Activity Handout 12 - MrHinder's Blog

What Do You Consider Attractive?

Find 15 pictures out of magazines of various people. Five of the pictures should be of attractive people, five pictures should be of average looking people and five pictures should be of unattractive people. After finding the pictures place them in three piles of attractiveness, average, and unattractiveness. Ask 10 people to rank order the pictures from most attractive to least attractive in each of the piles. After completing the assignment, write a short summary of what you discovered in doing this assignment and what your thoughts are on what people consider attractive.

Can You Change Their Attitude?

Choose a topic or issue that interests you such as not smoking in public restaurants, not drinking and driving, capital punishment, etc. and using the 4 questions listed below, that were also listed in the chapter on how attitudes can predict behavior, describe how you would go about changing someone’s attitude about your issue. You should also use the four ideas listed below that were discussed in the chapter for how to change someone’s attitude.

Question 1: Are the person’s attitudes strong?

Question 2: Is the person showing a strong awareness of his or her attitudes and is the person rehearsing and practicing them?

Question 3: Are the attitudes relevant to the behavior?

Question 4: Does the person have a vested interest in the issue?

The Communicator

The Message

The Medium

The Target

Robber’s Cave and the Jigsaw Classroom

Use the concepts behind the Robber’s Cave experiment to design your experiment for 5th graders on the playground.

Also, use the concepts in the Jigsaw Classroom to have a classroom of 10th grade students learn about the Bill of Rights.

What Is the Cause of Aggression?

Read the scenarios below and then determine what the cause of the aggression is, meaning is it a biological, psychological, or sociocultural cause?

1. Researchers worked on breeding an aggressive strain of cats and a calm strain of cats. When the kittens were born there were some that were both aggressive and calm.


2. Tim is usually a kind and generous guy, but when he drinks alcohol he becomes this stranger who is angry and tries to start fights with everyone.


3. Beth is a gang member and is very upset that one of her fellow gang members was killed by a rival gang. She went out that night and killed two of the rival gang members in retaliation.


4. Greg and Philip both like to play video games. Philip’s favorite game is Drive by Shooter and Greg’s favorite game is Race Car Driver. They have both been playing for a couple of months and lately Philip has been acting up in school and getting into more trouble, whereas Greg’s personality has not changed.


5. Dr. Baker is a social psychologist at the local university and has been conducting research on aggressive behavior of children on the playground. He realized that when the children in Room 12, the only classroom with a window to the playground, were in class while the fifth graders were outside in gym class practicing boxing, the children in Room 12 more were active and aggressive on the playground than children who had class in other classrooms.


6. Jenny is at the pet store to buy some new fish for her fish tank. She is checking out all the fish and notices some fish that live by themselves and come aggressively up to the sides of the tank when she approaches. She is told by the employees at the pet store that the fish are Beta fish and are very aggressive and will fight with all other fish.


Which Attachment Style Is It?

Read the scenarios below and the determine which adult attachment style is being described.

Bernise has been in many long-term relationships. She does not tend to date much, but would rather be in a committed one-on-one relationship.


Rebecca is a self-sufficient woman. She lives on her own, buys what she wants, goes where she wants when she wants and likes her life the way it is right now. She dates occasionally, but is not overly concerned with finding a man.


Theo is always concerned with where his girlfriend is, who she is with, and what she is doing. If he sees her talking to another guy, he gets jealous and upset.


Helena has been dating Roberto on and off for two years. She gets so frustrated with him and breaks up with him one day and then is begging him to come back the next day. She finds it impossible to live with him, but doesn’t like being without him either.


Samuel grew up in a single-parent home where his mother dated many men. There was always a different man moving in every couple of months. His mother abused him and accused him of being just like his father. Samuel swears to never get serious with anyone and doesn’t trust a lot of the girls he meets. He is too afraid to get close to anyone.



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