1 - Clover Sites









320 W. Main

Magnolia, Arkansas 71753

Updated 04/04/2016


WE KNOW that children learn by using their senses and by moving. They learn about the world around them not only by looking and listening, but also by touching, smelling, tasting, running, skipping, and wiggling. 

THEREFORE, we plan for the child to use both his body and his mind in an environment designed for the child. Carefully selected materials and activities allow the child to discover concepts by working with concrete objects. New and challenging activities are always available.  

WE KNOW that children learn from the example of the adults and children around them. 

THEREFORE, we provide a calm, gentle, secure atmosphere in which children can learn to manage their emotions and to build social relationships. 

WE KNOW that children learn at different rates. Each child develops at his/her own pace, which is not always a constant rate. 

THEREFORE, we carefully observe and work with each child in order to plan a curriculum which matches his/her needs and interests. In classroom learning centers the child chooses from among a variety of materials and activities which suit his/her interests and ability level. Success is measured by individual ability. Recognition is used, rather than rewards, to develop internal motivation and self-satisfaction. 

WE KNOW that children learn through language and are rapidly developing their own language skills. 

THEREFORE, we encourage talking and listening and creative writing through dictation. Good books are always available and daily story times are eagerly anticipated by teachers and children.

WE KNOW that preschool children do not have the necessary muscle development or internal motivation for pencil and paper work. 

THEREFORE, we provide other avenues for learning and growing. In an everyday world full of wonders, the curriculum is planned to stimulate and support exploration, creativity, and discovery. Activities such as memorization for young children lead eventually to frustration, boredom, burnout, and the smothering of imagination and creativity. 

WE KNOW that for children, learning and growing are full-time activities, that working with the whole child is working within his/her total environment. 

THEREFORE, we consider the family and other care givers to be active participants in the program at our center. 

WE KNOW that our children are growing up in a complex and challenging world. 

THEREFORE, we attempt to nurture the child's self-esteem, to guide him/her toward cooperation and respect for diversity, to teach beginning conflict resolution skills, and to encourage the child's awareness of man's custodianship of the earth. Our goal is to strengthen moral and spiritual values as we work toward peaceful relationships among people and nations. 


We endeavor to provide high quality comprehensive childcare in a Christian atmosphere, where the individual child’s abilities are nurtured and developed.


Please take time in the next few days to review the parent handbook. This "study guide" is designed to highlight important points that you may need to know before you are able to read the complete handbook. If you have questions, please call the director. 

• Indicators for illness have been designated by the state. Review this section of the handbook carefully. 

• Label all of your child's belongings.

• Requirements for administering medication have been set by the state. Refer to this section of the handbook. All medications require an authorization form and must be handed to a teacher. No medications can be left in the child's bag. 

• Tuition is due the first school day of the week/month. A penalty is assessed for late payments. Payments should be placed in basket outside the office.

• All children arriving to school after 7:00 am, should eat breakfast before coming to school.

• We can refrigerate and heat limited quantities of lunch items. Refer to the Lunch section of the handbook for details. 

• Cot/mat sheets are provided by the center. We do not have storage space for pillows or large blankets.

• Please bring a towel, beach towel, or small blanket for your child to cover with during naptime.  

• Encourage your child to leave his/her toys at home.

• Please schedule any special snacks in advance. 

• Children should wear comfortable clothes that they can manage for toileting. 

• All children must have a change of clothes at school.

• Children will be charged by the month for the number of days enrolled, not just the days attended.

• Children may enroll 3, 4, or 5 days a week. 

• Please do not block the drive way. If you plan on being in the center for an extended amount of time, there are parking spaces available.


CDC Advisory Board 

Members of the CDC Board are nominated by the church Nominating Committee and elected by the Charge Conference. Membership terms will be for three years. The Board membership will include FUMC members who are parents or grandparents of children currently enrolled in the CDC and church members who have experience or interest in ministry to families and children. 

Board Purpose 

The Child Development Center Advisory Board of First United Methodist Church exists to act as a liaison between the church Administrative Board and the CDC. Its purpose is not to involve itself with the daily administration of the CDC, but to define the overall philosophy and to make final policy decisions. The Board is charged with administering a program that complies with state and federal regulations and that implements the center’s statement of philosophy and practices. 

Parent Grievance Procedure 

If the problem is STAFF related, talk to the director. If the problem is PROGRAM related, the following shall be used. 

Step 1. The parent should first discuss the problem with the teacher in his/her child’s room. If the problem cannot be resolved with the teacher, the parent should discuss the problem with the CDC Director.  

Step 2. If the problem is still unresolved, the parent may submit his/her grievance in writing to the Chairperson of the CDC Board. A written statement from the Director shall also be submitted. The Board will then contact the parent to schedule an interview to discuss the grievance as quickly as possible. After meeting with the parent, the Board will conduct any investigation it deems appropriate, including an interview with the Director. The CDC Board will act as arbitrator with full authority from the Administrative Board of First United Methodist Church. The Chairperson will keep the Administrative Board informed as necessary. The CDC Board should not exceed two weeks to gather evidence, hear witnesses, and render a decision. Copies of the written decision will be sent to the parent, the Director, the Senior Pastor, and the Director of Children’s Ministries. The decision of the CDC Board will be binding with no further appeal. 



Enrollment is open to children of any race color and national or ethnic origin, aged two months (pending first round of shots) through eleven years. Your child is considered enrolled for the full year (12-month or school term as indicated at registration). The first six weeks of attendance are considered a probationary period for your child. No tuition refund will be made except when the child is withdrawn at the request of the center. 

Please notify us of withdrawals as soon as possible, no later than two weeks before the child's final day of attendance. We need time to help prepare your child for a new experience and to notify families who are waiting for a place in our program.


Please let us know if your child will be absent and the reason for the absence. This helps us respond appropriately when the child returns to class.  

If you will be later than usual picking up your child, please call the center. We can then reassure your child that you are coming. The center closes at 5:30. If you are later than 5:30 picking your child(ren) up, you will be charged a late fee of $20.00 for every 15 minutes that you are late. Also, our staff working hours are set according to the number of children expected; knowing when parents will arrive allows us to reschedule if necessary. 

During the school year, FUMC CDC classes start each morning at 8:30 am. It is very important that all children be here no later than 9:00 a.m. When children arrive late to school, they miss the morning snack time, and the many fun and educational activities that their teacher has planned for them, (this includes playtime) and at times late arrivals are disruptive to the class.

During the summer, our drop off time will be extended until 9:30 am.

To help maintain teacher/child ratios, if your child will be attending, but will be later than the drop off time, please call the center.


Families enrolled on a 12-month schedule are allotted 2 weeks of vacation time per year. Families enrolled for the school term are allotted 1 week of vacation time per year. Families enrolled for summer only are allotted 1 week of vacation leave. Vacation leave must be requested at least one week in advance. Vacation request forms are available from your teacher and are on the parent information table outside the director’s office. Vacation must be taken in full-day increments; no vacation leave can be granted for half days. 


Center operating hours are 6:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for daycare. All children are encouraged to be here by 9:30 am. When children arrive late to school, they miss the many fun and educational activities that we have planned for them and at times late arrivals are disruptive to the class.


Every child must be signed in and out each day. This is an essential part of bringing and picking up your child. Please remind babysitters and grandparents of this requirement. Sometimes children want to sign in for themselves, but state regulations require an adult to sign the child in and out.  

For the safety of your child, please deliver him/her to his classroom and be sure that the teacher knows that he/she has arrived.


Many supplies are provided by the center. Listed below are items you should provide for your child.

INFANTS: Bring everything! Diapers, baby wipes, bottles, food, bibs, spoons, sippy cup, and a change of clothes. (Please be sure everything is labeled.)

TODDLERS: Bring diapers, wipes, lunch, beach towel or small blanket, and a change of clothes.

3-5 YEAR OLDS: Lunch, beach towel or small blanket, a change of clothes.

SCHOOL AGE: No supplies are needed for after-school care. When children stay at the center all day, they will bring a lunch. 

Check with your child's teacher frequently to see if supplies are needed. A note will be sent home when your child's supply of diapers or wipes is low, or if he/she does not have a change of clothes. 

Spoons and plastic food containers will be sent home daily to be washed. This is a health requirement. 


The center furnishes sheets for cribs, cots, and mats. Crib sheets are changed daily. Crib/mat sheets are laundered weekly. You need to bring a small blanket or beach towel for your child to cover with during naptime. Please do not send a pillow or large blanket for your child. Reminder: Label all of your child's belongings.


If the Magnolia Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather conditions, the center will be closed. Tune in to KVMA radio.

Due to liability issues, if the CDC director deems the road conditions unsafe during times of inclement weather (snow/ice) and the center will remain open, van pick up from the schools we serve will not be available. Phone calls will be made as soon as possible so that you can arrange to pick your child up from school and transport him/her to FUMCCDC. The public schools will also be notified.

If the closing is announced in the middle of the day, please pick up your child as soon as possible.

Emergency Closings

If the CDC is closed due to situations beyond our control (ie. No water, no electricity, etc.) all families will be notified via the center’s Facebook page, phone call or text. If the emergency closing is in the middle of the day, we will not offer after school pick up and all children will need to be picked up as soon as possible.


The center closes on holidays when attendance would be so low that we could not afford to open. These are listed in the school calendar. Additional closings, if needed, will be announced at least two weeks in advance. 


Tuition is set by the center advisory board in accordance with the provisions of the annual budget. Families will be notified of changes in financial policies at least one month in advance. 


Monthly: Tuition is due by the 15th of the month.

Weekly: Tuition is due on Monday for the week.

Checks for tuition should be placed in the box outside the office. Cash should be put in an envelope with the child's name on it and given to the director or lead teacher so a receipt can be written.

Receipts for payments made by check will be sent upon request. Families who need receipts for reimbursement from a cafeteria plan should notify the director at the beginning of the year. 


A one-time enrollment fee is charged for each family when they first enroll a child in our program. 


An annual registration fee for each child is due when the child is registered. Children enrolled in all classes will be charged for the days they are enrolled, not just the days they attend.

Children may be enrolled for either 3, 4, or 5 full days.

Please refer to current Financial Policy information for more information. 


Parents are required to pay the agreed amount of child care fees at the beginning of each week or by the 15th of each month. A parent whose account is two weeks delinquent will be denied access to the Center, and the child may not attend the center until the account is paid in full. FUMCCDC is willing to work with parents who are making an effort to pay the child care fees, and have had a conference with the Director regarding financial plans.

The center reserves the right to drop a child due to delinquency in payment of fees. In emergency situations a delayed payment agreement may be arranged by contacting the Center Director. 


There will be a $30.00 returned check fee for all checks that are returned by the bank due to insufficient funds. Parents will be required to pay by cash or money order after check is returned. If fees are delinquent, the child will be dropped from enrollment unless satisfactory arrangements can be made. If the child is dropped from enrollment, the parent will be required to complete a new application for consideration when vacancy occurs.



Daily contact between parents and teachers is an essential component for high quality early education programming. By sharing information concerning your child’s activities and welfare, we can together work toward meeting your child’s developmental needs in a partnership approach. If your child is sick or will be absent for any other reason, parents are asked to call and leave a message by 9:30 am to explain the reason.

The center telephone number is 234-8554. The phone rings first in the director's office. If it is not answered, it begins to ring in a classroom. If the staff is unavailable to answer your call, it will be forwarded to the CDC office voicemail. There may be times when teachers are busy with children and cannot answer the phone. If you need to speak with someone, please wait a few minutes and then try your call again.

The best time to talk with your child's teacher about non-emergency topics is between 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. This is a quiet time at the center and teachers are able to come to the phone.

Understandably, parents prefer to speak directly with their child's teacher. However, a phone call (other than at quiet time) means the teacher must leave the classroom to come to the phone. If possible, please leave a message for the teacher. They will return your call if necessary. 

Information concerning changes in transportation or other aspects of your child's schedule should be written down and given to the teacher in the mornings. We receive a lot of information each morning and a written note helps us a lot. 

A notepad on the shelf in your child’s classroom or on the desk outside the director’s office will allow you to leave messages for the teacher that you do not want your child to hear discussed. An example might be, "I will be in Texarkana today--call my mother if you need anything," or "He woke up at 5:00 this morning--good luck!" 

You may also e-mail any information to fumccdc@. Email is checked regularly throughout the day.

Watch the front doors, as well as the classroom doors, for important notices and/or reminders that may be posted.

The parent center is located outside of the director’s office on the table. Here you can find articles on parenting, AR Kid’s First Application, vacation forms, medical home brochures, and a community resource guide.

Teachers of infants and toddlers provide parents with daily written notes about the child’s food intake, elimination, sleeping patterns, mood, and general behavior. Teachers of preschoolers will provide a written daily report that will include more general information, such as what activities the child enjoyed, the unit of the week, etc.

Please check your child's cubby and/or bag each day for important notes from the teachers and/or director and daily reports which includes your child’s food intake, length of nap, activities, toileting/diaper changing, mood for the day, topic of the week with parent-child activities.

Any information that you could share with your child’s teacher to help her better serve your child will help to make a smooth and happy transition.

Throughout the year, we will send home information on child growth and development and ideas for family activities. 

If you would like to visit our website, you may go to


We would like to extend an open invitation to you to drop in for informal visits. This will give us the opportunity to become acquainted with your entire family and will allow us to provide optimum learning opportunities for your child. Our doors are always open to you.


FUMCCDC staff offer several ways for parents to be involved in the program: Parent can have lunch with their child. They are invited to participate and help with field trips, classroom parties, fundraising, or any other special events, such as center-wide Thanksgiving dinner, graduation, and children’s birthday parties.

Parent’s expertise and talent is welcome in many other ways. Please let us know what interest you.


Parent involvement in their children’s education is a very important part of FUMCCDC. It is the FUMC CDC ‘s philosophy that all children will learn more and have more positive school attitudes, higher aspirations and other positive behaviors if they have parents who are aware, knowledgeable, encouraging and involved.

1. Personal Touch: Face to face communication with all parents is important. Parent meetings, both formal and informal, are conducted.

2. Non-Judgmental Communication: In order to gain the trust and confidence of our parents, teachers avoid making parents feel they are to blame or are doing something wrong. Parents are supported for their strengths, not judged for perceived failings.

3. Strong Leadership and Administrative Support: Flexible policies, a welcoming environment, and a Christian atmosphere all require administrative leadership and support. The Director is committed and supportive of project goals.

4. Community Outreach: The CDC supports the overall strength and stabilities of the families. A parent resource directory is available at all times that provides community resource information.

5. Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent-Teacher conferences are held once per semester, in which parents can share personal concerns and teachers can provide guidance on realistic expectations.

6. Parent Child Home Activities: Weekly home activities are sent home to reinforce skills and concepts taught.

7. Parent Center: There is a bulletin board outside the director’s office.

8. Parent as Teacher. It is known that parents are the child’s first teacher and the most important influence in the child’s life. Parents are invited to volunteer their time to work in the classroom reading stories, playing games, assisting with supervision, etc.

9. Open Door Policy. Families of children enrolled are encouraged to visit the CDC at any time and watch teachers and their children in action.

10. Surveys. Surveys will be done annually.


Each classroom teacher will have a daily schedule posted in his or her room. Parents are encouraged to involve themselves in their child’s daily activity. The center will post notices on the front door of special events and activities, as well as include them in the monthly newsletter. We also provide an opportunity for outdoor play every day.


The center has a small, but growing, library of books and videos on child development. Topics include discipline, developmental characteristics, and special concerns (going to the hospital; step-parenting, for example). Some children's books are available to be used by the family during times of special concern. The center director can assist you with these materials and can also refer you to resources at the public library. 


All information about children and families is considered confidential. Staff members and volunteers will maintain the confidentiality of each family. As required by state law, children may be interviewed by representatives from Child Care Licensing, from the Division of Family Services Special Investigations, or from law enforcement agencies for investigative purposes and/or for determining compliance with licensing requirements. 



Every child in group care must be fully immunized. A photocopy of the child's current immunization record is required at the time of enrollment. Please remember to provide a new copy as soon as your child receives additional immunizations. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in termination of your child’s enrollment. 


For the good of all children and the teachers, please keep your child at home if he/she is ill. If symptoms appear during the day, we will call you to pick up your child. Children should be free of fever, diarrhea and/or vomiting for 24 hours before returning to the center. 

State health regulations require that children with the following symptoms be excluded from child care. If your child is sent home with the following symptoms, he/she will have to be free of the symptom for 24 hours before returning to school.

* Fever over 100 (taken orally).

* Diarrhea (3 or more watery stools in a 24-hour period).

* Blood or mucous in the stools (Unless caused by hard stools)

* Vomiting (2 or more occasions within the past 24 hours).

* Abdominal pain which lasts more than 2 hours.

* Rash with fever or behavior change

* Sore throat if associated with fever or swollen glands in the neck. 

* Pink Eye: Child should be excluded if he/she has fever, eye pain, redness, and/or swelling of the skin around the eyes or if more than one child in the program has symptoms. Child must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.

* Untreated scabies, head lice, or the presence of nits: May return after treatment and complete removal of nits.

* Ring Worm: May return after evaluation and under treatment by a health care provider.

* Impetigo: May return 24 hours after treatment is initiated.

* Sudden change in behavior: such as lethargy or lack of responsiveness, unexplained irritability or persistent crying, difficulty breathing, a quickly spreading rash.

* Mouth sores with drooling

* Strep Throat, until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has been started.

In addition, our center requires that children be excluded if any of the following symptoms are present.

• * Constant and/or heavy discolored nasal discharge

• * Constant cough

• * Fatigue or irritability which prevents the child from participating in normal activities

The caregiver shall determine if the illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in activities, results in a greater need for care than the childcare staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children, or poses a risk of spread of harmful diseases to others.

If your child has been exposed to a communicable disease (chicken pox, for example) while at school, you will be notified.

Please let us know if your child has been exposed to a disease away from school so that we can watch for symptoms. 

If good health is in doubt, the child will not be admitted to the center for the day and a doctor’s statement will be required before readmitting the child.


Please inform the Child Development Center of any allergies your child may have. We will make a copy for your child’s teachers.


Our staff takes every effort to ensure the safety of your child. Unfortunately accidents do occur. An incident report will be completed when an accident or injury occurs. Your child will be monitored to ensure if further medical attention is needed. If we feel that further medical attention may be needed, a parent will be notified. Upon pick-up, the parent will be asked to sign the accident report acknowledging the incident, and will then be given a copy of the report.


If you do not have health insurance and are interesting in applying for Arkansas Kid’s First, you may get an application from the Parent Center located outside of the Director’s office. If you need assistance in filling the application out, please contact the director.


Medication shall be given to children only with signed parental permission, which includes date, type, drug name, time, and dosage, length of time to give medication, and what the medication is being given for. It shall be in the original container with a child resistant camp, not have an expired date and be labeled with the child’s name.

STATE REGULATIONS REQUIRE THAT ALL MEDICATIONS BE KEPT LOCKED AT THE CENTER. Please do not leave medicines in your child's bag or cubby or on classroom shelves.


A medical home isn’t an actual place. It is a doctor your or your child goes to for check-ups or when you get sick. This doctor is called a “primary care physician” or PCP. Having a medical home-one doctor or clinic you call every time-means your are more likely to get the best care possible. If you see the same doctor every time, that doctor will know what sicknesses and health care you have had. You and the doctor will also get to know each other.

The Patient-Centered Medical Home in Arkansas is an approach to providing comprehensive primary care for children, youth, and adults. The Patient-Centered Medical Home in Arkansas is a health care setting that facilitates partnerships between individual patients and their personal physicians and, when appropriate, the patient’s family.

If you would like more information on Medical Home, please visit the parent center located outside of the director’s office.



No child will be released to persons not authorized by a parent. We must have written authorization of changes in transportation. 

If we have any doubt about the identity of a person calling for your child, we will not release the child until we contact you. 


Parking space is available in the parking lot in front of the CDC and on Madison Street.

The driveway is one-way, west to east. Please enter from Vine Street and exit on Madison Street. So that we can keep everyone safe, please DO NOT ENTER THE PARKING LOT FROM MADISON STREET.

Please do not block the driveway. There are parking spaces available, if you will need to stay a little longer.

PLEASE HOLD YOUR CHILD'S HAND WHEN WALKING TO AND FROM THE BUILDING. We know that some children are developing independence and are reluctant to hold hands. These lives are too valuable to take chances; make handholding your regular routine. 


Please advise your child's teacher of carpool arrangements. Also, remind grandparents, carpool drivers, and babysitters of center policies. 

Staff members are not allowed to drive children to or from school except in emergency situations. 

Children transported by the center for any reason must wear seat belts at all times. 

Due to liability issues, if the CDC director deems the road conditions unsafe during times of inclement weather (snow/ice) and the center will remain open, van pick up from the schools we serve will not be available. Phone calls will be made as soon as possible so that you can make arrangements to pick your child up from school and transport him/her to FUMCCDC. The public schools will also be notified.


Fire and tornado drills are practiced monthly. When severe weather is in the area, children may be taken to the church basement even if a warning has not been issued.


The center director initiates a background check on every new employee, as required by current licensing requirements. This includes a criminal records check by the Arkansas State Police and screening by the Central Registry for Child Abuse and Neglect. An FBI records check is required if the employee has been a resident of Arkansas for fewer than six years. In addition, personal references and references from previous employers are required. 

Employee criminal record checks are updated every five years. Screening by the Central Registry for Child Abuse and Neglect is repeated every two years.  



Because children (and adults) need lots of water for good health and for proper brain functioning, water is served during afternoon snack times. Water is available throughout the day for children. Milk is served with lunch. The Center does not provide a milk substitute. If your child is allergic to milk, please send a milk substitute (label with your child’s name).

We provide snacks which are nutritious and low in salt, sugar, and other undesirables. Because we know the importance of good nutrition for young children, we will not serve any type of cookies, cakes, candy, etc.

Snack times are often used to reinforce learning. The snack foods may relate to the specific concepts that the class is learning. Preschool and Kids Club children are involved frequently in preparing their own snacks. If you wish to send a snack for your child's class, please schedule this in advance with the teacher. 

For the safety of your child and the preservation of our equipment, please do not allow children to come to school with chewing gum.


All children should eat breakfast before arriving at school. Early mornings are busy times in our classrooms and we do not have the space or staff to supervise children who need to eat breakfast. The morning snack is available to daycare classes by approximately 9:00; this early nourishment usually helps reluctant breakfast eaters make it through the morning. 

Exception: Children in the infant room are fed on their own schedules. There may be times that a teacher needs to feed breakfast to your baby. 


Most classes eat no earlier than 11:30 and no later than 12:15. Check with your child's teacher for an approximate lunch time. 

Each child staying through lunch time should bring a lunch. The center provides milk. If your child is allergic to milk, you will need to provide a milk substitute. Please label the milk substitute with your child’s name. Please do not send a beverage with your child.

Red food dyes stain our carpets (and sometimes the children's clothing). Please help us by choosing another color of jell-o. 

We can refrigerate and/or heat a few lunch items each day. Our refrigerator space is limited, but we are glad to offer this service when needed. By using the smallest container possible for your lunch items you will help us make the best use of our refrigerator space. We do not have freezer space for lunch items. Lunch items not requiring refrigeration or heating should remain in the child's lunch box. 

Listed below are some important points for sending foods that are to be heated.

• Food must be in a microwavable container, ready to be heated.

• Foods to be heated must be in separate containers from foods that are not heated.

• Mark both the lid and the container with your child’s initials/name. 



Responsive care giving is the key component to setting up a safe and secure environment and trusting relationships. Everything a child experiences is a learning opportunity. Throughout the day, teachers will take advantage of teachable moments and individual care giving moments which are so important in the early years of life and turn them into meaningful and positive experiences for a child’s healthy development.

Along with teachable moments and individual care giving moments, teachers will also plan and organize their environments to enhance motor development, cognitive development, and social development. Planning for infants and toddlers involved opportunities for experiences.


We will be using the Adventures in Learning curriculum designed for children 18 mos-36 mos. The Adventures in Learning curriculum includes experiences based on the Arkansas Framework for Infant and Toddler Care Development strands and Benchmarks. It also includes experiences for all of the developmental strands-self-concept, emotional, social, language, physical, and cognitive. It is a curriculum that is flexible, allowing staff to choose from experiences in 8 different focus areas. It is also a companion piece of the Adventures in Learning for children from 3-5.


We will be using the Adventures in Learning curriculum designed for children from 3-5 years old. Adventures in Learning has a strong language and literacy focus. The curriculum includes activities that are based on the Arkansas Early Childhood Education Framework Benchmarks. These Benchmarks link directly to the Kindergarten readiness Indicators from the Arkansas Department of Education.


During the school year, each child will be assessed using the Arkansas Early Childhood Education Frameworks. The frameworks help to guide quality programs in early childhood education providing activities that stimulate growth and development of children through a successful transition to a kindergarten curriculum based on the Kindergarten frameworks. You may discuss the assessment with your child’s teacher anytime during the school year.

If a child is identified through the developmental assessment as having possible special needs, he or she will be referred to a specialist for further evaluation.


South Central Service Cooperative provides preschool children ages 3-5 with developmental screenings, speech screenings, hearing and vision screenings. If you are concerned about your child, please ask the director for a screening consent form. Once the form is returned the co-op will contact you to set up an appointment for screenings. The co-op provides developmental therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy if the need is determined through testing. Occupational and physical therapy are only provided if the child qualifies for developmental or speech therapy. All therapies are provided by fully certified personnel at FUMC CDC. All testing and therapies are provided at no cost to parents or the center.


All children will play outdoors if it is not raining and is between 38 and 95 degrees. Please dress your child for the weather, especially cool mornings in fall and spring. A child who does not have appropriate outerwear will stay indoors with another class during his/her class's outdoor play time. The length of outdoor play times is adjusted according to the weather. In addition, other factors such as humidity and wind are considered in determining whether children will be able to play outdoors. Sunscreen will be applied as necessary with written parental permission. 


Preschool classes take a variety of field trips throughout the year. Parents must sign a field trip permission form for each trip. The exception is a short walking excursion in the neighborhood; you will be told about these trips when you drop off your child. If your place of employment would make an interesting trip for the class, talk with your child's teacher.  Children who are under 6 years of age and who weigh less than 40 pounds must have a child safety seat for field trips. Teachers will work with you if this is necessary. 


Time is set in each preschool class for show and tell. Guide your child in the selection of items to share. Encourage him/her to bring something the others may not have seen before. Throughout the year the teachers will offer suggestions for items that will complement our units of study. 


Children must have a complete change of clothes at the center for emergencies (don't forget socks). Extra clothes should be put in a gallon Ziploc bag.  These will be kept in the classroom and used when necessary. The child’s clothing should be comfortable and adequate for the weather. Outdoor play, when the weather permits, will be an important part of your child’s day at the Center. He/she will also engage in activities such as art, sand and water play. You should consider these things when dressing your child for the Center. Please do not send designer clothing, expensive jewelry, sandals or barrettes to school. We expect the children to play without worrying.

Please mark all of your child's belongings--coats, gloves, sweaters, caps, blankets, tote bags, lunch boxes, even shoes and socks. 

Toys will be provided by the Center and none should be brought from home, except at the special time for “Show and Tell.” You will be notified about the special times.

Toy weapons and war toys are not permitted. These items contradict our goal of teaching peaceful living. If your child arrives at school with a toy weapon, we will send it back home with you. Help us avoid unpleasant arrivals by keeping these toys at home. 

For reasons of safety, no latex balloons are allowed in the center. Ask the teachers for alternative ideas for celebrating special occasions. No balloons at all are allowed in infant and toddler areas.


Each parent must sign a copy of the center discipline policy for the child's file. Our center does not believe that corporal punishment is an appropriate disciplinary technique. Instead, we will redirect a child's attention to a different activity. We will call parents if a pattern of inappropriate behavior develops or if there is an incident involving injury that needs medical attention or destruction of property. 

Generally, our center has few discipline problems because our parents have done a good job already. In addition, we keep the children involved in developmentally appropriate experiences, which reduce the opportunities for misbehavior.


Each lunch should contain 2 servings of fruit/vegetable, 1 serving of grain/bread, and 1 serving of meat/met substitute. Candy and sugary treats should be saved for after-school snacks.  


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