MP02_The Aquarium

|MP02-The Aquarium |

|Unit 3 Aquarium Filtration |


The aquarium is considered a CLOSE SYSTEM; that means that the water contained is not renewed continuously but reused again and again. These types are called RECIRCULATION SYSTEMS.

So, to keep a good quality of the water in a recirculation system it must go through different filtration mechanisms for cleaning and oxygenating it because if it does not follow these mechanisms, fish and other organisms would die due to the bad conditions.


|For a better understanding of recirculating systems and the main water processes in an aquarium click the links below. |

|[pic] |

|The principle behind recirculation |

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|[pic] |

|Recirculating systems |

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|[pic] |

|Maintenance of Water Quality for Healthy fish |

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Activity 1 Mechanical filtration


|Mechanical filtration involves the removal of particles of waste by passing water continuously through foam or other porous material. The |

|filter traps particles of debris, and it is periodically cleaned or replaced. Because solid waste is constantly being produced in your tank, |

|a mechanical filter of some type is a must. |

1.1 Understand & translate

Read the following description of mechanical filtration process and translate in the chart the words and expressions that have been highlighted in bold:

There are three categories of filtration; biological, chemical and mechanical. Mechanical is generally the least often discussed, possibly because it's the most simple, and deemed less critical(1)than the other types. However, mechanical filtration is an important part of the overall health and stability (2) of your aquarium. Knowing the basics of mechanical filtration will help you avoid filtration problems in your aquarium (3), and understand how to deal with them if they should occur.

Mechanical filtration physically traps particles of uneaten food, fish waste, decayed plant materials (4), and other debris (5) in the aquarium water. Mechanical filtration is the first stage of the filtration process, and should always be placed so that water coming from the tank hits this media first (6). Keep in mind that most mechanical media also promotes the colonization of beneficial bacteria (7), particularly in the case of sponges or pads (3). Although biological filtration is not the primary function of this media, cleaning or changing this media will impact the biological capability of the filter.

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1.2 Recirculating system

In the link below it is explained the function of the different elements that form a recirculation system. Observe this diagram which shows an example of the configuration of these elements and indicate with arrows in which way the water flows (Use the orange boxes to put the arrows).   


1.3 Some questions

Answer, in your notebook, the following questions related to the activity 1.1:

1) Which of these elements in the recirculation system are used as a mechanical filter?

2) What is the main function of mechanical filtration?

3) What other kind of filtration exists?

4) What kind of filtration would you relate the foam chamber (also called skimmer) with?

1.4 Typical sand filter

Depending on the size of the aquarium (volume) and the type of the aquarium (oceanarium, freshwater aquarium, etc), filter type and filtering material type used will vary but the most used in big aquariums are sand filters. You can watch a video about their easy operation:

|[pic] |Sand filter demonstration |

Look for pictures on internet from two different types of mechanical filters used for big/large and small aquariums and two types of filtering material based on sand. Complete the following table:


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Activity 2 Biological filtration


|The first step in setting up a healthy aquarium is to establish a biological filter. |

|A biological filter is a natural filtering system consisting of helpful bacterial colonies that, through a cycling process, |

|convert pollutants in water to harmless nitrate. Nitrate is nitrogen, therefore this cycling process is also referred to as |

|the nitrogen cycle, or cycling a tank. |


|For a better understanding of biological filtration in an aquarium click the links below: |

|[pic] |

|Nitrogen cycle in an aquarium |

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|[pic] |

|Water quality: ammonia |

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2.1Cycling a tank

Watch the video (from two minute) and answer the questions below:

|[pic] |How to cycle an aquarium. |

1) What do beneficial bacteria do in the cycling bacteria?

2) Why do we say bacteria working in the aquarium cycling are beneficial?

3) Which ones are the essential tests for controlling an aquarium cycling?

4) Why is not a good idea to clean all the aquarium when we detect ammonia spike?

5) What do we have to do for breakdown nitrates in our aquarium?

6) When do we know that the bacteria have done this job?

7) Name the techniques that can be used to speed up the cycling process.








2.2 Biological media

|[pic] |Biofilter media |

1) What is a bio filter media?

2) How many biofilters media does this video show?

3) Which are the two main roles that a sponge bio filter does?

4) In which cases is it recommended to use de bio balls?

5) What do you get with denitrifying bacteria?

6) Draw a sketch diagram about the moving bed filter showed in the video pointing out the cycling process.

7) What are the last bio filter media that appears in the video made of?








Activity 3 Chemical filtration


|In chemical filtration water is passed though material such as carbon, which removes at least some of the dissolved materials. Toxic metals, |

|ammonia, and even odors can be filtered out chemically. While chemical filtration is not absolutely required, it can be useful combined with |

|other filtration methods. |

3.1 Active carbon

Activated carbon is one of the most used media for a chemical filtration. It is made of various base materials that have been heated then steam-treated. The steaming process makes the carbon extremely porous. Porous substances have extensive surface area. As the water passes over carbon, the carbon chemically attracts pollutants that adhere to the surface of the carbon, including odors and colour.

Click on the following link and read about the activated carbon properties; then, find out on the internet the different forms of activated carbon that you can use for filtration to fill the box:

|[pic] |Activated carbon definition |


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3.2 Skimmer

Aquarium protein skimmers are known to help remove the organic pollutants in your tank, and help keep the water crystal-clear and the inhabitants healthy. Because of these factors, protein skimmers are easily one of the most important components of any aquarium.

Protein Skimmers can help you maintain a healthy, thriving salt water reef tank free of disease and other harmful compounds that may endanger the lives of your fish. Organic waste and other harmful compounds can be expected to thrive in your reef tanks and by using a protein skimmer, you will be able to help get rid of this waste before it starts to decompose and harm your fish.

Protein skimmers work by injecting bubbles into the water, which attract proteins and other amino acids found in decomposing organic matter. Once attached to the bubbles these proteins will be easier to remove and flow over into the skimmer cup. This process is an important part of your aquarium's biological filter.

A quality protein skimmer is a critical piece of equipment and can easily be the difference between a single year or a lifetime of success with your reef tank. This is the rule we suggest when choosing a skimmer. 

Look at the video and the scheme to understand how an skimmer works and try to put the correct parts of an skimmer in the picture below:

|[pic] |How does a skimmer work? |




|Needle wheel impeller | |

|Venturi tubing adapter | |

|Ceramic shaft | |

|Venturi intake tube | |

|Pump | |

|Air control valve | |

|Mixing tower | |

|Main body | |

|Variable discharge tube | |

|Intake compression nut | |

|Base | |

|Discharge sponge | |

|Collection cup lid | |

|Discharge compression nut | |

|Collection cup | |



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