Data Collection Worksheet Template

Data Collection Worksheet TemplateName: Temperance Scott Statistical Information is from what City or County: Milwaukee CountySECTION ONE: Data CollectionDemographics-Related DataIndicatorsData from Your Chosen Location(City or County)Data for US *Data Source(Cite appropriately)Sampling NotesOverall population of area of focus947,736 or .29%325,146,156American Fact Finder.United States Census Population under the age of 536,234 or 3.8%6.2%American Fact Finder.United States Census Population over the age of 65113,867 or 12%13%American Fact Finder.United States Census Population of male and female457,717/ 490,01848%/51%49.2%/50.8%American Fact Finder.United States Census Ethnic backgroundsI don’t know what is meant by this.I don’t know what is meant by this American Fact Finder.United States Census Percentage of non-native speaking population/ households16.4%41%American Fact Finder.Numbers USAEducation levels86% high school or higher86.7% High School or HigherAmerican Fact Finder.United States Census Income levelsMedian 43,873Median 53,889American Fact FinderPoverty level21.5%13,5%American Fact Finder.United States Census HEALTH RELATED DATA IndicatorsData from Your Chosen Location(City or County)Data for US *Data Source(Cite appropriately)Sampling NotesLife expectancy74-80 years 78.4 years .USA LifeExpectancyInfant mortality9.65 per 1,0006.1 per 1,000Official Website for the City of Milwaukee.Washington Post 10 diseases with the highest mortality (or prevalence)1. CancerHeat Disease Wisconsin Life Expectancy.MNT2. Heart Disease CancerWisconsin Life Expectancy.MNT3. Accidents Chronic Lower Resp. DiseaseWisconsin Life Expectancy.MNT4. Lung DiseaseAccidents (Unintentional)Wisconsin Life Expectancy.MNT5. StrokeStrokeWisconsin Life Expectancy.MNT6.Alzheimer’sAlzheimer’s DiseaseWisconsin Life Expectancy.MNT7.Diabetes Diabetes Wisconsin Life Expectancy.MNT8.Influenza Pneumonia Influenza and Pneumonia Wisconsin Life Expectancy.MNT9.Nephritis/KidneyKidney Disease Wisconsin Life Expectancy.MNT10.Suicide Suicide Wisconsin Life Expectancy.MNT* International students – data from your countryReferences: City of Milwaukee, Fact Finder, Life Expectancy, , Post, Life Expectancy, USA, TWO: Proposal Outline - Final Project InitiativeProposalWrite 2-3 paragraphs comparing andanalyzing your city or county data with US data (or your country).As you know I have chosen Milwaukee county as my focus area. Milwaukee represents .29% of the population in the united states Milwaukee is an area that for the most part would be characterized as impoverished. Milwaukee is under the income median in the United States by ten thousand dollars yearly, that is a significant amount to a family. Most of the people are considered lower class. Milwaukee’s main population is made up of people under the age of 65 and working individuals, just as in the United States as a whole. And most of the individuals working are males, there are more females not working even though they make up more of the population. There are more females in the United States also than males, I’m not sure of the ratio or working males and females in the United States as a whole. But that is something I want to find out. As for the health, related data it looks as if that there are many commonalities amongst the United States health issues and health issues in Milwaukee. The list is consistent within the United States and Milwaukee, they aren’t in the exact order as each other but the presents of them but in different orders. Towards the bottom of the list the order becomes unison. State the health issue you are choosing for your population health initiative (one – twosentences):I am choosing to select cancer as my health issue. Cancer appears on both the United states and Milwaukee’s leading causes of death and it has many forms that can affect many different people of all ages and classifications. Explain why you chose this health issue (one - twoparagraphs):I chose cancer for many reasons, but in particular I chose it for personal and logical reasons. Cancer affects a person both mentally and physically, that both can be detrimental to the patient. Cancer is a health issue that affects people of all ages, ethnicities, classifications, and demographics. It appears in people because of genetics, environmental circumstances, and or health developments. This allows a broad spectrum of information I can cover from medical advancements and the fact that their or different forms of treatments and different effects on the disease and the host (patient) Describe your chosen population. Be specific by providing demographics to fully explain your population(provide two – three sentences to explain why these demographics areimportant):Milwaukee county is made up of lower to middle class people but the majority of the populations is lower class and dependent on the system. These types of demographics will impact the way the person can take care of themselves, when it comes to prevention and exposures. List and describe three objectives you hope to accomplish with your initiative (one sentence for each objective). Use the SMART topics as a guide. (SMART – specific, measureable, actionable, reasonable, time bound)1.To spread knowledge for prevention. When we educate someone they also educate and guide their children and our future. 2.I hope to accomplish awareness of mistakes, when someone becomes aware of their circumstances and areas of weakness you can then address those areas.3.I want to try and get an understanding of the causes and preventatives of the most common cancers amongst the county. Describe two – three activities you will use to accomplish each of theseobjectives (one – two sentences for eachactivity). Directions: Writethe activity on the line by the number and then use space underneath the number to provide specific discussion. Please bespecific in describing the activity. For example, if you want to have a 10 K race, state details about the event. Three Activities for Objective 1 1. Through PSAs2. Commercials 3. seminar Three Activities for Objective 2 123Three Activities for Objective 3 1. Accumulations of information on common cancers and their causes2. Try and rid the county of those carcinogens. 3. If need be find replacements to fulfill the benefit of those carcinogens without the harmful side effects. ................

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