Hispanic Heritage Month Rubric

Hispanic Heritage Month Assignment - Spanish II - Mr. Carey

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, your assignment (to be done in pairs) is to select a Hispanic figure, from either the past or the present, conduct biographical research on the person you’ve chosen, & organize your research into a presentation.

You may choose any person from any of the following categories, as long as they are Hispanic (from a Spanish-speaking country). Here are some categories to choose from:

• Famous athletes (soccer, baseball, basketball, golf, tennis etc.)

• Actors and actresses

• Political figures (independence movements, colonization of the Americas)

• Artists (Painters, sculptors, writers, etc.)

• Musicians & Singers

Areas of your figure’s life that must cover in your presentation include the following:

• Knowledge and familiarity with chosen figure’s early childhood, education, and personal life

• Knowledge of chosen figure’s career highlights, awards, achievements/accomplishments

• Knowledge of chosen figure’s home country (climate/geography, population, religion, politics, etc.)

• Reflection upon why you chose this figure & what you found most interesting/surprising about them

You and your partner will then give a 5 minute oral presentation (in English), thoroughly outlining all of the aforementioned aspects of your chosen figure’s life/career. Be sure to include at least 2 photos/images per slide to give the rest of the class a clear idea of who the person you’ve chosen actually is/was. Have your figure chosen by Wednesday, September 23rd. The presentation itself is due by the morning of Friday, October 16th and be ready to present in-class that very same day.

While the biographical presentation is 80% of your grade, the other 20% is a dramatic re-enactment highlighting an important moment in your chosen figure’s life. The re-enactment must be at least 1 minute 30 seconds in duration and be scripted. Students must provide a copy of the script, written in English. Example re-enactments include the following (Hernan Cortes’ “discovery of the Americas” [act out the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores to the Americas or perhaps a scene from the life of Frida Kahlo [the bus crash that left her disabled, the making of one of her more famous paintings, her international journey to America or Europe)].


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