
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 2 Why More Businesses are Hiring Motivational Speakers .................................................. 3 Motivational Speaker Success Secrets ............................................................................... 4 7 Powerful Public Speaking Tips From One of the Most-Watched TED Talks Speakers .... 6 The Market For Self-Improvement Products & Services.................................................. 54 15 Facts About Self Help .................................................................................................. 64 Most prominent motivational speakers........................................................................... 64 Top five motivational speakers in India ........................................................................... 64 European Speakers Bureau .............................................................................................. 69 Motivational speakers in New Zealand ............................................................................ 70 Current Top 10 Corporate Motivational Speakers in Australia........................................ 71 Sources: ............................................................................................................................ 76


Introduction Motivational speakers give inspirational and informative speeches to groups of people. They are hired by businesses, schools, resorts, and communities to speak on topics such as achieving personal or financial success, living a healthy lifestyle, or organizing one's personal life or business. Speakers must tailor their message to their audience, whether it is a class of high school students or a group of business executives.


Why More Businesses are Hiring Motivational Speakers

While motivational speakers have been around for years, many businesses are now choosing to hire them to bring a breath of fresh air to their employees. Many times when a business becomes stagnant and gets stuck in the same negative cycle of thinking, it needs a spark plug to get everyone exited. This is where a motivational speaker comes in. Let's now go over some of the primary reasons that businesses are choosing to hire professionals for this service.


Perhaps the biggest reason is simply the body of knowledge that most motivational speakers possess. Regardless of the industry, the majority of these individuals will have years or even decades of experience that they can share with others. Since they've been there before and understand which tools it takes for success, motivational speakers can offer critical insights into how an industry works. They can also provide some helpful tips that should inspire employees to do their jobs the best they can. Often, speeches can serve as a way to help employees take action and become more efficient at their jobs.

New Ideas

One problem that many businesses run into is stale, out-dated ideas that come from the same department leaders. When this happens, it can greatly reduce a business's overall level of efficiency and effectiveness. Motivational speakers are beneficial because they can serve as a catalyst for change. Often, having an outside opinion that's up to date within an industry is all it takes to jump start positive change and help a company build momentum. Even if a business is hesitant to outside influence at first, it's exactly what it needs to improve in many cases.


Sometimes the leaders of a business get stuck in a rut and lose their sense of objectivity. This can really become problematic when a business loses touch with its target audience and thinks it always knows what its customers want. Hiring a motivational speaker is a great way to combat this situation because they will usually tell it straight even if it's not necessarily what a business wants to hear. By listening to a voice of reason, a business will often the gain the edge it needs to make the necessary changes that can propel it into the future.


Inspiration Along with all these advantages, the amount of inspiration that motivational speakers can bring is extraordinary. Even if they don't bring about any earth shattering changes, an inspiring speech is sometimes all it takes to give a business a boost. Motivational speakers are also masters of giving people a feeling of purpose which usually translates to increased productivity. Consequently, a business will often experience better teamwork, a smoother workflow and increased sales.

Motivational Speaker Success Secrets Here is perhaps the best kept motivational speaker success secret. Successful motivational speaking is not simply a result of speaking professionally from a script that you have memorized. You need to connect with your audience in an INTIMATE way. It doesn't matter how clever, interesting or meaningful you think what you have to say is. The greatest seminar leaders and inspirational keynote speakers "get inside" their audience's heart, mind and soul. Here is one motivational speaking technique for accomplishing this. Imagine a triangle connecting you, the motivational speaker, with your audience. You are at one base-angle and your audience is at the other. To top angle of the triangle for successful motivational speaking is where you and your audience unite. I'm using the symbol of the triangle because it unites 2 points into one. You want to imagine that you and your audience are one. Imagine that the line of the triangle is a kind of circuit uniting you. Imagine that through that circuit you feel what they feel and they feel what you feel.


Finally, imagine that what you are feeling, your audience is feeling.

Now comes the fun part. Direct your feelings.

Work your feelings into feelings of confidence, love, camaraderie ... you want to feel a sense of harmonious bonding with your audience.

The next step for great motivational speaker success is to make eye-contact with specific audience members.

Choose one person at a time to speak directly to, with a feeling of sincerity.

Imagine that you are really connecting with this person. That you are having a deep, intimate moment together as you speak.

Watch that person's eyes to sense ways that you may need to adapt your presentation while speaking to him or to her, to make a better connection.

Go through the room in this way, connecting with one individual at a time in this special manner.

After spending about 10 seconds focusing on one person, adjust your focus to gaze upon the whole group. Relate for a while with the group as a whole as one person.

A few moments or a few minutes later (you will get a comfortable feel for your own rhythm with practice), focus on one person again.

Continue this pattern of rhythmic alternation of focusing your attention on one member of the audience, then upon the audience as a whole, then back to one again, through your entire motivational speaker presentation.

The entire time, maintain the feeling within yourself that you are at one with this audience, that you are close, that you are best friends.

Here is another, related motivational speaker success secret.

It's also important for great motivational speaking to AVOID GETTING STUCK on your planned talking points. Be open to receiving and sharing new, inspiring ideas coming to you on the spot.

This helps you to feel freshly inspired, which invigorates the audience through your triangle-



After one of my motivational speaking events, I almost always write down some new, inspiring insights I received while presenting.

I do this so that I can remember to apply the insight for my own success, not just to incorporate into a future presentation.

That is why I sincerely share with my audience that I am my best student.

I only share motivational wisdom that I apply in my own life, self-help guidance that works for me.

This is another success secret of the great motivational speakers, because it brings the ring of conviction and sincerity into the message they share, which helps the audience to believe in it and to value that message.

A really successful motivational speaker is for REAL.

7 Powerful Public Speaking Tips From One of the Most-Watched TED Talks Speakers

You'd never know it, but Simon Sinek is naturally shy and doesn't like speaking to crowds. At parties, he says he hides alone in the corner or doesn't even show up in the first place. He prefers the latter. Yet, with some 22 million video views under his belt, the optimistic ethnographer also happens to be the third most-watched TED Talks presenter of all time. Ironic for an introvert, isn't it? Sinek's unlikely success as both an inspirational speaker and a bestselling author isn't just dumb luck. It's also not being in the right place at the right time or knowing the right people. It's the result of fears faced and erased, trial and error and tireless practice, on and off stage. We caught up with Sinek to pick his brain about how he learned to give such confident, captivating and meaningful presentations and how others can, too. Here are his top seven secrets for delivering speeches that inspire, inform and entertain. (For more helpful pointers on how to wow an audience, check out his free 30-minute class on Skillshare now. It's titled How to Present: Share Ideas That Inspire Action.) 1. Don't talk right away.


Sinek says you should never talk as you walk out on stage. "A lot of people start talking right away, and it's out of nerves," Sinek says. "That communicates a little bit of insecurity and fear."

Instead, quietly walk out on stage. Then take a deep breath, find your place, wait a few seconds and begin. "I know it sounds long and tedious and it feels excruciatingly awkward when you do it," Sinek says, "but it shows the audience you're totally confident and in charge of the situation."

2. Show up to give, not to take.

Often people give presentations to sell products or ideas, to get people to follow them on social media, buy their books or even just to like them. Sinek calls these kinds of speakers "takers," and he says audiences can see through these people right away. And, when they do, they disengage.

"We are highly social animals," says Sinek. "Even at a distance on stage, we can tell if you're a giver or a taker, and people are more likely to trust a giver -- a speaker that gives them value, that teaches them something new, that inspires them -- than a taker."

3. Make eye contact with audience members one by one.

Scanning and panning is your worst enemy, says Sinek. "While it looks like you're looking at everyone, it actually disconnects you from your audience."

It's much easier and effective, he says, if you directly look at specific audience members throughout your speech. If you can, give each person that you intently look at an entire sentence or thought, without breaking your gaze. When you finish a sentence, move on to another person and keep connecting with individual people until you're done speaking.

"It's like you're having a conversation with your audience," says Sinek. "You're not speaking at them, you're speaking with them."

This tactic not only creates a deeper connection with individuals but the entire audience can feel it.

4. Speak unusually slowly.

When you get nervous, it's not just your heart beat that quickens. Your words also tend to speed up. Luckily Sinek says audiences are more patient and forgiving than we know.

"They want you to succeed up there, but the more you rush, the more you turn them off," he says. "If you just go quiet for a moment and take a long, deep breath, they'll wait for you. It's kind of amazing."



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