Presbytery of Southern Kansas - Clover Sites

Presbytery of Southern Kansas

11 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 11

The Presbytery of Southern Kansas convened with prayer at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 2011, at the Spiritual Life Center, Wichita, by Moderator, Ben Ray.

The meeting opened with worship led by the Reverend Tom Church.

Quorum Present

Each person must sign the attendance register for official attendance. Stated Clerk Rebecca New declared a quorum present according to Article V.5.4 of the Ecclesiastical Bylaws, which requires that “one-fourth of the minister members and the elder commissioners present, provided that one-fourth of the churches was represented.” Minister members: 80; Elder commissioners, 80.

Vouchers are available (the Presbytery pays $30 toward motel costs and 20 cents/mile for travel over 70 miles.)

Opening Business

Moderator Ben Ray called the Presbytery to order. Additional handouts for the meeting are available at the registration tables. Anyone wishing to speak on the floor should identify themselves and the congregation represented. All comments should be directed to the moderator. Any motions must be submitted in writing and Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed.

Roll of Ministers Present

James Anderson Charles Ayers James Ayers Paul Bammel

John Barkett Amy Baumgartner Jane Brigden-Graham Don Calderwood

Tom Church Larry Cracraft Amy Dame H. Danny Daniel

Joyce Daniel Gail Fisher Laura Frazey Dick Gorham

Gerald Hallberg Jerry Hilton Thomas “Skip” Johnson Roberta Karchner

Christian Kettler Keith Koch Jeremiah Lange Regina Maas

Steven Marsh William McConnelee Diane Monger Helen Rose Moore

Paul Mueller William Mulford Catherine Neelly Rebecca New

Tom Oak William O’Connell Kermit Oppriecht Denise Pass

Arlene Patrick Jesse Patrick Ben Ray H. Dick Reynolds

Tom Robson Charles Ross Steve Saville Loran Scott

Dennis Scheibmeir Jennifer Snook Scott Solether Seth Svaty

Don Waite Steve Washburn Stephen Wing

Roll of Ministers Excused

Nick Adams Keith Allison John Barnum Shirley Barnum

Allen Beach Eugene Blake George Boone David Clipson

Richard Daeschner Robert Duncan Larre Eschliman

John Enwright Monty Fey James Grant Strother Gross

John Haspels William Hastings Doug Kelly Margaret Lacy

William Long Gordon Mackay Bert McCormick Elizabeth Morgan

William Nelson Catherine Northrup David Owens Don Owens

Mary Carol Perrott Melissa Ramos Jack Singer Roland Slater

Anne Smith Dale Snyder Alfred Spotts Hal Staats

Judith Steele Dawn Swartz C Ernest Williams John Williams

John Wilson Robert Wyman

Roll of Ministers Absent

Geoffery Snook Irving Simon Elizabeth Vogt-Woodin

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12 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 12

Elder Commissioners Present

Anthony-Hopewell, Harold Seipel; Arkansas City, Robert Barrett; Arlington, Dee Brooks; Ashland, Sally Shattuck; Caldwell, Michelle Schiltz; Cambridge, Ernie Hull; Derby, Marilyn Armstrong; El Dorado, V. Ann Sweney; Freeport, Jerry Dusenbury; Garden City, Linda Adams; Halstead, Joan Bailey; Harper, Darla Matthews; Hutch: Don Graves; Kingman, Lorene DeVries; Lakin, Frankie Summers; Larned, Marylee Phinney; Marion: Roger W. Hannaford III; McPherson; Craig A. Gannon; Neodesha; John Settle; New Covenant, Gene Nolte; Newton, Patricia Randall; Parks, Harold Myers; Pratt, Susan Schrepel; Sterling, Ronald Baxter; Tribune, Randy Fahrenholtz; Viola, Howard Means; Wellington, Gloria Klima; Wichita: Bethel, John Drvies; Brotherhood, William Taylor; Calvary, Colene Boring; Covenant: Jennifer Keim; Eastminster, Jack Kirkham, John Moody, William Hendrix, Jack Argetsinger, Ken Juell; First, William DeVore, David Grisham; Grace, Mardelle Moyers, Robin Bissey; Korean, Hyuck Kwon; Mt. Vernon; Sherry Phillips; St. Luke, Harold Culkin; Trinity, Marie Logan; Westwood, Shannon Rooney; Zenith, Carol McNickle.

Elder Commissioners Absent

Bucklin, Chase, Cherryvale, Coffeyville, Coldwater, Conway Springs, Dodge City, Great Bend,

Haysville, Holcomb, Independence, Jetmore, Kingsdown, Leoti, Liberal, Lyons, Mayfield, Medicine Lodge,

St. Luke, Spearville, Syracuse. Wichita: Southwest; Winfield, Yates Center,

Council Members Present but not mentioned above

Dwight Corrin, Mary Ellen Garver, June Hicks, Mary Knecht, Sue Nispel

Staff Members Present

Rachel Furry – Bookkeeper

Brian Wheeler – Director of Camping Ministries

Jan Lane – Administrative Assistant

Corresponding Members

David McKechnie – Presbytery of New Covenant

Nancy Kahaian - Presbytery of Northern Kansas,Interim Executive, Synod of Mid-America

Commissioned Lay Pastors Present

Kay Hull, Barney Korbelik

Inquirers and Candidates

Robert Barrett

Meagan Ludwig

Debra Schmidt

First Time Elders

Elders were introduced by their pastors.

Temporary Committee

Vouchers and Tellers – Ken Coryell, Denise Pass, Marilyn Armstrong


15 visitors registered


A motion prevailed to approve the docket.

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13 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 13

Proposed Docket

PSK April 5, 2011

9:00 am Opening Worship

9:45 am Opening Business: Seating of Corresponding Members; Appointment of Temporary Committee; Introduction of first-time Elders.

9:50 am Committee on Preparation (M) Amy Dame

10:05am Council Report (C) Sue Nispel

Budget and Finance

Transition Task force Ben Ray

10:30am BREAK

10:50 am Stated Clerk Report (A) Rebecca New

10:55 am Mission Interpretation (E) Mary Knecht

11:05 am Camping Committee Jeremiah Lange

11:15 am Nominations Committee (J) Jim Anderson

11:25 am Committee on Ministry (H) Dick Reynolds


1:00 pm Church Order (L) Dwight Corrin

Vote on Amendments

10-A – 10-O

2:00 pm Mission Interpretation (E) Mary Knecht

2:10 pm Arrested Reports/Unfinished Business

Temporary Committee

2:12 pm Adjourn

Offering for the Day

The offering of $465.65 is donated to the PSK Mexico Mission Trip.

Committee on Preparation for Ministry

PSK Inquirer, Meagan Ludwig, was introduced by CPM Moderator, Amy Dame.

Meagan spoke to her spiritual journey, education and plans for the future.

A motion prevailed that Meagan Ludwig be advanced from Inquirer to Candidate status in the Presbytery of Southern Kansas.

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14 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 14

Council Reports

Sue Nispel reported the dates and location of Presbytery meetings:

June 14, 2011 – Presbyterian Church, Garden City

September 20, 2011 – First Presbyterian Church, Winfield

November 15, 2011 – New Covenant Presbyterian Church, Hutchinson

She highlighted the financial reports for the month ending Feb 28, 2011 (see Appendix A,B); the year-to-date receipts (see Appendix C).

A motion prevailed to amend the 2011 Presbytery budget to include Camp Reserve funds of $ 22,780.00 and $5,925.00 which represents six months of Board of Pensions healthcare and pension benefits for the Administrative Assistant.(See Appendix D, INCOME: Camp Reserves and EXPENSES: PSK Administrative Assistant: Insurance.)

A motion prevailed that the offering from the Presbytery meeting on April 5, 2011, is donated to the PSK Mexico Mission Trip.

The Transitional Task Force requests to be relieved of the task of searching and hiring a full-time interim General Presbyter and suggested that the Council assume the responsibilities of creating, searching for and hiring someone to a part-time position.

A motion prevailed that the Presbytery rescind the previous action (2010 PSK minutes page 33) where the Transitional Task Force is elected to search for and hire a Temporary Presbytery Administrator.

Sue Nispel verbally presented to the presbytery the position and job description for the position of Temporary Presbytery Administrator of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas:


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15 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 15

A motion prevailed that the Council is elected to search for and hire the Temporary Presbytery Administrator.

Vision and Planning Report

Regina Maas reported on the work of the Vision and Planning Committee/Transitional Task Force.

She led the presbytery in an exercise to gain written information concerning future wants and needs.


Moderator Ben Ray, informed the body that the Presbytery packet for the June 14th meeting will be available electronically either through e mail or through the website, . Packets will not be mailed through the postal service. If a Commissioner is unable to get the information electronically, contact the Presbytery Office for assistance.

Stated Clerk’s Report

The changes in membership since February 15, 2011 were:

Received from other PC(USA) presbyteries

Helen Rose Moore

Ordained by Southern Kansas

Paul Bammel

The 2010 Presbytery of Southern Kansas Membership Statistics:

Prior Membership: 10,072

Gains 280

Losses 475

Total Active Membership 9,877

Average Attendance 3,888

Potential Giving Units 5,994

Budgeted Income 9,746,552

Budgeted Expenses 10,805,951

A motion prevailed to approve the minutes of February 15, 2011.

Mission Partnership and Support

Mary Knecht introduced Ernie Hull, Moderator of the PSK Disaster Response Team.

Ernie announced that PDA Clean-up buckets may be brought to the Presbytery meeting, June 14th at the Garden City Presbyterian Church. Buckets collected will be taken, via a covered trailer furnished by Charles Ayers, from Garden City to Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center, Little Rock, Arkansas for further distribution to residents in area affected by floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes. A listing of supplies that need to go into the buckets was distributed.

Ernie Hull also spoke to the needs being met in Japan by One Great Hour of Sharing. A video showing the work done by the funds distributed through OGHS was presented.

Mary Knecht reminded everyone to return the Mission Pledge card to the Presbytery Office.

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Mary thanked those within PSK who support the WSU Campus Ministries during the interview and hiring process of a new pastor. Christopher Eshelman has been hired to lead WSU Campus Ministries. Pastor Eshelman currently serves West Heights United Methodist Church, Wichita in a part time position.

Nora Coryell spoke regarding the upcoming Mission-‘N-A-Weekend at Westminster Woods Camp on May 6-8, 2011. Five thousand dollars has been donated by PSK Presbyterian Women to buy paint and other supplies needed for the weekend. Excess funds donated will go to the Friends of Westminster Woods Fund.

Hyuck Kwon, Korean Presbyterian Church, Wichita, gave an overview of the recent revival held at the Korean church led by Reverend Syngman Rhee, a past moderator of General Assembly, who is currently serving as a professor at the Union Theological Seminary and Presbytery School of Christian Education. Rev. Rhee celebrated his 80th birthday during the revival. He is now traveling as a missionary to North Korea.

The 2011 Big Tent will be held June 30-July 2, 2011 in Indianapolis, Indiana. More information is available at gamc.ministries/big-tent

Camping Committee

Brian Wheeler, PSK Director of Camping Ministries, spoke about summer camp at Westminster Woods Camp. He introduced a video about the camping sessions at Westminster Woods and challenged all churches to send youth to summer camp.

Nominating Committee

Moderator, Jim Anderson presented the list of nominees:

Brotherhood Community Ministries Corporation


2011 Cara Leahy

Mary Knecht

2012 Sue Nispel

Russ Pickering

2013 Catherine Neelly

Committee on Ministry

2012 Helen Rose Moore

Synod Committee on Representation

2013 Sampson Sadiq

There were no nominations from the floor.

A motion prevailed to elect all nominations as presented.

Committee on Ministry

Moderator ,H. Dick Reynolds presented the committee report:

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1. Reverend James Anderson was granted permission to labor outside the bounds on May 13th

2. Received a report of the Triennial visit with Marion Presbyterian Church.

3. The Church Information Form (CIF) for First Presbyterian Church in Hutchinson was approved.

4. The Interim CIF for Grace Presbyterian Church was approved.

5. The Rev. Dr. David McKechnie was appointed Moderator(Contingent upon reception by

PSK) of Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Wichita.

The committee recommends that a Commission be elected to close the Coldwater Presbyterian Church:

Commissioners are: Reverends James Ayers, John Barket and Regina Maas, Moderator. Mary Alice McKinney, Coldwater, Glenna Melkus, Larned, Barney Korbelik, Dodge City and Commissioned Lay Pastor, Spearville.

Note: The Coldwater Church Closing Worship Service will be held May 1, 2011 at 3:00 p.m.

David McKechnie was introduced for examination for membership and entertained questions from commissioners.

A motion prevailed to arrest the examination.

A motion prevailed to receive David McKechnie as a minister member of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas upon receipt of his letter of transfer from New Covenant Presbytery.

A motion prevailed to approve the terms of call for David McKechnie as Interim Pastor, Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Wichita, beginning March 15, 2011.

Cash Salary $100,000

Housing Allowance 36,000

Full medical, pension, and death benefits of the Board of Pensions 16,320

Auto Allowance at IRS current rate not to exceed 3,600

Travel Allowance 6,000

Professional expenses 1,500

Continuing Education 1,200

Communication Allowance 1,200

Moving Expenses 600

4 weeks vacation including 4 Sundays (Use it or lose it)

2 weeks study leave annual (Use it or lose it)

The AA/EEO document is on file in the Presbytery Office.

A Commissioner asked a question requesting an update regarding an action at the February 15, 2011, PSK meeting.

Question: What is the status of the action concerning the Conway Springs congregation and Rebecca New?

Answer: Administration of the payment of the severance is the responsibility of Council. Payment of $3,143.00 will come from the PSK Small Church Reserve Fund. Council will confirm payment information to PSK Bookkeeper, Rachel Furry. One payment for the entire amount will be made to

Rebecca New on Monday, April 11, 2011. Pension benefit payments have been received from First Presbyterian Church, Conway Springs, for Feb. and March 2011, and forwarded to the Board of Pensions.

A question from the floor requested information concerning the automobile owned by the Presbytery. The car is presently stored and maintained at the home of Ken Coryell.

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18 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 18

Church Order Committee

Moderator Dwight Corrin asked Diane Monger, Commissioner to the 291th General Assembly and committee member, to discuss the process used by the G.A. Committee regarding Proposed Amendment 10A.

Dwight Corrin presented the proposed amendments to the Book of Order as provided by action of the 219th General Assembly (2010). Each amendment was discussed and votes were by ballot. Ballots were counted by the tellers appointed by the Moderator, Ken Coryell, Denise Pass and Marilyn Armstrong.

The amendment voting results (results were reported to the body during Unfinished Business).

Amendment 10-A. Yes, 33 No, 60

Gifts & Requirements – Amending G-6.0106b

Amendment 10-B. Yes, 93 No, 4

Removing Stated Clerk or Clerk of Session – on Amending G-9.0203b

Amendment 10-C. Yes, 91 No, 6

Requiring Sexual Misconduct Policy – on Amending G-9.0404

Amendment 10-D. Yes, 95 No, 2

Nominating Committees – on Amending G-9.0801a

Amendment 10-E. Yes, 93 No, 4

Presbytery Rolls & Registers – on Amending G-11.0407

Amendment 10-F. Yes, 85 No, 12

Certified Christian Educators – on Amending G-11.0407 and G-14.0730

Amendment 10-G. Yes, 95 No, 2

Synod Function – on Amending G-12.0100

Amendment 10-H. Yes, 93 No, 4

Nominations Process – on Amending G-13.0108, G-13.0111a, and G-13.0202b

Amendment 10-I. Yes, 94 No, 3

Prayer Added to Ordination & Installation Services -

on Amending – W-4.4003h,W-4.4004a(2), and W-4.4006b(2)

Amendment 10-J. Yes, 94 No, 2

Stay of Enforcement – on Amending D-6.0103

Amendment 10-K. Yes, 91 No, 3

Preliminary Questions – on Amending D-6.0306, D-8.0302, and D-13.0302

Amendment 10-L. Yes, 94, No, 1

Reviewing Work of Investigating Committee – on Amending D-10.0202

Amendment 10-M. Yes, 84 No, 11

Time Limit – on Amending D-10.0401

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19 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 19

Amendment 10-N. Yes, 90 No, 5

Appeal of “Not Guilty” verdict – on Amending D-13.0102, and D-13.0106

Amendment 10-O. Yes, 89 No, 5

Decision of Permanent Judicial Commission – on Amending D-13.0404

Mission Partnership and Support

Bill O’Connell spoke concerning the upcoming PSK Mexico Mission Trip, La Hermosa Presbyterian Church in Caborca, Mexico. He introduced a video of last year’s trip. This year the group leaves Friday, May 27th and returns Saturday, June 4th. Costs will not exceed $250 per person. A $50 deposit is due April 24th. Contact Bill O’Connell at 316-321-3790 or pb.fpced@ .

Mary Knecht addressed the recent seminar “Faith Responses to Immigration,” presented by The Reverend Doctor Parrish W. Jones at the First Presbyterian Church, Wichita.

Gail Fisher gave an update on her granddaughter living in Japan during the recent disaster and the immediate need for supplies. The PC(USA) had quickly responded following the earthquake in Japan.

Mary Knecht reminded those present that Brotherhood Community Ministries had completed the needed paperwork and is awaiting news on whether they will be awarded a large grant.

Seth Svaty is leading a Sterling College student mission trip to the Ukraine. The group will be working with various villages to present a Vacation Bible School. Donations for this trip are still needed. If interested contact Seth Svaty at 620-278-3217.

A video was shown, “Worldwide Ministries; Faces of Mission,” regarding the global mission work of the PC(USA).

Unfinished Business

A motion prevailed to pay vouchers as presented.

Moderator Ben Ray reminded those present that the packets for the Presbytery meeting on June 14th will be distributed through e mail and on .

The PSK 2011 Pastors Change in Terms of Call was presented (see Appendix E)

A motion prevailed to approve the 2011 Changes in Terms of Call.

The Committee of Council appointed to respond to the complaint filed with the Synod of Mid America are: Moderator, Reverend Joyce Daniel, Reverend Paul Bammel and Elder, Bob O’Neal

A motion prevailed that Larry Cracraft is elected as Stated Clerk pro-tem to manage this specific case.


Nora Coryell announced that volunteers are needed for the Presbyterian Women’s “Mission-‘N-A-Weekend,” on May 6-8, 2011, at Westminster Woods Camp.

A motion prevailed to adjourn.

The meeting closed in prayer.

Rebecca New Jan Lane

Stated Clerk Journal Clerk

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20 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 20

Appendix A – Balance Sheet

|Presbytery of Southern Kansas |

|Balance Sheet |

|Fiscal Year 2011, Period 2 (02/01/2011 to 02/28/2011) |

| | |

| | |

|Assets | |

|Cash & Cash Equivalents | 108,859.66 |

|Resources for Resale | 1,756.61 |

|Accounts Receivable | 6,902.15 |

|Short Term Investments | 49,663.35 |

|Long Term Investments | 506,903.41 |

|Property & Equipment, less depreciation | 51,368.66 |

|Vehicle, less depreciation | 25,441.56 |

|Bldgs, Improvements & Land, less depreciation | 322,467.17 |

| |  |

|Total Assets | 1,073,362.57 |

| | |

| | |

|Liabilities & Fund Balances | |

|GA & Synod Payable | 19,444.80 |

|Note Payable Toyota Financial | 10,600.65 |

|Miscellaneous Liabilities | 10,162.10 |

|General Fund | 85,006.16 |

|Presbytery Property & Equipment Fund | 7,540.03 |

|Westminster Wood Property & Equip. Fund | 301,180.86 |

|Termporarily Restricted Funds | 639,427.97 |

| |  |

|Total Liabilities & Fund Balances | 1,073,362.57 |

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21 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 21

Appendix B – Statement of Activities

|Presbytery of Southern Kansas | |

|Statement of Activities | |

|Fiscal Year 2011, Period 2 (02/01/2011 to 02/28/2011) | |

|  |Current Period |Year to Date |2011 Budget |% of Budget |

|Budgeted Income: | | | | |

|Per Capita | | | |19% |

| |28,724 |57,716 |302,160 | |

|Shared Missions | | | |11% |

| |16,926 |34,683 |325,000 | |

|Interest & Dividends -- Investments | | | |0% |

| |5 |11 |15,000 | |

|Other Income | | | |0% |

| |- |- |2,000 | |

|Camping Reserves | | | |0% |

| |- |- |22,780 | |

|Camp | | | |10% |

| |12,071 |18,876 |184,500 | |

|Total Budgeted Income | | | |13% |

| |57,726 |111,286 |851,440 | |

|Budgeted Expenses: | | | | |

|Presbytery Office Expense | | | |7% |

| |1,426 |4,680 |67,700 | |

|Presbytery FICA/Med | | | |18% |

| |663 |1,623 |8,861 | |

|Presbytery Moderator Expense | | | |0% |

| |- |- |- | |

|Committee on Preparation for Ministry | | | |0% |

| |- |- |3,000 | |

|Committee on Ministry | | | |12% |

| |170 |607 |5,000 | |

|Committee on Mission Partnership & Support | | | |13% |

| |2,350 |4,575 |35,000 | |

|Congregational Ministries Committee | | | |4% |

| |150 |447 |11,800 | |

|Other Expenses | | | |2% |

| |50 |50 |2,000 | |

|Camp Committee | | | |0% |

| |- |- |300 | |

|Camp Support Staff | | | |2% |

| |670 |1,872 |79,230 | |

|Camp Programming | | | |11% |

| |3,280 |4,851 |44,500 | |

|Camp Operations | | | |10% |

| |5,044 |7,944 |83,250 | |

|Council | | | |29% |

| |(1,380) |862 |3,000 | |

|Budget & Finance Sub-Committee | | | |0% |

| |- |- |200 | |

|Personnel Sub-Committee | | | |0% |

| |- |- |50 | |

|Council Nominating | | | |0% |

| |- |- |50 | |

|Planning and Visioning | | | |0% |

| |- |- |2,000 | |

|Trustees Sub-Committee | | | |0% |

| |- |- |100 | |

|Discernment and Visioning | | | |0% |

| |- |- |- | |

|Committee on Church Order | | | |0% |

| |- |- |250 | |

|Committee for Nominations | | | |0% |

| |- |- |600 | |

|Committee on Representation | | | |0% |

| |- |- |50 | |

|Administrative Commissions | | | |30% |

| |- |148 |500 | |

|PSK Disaster Committee | | | |10% |

| |- |25 |250 | |

|Meetings of Presbytery | | | |18% |

| |733 |911 |5,000 | |

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22 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 22

Appendix B – Statement of Activities (continued)

|Legal and Audit | | | |0% |

| |- |- |5,200 | |

|Office of the Presbyter--Consultant Fees | | | |2% |

| |2,112 |2,112 |98,475 | |

|Office Secretary | | | |16% |

| |2,600 |6,500 |39,725 | |

|Office of Stated Clerk | | | |14% |

| |1,833 |3,900 |27,541 | |

|Office of Treasurer | | | |0% |

| |- |- |- | |

|Resource Center | | | |0% |

| |- |- |- | |

|Bookkeeping Services | | | |14% |

| |1,024 |2,111 |15,000 | |

|Camp Manager | | | |20% |

| |4,965 |12,198 |61,746 | |

|Camp Admin. Assistant | | | |19% |

| |2,156 |5,391 |28,034 | |

|GA Per Capita | | | |18% |

| |6,223 |11,765 |65,468 | |

|Synod Per Capita | | | |19% |

| |2,604 |5,301 |27,396 | |

|GA Shared Missions | | | |11% |

| |4,996 |10,242 |96,000 | |

|Synod Shared Missions | | | |11% |

| |1,449 |2,968 |27,625 | |

|Unfunded Expense | | | |0% |

| | | |6,539 | |

|Total Budgeted Disbursements | | | |11% |

| |43,118 |91,084 |851,440 | |

|Net Budgeted Revenue over (under) | | | | |

| Budgeted Disbursements | | | | |

| |14,608 |20,202 | | |

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Appendix C – Year-to-Date Receipts

|Presbytery of Southern Kansas |

|2011 Year to Date Receipts as of 3/21/11 for PC, SM, TE & Special Offerings |

| | | | | | |

|Church |2011 Per Capita |Shared Missions |Theological |Offerings: JOY, OGH, |

| |Owed Paid | |Education |Peace, Pentecost |

|Anthony, Hopewell |$450 |$450.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Arkansas City, First |$6,720 |$2,988.00 |$2,250.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Arlington |$480 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Ashland |$1,410 |$1,410.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$350.00 |

|Belle Plaine |$780 |$780.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Bucklin |$390 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Caldwell |$1,050 |$240.48 |$657.51 |$25.01 |$0.00 |

|Cambridge |$1,590 |$1,590.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Chase, Community |$840 |$840.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$75.24 |

|Cherryvale |$1,020 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Coffeyville |$2,670 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Coldwater |$840 |$840.00 |$1,500.00 |$100.00 |$0.00 |

|Conway Springs |$1,290 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Derby |$8,940 |$8,940.00 |$4,500.00 |$1,500.00 |$0.00 |

|Dodge City |$7,140 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|El Dorado, First |$8,880 |$1,482.50 |$833.34 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Freeport |$1,470 |$1,225.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Garden City |$6,030 |$0.00 |$2,499.99 |$450.00 |$497.48 |

|Great Bend |$5,040 |$0.00 |$480.51 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Halstead |$1,980 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Harper |$810 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Haysville, St. Marks |$840 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Holcomb |$210 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Hutchinson, First |$12,180 |$10,353.00 |$7,152.00 |$416.66 |$0.00 |

|Hutchinson, New Covenant |$9,420 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Independence |$7,590 |$0.00 |$1,440.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Jetmore |$2,460 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Kingman |$1,950 |$1,950.00 |$800.00 |$0.00 |$38.00 |

|Kingsdown |$1,410 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Lakin |$1,650 |$0.00 |$1,400.01 |$0.00 |$315.00 |

|Larned |$3,570 |$2,570.00 |$2,000.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Leoti, First |$1,020 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$75.00 |

|Leoti, Parks |$630 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Liberal |$1,800 |$600.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Lyons |$2,460 |$427.50 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Marion |$2,550 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$440.50 |

|Mayfield, Federated |$330 |$330.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|McPherson |$5,880 |$2,940.00 |$1,117.24 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Medicine Lodge |$450 |$450.00 |$231.25 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Neodesha |$480 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Newton, First |$6,870 |$0.00 |$3,319.00 |$500.00 |$250.00 |

|Newton, St. Luke |$3,810 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

Presbytery of Southern Kansas

24 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 24

Appendix C – Year-to-Date Receipts (continued)

|Church |2011 Per Capita |Shared Missions |Theological |Offerings: JOY, OGH, |

| |Owed Paid | |Education |Peace, Pentecost |

|Pratt |$6,000 |$1,210.51 |$1,500.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Spearville, The Federated |$990 |$990.00 |$840.00 |$0.00 |$160.00 |

|Sterling |$4,290 |$0.00 |$2,500.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Syracuse |$3,840 |$3,840.00 |$2,400.00 |$0.00 |$1,740.00 |

|Tribune |$1,290 |$1,290.00 |$750.00 |$0.00 |$123.00 |

|Viola |$780 |$780.00 |$370.00 |$100.00 |$115.00 |

|Wellington |$3,540 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$116.93 |

|Wichita, Bethel |$1,020 |$0.00 |$1,175.90 |$0.00 |$426.00 |

|Wichita, Brotherhood |$960 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Wichita, Calvary |$690 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Wichita, Covenant |$13,500 |$2,019.00 |$1,981.84 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Wichita, Eastminster |$66,600 |$12,487.50 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Wichita, First |$19,650 |$3,275.00 |$11,166.66 |$333.34 |$6,541.90 |

|Wichita, Grace |$16,920 |$0.00 |$1,394.93 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Wichita, Korean |$990 |$990.00 |$500.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Wichita, Mt. Vernon |$3,930 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Wichita, Southwest |$2,040 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Wichita, St. Luke |$1,470 |$1,470.00 |$500.00 |$100.00 |$0.00 |

|Wichita, Trinity |$7,680 |$2,500.00 |$3,399.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Wichita, Westwood |$8,280 |$2,070.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Winfield |$8,100 |$1,355.00 |$1,827.50 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Yates Center |$1,050 |$1,050.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Zenith |$1,170 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Totals |$302,160 |$75,733.49 |$60,486.68 |$3,525.01 |$11,264.05 |

Presbytery of Southern Kansas

25 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 25

Appendix D – 2011 Budget

|Presbytery of Southern Kansas 2011 Budget |

| |Approved by PSK before camp budget |After camp budget |Current Budget needed | |

| |submitted |submitted | | |

|INCOME: | | | | |

|Per Capita | $ | $ | $ 302,160| |

| |302,160 |302,160 | | |

|Shared Mission | $ | $ | $ 325,000| |

| |325,000 |325,000 | | |

|Interest | $ | $ | $ | |

| |15,000 |15,000 |15,000 | |

|Other Income | $ | $ | $ | |

| |2,000 |2,000 |2,000 | |

|Camp Reserves | $ | $ | $ | |

| |- |22,780 |22,780 | |

|Camp Income | $ | $ | $ 184,500| |

| |180,000 |184,500 | | |

|Total Income | $ | $ | $ 851,440| |

| |824,160 |851,440 | | |

|EXPENSES: | | | | |

|Office | $ | $ | $ | |

| |37,500 |37,500 |37,500 | |

|FICA/Med | $ | $ | $ | |

| |8,861 |8,861 |8,861 | |

|Committees & Ministries | $ | $ | $ | |

| |70,050 |70,050 |70,050 | |

|Audit | $ | $ | $ | |

| |4,000 |4,000 |4,000 | |

|Camp-- Support Staff | $ | $ | $ | |

| |68,000 |73,630 |73,630 | |

| FICA/Med | $ | $ | $ | |

| |5,202 |5,600 |5,600 | |

| Meeting | $ | $ | $ | |

| |300 |300 |300 | |

| Programming | $ | $ | $ | |

| |40,000 |44,500 |44,500 | |

| Operations | $ | $ | $ | |

| |75,000 |83,250 |83,250 | |

|GA Per Capita | $ | $ | $ | |

| |65,468 |65,468 |65,468 | |

|Synod Per Capita | $ | $ | $ | |

| |27,396 |27,396 |27,396 | |

|GA Missions | $ | $ | $ | |

| |96,000 |96,000 |96,000 | |

|Synod Mission | $ | $ | $ | |

| |27,625 |27,625 |27,625 | |

|Gen. Presbyter--Salary/Housing | $ | $ | $ | |

| |65,000 |65,000 |65,000 | |

| Pension | $ | $ | $ | |

| |20,475 |20,475 |20,475 | |

| Continuing Education | $ | $ | $ | |

| |1,000 |1,000 |1,000 | |

| Professional Expenses | $ | $ | $ | |

| |12,000 |12,000 |12,000 | |

|Std. Clerk--Salary | $ | $ | $ | |

| |16,153 |16,153 |16,153 | |

| Pension | $ | $ | $ | |

| |5,088 |5,088 |5,088 | |

| Professional Expenses | $ | $ | $ | |

| |2,500 |2,500 |2,500 | |

| Continuing Education | $ | $ | $ | |

| |800 |800 |800 | |

| Office Expenses | $ | $ | $ | |

| |3,000 |3,000 |3,000 | |

|PSK Administrative Asst.--Salary | $ | $ | $ | |

| |33,800 |33,800 |33,800 | |

| Insurance (6 months) | $ | $ | $ | |

| |3,295 |3,295 |5,925 | |

|Camp Manager--Salary | $ | $ | $ | |

| |38,998 |38,998 |38,998 | |

| Housing+ | $ | $ | $ | |

| |13,075 |13,075 |13,075 | |

| Housing- | $ | $ | $ | |

| |(13,075) |(13,075) |(13,075) | |

| Utilities | $ | $ | $ | |

| |3,000 |3,000 |3,000 | |

| Pension | $ | $ | $ | |

| |17,348 |17,348 |17,348 | |

| Professional Expenses | $ | $ | $ | |

| |1,800 |1,800 |1,800 | |

| Continuing Education | $ | $ | $ | |

| |600 |600 |600 | |

|Camp Administrative Asst.--Salary | $ | $ | $ | |

| |28,034 |28,034 |28,034 | |

|Bookkeeper -- Hourly | $ | $ | $ | |

| |15,000 |15,000 |15,000 | |

|Video Conferencing Technology | $ | $ | $ | |

| |30,200 |30,200 |30,200 | |

|Unfunded | $ | $ | $ | |

| |667 |9,169 |6,539 | |

|Total Expenses | $ | $ | $ 851,440| |

| |824,160 |851,440 | | |

Presbytery of Southern Kansas

26 Stated Meeting – April 5, 2011 26

Appendix E – 2011 Pastors Changes in Terms of Call

|2010 Cash Salary |Housing/ Utilities |Organiz Contrib |Other Allow |Total |2010 Vac Days |Used |2010 Ed Days |Used | |Anderson |$34,895.00 |$19,415.00 | |$7,050.00 |$61,360.00 |30 | |14 |14 | |Ayers, J** |$12,000.00 |$15,000.00 | |$7,100.00 |$34,100.00 |30 | |14 | | |Bammel |$23,500.00 |$24,000.00 | | |$47,500.00 |20 | |10 | | |Barkett |$20,300.00 | |$8,730.00 | |$29,030.00 |35 | |14 |14 | |Barrett |$14,400.00 | | | |$14,400.00 | | | | | |Baumgartner |$28,555.00 |$20,000.00 | |$22,726.33 |$71,281.33 |30 |30 |10 |10 | |Dame |$29,020.00 |$12,000.00 | | |$41,020.00 |30 | |14 |14 | |Daniel,D |$44,150.00 |$16,530.00 | |$3,000.00 |$63,680.00 |42 |42 |14 |14 | |Fisher |$31,800.00 |$9,300.00 | |$1,350.00 |$42,450.00 |35 |35 |14 | | |Frazey |$29,374.00 |$12,589.00 |$1,063.00 |$13,824.00 |$56,850.00 |30 |30 |14 |14 | |Gross | |$18,600.00 | |$1,200.00 |$19,800.00 |14 |14 | | | |Hilton** |$50,000.00 | |$7,200.00 |$10,000.00 |$67,500.00 | | | | | |Jantz |$8,780.00 |$3,500.00 |$4,450.00 |$4,344.00 |$21,074.00 | | | | | |Karchner |$28,474.00 |$8,541.00 | | |$37,015.00 |30 | |14 | | |Kelly, D |$55,300.00 |$38,000.00 | | |$93,300.00 |27 | | | | |Koch |$43,680.00 |$13,104.00 |$18,402.96 | |$75,186.96 | | | | | |Korbelik | |$16,500.00 | |$8,400.00 |$24,900.00 |4 | |2 | | |Lange | | | | | | | | | | |Maas |$20,000.00 |$28,000.00 | |$16,920.00 |$64,920.00 |30 | |14 | | |Massey |$4,800.00 |$4,800.00 | | |$9,600.00 | | | | | |Moore** |$60,000.00 | | |$2,230.00 |$62,230.00 |30 | |7 | | |Neelly ** |$26,500.00 |$17,000.00 | | |$43,500.00 |30 | |14 | | |Northrup |$60,491.61 |$20,860.72 | |$37,493.17 |$118,845.50 |30 |30 |15 |15 | |Oak |$6,000.00 |$6,000.00 |$3,780.00 |$425.00 |$16,205 qtrly |24 |27 |12 |12 | |O'Connell |$40,200.00 |$16,950.00 | |$7,638.00 |$64,788.00 |28 |28 |7 |7 | |Oppriecht |$52,212.80 |$36,000.00 | | |$88,212.80 |20 |15 |10 |0 | |Pass |$35,000.00 |$13,500.00 | |$3,710.25 |$52,210.25 |20 |20 |7 |7 | |Patrick,A | | | | | | | | | | |Patrick,J | | | | | | | | | | |Ray |$36,455.00 |$19,782.00 | |$17,330.00 |$73,567.00 |28 |28 |14 | | |Reynolds |$32,036.00 |$24,000.00 | | |$56,036.00 |30 |14 |14 |2 | |Saville |$26,700.00 |$8,010.00 |$2,901.00 | |$37,619.00 |28 |28 |14 | | |Schiebmier |$28,476.00 |$8,542.80 |$2,800.00 | |$39,818.80 |28 |28 |14 |14 | |Solether, S |$40,000.00 |$12,300.00 | |$1,000.00 |$53,300.00 |30 |30 |14 | | |Svaty |$33,000.00 |$13,000.00 | | |$46,000.00 |31 |31 |14 | | |Waite |$32,651.00 |$25,623.00 |$2,678.00 |$4,996.00 |$65,948.00 |30 |28 |12 | | |Wilson |$41,300.00 |$14,800.00 | | |$56,100.00 |30 | |14 | | |Wing |31,800 |15,000 |unknown |3,600 |50,400 |28 | |14 | | |** Terms of call at hiring | | | | | | | | | |


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