pronounce |

|nym, onym, onon |word |antonym, synonym, homonym |

|o, ob, oc, of, op |against, opposite |object, opposition, obstruct |

|oct, octa, octu |eight |octagon, octopus, octant, October, octillion, octet |

|ocul, ocle |eye |ocular, oculist, binoculars, monocular |

|oid |like, resembling, having the |asteroid |

| |form of | |

|olig |few |oligarchy, oligopoly, oligochrome |

|omni |all |omnivore, omnivorous |

|on |large, consisting of |million |

|onym, onymous |name, word |antonym, synonym, homonym, acronym, anonymous, synonymous |

|ology |study of, science of |chronology, psychology, biology, ecology, |

|op, opt. opto, opsy |sight, eye, vision |myopic, optic, optometrist, optical, opuscule |

|oper, opus |labor, work, |cooperate, operation, operative |

|or |one who, thing that |orator, dictator, juror, operator |

|or |do that which is indicated |factor, labor |

|orama |a view, sight |diorama, panorama, cyclorama |

|orare |speak, pray |oral, oracle, orator, oratory |

|ord, ordin |order |order, ordination, ordinary |

|orexi |appetite |anorexia |

|orium, ory |place of or for |auditorium, crematorium, sanatorium |

|orth, ortho |correct, straight, true |orthodontist, orthopedics, orthography |

|ory |place of or for |dormitory, laboratory, territory |

|osis, esis, asis |abnormal, condition/ state |hypnosis, psychosis, neurosis, otiosis, exegesis, psoriasis |

|oss, osteo |bone |ossify, osteopath, osteomyelitis, osteotomy |

|otic |of or pertaining to; produce, |antibiotic, biotic, abiotic |

| |cause | |

|ous |full of, having the quality of|semiprecious, semicircle |

|ov |egg, egg-shaped |oval, ovum, ovary, oviparous |

|over |too much, extra |overeat, overtime, overblown, overbear |

|pac, plais |please |placebo, placid, placate, complacent |

|paci, pac |peace |pacify, pacifist, pacifier |

|paed, ped |child, teach |encyclopedia, pedantic, pedagogue, pediatrician, pedophile |

|paleo |long ago, ancient |paleontology, paleography, Paleocene, Paleolithic, Paleozoic |

|pan, panto |all, every |Pandora, panacea, panorama, pantheism |

|par |give birth |parent, parentage, biparous, viviparous |

|par |appear |apparent, transparent |

|par |equal, compare |compare, comparable, parable, parity |

|para |a shield or protection from |parasol, parapet |

|para |beside, beyond |paragraph, parallel, parasite, paraphrase |

|part, pars |portion, part |partial, part, particle, particular |

|past |shepherd |pastor, pastoral, pastorale, pasture |

|pater, part |father |paternal, patriarch, patriot, repatriation |

|path, pathy, pass |feel(ing), suffer |sympathy, empathy, pathos, antipathy, compassion, pathetic, telepathy |

|ped, pede, pus,pedo, pedi,|foot, feet |pedal, pedestrian, biped, centipede, podiatrist, platypus, octopus, |

|pes | |pedicure |

|pel, puls |drive, push |repel, dispel, expel, propel |

|pen, pun |punishment |penal, penitentiary, penalize, punitive |

|pen, pene |almost |peninsula, penannular, penultimate |

|pend, pens |hang, weigh |pendulum, appendage, suspend, appendix |

|pend, pond, pens |to weigh, pay, consider |pending |

|pent, penta |five |pentagon, pentathlon, pentangular |

|per |one out of every, through, |percent, perspire, perspiration, percentage |

| |proportion, | |

|peri |around, about, near, |perimeter, periscope, perigee, peripheral |

| |encircling | |

|pesti |pest (s), plague |pesticide, pester, pestilence, pestiferous |

|petr, petri, petro |rock |petrify, petroleum, petrifaction, petrol |

|phag |eat |esophagus, dysphagia, sarcophagous |

|phil, phile, philia, |love |philharmonic, philosopher, philatelist, Philadelphia, bibliophile |

|philio | | |

|phobia,phobe, phobo |fear |agoraphobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia |

|phon, phone, phono, phony |sound |phone, symphony, phonics, telephone, stereophonic, phonetic, microphone |

|phor |to carry |euphoria, dysphoria, metaphor, semaphore |

|photo, phot |light |photocell, photosynthesis, photography |

|phys, physi |physical, the body |physical, physician, physics, physicist, physiology |

|pict, picto |paint |picture, pictograph, pictorial, depicture |

|pir, pire |to breathe, breath |expiration, expire |

|plac |please |placate, placid, complacent, placebo |

|plane |winged, flat, level |airplane, biplane, triplane, hydroplane, monoplane |

|platy |broad, flat |platypus |

|ple |times |triple, quadruple |

|plet, plic, ply |thickness, fold |triplet, quadruplet, triplicate |

|plete |to fill |deplete, complete |

|plum, plumi |soft feather(s) |plumage, plummet, plumiped, plume |

|plur, plus |more |plural, plus, plurality |

|Pluto |wealth, wealthy |plutocracy, plutocrat |

|pne, pneu |air, lung, breath, breathe |pneumonia, pneumatic, apnea |

|pod, pus |foot |bipod, tripod, chiropodist, octopus |

|poena |penalty |subpoena |

|poli, polis, polit |city, citizen, state |acropolis, metropolis |

|poly |many, much |polygon, polytheist, polygamy |

|poly |the right to sell |monopoly |

|pone, post |to put, place, set |postpone, impostor |

|pop |people |population, popular, populous |

|port |carry, door or gate, harbor |transport, import, export, deport, porter, report |

|porta |gate |port, seaport, portal, Puerto Rico |

|portion |part, share |portion, portionable, proportion |

|pos, poin, pound |place, set, put, to rest |depose, deposit, preposition, apposition, position, repose, deponent, |

| | |expound |

|posium |to drink |symposium |

|post |after, place, position |postnatal, postmortem, postwar |

|pot, poten, posse |powerful |potent, potentate, potential, posse, impotent |

|potamo |river (s) |potamophobia |

|pre |before, place, position |predict, pre-register, prefix, prenatal |

|preci |to value, price |precious, semiprecious |

|prim, prime |first |prime meridian, prime, primer, primeval |

|pro, prin |forward, in place of, before, |proceed, progress, pronoun, propel, project, promenade, prognosis, |

| |in front |proconsul |

|pro |in favor of |proslavery, pro-American, proponent |

|prob |to prove, test |probability, problem, problematic |

|proto |first, original |protagonist, prototype, protoplasm, protocol |

|pseud, pseduo |false, fake |pseudonym, pseudo-science |

|psych, psycho |mind, soul, life, spirit |psychology, psychic, psychiatrist |

|pter, ptero |wing, feather |helicopter, pterodactyl, pterosaur |

|puls |drive, push |repulse, expulsion, compulsory, propulsion |

|punct |point, dot |punctuation, punctual |

|put |to think |deputy, compute, putative, dispute, impute |

|pyr, pyro |fire |pyromania, pyrotechnics, pyromaniac, pyre |

|quad, quadr, quadru, |four, four times |quadruped, quadruple, quadruplet, quart, quartet |

|quart, quart | | |

|quasi |seemingly, partly, as if |quasi-humorous, quasi-historical, quasi-judicial, quasi-legislative |

|quer, quest, quir |seek, ask |query, questionnaire, inquest, inquire |

|quin, quint, quintu |five, five times |quintuplets, quintet, quintuple, quintessence |

|radi |ray (s) |irradiate, radiation, radio, radial |

|rat |to think, reason |irrational, rational, rationalism |

|re |back, again |dehydrate, reincarnate, review, reject |

|rect |straight, right |correct, rectify, erect, rectangle |

|referre |carry back |refer, reference, referendum, referent |

|reg, rect, regn, rig, |rule, reign, king |regal, regime, regency, interregnum, vice-regent |

|reign | | |

|retro |back, backward, behind |retroactive, retrofit, retrograde, retrospective |

|rhino |nose |rhinoceros, Rhinocort |

|rid, ris |laugh |deride, ridiculous, ridicule, derision |

|rig |to water |irrigate, irrigation |

|rod, rode, ros |gnaw |rodent, erode, corrode, erosion |

|rogare, roga, rog |ask, request, beg |interrogate, interrogative, prerogative, derogatory, surrogate |

|rota |wheel, round |rotate, rotary, rotunda, rotor |

|roy |king |viceroy |

|rrhage |to flow, a flowing |hemorrhage |

|rupt |to break, burst |rupture, erupt, interrupt, disrupt |

|ry |collection of |jewelry, revelry, masonry, citizenry |

|sacr, secr, sacer |holy, sacred |sacrifice, sacrament, sacred, sacrilege |

|salin, salino |salt |saline, salinometer |

|san, sanat |to cure, health, clean, sound |sanitary, sanatorium, sanity, sane |

|sanct, sanctu |holy, sacred |sanctuary, sanctity, sanctify |

|sangui |blood |sanguine, sangfroid, sanguinity |

|sapiens |wise, intelligent |homo sapiens, sapient |

|sat, satis |enough, to please |satisfy, saturate, insatiable, satiate |

|saur |lizard |brontosaur, dinosaur, tyrannosaur |

|scend, scens |climb |descend, ascend, transcend, ascension |

|schole |leisure, school |school, scholastic, scholar, scholarship |

|sci |to know, knowledge |science, scientific, conscious, omniscient |

|scope |look at, to view, watch, see |telescope, microscope, periscope, kaleidoscope |

|scoto |darkness |scotophobia |

|scrib, scribe |write |scribble, describe, Scriptures, inscribe |

|script |a writing |manuscript, postscript |

|se, sed |apart, aside, away |sediment, sedition, seduce |

|sec, sect |cut, divide |bisect, dissect, insect, intersect |

|sed, sede, sess, sid |sit, settle |sedative, sedentary, session, preside |

|seism, seism |shake, a shaking |microseism, seismometer |

|semi |half, occurring twice |semiannual, semicircle, semicolon, semifinal, semiprecious |

|semin |seed |seminary, disseminate, seminar |

|sen |old |senior, seniority, senile, senator |

|sens, sent |to feel, to think, to sense |senses, nonsensical, sensory, sensation, sensitive, assent |

|seps, sept, septic |decay, rot |septic, antiseptic, aseptic, septicemia |

|sept, septem, septi, septu|seven |septet, septuplet, septette, September, septilateral |

|sequ, secu, secut |follow, sequence |sequence, subsequent, sequel, consequently, sequential |

|serv |save, keep |reservoir, reservation, preservation, conservation |

|servus |slave, server |service, servitude, subservient, servile |

|sesqui |one and a half |sesquilateral, sesquicentennial, sesquioxide |

|sex, sext, sextu |six |sextet, sextette, sextuplet |

|sexus |division, sex |sex, sexual, sexism |

|ship |state of |hardship, friendship, censorship, ownership |

|ship |office, profession |clerkship, lordship, authorship, partnership |

|ship |art, skill |stewardship, scholarship, penmanship, horsemanship |

|side |to sit |subside |

|signi, sign |mark, sign |signify, signal, signature, insignia |

|simil, simul, sembl |like, same |similarity, simile, simultaneous, resemblance |

|socio |society, companion |sociology, sociable, society, sociologic |

|sol |sun |parasol, solar, solarium, solar system |

|sol, soli, solit, solo |single, alone, only |solo, solitary, solitaire, soliloquy |

|solidus |solid |solid, solidarity, consolidate |

|solu, solv, solve |loosen, free |soluble, dissolve, solvent, absolve, solve |

|solus |to comfort, to console |solace |

|somn |sleep |insomnia, insomniac, somnolent |

|son |sound |sonic, hypersonic, subsonic, unison |

|soph, sopher, sophy |inclined toward knowledge and |philosopher, philosophy, sophisticated, sophomoric |

| |wisdom, wise | |

|sorb |to suck in |absorb, absorbency, absorbed |

|sover |above, over |sovereign, sovereignty |

|spec, spect, spic |to see, look, view, inspect |inspect, introspect, spectator, spectacle, prospect, spectacular, |

| | |specimen |

|sperse, spora |to scatter, to sow |disperse, intersperse, diaspora |

|spher, sphere |a ball |hemisphere, atmosphere, spherical |

|spir, spire |to breathe, breath |respiration, conspire, inspire, transpire, perspiration |

|spond, spons |answer, pledge, promise |respond, respondent, correspondent |

|sta, stif, sist, stet |stand |stationary, standard, stability, stagnant, assist, resist, consist |

|stat |to set, causing to stand |thermostat, hemostat |

|stell |star or stars |stellar, constellation |

|ster |one belonging to, |mobster, gangster, huckster, youngster |

| |characterized by | |

|stereo |solid, hard, firm |stereophonic, stereometer |

|stil |a dagger |stiletto |

|stit |to stand |substitute, constitute |

|stitch |a poetic verse |hemistitch |

|strict |tighten |boa constrictor, constrict, restrict |

|stru, struct, story |build |construct, structure, construction, destroy |

|studeo |be eager |student, studious, study, studio |

|sub |under, down, below, near, in |submarine, subzero, subway, submerge, substitute |

| |place of | |

|suf |end, beneath, under |suffix, suffice, suffuse |

|sui |self |suicide, suigeneris, suicidal |

|sume, sump |to take |presume, resume, assumptive, presumptive |

|superm supra |over, above, on, down |supersonic, super, Superman, superstructure |

|sur |over, above, more |surcharge, surcoat, surface, surpass, surtax |

|surg, surr |rise |resurgence, surge, resurrection |

|sus |under |suspend, suspire, sustain |

|syllaba, syl |take together |syllable, syllabus, syllabify, syllabification |

|syn, sym |same, with, like, together |synonym, synchronize, sympathy, symmetry, symphony, syntax |

|tabl, tabula |board, tablet |table, tablet, tabular |

|tac |silent |taciturn, tacit |

|tact, tang, tag |touch |tactile, tangible, intact, intangible, tag |

|tact, tax |to arrange, order |tactics, syntactical, syntax, taxidermist |

| | | |

|tain, ten |to touch, to reach, hold |abstain, obtain, sustain, attain, retain, detain, tenacious |

|techn, technic, techno |art, craft, skill |pyrotechnics, technical, polytechnics |

|tele |far, far away, distant |television, telephone, telescope, telecommunication, telepathy |

|temp, tempo, tempor |time, season |tempo, temporary, contemporary, temporal, extemporaneous |

|ten, tain, tent, tinu |to hold |obtain, contain, content, continue, intent, maintain |

|tend, tens, tent |tend, stretch, to give heed |extend, tendon, tensile, extent |

|tens |stretched tight |tension, hypertension |

|term |boundary, limit |terminate, terminus, term, terminal |

|terr, terra, territ |earth, dry land |terrarium, territory, terra firma, Mediterranean, subterranean, terra |

| | |cotta |

|terre |to frighten |terrify, terror, terrorist, terrible |

|test, testare |to witness, affirm |testify, testimony, testament, intestate |

|tetra |four |tetragonal, tetrameter, tetrarchy, tetrachloride |

|thanatos |death, dying |thanatophobia, thanatopsis, euthanasia |

|the, theism, theo, theon |god, gods, God |monotheist, polytheism, theology, atheist, theocracy |

|theatr |to see, view |theater, theatric, theatrically |

|therm, thermo, thermy |warm, hot, heat |thermometer, thermal, thermostat, diathermy |

|thetic, thesis |to place or put |synthetic |

|tic |pertaining to |biotic, antibiotic |

|tom, tomy |cut |appendectomy, tonsillectomy, anatomy, atom |

|ton |a sound, a tone |monotone, monotonous |

|topo, topos |place, spot |topical, topography, utopia, topology |

|tort |twist, turn |contort, distort, extort, retort, torture |

|tox, toxico |poison, drug |toxic, toxemia, antitoxin, intoxication |

|tract |to draw, to pull, to lead |subtract, detract, attract, tractor, extract |

| | | |

|tran, trans, tra |to move, across, change, |transport, transportation, transmit, transform, translate, transpire, |

| |beyond, through, over |traverse, transcript |

|tri, trio |three |tricycle, triangle, trilateral |

|trib |to allot, give, pay, bestow |tribute, tribulation, tributary, tribunal |

|tribe |to rub, to wear away |diatribe |

|triskaideka |the number 13 |triskaidekaphobia |

|trud |thrust |intrude, protrude, extrude, obtrude |

|tude |state, quality, condition |attitude, altitude, multitude |

|tuitus, tui, tuit, tut |watch over, guard, teach |tuition, tutorial, tutelage, tutor |

|turb |whirling, turmoil |turbine, turbid, turbulent, perturb |

|ty |state, quality, condition |novelty, oddity |

|typ |print |prototype, typewriter, typo |

|typ |a type |atypical, typical, stereotypical |

|tyranno |tyrant |tyrannosaur |

|ular |relating to, resembling |pentangular, angular, rectangular |

|ule |small, little |capsule, molecule, plumule, tubule |

|ulous |tending to, inclined to |credulous, incredulous |

|ultimus, ultima |last |ultimatum, ultimate |

|ultra |beyond, excessive |ultrasonic, ultrasound |

|umbr, umbra, umber |a shadow, shade |umbrella, umbra, adumbrate, penumbra |

|un |not, opposite of |unusual, unemployed, unhealthy, unpack, uncover |

|unda |wave |undulate, inundate, abundant, redundant |

|under |below, beneath |underage, underground, undersea |

|uni |one |unicorn, universe, unison, unicycle |

|urb |city |urban, suburban, urbanites |

|ure |state of being |denture, fracture, manufacture |

|ure |do that which is indicated |fracture, structure, manufacture |

|ute |to do that which is indicated,|substitute |

| |one who | |

|vac, vaca, vacu |empty, hollow |vacuum, evacuate, vacate, vacant |

|vad, vade, vas |go |invade, evade, pervade, evasive |

|vag |wander |vagrant, vagrancy, vagabond, extravagant |

|val |strong, worth |valid, equivalent, invalid, valetudinarian |

|vale, vali, valu |strength, worth, valor |valedictory, valediction, valiant, equivalent, valid, validate |

|valent |to be worth |ambivalent |

|van |front, forward |vanguard, van, avant-guard, vantage point |

|vapor |steam |vapor, vaporous, vaporizer, evaporate |

|vari |different, various, spotted |vary, variant, variety, variegated |

|veal |a veil |reveal |

|veloci |swift, swiftness |velocity, velocimeter, velocipede |

|ven, vene |come |convention, convent, intervention, convene |

|ven |sale |vend, vendor, venal, caveat vendor |

|ven |vein (s) |ventricular, intravenous |

|vent |to go |circumvent |

|vento |wind |ventometer |

|ver, veri |true, truth |verdict, subversive, verify, verification |

|ver, verer |fear, awe |reverence, reverend, revere, irreverent |

|verb |word |verb, proverb, verbal, verbatim |

|vers, verse, vert |turn, change |reverse, adversity, advertise, revert, universe |

|vesper |evening |vespers, Hesperus |

|vest |clothing, adorn |vest, vestment, divest, investiture |

|vestig |to track, trace |vestigium, vestigial |

|veter |old, experienced |vet, veteran, veterinary, veterinarian |

|via |way, road, through |viaduct, trivial, trivia, deviate |

|vic, vicis |change, substitute, deputy |vicar, vicarious, vicissitude |

|vice |in place of, a substitute |viceroy, vice principal |

|vict |conquer |victory, evict, victorious, victor |

|vid, vis, vise, visu |to see, look |evident, video, providence, vision, television, visual, vista |

|view |to see, to look |preview, review, teleview |

|vinc |to conquer |invincible |

|vir |manliness, worth |virile, virtue, virtual, virtuous |

|vit |live |vitamin, vitality, vital, revitalize |

|viv, vive |alive, life, living |revive, survive, vivid, vivacious |

|voc, vok, voke |call, voice |vocal, vocabulary, avocation, evoke |

|vol |wish, will |volunteer, benevolent, malevolent, involuntary |

|vol, volv |roll, turn |revolt, revolve, evolve, revolver |

|vor, vore, vorous |eat, devour, feeding on |voracious, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, carnivorous |

|vulcan, volcan |fire |Vulcan, vulcanite, vulcanization, volcano |

|ward |in the direction of |eastward, westward, onward |

|wise |way, manner, respect |clockwise, counterclockwise, lengthwise, slantwise |

|y |containing, full of, quality, |salty, hairy, watery, inky, smelly, gushy |

| |somewhat like | |

|xeno |stranger (s) |xenophobia, xenophobe |

|xylo |wood |xylophone, xylophonist |

|zo, zoo |animal |zoology, zoo, protozoan, zoologist, zodiac |




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