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Sandy’s Corner on The Southern Scene Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas Fall Newsletter, August 2016-476258509000 Presbyterian Women of Southern Kansas (PWSK) Fall Gatherings are planned for Saturday, September 24, 2016 at First Presbyterian Church in Derby and Saturday, October 1, 2016 at Presbyterian Church of Garden City. The theme for the gatherings is “Who do you say that I am?” derived from our new Horizon’s Bible Study “Who is Jesus”. The study is based on various scriptures of the Bible. We’ll have a worship service, guest speakers and two workshops: a Bible study on the Horizon’s “Who is Jesus” lessons and ‘A Bead and a Prayer’ crafting*. At Derby, you’ll have a chance to browse and purchase items from Newton’s Faith and Life Bookstore display. See the enclosed flyer for gathering and registration information. The Gathering Morning Speaker at Derby will be Debbie Kennedy of the Wichita Children’s Home. The Gathering Morning Speaker at Garden City is yet to be determined. Post and share the flyer enclosed! *Note: All materials for crafting will be provided. Fall Gathering Offerings and Mission Projects—Spread the word! At First Presbyterian Church—Derby, on Sep 24, our worship service offering will go to Derby Community Family Services. For our mission project there, we ask that you bring new or gently used baby, toddlers, and children’s clothing and/or ‘individually wrapped snack food’ to be be donated to Wichita Children’s Home. At Presbyterian Church—Garden City on Oct 1, our worship service offering will be given to a PW mission of their choice. For their mission project, please bring food staples and canned goods for Emaus House in Garden City. 5905500524827500PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN ADVOCACY: Take action to raise awareness of violence against women and address the major issues facing women worldwide, including human trafficking, education, employment, economic and social standing. Visit PW’s website to find links to written articles. Orange Day is the 25th of every month. In addition… wear orange every Thursday, of each week, to raise awareness and work for an end to violence against women and girls. -38100691515000Meet your 2016-2017 PWSK coordinating team: The 2016-2017 coordinating team board was elected and installed on April 16, at the Presbyterian Church in Marion. Sandra Larson, First Presbyterian Church, Newton, was installed as Moderator for her final year of her 3-year term. New to the CT board this year is Peggy McAllaster, Secretary and Lynn Quast, Vice Moderator – Justice & Peace. Pictured left to right: Nita Whiteman, Anna Fralick, Mary Burgett, Lynne Quast, Kathy Randall, Annie Gajewski, Susan Wyman, Peggy McAllaster, Nora Coryell, Sandy Larson, Ginger Reed. Not pictured: Bonnie Baker, Roberta Johnson76200142875000righttop00THANK YOU Presbyterian Women of Southern Kansas! I was honored to receive a Lifetime PW Membership at our Spring Gathering, in Marion, in April of this year. It is a rewarding experience to be your moderator and I’ve been blessed to make so many new friends in churches of our Presbytery. Please consider presenting this award in your local PW organizations. We have the information available… just ask.-38100102235002016 Thank Offering of Presbyterian Women …“How precious is your steadfast love, O God! All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” – Psalm 36:7, nrsv Since 1888, Presbyterian women have joyfully expressed gratitude for God’s blessings by sharing their blessings with those in need at home and around the world. In 1888, Eliza Clokey of Springfield, Ohio urged each woman to give one dollar over and above her usual contribution to the Women’s General Missionary Society of the United Presbyterian Church in North America as a “thank offering to her Lord. The Thank Offering funds programs that provide education, safe housing, clean water, health care, help for prisoners, justice for women, and so much more. In February 2016, the Creative Ministries Offering Committee of Presbyterian Women met to review 71 applications submitted for grants from the 2015 Thank Offering. Twenty-two of the projects were chosen for grants totaling $510,088. Fourteen of the projects are ministries that serve people in need in the United States. Eight of the projects are international. More than 40 percent of the funded projects are health ministries. Please encourage Presbyterian women in your area to promote and celebrate the 22 life-changing ministries chosen this year and funded by 2015 giving. The goal for 2016 giving is $900,000.You are encouraged to hold your Thank Offering celebration in the fall; send gifts received by December 10, 2016 to the PW Presbytery of Southern Kansas treasurer, Ginger Reed, 720 N. Broadway, Sterling, KS 67579 . Thank you for your continued prayers and support for the Thank Offering and for Presbyterian Women.To view the free 2016 Thank Offering promotional video, visit the PW YouTube channel at presbyterianwomen. To order other Thank Offering resources (including additional promotional booklets), call 800/524-2612 or visit store. Learn more about the Thank Offering at thank.7715259525000 YOU Are Invited – Please Come!!196151528575Synod of Mid America Spring GatheringRadisson Hotel - Branson, MO April 21 – 23, 201700Synod of Mid America Spring GatheringRadisson Hotel - Branson, MO April 21 – 23, 2017497713010922000 THEME: “CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?”Keynote Speakers: Carol Winkler, Moderator of PW Churchwide Susan Jackson-Dowd, Executive Director PWPreliminary Breakout Session Topics:Prayer & Bible Study:Mission:Horizons Bible Study 2017PDA Trip to Ferncliff533400011557000Singing the WordBranson Mission Success StoriesWomen of the Bible in Quilt BlocksMission Fundraising IdeasSpirituality in exercisePresbyterian Missions & SharingJustice & Peace:PW Community:Children’s Initiative Q & A PW Q & A with Mary and SusanUSAME in San FranciscoDigital Communications/Social Media Pay Day Loans Make Your PW More ExcitingHuman TraffickingFun Craft ProjectPre-Gathering Activities Friday, April 21:College of the Ozarks Tour including Lunch at the Keeter Center: Founded by Presbyterian Missionary James Forsythe, College of the Ozarks is unique in that students pay no tuition while earning a 4-year degree at one of the “Top Baccalaureate Colleges in the Midwest”. The college has a distinctive tradition of the Work Education Program and the College has a commitment to academic, Christian, cultural, and vocational.Moses at Sight and Sound Theater: sight- Go beyond entertainment – Surround yourself with this uplifting Bible story brought to life by a world class cast, spectacular sets, dazzling visual effects, and live animals all on a panoramic stage. Thou shalt not miss it – Seas. Will. Part.Mark your calendar for April 21, 22, and 23, 2017. Take advantage of all that Branson has to offer while learning, sharing, and getting to know Presbyterian Women from six states. Registration details are a work in progress. Watch for more information to come.```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````247650762000000The 2018 CHURCHWIDE GATHERING will be held in Louisville, Kentucky August 2-5, 2018. Planning is underway, so stay tuned for the Gathering scripture, theme, logo, speakers, program highlights, opportunities for connection and renewal, and so much more. Save The Date!571503810000The?PW Manual: A Guide for Groups?(formerly the Presbyterian Women Manual) is now available!This brand-new revision reflects changes in the landscape of the church and PW, and is the essential guide for PW leaders and circles. This guide includes the fundamentals—structure and relationships, tips for leaders, alternative ways of “being PW,” ideas for rejuvenating groups, staying connected and more—in a fresh format.The?PW Manual: A Guide for Groups?is available in both print and electronic editions. Among the advantages of the electronic edition:?you pay no shipping.?You may order the print edition (item PWR16120, $6.00) from Presbyterian Distribution Service by calling toll-free 800/524-2612 or ordering online at? order the electronic edition (item PWR16121, $6.00), please order online at?. (Upon purchase of the electronic edition from?store, you will receive an email with a link to the PDF download. The file may be saved on the purchaser’s computer.)57150436245000PW’s unique role recognized at 222nd General Assembly in June. During the General Assembly in Portland, OR, commissioners unanimously agreed that, true to its Purpose, Presbyterian Women strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Milestones for women – Presbyterian history was made when commissioners elected Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston as co-moderators of the 222nd General Assembly. The PC(USA) also celebrates 60 years of women as teaching elders, 85 years of women as ruling elders and 110 years of women as deacons. UPCOMING EVENTS: Fall Gatherings – Sep 24 at First Presbyterian in Derby, Oct 1 at Presbyterian Church of Garden City. Important: Have your PW Moderator or representative bring your completed PW mission pledge form to your Fall Gathering to be dedicated. Forms have been included in this mailing to your PW Moderator.Thank Offering – Supplies and ‘dedication worship service’ information in July/August MagazineSend gifts received to the PW treasurer in your presbytery by December 10, 2016.April, 2017 – Spring Gathering at First Presbyterian, El DoradoApril 21-23, 2017 – PW Synod of Mid-America spring gathering in Branson, MOAugust 2-5, 2018 – Presbyterian Women Churchwide Gathering, Louisville, KYPresbyterian Women of Southern Kansas / Fall Gatherings2540-127000‘Who do you say that I am?’John 1:1-5 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.Sat, September 24, 2016 --- First Presbyterian, Derby, 324 N BaltimoreTIME: Derby: 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM Sat, October 1, 2016 --- Presbyterian Church, Garden City, 1719 E Texas StTIME:Garden City: 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM (note time difference) COST:$8.00 ($6.00 for lunch, $2.00 for registration)MORNING WORSHIP: Derby – Pastor Deborah Hollifield Mission project – Bring Baby, Toddlers, Childrens Clothing (all sizes) and/or ‘Individually Wrapped’ Snack Foods Garden City – Pastor Denise Pass Mission project – bring food staples for Emaus House in Garden City MORNING PRESENTATION SPEAKERS: Derby – Debbie Kennedy – Wichita Children’s Home Garden City – to be determined by PW Garden City WORKSHOPS: 11:30 AM and 1:15 PM (repeated so you can attend both workshops)Bible Study – ‘Who is Jesus’ – Horizon’s Bible Study overview – Annie Gajewski, Anna Fralick A Bead and a Prayer – Peggy McAlaster, Susan Wyman [materials will be provided]RESERVATION INFORMATIONFirst Presbyterian Church, DerbyPresbyterian Church, Garden CityCall, e-mail or write by September 19 Call, e-mail or write by September 27Contact: Sherry Mayberry , SecretaryContact: Jane Heller, Secretary324 N. Baltimore1719 E. Texas St.Derby, KS 67037Garden City, KS 67846Phone: 316-788-2831Phone: 620-275-9141E-mail: fpcderby@ E-mail: presby@gcpc.NOTE: IF CHILD CARE IS NEEDED – REQUEST MUST BE MADE BY SAME DATE AS THE GATHERING RESERVATIONS! ................

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