Gloucester County Institute of Technology

Name: _____________________________________________Date: __________________________RESTORATION THEATRE__________________ OF ____________________________________Three Key Players of the Civil War are ______________________, ______________________, and ____________________________________.Charles I (1600-1649) was King of ___________________________________ from 1625 until his execution in 1649.During the English Civil War, Charles I was opposed by the ____________________________ (which challenged his attempts to gain more power) and by __________________________ (who were against his religious policies). The war ended in defeat for Charles. He was tried, convicted and executed for ____________________________. Before Charles I was beheaded, his son ______________________, fled to France.When the monarchy was overthrown, power was assumed by ____________________________, outspoken member of Parliament and Lord General of the Parliamentary Army that had defeated Charles I.While in France, Charles II was exposed to theatre supported by _______________________. In 1658, _____________________________, one of France’s most _________________________, performed for the first time for Louis XIV and his court in the Louvre Palace. Perhaps Charles II was there! 9. Some of Moliere’s plays include:A. B.C.D.10. Meanwhile, England became a “_____________________________” under Cromwell, who was really another monarch in all but name. Due to his ____________________________________, theatre was outlawed as immoral. Cromwell’s regime became dependent on the army and was in effect a military dictatorship.11. When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, his ineffectual son _______________________________ succeeded him, and the demand for the ________________________________ of royalty grew.12. At the age of thirty, Charles II returned from France and __________________________ _________ ___________________________________ in 1660. A patron of the arts, ____________________________ was known as the “Merry Monarch.” After 18 years of the Puritan ban on theatre, Charles II _____________________ _________ ______________________ and influenced theatre style to reflect all he had seen in France. Charles II allowed ______________________________ to act on stage for the first time in England. Men who had previously been playing the women’s roles had to _________________________________________________or find other work. Charles II and his queen had no children, but he sired several children by a number of mistresses. One of his favorite mistresses was actress ___________________________.II. RESTORATION COMEDYEnglish Comedies, written and performed in the ______________________________ from _____________ - ________________, were famous for sexual explicitness. This was to reverse ____________________________ and to reflect what Charles II had seen in French theatre during his years in exile in the French courtPredominantly _____________________________________ delighted in seeing real women engage in risqu? repartee and take part in seduction scenes.RESTORATION COMEDY OF MANNERSCharacteristicsWitty _______________________saying things in ______________________.Sophisticated sexual behavior of the highly artificial _____________________.Honor comes from _____________________, not _____________________.Advantage comes from catching a lover or cuckolding a husband without getting caught.Goals of Comedy of MannersMock _____________________.Scrutinizes social pretensionEncourage audience _______________________________ and societyThemes________________________________________________A second wave of “softer” Restoration comedy developed in 1690’s. Playwrights wanted to appeal to the _______________________ and _______________ audience members.Around 1700, the amoral and aristocratic plays of the earlier period became unpopular and the ________________________ of _________________________ returned.Some Playwrights of the Restoration______________________ wrote The Country Wife.______________________ wrote She Would If She Could.______________________ (first professional British woman playwright) wrote The Forced Marriage and The Rover.______________________ wrote The Way of the WorldWomen in Restoration Theatre_____________________, playwright, wrote over 20 plays.She created _____________________________________________ within the constraints of a _______________________________________________.She was a spy for _________________________ and warned of Dutch plan to send fleet up the Thames.Margaret Hughes was one of England’s ____________________________________.She is thought to have played Desdemona (The Moor of Venice/Othello), the first time a woman rather than a man had appeared in the part. _____________________________ wrote about her performance in his famous diary.______________________________ is one of the most famous actresses of the time.She played Angelica Bianca in Aphra Behn’s play ______________________________.She was mistress of ________________________________________.Mary Saunderson Betterton managed the successful Duke’s Company with her husband _______________________________________.She was an _______________________.Henrietta Maria Davenant managed the ____________________________ Theatre.Mentored young actresses and actors.Gave young actresses lodging in her home when they had no money.Other Important People of the TimeThomas Betterton was ___________________________ who played every great male role. He managed as a team with his wife.________________________________ was a member of Parliament who loved the theatre. He kept diary that served as primary of source of information on the period.Edward Kynaston was an actor and one of the last Restoration actors to play __________________________________________. He made a successful career in male roles after men were not to play women’s roles. He was noted for portrayal of Shakespeare’s Henry IV.Even during the years when theatre was outlawed, ___________________ were secretly trained to play the _______________________ in hopes that the theatres would reopen. ___________________________________ likely received years of challenging training to convincing play the women’s roles on stage.Summary: Restoration Comedy of Manners Theatre is a direct result of the __________________ in England during the time period. If ____________________ hadn’t been defeated by _________________________, and the theatre’s hadn’t been closed, and Charles II hadn’t been exiled to France where _______________________ was writing, directing and acting for Louis XIV, Comedy of Manners in England would likely not have developed as it did.The Restoration Theatre time period continues to fascinate. The following photos are from Jeffrey Hatcher’s 2004 film Stage Beauty with Billy Crudup, Claire Danes and Rupert Everett. He adapted the screenplay from his stage play Compleat Female Stage Beauty. Hatcher’s script began with Samuel Pepy’s diary! ................

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