Outlook 2002

Outlook 2002

E-mail is an increasingly important tool for interacting with others. When you use e-mail frequently, you need to be able to manage all of the information related to your communications. Microsoft® Outlook® 2002 is the solution. You and your students can use Outlook to:

• Manage information.   Create rules that automatically process e-mail; work with multiple e-mail accounts; create categories to keep track of messages, appointments, contacts, and other items; and search for a specific e-mail message, contact, or calendar item.

• Communicate efficiently.   Take advantage of the integration of Outlook e-mail tools with other Microsoft Office programs: Send a document from Microsoft Word, with an introduction; edit your e-mail by using the tools in Word; and use Smart Tags. Use instant messaging to communicate in real time.

• Manage contact information.   Save information about contacts, such as addresses and phone and fax numbers, and file that information in the way that works best for you; use Microsoft SharePoint™ Team Services to share contacts.

• Manage time.   Use the Outlook calendar to organise meetings and appointments; schedule or propose meetings and conferences for times when the most people are free.

Suppose you are teaching an integrated science and history course. You and a fellow teacher have just assigned a collaborative research project about the history and preservation of shipwrecks in Australian waters. As part of the assignment, you require students to interview at least one professional in the nautical field. You also plan trips to museums and science centres where students can learn more. You will use e-mail to manage correspondence and to coordinate schedules with everyone involved in the assignment: students, your fellow teacher, and an expedition team in the field.

New for Outlook 2002

Outlook 2002 offers many new features that make the Outlook messaging and collaboration client easier than ever to use. These features include:

• Improved Find options.   The Find pane is replaced with a streamlined Find Bar that offers more powerful ways to search your Outlook folders for information.

• Integrated Address Bar.   You can now go to a Web page without leaving Outlook. In the Address Bar (which appears under the Standard toolbar), just type the URL for the page, or choose the URL from a list. Buttons incorporated into the bar can also stop a Web page from appearing or can refresh a page.

• Ability to send a Word document with an introduction.   You can access the Outlook user interface from within Word to send a Word document as the body of an e-mail message, with an introduction at the top. This is an alternative to sending a document as an attachment.

• Multiple e-mail accounts.   If you, like most people, have more than one e-mail account (such as one for school and a Microsoft MSN® Hotmail® account for personal use), you can now incorporate all of those different e-mail accounts into Outlook. This makes managing multiple e-mail accounts easy, because you have one place to access all your e-mail.

• Word as e-mail editor.   The text editing tools of Microsoft Word are available by default from Outlook 2002 to help you edit your e-mail messages.

• Instant messaging integration.   When you have MSN Messenger Service installed on your computer, Outlook can show you if the person who just sent you e-mail is online, and with one click of the mouse, you can begin a chat session with that person.

• Ability to propose a new meeting time.   When someone sends you a meeting request that doesn’t fit with your schedule, you can determine the next available free time for all invitees and propose a new time for the meeting, instead of declining and waiting for a new request.

• Colour-coded appointments.   You can assign colours to individual and recurring appointments for quick identification.

• Multiple reminders in a single dialog box.   If multiple reminders occur at the same time, Outlook 2002 combines them into one dialog box. This reduces clutter, especially when you start Outlook after the reminder time for several items has passed, such as when you come back from being out of the office. You can dismiss reminders individually, or all at once with the Dismiss All button.

• E-mail addresses automatically completed as you type.   As you start typing an e-mail address into the To, Cc, or Bcc boxes of a message, Outlook offers a list of recently used names. If you previously sent messages to that address, you can choose from the list instead of continuing to type.

• Mailbox Cleanup.   You can use this feature to archive or delete old items from a single location.

• Security.   Outlook 2002 offers new protection against computer viruses. For example, by default, it blocks certain attachment files (such as .bat, .exe, .vbs, and .js) that might contain viruses. If you receive one of these file types in a message, you will not be able to see or access the attachment. However, your Inbox will display the paperclip icon in the Attachment column to let you know that the message has an attachment, and you will see a list of the blocked attachment files in the Information Bar at the top of your message. Additionally, if another program tries to access your address book or contacts list, Outlook now displays a warning and gives you the option to deny or allow the action.

• Accessibility.   Outlook 2002 includes an option to automatically display any outgoing and incoming Rich Text Format (RTF) messages in a draft font so that it’s easier to see text against the background. In addition, all Office XP programs support Microsoft Active Accessibility 2.0, which makes accessibility aids, such as screen readers or screen enlargers, more effective.

Exploring Outlook 2002

When you open Outlook, you see the Inbox window. From here, you can access and read new e-mail messages, compose new messages, and take advantage of many of the tools that Outlook 2002 offers. To change the appearance of your Inbox, simply click View on the Standard toolbar.


Outlook shortcuts

The shortcut icons on the Outlook Bar (on the left side of the main Outlook window) help you access your favourite Outlook features and folders with one click of the mouse. You can customise the Outlook Bar to create your own shortcuts for the folders you use most frequently. For example, you may want to create a Shipwrecks Assignment folder in your Inbox where you can store and access all the correspondence related to the assignment. You can then create a shortcut to that folder for quick access.

To create a folder

1. On the File menu, point to Folder, and then click New Folder.

2. In the Create New Folder dialog box, in the Name box, type Shipwrecks Assignment.

3. In the Select where to place the folder box, click the highest-level folder (Mailbox – Your Name), and then click OK.

To add a shortcut to the Outlook Bar

1. On the Outlook Bar, right-click the grey background area between or below the icons currently in the list, and then on the shortcut menu, click Outlook Bar Shortcut.

4. In the Add to Outlook Bar dialog box, click the Shipwrecks Assignment folder, and then click OK. A shortcut to the Shipwrecks Assignment folder is added to the Outlook Bar.


Note Outlook places the new shortcut at the bottom of the list of shortcuts. To move it to a different position in the list, simply click and drag it.

Managing Information

Outlook 2002 offers several features that you can use to manage and organise information. These features are especially convenient because you can access all of the e-mail accounts you have—even if they’re on different servers—from one Outlook screen.

Creating and using rules

You probably receive large volumes of mail from several different groups (mail from students, mail from other faculty and administrators, personal mail, even junk mail), so you need some way to manage your messages. In Outlook 2002, you can use rules to sort and process your messages before you even look at them.

A rule is a set of conditions and actions for processing and organising your e-mail messages. Conditions identify messages for processing, and actions determine what kind of processing is performed.

Among other possibilities, you can create rules to:

• Assign categories to messages based on their contents.

• Set up a notification, such as a message or a sound, when an important message arrives.

• Move messages to a particular folder based on who sent them.

• Flag messages from a particular person.

• Assign categories to your sent messages based on their contents.

• Delay delivery of messages by a specified amount of time.

• Redirect an e-mail message to a person or distribution list.

• Automatically reply to a certain type of message with a specific message you create.

• Colour code messages from different people or groups.

For example, you can instruct your students to include the phrase “shipwreck” in all subject lines related to the current project. You can then define a rule that instructs Outlook 2002 to put all messages that contain “shipwreck” in the subject line into a Shipwrecks Assignment folder in your list of project folders.

The Rules Wizard leads you through three basic steps to create a rule to manage your messages: selecting a condition, applying an action to the items returned by the condition, and entering exceptions to the condition.

To create a rule

1. On the Tools menu, click Rules Wizard.

5. In the Apply changes to this folder list, click the Inbox that you want.

6. Click New. The Rules Wizard displays a list of the different types of rules you can create, along with a description of the rule in the Rule description box.

7. To use a template with prespecified actions and conditions, click Start creating a rule from a template.

8. Click Move messages based on content.

9. In the Rule description box, click specific words. In the Search Text dialog box, type shipwreck in the upper box, and then click Add. Click OK.

10. In the Rule description box, click specified. Click the Shipwrecks Assignment folder, and then click OK.

11. Click Next.


12. Select the conditions for the rule. In this case, ensure that the with specific words in the subject or body check box is selected, and then click Next.

13. Specify the action for the rule. In this case, ensure that the move it to the specified folder check box is selected, and then click Next.

14. Specify any exceptions to the rule. In this case, there are none. Click Next.

15. In the upper box, type a name for the rule (for example, Shipwrecks rule 1), and then select the Turn on this rule check box to activate it.

16. Click Finish. The rule is added to the Rules Wizard list.

17. Click OK to close the Rules Wizard.

Adding and using multiple e-mail accounts

Another way to manage e-mail is to maintain separate e-mail accounts. You might have one e-mail account on Microsoft Exchange Server at your school for exchanging mail with teachers, administration, and students, and an Internet account for personal messages.

With Outlook 2002, you can create multiple e-mail accounts in a user profile, which consists of e-mail accounts and address books. In the past, Outlook had separate Exchange Server and Internet modes; now, Outlook supports Exchange Server, Internet e-mail account types (such as POP3, IMAP, and HTTP), and other server types. Which types of accounts are available to you depends on your Internet service provider (ISP) or network administrator. Based on this, you can choose to create a new e-mail account; for example, if you want to join newsgroups or a mailing list related to education, you can set up an additional Internet e-mail account to contain the large numbers of messages that these forums can generate.

To add an e-mail account

1. On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts to start the E-mail Accounts Wizard.

18. Click Add a new e-mail account, and then click Next.


19. Select the e-mail server used for your account, and then click Next.

Note If you are setting up an MSN e-mail account, click POP3 for MSN Internet Access version 5.3 or earlier. If you are using a Hotmail account or other Internet-based e-mail account, click HTTP.

20. In the appropriate boxes, type the information for the specific e-mail account; if you do not know the information, check with your ISP or network administrator. If you want to use Outlook to connect to a Hotmail account, all you need to know is your Hotmail e-mail address and password.

21. Complete one of the following steps:

• If you are adding an Exchange Server account, click Check Names to verify that the server recognises your name. The name and server you entered should become underlined. Be sure your computer is connected to your network.

• If you are adding a POP3 server account, click Test Account Settings to verify that your account is working. If there is missing or incorrect information, such as your password, you will be prompted to supply or correct it. Be sure your computer is connected to the Internet.

22. If you want to configure additional settings, such as how you want your computer to connect to your e-mail server, click More Settings. Otherwise, click Next.

23. Click Finish.

To set up one account as the default

You will probably want to select one of your e-mail accounts to open each time you open Outlook 2002. From this default account, you can easily open another account from within Outlook.

1. On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.

24. Select View or change existing e-mail accounts, and then click Next.

25. In the list, click the e-mail account you want, and then click Set as Default.

To specify the account from which you send a message

After you compose a message, you can decide which account you want to send it from by using the Accounts button. This button appears only if you have more than one account set up in Outlook.

1. On the toolbar in the e-mail message you just typed, click the Accounts button. The default account appears first in the list.


26. Click the account that you want to use.

Assigning categories

Another handy way to organise the information you receive in e-mail is to assign categories to different items.

A category is a keyword or phrase that helps you keep track of items such as e-mail messages, appointments, contacts, tasks, journal entries, notes, and posted documents. You can use categories to keep track of different types of items that are related but stored in different folders. For example, you can keep track of all the meetings, contacts, and messages for your class separately from those for the expedition team by creating one category for Research Team (for your class) and another for Expedition Team. And if some items overlap (for example, messages that you send to both the class and the expedition team), you can assign those items to both categories.

Categories also give you a way to keep track of items without putting them in separate folders. For example, you can keep professional and personal tasks in the same task list. When you assign the tasks to categories, you can view them separately (on the View menu, point to Current View, and then click By Category).

Outlook supplies a list of categories, called the Master Category List. You will find that many of the categories in the list are geared toward business needs, but it is easy to create custom categories for you and your students to use.

To create new categories

1. On the Edit menu, click Categories.

27. In the Categories dialog box, click Master Category List.

28. In the Master Category List dialog box, in the New category box, type a name for the category (for example, type Expedition Team), and then click Add.


29. To create more categories, repeat steps 3 and 4.

30. Click OK, and then click OK again.

To assign items to a category

1. Select the item you want to assign to the category.

31. On the Edit menu, click Categories.

32. In the Available categories box, select the check boxes next to the categories you want.

If the category you want is not available, you can quickly add a new category to the Master Category List. Type the category name in the Item(s) belonging to these categories box, and then click Add to List.


33. Click OK.

To sort by categories

After you set up your categories, you can sort items in a folder by categories.

1. Open the Shipwrecks Assignment folder in Outlook.

34. In the message window, right-click any of the column headings, and then click Field Chooser.

35. Drag the category that you want to the appropriate place in the columns.


Find options

Though different views and categories help you sort information in Outlook 2002, you can use the Find feature to find a specific e-mail message, attachment, contact information, or calendar item. You can search for items containing specific text, or you can search by using more complex criteria.

To search for items containing specific text

Suppose one of your students asks you about the tides in Lake Ayre. You recall that the expedition team sent you a tide table last week in an attachment to an e-mail message. You also know that that was one of very few e-mail messages you received that contained information about tides. You can search by the keyword “tide” to call up a list of messages that contained that word.

1. On the Standard toolbar, click Find to display the Find Bar.

36. In the Look for box, type the text you want to search for, or click the arrow on the Look for box to use previous search text.

37. Click the Search In button to specify the folders you want to search. If you have more than one account, Outlook searches only the folders in the account you are currently viewing.

38. Click the Find Now button.


To search for items by using complex criteria

You recall that you wrote e-mail etiquette guidelines for your students last year that you want to send to your current class. You can search for the Word document directly from Outlook by using the Advanced Find, without opening Word.

0. On the Tools menu, click Advanced Find. The Advanced Find window appears.

Note You have many options in the Advanced Find window. The steps that follow demonstrate only one specific kind of search.

39. In the Look for box, click Files in the list. When the message appears, click OK.

40. Click Browse to browse to a folder where you think the document might be contained in a subfolder, and then click that folder.

41. On the Files tab, if you don’t know the name of the file but you’re sure it’s a Word document, click Documents in the list.

42. In the Search for the word(s) box, type the search term, and then click Find Now.


Mailbox Cleanup

The Mailbox Cleanup feature helps you manage the size of your mailbox to improve the overall performance of Outlook. In the MailBox Cleanup dialog box, you can view the total size of your mailbox and of individual folders, and you can find items that are older than a certain date to archive them. For example, you can archive mail from a previous class or a previous assignment. You can also view the size of your Deleted Items folder and empty it.

To access Mailbox Cleanup

1. On the Tools menu, click Mailbox Cleanup. The Mailbox Cleanup dialog box opens.


Communicating Efficiently

Based on its research, your class wants to make a proposal to the National Maritime Museum that a particular wreck is worth adding to the museum’s Web site as an undersea virtual tour. A group of students wrote a draft of the proposal as a Word document, and they now want to share it with you and the rest of the class for feedback. Because you all use Outlook 2002, you can share ideas effectively and efficiently.

Sending a document with an introduction

The Office XP suite of programs is designed so that the programs work together seamlessly. For example, you can work in a Word document and access the Outlook user interface to send that document, without actually opening Outlook. You can send a document as an attachment directly from Word.

You can also send a Word document as the body of an e-mail message (instead of as an attachment) with an introduction. The Introduction field is a new feature of Word 2002 that allows more explanatory text than is available in an e-mail message that contains only a Subject line.

For example, after you receive the student draft of a proposal, you can revise several paragraphs, and then send your revisions back to the writers with an introduction that explains why you made the changes.

To send a document from Word with an introduction

1. In a Word document, on the Standard toolbar, click the E-mail icon [pic].

43. Type text in the Introduction field.

44. Fill in the To and Cc fields, and change the Subject field if necessary.

45. Click Send a Copy.

Editing your e-mail

E-mail has grown tremendously as a means of communication, and it is often important for e-mail messages to be well written. If your students need to contact the expedition team to request interviews, you might emphasise how to write professional e-mail messages. You can show students that when they compose a message in Outlook 2002, the text editing tools of Word—like task panes and Smart Tags—are available by default. These tools include:

• AutoCorrect.   As you write, common typographical errors, such as transposed letters and extra or missing letters, are corrected automatically.

• Automatic spelling and grammar checking.   While you work, misspelt or misused words are underlined and alternatives appear, eliminating the need to check spelling and grammar before you send a message.

• Automatic bullets and numbering.   Add bullets and numbering to call out important points. Use a picture or other graphic as a bullet, or create a hierarchical list that has numbered items.

• Tables.   Use tables to organise your information. When you copy a table from Word and paste it into your message, Outlook preserves the formatting of the table, even for recipients who do not use Word.

• Conversion of e-mail names and Internet addresses.   Automatically convert e-mail names and Internet addresses to hyperlinks. Smart hyperlink formatting can even convert hyperlinks whose URLs contain spaces.

• Themes.   You can apply a theme—a set of unified design elements and colour schemes—from Word to provide visual consistency and to make your messages stand out.

• Autoformat.   Format your message automatically as you type, and add formatting to plain-text messages that you receive.

Because these tools are either automatic or quick to apply, you can edit your e-mail faster than ever. In addition, you can now set some options in Outlook that previously were available only in Word. For example, with Word as your e-mail editor, you have the most customisation options for creating and setting a default signature or stationery from Outlook. You can also specify some spelling checker options and fonts for new messages and for messages you forward or reply to. If you change these options while you are working in Word, the equivalent settings change in Outlook, and vice versa.

The automatic features of using Word as your e-mail editor are designed to be helpful, but sometimes it is appropriate to use nonstandard spelling for a particular subject. Smart Tags in Office XP make it easy to reject a correction or to choose to not have a correction take place in the future.

To use Smart Tags to access autocorrect options

1. Hover over the word that was automatically changed, point to the blue underline, and then click the Smart Tag button that appears.

46. In the list, click the appropriate item to undo the change, ignore it, or access more options.


Accessing instant messaging

With instant messaging, users communicate online in real time by typing quick messages into a common area. An online chat is useful when you don’t have time to exchange multiple e-mail messages. For example, if your students require more guidance on their project as they move from collecting information to compiling it in their research papers, you might decide to set aside a couple of hours a week as “virtual office hours”—time when students can chat with you and your fellow teacher online. You can chat with up to four people at one time.

By default, instant messaging support is enabled in Outlook. Instant messaging is a feature of the MSN Messenger Service and Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 Instant Messaging Service. The difference between the two is that the Exchange messaging service is available only if you have a connection to your school’s Exchange server, so it is limited to use within the school. MSN Messenger Service is available for free from any Internet-connected computer with MSN Messenger Service software installed.

Note To install MSN Messenger Service, go to , click Sign in to MSN Messenger Service, and follow the instructions in the wizard.

When you view an e-mail message in Outlook 2002, you can see, on the yellow InfoBar, whether the sender is logged on to MSN Messenger Service. From within your Contacts folder, you can now add a contact’s instant messaging account information. You can then view the same InfoBar on a contact card to see whether a contact is online. By clicking the InfoBar, you can immediately start a conversation with that contact if you’re both online.


In addition, you have control over how your online status appears to others; for example, if you are busy and unable to exchange instant messages, you can change your status to Busy.

To add an instant messaging address to a contact

• On the contact card, on the General tab, type the instant messaging address in the IM address box.

To originate an instant message from Outlook

• When you see that the contact is online, click the InfoBar, compose your message, and then click Send.

Managing Your Contacts

For anyone inside or outside your organisation, you can create a contact in which to save several types of information, such as street and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers, and Web page URLs. Contacts are stored in the Contacts folder in Outlook.

Creating contacts

As an educator, you might want to access contact information for the parents of your students. You can refer to your contacts list to send updates on class activities through e-mail (to parents who have e-mail addresses) and through hard-copy newsletters (to parents who do not have e-mail addresses).

When you enter a name or address for a contact, Outlook separates the name or address into parts and puts each part in a separate field. You can sort, group, or filter contacts by any part of the name or any part of the address you want.

You can file contact information under a last name, first name, nickname, or any word that helps you find the contact quickly. Outlook gives you several naming choices to file the contact under, or you can enter your own choice.

You can enter up to three addresses for each contact. Designate one address as the mailing address, and use it for creating mailing labels or envelopes, or for creating mail merge letters. The other addresses could be a home or shipping address.

To create a new contact

1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Contact.

47. Type a name for the contact.

48. Enter the information that you want to include for the contact:

• To specify how you want the contact's name to appear in the To field of a message, type the name in the Display As box.

• Type the contact's Instant Messaging address in the IM address box.

• To enter multiple entries in a field, such as more than one address or e-mail address, click the arrow next to the field.

• If you have more than one address for a contact, to establish which address is used during mail merge, select the This is the mailing address check box.

• Typically, you can include driving directions to a contact’s house or other information in the notes area near the bottom of the contact. You can also click Get a map of this address [pic] from the main toolbar.


49. On the toolbar, click Save and Close.

50. To organise contacts, open the Contacts folder. Right-click a contact, click Categories, and then use the Categories dialog box.

Note For more information about assigning and creating categories, see the “Assigning categories” section earlier in this chapter.

To create a contact from an e-mail message you receive

1. Open the e-mail message.

51. In the From field, right-click the name you want to make into a contact, and then click Add to Contacts on the shortcut menu.

Using contacts

When you open a contact, you can click a button or menu command to have Outlook address a meeting request, e-mail message, or task request to the contact. If you have a modem, you can also have Outlook dial the contact's phone number. You can have Outlook time the call and keep a record of the time in the Journal folder, complete with the notes you take during the conversation. You can link any Outlook item or Microsoft Office document to a contact to help you track your activities associated with the contact.

You can also use contacts to create envelopes in Word, and you can access contacts in other Office applications by using Smart Tags. One kind of Smart Tag recognises when you type the name of a person in a e-mail message, and underlines the name. When you place your pointer over the name, the Smart Tags Actions button appears and provides options such as opening the contact or adding the person to your contacts list.

Sharing contacts

At times, it’s useful to share your contacts with a group. For example, you can set up contacts for each member of the expedition team helping with the shipwrecks project, and make the list available to your class by saving it in a public folder.

Contacts and appointments can also be integrated with a new feature of Microsoft FrontPage® 2002 called SharePoint Team Services. Members of a team can share information in real time by importing and exporting Office XP information and saving documents directly to a SharePoint Team Services Web site. For example, users can add information about an event to the Web site and export the event directly into their Outlook calendars.

Another feature of SharePoint Team Services, called Team Contacts, enables users to share their contacts by exporting or importing contacts to or from Outlook Contacts folders.

Managing Your Time

Managing your schedule during the school year can be a full-time job. You have parent-teacher conferences and staff meetings to attend and extracurricular activities to oversee—in addition to your typical class load. The Outlook calendar can help you manage your appointments, meetings, and free time. It can also help you keep track of the availability of other teachers and administrators at your school.

Viewing your calendar

Just as you would write in a paper-based organiser, you can click any date and time slot in the Outlook calendar and begin typing appointments and activities. You can choose to be reminded of items on the calendar.

The ability to colour calendar items is new for Outlook 2002, and can be particularly useful for organising—and later, for quickly identifying—appointments. There are 10 predefined colours, and each has an associated label that you can customise (for example, red, by default, carries a label that says “important”). You can even set up automatic formatting that will colour all appointments that meet the same condition. For example, you can make sure that any meeting that you organise is automatically coloured red, and any meeting organised by a student is automatically coloured green.

To colour an individual appointment or meeting

1. Click Calendar.

52. Right-click an appointment or meeting, point to Label on the shortcut menu, and then click a colour in the list.

To colour appointments and meetings automatically

1. Click Calendar.

53. Right-click the calendar grid, and then click Automatic Formatting.

54. In the Automatic Formatting dialog box, click Add, and then type a name for the rule.

55. In the Label list, click a colour.

56. Click Condition to specify the conditions under which the colour will be applied.

Note If you manually assign a colour to an item, automatic colouring cannot be used on that item.

57. Click OK. Your appointments and meetings are now coloured.


Scheduling meetings and conferences

Outlook 2002 makes more complex tasks related to time management—like scheduling meetings—easy to do from your computer.

Accessing free and busy times

Outlook provides tools that inform people of when others have time available. For example, if your school uses an Exchange server, others on your school’s network can see your free and busy times by default when they schedule a meeting with you. They cannot see what your appointments are, just the blocks of time when you are free and busy. If you want someone to view your complete calendar, your system administrator can help you give this type of permission.

Another tool is the Microsoft Office Internet Free/Busy Service, which is available at no charge. You can use the service to post the blocks of time when you are available and when you are busy on a shared Internet location. This is convenient for people who do not have access to your calendar through your school’s Exchange server, but who do have Internet access. When such a person—a parent, for example—tries to schedule a meeting with you by using Outlook 2002, the free and busy times also appear in the meeting request. However, only members of the service and those you specifically authorise to view your free and busy times can access this information.

Note The Internet Free/Busy Service works through Microsoft Passport, and requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later.

To publish your free and busy times

1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click Calendar Options.

58. Click Free/Busy Options.

59. Complete either or both of the following steps:

• Select the Publish and search using Microsoft Office Free/Busy Service check box. The Request free/busy information in meeting invitations check box is selected by default.

• Select the Publish at my location check box, and then in the Publish at my location box, type the name of the server where your free and busy information is stored.

Note The name you specify can include FTP, HTTP, or file URLs. For example, you can publish your free and busy times on an MSN Web community. For more information about MSN communities, go to .


60. Click OK.

When you want to schedule a meeting with others, one way to do it is to select a time on your calendar, create an appointment, and then select people to invite. The Autopick feature in Outlook helps you find the earliest time at which everyone is free. When you send the meeting notice by e-mail, Outlook notifies invitees if the meeting conflicts with existing items in their calendars, and they can accept, tentatively accept, or decline your meeting by clicking a single button. As a meeting organiser, you can allow or disallow invitees to propose an alternate meeting time. You can also track who has accepted, declined, or proposed new times, simply by opening the meeting. In addition to inviting people, you can also schedule resources, such as a conference room or an overhead projector, when you schedule a meeting.

Using group schedules

You decide to set up a meeting with small groups of students to check on their progress with the research paper. With Outlook 2002, you can avoid the process of adding each student to the meeting individually. You can view a group schedule—a single calendar interface that shows the schedules of a group of people or resources simultaneously. The calendar contains a detailed table of when each person is free and busy and also shows details of their appointments (except for those marked private). When you rest the mouse pointer over an appointment, the details of that appointment are visible. You can then send e-mail or set up an appointment with some or all of the group members right from the group schedule.

To create a group schedule

1. On the Outlook Bar, click Calendar.

61. On the toolbar, click Schedules.

62. In the Group Schedules dialog box, click New.

63. In the Create New Group Schedule dialog box, type a name for the new group schedule (for example, type Shipwreck), and then click OK.

64. In the new window, click Add Others, and then click Add from Address Book.

65. In the Select Members dialog box, select each name by clicking it in the list and then clicking the To button. Click OK.

To send a meeting request to an entire group from a group schedule

1. On the Outlook Bar, click Calendar.

66. On the toolbar, click Schedules.

67. In the Group Schedules dialog box, click the group schedule you want (for example, click the Shipwreck group schedule), and then click Open. A new window appears with the group schedule as its name.


68. In the new window, schedule a meeting:

• Click Make Meeting, and then click New Meeting with All.

• In the meeting window, enter a subject, location, and start and end times, and then click the Scheduling tab. Another window appears, with the subject of your meeting as its name.


69. On the Scheduling tab, you can try to find the best time when everyone will be available. Click Autopick Next to find a time that is free for all group members.

70. Click Send.

Note The procedure for sending a meeting request to some of the members of a group is different. For more information, see the Outlook 2002 Help topic titled “Send a meeting request or e-mail message from a group schedule.”

Proposing a new meeting time

Suppose that after you set up meetings with each group of students, you receive an invitation to an important faculty meeting that conflicts with one of your student meetings. With Outlook 2002, you have the option of proposing a new meeting time to the meeting organiser, instead of just declining the request and having to call, or sending multiple requests back and forth. This option is available when the organiser allows it.

Note If you use Exchange Server or the Internet Free/Busy Service and you are invited to a meeting, you can see the free and busy times of other attendees before you suggest a new meeting time.

To propose a new time for a meeting

1. Open the meeting request.

71. Click Propose New Time.

72. Click a time when all invitees are available. You can use AutoPick Next to find the next available free time for all invitees.


73. Click Propose Time.

74. Type a message to the person if you want, and then click Send.

The proposal is sent with a default message saying that you want to propose a new time, but that you have tentatively accepted the meeting. You can edit this message to suit your needs; for example, you can decline the meeting instead of tentatively accepting it.

Taking It Further

As you explore the new features of Outlook 2002, you will continue to think of new ways to simplify communication and collaboration. You can try the following activities to experiment further:

• Have students manage an online project: Students on the Yearbook Committee want to collect feedback for the text of the school's yearbook. They can put the text in Word, and then send it to several students for review by using e-mail.

• In a journalism class, a student attending a press conference and a student in the classroom can collaborate on a writing assignment in real time by using instant messaging to exchange notes and ideas.

• Simplify remote communication with students: Use e-mail to assign homework to a student who cannot attend school, and collect homework the same way. For example, a student can send you a homework assignment in the form of a Word document; you can return the assignment, graded, and with revision marks.

• Have students create a group schedule by using a public folder to coordinate a team project. Students in a biology class can coordinate a field research outing by adding the public folder to the group schedule instead of adding individual names from the address book.

• A school could use public folders to store the main school calendar. Then, one person can coordinate adding important information to the calendar and publishing it as a Web page.

• Add student and parent contact information to your Outlook Contacts folder. At the end of the year, simply forward those contacts to the next teacher for those students.

• Go to the Microsoft tutorials Web page, at , to learn more about managing e-mail and collaborating with others by using Outlook 2002 and Exchange Server.


What you will do:

✓ Explore the features of Outlook 2002

✓ Use the Find feature

✓ Create a rule

✓ Add and use a second e-mail account

✓ Create categories

✓ Use Word as your e-mail editor

✓ Add an instant messaging account

✓ Schedule meetings with a group

✓ Create contacts


You can also search directly from Word for a Word document contained in an Outlook folder as an attachment. Click the Search icon. In the task pane, type the search text, click the location from the Search in list and the file type from the Results should be list, and then click Search.

There is a similar Find function available in Microsoft Windows® (click the Start button, point to Find, and then click Files or Folders) to locate files like Word documents. However, Advanced Find in Outlook offers more advanced search capabilities.


The Organise button [pic] on the Outlook 2002 toolbar is a quick way to organise your Inbox. When you click it, a new pane opens. On the Using Folders tab, you can create a rule simply by entering information in the boxes and then clicking Create.


An alternate first step is to click File, and then point to Send To. This is not as quick, but it lets you see all the options for sending a document from Word. After you click Mail recipient, you can continue with step 2 in the procedure.

[pic]You can use speech recognition to dictate text into any Office program. To do this, you must first install it in Microsoft Word by clicking Speech on the Tools menu, or by doing a custom installation. Your computer must also meet a set of requirements that includes a headset microphone and a specific amount of speed and memory. After speech recognition is installed, you can access it through the Tools menu in Outlook to dictate e-mail messages.


To make more of your shortcuts (or all of them, depending on how many you add) visible in the Outlook bar, shrink them by right-clicking the background and then clicking Small Icons.


You can save and store an instant messaging conversation, just as you can with regular e-mail messages.

1. On the File menu in the Instant Message window, click Save As.

2. Go to the folder where you want to save the text, type the file name, and then click Save.

The conversation is saved as a text file. To view it later, you can open it in Notepad.


To schedule a resource, such as a conference room, your mail server must be running Exchange, and you must have permission to schedule the resource.


If it is impossible to find a time when everyone is free, you will need to “double book” certain people based on the priority of the meeting.


You can save an appointment in iCalendar or vCalendar format. In the Outlook Calendar, open the appointment you want to save. On the File menu, click Save As, and then in the Save as type box, click either iCalendar Format or vCalendar Format.


A member of any kind of team can use SharePoint Team Services to create a fully functional, pre-configured Web site that serves as a central location to store project and team information. This Web site can be created in a matter of minutes without any Web programming skills, and team members can modify and add content just as easily. For more information about SharePoint technologies, go to .

[pic] Your technology coordinator can provide custom Smart Tags, which can be very helpful to teachers. For example, if you receive an e-mail message with a student name in it, a custom Smart Tag can appear over the name. You can then use the Smart Tag to look up information about that student, such as attendance record or class schedule.


Outlook 2002 supports the use of vCards, the Internet standard for creating and sharing virtual business cards. You can save a contact as a vCard and send it in an e-mail message. You can also add a vCard to your e-mail signature.

Standard Toolbar


To enable the Smart Tag that recognises names, create a new message or reply to one. On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options. On the Smart Tags tab, select Person names, and then click OK.


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hYou can create a class Internet address and monitor it through Outlook.

Outlook Bar



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